Vol. XVII. No. 48. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS # Walkover Shoes at Todd’s. » Eddy & Botts, for abstracts. Big Bargains in Bicycle at'FAge’s. Gordon Hats and Gioves at Todd's.* Gent.'8 Furnishing Goods at Todd's.* M. J. B. coffee just received at Cohn’s * Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at Todd’s. * Half soles, all sizes and prices at W. E. Page’s. * F. J. Yates was in from Hebo on Wed­ nesday. Trade your old bike to Page fora good one. • Henry Smith was in from Blaine on Wednesday. • The steamer 3ue H. Elmore will be in this evening. Frank Spencer, of Amity, was in the city on Tuesday. The best sewing machine oil and needles at Page’s. * Best grades ol barb wire and milk cans for sale at Cohn’s. * House to rent. Apply to M. C. Trow, bridge, Tillamook. * Cohn & Co. are paying the highest price for dry hides. * Sam S. Goldsmith, of Portland, was in the city on Tuesday. Good Sewing Machines for little # money.—W. E. Page. Road Supervisor Hoskins wants men to work on the road. The best equipped bicycle repair shop is at Fred Forslund’s. Geo. Smith and wife, of Newberg, was in the city on Tuesday. Call and see the Racycle Bicycle at W. H. Cary’s before buying. Elegant pictures given away with Archer s starch at Cohn’s. * New crop fine spider leg tea only 25 cents a pound at Cohn’s. * Harness and Sole Leather and Shoe­ maker’s supplies at Page’s. * Money to loan on improved farm pro­ perty.—Apply to F. R. Beals. * Miss Dora High closes school at South Prairie with a picnic to-morrow. Andy Nolan has thrown up his job in Portland and returned to the city. Ed. Nelson and H. S. Hansen, of Port­ land, were in the city on Saturday. The frost last week played havoc with strawberry plants in some localities. Horse for Sale.—Apply toJ. A. Wag­ ner, on the Mills’ place, Wilson river. * Take your wool and hides to Cohn’s if you want the highest cash price for it. * Honey in onepoundsections at Cohn’s, also bee hives and all kinds of bee supplies on hand. * Rev. A. S. Foster will preach at Bay City on Sunday morning and in this city in the evening. Bikes, beds, springs, tables, stands, mattresses, guns, revolvers, etc. Cheap at W. E. Page’s. * Mrs Otto Heins will leave on the next steamer to join her husband at Cape Blanco light station. Charles Goeres and Sophia Goeres, of Neskowin, were registered at the Alltn House on \\ ednesday. F. R. Beals sold 35 acres on the east of J. Pesterfield’s to Joseph Blazer, the con­ sideration being $3000.* A dollar invested in millinery at Mrs. Sturgeon’s will bring you the best re­ sults. Call and get prices. Mrs. Collard, who was visiting her mother and brother, Mrs. and Dr. Sharp, left for her home on Friday. Herbert Cooper, who has been teach­ ing school in the Quick district, has been engaged for another month. The schooner San Beunvintura, with lumber from the saw mill at Ho'jsonville, is ready to be towed to sea. 4 Geo Cohn has been appointed trustee by the Portland creditors of the bank, rupt firm of Hamilton & Vogler. J. Bibby sold 172 acres of land at Long Prairie to John Childers for $2,+0>J The deal was made through F. R. Beals. Alva Finley is now employed at “Hal- tom’s’’ and extends an invitation to his old patrons and friends to visit him. The Racycle is a totally different wheel. It will climb hills that no other bicycle can. For sale at W. H. Cirv’s. Duncan McIntosh, son of P. McIntosh, who is attending the dental college in Portland, came in last week to spend the s summer. Fred Foreland, the Plumber, does all kinds ol plumbing in a workmanship style and makes a specialty of that kind ol work. * Red Clover Cheese Factory had a small fire on Wednesday, which might have liven serious had it not l>een discovered in time and quickly distinguished. Gus Allison, who went to California a few months ago suffering with consump­ tion, is. we are sorry »o learn, growing worse every day and cAnnot live much longer. Geo. W. Grayson has gone up to Elk Creek to make preparations for the stage line that is to be put on the Wilson river road this summer. Lost, a plush robe.—A reward of $10 will be paid by A. G. Beals for the return of the same. Was lost near the Grange hall on Saturday. » For sale, four good 3 year old heifers and three 4 year old cows, all of which will come in fresh soon. Apply to L, C. Smith at Bar View. • When vou want tinning done go to Fred Forslund’s. f All work strictly first class aud guaranteed. Repairs of all • kinds are executed with neatness. I rof. and Mrs. W. C. Buel were ten- dered ■ reception on Friday afternoon by the friends and patrons of the Fairview public school, the occasion being the last day of school in that district. Prof, and Mrs. Buel have given good satisfaction, and it was thought fitting that the pat- rons should show their appreciation of the services rendered by the teachers, so the reception was arranged, which was largely attended. Some appropriate re- marks were madehy Director Webb Mat tux and the dinner that was served is re- ported as lieing.extra fine. At a meeting cf the Water Commis, sion on Wednesday evening a war­ rant was ordered drawn for $1,350 to pay the contractors, also several war­ rants were drawn for small amounts. 1 he firm of Handlev & Thayer submitte I a proposition to defend the commission in any suit that may be brought against it by the water company for the sum of $300. This the commission agreed to accept, and instructed the president and | I secretary to enter into a contract with Handlev & Thayer for that amount, which will be done to dav and ratified at another meeting of the commission this evening. MAY 25, 1905 ItaWiöbt I1.50 per year Memorial Day. and the traveling public for the last 2+ Tuesday, .May 30th,^ill be observed ( years- That oa«ht to convince any intel- by Corinth Post, No. 35, G.A.R.. bv a l'*ent n,a" that we »hould not continue same blight and curse. People that musical and literary program a t the I Opera House, beginning at 1.30 p.m. have traveled the road recently say that sharp. The post will assemble at their they never saw the road in better shape. hall at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp. Weather No thanks to the proprietors for the permitting, the post will march to the same. I understand the court says ihat cemetery. Memorial services will be held it cannot keep the roads fixed for travel. on Sunday, May 28th, in the M.E. I would ask them who fixed or put the Church, at usual church hour. All com. roads in shape this spring ? I think the rades are requested to attend. We will good Lord did want to do as much for be pleased to have the schools and the the |>eople as he did for the toll road the county to public in general attend and take part company. We do not expend one cent on the roads. All we in the exercises. Anyone having a recitation, etc., for ask is to be let alone, not persecuted that day will give their names to either any longer with the toll roads. For my part I prefer free roads to a lingering S M c C arger , ) death. Yours truly, C. N. D rew , j A. W. F letcher . H. E. W esten , Port Commander. Oretown, Ore., May 21st, 1905. Eighth Grade Graduates. from Tillamook, but when it came to sever connections with old associations and say good by to friends who had stood by him for years, and clients who had put confidence in him and whom he had advised, it was not such an easy matter to break loose as he thought it was. He thanked those who were so kind as to tender them that reception, also to the speakers for the kind remarks. He saw friends in that ball who had stuck to him in bis battles, and although he had never 1 hanked them for their friendship and the way they had encour­ aged him, he thanked them now. He had made some enemies, but he left with malice to none. Haltom’s Department Store was be­ sieged on Saturday with customers, lt Death of Mrs. Peter Brant. was only another object lesson—that it pays to advertise in the Headlight. We have to record the death of iMr. A* Mr. George Wav, formerly with the J. Brant, wife of Mr. Peter Brant, which Spokcne Dry Goods Co , Spokane, Wash., occurred on Tuesday morning at nine and a thorough dry goods man and win­ Farewell Reception. o’clock at her home in this city. She was County School Superintendent Wiley dow trimmer, is now employed at ”Hal in poor health for several month, but her granted diplomas to the following grad- There was a large and representative tom’s." uales from eighth grade of our gathering of citizens in Todd’s hall on death was hastened on account of a sev Bull for sale bv T. J Bibby, of Long ere attack of paralysis eight days before county schools this week. Miss Amanda Wednesday evening, the occasion being Prairie, "Royal Star." registered in her death, which rendered her prostrate. Tinnerstet and Miss Ruth Cooper as a farewell reception to Mr. and Mrs. B American Short Horn Breeders' Associa. Everything that could be done for the sisted the county superintendent in L. Eddy and family previous to their de | lion in vol. 44, his No. 137,780. Will i aged sufferer was done by loving friends, grading the papers. parture for Roseburg, where they will j sell cheap. • . who watched her dav after day until she Dist. No. 1. Fairview School.—Eva make their future home. The ladies took | passed away. The funeral took place The steamer Sue II. Elmore left Satur­ Ross, Maude Edgar, Claudia Edgar. Graduates from High School. charge of the reception, and everything | 1 on Wednesday, the religious service being day, her passengers being Mrs. Plank, I. Dist. No. 8 Beaver School.—Earl Suck, was nicely carried out. the vocal and in­ To morrow (Friday) will be the last er, Elbert Ginn, May Ginn. in the M.E. church, conducted by Rev.C. C. Smith and wife, Mrs. Collard, R. Ben. strumental features being appreciated, A. Stockwell, the pastor, and the burial yger, A. R. Gangloff, W. 11. Owens and day of school in this city, which will ter­ Dist. No. 9. Tillamook School.—Mag­ while the refreshments were excellent. | minate another successful school year gie Wilt, Lulu Eddv, Blanch Smith.Ruby in the Oddfellows’ cemetery. There was Mrs. Kirry. The first speaker was Rev. A. S. Foster, I . .. , ___ nice at the service of sym­ Mr. B. L. Eddy and family expect to with six pupils, 1905, to graduate McGhee, Roy Anderson. pastor of the Presbyterian church, ¡in j pathising friends and neighbors, for Mrs. from the high school in this city. Dist. No. 17, Trask School. — Harold leave Tillamook for Roseburg this week, this city. He said they were not Brant was a good woman and much re­ going out on the steamer. They expect Although the attendance fell short what Gobar. attending a funeral. For his part be was had been expected and provided for, it is spected, and the bereaved husband and Dist. No. 22, Cloverdale School.—Em­ to remain in Portland about two weeks glad Mr. and Mrs. Eddy were leaving, family have the sympathy of the entire admitted that Prof E H Whitney and ma Iler. to visit the fair. for they were going to a larger and community. the teachers have done good work and Dist. No. 23, Long Prairie School — Mrs. J. C. Taggart, who is one of the the patrons are well pleased with the broader field of usefulness, and although Mrs. A. |. Brant was born in Oakg. Helen Bibby, Vida Rogers, Bessie Bays. best teachers in the county, will close the results and the harmonious manner in he regretted their leaving, and it would leack County, Ohio, on the 30th Octolier, Dist. No. 26, Spruce School.—Mayroii be a loss to Tillamook, he thought it was 1825, and was a daughter of John and school at Neskowin to morrow ; as will which the school has been conducted. It Blanchard. also Miss Clara Hollender at Long Prai is generally easy to find a few “knockers’’ a good thing for them to go, especially as Anna Catterlin, being the oldest of a Dist. No. 27 —Rena Moon, Ella Thun. Mr. Eddy had a good thing to go to. family of 10 children. She moved to rie and Miss Bertha Richards at Bay to find fault with something connected Dist. No. 28, South Nehalem School.— City. The speaker caused some amusement Indiana with her family about 18+0, in with the public school—the principal is Clara Tohl. when he said that some people claimed her early girlhood days, where she mar* Farm for sale, 159 acres, near Sand­ not liked, the results are not satisfactory Dist. No. 35, Wilson School.—Tobe they did not vote for Mr. Eddy for cir­ ried Daniel Bodyfelt in 18+6. Of this lake ; good house and barn ; 40 acres to some, the cost is too great, or some Smith. cuit judge because they did not want him union six children were born, only two tide land and 30 acres of bottom and other trivial complaint—but, fortunately Dist No. 39, Nehalem School.—Walter to leave Tillamook, and told an amus­ of whom are now living, viz. ; Comis- meadow land ; raise 40 tons of hay and for the district, we do not hear of any Walker, Oscar Effenherger. ing ‘story to illustrate his point. sioner G. W. Bodyfelt and Mrs. Jonas will easily support 25 cows. To be sold ‘•knockers,” for the simple reason that Dist. No. 50, Boulder School.—Adel­ He predicted at the time that at some Olsen, both of whom resides iu Tilla­ cheap if sold at once. Inquire at this the citizens wanted a good public high aide Gray, Beulah Lucas, Roy Brady. future date Uncle Sam would get hold of mook county. She left Indiana in the office. * school, which they succeeded in getting. Another examinatian will be held June Mr. Eddv and place him in a position of spring of 1857, and went to Marion The Willing Workers of the United The graduating exercises will be in the 15 and 16 next. honor and trust, but he did not think County, Iowa, where she remained five opera house to-morrow (Friday), and is Brethren church will serve ice cream, that it would come about so quick. Mr. years with her Jiusband, and in 1862 cake, coffee and home made candy in of special interest to the school, for the The Toll Road Question. Foster said that when the citizens of they left for Oregon by ox team. On Todd's hall, Thursday evening, lune 1st. 1905 class, will receive their diplo­ TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. Roseburg knew what a fine man Mr. arriving in this state they settled first in mas, which will entitle them to enter the This will be the last social given by the D ear S ir ,—The people of the South j Eddy was, and what a fine wife and Lafayette, Yamhill county, where they U B. church while Rev. N. S. Hankins state university if they want to continue end of Tillamook County are glad to i family he had, they would be glad to remained until the fall of 1865, and then remains, he going to Washington in their studies. The salutatory, “Pro­ see that the Headlight takes the right welcome them, but it was a loss to Tilla* came to Tillamook county over what gress,’’ is by Ralph U. Moore ; class his- 1 about three weeks. view of the toll road nuisance. For tnook, for Mr. Eddy was full of vigor was then known as the Harris trail. Her tory, Miss Clara Eichinger ; valedictory. Married, at the Allen House, in Tilla­ twenty-four years tolls have been col. and capable of doing much good. Post- 'husband died in this county in 1881, “ We ha ve Crossed the Bay : The Ocean: I mook City, on Friday evening. Mr. Jason lected on these mud trails, thousands master A. W. Severance also spoke and J. Powell,of Tillamook County, and Miss Lies Beyond,’’ Miss Sadie M. Watt. The and thousands of dollars have been col­ paid Mr. Eddv a high compliment as a and she was married again on the 28th Myrtle M. Van Patten, of Tuscola address and presentation will be made lected from the traveling public ; and citizens and as an attorney. He was an June, 1883, to Peter Brant- and has County, Mich. Only a few friends of the by Mr. B. L. Eddy, and there will be if anything like a fair proportion of the honor to the profession, having the re­ resided in this county ever since. vocal and instrumental I' listc. ^The gra- | happy couple were present. Rev. C. A. money had been spent on the roads, spect of the bench, the admiration of the Card of Thanks. Stockwell, pastor of the M.E. church, duates are Clara Watt, Edgar Munson, ; Tillamook County today could boast of bar and the implicit confidence of his Sadie Watt, Clara Eichinger, Easie Oli ­ Mr. Peter Brant desires us to express performed the ceremony. having the finest roads in the state. clients Mr. Severance said he was sure ver and Ralph Moore. The progress and development of the he was expressing the sentiment of the his sincere thanks to the friends who “Haltom” will bold his Third "Grand county has been greatly retarded by the people of this county when he said that assisted and sympathized with him in Prize Box" Sale Wednesday afternoon, Will Get the Appointment. toll gate barriers. While counties all he was sorry that Mr. Eddy was leaving the death of his beloved wile. at 2 o'clock, May 3lst, and Wednesday evening, May 31st, his “Unique Twelve It is understood that B. L. Eddy, rec­ around us are increasing in population, Tillamook. In reply, Mr. Eddy made All prospects of peace in the Chicago Cent” Sale, that's now in progress, ommended bv Mr. Fulton, has Ireen we find ourselves with a decreasing one. some suitable remarks. At first he did teamsters* strike have disappeared, and Desirable ranches a.e lying vacant for not think it much of a job to break loose will be o|»en war from this time on. closes, then we will know the lucky per­ agreed upon for Register at Roseburg, son that gets the New Roval Sewing and that the Senator has refused to con­ the want of buyers, and it is a startling Machine. Have you made a guess at the sent to the appointment of J M. Law- fact (which we regret to admit) that rence, of Bend, as Receiver, Mr. Law- land is changing hands today for les* number of peas in the jar ? * T. J. Hutchins went over to Tillamook rence is the man whom Mr. Hitchcock money than it did eighteen or twenty the first ol last week and brought out a wants appointed to this office. The years ago. Whatever the doctor prescribes or load of cheese Saturday evening. He re­ Secretary will not discuss the case. When the attention of real estate suggest«, is what I specially try to ports the roads in bad condition.—News further than to declare there is no ill- agents in the valley are called to the supply, aud succeed as well that I Reporter. That mav be all true, but the iceling between the Senator and himself desirable places thnt are for sale, they , “ We can do nothing I ail known as Headquarters for all McMinnville newspaper forgot to men He says no appointment will be made invariably sav, People will not go behind those toll I tion the most interesting feature, the until two men are agreed upon, as there SICK ROOM GOODS. gates over such rough roads.” Yainhillites know where to get full cream would be no advantage in appointing a While the county iir offering prizes for i i Register without a receiver or vice versa. cheese of excellent quality and in good It cannot be ascertained whom Mr. exhibits to the Lewis & Clark fair, there condition. Fulton recommended for Receiver, or ( ought to be a prize offered for a good Reliable Druggist. On Friday evening the pupils of the who was lhe original choice of Mr. photograph of certain sections of the of the public sixth and seventh grade toll roads ; of course it would be best Hitchcock for Register, though this lat­ school gave their teacher, Miss Ruth ter preference is no longer of consequence. not to have any winter views, when Cooper, a surprise party at her home, about all any one can see of a team and when the young people had a nice time S alem , Or., May 19—When asked' wagon, is the mules ears sticking out of together and refreshments were served. this evening regarding the status of the the mud. It would be better to take Miss Cooper has declined to teach next appointments to the Roseburg Land some midsummer views of places in the year in this city, and her pupils took this Office, Senator Fulton declined to dis­ road, where it is possible to drive along means of showing their appreciation and cuss the subject, except to confirm the without getting one’s hat knocked off respect for their teacher. information that has been given out by by the brush. Special memorial services will be held the department at Washington. Sena Printed placards should lie placed next Sunday morning in the M.E. church tor Fulton says that he suggested two with these pictures, informing locaters J. P. AbUEN. Proprietor in this city,when Rev.C.A. Stockwell will men for the positions of register and that for the privilege of coming into the county they would ha veto pay a dollar, preach the memorial sermon. The ser­ receiver at Roseburg. He understands that the man recom­ and pav another dollar to get out, as vice will be appropriate to the occanon, with suitable music. Next Tuesday being mended for register, B. L. Eddy, has we have no free roads into the county. Special Attention paid to Tourists. memorial day. the G A R. will march to been approved by the Secretary of the It is necessary to lie plain with the facts, the cemetery and decorate the graves, Interior, and will be appointed by the as it may have the effect, of avoiding A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. after the exercises, which will coin nence President He has not been advised that any unlooked for rush, and the truth the other man has been objected to by ’ may hb well be found out first as last, in the opera house at 1:3) p.m. Miss Hilda Learned, who had charge Secretary Hitchcock. When he his been as it will come out anyway. Abraham Lincoln, once said : “ You of the dining room at the Allen House for notified that the man recommended for the past six months, resigned her posi recover is objectionable, he will submit can fool the people some of the time, tion tin re and left on the stage Tuesday another name. Senator Fulton declined some people vou can fool all the time ; evening tor Portland. To show their ap­ to give the name of the man recommend- hut vou cannot fool all of the people all Ke pairs Luna, Lock«. Typewriter*, Krys, Hleyclr* aneen in Tillamook Sewing Machine*. Mukea a Specially of Plumbing. boarders presented Miss Learned with a places are filled the appointees will be Countv he would see a people who are boquet ol flowers and a beautiful gold men recommended by him. Repair Shop, Opposite McIntosh » have. We know that said The Beet Hotel in the city. Wo Chinese Employed. of which the fortress is isolated. I roads have Ijeen a curse to the county Mackie. March, " Gloria,” Lusey. For the Sick Chas. I Clough, The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE Headquarters for Travelling Men LARSEN HOUSE