TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 8, 1905 guaranteed (rue to name, TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. “ carrying’’ one of these dangerous | What is the solution of the bad-boy If you are in want of Good Trees, weapons, which, of course, must neces­ problem which I have stated ? To a cer­ sarily be ’* concealed” until turned tain extent it works out its own solu­ Fred C. Baker. Publisher. ( incorporated ), loose for action ? Right there, and tion. Large numlrers drift into crime, only there, it would seem, is the weak and though repeatedly pardoned by in A Rainmaking Record TILLAMOOK CITY, ORE. spot in the revolutionary decision of dulgent magistrates while under age, as — A young man residing in southern the Jersey justice. Is the punishment I soon as legal maturity is reached, and PAID UP CAPITAL, »10,000. California made a contract last Decem­ to be inflicted for the mere “ carrying,” their crimes justify it, they are packed Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, ines. ber with thirty business men of Los or only lor the “concealing,’* or both ? , off to the penitentiary. Others make A GENERAL BANKING Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes. Angeles who agreed to pay $1000 each Most weury husbands would be per­ ■ way with each other in saloon brawls, Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mad. BUSINESS. if his rainmaking exfieriments in five fectly satisfied if the weapon was kept which result in the death of some, and months should he attended by a total concealed—it is only when the lid is the incarceration of others. Still others This is to certify, that I have this 27th .lay of i DirectorsM. W. H arrison , \V, W rainfall of 18 inches, which is 7 inches taken off that they dodge and wince. —and they are numerous—after sowing more than the average periodical rain, Even “common scolds” have their ! their wild oats, settle down in some examined the Nursery Stock of Mr E. I’. South, of The E ’’.MU in Xl market- C urtins , B. L E ddy . ham. Oregon, and so far ns I a.n able to aicertntn, hintS ’ .j j, o | fall in that region for the last nine rights and the law must not be drawn . ! quiet business and frequently become able condition and clear of anv serious insect ¡>est or disease Tl e Cashier :—M. W. H arrison . years, and 3 inches more than the aver- too tight, though the offender be the I more useful and more progressive men handling and growing Commissioner First District. Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edge securi] age for the last twenty-seven years possessor of a tongue as sharp as a j than were made out of the goody goody ties of all kinds. Whether this latest precipitation is a needle and the carrying power of a I material in the schools. Poverty, squalor rainmaking occurrence or an accidental Winchester rifle. It must be proven I is the weight that sinks many, and result can not vet be determined, but first that the defend a in is carrying a habitual intemperance on the part of the young man is entitled to the money weapon ; secondly that, though at odd parents is fatal to the character and under the terms of the agreement. The intervals it is concealed, usually it is prospects of the child. Children that additional rainfall is richly worth the ready for business. The case thus l>e- have pleasant homes, and feel them- premium aneao experience tae mede blame. For the children ot the crowded TOWER5 Olickeri Goab and Mats wooden vapor tower, covered with tar | Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Ragia:’* Rain Coats. ftmoui the world over They arc made in The appeal made to President Roose­ hovel, or the noisy and nauseating tene­ paper, 14 feet square at the base and I black or jr I low for all kinds of wet work, Exlusively to Measure. velt to order an investigation into the ment, there is but one hope, one means and ere^ garment bearing the 3 JGN Of a little more at the top. At the bottom affairs of a big insurance company of keeping them out of the ranks of the THE r 15H is Guaranteed to give sat­ SARCHET, the Tailor, Tillamook arc placed many evaporation pans con­ isfaction. All reliabie dealers sell then which has been figuring recently in a riotous, and that is education, the (EC above Come early and secure first choice. AJ.Towttca.BaroMci.ttiA taining chemicals which are the in­ discreditable light is receiving atten­ highest that the corporation affords. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. ÀH0T11K TOWH CANAPUN CO,Lmited.TOWITO UM ventor’s secret. His specialty is con­ tion, but it will hardly be acted upon To this end study should he hard, ab­ tinued rainstorms, not light showers, sorbing. Those who would make public ­ The President ’is strongly in favor of and he claims that his system equalizes national supervision ’for the insurance school teaching a parade and a band­ the moisture, preventing excessive wet ! interest. “The business of insurance,’* wagon performance for the sake of rich weather in some places and deficient ' he said in his message at the opening men’s darlings, should remember the Rain nnd sweat rains in others. Rainmaking is one of I have no effect on of Congress last December, “ vitally af­ poor, the hardy, sturdy children to harness treated the subjects that will not down. It has fects the great mass of the people of whom the evening occupation of pre­ with Eureka Har­ been burdened with much nonsense, de­ ness Oil. ' the United States, and is national and paring lessons is equivalent to a whole sista the damp, lusion and deception, and laughed at troop of guardian angels. Let such, keeps the leath not local in its application. It involve beyond the usual allotment of ridicule er soft and pii ! a multitude of transactions among the above al), be encouraged to enter the able. Stitches But only a Scotch verdict has ever been do not break people of the different states and be­ high school ar.d complete its course, No rough sur­ rendered against it, and some interesting tween American companies and foreign The number of such is very numerous face to chafe fresh evidence is now introduced. and cut. The governments. I urge that Congress among the female children of poor harness rot Cedar Shingles carefully consider whether the power people, who look forward to teaching A Woman’s Tongue as a Weapon. of the bureau of corporations can not as their means of living and social ele­ Cheese Butter specialty wears twice A New Jersey police judge has created constitutionally be extended to cover vation. But the number of boys is not as longby ‘he so great, yet it is hopefully increasing. use of Eureka some surprise, not to say conster­ interstate transactions in insurance.” Harness Oil. Æ nation, by deciding that a woman’s This is how the President felt on the The boy who stays in school to the completion of a high-school course can tongue was a concealed weapon for the question of federal supervision of in Orders for Lumber promptly attended to. carrying of which she might be fined. surance a few months ago. |Things become a useful or even brilliant mem­ Sold everywhere The decision was educed by two wom­ have taken place since which have ber of society, in spite of poor parents, in cans— en who began to abuse each other made that idea popular with persons bigoted priests, prating parsons and all sizes. Made by savagely when they appeared in his who were apathetic ot hostile then. In­ picayune pedagogues. Standard Oil The bad boy of America is always court. Like Solomon, this wise judge surance is a vast interest, and if it Company tried to reconcile the belligerents and is handled bv the national government American by birth, but usually of foreign parentage ; he is a little worse advised them to “kiss and make up,” it will need to be treated with caution. but as they refused and waxed even The report of the New York superin­ than his foreign-descended associates, SHERIFFS SALE. more eloquent in their invective, the tendent oi insurance for 1904, just and thoroughly competent to leaven In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon result was the epoch making decision. published, shows that the companies with mischief anv number of boon com­ for Tillamook County. The judge found them both guiltv of doing business in that state, which panions. But the greater part of the Augusta Hunt, as administra­ STEAMERS—SUE II. ELMORE, W. II. HARRISON. trix of the estate of George carrying concealed weapons, basing his comprise much more than nine-tenth lanikins and hoodlums are of foreign Hunt, deceased. Plaintiff, ruling on “ the manner in which they of ail the companies in the country parentage. Children that if born in ONLY LINE—ASTOTIA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI, vs. Ireland or Germany would grow up in BAY CITY, IIOBSONVILLE. handled their tongues,” and fined each in force of $10,000,000,000 ; assets ot Carrie A. Rai ey. W. C. Bailey and the Yellow Fir Lumber Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and woman $10. It has long been known $2,4-55,000,000 ; liabilities of $2,097,- angelic simplicity and lamb like docility, Co., a Corporation, also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. foi San Francisco, Portland {hat the tongue was a weapon, and a 000,000, exclusive of a gross surplus arc the terror of their environment be­ Defendants. and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to By virtue of an excution and order of sale cause they are born and bred in this very formidable one, but whether or of $183,000,000 and special funds of duly issued out of and under the Seal of the SAMUEL ELMORE <& CO. General Agents, ASTORIA. OR above entitled Court in the above entitled not it was “ concealed” is open to ar $174,000,000; a gross income of tree country. Why ? Chiefly because it cause to me duly directed, dated the 31st B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon. gument. Most who have suffered ' $580,000,000, and a net income over is free. The dogmatic religionists say day of May, 1905, upon a judgment and Amenta & ^* Co • Portland. decree entered in said Court oh the 17th day that the public school is to blame for the from its stabs will lie inclined to pr o'­ disbursements of $200,000,000. g 1 |A. & C. R. R. Co., Portland. of April, 1905, in favor of Augusta Hunt, as administratrix of the estate of George n Mince that it is anything else hut Manifestly, an interest of such stu- existence of the bad boy and the impu­ Hunt, deceased, plaintiff, and in favor of the •Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co. ’ s Expre “ concealed,” and very much in evi- pendous proportions calls for very in dent and vicious girl The dogmatists Yellow Fir Lumber Co., a corporation de­ fendant, and against Carrie A. .Bailey and deuce. It certainly is audible, if not • telligent treatment by the government tell a lie, and they know it. The friends W. C. Bailey, defendants, commanding and requiring me to make sale of the following visible, while inflicting its punishment, if it is dealt with at all. Many insur ot the public school, but missed it by described real property, to-wit; Lots 1 and as every hen-pecked husband in this | ante men have favored federal super­ not staying long enough. Catholics 2, in Block 1, in R. R. Hays’ addition to the town of Tillamook (now Tillamook City) world will stand ready to testify. vision of insurance. Senator Dryden s iv, " Behold the results of Protestant­ situated in Tillamook County, State of There is very high authority in liter­ I of New Jersey, head of a large insur- ism! Society reeking with vice, the Oregon. Now therefore, by virtue of said execu­ A. CASE, ature to support the Jersey justice’s ance company, introduced a bill for that natural result of want of faith in, and tion, judgment, order and decree, and in compliance with the command of said writ, contention that a woman’s tongue is a purpose near the end of the recent Con­ grace from, the only true church.” Pro­ PROPRIETOR I will on Friday, the noth day of June. 1'. Off weapon, the only novelty in his deci­ gress, but it was not acted on. Prob­ testants say, “ Examine the records of at the hour of ten o’clock a.m.. at the front door of the Court douse of said County, in sion being the suggestion that it is in ably the President will not find any le­ convicted felons! Observe what pro Tillamook City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redeption, to hiding during action. The Bible, in gal authority for him to order an in portion of the criminal claim Romish the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the two notable passages, warns against vestigation in the specific instance extraction and vow themselves gradu right, title and interest which the above General Machinists & named defendants or either of them had on the venom of this useful, if sometimes cited, but legislation to curb abuses ates of parochial schools.” Immigrants the date of the mortgage of plaintiff herein, vicious implement. “ The tongue no which have crept into the management arc astonished at the precocity and ini- to-wit : On September 11th, 1901, or since Boiler Work, Logger ’ s Work and Heavy Forging, had in and to the above described real pro­ man can tame ; it is an unruly evil, of some insurance companies will be pertinence of our children, and sigh for perty to satisfy said execution, judgment, order and decree, interest and costs, and all full of deadly poison.” And again _• sought in the approaching session of the simplicity and cheerful obedience of Fine Machine Work a Specialty. accruing costs and expenses of sale. “ He that keepeth his lips kecqieth his Congress. ________________ European childhood. But in a few years Said property will be sold to satisfy the following sums due plaintiff, to-wit : life, but he that openeth wide bis the spirit of defiance takes possession of ' $290.00, with interest from date of decree at Our Bad Boy. the rate of ten percent, per annum ; $50.00 mouth shall have damnation.*’ In an­ these same immigrants, and the cry as attorney's fee due plaintiff and $11.20 other place, the good book speaks of ■ TO T1IE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. then is, “ Shure an’ this is a freecountry, costs and disbursements with interest at six per cent, per annum from date of decree and " the strife of tongues,“ and shows bow ■ The badness of the bad boy of America and would I let any ould maid of a the following sums due the Yellow Fir Lum­ ber Co., a corporation, to-wit : $84.89. handy the painted J excl »el was in —not necessarily the American bad boy Yankee schoolma’am lay a wet finger judgment recovered, and the further sum of manipulating the instrument of tor- —is acknowledged on nil hands. He on me child !” G. A. W alker . $8.50, costs and disbursements, all bearing interest at the rate of six per cent., per tore. Cloverdale, Ore. does not cease to be bad when he ceases annum from date of judgment. Though farmers’ wives, in the mail’, to be a boy. From the street corner Dated this 1st day of June, 1905. C. H, WOOLFE. are supposed to lie good-natured a«d rowdy he graduates as a saloon slugger, Delusions. Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. not given to tongue lashing, there are the ward politician, and the sand-lot No man has mastered Christianity doubtless enough exceptions to the rule hoodlum. He is the same in all the large SHERIFF’S SALE to make this Jersey judicial outgiving cities of the United States ; he is the who is not susceptible to the communion n matter ot interest. Washington Ir same in the smaller cities and villages, of the Holy Ghost, or in modern B y V irtue of an E xecution and order ving, who cannot be regarded as the or a little worse. Whether his local language, the dictates of conscience. of sale duly issued by the clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County enemy of th** sex, w hen describing the name is “ hoodlum,”“ larekin,” “blood I am satisfied that every man in this of Tillamook, dated the 25th day of May. wife of old Rip Van U inkle, remarked tub,” ” slugugly,” “ dead-rabbit,” “bum­ county would accept the Chiistian re­ 1905, in a certain suit in the Circuit Court Is now located in the Store of said county and state, wherein F. K- that ” a tart tenq>er never mellows with mer,“ “ rough,’’ “ loafer,” or “ bowery ligion if it was presented to him in its Beals was plaintiff, and Vance Nodine. Allen formerly used as the Model .t Gilbert-Ramaker Co., a corporation, ami age. and a woman's tongue is the only ' bov,” he forms a kind by himself, and own light. The trouble is with the Tillamook County were defendants, in which Restaurant, where LADIES’, edged tool that grows sharper with has no counterpart in any other part of ministry. said suit, said F. R. Be.als, as plaintiff, re­ GENTLEMEN and MISSES’, covered a judgment on the 15th day ofNo- constant use ” Here, we observe, the the world. He respects neither God nor vcmoer, 1904, against the above named de­ When God was dictator he authorized CHILDREN FOOT WEAR fendants for the sum of $621.25 with in­ tongue of the shrewish woman is listed man ; neither the bald head of the pro­ the Jewish priesthood. When Christ be­ of the latest and best quality will terest thereon at the rate of eight per cent as a sharp-edged tool, w hich needs no phet nor the eye-glass of the philosopher. per annum from the 29th dav of November. came dictator he chose the disciples. 1903. and the further sum of $115.00 as a whetting, but keeps itself in trim by I Elisha’s she bears would have no ter- be constantly kept in stock. reasonable attorney’s fee and the costs ot Now that the Holy Ghost has assumed constant wagging. The farmer must rors tor him. His theoretical knowledge said suit taxed at $42.25, ordering, adjudg­ the responsibility both the Jewish priest ing and decreeing that the real property My experiauce in the shoe needs occasionally send his plow­ ; of hunting, derived from the study of described in plaintiff's mortgage and com­ and the disciple arc silenced that we may business for 30 years give me plaint, to-wit : points to the blacksmith and his dune novels and his practical skill with Beginning at the South West corner of the hear the voice within. J. C G ove . the advantage in selecting boots knives, scythes and other tools need weapons, give him such confidence in South East quarter of section eleven, m township two South of Range IO West ot whetting occasionally. But if he has himself that if warned of the punishment and shoes suitable for the Tilla­ Willamette Meridian, and running thence A Bad Scare. North along the VI est line of said South East a termagant wile, she has between visited upon the tormentors of Elisha, mook trade. The public are Someday you will get a bad scare, quarter twenty rods ; thence East at right her teeth what keeps sharp by an au he would coolv reply, “ Trot out your when you feel a pain in our bowels^ cordially invited to examine my angles to said West line eighty rods ; thence South at right angles to said last course tomatic and self perpetuating process. old she (wars Safety lies ni goodsand got price* before purchasing elsewhere. The bad boy has no and fear appendicitis. given twenty rods ; thence West along the I Dr. King s New Life Pill, a sure cure, South line of said section eighty rods to the All it needs is something to prac­ counterpart in any other part of the of beginning, containing ten acre» The Red Shoe Store is the only Boot and Shoe Store in Tilla- place tice on to keep in prime condition. world. In Europe youth is docile and for all bowel and stomach diseases, such more or less. as headache, bim>usnetw, cosUvenesa, Also, the East half of lot two in block tour As a goad tor a buy husband or slow respectful ; in Asia and Africa child­ etc. Guaranteed by Chas (. Clough’ mook county. of McDermott’s addition to Tillamook City, hired boy it is unsurpassed, and even hood or youth is in keeping with its drug store, only 2Ae. * Try them in Tillamook County, State of Oregon 1« sold to satisfy- said judgment, attorney s the cattle and poultry on the farm surroundings, but the bad boy of fees and all costs. ... Therefore notice is hereby given that I " learn ’to dread it worse than forked America is an anachronism ; he is sava­ Huge Task. on Satuadav. the 1st dav of July. 19"' Il was a huge task, to underteke the lightning. Working in collusion, a gery growing up in the midst of civili the hour of IO o'clock In the forenoon o< said day at the door of the Court House i" batch ot such tongues in a neighbor­ tation, impiety mocking at religion, cure of such a bad case of kidney di­ i Tillamook City Tillamook C'ouuty. Oregon, sease, as that of C. F. GotHer, of Chero­ j offer for sale at public auction to the highest hood are worst than a pestilence, and lawlessness pulling at the gown and kee. Is., but Electric Bitters did it He I bidder, for cash in hand, the real propertv in nervous persons have been known to wig ot law. and license masquerading in 1 writes •• My kidneys were so far gone. ! ’aid order and decree and herein before des j cribed to satisfy said judgment and decree I could not sit on a chair without a l«e driven to suicide bv their dissemi the costume of liberty. His mother is The proceeds arising from such sale of nation of scandal. Sh ikes pea re recog­ the “ old woman," his father is “dad” or cushion ; and suffered from dreadful , real property to be applied as follows Fir*» backache, headache and deprvtwion. In to the costs and disbursements of thi* suit nizes their |Miwer when he »peaks of the old man.’* bis language is slang Electric Ritters, however. I found a taxed at $42.25 together with $115‘8’ j tornev s fee and the costs, charges and ex­ people •• done to death by slanderous ami profanity, his amusement is violence, cure, ai'd by them was restored to per­ ?! !• pense of making such wale Second to tne tongues ** payment of the sum of $621.25 with inters*» hit religion and education a blank, and, fect health. 1 recommend this great I at eight per cent per annum from the 2.»t« But the question is, can one l»e con. worst of all. he is peculiar to the United tonic medicine to all with weak kidneys, [day of November. 1903. to F. K liver or stomach. Guaranteed by Chas. Third, that the balance if there beany, te sidcred in xiulation to the law fur States of North America. I. Clough, druggist. price 50c. ! I* paid to the clerk of said court. ^be ^illantoob Ijeabligbt The EASTWOOD NURSERIES Gresham, Oregon, NORTH-SSUTH-UST-WIST vsu wibb ria» NEW SUMMER FABRICS & !«*•»«! H II For Gentlemen’s Garments to Order. Headquarters _____ _________ for Ladies’ Tailoring 0 Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts, C «1.5 V Fir and Spruce Luinbei Spruce and and Boxes a TILLAMOOK LUMBE-R. COMPANY Pacific Navigation Co. Í K. Tillamook Iron Woks ? Blacksmiths TILLAMOOK, OREGON. & S’ Í & RED FRONT SHOE STORE \ll goods purchased of me will be repaired at the following rates : Men’s Shoes, half soled 60c. Ladies’ 40 c. Misses 35c. ¡F* F- BROWNE,Salesman C H WOOLFE Sheriff of Tillamook County. Oregon