TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 8, 1905 Editorial Snap Shots. and in a citv that is overwhelmingly re.' COMMISSIONERS’ COURT F- ¿ f» publican, Gorge H. Williams met his Tillamook is a boss county—tor road Waterloo in Portland on Monday when Toll Roads are Leased for bosses, toll’ gate bosses, heavy taxation he was ¡a candidate for re-election for bosses and bond plaster bosses. mayor of that city The first bad break $1,401 to L. L. Shortridge. * * * The Board of County Commissioners that Williams made was in deciding to Tillamook needs public men who will allow a few men to monopolize and run met on Monday, with County Judge W endeavor to develop the county, not the gambling houses, which brought him W. Conder, and Commissioners Geo. W those who bottle it up with toH roads. into disrepute with the best class of the Bodyfelt and Geo. Loerpable present * * * people and antagonized the gambling when the following business was trans Have you been kicking like a bay steer fraternity. Instead ol enforcing the law acted : .4 because votir taxes were steep this year ? In the private way of necessity he undertook to say how and in what Don’t kick please, for the road boss must wav they should he enforced. If we are C. W. Illingsworth, it was ordered be paid a fat salary. to believe Portlanders who come to this F. L. Sappingtou, John Hickey, * * * city, they say Portland has had one of Harry Crane be appointed to view W. B Smith, the political seer of Ne­ the rottenness administrations in its his and locate a gateway 30 ft wide; to meet ll dem. gives it as his opinion that if on Tuesday, June 20. Tillamook City goes on increasing its tory. And even the mighty Oregonian, In the matter of the purchase of the in its struggle to save its old friend from bondage indebtedness there won’t be Big Nestucca Toll Road, it was ordered defeat, could not stop the popular clamor many persons left in the city. Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window for a clean administration of city affairs, that the County Court draw a warrant on )» * t^e County Road Fund for $1000., to pay It was stated when the water agita­ for instead of helping \\ illiams' candi­ Sashes, for the road. tion was on there would be boom tiives dacy the Oregonian, bv its constant and In the matter of the petition of M. W. bitter attacks upon members of the in this city when the pipe line was being Harrison, to make crossing under public constructed. What kind of a boom is it, municipal and ministerial associations brought about Williams’defeat. If the toad, it was ordered that the petitioner be anv way, if it is not a boomerang. coming demncraiic administration of permitted to make such crossing. < * * In the matter of the taxes on lot 9, William Reid claims that he is going city affairs does not turn out any better to have his railroad built into Tillamook than that under Pennoyer, it will he on block 67, of Pacific addition to Bay City, bv October. It can’t come too soon— a par with the recent grafts and scan the same to be cancelled. • In the matter of the deed of C. & E. Agents for the Great Western Saw that is if it is coming. It is always well dais in that city. Thayer, of a road in Tillamook County, * * * to put in that proviso. "I here is not much use of you wasting the same was accepted. * * * In the matter of the bid of the Nes­ As a medium for advertising the news­ your energy trying to induce people to paper is probably the only one that can locate in lillamook until a railroad is tucca Toll Roads, the bids of L L Short­ The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. be classed as "indispensable” and success­ built and the toll roads are cut out,” ridge, for $1,401.00, to lease the roads for said one of out citizens to us the other eleven months, was accepted, his being vJ" 4'X ful business men everywhere are frank to confess that much of their success is due day. We have seen this for a long time the only bid on file. As there is only one thing to do, and The County Clerk was ordered to draw to liberal newspaper advertising. that is to exert our energ, to securing a a warrant on the general fund in favor A. Zimmerman * * * |The Japanese leases in the battle of B. L. EDDY. H. T. BOTTS. We wonder whether Chief of Police railroad. But that looks a monster task ofW. \V. Conder in the sum of $20.36, Geo. Hall..... the Sea of Japan were 113 officers and A. A. Handy Hunt strutted up and down the main to undertake, vet that is what is most for overpaid taxes on property in Still­ men killed and 424- officers and men T^NDDY & BOTTS, John Ek...... streets of Portland on Tuesday to show urgently needed to make Tillamook one well’s addition. wounded. The completion of thè re­ A ttorn eys - at -L, aw . Bayard McKitnmans Petition of W. B. Smith for rebate on BudSteele........... himself off ? We guess not. This politi­ of the best manufacturing counties in the vised list shows that the losses were Albert Crawford.. cal potentate has had the starch taken state. And as a business proposition poll tax was allowed. under the original estimates. The flag­ Complete set of Abstract Books Fred Kabba, sr... i u < f him by Williams’ defeat, so his what nrethe business menandcapitalists W. W. Wiley postage................. $ 5 00 Alvin Thompson ship Mikasa was the heaviest loser, of Portland willing to do to open up Portland Mill and Fixture Company, Geo Cox............ clothes must look baggy. in office. Taxes paid for non- 63 killed and wounded. Case................................................ this rich undeveloped country and valua­ O. P. Matoon................................. 21 * * * Emil Anderson 7 Residents. G M. Knight.. Some people think if they have a news­ ble feeder to that city ? Let’s see how- H. B. Johnston............................... 57 E. R Bales...... paper to back them in running for office big hearted and willing the people of Port­ A. K. Case..................................... »31 Office opposite Post Office. H. Rittenhouse they have the.bull by the horns. See how land aic to help a class of iiidnstrious B. 0. Snuffer, two plows.............. 31 Wm. Dearby.... Both phones. Tillamook Lumber Co .................. 20 easy it is to be mistaken. With the Ore­ people, who have been toiling on with | S. J. Sturgeon, County poor.......... M. Beeman ... 4 Christ Hanson. gonian and the factional republican ma­ perseverance and determination, vet un Tillamook Telephone Co............. >5 Arnold Hanson chines boosting hitn, Williams went down complaining and with a hope that the Jos. Effenberger............................. 57 H. R. Thompson, COOPER, to defeat. Query: Where does the in county they have turned into the best James Thompson, deputy road Rav Thompson.. , ervisor,............................................ 75 Gust Davidson, fluence of the Press come in ? dairying section in Oregon will see the I Henry Tohl, merchantdise....... . 95 W B. Smith.. * * * advent of the iron horse to take their Frank Severance ......................... oo A ttorney - at -L aw , Fred Witte.... Why is it that the population of Tilla­ products to market, to say nothing of Fred Zaddack............................... oo Frank *Wakeley mook county does not increase ? We thirty-five billion leet of standing timber A. W. Hare, salary...................... Willie Snyder.... oo O regon . T illamook , will answer that question by asking waiting to be manufactured as soon as C. A. Johnston, salary................... Henry Christensen 40 The Irwin Hodson Co ................. S. Christensen...... another. How can you expect it to when a railroad is built to get it to market. W. W. Wiley, salary.................... 05 Kendel Scovel...... the county is bottled up, tied-up with oo K. Mills, salary ........................... * * * Road District No. 2 oo antiquated toll roads ? This toll road County Judge Conder is trying to ap Ruth Cooper, Grading papers...... CARr' HABERLACH, John Alegg............................. B. Lamb, salary...................... 33 octopus is not only keeping home seekers pear funny. He says the road master is G. oo Harry Crane......................... Thos. Coates, do........................... out of the county, but is helping to de­ going to resign and be is going to ap C. H. Woolfe, do........................... 33 Lee Me Falls ......................... ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Roe McFalls............................ populate the county. point the Headlight man in his place. R. W. Watson............................. 33 *5 W S. Hare............................. * * * That is awfully kind and considerate ol G. B. Lamb, stationery................. peuteclter ¿Abvoluit, E WANT every out door man or boy to know oo John Hickey ......................... all about the famous NTEVENM Rifles, The Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook the county judge, but as the editor does J. W. Rowland.............................. Pistols and Shotguns. We therefore have com­ Office across the street and north from So W. H. Hoskins, team............ A. W. Severance, envelopes........ piled a valuable 140-pajre Illustrated book, Railway Company has bobbed tip again not desire such a useless, unpopular Amanda Tinnerstet, grading papers 6 oo W. H. Hoskins, stump puller telling not only all about STEVENS arms,but con­ the Post Office. taining useful and interesting information on hunting, and taken the wind out of the Headlight office, which the taxpayers are justified F. L. Sappington, for plans and speci­ Chris Hansen.. shooting, sights, ammunition, how to handle and care Hansen for fire arms, et<. This we will send you FREE for T- man by makingthestatement that trains in kicking, for it is a wilful waste of pub­ fications.......................................... 15 00 Arnold four cents in stamps for postage. Ed. Jacoby .... will be running from Portland over the lic money to pay so many persons to Tillamook C.tv, for Street Improve­ W. E. Knight Have you tried our CI.EVER RIFLE PUZZLHf J^OBERT A. MILLER, 6 05 ment. ....................................... Sent FREE, postpaid, if you ask for it. new li e to Nehalein and Tillamook by boss one another in road work, so on W. W. Conder, salary............... Nels Nelson, 5° 00 ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE STEVENS. October 15at the latest. We hope and that account the pencil pusher cannot be Geo. Loerpable, do.................. 28 62 Bert Mapes M. Ripley... A ttorney - at -L aw . G. W. Bodyfelt, do .................... J. 8TKVENS ASMS AND TOOL CO, 13 99 pray that this may prove true is the induced to accept. The only thing Lou Smith P. O. Box 4094. Oregon City, Oregon. >5 67 sentiment of every Tillamooker. There that will satisfy public demand is to cut Yellow Fir Lumber Co............ Wm, Schlappt, CHICOPEE FALLS. MASS.. U. S. A. S. B. Hill................................... 7 00 A. Schlappt is nothing like getting the road built in the road master out and repeal the law Joe Bixby................................. 44 5Ó Land Titles and Land Office Wm. Swan , quick time. But— But— at the next state legislature, for it was Wm. Kimball........................... 42 00 Business a Specialty. I H. Perry .... 00 5 * * * only put there by a political trick and Emmet Quick.......................... Abe Simmonds ROAD DISTRICT NO. 3. C. B. LEEP, If the county court will persist in em­ to give a politician a soft job. For the H. B. Karr Carlson................................... 44 00 ploying a road boss and wasting a lot information of the people who may not A. 48 00 C. Tilden ... Snots and ShnHH Nearly H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D., C. Erickson............................... Geo. Regan of money in this boss, bossism business, know how the law was passed creating Harvey Williams........ ............ 24 00 Wm. Kenned ay Repaired. 20 why don’t the county court call for bids the office of road master, here it is in a Wm. Kimball............................ 3 M Robson ..... I’PYSICIAN AND SUKGKON. 9 60 and let the boss job out to the lowest.bid- nutshell: A county judge was elected in Frank Bultz............................. H. Mitchell...... Clifford Hiner ........................ . 15 20 First Class Work Guaranteed, der ? When there is a little job of print Multnomah county who was objection­ Geo Davis.................................. Otto Shearer ... Office one block west of tile 28 80 Aug. Shearer ... Give me a trial, ing amounting to a few dollars,the coun­ able to certain politicians, so they passed M. Davis............................... .. 32 40 Wm. Richardson Allen House, Tillamook City. 32 00 ty clerk is instructed to call for bids or a bill in the state legislature depriving P. Jacobs, ................................. Next to the Headlight Office. Chas. Illingsworth 27 20 Calls answered promptly. go to the print shops and see where he him of his authority, with the exception W. Forester............................... John Johnson M. J Toddhunter..................... 25 80 can get it done cheapest. The same rule of the probate business, and investing E. Fishbocker............................ 20 80 G. Marshall..., ought to apply both ways. 2o 80 F M, Shearer. the affairs of that county in the hands of Emmet Jenkins......................... 22 !'• Dick Johnson B. Ross ...................................... * * * four commissioners. This the courts 20 40 I J. Paquet .... A. Plasker ................................... It is the general opinion amongst the held was unconstitutional. One of the 20 80 L. M. Alleg BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER. C. Plasker.................................. D. Trowbridge dairymen of the conntv that their cows commissioners had to be drop|>ed, and E. Ericksou.................... . 27 20 REAL ESTATE, SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING 10 60 F. P. Hobson . nre doing remarkably well this spring, to give him afat, lucerative job, the road C. McKillip............................ .... 80 20 Lee Forester .......... ............. -...■ F inancial A gent , and everv indication goes to show that master law was incorporated in the road SPRUCE SHAMPOOING, ETC 17 60 Tillamook county will manufacture more laws and passed the legislature. The A. Weiss................................. .. E. Huntsinger............................ >3 80 Tillamook, Oregon N.J. Dye, Frank Dye, Johnnie Tucker, cheese this year than it has ever done deposed county commissioner in Mult­ N. Olson..................................... 20 Electric Hatha nicely litte,i up. Goodfor Tucker and Miss Mary Tucker, Mrs. before. It is going to be a crackerjack nomah countv was immediately ap V. Jacobs.................................... . 14 40 16 20 were all shopping in the city of Tilla peraoitH Huffcring with rheumatixiii. year for a big output of cheese, which pointed road master, and strange to re­ Wm. Jolly.................................. *"pIIOS. COATES, 27 20 mook last Monday. will cap the climax with at least one late, his name was Steele, so we have D. Billings.................................. 16 20 A Holden................................... -*• Agent for Fireman’s work Lou Kinnanian has gone to million pounds, for all the factories are always looked upon theroad master law B. Jacobs.................................... 1 60 Fund and London and Lanca­ 3 20 down at Slab Creek. turning out cheese, and to give some as a political steal. That is the inside Ray Bardon ............................... Connie Dye is hauling cheese from 4 80 idea of the increase in the product, two history of the law, and only goes to J. E Mattoon.............................. shire Fire Insurance I 6O Three Rivers for Mr. Snuffer. G. Forester....................... ........ of the factories are receiving over 31,000 prove how slick the politicians humbug C. McKillip................................ 25 60 Companies. Rev. White,who has been preaching at lbs. of milk daily between them. With the taxpayers and work a graft. Tilla E. W. Stanley.......................... 3 6O Tillamook .. Oregon. 3 20 Beaver the past year, has gone to 'hr good gtass weather and with every indi­ mook connty got along well enough W. Day........................................ valley to attend the conference. We are ROAD DISTRICT NO. 4- cation of a bumper hav crop, and with without n road boss in previous years, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 4 1904 3«> OO very sorry to lose him. Charley Bluin............................ plenty of green feed for their dairv herds audit will do so ¡again when the tax­ Fred Blum.............................. 26 (JO J pJ)R ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, Clyde Kinnaman has gone to Tilla Arrive. PORTLAND Leave up to the beginning of December, or even payers have an opportunity to show Alvin Blum .............................. •5 OO OO mook to work uii a milk ranch. 80 GO TO John Simmons ..................... ••• later, the dairymen will be in clover this their indignation at this road bossism 1 '» H.iri. E. Hoag and wife and daughter were «•.00 a.m. | Portland Union f 11 9:40 39 OO Henry ..Simmons....................... p.m. t depot for Astoria.i year if anv where near the a verage mar- 1 7:00 p m. 3^ OO in our neighborhood T uceday. Simmons......................... TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT AND Dr. P. J. Sharp, the expre- James ket price prevails for cheese. 40 OO Charley Desmond.................... We see from what our editor say» of Leave Arrive ASTORIA enced dentist is located in OO 30 L. Benton.................................... TRI ST CO. * * * ............ ...... ...... 1 Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and Ben Turner............................... . 39 OO the writing about “ Mrs. So and So The Salem Capital rightly says that 1 1:30 a.m. OO (for Portland and t i 7:45 a.m. visited Mrs. So and So, ’ ’ but we hardly 32 is prepared to do nothing but Boston Turner............................ way points. | 10-30 p m. Tuo*. C oater . Pre». ; G.lu p.m. | reputable newspapers do not like to say , 29 OO know what to write. For if it wasn’t M Woods................................... 7» OO harsh things of anyone. It is a mistaken first class work and give the Adolph Shields......................... for the women visiting around the neigh, SEASIDE DIVISION If your Pete Norberg............................. 12 OO idea that the papers prefer vilification in best of satisfaction 28 CM) borhood so much there wouldn’t 1* very teeth need fixing call upon Riley Simmons .......................... their news columns to commendatory 21 OO much news. Arrive. ASTORIA Henry Zurfluh............. .............. Leave ____________ 12 OO articles. Seme newspapers may, but him. Lewis Norberg............................ We hardly know whether it would be ATTORNEYS-AT.LAW. 8 OO they are few and far lietween, and the Deafness Cannot be Cured D. Darby.................................... necessary for us to sny anything about 11:35 a.m { for Seaside Direct ¿ 5:20 p.m. locsl application«. •• they cmnot rearh the road district no . 5. Make a s|>ecialty of Land Office Business, distance between is growing still wider ; d bv «uri the “ new court house,* ’ or how the portion oi the ear. There 1» only one 3' 60 Arrive. ASTORIA Leave nor would any paper that pretends to WRY to Cine deafiie*. and that is by con«titn I W. Hiner ............................. OFFICE IN WKINHARI) BUILDING, 7« 4° " water works is getting along.*’ tiotial remedies I>eafn«w la cauaed by an iii- Ralph Welch.............................. stand for decency hesitate for n moment fla.ned condition of the mucous lini k of the Frank Dye................................ - 56 00 Room 1 and 2, < for Warrenton, ♦ S ’ 1 ", a ni •10:45 a m "ustochiau Tube. When th »a tube feta in «"•»«- Vice-Admiral Togo visited Vice Ad. I4< to make every honorable amend when it I ed j Hammond. Ft. ? vou have a rumbling Round or inip 7:40 a.m. ! 5:50 p.m 8< j 30 miral Rojeftvensky at the Naval Hospi­ is shown that a wrong has been done. I heRntig. and when it i* entirely Hosed, deaf new. Oscar Bodyfelt............................ ■ is the result, and un'eaa the inflammation can 47 20 tal at Sasebo, Saturday and expressed The newspaper of today is the friend and . betaken out and this tube restore«! to its nor Geo Ke I low............................... Arrive OJ SEASIDE Leave 13 condition, hearing will be destroyed f<>- X J Dve............................... — his sympathy for the Admiral’s wounds. W. SEVERANCE, upbui'der of the clean people everv where. mal ■3 00 X“r nine cases out of ten ate caused by D F. Coulson............................ 21 60 He praised the desperately courageous 4:80 p m. < for Astoria Direct >12:30 p.m I he reputable citizen has nothing to fear ' Cata rh which is nothing but an inflamed con- A. Wells.............................. —• 21 6«. fight ol the Russians and expressed the of the mucous service«. nt the press. On the contrary, the pres­ 1 dition We will give One llinidred Doltjr» for «ny Bill New....................................... I ce 5° 40 hope that Vice Admiral Rojestvensky Lear« Arrive SEASIDE S B. Hill ............................... A ttornev - at -I, aw , oi Denfnewfcnuwd by catnrrh) that c«n_ ent day newspapers aids and piotects JSrtVe eurwl hr HaU . C.lnrrh Cure, bond for 12 4” Jim Sherwood............................ the reputable community. It is only evil­ circulnr.. Ire* (,H(txRV co Tdedo, o. Charley Ssilmg.......................... 4° would soon lie able to return Io Russia, I > Rojcsevensky was deeply mo veil by O regon . T illamook doers and lawbreakers that need fear the Charley Wool»........................... Sold hy Drngginta. 56 25 the Admiral s words and thanked him. R O Richards........................... Hall e Family I’lll- «re the I’*’«' savings and influence of the press. They 20 4 R. Y. Blalock............................. He congratulated Japan on the courage and they alone are the ones who gain the Additional train leaves Astoria dally at 4 00 S. STEPHENS, Rear-Arlmiral Enquiit. who wm com­ 1" R. Coulson........................... 80 and patriotism of her sailors and said 11:30 a.m. for ail points on Ft. Htrvcns i'jurious protection of the ridiculous John Creacy .............................. mander of the heavy cruirer »qnndron of branch, arriving Ft. Ntevcns 12 30 p.m , re ­ • R< al Estate and Fire, Life, it lessened his regret and sorrow at li1 el laws that mar the statute books of road district no t the Ruii'an fleet, arrived in Manila Bar turning, leaves Pt. Rtrvens at 2:00 p.m., ar­ 8> defeat to know the high character of Health, Accident, Insurance. some of the states and hamper the press 39 riving Astoria 2 45 p m at 9 o’clock on Saturday morning on hi» r . J Hick*-........ 38 40 the victors. Wtn Crawfunl Crawford..... 1,1 its efforts to secure justice and fair Agent for the Northwest School I’urm- • Sunday only. flagship, the protected cruiser Aurora, Fred Kabba jr 37 40 Tom Johnson’s period in Cleveland ture Co. and Oiganw and Pianos, Through tickets and clone connection via treatment for all classes of people. io oo accompanied bv the protected cruisers S Larten ........... M P Ry. at Portland arv! Gotokfand O. K. is identified with a municipal deficit of Notary Public. * * * V* 8o Norns... Office : South west from the Court Hou«e, 15.000.000. And the street railway fare Ac M. Co., via Portland. With al! the influence of th? republican Oleg and Jemtchug. Ail the vessels were Wm 60 36 L Linkhart....... in the building occupied as a tnunic store. J. C. Miyo, G. P. A. 8 oo is still 5 cents. Political machine to back him and the more or less demaged and there were G. r . McKimaaa. I m my wounded men on board. support and influence of the Oregonian, HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, and China, Glass Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES M c I ntosh & mcnair -*—J Book on FIREARMS—Free! W LATIMER, BROS., A-& C. H.R TIME CARD co ., £