Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 01, 1905, Image 1

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FREE ! Beautiful DISHES
URDAY, JUNE 3rd, we will
give one piece of GLASS
WARE to each customer that
trades ONE DOLLAR or
Walkover Shoes at Todd’s.
H. T. Botts, for abstracts.
Big Bargains in Bicycle at Fage’s.
Gordon Hats and Gloves at Todd's.*
('.ent.’s Furnishing Goods at Todd’s.*
Crouse & Bran digee Clothing at
Half soles, all sizes and prices at W. E.
Trade your old bike to Page for a
good one.
W. J. Gray, of Portland,was iu the city
on Monday.
J. J. McGinnis, of Hebo, was in the city
on Monday.
S. B. Morris was in from the light sta­
tion on Monday.
The best sewing machine oil and
needles at Page’s.
House to rent. Apply to M. C. Trow,
bridge, Tillamook.
Charley Smith, of Portland, was in the
ci tv on Wednesday.
Geo Smith and wife, of Salem, were in
the city on Saturday.
Good Sewing Machines for little
money.—W. E. Page.
The best equipped bicycle repair shop
is at Fred Forslund’s.
Call and see the Racycle Bicycle at \V.
H. Cary’s before buying.
George T. and Sherman Ward were in
from Dolph on Saturday.
Harness and Sole Leather and Shoe­
maker’s supplies at Page’s.
James Armstrong was in the city on
Wednesday from Portland.
Money to loan on improved farm pro-
1 erty.—Apply to F. R. Beals.
Jack Baker and Harry Meyers were in
from Portland on Wednesday.
Miss Clara Hollander will open school
in the Hays district on Mon ay.
S. Lundburg and wife,of Nehalem,were
in the city several days this week.
The steamer W. H. Harriso:i came in
on Saturday with freight and pipe.
Wasco Hard Wheat Flour lead the
flour trade in the city. Cohn sells it. *
Horse for Sale.—Apply to J. A. Wag­
ner, on the Mills’ place, Wilson river. *
The social arranged by the ladies of the
U.B. church for this evening is called off
Take vour Eggs. Hides and Produce to
Cohn’s if you want the highest market
Walter Baker goes out on the steamer
on Friday to vis’t the fair and his sister
at Eugene.
The Lewis and Clark Fair op?ns today
and from all accounts it is going to be a
gieat success.
G. Munson left on the steamer on Sat­
urday on account of the serious illness
of Guss Allison.
Bikes, beds, springs, tables, stands,
mattresses, guns, revolvers, etc. Cheap
at W. E. Page's.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore will leave
for Garibaldi today and sail for Astoria
in the morning.
Erwin Hart ison and wife returned to
the city on Sunday, after being in South,
ern Oregon the past winter.
Rev. N. S. Hankins and wife will leave
about the 15th for Portland to visit the
fair, and from there they go to Spokane.
The Racycle is a totally different
It will climb hills that no
other bicycle can. For sale at W. H.
Cohn & Co. have sold ten barrels of
their famous Diamond C. Coffee during
past month. It is a trade winner for
J. A. Wagner, who is on the Mills place
at Fairview, had a brood of 25 chicken
hatched out by one hen and only lost one
of them.
For sale or will trade, a 3-vear old
Shorthorn bull for heifer, fresh or will lx
soon.—Address H. A. Kinnaman. Spruce,
Fred Forslund, the Plumber, does all
kinds of plumbing in a workmanship
style and makes a specialty of that kind
of work.
Lost, a plush robe.—A reward of $10
will be paid by A. G. Beals lor the return
of the same Was lost near the Grange
hall on Saturday.
given away at haltom s
~The Jar contained 566 Peas —
Tae correct number was guessed
#1.50 per year
| question was asked us, How much of tinker's cuss whether he blows it in or
Editorial Snap Shots.
| his salary does the road boss actually not. He will find there are people in this
It was reported that Rojestvensky was I 1 - earn,
“rr. We will give it up. Ask the boss’ county who will not be bulldozed by such
a sick man. VVc believe it—directly be I boss or some of the tadpole bosses who absurd threats. Perhaps Mr. Holmes
saw the Japanese fleet.
boss the road work. Don’t think for my compel the city to conte to terms and
* * *
one moment that we want to boss, for force the city to compromise, but that is
The road, not the sidewalk, is the pro­ there wouldn't be a road boss if the tax­ I a point vet to be decide, and which we
per place for horses. Please quit walk­ payers had an opportunity to vote expect the attorneys for the city will re.
ing your horse on the sidewalk.
whether the boss’ head should come off commend at some intnre date, when the
* ★ *
or stay on.
smoke of battle is over and Mr. Holmes’
For sale, four good 3 year old heifers
*ill the city have to take water by
We are told there are to be five June
and three i year old cows, all of which the “water cure” procers ? We believe
bombast has taken a fall after blowing
weddings of well known Tillamookers,
This was the remark that was heard in the sack at his command.
will come in fresh soon. Apply to L, C. that is what the city will be advised to
Gee ! Is there going to be hard times or in the Allen house on Sunday : ‘Eddy
* * *
Smith at Bar View.
do before verv long. But what a peach is this a sign ot prosperity ?
has gone away ; Harvey is going away.
There is considerable talk going on in
Merril Smith will leave on this trip Tillamook City’s bonded octopus is.
* * *
If we could only get Headlight Baker out
of the steamer for Portland ; so will also
The Czar says he is going to send ano­ of the way we would have things our this city, some of which is exaggerated,
Hon. B. L. Eddy, of Tillamook, is
Charley Smith and Miss Marie Smith, slated tor the registership of the Rose­ ther fleet to the East. We have thought own way like we used to.” We are sorry about the local option law being violated
in a few instances. We have every rea­
who will go to Salem.
burg Land Office—so it is a little more all along that he was crazv in sending indeed, gentlemen, that we are such a son to believe that the law is being vio­
Part of the school exhibit for the Lewis than rumored. Mr. Eddy is one if the Baltic fleet there. Now he talks like sticker, but we have no idea of quitting
lated by a few persons, which could be
and Clark fair, from Tillamook countv Oregon's few big men who has not been a madman.
vet.. But what a bad individual the put a stop to if the officials wanted to.
schools, was shipped to Portland oil the indicted, and he can undoubtedly fill the
Two of our attorneys have tried teat Headlight man must be when some peo­ If this is not done, there will soon be as
steamer on Saturday.
office to the satisfaction of all concerned. pulling and have given it up. We always ple want to get rid of him. That would strong a sentiment against the violators
T. H. Goyne will return to the city in We are at a loss, however, for a reason thought members of the bar would make never do, for the “knockers” would not of the law and the officials as there was
about two weeks from his farm and will why abig legal light like Mr Eddy should excellent teat pullers, but we are mis­ have anyone to bellyache about* if they against the gamblers. Aud. besides, it is
did not have the Headlight man to pitch only furnishing the anti-saloon people
open up a law office and put out his desire such a small plum.—Lincoln Coun­ taken in our idea.
ty News.
shingle at the old stand.
* * *
with more evidence and weapons to de­
* * *
The Russian fleet gained one victory iti
The North Pacific Steamship Company
E. M. Harvey has sold his interest in
feat the saloon advocates, for if the lat­
The graduating exercises on Saturday,
the laundry, and after making more im­ has decided to make regular calls into its attack upon English Ashing boats, so
ter will persist in breaking the law and
and the graduates from the high school
defy the people of this county, then there
provements on his homestead, will take Tillamook with their steamer Newport, it cannot be said that it did not add some
which runs between Pori land and Eu­ laurels to its fighting qualities before it
a trip to Eastern Oregon.
is one thing, sure, the people will not
and we must congratulate the citizens
went to Df»vey Jone’s locker.
onlv cast their votes tor local optioifagain
Prof. E. H.Whitney will go outside for reka. This will mean competition in the
that they take so much pride in main­
* * *
but lor officials who will do their duty,
a few weeks on Saturday, and will visit freight and passenger business again, for
the Monmouth State Normal and the some of the business men have decided to ness for a night watchman to undertake learning, and in allowing pupils from all for having wiped out the gambling curse
patronize the new boat, which will give
they can also wipe out the curse of cer­
State University at Eugene.
a ten da\s’service. She may call in at the experiment of trying to get up steam parts of thecounty to avail themselves tain laws being broken by lawless per.
The Beaverites who registered at the any lime, but she will he due here about with a “dry” boiler. That is carrying of the high school studies upon the pay­
Allen house on Monday were N.J. Dye, the 4th or Sth on her return trip, when the local option law to extremes.
ment of a nominal fee. One thing can be
* * *
* M *
P. I. Dye, John H. Tucker, Emma and the agent will be here to solicit business
said, and the people of this city and dis­
Why is it that Nehalem has not made
Mary Tucker and H. D. Davidson.
trict can flatter themselves upon, and the progress in dairying that the south
from the merchants.
county, we leel satisfied that a large that is Tillamook City offers better educa­ part of thecounty has and the prosperity
When you want tinning done go to
The steamer had a Large passenger list number of our citizens regret his depar­ tional advantages to home seekers than
it is enjoying ? Simply because county
Fred Forslund’s. All work strictly first when she left here on Saturday, which
ture. Tillamook countv has lost a good most of the cities with larger populations. officials have not given that section of
class aud guaranteed. Repairs ot all was as follows : H. H. Hathaway, Miss
citizen, a gentleman who can fill most
thecounty a square deal and in neglect­
* * *
kinds are executed with neatness.
E. Macdonald, Mrs. Macdonald, G.Mun anv position he may be called upon to
Assessor Hare expects that the census ing to bridge the Nehalem river. We
There will be an adjourned meeting of son, Miss Armitage B. L. Eddy and wife occupy.
he is taking will show a decided decrease hope the Nehalemites will pardon us for
the county court on Monday, when bids and family, T. J. Dcneby, W. F. Harri­
* * *
Worse still ! It was a banquet that in the population of Tillamook county. what we are about to say, but for several
will be opened to lease the two toll roads son, Miss Vessey, Miss Jones, G. S.Yates,
He is doing this alone, and should he fail years it is plain to us that the politicians
in the south part of the county.
Alex. Turor, John Saug, Mrs. Heins and Host Alien’s bachelor boarders gave to
enumerate everybody, it will be on ac­ have been working them for this or that
Mrs. Wiley leaves on the steamer to son. John Kangas, Joe Saug, A. D. Bar­
of trying to save expense to the party or candidate on false political pro­
make her home in Portland, and her son, nard, C A. Barnard, C. F. Taylor, Mrs ing room before she left the city. What
county. No one will be surprised to hear mises. No doubt, if the bridge is not
Dr. Percy Wiley will accompany her,who
that the population of thecounty is on put in before the next June election, the
G A. Seney, W. W. Curtiss and Captain Headlight man not being there to take
is going into the hospital in that city.
the decrease by the way people have been politicians will have the Nehalemites on
Mrs. Masters, Henry Cook, James Parker.
* * *
leaving on account of no work for those the string again with false promises—to
N. P. Heisel died suddenly on Monday
Hiner, Thos. Weaver, Charley Smith and
How many Tillamookers are there w ho seeking employment. Until such time as get their votes. Alter the election there
Martin Wallace were the passengers who morning at the home of his brother, ' are saving up their “dough” to go to Tillamook county can secure railroad will be no bridge because the finances of
Hans Heisel, aged 43 years and 8 months. the fair ? Portland will be the center of connections, it is plain to those who thecounty ure in bad shape. But money
come in on the Elmore on Wednesday.
Mrs. S. B. Catterlin and Mrs. Ame He was born in Bollersleben, Germany, attraction and amusement this summer, have watched the situation that the is forthcoming for most everything else,
Clearwater, who crime in about a month on the 29th September, 1861, and came and it will not be surprising if people go population will not increase until that to paying a fancy price for toll roads, the
ago to care for Mrs. A. | Brant in her to the United States in the summer of - there for a good time in preference to the time, so the best thing to do for the salary of a road master, which could be
countv is to keep on agitating for a rail­ easily saved, paying other people money
sickness, started for their home at Salem 1889, and lived the greater part of the ibeach.
* * #
time since in San Francisco, Cal. His
road. In 1900 Hood River had a popu­ fordoing work which should be done by
health failing him. his brother, P. Heisel, < South Pra»rie school district is to con lation of 622, while today it has nearly county officials, etc.—yet no bridge for
Bull for sale by T. J Bibby, of Long
brought him to Tillamook, where he has I aider the ad visability of sending pupils 2000 Eugene has doubled in population Nehalem river. If the Nehalemites will
Prairie. ’’Royal Star.’’ registered in
since lived with his brothers. He leaves I to the Tillamook school. We have for a in five years, and all the valley towns are put on their considering caps they will see
American Short Horn Breeders’ Associa,
a father, who resides in Germany, two long time thought the neighboring dis on the increase.
they have been worked on political pro­
tion in yol. 44, his No. 137,780. Will
brothers and two sisters to mourn- his tricts ought to do this, especially with
* * *
mises too long and with no results, and
sell cheap.
death. His funeral occurred on Wednes­ the advanced pupils, but somehow it is
We do not wish to be severe in our cri­ they will have to adopt different meth­
The steamer Sue H. Elmore cam*in on day, the religious service being in the a trouble to get districts to break away ticism of Attorney W. II. Holmes in his ods if they ex|xct to get the bridgeacross
Thursday her passengers being A. L. U.B. church, which was attended by a from customs and to see the advantages letter to Mayor Cohn regarding the suit the south fork. The population of the
Lovesee, H. R. Riegal, Mrs. Mary Rie- large number of sympathizing friends. of a graded and high school.
filed in the federal court by the Tilla­ north end of the county will increase as
* * *
gal,J. L. Leslie, M. I Baker. S. S. Pro­ The funeral was conducted by Rev. N. S.
mook Water Cotnpanv to enjoin the city soon as that bridge is put in, for there is
vost and C. F. Taylor.
Hankins, pastor of the U.B. church, and
from selling water to the people. He, valuable land which will soon be turned
ing for a bigger bonded indebtedness than
Chas. Fleck met with an accident last the remains were laid to rest in the Odd-
however, is inclined to be bombastic, for into dairy farms when there is a way to
the city could stand they never stopped
he makes an absurd threat : ‘I have the get the products to market. Wesav this,
Saturday at Wist's saw mill, when a log fellows’ cemetery.
to consider the effect it would have upon
rolled on him and broke two ribs and
The graduating exercises of the public the population, the trouble to rent money, and will not hesitate to spend if, and we say it emphatically, build the
mashed his shoulder. Dr. Percy Wiley school took place at the opera house on houses and the depreciation in the valua­ if the defendants are stubborn enough to bridge across the Nehalem this year and
was called toattend to the injuries of the Friday evening, when the opera house tion of city property by plastering the demand it.’’ Well, get in ajid spend it, get through with it without any more
unfortunate man.
was packed with patrons and friends of entire city property with a 30 years bon­ Mr. Holmes, for no one over here cares a political tomfooling and humbug.
Appropriate memorial services took the public school. Everything was nicely dage plaster. It is hard to tell what
places in this city with a memorial ser carried out and the graduates from the it will amount to .before it is through
mon in the M.E. church by the pastor. high school were Misses Clara Watt, with.
* * *
Rev C. A. Stockwell, on Sunday morn- Sadie Watt, Clara Eichinger and Elsie
The attorneys could just as easily have
ing, and with exercises on Tuesday after­ Oliver and Ralph Moore and Edgar
Whatever the doctor prescribes or
Munson. Mr. B L. Eddy made a fine squeezed $500 out of Tillamook's City’s
noon in the opera house.
suggests, is what I specially try to
Farm for sale, 159 acres, near Sand­ address to the graduates and presented Octopus as $300. Well, if the Octopus
supply, aud succeed as well that I
lake ; good house and barn ; 40 acres the diplomas, as he did to the 8th grade is that easy, hen ven pity the poor tax-
ail known as Headquarters for all
tide land and 30 acres of bottom and graduates, who were Misses Maggie I payers when they have to make up the
I annual deficit, not that we are blaming
meadow land ; raise 40 tons of hay and Wilt, Lulu Eddy, Blanch Smith and Ruby
the attorneys for getting compensation i
will easily support 25 cows. To be sold McGhee and Roy Anderson ; also Tobe
| for their seryice. Now let the physicians
cheap if sold at once. Inquire at this Smith from the Wilson school. All the
graduates were recipients of beautiful persuade the commission that it needs a
flowers, and were congratulated at the doctor ; the druggists, a chemist ; the
Reliable Druggist.
Captain Groat left by stage for Port­
close of the exercises. Prof. Whitney, dentist, a tooth puller ; the undertaker,
land last week to pilot the new U.S. sur-
who has been employed for another year, a coffin, and so on, so that all the pro
vev steamer Arago down the Coast. It
announced that the school will be resum­ fessions can get a fee out of the Octopus |
is expected that he will be absent two or
before all the money is used up.
ed on the lltli September.
three weeks. During his absence Mrs.
* * *
What a good thing it is for the other I
Groat will remain and be in command on
Vote of Condolence.
fellows there is no election on this year,
the ’’Reserve."
Tillamook, Or., May 30, 190fl,
seeing that Boss Harvey is out of em
The saw mill at Hobsonville is closed
ployment and just aching for another
down this week owing to the tubes of To the officers and members of Tilla­
political set to. Yet he is a wise politi­
mook Lodge, No. 94-, I.O.O.F.
the boiler burning out, which probably
He sees the republican cyclone
We, your committee, to whom was re­ cian.
was fortunate and averted a much more
serions accident on Saturday morning. fer red the duty of drafting resolutions of that will strike the county next June, so
J. P. ALtLiE|4> Proprietor
It seems that the watchman allowed the condolence on the death of Mrs. A. J. is going to take his departure. Sav, |
water to run down in one of the boilers, Brant, wife of Bro. Peter Brant, of this Boss Haivev, as Rollie vowed up and I
lodge, beg lesve to submit the following : 'down that he would nut stay in Tilla­
which was discovered by the engineer.
Whereas, the silent messenger of death mook if local option carried, can’t you
Hon B. L. Eddy, of Tillamook, has has entered the home of our brother and | induce him to go along ? We are sorry
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
been selected as register of the land of­
that Boss Harvey is leaving, because lir
taken from him his wife ; lx it
Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation
fice at Roseburg on recommendation of
Resolved, that in his great sorrow we was a jovial, good tempered politician. |
Senator Fulton. Mr. Eddy is a Wash as a lodge extend to him our sincere sym­
* * *
ington county bov who has . for years i pathy and commend Inm to the tender
The Russian Baltic fleet did not know
been a lending citizen of Tillamook and mercies of him who doeth all things well; where it whs at when it saw a few fish
his many friends here will be glad to
Resolved, that a copy of these rcsolu- , ing smacks, and neither officers and men
know that his worth has again been lions be spread on the records of this | knew what to do in theirfear and excite­
recognized.—Forest Grove Times.
lodge, and a copy, tinder the seal of the ment. This was repeated when the
At a meeting of the city council Thurs­ lodge, be furnished Bro Brant, and Russians ran suddenly up against Togo,
He pairs Guns, Locks. TypewrlterH, Keys, Bicycles anti
day evening, nt which the water commis copies to the local press for publication. and Ixfore they knew what they were at
Sewing Machines. Makes a Specialty of Plumbing.
sion was present, it was decided to ac­
S. A. Brodhead, Geo. Cohn and C. H, Togo bad them badly whipfxd before
they realized were th**v were at in their
cept the offer of Handlev & Thayer to Woolfe, committee.
Repair Shop, Opposite McIntosh ft McNair's.
sudden confusion. Every officer and man
defend the citv in an action brought by
ought to lx court-marshaled for putting
Card of Thanks
the Tillamook Water Company in the
up such a floor, bungling fight, which is
federal courts to enjoin the city from
We desire to thank the many friends
selling water, for which they are to re­ and neighbors who showed so much sym­ a disgrace, not only to the officers and
ceive $800. to come out of the citv trea­ pathy and kindness to us on account of men who deserve to lx disgraced, but to i Centrally boeated
Rates, $1 Per Day
sury. It was the water commission that the death of our brother, N. P. Heisel. proud, boast lol Russia.
♦ HO
decided to employ Handlev & Thayer, and for the flowers they so kindly laid
How many taxpayers are there in this
and out of the six members present two. on the grave.— P etes amd H ams H eisfx ,
county who would vote to pay a road j
M. H. bARSE|M, Proprietor.
Ha rivon and Goodspeed, voted against
doing so. The citv council, although
Sorrow prevails in "I he free trade camp, Iross $100 a month ? The conaty court ;
it did not vote on the motion, agreed to but it manage to grt up a »purt of d«. ought to cut it out—we mean the boss
and the boss $100 a month salary. The i
lusive »eolation about twice a month.
f t the bill for the attorneys.
Social Dance at the Opera
We will clean up at about
House. Saturday, June 3rd.
Price. All broken lines
Under management of the
Tillamook Band. Good music of shoes, short lengths of
and good management.
dress and wash goods, etc.,
left over from our very sue-
M.J B. Coffee for sale at Cohn’s.
uUniqueTwelve Cent”
New Honey just received at Cohn's.*
Representative West was in thecity on
HATTOM’S Dept. Store.
* » *
Chas. I Clough,
The Best Hotel
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
FRED FORSLUND, the Tinner & Plumber.