Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 25, 1905, Image 4

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a fine thing—for the warrant buver, who
are "»hading" state warrants 10 per
cent. It is strange how readily some few
To the High School GraduaneH by
How close did the wire on the wood agitators, who claim they are working
Rev. A. S Foster.
pipe have to be wrapped »
for the benefit of the people, fall all over
A large congregation assembled at the
* * *
Presbjterian church on Sunday, which
The Headlight extends its congratula, themselves and biteat thecupidity of the
had been nicely decorated with festoons
tions to the graduates of the 1905 class money octopus.
of evergreens and white flowers, to hear
of the high school.
Foss Murder First Reported by
the baccalaureate sermon to the gradu­
* * *
ates of the high school bv Rev. A. S. Fos­
We stand for free roads in the south of
ter, pastor of that church, of w hich the
T he D alles , Or , May 23 — " as :
the county, free bridges across the rivers
following is a synopsis ;
at Nehalem, and less bossisni in construt death of Frank Foss, the «getl fanner
“The children of Israel went up har.
who was shot and cremated on his little
i.ig roads.
nessed out ot the land ot Egvpt.”—Exc-
* * *
farm, 18 miles south of Hood River,
dus 13. 18, last clause.
Fourteen thousand pounds of milk a day the victim of au organized band of out-
The word harness, or harnessed, is
is not a bad showing for the Maple Leaf
laws ?
used in scripture in the sense of armored,
Creamery, which was only finished build­
The officials of Wasco County are not
equipped, girded as for a battle or a jour,
ing a few weeks ago.
yet prepared to believe that such a gang
ney. In this sense you will see the appro­
* * *
exists, but they an* quietly at work on
priateness of the text to the present oc-
Road Supervisor Hoskins is wanting
the supposition that a band of men, oath­
men to work on the road. The Head­
bound and terrible in their vengeance,
Young ladies and young men of tl e
light man would suggest that Billy put
have beeu guilty of the many depreda­
graduating class : You have come to an
the $100 a month road boss to work.
tions that hive been recorded in this
important time in your lives. The hour
* * *
Violations of the law of neutrality county for several years past. The start­
long looked forward to is almost on the
ought to be leniently dealt with. It is as ling information that a number of men
stroke. The ties that bind you in loving
hard for some nations to keep from tak­ ha<l organized themselves into a sort of
bonds to our high school, its teachers,
advanced salary. Miss Huntington left
Whitecap band, who took it upon them­
ing sides as it is for some individuals.
pupils and associations will scon be sun­
two notes, one directing where to ship
selves to harass farmers and neighliois
* * *
dered. You ha ve crossed the quiet bay
her body, and one to her mother, who is
We nre told that Cupid has two ol our against w I tom they had a grudge, fancied
in Illinois. She was a bright, capable
of an education. The ocean lies beyond.
II. A Kinnatnan moved Dave Coulson teacher and had made many friends dur.
attorneys busily engaged on matrimonial or real, came from a prisoner now in the
Here, this morning, rest awhile, and let
ing her past year.
briefs and there is not another attorney jail here.
to Braver, Monday.
me give you some faint glimpse of the
Seth Moon, of Blaine, took a load of
in the city with sand enough to interfere
This prisoner, less than a year ago,
duties devolving upon you and the ditfi
Cheated Death.
when Foss was tried before the County cheese to town Monday.
with t heir cases.
culties that will beset you.
Kulnev trouble often end» fatally, but
* * M
It will not follow that because you
by chooaiiiK the right medicine, E. H.
We wonder who the “knockers” will
clared to Jailer John Fitzgerald that old ing at the Beaver Creek saw mill.
Wolfe, of Bear Grove. Ii.wa, cheated
have completed the course ot a high
pitch onto now that Mr. Eddy is leaving
He Bay.: " Two years ago I had
Carol Phillips, of Pleasant Valley, is
man Foss would be killed inside of a
school education that jou are prepared
the county? They’ll have to have some
Trouble, which caused me great
year. This prisoner said that he had staving with her sister, Eva Phillips,
to become champions in life’s warfare
pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took
one. We will wait with patience who
been marked by this band, but nothing this week.
At no period, perhaps, in the world’s
1 Electric Bitters, which effected a com.
that fortunate person will be.
was thought of it at the time.
piete cure. I have also found them ot
history was there a greater demand for
M *
great benefit in general debility and
On the night of the killing and burn­ to cut his lip the other day.
educated men and women than at the
“Go,West, young man,” says the Hart­
nerve trouble, and keep them constantly
present time. The times are fraught with
field Times, “and blow up with the conn- ing of old man F obs this same prisoner drive cattle up the coas» for the last ten 1 on hand, since, as I find they have no
thrilling interests. Nations are in com­
try.” That is all right, if they are not told Nightwatch Clem Egbert that he days, returned home Thursday.
t’lias I. Clough, druggist,
motion. All manner of pernicious experi
Wert and Clyde are still at their old guarantees them at 50c
“blowed up” and think they know it all was sure that something had happened
to Foss. This prisoner seems to be stamping ground doing first class
inents in our politics and laws. Exag.
before they come West.
possessed with a sort of clairvoyancy.
geration and cant in our religion shock
* * *
Charlev Jenson passed through here
The killing of Foss was done between
and alarm us. The lust for gold is great.
One of our correspondents reported the
Saturday enroute to the valley.
It is a money-making age. An age of
birth of twin boys and that they had 9 and 10 o’clock Thursday night, May
Mrs. Connie Dye had the misfortune of
collossal fortunes. An age of multi mil
been named Lewis and Clark. Not bad 11. During the whole of Thursday the I being thrown out of the wagon Thurs­
A good look Ini’
lionaires. It is an age of class conflict
for Tillamook, but it is to be hoped that prisoner, whose name ar this time is day, getting hurt quite badly.
horse and poor look-
Ing harness Is the
also, and that conflict is seemingly at its
the advent of the iron horse into the withheld for reasons, was extremely
Mrs. West has gone to Portland with
worst kind cf a com­
height. Deadly fear and deadly hate have
county will curtail the spirit of adventure nervous. He complained of his ner- her little son, who is qnite sick.
vousness to Nightwatch Egbert when he
in this conflict almost reached their cli.
in this bottled-up county.
* * *
went on duty, and it was while he was
max, have spurned all compromise and
Milliotis^of tons of rock and earth cav.
Will the Water Commission please enter complaining of this condition that he
are preparing to grapple in a death
ed in at noon Monday in Senator Clark's
into a contract with the Headlight as suddenly stopped in the middle of his
not only maker tho harness and the
struggle. It is an age also of general un­
United Verde copper mine, at Jerome,
horse lock better, but makes the ’
the official organ to fight its battles, and recital to exclaim :
belief, from the most trivial skepticism
leather soft and pliable, puts It In con-
Ariz., the ground dropped from the sur­
t , dltlon to laet—twice es long
all we will ask as a retainer’s fee is the
to the most bitter and desperate athe­
“Something has happened to old man face to the 700 foot level. Cracking,
r.s it ordinarily would.
Cold every-her« In cm «— all
insignificant little sum of $299.99% so Foss. Mark what I tell you, you will
ism, Much of our science, literature and
Made by
timbers gave the alarm, and 300 miners
as to be a little cheaper than the attor hear some news from Hood River in the
life are unbelieving and godless. All seri-
fled fortheir lives and escaped uninjured.
neys on the water octopus ?
ous things are treated with levity. Boys
* * *
* * *
and girls hardly escape from the primary
How true this prophecy was is shown 1 Rumor has had it at The Dalles for
Governor Folk, of Missouri, struck the by the subsequent events which follow,
school periodicals whose editors have
some time that Norman Williams, con­
right cord when he said : “There has ed. The next morning Sheriff Sexton
become equally dogmatic and equally
victed and sentenced to hang for the
w ise on all subjects ere their minority is
was notified by telephone of the killing murder ot Alma Nesbitt and her mother
the moral element and then not enforc and cremation of the aged farmer. Sher­
ended, abound.
in the Hood River Valley, was about to
¡ng them toplease the immoral element.” iff Sexton hurried to the scene of the
There is also the voice of a wide super­
make a statement or confession. He him­
stition, which says : ‘ Your freedom has
crime and with the Coroner viewed the self has hinted that he would have some­
of the fact that this also applies to some remains cf Foss.
ended in anarchy, your knowledge in
thing to say when the time came. But
laws in this state.
doubt, your conscience and reason in the
* The investigation which followed led one thing is sure, at least at this time,
black And bottomless pit of unbelief and
to the arrest of Ries, who was found Norman Williams, convicted murderer
It looks to us that, before Mr. Eddy
misery. How easy toend all. Only sur­
asleep in his barn. As soon as possible' as he is, is not ready.
leaves the county, the Tillamook Bar As.
render reason and conscience, liberty and
M * *
sociation should fraternize in a friendly Ri^s was brought here and placed in
free endeavor toward a manlier and noble
jail. The prophet-prisoner, as soon as
For two days Charles H. Robb, Assist*
Vote of Condolence.
life, and all will be rest and peace.”
neys have their troubles and scraps, but he learned of the murder of Foss and ant Attorney.General of the United
Out into this busy world you are about
that the man suspected of having com­ States, has lived quietly at the Portland
Tillamook Oregon, May 20th, 1905. like sensible men there are times when
to go. You must go to your work like
they, too, can bury the hatchet and dig­ mitted the deed was in jail, asked the Hotel and no one has known of his
the children ot Israel of old, harnessed,
jailer if he had one arm and if his name presence. In fact it has been the wish of
nity the profession.
fully equipped and prepared to do battle. Chapter, No. 24, R A. M s. held at the
wasn’t Rits. On being told that Ries visitor that he should remain incognito,
# # *
You need more than a mere secular edu
Another old settler passed away oil was then locked up, he remarked, “Just but fate has willed otherwise and it is
cation. You need to be panoplied with
the following resolutions were adopted, Tuesday to the great beyond and her as I thought," but further than this he now known that one of the men whi
the religion of |esus Christ.
holds the Federal Judgeship, left vacant
body consigned to the city of the dead, would nut venture.
wit :
The speaker here discussed the use of
by the death of Judge Bellinger, in the
with loving friends mourning h*r depar.
the bible to a certain extent in the pub ' Whereas, the Great I Am has called ture. Mrs. A. J. Brant, wife of Mr. Peter
It was semi-offieially announce** that power of his recommendation, is in the
lie schools, repudiating the notion that from labor to refreshment forever, our Brant, was a good woman, a fond Ivan Kaleieff. who luuidered Gram!
citv to look into the qualifications and
our children may properly be taught ■
mother, a true wife and an affectionate Duke Sergius at Moscow. February 17, records of those who aspire to become
about fairies in the kindergarten, but I bell ; and
friend. The world was made happier by was hanged at 3 o’clock Tuesday morn­ occupants of the United States bench.
that it be an intrusion of sectarianism to | Whereas as his light is extinguished, ,
E WANT every out-door man or boy to know
ing. On tiie scaffold Kaleieff made a
her presence.
* * *
all alxtut tire famous MTKVAAI* Ri«««a
tell them of Jesus and his blessing little I
* ★ *
An unusual spectacle was witnessed
Pistols and Shotguns. We therefore have com­
speech, in which he said : “ It is said
piled a valuable i-p-page illustrated book,
children, that it is important for boys
When Sheriff Word hears of the laws j | that I asked for pardon. It is a lie. I at Philadelphia when more than UK)
telling not only all about STEVENS arms.but con­
taining useful anil Interesting information on hunting,
and girls in the high school „to learn all I edicts of the fraternity, and its officers, being violated in .Multnomah county, he am faithful to the tradition of the ministers of the Methodist Episcopal
shooting, sights, ammunition, how to handle and;care
for fire-arms, etc. This we will send you IREE for
about the gods of the Teutons and Scan­ and his uniform courtesy and affability does not ask that a complaint be sworn people's will I do not ask any favors. Church solemnly marched to the City
four cents in stamps for postage.
dinavians, but highly impro|>er and dan­
H.v. ,
out before he will make an arrest, but I aui glad to die "
Hall to express to Mayor Weaver their
Sent FREE, postpaid, if you ask for it.
gerous to teach them about the heroes conduct worthv of emulation.
protest against the pending gas lease and
i raids places and marches the culprits off
of the old testament. A student can
August Machen, the former general to congratulate him on the stand lie bad
to jail and locks them up. There are a
learn Greek as well and history as im­ w*e mourn the loss of our Companion ; few other sheriffs in Oregon who have | superintendent of the free delivery j iaken.
The decision to call on the
P. O. Box 4094.
portant when reading Paul s shipwreck
got next to themselves and who are service of the Postoffice Department, • Mayor was reached at the morning ses-
as of Xenophon'scelebiatedmarch of the . bereaved family ; we express our un doing the same thing, for they see the was taken back to Moundsville. W„ Va„ | sion of the weekly meeting of the Metho
ten thousand. Andas to literature, there faltering belief in his exaltation to a drift of public opinion.
prison, after being sentenced to another disc Episcopal Ministers’ Association,
are portions of the bible which have a knowledge of perfect light, nnd bow in
term of two years, following his plea of ¡aftec resolutions had been adopted com.
* * *
tight to be counted essential to a good humble submission to the divine will.
Our correspondents will see that we guilty under liis joint indictment with
Resolved, That these resolutions be have “cut out” the paragraphs which ■ W. G. Crawfonl ami George Torrs ns. of mending the Mayor and Councilmen
common or high school education.
who had voted against the lease.
Non-sectarian our schools ought and spread upon the records of the Chapter, say that Mrs. So-and So called upon Mrs. Toledo. O., for conspiracy to defraud the
* * *
must be, but godless or pagan they need and that appropriate symbol of our So-and so. These little events are very ■ Government. Machen will not be pro-
Miss Daisy B. Huntington, of Bloom­
not be. To leach boys and girls to read sorrow be displayed upon the alter.
pleasing to th** parties, but not of suffi­ t secuted on any of the remaining 11 in. ington, III., aged 23, who has been teach,
George Cohn, V. W. Talmage and cient importance to warrant
and then furnish them only yellow novels
a news diet ments. Including his present two ing in the training school at Monmouth
to lie read, is to raise up young desjicr-
item. If the editor undertook to write jear term ami his sentence, and making for the past year, took carbolic acid
udoes in whose* preparation for the gal­
up such paragraphs he would find time allowances for commutation for good I with suicidal intent Sunday afternoon.
A Creeping Death.
lows the public schools have an unintend
(or nothing else, and, beside, Mrs. So- behavior, he has two years and eight , She died at 5 o’clock. During the davs
rnn C onsumption
ing part.
and-So would get mad because no men- months yet to serve in the peuitentiary. previous she had been melancholy and
tun I OUGHS and
50c *$1.00
heart, causing death. J E. Stearns,
Our education must draw out every Belle Plai.ie, Minn , writes that a tion was made of her visit, and gossip,
* * »
Fret Trill.
the rash act was done in a moment of
possibility of a man, make the most ot friend dreadfully injured his hand, with her neighbor, ’ over the garden
Tornadoes are more frequent in the I temporary abeiration. Her school work
for all
circumstances and utilise to the utmost w hich swelled up like bliMul poisoning. wall.”
southwestern part of the United States' was highly satisfactory and she had
» » a
all proferred helps, human and divine. Bucklon's Arnica Salve drew out the
than elsewhere in this country, and the been employed for another year at an
ixiiaon, healed the wound, and saved
Instead of giving a young woman a sun Stmt theory does not fit this locali
To l>c alive only to appetite, pleasure, Ins life. Beat in the world for burns and
pride, money-making, and not to good- sores. 35c. at Chas. I Clough’s drug gold ring as a token of respect, it some ration of such storms, There is also in
of Host Allen's bachelor boarders had the distant Southwest an extremely hot
nets and kindness, purity and loye, his store.
given her a wedding ring it might have region, where superheated strata of air
torv. poetry, music, flowers, stars, God
Terrific Race With Death.
been more to the point and appreciated set in earlv and prevail for months. As j
and eternal ho|ics, is to be all but dead.
" 1 loath was fast approaching,' writes !
Young Inends, you are to help educate Ralph F. Fernamlvz, of Tanq>a. FIs,' much better. But those bachelor board- they travel toward the northeast, they '
the world. Your characters are to form il.a-ribiug liis fearful race with death, , ers are showing their weakness nnd in­ strike cool currents, and the resulting
sex, soon
___ that
__ commotion can be easily understood
and mould the characters of others, your •' as a result of liver trouble and heart fatuation for theopposite
winch had robla-d me of sleep account they must lie good subjects for But tornadoes have occurred in all
lives must tell power fully for tight and disease, till
t»t**i of all interest in life. I had tried
for God. There is nt» pleaching that be­ many different doctors and several med­ Cupid to work upon. Who will be the sections There was one in Massachn- i
gins to l»c as powerful as personality, no icine«. but got no benefit, until
I liegsn first, out of this bevy of nice looking setts in 1890 that killed nine persons
C wonderful bachelor boarders to fall victim, and at nnd injured forty, cutting a path 2001
logic like that of a life. We are whtd we to line Electric Bittern. So
ate Itecausc of what others arc. There wm their effvet, that in three days I the feet of—well, the next young woman fcet wide through the town of South
felt like a new man, and today I am
have been lives that have sent their ton cured of all my trouble." Guarantee*! who tries to win their hard hearts thro Lawrence. Several months earlier in the
goes of flame up so high in air that men at Chas. I. Clough, ding store; (rieedOc. tilth their stomachs and lady like man same year a storm wrecked 900 build-1
ners ?
everywhere have lifted up their headsand
ings in Louisville, Kv„ killing seventy-'
How’s This?
reioiced in the light. Earth measures by
•ix persona and injuring 200. In the
3o the Ynmhtllitrs hâve succeeded in
W> offer One Huudred Dolletv Rews nt for
what the hands hold-—heaven by the anv
seventy-five years preceding 1881 the
<a*e of Catarrlr that cannot be cured by
securing enongh signer, to the referendum
heart. After all, the l»cst in us answers Han't Catarrh Cure.
tornadoes in the I’nited States of which
F J. CHKNKY a <’O.. Pfwpn...........
..... O.
_ pétition. Wc are glad that Tillamookites
to the best. Goodaesa, truth, gentleness,
" e. the un de t Mg tied have known F I
account was preserved numbered ■
sincerity have the greatest attractions ’ heuey for the last is yearn, amt believe him did not participât« in the hold up of the "I"000.**" ,hir''’ ”* Wh*h «frecon
peifrcily htmorable in all bosiue*a trana- $1,000,000 appropriation to pay th.
lor men. Jesus Christ is, known and avtlou« and rtnanvi tll) able to carr) out any
fined to the months of April, Mar. J
lUAih by their firm
rnnning «xpenaca of the Mat«. The péti­ and July.
loved today by millions upon millions obligation*
u »' ■ a fat
Wbotonn • Urnguiata rol«
w ho never heard of Nero or Augustus WAiniMv» KtMNAM A Mtax in . Wholesale tion ought to be voted down, for it ties
I'runffiala, Toledo. O.
upa large amountof mo.iey now in the
The Rncycle is a totally different
Their glory w as that ot circumstances—
Hall'« Catarrh Cute ia taken internally, act­
ing directly upon the blood and mumu« «er- hands ot the staie tmsurer. wherens ihe wliwl.
hie that of character.
It will climb hills that
tacea of the «yMem Teat I mon ia I» «ent free,
warrants i»sued will drasrn 6 per cent, other bicvck can. For »«ft at W
Tile race needs not so much men and rrke yw per bottle
by all Druggist«
Hail «Family Piil« are the beat.
interest. Ye». the Yamhillitcs bave donc Ctrv's.
women who will shake it with their
learning as it needs men and women who
will lift it with the quiet earnestness and
sincerity of their lives. They are lilted
to heaven—they achieve immortality.
They can never die who are willing to die
if death lay in the path of duty.
You must lie up with and a little in
advance of the times.
The speaker gave a hasty review of the
last 50 years of the wonderful progress
and invei tions that had been made, and
predicted J et greater things in the coming
years. He said the education of 50 years
ago will not meet the demands of today.
The vats of the age are brewing a new
wine and we cannot,dare not put it into
old bottles. New questions and problems
press for an answer. The wider sphere
that has opened for women in this day
demand that she shall go forth from our
homes and institutions of learning the
more fully harnessed and equipped to
meet and do those duties.
We want also trustworthy men and
women. Men who are able to conduct
the affairs of great corporations. Men
and women able to handle large sums of
money without having to go to Canada
or the penitentiary. Judges who cannot
be bought. Lawyers who love juslice.
Senators and representatives who can
fill high places of trust without having
to face grand juries. Women who are
true women—true wives and true moth-
Learn early, that the greatest thing in
all the world for you is the thing that at
your hand God call for you to do. Be
all end do all that God means you to be
and do, and you nre living to his glory,
and that is true grandeur.
Do all vou do in connection with the
Cross of Christ. If the humble work
you find is done for God, it becomes
great work,illuminated and transformed
with the idea expressed through it.
Take every ambition of your heart and
weave around it all the flowers of poetry
and song. Let it become the embodi­
ment of all that is good and pure, noble
and good in literature and science. In­
carnate it w ith the richest hues of art.
Then go, twine it around the Cross of
Christ as the center of all your hopes
and interests beyond time. Every act
you do will thus become immortal and
live forever.
The speaker closed with loving and
tender words of advice and encourage­
ment to the class, congratulating them
as the first graduates of our high school.
“Harnessed” in the gospel armor we
bid you God speed. The bright and win­
ning woild beckons you. Your bark
so gaily trimmed rocks upon the deep.
The zephyrs fill vour sails Unship the
oars and glide from the quiet bay upon
the ocean of lite, your faces to the fu
turc, the world awaits you. Go to
thy work, and may heaven’s richest
benedictions go with vou.
Editorial Snap Shots.
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Printing to the
Headlight Print
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