TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 8 General News. Crouse & Brandige« Clothing at Mr. and Mr» F. C. Baker. Dr. and Mr,. • lipton. Mr. and Mr». Dan Billings, Mr. If the people under a free form of Todd's. Strawberry social to be given at the and Mrs. J. W. Maddux, Mr. and Mrs. government will not provide themselves H. T. Botts, for abstracts. Long Prairie school house, June 16th, T. J. Sarchet, Mr. and Mrs. W. H with good government, they will fail Walkover Shoes at Todd’s. 1906. Strawberries, 10 cents a dish, Cooper, Mr. ^nd Mrs. H. C. Kunze, Mr. to get it from any other source. Phila­ M.J B. Coffee for sale at Cohn’s. served with cake. Lemonade, 5 cents a and Mrs. Chas Kunze, Mr. and Mrs. delphia illustrates the point. * * * New Honey just received at Cohn’s. glass. Open from 3 pm, until all are Gus Kunze, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Drew. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Woodward, Mr. The farmers of Oklahoma and Kan­ served. Gordon Hats and Gloves at Todd’s.* and Mrs. H. T. Botts, Mr and H. F. sas have given assurance to Secretary The passengers who left on the Sue H. (»ent.'s Furnishing Goods at Todd’s.* Holden, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holden. Mr. Shaw that in the event of financial Felix Roy was in the city on Mondav. Elmore on Friday were Mrs. and Percv and Mrs. L. S Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. distress coming to the government they Wiley, Merril, Charley and Miss Marie W. T. Newcomb, Mrs. Babi, Miss Anna C. Jensen, of Hebo, was in the city on will take care of the deficit. Smith, Oak Nolan, L. Ziemer, Walter F. Tinnerstet, Miss Clara Tinnerstet, Miss Monday. Baker, Mrs. Bartel and children, E. H. Mayor Weaver proceeds on the idea J. J. Howser was in from Blaine on Whitney, Mrs Hatha way and daughter, Mary Tinnerstet, Mr. Geo. Tinnerstet, that he is mayor of Philadelphia and Mr. Frank Haberlach, Miss Bessie Wiley, Saturday. Rose Walling, Edith Gould, Warren and Mr. Wayne Wiley, Mr. Frank Eklof, Mr. that his authority in the town is Theo*. Kingsley returned from the east Logan Severance. Bertht Richards. Geo. Gobar, Miss Beth Gobar, Mr. stronger than that of the bosses It is on Monday. T. H. Goyne is back at his former W. A. Williams, Miss Anna Holden, Mr a sound proposition, but needs sand—in W. W. Ridchalgh was in the city on office and ready to resume practice as a Leslie Penwell, Mr. Howard Drew, Miss Philadelphia. Wednesday. lawyer. He will be pleased to attend to ler cent railroad bonds for the con­ Council and citizens to the fact that the dangers of war reduced to a mini- 25th and Upshur Sts. style and makes a specialty of that kind struction of 100 miles ot road bet ween a water from a hose on tbe street show­ mum. PORTLAND, ORE. junction with the Southern Pacific and of work. • ed a very low pressure. This trick the terminals at Nehalem and Tillamook, Rough estimates mode of the Russian panv against the Baltimore and Ohio County Judge W. W. Conder and Com­ has been responsible for practically packers are not so bad as painted and, if had teturned to the United States after missioners Geo. W. Bodvfelt and Geo. »11 of the talk about a low pressure. losses in the bottle fought in the Sea of Railroad is another blow at discrimina­ so, this will appear as the outcome oi the having successfully carried out their Loerpaliel were in the city on Monday We kept a water gauge on our maines Japan, exclusive or nearly 4000 prison, tion on the part of common carriers. It drastic investigation. task.—Oregonian. It is on business all tbe time and know what the pres- ' ers, vary from 7000 to 9000. also serves to call public attention to * * * ' sure lillrn is ia and atirl are uro i in si a u position nnciiinn to prove ,earetl that the majority perished. Cal- For sale, four good 3 year old heifers the methods of some of our railroud A Pretty Wedding Cornelius Shea, president of the Inter* the complements of the sunken that our pressure at all times and is ' cnlating r“' and three 4 year old cows, all of which managers who object to government national Brotherhood of Teamsters and A pretty wedding took place at high now kept up to the standard required an<« captured ships at upwards of will come in fresh soon. Apply to L, C. regulation of their business. There is leader in the strike which has existed in noon on Sunday at the home of Mr. and 10.000, 7000 remain unaccounted lor. in our franchise, excepting when the Smith at Bar View’. * more than one way of discriminating, Chicago for the past two months, was Mrs W'lliam linnerstet at Fairview, in t pressure It is possible that the ships which —»v uuc • _ --- --- .. ........ has been put^uocij purposely ivn, low, and the gentlemen to whom God in His arrested and taken to jail. With him L L. Shortridge, the Dolph toll road this county, when their daughter, Miss lowered by the cimiual conduct of escaPed rescued some of the members of man, was in the city on Monday,to com infinite wisdom has committed the on thejonrnev from the saloon in which Amanda Tinuerstet uml Mr. Carl Haber some the of the citizens. The fact the crews ot the less fortunate ships, plete the deal in the disposal of the Big transportation interests of the country, he was arrested to the office of the Inch were united in the holv bonds of that some of your citizens have been I •'danv bodies have been washed ashore Nestucca Toll Road. as .Mr. Baer would sav, sometimes show Sheriff and then to the jail was Hugh matrimony by Rev. A. S. Foster, pastor stealing water for Irrigating gardens 1°” the islands and on the shores of the When you want tinning done go to ot the Presbyterian church, in the pres­ is well known to us and they will be I neighboring coast near the scene of the great fertility of resource in getting McGee, president of the Truck­ around the law. not to secure business drivers’ Union. Both men were takerf Fred Forslund's. All work strictly first ence of a large nuinlier of relatives and prosecuted for their conduct. What-1 baU,e- for which some of them sav rebates are class aud guaranteed. Repairs of all invited guests The parlor had been * * * into custody on capiases issued on in­ «vet may be your opinion about the The Russian Japanese war has furnish- kinds are executed with neatness. * nicely decorated, and when Mrs. C. A. pressure, the facts remain that we have j ed a new argument in favor of temper often absolutely necessary in spite of dictments charging them with con­ J --- -- zw —-- — - -W - V • vxa v ill | the law. but to fill their own pockets at Joe Harrison brought from him home Patzlaff was playing the wedding inarch always met the demands made on the J ance. ~ spiracy, which were voted by the grand J ' ' ‘ heavily and The Russians _ drink on Mondav n large egg weighing 4 ozs., the groom and the best man. Mr. Frank water system and will continue to do almost universally, liesides indulging "ir the expense of the public which they hold jury that adjourned last Saturday - „ in a trust to serve. and measuring 8 by 6’y inches in circum­ Hiilierlach, with the clergyman, marched so unless prevented by the wrongful I other forms of immorality, night. . This, of * * * * * ference, from a black Manorca hen. into the room, after which the bride, lean acta of others for which we are not'-------- ■ .- _. ' course, leads to demoralization and in­ Mr. Burbank, the wizard of the horti Emperor Nicholas' ukase virtually Rev. A. S. Foster will preach at Bay ing on the nrm of her father, accompan­ responsible. efficiency. The Japanese, on the contrary, cultural world, i® experimenting on a creating Governor General Trepoff dicta­ City on Sunday morning and in the even­ ied bv her bride's maid, Miss Mary Tin- | Respectfully yonrs, | are a solicr people, always clear-headed vine which is to produce potatoes below tor has given rise to a mighty sensation. Tillamook Water Co. ing children's dav will lie observed in the nerstet, and little Miss Lelia Drew, 1 [ and fit to do their work in the best man. «round and fruit above. This would by W. J. May, Pieaident. It is the imperial recognition of the crisis who carried the wedding ringina salver. Presbyterian church in this city. uer. In a contest between a sober and seem to be the agricultural millennium ’ in the internal affairs of Russia and in­ The bills against the city, and which A number ot Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pats- The bridal party took their positions1 were allowed, were • I drunken army, no prophet is needed to when two different crops mav be obtain- i stinctively recalls the step taken by the luff’s friends gave them a surprise party beneath a large ivy bell, when the clergy foretell the victory. The Japanese have ed on the same ground at the same time. Tillamook Lumbering C $56 55 man impressively tied the knot which Emperor s grandfather, Alexander II . on Monday evening, it being the tilth an­ Cohn St Co................... 5.65 proven themselves far superior to the made the contracting parties husband ! Marshal’s salary............ * * * immediately after the attempt to blow 15 IMI ! Russians in every respect, and in nothing niversary of their wedding, when wooden The packers at Chicago have complain­ up the Winter palace in 1880. when he and wife as showers of roses full on them Recorder 's salary............ 15 OO presents were in order. more than ill morals. R. L Wade...... . ............. ed to the President concerning the treat, appointed a Commission of Public 5.50 from the bell above. The bride looked 4 « * The steamer Sue H. Elmore came in on Water rent...................... 30.00 ment accorded them by the Grand Jury. sweet in a white silk wedding I. H Smith...................... Russian torpedo boats from Vladivo. They say they have l>een treated as if! Safety headed by General Loris Melilf- Wednesday, her passengers being Ous 11.00 gown trimmed with lace, and with Ralph Acklev .................. 900 stok captured the Japanese steamer they were criminals, their private mail J off. except that the position of General Allison, R. L. Lord, O. Gustrom, Mrs. orange blossoms in her hair. Congratn- ’ Eli Olds............................. Trepoff will be more analogouse to tbst 40 00 Daishen, of 700 tons, off Hokkaido, and Todd. J. Lymh, G. Munson, G. W. Hen intercepted, their employes waylaid by occupied by Loris Mclikoff when, later 40.00 I*lions and best wishes were then in' Electric lights ............... placed a prize crew of 13 men on board, derson and five men to work on the pipe C. I Clough ........... ....... 2 75 detective». It is disagreeable, no doubt, in the same year, he was appointed Min* order, after which the guests were invit- ' Hiner Jk Lamb............... with orders to take the vessel to port. line. 3 30 and probably leads to some injustice, ister of the Interior with full control of ed to a wedding feast, which reflected Bv mistake the Russian commander of E. R. Cary is visiting his brother. W. great credit upon the hostess. Later in 1 •>ut in the very natureo( things the methf the police. During the battle Admiral Togo, on the Daishen headed tor Gensan (Corea), II. H. Carv, who has nist returned from the afternoon, amid showers of rice and J the Mikasa, displayed admirable cool and met a Japanese transport. The lat­ ods of grand jnries are apt to lead to visiting a son in South Africa. It does old slippers, the happy couple started for ness. The Mikasa approached nearer ter, seeing the Russian flag flying from such results. The inquiry is of prime im SoTi<’K rwlB® ral public as well, whose patronage ns lnch are both highly respected in the Lieutenant al Togo’s side was wounded board the steamer, on seeing their com. named srttler has filed notice of hi* Farm for sale, 159 acres, near Sand county bv a large circle of friends, who 1 with a splinter from a shell. Togo, un­ buyers and consumers of meat forms the I to lr.itkc final pro- f in support of his ciai»> and that said proof will l»e made before lake ; gixxl house and barn ; 40 acres join us in extending to them our con­ moved, went oc his knees and tenderly patriots attacked the prize crew, re­ basis of all prosperity in this department Clerk of Tillamook Co , at Tillamook. Oregow. captured the vessel, and eventually tide land and 30 acres of bottom and gratulations and best wishes foe their lifted up the young officer. After the of agriculture. The pritte object, of1 on June 9th, lyi»*. via : SALUKI. T LUCAS ; . meAdow land ; raise 40 tons of hay and future happiness. Thom present were battle, when he arrived at Sasqim. Togo took her to Gensan. The Russian prize course, is to find out if trade is restrained „ II K No tsMt. for the W Me % and E S -erllon 3i. tp 3 south, range a welt will easily mpport 25 cows. To be sold Mr and Mrs. Win. Tinnerstet, Mr mid allowed no one to land, and himself did crew ha re been taken captives to Sasebo. 1 and prices manipulated in defiance of^ He names the following witne**« * • * « cheap if sold at once. Inquire at this ' Mrs. Dolph Tinnerstet. Mr. and Mrs. not leave his ship till he visited Rojcst-' his continuous residence upon and ctilti' The decision of the Supreme Court in law, and. if so. to stop all this so the in. of »aid land. via. : office. • Carl Patilaff, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Clough. venskv on June 2. IMh F X R Moon. Marc«* < the case of the Kingwood Coal Com- dustrj may develop along natural and Guat Chopard. i»f Blaine Oregon wholesome lines. Perhaps, after all, the I I A lokknox I. DagsaeR. Reg«***1, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS * * W The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. »•** LARSEN HOUSE, TILLAMOOK, OREGON When You Come To Portland THE FORESTRY INN Price of Rooms. $1.00 and $1.50. THE FORESTRY INN, Inc., » * *