Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 15, 1905, Image 3

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Wm. Reid Talks about Start lulled «taies Fl.h Commission to
lacrease Suppl, ot Him la ths
ing Grading on the Tilla­
mook Railroad from
If (he lobster-which come« near
to being the national sea food—1.
(From the Telegram )
not preserved it will not be the fault
Telegraphic intelligence received ill of the United States fish commission.
I Portland last evening stated that a , rite commission has worked with ex­
week from Monday n right ol way for ceptional industry this year to in­
the Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook crease the number of lobsters in the
Railroad would be had from Hillsboro waters off the New England coast,
ton point 10,*... miles west, and just as and there are signs that some prog,
ress is being made, although the de­
soon as this is secured the force un­
mand is growing, says the New York
der Chief Engineer Davis will begin Mail and Express.
running lines to establish the grade.
The great trouble about cultivating
When the stakes have been located lor lobsters is that if you put 12 lob­
the first five miles, which will occupy stere—little fellows—into a vat. and
about a week, the graders will be one happens to be a little older than
the others there will be but one lob­
I started from Hillsboro.
Five years ago the company had a ster in the vat at the end of a week.
This one lobster will be the oldest
right of way granted from Hillsboro. Of the outfit, and the other lobsters
Stretching away toward Tillamook will he in him.
through a dense timber licit, bat the
The lobster appreciates to the full­
directors of tbe road have no inten- est extent the sweetness of his ow.n
lion of iittemp ing to hold the grant, meat, and in addition there are many
o s io the agreement of that time, species of fish that feed upon the
though eight miles of the line then lo- , lobster. So, between the fondness
of the human race, the fishes of the
Cited was graded. Chief Engineer Da-
deep and lobsters themselves for
v,s is now working from Nehalem.es lobster meat the government has had
t.ihlishing tile grade front the bay to a hard time to prevent the
it point lO’y miles from Hillsboro, from nation of the species.
where tbe Nehalem mid Tillamook lines
The latest systems for hatching
are to form a junction. Owing to the and cultivating lobsters, however,
fact Hillsboro is Washington County's are proving a success, and there is
seat, the promoters are more desirous expected to be a gain in the supply
in tne next few years. It mav be
of building from there, and it is not
noted that crabs, both hard and*soft
expected the question of making Cor- shell, are also nigh extermination
nelius the terminus will have to be front the same causes that get the
lobster into trouble. Crabs and beer
The provisions of a law passed at are quite the thing in Washington
the Inst session
of the Legislature in the summer-time, but during the
compels the Southern Pacific to haul present season the crabs have been
dispensed with because the supply
the cars of the Portland, Nehalem &
was not equal to the demand.—N. Y.
Tillamook to Portland on a through Mail and Express.
terminal rate ; in fact, the same meas­
ure farces all lines in the state to haul
the ears of the company to any point
in Oregon, but the only assistance Novel Contrivance of Warfare Suited
to Wintry Climate I'sed by the
wanted is to have the freight reach
Canadian Artillery.
Portland without having to pay the
local rate and the expenses cf trans-
It is proverbial that necessity is the
f ring the freight from the cars of the mother of invention, and certain it is
new lines of those of the Southern Fa- that our Canadian cousins are not
cifie. The Harriman interests fought wanting in the latter capacity. In no
the new road’s plans for several years, direction is this fact more strongly in
and had it not been for that fact the evidence than in their method of
mounting tneir field batteries for win­
line would have beer, built three years I
ter use, says the London Mail.
During the winter months, when the
One of the directors of the road is I whole country is frequently covered
reported to be preparing to build a to the depth of several feet with a
«50,000 brick hotel at a point between bed of treacherous snow, it is, of
Tillamook and Nchhlem. and it is ex. course, impossible to move wheeled
pecteil the locality will become a pop artillery and ammunition wagons. As,
ular summer resort. The excellent coal however, intending invaders are by no
means given to confining their efforts
deposits at Nehalem will provide bus.
to summer campaigns, it became nec­
iness for tbe road, and cednr logs and essary to devise some means of get­
shingles will form other lines of com­ ting over the difficulty. Happily, Can­
modities, togethch with creamery and ada had in the person of Artillery
dairy stuff from both points and vicin Maj. R. W. Rutherford a soldier of
itv. Excellent fruit is raised on the no little resource.
By a most ingenious design he has
coast, hut heretofore not in shipping
made it possible to mount the guns,
quantities, as there was no inducement
gun-limbers, wagons and wagon-lim­
for orchardisis to grow liecnuse of the bers upon a species of “bobsleigh,*’
l ick of transportation facilities.
the whole arrangement being joined
A special meeting of the Hillsboio up by traces in the ordinary way bv
boaid of trade, was called Thursday an operation occupying at the outside
under five minutes.
at tbe City hall to meet Mr. Wm.
The change from summer to winter
Keid, representing the
Portland, guise can thus be made immediately
Nehalem & Tillamook Railroad Co., a fall of snow has rendered the roads
relative to getting the right of way for impassable for wheeled traffic, while
tbe railroad from Hillsboro to Banks. the advantage in superior mobility
The meeting was presided over by over an unprepared enemy would be
Mayor Cornelius and was attended by enormous, as the practically noiseless
motion of the sleighs would bring the
many business men oi Hillsboro, and guns well into range withoit betray­
1 epi esen tat ives, farmers and laud ing the slightest hint of their ap­
owners in the country to be traversed proach.
by the proposed line. Mr. Reid gave
tbe proposition of the company and
many speeches in favor of tbe plan
were made by those present. The rail­
road compeny proposes to build a road
from Hillsboro to Tillamook with
branches to Astoria, and Vernonia, at
once, and ask tbe people of Hillsboro
to give tbe right ot way through the
city and the farmers along the porpos­
ed line, the right of way through tbeir
land free ot charge.
The deeds of this right of way is not
to be given until tbe line is in oper
ation and trains running.
Tbe mayor of Hillsboro was instruct­
ed to appoint a committee of seven,
including himself and W. Taylor Hill,
of Mountaindale, to secure right of
"ay andjrepoit a week from Monday.
Tbe time is short but the contract has
been let for the building of tbe road
and tbe company is desirous oi begin­
ning opeiations immediately.
Tbe directors of the company will
furnish a guarantee that they have
tbe funds and are in a position to
complete tbe road according to tbe
above statement. —Hillsboro lndepen
Deafness Cannot be Cured
•■)• local application., as they cannot reach tt e
portion of the ear. There in only one
'• y to cure deafncRR, and that iff by «-onstitu
t 'na| retnedit-M. Deafness is caused by an in
¿condition of the mucous lini k of tht
r-’i-tachiau Tube. When this tube gat« inflain-
f*' you have a rumbling sound or imperfeci
"c.irin«, and when it is entirely closed, deaines»
the result, and un ess the inflammation (’«’
ne taken out and this tube restored to its ror
condition, hearing will be destroyed fo
nine caaes out of ten a*e caused b\
Uatarrh which is nothing but an inflamed con-
'•ition of the mucous services.
will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
”!»t be cnre<l by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send fo»
circulars, free.
F J. ('HENRY A CO .Teledo, O.
'‘o'd by Druugists. 75c.
Hall's Family pills are the best.
Dr. P. J. sharp, the expre-
enced dentist is located in
Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and
is prepared to do nothing but
first class work and give the
test of satisfaction If your
teeth need fixing call upon
Yonn* Udy Seised with Catalepsy.
Interred, and Swifocates
In Her Caaket.
A letter received in Paris from
Buenos Ayres records the death of
Mlle. Cambaceres, a descendant of the
famous French general and a member
of one of the leading families in the
Argentine capital, under most dis­
tressing circumstances, says a Paris
correspondent of the New York Her­
The unfortunate young lady had just
turned 18 years of age. and her birth­
day was celebrated by a grand recep­
tion. All her friends came to offer
their congratulations and brought
Tn the evening Mlle. Cambaceres
went up tn her room to ¿re.«* for the
opera. She was in the act of putting
on her hat. when she fell to the
ground, apparently dead.
The funeral took place within -4
as under municipal law a corpse
nu«t not be kept longer, on account
f the heat and the danger of decom-
\ few days afterward someone start­
ed the theory that Mlle. C.mbeceres
had been poisoned, .nd the authorities
ordered the body to be disinterred and
, „ost-mortem examination made
When the coffin was opened it was
found, to the horror of every one that
the Veil which covered the face of the
„„fortunate girl w as torn and her face
¿ratched all over From theie fact,
it appeared clear that Mlle. < ambac-
»re«1 had been buried .live and had
torn the veil and «r.tehed her face tn
her struggle to get out of the coffin.
The case, though not reported tn
the press, has produced a most painful
taXsion in Bueno. Ayres, the more
so as Mlle. Cambaeere* was very pretty
»nd beloved by all who knew her.
Some Points ot A<lv.n)n(cv About tbs
Lunduu Mall Batabliahe«
in 1OT7.
lhe postmaster» were free from all
public offices, from liability to quarter
soldiers, and they received gazettes free
of postage, “wherewith they advantage
themselves in their comniou trade of
selling drink, and they have their single
letters free to London."
The rates of postage in 1677 were com­
paratively low. A single letter—i. e., a
letter consisting of one sheet of paper
ollIJ could be seat for any distance up
to so miles for 2d., and bey ond 80 miles
tor 3d. A letter weighing an ounce cost
6d. for 80 miles, und Is beyond, says
London Notes and Queries.
The mails were dispatched from Lon­
don about midnight on Tuesdays,
I hurscays and Saturdays, and were due
to arrive in London early on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings. They
were carried on horseback at the rate
of five miles an hour, and they were lia­
ble to a detention of not more than half
an hour at each postoffice (stage) on
the road. England was divided into six
runnings, or roads, viz: West, Bristol,
Chester, North. Yarmouth and Kent;
starting front Ply mouth. Bristol, Ches­
ter, Edinburgh, Yarmouth and Dover,
We carry a Larj?e Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Fine Line of Choice
Agents for the Great Western Saw
M c I ntosh &
mcnair co .
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
The Most
The Anlmai'ii Intellectual Power« Are
Moat Apparent In Hla Schemes
for Revenge.
Few more Impressive confidences
can be Imparted than one in which a T^DDY & BOTTS,
Bindoo describes bow be knows his
elephant intends to destroy him. It -1—A ttorneys - at -L aw .
is all so seemingly trivial, and yet in
reality of such deadly significance. His Complete set of Abstract Books,
story is so full of details that prove
the man's profound understanding of in office.
Taxes paid for non-
what he is talking about that one re­
mains equally amazed at the brute’s
power to dissemble and its intended
Office opposite Post Office.
victim’s insight into the would-be mur­
derer’s character. And yet, from the
Both phones.
psychological standpoint, an elephant
never gives any other such indication
of mental power as is exhibited in its
revenge. That patient, watchful, im­
placable hatred, often provoked sim­
ply because a man is in attendance
upon anoiber anima! (for it is the rule
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
with tuskers to detest their next
neighbors), speaks more conclusively
O regon
of a high Intellectual guide than all T illamook ,
stories, true or false, that have been
tcld of their ability. Such concentra­
tion and fixedness of purpose, such CARL HABERLACH,
careful, unrelaxed vigilance, such per­
fect and consistent pretense, and
w’hen the time comes, such desperate,
unhesitating energy as homicidal an­
imals exhibit, are impossible without
a very considerable, although in this Office across the street and north from
instance, very irregular, development,
the Post Office.
says Outing.
No one can deny that if this creature
is great at all its greatness showsit­
self in its crimes. These have caused J^OBERT A. MILLER,
it to be worshiped in the east, where
men venerate nothing but merciless,
irresponsible force, and where an ex­
Oregon City, Oregon.
hibition of those qualities and traits
described fully account for the formu­
Land Titles and Land Office
la: “My lord, the elephant.”
Business a Specialty.
Flourished Centuries
A«o In Rome and Eprypt n«
They Do To-Day.
■n-. pre.ident of Vassar college say.
marriage is tiecoming unfashionable
because so few people think they can
afford it. ami the Chicago Kei-onl-
ner.ld asks: I. this to tie regarded
„ another slap at the (»name bat
Ro.t.na Sio.les tbe ■«».
Mr Gross’ victory h*s made M Ros­
tand brush up on the geography and
.„.latore of the* United States.
2ajs the Chicago Record Herald, s,eu
if it ha. sarvsd »O other good pur-
J. P. fllibEfl, Proprietor
Headquarters for Travelling Men
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
A F'irst Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
Centrally Uoeated.
pates, $1 Per Day
M. H. LtflRSEH, Proprietor.
The Best Hotel in the city.
No Chinese Employed,
When You Come
To Portland
One of Boston's municipal officials,
who is especially interested in the es­
tablishment of free ice water fountains
in that city, hired a man to watch one
of the drinking places the other day
from six a. m. to ten p. m.. for the pur­
pose of ascertaining whether or not
it was well patronized. Between the
hours named exactly 9.335 persons
drank at the city's i xpet.se. The foun­
tain has four faucets.—Chicago < hron-
The Best Hotel
H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D., Make your plans to stop at a lionie-like hostelry ; a place where
you will be shown every courtesy and treated as you would be
in your own home, town or city.
P pysician and S urgeon .
Office one block west of the
Allen House, Tillamook City.
Calls answered promptly.
Is such a place, and it stands within one block of the Exposition
Entrance, on 25th street facing Upshur. THE FORESTRY
INN is constructed on the log cabin style ; furnishings, cuisine,
and management conforms thereto. It has 150 large commodious
rooms, all opening on broad, cool verandas ; with electric lights ;
• F inancial A gent ,
hot and cold water and free baths. From the roof garden a view
is had of tbe Exposition grounds, the city and surrounding coun­
Tillamook, Oregon.
try. Car service direct to all parts of the city. European plan.
Dining service a la carte and reasonable as in any part of the city.
ataho S. COATES,
Price of Rooms. $1.00 and $1.50.
Agent for Fireman’s
Special Rate to Parties of two or more.
Fund and London and Lanca­
shire Fire Insurance
Tillamook .. Oregon.
P. C. MATTOX, Manager, or H. M. FANCHER.
25th and Upslmr Sts.
The evil of monopolies and rings
was known to the ancients, Aristotle,
referring to them in his “Politics,'' and
then, as now, it was found necessary to
hold them in check by legislation. The
monopolist was in Boman law called a
Dardanarius. and published under the
Lex Julia de Annona, says London
Answers. Monopolies of clothing, fish
and all articles of food were prohibited
by EmperoT Zeno under pain of con­
fiscation and exile; so that it is certain
that the “ring»" of the ancient days
were as mischievous as those of to-day.
At Athens a law limited the amount of
corn a man might buy. The earliest
recorded instance we have was a corn
There is an ancient tradition that
the king who made Joseph his prime
minister and committed into his hands
the entire administration of Egypt was
Apepi was one of the shep­
herd kings and ruled over the whole
of Egypt, as Joseph’s Pharaoh seems
to have done. The prime minister, dur­
ing seven years of remarkable plenty,
bought up every bushel of corn bey ond
the absolute needs of the Egyptians
and stored it. During the terrible fam
ine that fallowed, he was sure to get
his own price, and bartered corn suc­
cessfully for the Egyptians’ money,
cattle and lands, and taking one-fifth
for Pharaoh, made him supremely
wealthy. It waa not merely a provident Tttos. C oates , Pres.
act, but a very politic one. his policy be­
ing to centralize power in the mon­ WM. GAL1.OWAY.
arch’s hands.
Apple Fritters.
Peel the apple, »nd slice thinly.
Take B quart of «our. two egg-, half
v cupful of
„1U to make rather a thick batter
stir in the sliced apple, »nd fry 11
brown in boiling lard. Sprinkle wnh
,,gar as soon as taken from the ket
Albany Argus.
Mnke a specialty of Landoffice Business
Room 1 and 2,
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
T illamook
O regon .
• Real Estate and Fire, Life,
Health, Accident, Insurance.
Agent for the Northwest School Furni­
ture Co. and Oigans and Pianos.
Notary Public.
Office : Southwest from the Court Hoose,
in the building occupied ns a music «tore
$2.25 a yeai