feMiôbt Vol. XVIII TILLAMOOK TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JOTTINGS H. T. Botts, for Abstracts. Walkover Shoes at Todd’s. » I | New Honey just received at Cohn’s. H. T. Botts has been appointed attor­ ney lor the state land board, made va­ cant by the removal of B. L. Eddy from the city. « M.J B. Coffee for sale at Cohn’s. Horn, to the wife of W". Miller, a girl. Gordon Hats and Gloves at Todd's." Gent.'s Furnishing Goods at Todd's." Charles Hunt, of Tillamook, brother ot Mrs. L. A. Johnson, of this place, is visiting| at the home of the latter.—N. Yamhill Record. Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at Todd’s. * Shirt Waists at discount at Mrs. Slur. ■* gton'8. A. F. Wagner was in from Hebo on Saturday. W. A. Robinson, of San Francisco, is in the city. There was no council meeting on Mon­ day evening C. Rupp, of West Point, Neb., came in on Wednesday. The best equipped bicycle repair shop is at Fred Forslund's. " Sheridan flour at Sheridan prices. See Snuffer. Don’t drink water before it is filtered. 1 his can be done by buying a neat little device from Mrs. Lynch which is attach­ ed to any faucet and which purifies Ibe water. Every house should have one of these filters. They only cost $2. anrf Mrs. Lynch is the agent for them in this! city, JUNE 22, 1905 Married, on June 11 th,at the residence of the bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reeher, at Wilson, Or., Mr. C. H. Hoyt, of Hillsboro, and Misp E. Grace Reeher. Mr McNamer brought in the groom’s friends from Hillsboro, consisting of 11 person^, and the horses were decorated with white roses and ferns. The groom is a member ot the firm of theL. M. Hoyt Company, merchants, of Hillsboro,where the newly married couple will make their home. The groom's best man was Mr. Howard Baird, and the bridesmaid Miss E. Hoyt. The bride is one of Tillamook’s bright belles and an accomplished and affable young woman. Many beautiful and valuable wedding presents were re­ ceived. ♦ 1.50 per year, Death of E G. E- Wist. ABOUT FARM MACHINERY. E. G. E. Wist passed away on Wednes- day at his home at the saw mill at Plea­ sant Valley, after a short illness, and on that account his death was a great sur­ prise, for he generally enjoyed robust health. He was an old settler and pro­ minent citizen of this county, for he came to Tillamook over twenty years ago and taught school at Nehalem, being the first school teachei in that part of the county. He homesteaded on what is now known as Upper Nehalem, where he became a successful merchant until he was burned out. He built the salmon cannery at Upper Nehalem, and after he had sold it to S. Elmore he removed to Tillamook City. A few years ago he, in connection with several others, formed the Yellow Fir Lumber Company, who bought the machinery from the saw mill at Bay City and removed it to Pleasant Valley where he has operated the mill since that time. He owned the Palace hotel in this city. Deceased was an enterprising and pub. lie spirited citizen, and we regret to have to announce his death. He leaves a wife and family of four children to mourn their loss. Deceased was 55 years of age, and the remains will be buried on Satur­ day. _________________ McCormick’s and Osborne's are the Best and Cheapest. You don’t want a rake that is weak in the head and weak in the joints or that has faulty teeth do you? Well, better buy a McCormick or Osborne and take no chances. A telephone connection with all the world’s wheat fields would enable one to hear MoCoimick and Osborne machines at work continously from January 1st to December 31st. A McCormick knife griuder will sharpen any thing from a pair ot scis- sors to a mower knife. A fool and his money are soon part­ ed. Buy a McCormick aud don’t part with your money for repairs on your mowers. A successful farmer is a practical one who thinks out his work and then works out his thoughts. McCormick and Osborne machines might well be indorsed by (be liumaue society—they are so easy on the horses. McCormick and Osborne machines have been tested through seventy-tour harvests and have grown iu favor through each one. McCormick levers are always wihtin reach; a fact which* every farmer appreciates. McCormick’s aud Osborne’s world­ wide reputation is not the result of accident—it is the reward of merit. Like the town criers of old, the farmers sing out the praises of Mo Cormiek and Osborne machines until they are known wherever grain is grown. Now is the time to get your machine oil aud extras.—B. O. Snuffer, Agent. For sale, four Roo^ji year old heifers und three 4 year old cows, all of which lhe Pacific Navigation Co., during tli^ will come in fresh soon. Apply to L, C. fair in Portland, will issue cheap rate Smith at Bar View. • tickets, to Astoria and return, good for County Judge Conder, Commissioner 30 days, for $5 for the round tiip. We Bodyfelt and County Surveyor Sapping­ understand that the Astoria & Columbia ton went up to Nehulem last week to in. Railroad Company is also issuing cheap sjiect the new bridge. rate round tickets from Astoria, which D T. Edmunds, who has disposed of makes this the cheapest route to visit A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. his snw mill at Oregon Cilv, returned to the fair. B. F. Durfee arranged a surprise on them this citv on Saturday with his wife and The Fair view Sunday school will have on Friday evening, which was a surprise family to remain heie. children's day exercises next Sundav at indeed, for neither of them, nor their dau­ Dr. W. J. Mav, president of the Tilla­ two o'clock at the Grange hall. The ghter, Mrs. M. Warlick, who is visit­ mook Water Company, came in from children are requested to attend Sunday ing them from Chicago, had any inkling Baker Citv on Monday to look after his school at the usual hour, 11 o’clock, and of what was on the tapis until his house Henry A. Elv and wife were in from interest in that company. take their lunch, so as to remain for the i was besieged. When the Headlight man Spruce on Wednesday. The Iver fohnson Truss Frame Bicvcle, rehersal previous to the exercises. All appeared on the gay scene the old couple Chas. W. Goeres, of Oretown, was in with two speed gear brake, will climb a are cordially invited. were having the time of their life, with the city on Wednesday. steeper hill than any other bicycle. For This (Thursday) evening commence Mr. Durfee doing the light fantastic and Call and see the Racvcle Bicycle nt W. sale at Mason & Acklev's. • inent exercises will take place at St. Al swinging his partner with the agility of H. Cary’s before buying. " Miss Hummell, who has been clerking phonsus Academy, and as some really I a young man, reminding him of the good J. J. Hollett and E. E. Rowland were in Hiillom's store, left for her home in good entertainments have been given at ; old times when tipping the light fantas­ in from Blaine on Sunday. Portland on Friday, and Mrs. M. B. the academy the past year, in which the ! tic toe and swinging your partner was dramatic club took a prominent part, the ' considered innocent amusement at family SPRUCE. R. M. Dingess and A. Brown were in Green has taken her place. entertainment this evening will be ano-I and social gatherings. The remainder ol from Beaver on Wednesday. Summer again ! Coasters and fishers A strawberry festival will be given on Ralph Welsch and Fred Nicklans were Saturday afternoon and evening in the ther pleasant evening’s enjoyment, which the evening was devoted to singing and have began to come the public would do well to attend. recitations and a good social time, and in from Blaine on.Saturday. building oppositethe Palace hotel by the Mrs. H. Poland and Cecil Kinnaman Guj' Vaughn met with another acci­ the ladies serving refreshments before the were shaping in Tillamook Monday. Fr>rrr«t J. Ayer and M. Curl were in ladies of the Presbyterian church. dent while operating the wood saw at party left for their homes. from Blaine on Wednesday. When you want tinning don; go to W. D. Glad well, of Blaine, passed Beaver, which mav result in the loss of The annual school election passed off through here Monday, en route lor Money to loan on improved farm pro- Fred Forslund's. All woi k strictly first part of his right hand. The saw cut the pleasantly on Monday. After Clerk T. Tillamook. I ertv.—Apply to F. R. Beals. " 1 (class aud guaranteed. Kepjirs of ell knuckles of three fingers and then mashed Coates had read the annual report, Mr. * Clyde Kinnaman, who has been work­ Go to Mason & Ackley for new second ; kinds are executed with neatness. the bone of the index finger. Drs. Mills Claude Thayer drew attention to the in­ hand Bicycles—the price is right. " j F G. Peden and A. T. Edmunson. who and Smith drove out as soon as possible crease in the cost ot running the school ing at town the past few days, returned If you want employment, or need help are attendant!» at the state asylum,came and attended to the injuries, and they last year, and thought they should get home Monday, and is now working on in on Wednesday to take De Witt Case are in hope the severed fingers will grow along with less teachers, as the taxes in the road. of any kind, call on T. H. Goyne. ’ Wasco Hard Wheat Flour lead the ' 0,,t’ but kft the 8ame d*y witl,out H. A. Kinnaman made n business trip together. the city were getting to be burdensome. down the river Tuesday. He did not favor cutting the high school The steamer W. H. Harrison had a flour trade in the city. Cohn sells it. * F. Jackson and wife went to town The steamer W. H. Harrison, when she narrow escaped of being disabled at sea out, but he wanted the board to econo Mrs. B. 0. Snuffer and son returned to the city on Saturday after visiting the ] left here last week, liada few passengers, on her last trip from here last week. It mise and obtain the same results at less Thursday. TIME CARD. A. Bunn, of Beaver, went to town ' including Mrs. Young and ihree chi’dren, seems that she must have picked lip a cost, which he pointed out could be done fair. EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 4 1904 and not in any way interfere with the Thursday. Ed. Johnson, A. Lee, M. Orcharsky and piece of wire cable with her propeller Attorney T. B. Handlev is in Portland after she left the dock, which hung onto young people getting a good education R. L. Ford. P. Anderson and Joe Bixby went to Leave PORTLAND Arrive. this week attend the Masoivc grand the shaft. Just before reaching the dock Director H. T. Botts said steps had been the city Saturday. Bro.Harvey left for Eastern Oregon on lodge. 8:00 ft.tn. i Portland Union / 11:10 ft.in. at Astoria it bound itself round the pro­ taken to that end, for they expected to ('.us Chopard, of Hazel Bend, passed 7:00 p.m. J depot for Astoria.! 9: Í0 p«m. Take vour Eggs, Hides and Produce to Friday. If his democratic calamity how l peller and disabled the vessel, but being get along with less teachers,but, he said, through here Saturday in his new buggy. is as effective sca r ing eayotes as it wns Cohn’s if you want the highest market at her destination she was hauled to the it was the intention of the present board ASTORIA Arrive. searing bears he might to make a valua- Thurin Coulson and Ralph Bundy are Leave prices. * to keep the standard of the school up to dock. chief cooks and bottle washers at the able addition to that part of the state. 7:45 a.m. (for Portland and / 1 1:30 ti.ni. Edwin R. Doughty and wife and child, H. R. Wilson and wife, of Gatesburg, what it had been. The only nomination way points. j 10:30 p in. 8:10 p.m. t The steamer Sue H. Elmore left Fiidav III., were in the city on Tuesday. They for director was A. M. Hare, and he was Beaver Creek saw mill. of Kahlolus, Wash., came in on Tuesday Ben Bunn, of Beaver, was in our neigh evening,her passengers being Jonas Olsen left that city three months ago on horse declared elected by acclamation. Oil an SEASIDE DIVISION. on a visit. informal ballot for clerk, the vote was : horhood this week. F. R. Beals sold the John Pesterfield and wife, A. A. Fuller. Dora Fos'er, E. back and went as far as Omaha, where ASTORIA Arrive. T. Coates, 14 ; Alva Finley, 11 ; A. T. Mr. Vaughn’s wood saw, of Tilla­ Leave place to Arthur Hunt, the consideration M, Harvey, Mrs. Sharp, Miss Hummel, they took train and came as far west as White, 6 ; E. Harrison, 3 ; E. W. Stan­ mook, is in our neighborhood this week R. Bruggar, I H. Kratsch and J. Craw ­ Spokane. Since leaving the latter place being $7,000. 11:35 a.m < for Seaside Direct > 5:20 p.tn. ford. they have been traveling horseback and ley, 1 ; B. F. Durfee, 1. On the next bal sawing wood, making some of the old Rev. A. S. Foster will preach at Bay lot the vote stood ; Coates, 15 : Finlev, women ’ s hearts glad. Business men who are doing more sleeping out wherever night overtakes Arrive. Leave ASTORIA City on Sunday morning and in this citv Dr. Mills passed through here Satur­ business on account of local option «nd them. They went to Netarts from here, 18 ; Harrison, 2 ; White, 1. As it took in the evening. Warrenton, j *10:45 a.m. collection some ot their back debts think and from there they will go to Califor­ 19 votes to elect another vote was taken day on his way down the river. The fS:15a.m. i } for Hammond, Ft. ? A marriage license was issued on Wed­ the law is a prett.v good thing after all. nia and Mexico before returning home which proved decisive : Finley, 21 ; doctor is looking somewhat younger, 5:50 p.m. ’ Steven», Seaside.) 7:40 a.m. nesday to Mr. Forrest J. Ayer and Miss II it is a good thing for the merrhant it Coates, 15 ; Stanley, 1. The chair ap­ but is horse don’t look quite so well William Hughey's house on his farm Lura Belle Curl. SEASIDE Arrive Leave must be a better thing for his customers was totally destroyed on Monday after­ pointed S. A. Brodhead, W. M. Harrison Charley Woole is working for Charley and Geo. Edmunds to audit the clerk’s A fine line of Mason & Ackley’s hand­ 4:30 p.m. < for Astoria Direct } 1 2:30 p.m Ray this summer. noon. Mr. ar.d Mrs Hughey were away Farm for sale. 159 acres, .near Sand accounts. _________________ made flies just in from the factory. Tied lake ; good house and barn ; 40 acres from home at the time. The hired man SEASIDE Arrive from special designs. * Archbishop Farley declared at Carnegie Leave Notice. tide land and 30 acres of bottom and kindled a fire in the stove about five Hall at the commencement exercises ol The curtaintwill rise at 7.45 sharp at meadow land ; raise 40 tons of hay and o’clock, and soon after the roof was dis­ 9:25 a in. O:1A a.m. i for Warrenton Ft i Tillamcok. Or., June 20, 1905. the College of St. Francis Xavier that the commencement at St. Alphonsus will easily support 25 cows. To be sold covered on fire. Neighbors hastened to < Steven», Ham- > rents due the Tillamook Water the laws of divorce were fast undermin­ (9:30 a.tn. r inond, Antoría. » 7:20 p.m. All Academy this evening. cheap if sold at once. Inquire at this the spot as soon as possible, but as the Company will in future be payable in ing our society, and that the whole fire had taken a good hold on the busi­ M F. Leach,who has been in Portland office. Additional train leave» Antoría daily at * advance. structure would shortly collapse, should 11:30 a.in. for all points on Ft. Steven» ness all they could do was to turn their on business and visiting the fair, return­ T illamook W ater C ompany . The reason that the steamer Newport no hand be raised to ward oft the ad branch, arriving Ft. Steven» 12:30 p.m., re­ attention to saving some of the furni ed to the city on Saturday. did not call at Tillamook a week or so vance of this tendency. The archbishop turning, leave« Ft. Steven» at 2:00 p.m., ar­ ture. Mr. Hughey was insured in the riving Astoria 2:45 p.m. Jonas Olsen and wife Jeft on Saturday ago was that she waslaid up tor repairs- Card of Thanks. spoke as follows : " 1 believe no Presi­ Oregon Fire Relief Association. • Sunday only. to visit the fair, it being 27 years since but will do so when she is put on the run Mr. and Mrs. G. Munson wishes us to dent since Washington’s time has had a Through tickets and close connection via Geo. Anderson, the well known piano the former was out of the county. again, which will mean competition in thank the many iriends who showed so more beneficial effect oil the roots of N. P. Ry. at Portland and Goblcfand O. R. lunerand piano expert, will lie in Tilla ­ A. J. Brown, of San Francisco, is in rhe the freight and passenger business once much kindness and sympathised with society and the family than Roosevelt H l N. C o ., via Portland. mook in September. This change of date J C. Mayo, G. P. A. citv visiting his uncle, W. E. Southwich, more. them on account of the death ofGus Alli­ has by means of his frank declarations. is on account of the Lewis and Clarke whom he had not seen for 18 years | On Monday morning Dr. Mills handed Not only does the President preach the son, brother of Mrs. Munson. fair, and the business connected there­ II. GOVNE, doctrine he believes, but he exeplifies it If interested in a high grade piano at I us a bullet that was shot through one with and in Portland. Those waiting in his own life, and his own family I of the windows of his residence in this Notice. a very reasonable price, better investi­ for Mr. Anderson will find him the same A ttorney - at . L aw . Person are notified not to haul any stands as an illustration of what the gate the one for sale at Patzlafl s store. * citv on Sundav. This is getting to be a reliable tuner as heretofore Thanking Nation’s executive thinks and says of ' serious state of affairs when people r re more gravel from the bar in Trask river The Racycle is a totally different liable to be shot in their homes in this the musical public of Tillamook for their lielonging to Mrs. Pesterfield, and should the race standards. It is like gratifying Office : Opposite Court House, generous patronage of p*«st years. Ad­ they do so they will be prosecuted to the wheel. It will climb hills that no to find that the President ¡has not con- | city. dress orders, care of Fisher Music Com full extent of the law. other bicycle can. For .sale Jat W. P. T illamook , O regon . fined his labors in this direction to bis De Wilt Clinton Cnse, aged 87 years, a pany, 190 Third street, Portland, Or. M rs . A. P est eh field . Cary's. * own circle wholly, but the fact is made native of New York, and father of A. K. Phone local or long distance, Main 4436. known to me that the Cabinet lias taken Cohn & Co. have sold ten barrels o' Case, was declared insane on Mond Notice to Hunters. The steamer Sue H Elmore came in on this question up nnd will deal with it. their famous Diamond C. Coffee duiing and it was decided to send Ivm to ti e We the undersigned hereby give notice past month. It is a trade winner fo * state insame asylum at Salem, bu. as it Wednesday with a large passenger list, that we will not allow any .hunting or When the heads of our Government BARBER IND HAIRDRESSER. including the following : Mrs. Tucker and take up a problem of this grav* nature, them. • shooting on our ranches. was thought he might get better he was daughter, Miss Ruth Cooper. Z. F. Me J ack J ennings . there can be no need for the people »HAVING, HAIR CUTTING Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. McClay and sor, of. not sent. Clav and wile. J. McClay. F. N. Elliott W akkhn V aughn . doubting that the situation must be Van Houtin, New Mexico, came ia 0.1 The Pacific Navigation Co. took the and wife and son, E. F. McCoy, Mrs. F. Axil» V akhin . SHAMPOOING, EiC gravely considered, and we feel that Wednesday on a visit to their son at school exhibit from Tillamook free of Stillwell and daughter, C. Rupp, Mrs. much good will be done if effort is pro- Beaver. For Japan first, and secondly for charge to Astoria, from there to Port- Gus Nelson, J. Gienger and wife, H. F. Electric Baths nicely fitteti up. (loodfor perly directed.’’ For sale or will trade, a 3 year old land the 0. R. & N. Co. charged but 13c. Holden, F. Hannenkrat, F. Sander, W. Asia and the world, peace will bring * * person« suffering with rheumatism. consequences of vital importance. The | Shorthorn bull for heifer, fresh or will be But the transportation company in that Boslev, Mrs. P. V. Vantress, Prof. E. ». I The Twentieth Century Limited from soon.—Address H. A. Kinnaman, Spruce, citv cha-ged »2 for taking the exhibit to Whitney. W. J. Stephens. D. W. Stephens, immediate effect will be the aggran­ 1 Chicago, Fastbound, arrived at Buffalo, the fair grounds from the depot. Oregon. • C. B. LEEP, W. Jennings, Howard Edmunds.Captain dizement of Japan by freeing her from I N.Y., 25 minutes ahead of schedule time. The new stage over the Wilson river L. C. Heilner and several men for the all menace of Russian Lttack in the The train was brought from Cleveland, Captain L. C. Hcilner, irspector u B do I b end Shoes Neatly future ; by giving her strategic points of 186 miles, in 143 minutes. lighthouses, came in on Wednesday on road commenced running on Monday, pipe line. She will leave on Saturday for ’ offense and defense at Port Arthur and Repaired. * ♦ * an official visit to Cape Meares ligh- with Geo. W. Grayson on the Tillamook Astoria. other places in Manchuria ; by establish­ Throughout Eastern and Southeastern end and John McNamer on the Forest station. For the information of those who are 1 ing her suzerainty over Korea, and by Texas there is a pest of caterpillars, and Grove end. The stages leave Mondays, interested in chittim bark. Monday's First Class Work Guaranteed, Fred Forslund, the Plumber, does all Wednesdays, and Fridays, goi ig ns frr market report is discouraging. Here is placing the reorganization of China in reports indicate that they are doing Give me a trial, kinds of plumbing in a workmanship the camp, returning the next day. T.ie what it says : “The market for chittim her hands. These changes will be of vast great damage to fruit trees, corn and style and makes a specialty of that kind Next to the Headlight Office. moment to the mikado’s empire. Eman- truck gardens. bark is dull, weak and lower. Advices cipatwl from all danger of R ussiph fare is >5. •i work. • * * from the East say the market there is in attack, she will l»e free to extend her For some tinin past a waiting attitude,with consumers mak- influence over China and Koren, to de- twnpluled marriage between the King ing no purchases. All the heavy manu- | velop her own internal resources of Spain and Princess Victoria of Gon CURE LUNCS facturing chemists and speculators have leisurely and on such 1 net as intelligent naught, the youngest daughter of the large stocks on hand and in view of the delilieration dictates, without regard to Duke of Connaught, have been freely Whatever the doctor prescribes or WITH | immense supply of unsold bark on this the opinions or the interests of any out­ circulated in Jxmdon However, from a suggests, is what I specially try to Coast, are strictly out of the market. It side power. She will be fourth among h « l|.in formed quarter it is reporter! that, supply, aud succeed as well that I is estimated there is a five years’ supply the nations of the world in nsval inasmuch as King Alfonso can only an known as Headquarters tor al already peeled and unsold in thia coun­ strength, first among them all in naval marry a Roman Catholic, he will pro­ „„„ /C onsumption Prie» try. If '• tr,,c- *l meang that Pr,ccl and military experiewe. and not behind bably be betrothed in the near future to SICK ROOM GOODS. FÍ1R I OUGHS and SOc »11.00 must get down to the basis of 1901 and any nation in fighting power jier unit on 94«^the daughters of the Archduke fra» Trial. V oids 1902 when bark sold at cents. land or tea. Under the new conditions Frederick and the Archduchess Isaliella A-& C. R.R ! i- ,o> ” 5 T LATIMER, BROS., kill ™, couch and th . Dr. King’s New Discovery Chas. I Clough, Reliable Druggist. I Dr. Sharp will leave for the sea of Nehalem, Monday, to be gone the sea of i lakes. one week. i Japan, the Yellow sea and Tbe Arc luke is one <>f the richest will receive a large fortune China will become Japanese ■ upoa bar marriage. Hureat and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK.