TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 1, Enjoins Tillamook City. Hon. George Cohn. May 22, 1905. Tillamook City, Oregon. Dear Sir: I have fl'e'l a suit iu equity, in the United States court, whereby, weseek to enjoin the city, of which you are the executive head* also, the water commission, fiotn selling water to the people of Tillamook and use water which is ths product of the plant they are seeking to establish. We have h eretofore requested that an appear ance might be entered iu behalf of the defendants. 1 sent Claude Thayer a copy ot my complaint. It is simply up to this term ; It will cost four dol­ lars for each sevice which amounts to something over one bundled dollars to send the marshal to Tillamcok City to make the service. 1 have the tnouey, and will not hesitate to spend it, it the defendants are stubborn enough to demand it. It does seetn to me that good business sense would teqiiiie the defendants to authorize their attorneys to enter an appeift- ance and theret j save the cost, because, it will eventually devolve upon the loosing party to pay it. 1 think you have sufficient authority as mayor of the city to authorize the appearance, aud knowing you as 1 do to be a businessman, and a reasonable cue, 1 make this request of you not only personally, but as a business proposition. The marshal is a salaried officer, and the fees would simply go to the government, and for myself, 1 would rather the litigants would bare the benefit of if. Plea-e let me hear from you along these lines, attei you havo consulted with Mr. Thayer, and such other at­ torneys as you may desire to employ. I am sir, Fraternally yours, W. 11. Holmes. Vote of Condolence. Bay Citv Lodge, No. 102, A.F. & A.M., Bay City, Oregon, May 26th, 1905. Whereas, The Messenger death has entered our lodge and taken from our midst Bro. Alexander Campbell to that undiscovered country from whose bourne iu» traveler has vet returned ; Therefore, be it resolved that in the death of Brother Campbell this lodge lias lost a good and worthy brother, the family a kind indulgent father, the com- muni tv a good citizen. Resolved, that these resolutions be entered on the minutes ot the lodge, a copy seni to the family, and a copy sent to the newspapers of the county ior ] ublicatiou. Committee, Miles Warren, D. W. Rhodes, Allred Mugiiu?on ; Peter Nelson, secret a ry. __________________ ORETOWN Metvortnl services were held at the Orttown school house on Sunday, May 28ih. The exercises were opened with prayer by Mr. Porter, then followed a song by six young ladies. Mr. Fletcher introduced Rev. Day, who delivered a verv capable address. After the singing ot the national hymn, Mr Fletcher made a few appropriate remarks and extended an invitation to nil present to partake of a bountiful lunch, served on the school grounds. All then repaired to the cemetery, where an appropriate but short program was rendered. As one lingered for a last took an inex­ pressible feeling of patriotism and ad miration, not unmingled with sadness however, was felt for our fallen heroes. "Rest on enbalmed and sainted dead,dear as the blood ye shed. No impious foot steps here shall tread the herbage ot your graves.’’ SPRUCE. * I. Holgate is hauling his milk to Bea­ ver now. Ben Powell was in our neighborhood a few days ago. Dell Spencer is working for H. Foland this summer. Oran Wallace is working for Mr. Hunt, near town. Mrs. C. Dye is improving. Born, to the wife of Connie Dye, a fine 9 pound girl, mother ami babe are doing fine. Connie is not so well. Cliff Kiunaman is visiting his cousin, Roxie Woods, at Pleasant Valley. Clyde Kinuaman bad the misfortune to loose a nice cow last week, She got her leg broke. Bud Wallace returned home Saturday from Nehalem, where he had been driving cattle. Charley Fleck had the misfortune to get two of his ribs broke last week while at work at the Yellow Fir mill. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Gess- ner is no better. Ernest Hagg is at work at the saw niill this week. hat is the matter ? We don’t hear a word about bark. I suppose the people got scared out last year or beat out, I can’t sav which. Tillamook county can’t be beat for pure water, fresh air, sea breeze, _____ nice H >wers, rain and sunshine, but oM Mr. Jack Frost comes along once in a while and steals the old w Jinan’s beans and t »ma toes. A Bad Scare. Sotne .lay you w,|| get a bail scare, w>a-n y.iu fed a pain io our bowels, and fear ap|«ndiciti». Safety lies in Dr King'» New Life Pill, a sure cur-, •or all bowel and stomach diseases. Burh *• headache, biliousness ; C istiveoeea, **c. Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough, “•<•8 store, only 35c.' Try them. A City’s Official Brigandage. The huge Philadelphia gas job, a ring robbery of both the present generation and posterity, was forced thiough the council of that city by the gang whip, while an indignant gathering of the people who had assembled to protest was held back by the police force. It is said that the council will pass the bill again oyer the mayor’s veto, which can be done by a three.fifths majority. Sur. prise is expressed that any official body ol men should venture to defy public opinion and trample oncoinmon honesty in this way. The explanation offered is that the leaders of the ring control 10,000 places and give out many valua ble contracts. They use this patronage to force a large ¡majority of councilmen to vote as directed. "Go along with us, or no mercy,” is their motto One councilman said : “ Most all of my busi ness is with the city or its contractors. Whnt can I do ? I ll have to go along.'' By a deal with the machine a gas company operating the works owned by the city, and whose lease has several years vet to run, is bent on extending it seventy-five years, practically keeping np the price to consumers all that time. It offers a lump sum of $25.000,000 for the new lease, and the city needs money, having almost exhausted the legal limit for borrowing. No doubt the $25,000,- 000 would be largely stolen by the gang. Philadelphia's plight is all the more desperately bad because municipal ownership has failed to protect it. It owns its gas plant and ran it for years, or rather the machine operated it for gang benefit, and steered it into in. tolerable conditions. A company then leased it, but still the plundering goes on, even worse than before. It is shameful that free government can be debased in this manner, with no legal remedy within reach of an outraged citizenship. The gambling rooms at ¡Wasco, Or., were raided by the Citv Marshal and three deputies of that place. All the money and chips were confiscated, and six gamblers arrested and placed in jail. * * * Mr. Bryan can easily remain the first man in his party in the public estima­ tion, so long as he is not unfortunate enough to be elected to an office where the responsibility of a great emergency is put up against him, with the temp­ tation to plav the demagogue so irr<- sistible to most Democrats * * * A Democratic paper wants to know what benefit civilization derives ” from all this killing of Moros." But for the United States the Philippines would be a haunt of pirates and bandits, and civilization is always benefited by stamping out such evils, This country is simplv fulfilling the responsibilities it necessarily assumed. * * * Nick Brown, living jnst north ot Waterville, Wash., uses an alarm clock to wake himself mornings, and about daylight he heard what he thought was the clock. Jumping out of bed he heard the same sound coming apparently from the bed and turning around he noticed the bedquilts moving. He put on a pair of gloves and made a grab at the moving quilts. To his horror he found that he had grabbed a large rattlesnake by the neck. Brown held on while the rattler coiled around his arm. Brown finally secured a butcher­ knife and had to cut the snake from his arm and smash its head before it would give up. The snake had 14- rattles and a button. Ur.der the quilts where the rattler lav was found a number of little rattlesnakes. * * * In the absence of any information whatever regarding the reported sinking of an American steamer by Vice-Admiral Rojestvenskv, officials in Washington profess a disinclination to discuss pub- liclv any international aspects the case may have. Much depends on the action of the vessel when she was halted, whether the cargo she carried was con­ traband, and on other matters. If the vessel refused to stop when the Russians ordered it to, the latter, according to the view here, in the exercise of their rights under the existing war conditions, had a right to sink her on the spot. Many American, as well as vessels of other nationalities, are asserted to be carrying contraband of war in the I ar East , and if the vessel sunk was doing this she was liable to seizure under the law as to prizes and to be disposed of according to the rules of war. * * M The man behind the guu at the Bear Mouth, Mont . holdup of the east bound Northern Pacific passenger train. No. 2, is at the point of death from a blow de­ livered by express messenger Laub, when the robber stooped to pick up a sack of coin from the shattered sale. The high­ wayman's partner or partners took to the lulls, and after being traced byjblood. houmls fronf the penitentiary for several mil’ s crossed a creek, aad the dogs and posse were baffled. No money was se­ cured, and the Northern Pacific cfficinls feel so greatful that word was wired that checks for »1000 each had been sent to Engineer Wilson and ‘.Express Messenger Laub tor their bravery in de- fending the company’s property. After the one man had. ordered the engineer and fireman to accompany him to the express car, several shots were fired to keep the rest of the train crew inside the cars. The man behind the gun informed theengiueer and fireman that his part- 1905. ners were doing the shooting and they had nothing to fear so. long as they obeyed orders, * ★ * Our ships on the lake»», built under protective conditions, are the biggest i and best salt water craft in the world. * * * While the bomb season continues, the ( czar of Russia has abolished apple dump­ lings from the royal bill of fare. * > * (. hicago has built a great drainage canal. W hy not add a system of big pneumatic tubes to replace balky team­ ing ? * M * Ex-President Cleveland is anxious to see how the present administration will face the big trgasury deficit without issuing a lot of bonds. Paint, Varnish, * W * Sashes, A contemporary says a policy of buy­ ing government supplies abroad “sug­ gests the possibility of the future Amer, ican housewife doing her daily market­ ing abroad.’’ How would that work in relation to the American wages of her husband ? * * * : Gen. Davis, who has been governor of Agents Western Saw the Panama zone for a year, says the sanitary conditions there are as good as those of Louisiana or South Carolina, and constantly improving. Only 3 per The Most in Tillamook sent of the 10,000 canal workmen are on the sick list. The sensational stories spread lately about the health conditions along th** canal route are inventions. * * * President Roosevelt has been requested Filled With the Holy Ghost. »SR B. L. EDDY. H. T. BOTTS. to take cognizance of the publicity that , VaVKTO 'OXNOHOi This is characteristic of the Christian has been brought about by the Equita­ ddy botts religion. Until a man is susceptable to j NVIOVNV3 aa/AOX ble life assurance society trouble, and to A ttorneys - at -L aw . the influence of the Holy Ghost his institute a national investigation of the Christianity is immaginary if he has any -O3 H3AAOX ’Í V insurance business as it is now con­ wimp cfib »m Complete set of Abstract Books at all. The Jews rejected Christ by say­ ducted. The inquiry into the beef trust W6L *UIVJ S 0ÍH0M1HVMY 1S3H9IH r ing they had Moses and the prophets. and the present Standarn oil investiga *3ttpjodg jo 3un(40Ay ‘3U? in office. Taxes paid for uou- Since the Holy Ghost.became the guide, -Xt»M Joj I’M are quoted as precedents. (-iio|ivo|i<(d« uo p*q oq X*ra joii .’I p."*!) >||t>snn men resist its ’ gentle influence by pre ­ Residents. •14» aaiHM eqi jo vv.uppa pus atuwu oqj,) * * * ./patJAAO J9A9 I »PIVU OUO In departing to his farm for the sum. tending to be followers of Christ. Every jaqiO Xu® treqi jnoX io »no pojtuoo Office opposite Post Office. wotu usuoS OAoq t iuqi Xus ¡¡ ja \ j pu® nier Vice President Fairbanks remarked: man is bound to be judged by what was •poq o» ;o3 3M jj iq3ju js asaoo b joj pu» Both phones. “I like farming, and have gone through > in vogue in his time, those under the •pauiuj jt uaqAA jboo uibj b ‘XpuiAA uaqM IWOO pUIAA B *p|O3 it from top to bottom. It is the life, law by the followers of Christ by his UaqAA 1BODJ3AO Utt J»y»HS l3UiU“>d JOJ pasn *J3>P!IS after all that makes the blood flow and piecepts, and those under the dispensa­ QNVNfl HSId® tion of the Holy Ghost by the conscience give a real charm to life. One gets near- 'Y\/r H- COOPER, qjiAABueiuojM oi pueag H^iJ v HUnh SBX9X UJO-B i'BJl er nature when lie is engaged in cultivat­ within. The only difference I have ever ®qj paAAO||OJ l ,ea .L »Hi W ing the soil and harvesting its products.” been able to discover between a Chris­ ATT orney - at -L aw That view is widly held, and makes the tian and a maniac is that the maniac United States the greatest agricultural I is too dumb to reverence the Spirit. Christ spoke in parables lest they nation on earth. T illamook , O regon . TILLAMOOK * * * should understand, but the Holy Ghost The Democrats will be intensely dis came to lead into all truth and to reveal appointed to hearthat the issue of sup­ the wav. The difference between the CARL HABERLACH, plies for Panama has su I lenlv failed crimnal and the insane is that the crim- ( incorporated ), them, thanks mainly to the intervention nal hardens his heart dispite the con- of Speaker Cannon. Our friends the victionsi of the Spirit. He knows right TILLAMOOK CITY, ORE. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, enemy took far too much for granted, from wrong and persists in doing the Skutechcr ^bvoltat, a habit that has wrecked their hopes wrong. PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000. so often that it is strange they continue Office across the street and north from Every man in a Christian land is A GENERAL BANKING to fall a victim to it so readily. The accountable to the Holy Ghost. The law the Post Office. matter of supplies for Panama, as might of God and the precepts of Christ have, BUSINESS. have been forscen, will be referred to no more to do with us than the man in ’ Congress when it assembles, and the re­ the moon. To reverence the Holy Ghost DirectorsM. W. H arrison , W, w J3OBIÍRT A. MILLER publican majority in that body is ample is but to assert our natural independence, I Ct'RTI«S, B. L EllllV. large enough for the proper settlement of that is whv men who reverence the| A ttorney - at -L aw . Cashier:—M. W. H arrison . Spirit need an Independent Church. ; public questions as lhev arise for legisla­ Oregon City, Oregon. J. C. G ove . I Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edge securi tive action. Speaker Cannon’s wise ties of all kinds. judgment and advice have frequently Deafness Cannot be Cured | Land Titles and Land Office been of timely service to the country. by local application*, as they cannot reach the I | Business a Specialty. diseased portion o. the ear. Theie is only one The Democratic assumption in the whole way to cuie deafness, and that it* by eonstitu ' C. B. LEEP, Deafness is caused by an in- j incident was hastv and exaggerated, and 1 t"J tional remedies. ft > . ii. <1 condition 11 i flaiiicd of the mucous lini g of the now that the subject is closed the free- Enstachiau Tube. When this tube gels inflam­ Santa and Shcms Nea'ily ("A H. UI’TON, Ph.G.,M.D. ed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect trade party will have to reconcile itself hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deainese Repaired. is the result, and un ess the inflammation can to facts as best it can. P pysician and S urgeon . be taken out and this tube restored to its nor­ ma! condition, hearing will be destroyed f<> - First Class Work Guaranteed, ever, nine cases out of ten ate caused by Office one block west of the An Advocate of Lynching. Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con­ Give me a trial, dition of the mucous services. Allen Bouse, Tillamook City. The Fredericktown (Mo.) Democrat- We will give O ik Hundred Dollars for any Next to the Headlight Office. case ot Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can­ News is of the opinion that some of the not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for Calls answered promptly newspapers, "ar- indulging in a good circulars, free. E J. CHUNKY «i CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. deal of sentimental rot’’ over the hang Hail's Family Pills are the best. ing by a mob of a negro kidnaper nt Bel­ mont in that state. It says the lynching BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER. was " n good riddance of Imd rubbish, BEAL ESTATE, and we are willing to let it go at that.’* SHAVING, HAIR 0U1T1NG In other words, mob rule is the right F inancial A gent , SHAMPOOING, ETC sort of treatment for what is called the Tillamook, Oregon. lubbish of society, which means, in this case, an offender who deprived others Electric Baths nicely fitted up. Goodfor of liberty and threatened to murder persons suffering with rheumatism. "'BOS. COATES, them. He was foiled by presence of mind and captured. It is not denied Agent fur Fireman’s that he was a kidnaper, a crime for Fund and London and Lanca­ which death may be inflicted under the shire Fire Insurance laws of Missouri. Companies. It is not claimed that the prisoner TIME CARD was likely to escape. A mob gathered, Tillamook .. Oregon. took him from the hands of the law and EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 4 1904 executed him on the spot. But is the J^VOR ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, " good riddance of bad rubbish” to pro­ Arrive. PORTLAND Leave ceed on this basis and to be justified GO TO in public prints ? The whole fabric of 8:00 «.in. I Portland Union ' 1 1:10 a.m. f depot for Astoria. 1 l»:4O p.m. 7:00 p tn. law and order rests on a different TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT foundation. It must be all wrong, if Arrive. ASTORIA Leave TRI ST CO. the Fredericktown paper is right. Ac­ HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Doors, Window Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES for the Great M c I ntosh & mcnair co Reliable Merchants County E , & COUNTY BANK LATIMER, BROS., In every town and village may be had, the 1 A-& C. R ,R. Axle Grease that makes your horses glad. cording to the laws, crime ami other evils must be dealt with through the courts and after searching examina­ tion. Mol.« listen only to the accu«a. tion, if they listen at all. They mur­ der in their own fashion on haphazard statement made in an excited crowd. Trial by mob must be condemned, if law and order are to lie approved and upheld. If this rule is sentimental rot, then the wisdom of ages is at fault and the whole groundwork of government a mistake. The Belmont lynching was the killingot a prisoner, a defiance of the law and its methods tint ought to be sternly punished. Huge I ask. It wa« a huge task, to underteke the cure of huc I i a bad cane of kidney di- M*aae, as that of 0. F. < •oilier, o< Chero­ kee. 1».. but ___ Electric Bitter» did it. . lie “~ writes •• My kidney* were ho far gone, I could not "it on a chair without a _______ from dreadful cushion ; ; «ml — -- suffered —-- - backache, h-adache and depression. In Electric Bitt» re. however, I found a cure. ai