Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 08, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. XVII. No. si.
>1.50 per year.
Fire, Smoke & Water,
STOCK reducing sale
The Price Cutting will
Backed by the Sheriff, could
not make the prices we do for
the next Two Weeks.
Come, join the pfocession,
and partake of thousands of
bargains that await you here.
10 Spools of Machine Thread
will be sold for ioc .
With every purchase of $5 or
over Or, if you prefer, 10 yds.
of the Best Calico for ioc. with
all purchases of $5.00 or over
throughout this big store.
1 be the most sensational ever before seen within the walls of Tillamook City, The most gigantic
undertaking ever known to man in this man’s country.
Mortli of the highest grade merchandise to be put out to all the people, and not the favored few,
at the most ruinous prices ever known to mortal man.
19 RAYA-
do the
oM 1 o WE flf*E O going
p 0(JR to lives
“12 DAYS.
Saturday, June 10th to Saturday, June 24th,
hook for the Price Tickets.
They denote a Saving Of 1-4 to 1-2 on your purchases.
We are going to do battle for the masses and not the classes. Twelve Days we want to make this the Greatest Cash
Gathering Sale that ever appeared within the history of this country, for with us it is cash we want and we must have it quick.
All former attempts at merchandising by us or any other concern within 50 miles of lillamook City will be eclipsed beyond all
question, lillamook will be in a stir as never before. There will be a hustle and a bustle throughout this entire big institu­
tion. It will be a wonderful gathering of the people. We will raise the roof ¡fit’s necessary. It will be a “Hot Time in the Old
Town.” We are going to pour hot shot into the enemy’s camp until they will think Togo is bombarding Tillamook City. There
Mill be cannonading all along the line, lor with us it is Cash Needed ami that badly. Our loss will be the people’s gain, and vve
expect them for 50 miles around to turn out to this harvest. Saturday Morning, June 10th, when these doors open, you will see
such a gathering of people as never appeared on the streets of Tillamook before. Rain or Shine the Battle Goes On.
From one end of this big store to the other you will find the greatest fluttering of price tickets, with price of destruction
marked on in plain figures. In a word, everything willl be in readiness,and there will be extra salespeople to wait on the crowds.
It matters not whether you want Voiles, Venetians,
Serges, Silks or Satins^ or anything that’s made in the dress
goods line, we carry nothing but fashion’s latest, and they
will go at prices ranging from 19c to $*.25 a yard. We
bought our dress goods direct from the men that made them
and they are going out to you at the most ruinous prices ever
quoted. In fact, we believe you will be down and buy a half­
dozen patterns for yourself and girls (if you have the girls), be­
cause such an undertaking was never attempted before in this
city. High carnival will reign throughout the entire store.
Our cash gathering must come and it must come fast.
The whole stock has been re-arranged. There never was
such a chauge in any store. The big price tickets will be on
the goods, so children as well as growu-up’s can buy with
safety. Remember that any item got in this hcuse that does
not meet with your approval, and is uot cut off a bolt can be
returned and your cash will be cheerfully refunded to you,
aud no questions asked.
No goods will be charged and nothing will go out on
approval. It is all cash with us and if you get what you don’t
want return it and get your money back providing it is not
cut off a bolt. No goods will be taken back or exchanged on
Mercerized Petticoats and Silk Petticoats. \\ e are going
to show you in plain words that you will find here an absolute
saving of 50c. to $2.25 on every one in this house to what
you have been paying elsewhere. The Petticoats you buy
here at $1 49 are better values than others ask $2.50 for,
and the ones you buy here at #1.9® are priced double that in
any other store in town. Then we have other kinds at 49c-»
88c. and $1.10 that are worth double, but with us it is jart
with the Petticoats and get the cash quick.
Send word to your neighbors and friends for miles around
they will appreciate it.
And now to make matters worse, so long as there is a
Spool in this house, you czn buy 10 Spools of Machine
Thread foa ioc. with every purchase of $5.00 or over ; or ii you
prefer, you can buy ioyards of the best CALICO for ioc.,with
every purchase of $5.00 or over.
All MILLINERY Must Go During the Sale.
For the opening of the sale Saturday, June 10th, we will
fill both of our large front windows with Millinery, marked to
sell at the lowest prices ever known.
In one window there will be values up to $1.5° at
choice 35c.
. . 1,
In other window, there will be all of our hats that sell
regularly at $1.75 to $3.50 for choice I.49C.
There will be Hundreds of Pairs of
“Topsyr Stockings
Throwu on the altar of sacrifice, for Women, Misses and
C itizens
Six Hold
The Range and parti­
culars of the Contest are
displayed in the north
The Range xjuill be
given auiay July 4th,
after being in the eon-
test only 27 business
Each 50c. purchase
you to ONE
GUESS for the Hand-
some Range.
The Most Gigantic Undertaking ever known
to man in this County.
Ever Held in Tillamook.
Saturday morning, June 10th, we will place on sale an
immense quantity of new ribbons. They are strictly all Silk,
Satin, Taffeta, Satin Tafetta and Fancy Stripes, Plaids and
two toned effects. All widths, from the dainty little under
muslin ribbons to the stately sash ribbons. Cash getting
prices will range : Jie., 4e., 6c., 7c., 9e., lie., 14e
19e. and up to 38e.
Oceans of Notions.
The whole house will be ablaze with bargains. During
this sale, you can buy papers of pins for ic. and all size
hooks and eyes 2 dozen for ic.
Squeezing corset prices, such prices as we will make for
the next twelve business days will do the work, for certainly
no sane person will pay twice thp prices elsewhere for inferior
makes that we will sell the famous American Lady Corset for.
Women’s and Misses Coats Jackets and Capes at Just
Half Price.
During our Cash Getting Sale we will place on Sale our
entire stock of Coats, Capes and Jackets at just half regular
Kid Gloves on the Toboggan.
Our entire stock of Women’s Kid Gloves will slide to the
lowest ¡»rice notch during our cash-getting sale.
T illamook C ounty : 'Sou are hereby not.tied
before any representative of Haltom’s Depaatment Store and «amine
large line of Men’s Furnishings, Summer Suits, la s, . "
. j
Trunks, Suit Cases and everything else you w.ll need to attend the
and Clark Exposition. Those failing to appear on or before June 24t ,
1905, will do so at the peril of their pocket
Charter Oak Steele Range Given
If a factory in Ireland had failed and given us these goods
we could not sell them cheaper. Buy your Linen Supplies
now, for you will never be able to buy them so cheap again.
A Surgical Operation will take place in the Ladies’
Tailor Made Suit, Skirt and Waist Department.
We have cut the prices so deep that they are not recog­
nizable, and now they are yours, if you get here in time.
Shoes for Men, Shoes for the Women, Shoos for the Boys,
Shoes for the Girls, and it’s a certainty we won’t forget the
Babies, because it is going to be Shoe Day down here every
day. To assist in easy and quick selections, we will place
hundreds of shoes in large wooden boxes and name one price
for your choice. All economical people will anticipate their
shoe needs for months ahead and lay in a supply now.
Men’s Work Shirts and Dress Shirts.
Shirts worth 50c. to 75c. Haltoui has cut ’em loose at 38c.
Dress Shirts that are sold the world over at $1.25 to 11.50 will
be on sale here during this Cash Getting Sale at 88c.
A great Clothing Sale will be in full blast as soon as the
doors are open next Saturday morning. Suits for the men,
Suits for the boys, Overcoats for the men, Overcoats for the
boys. We have clothing for
everybody, and it’s going to be
clothing day down here every
day during this Cash Getting
Sale. We have one big lot of
Men’s Suits at >4-98 that
would be considered cheap in
some stores at |8.oo to $10.00.
We have another pile of Men’s
Suits at 89-98, worth $12.50
to $15.00.
Then there are a big stack
of Boy’s Suits at $1.19 that
would be considered cheap at
$2.00 to $2.50.
You will find another stack
of Boy’s Suits at $1.95 that
are positively worth double
the amount.
A Few Don’ts.
Don’t wait too long ; don’t be skeptical; don’t miss the
opportunity ; don’t fail to tell your friends ; don’t hesitate to
come ; don’t over buy ; don’t be broke ; don’t get
mad if someone tramps on your corns in the rush for bargains ;
don’t ask us to take back or exchange goods on Saturdays ;
we cannot do it, too busy.
FOR 12
Commencing June loth, and ending Saturday
Night at Midnight June 24th.
W’e do the battle of our lives to unload this big stock of merchandise
that will wake up the people from all parts of Tillamook County.