Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 18, 1905, Image 3

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Death of Hrs
Fannie H Carter.
Mrs. Fannie H. Carter aged 82 years
di d at the family res dm e on Spring
street Wcdnc day atte n on, May 3,
1! 05. I ce sc<l leil from a chair a few
and while f r from well at
the ime, the tall agg avated In r case
a id made a recovery impossible. She
had been a resident of Ashland thirty
\ ears.
Fannie H. Moor was born at Mill,
dieburg, Vermont, March 28. 1823;
moved with her parents to Wisconsin
while vet a young woman, in which
state she was married to J. L. Carter
April 28, 1845. With her husband she
crossed the plains with ox teams in the
year I860, coming first to California,
an I in the year 1871 the family came to
Ashland, and made their home on Wool,
cn street in the western part of the city.
There Mrs. Carter lived for 30 years.
Her husband died February 2, 1882.
Deceased was the mother of eight chil.
dreti, seven of whom are living, as fol­
lows; John Carter of Ashland; Loyal
W, of Santa Rosa, Cal.; Mrs. Cora E.
Lowry, of Tillamook ; Mrs. Mary E.
Geitncr, of Sacramento, and Major A.
Ernest A., and Sidnew E. Carter, of
Ashland. —Ashland Tribune.
Bad Runaway Accident.
While driving home from Dallas, Wed­
nesday evening, District Attorney John
H. McNary was severely injured in a
runaway accident,
Mr. McNary, in
company with W. H. Holmes and Web­
ster Holmes, left for home after court
had adjourned in the evening, anil as
they crossed the steel bridge at Salem
their team became frightened at a flick,
ering electric light and ran down the
bridge toward Commercial street, the
driver having lost control of them. Mr.
McNary, thinking to save himself by
getting clear ol the carriage, attempted
to jump out, but became entangled in
the wheel and was thrown violently to
the floor of the bridge. He was stunned
bv the fall and suffered a deep cut over
one e\e. The team ran a distance of
four blocks before the driver got it un­
der control. None of the other members
of the party were injured.
Yesterday’s Statement says Mr. Mc­
Nary was resting easv late Wednesday
n ght, although he had not entirely re-
c >vered consciousness. 1 he injury sus
tained is directly over the left eye, but,
so far as the surgeon can ascertain,
there is no fracture of the skull.—Polk
County Observer.
New Recording Fees
By an act of the legislature at the 1905
session, the County Clerk is required to
collect, for the benefit of thefcounty, on
and alter May 18th, the following rates
of fees, to be paid in advance :
For recording deed, trust deed,de­
claration, contract mortgage,
etc., lor each folio .......................... $ .25
Chat tie mortgage, eight folios or
less......................................................... 1.00 !
For entering and attesting release,
satisfaction or assignment on
the margin of any record ..........
For entering transcript of judg­
ment in judgment hen docket ... 1.00
For furnishing private parties
with copies of records, per folio
For each certificate to copy ..........
For declaration of intention to be­
come a citizen .................................. 1.50
For naturalization of an alien......
For filing a plat of any town or
addition for approval of court .. 1.00
For recording any plat or vaca­
tion of a plat ol town 20 lots or
For recording any plat containing
20 to 30 lots...................................... 7.00
For recording any plat containing
30 to 50 lots.....................................
For recording any plat containing
60 to 75 lots...................................... 10.00
For hunter’s license, residents of
the county.........................................
For hunter s license, non resident
of the county..................................... 10.00
City Council Meeting.
The regular meeting of the city council
was held on Monday, with Mayor Geo.
Cohn and Councilmen M. F. Leach, A.
T. White and L. Hiner present.
The following communication was
road from President May of the Watei
Company and the till in question was
allowed, the company was also inform­
ed if the pipssure was not kept on the
mains for tire protection they would
not allow the bill after the 1st of June.
Baker City, Oregon, May 8, 1905.
To Tillamook City, Oregon,
and the Honorable Common
Council thereof:
( Jen tiemen :—
Your failure to pay the water rent
due on the bill recenly presented
to the Council by referring the hill to
a committee induces us to believe
that you don’t intend to pay the rent .
at all. You will therefore, please take !
notice that if this payment isn’t made
by the 20th of this month that the
Tillamook Water Com|>any will refuse
to sell Tillamook City waler fm fire
purposes any longer at $30.00 per
month but will charge $40.00 per
month for water for fire protection
Our expenses in main­
taining a sufficient pressure to afford
lire protection amounts to much more
than 83u.OO per month, aDd we prefer
not to sell water for that purpose at
any price. If you deisre to continue
at the old price, please pay what is .
due on or before the 2oth inst., other­
wise the price will be changed to $40.00
per month, and in the event that you
fail to notify us of your intention to
take water for fire protection at the
late of $40.00 per month after the 20th
Ust, the pressure will be taken off
of the mains so that you will hare no
Moro Outlaw is Driven to Swamp
fire protection.
Reapectfullv submitted,
M anila , May 1+—Fierce fighting has
Tillamook Water Co.
been going on the last lew weeks on
by W. J. May, President.
The financial report of the watei tile Island ol Jolo, lietween the out­
law Moro chief Pain, with 600 well-
company was also produced as follows:
In compliance w th the demand cm . armed followers, and troops under the
tained m your letter dated Mav 1, 1905, personal command of Major-General
wherein you demand ol the Tillamook Leonard Wood. Paia s losses thus far
Hater Company as successor to H. are 300 killed, while those of General
Ouhitd that it furnish to your Hon
Cout.cila correct Statement ofits receipts Wood are seven killed mid 19 wounded.
and disbursements tor the year previous Paia and his remaining followers, in
to said demand properly authenticated accordance with Moro tradition, prefer
and sworn to by some one having know­ death to capture.
ledge of the facts. the Tillamook Water
General Wood, with detachments
Company lags leave to submit the fol­
from the Fourteenth Cavalry, the Sev­
lowing »taUineiic, to-wit :
Statement of the receipts of the Tilln enteenth,
mook Water Co., a corporation of Tilla­ third Infantry mid constabulary scouts,
mook City, Oregon, beginning May 1st. has driven Paia mid his followers into
190+, and ending May 1st, 1905, toge
lher with a statement of the expenses ol a swamp, which has been surrounded.
Paia was a noted slave trader mid
’hesaid Water Company
for operating
nt..- line i for
_ » the
I. r
* j period
• . : . ■ > >
its water
warrior when the Americans occupied
Receipts. Ex (lenses tile islands.
Later he escaped with
May, 190+.......
$66.00 his followers to the Island of Pula Se.
96 25
July ...................
79.15 kar, near Borneo, (hie of Paia's lead
72.00 ers deseited and took refuge in the
Septembei ........
194 70
77.03 British settlement at Laliad. Pula, rlis
193 50
120.35 covering his whereabouts, landed with
November .........
203 75
65 00
Decern tier............
187 50
90.61 a following and demanded of the Brit
January, 1905.
119 50 ish magistrates that he turn the desert­
218 68
92.75 er over to him. The demand was not
March ...............
129 78 complied with, ¡and Paia ordered a mas­
sacre. Twenty five persons, including
$2.408.51 $1,073.42 several British were killed. Paia es­
caped to the Island of Jolo and organ,
ized the present uprising.
Net........................ $1,335.09
It is reported .that the Borneo au­
thorities requested General Wood to
Stray Cattle to be Sold.
apprehend Paia dead or alive, and turn
Notice is hereby given, that the him over to them.
undersigned City Mai sbal of Tillamook
City, Oregon, has taken up, aud im­
pounded, within the incorporate limits
An export reports that the valuation
oi said City, the following described of the street railways of Chicago is $50,.
animals, found running at latge with
in the incorporate limits of said City, 000,000. This must reler to the sponge
iu violation of the provisions of before it is distended with about six
Ordinance No. 89 of said City, towit:- limes its weight in water.
One black and white, two year old
* * *
steer without mark or brand.
The Kansas oil refinery law provides
One black and white two year old
heifer, without mark or brand.. And for the cmployntmit of convict labor. In
all persons concerned are further here order to make it skilled labor the Kan.
by notified, that 1 will, at said City-
Pound iu said City, on Saturday the sans propose to give the Standard com.
20th day of May A. D. 1905 at the patty an indeterminate jail sentence.
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
* * *
said day, sell the said animals at pub­
Vermont has a new law providing
lic sale, to the highest bidder, for cash
in baud, to pay the oosts and charges that all waste ami uncultivated lands
of impounding said animals, the costs planted with timber forest trees under
and expenses of keeping and caring rules prescribed by the state forester
for same, together with costs and
shall be exempt from taxation for ten
expenses of such sale.
Dated at Tillanivok City, Oregon, years. In passing the act the legisla.
this loth day of May, A. D. 1905.
ture proceeded on the idea that the first
Clyde Clements,
loss ill taxable value would be more
City Marshal of Tillamook :
than made up eventuallv.
City, Oregon.
* * *
Charles Wilkins, of the steamer Ore-
gona, paid a $50 fine at Corvallis for
Born, on May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. L.
violating the local option law. He sold
McFee, a baby girl. Me. is alright, but
intoxicants from the steamboat to Cor­
Mrs. McFee has a bad cough and is not
vallis customers in the belief that the
very well.
boat being in the river made it a sale
J. S. Stephens came from Tillamook,
Friday on a business trip for u few days. asylum for Ins traffic. Four persons Have
pleaded guilty and paid $50 fines within
Mrs. R. Crawford is visiting Mrs.
the past*few days.
Grey on tile North Fork this week.
* * *
Miss Holt was over from Foley Sat­
Special reports have been received
urday and Sunday to visit her brother
from 42 Kansas counties regarding the
at Onion Peak.
The Co-operative Telephone Co. met enlorcemeiil of the prohibitory law. Of
a id organized, May 8. The officers these 19 report the existence of licensed
elected were : H. V. Alley, president ; 0. saloons. Over 480 saloons in Kansas
A. Loinmen, sectetary and treasurer ; are paving licenses to the different city
S M. Batterson, vice-president; Geo. govci nm<ms. 1 lie inloi iiiaiion has been
Loerpabel, H. Sweeney mid Mr.'York, placed beloie Governor Hoch to form a
trustees. Tile new company will extend basis for his coming order to close all
its line five miles from F. Za.ldach's liquor selling cnlcrpi isvs in the state.
* * *
place to connect with the Tuttle lines.
Last Saturday was Oregon day at
N.J. Welborn, of Kansas, visited his
the White House, all right. At 10:30
cousin, E. K. Scovell, Mav 8 and 9. He
the President decapitated W. F. Mat­
expects to coine west and locate in the
thews and appointed Charles J. Retd to
succeed him as United States Marshal
Born, to the wife of Geo. Loerpabel,
for Oregon. At 11 he indicated his pre-
May 14th, a girl. Dr. Smith was called
lerence that Judge William H. Hunt, of
in attendance.
Montana^ should sit in the land trials at
Some of our young people spent a
Portland and decided that, for the time
pleasant evening at a party at Clyde
being, no successor to Judge Bellinger
Christenson's Saturday.
should be appointed.
At 11 ;30 the
Effenburgcr’s mill will cut the lumlier
President sent for Vice-President Fair­
for the North Fork bridge. The piling
banks and requested him to be his rep­
is all drove for the bridge and the work
resentative at Portland at the opening
goes merrily on
of the Lewis and Clark Exposition of
ftine 1. At 11 ¡45 the President declared
his willingness, in tact his eagerness, to
Mr Langley, of Tillamook, was on press the button which will open the
the beach Saturday.
Lewis and Clark Exposition. At noon
Mrs. D. Arrange has been visiting over the President appointed Assistant Sec­
at the Elmore place with her daughter, retary of the treasury H. A. Taylor
Mrs Frank Reading.
chairman of the Lewis and Clark Gov­
Mr. Geo. W. Phelps, of this place, has ernment Board. He then went to lunch.
been appointed by the National Associa
tion of ¡Audubon Societies, tor the pro.
A Creeping Death.
creeps up towards the
tection of wild animals and birds He
E. Steams,
has been appointed warden to look after heart, causing death. J
Belh‘ Plaine, Minn., writes that a
the protection of the birds on the Ne
friend dreadfully
injured his hand,
tarts beach, and the three brother rocks which »welled up like blood poisoning.
(lietter know n as tlie arch rocks) and Bucklen'» Arnies Sslve drew out the
their birds eggs, aid the society is pre­ poison, lieaHi the wound, and saved
pared to prosecute anyone who shoots his life. Best in the world for burns and
the liiids or takes eggs.
•»ore«. 25c. at Chas. I Clough's drug
R Robinson and wife, of Tillamook, store._____________
visited the Netarts cheese factory last
Terrific Race With Death.
“ Death wax fast approaching.” »1 Ke»
Geo. Coffman wei t to Tillamook Mon
day evening and remained there several Ralph F. Fernandex, of Tampa, Fla ,
describing hi" fearful race with death,
■■ a" a remit of liver trouble and heart
A. M Austin went to the hub Satur­ disease. « Inch had robbed me of sleep
and of all interest in I fe. I had tried
many different doe’ena and aeveral med-
A Daredevil Ride
' icinea. but got no benefit, until I la-gun
Often ends ‘n a sail accident. To heal to use Electric Bitter». So wonderf-rl
accidental injuries, use Bucklen a Ar­ WM their effect, that in three day« I
nica Salve. " A deep wound in rnv loot, felt litre a new man, and today I am
from an accident,” writes Theodore I cured of all my trouble." Guaranteed
Schnele of Columbus, (>.. ' caused me at Cha*. I. Clough, drug »tore; ynee 5Oc.
great pain.
Physicians «ere helpless,
Cheated Death.
but Bur-Hen's Arnica Salve quickly
Kidnev trouble often end» fatally, but
healed it ” Soothes and heals burns like
magic, 25c at Chas. I. Clough, druggist. by chraadng the right medicine. E. II.
Wolfe, of Bear Grove. I«w«, cin-ated
> death.' He »ar«: “ Two year« ngo I had
Dr. P. J- Sharp, the expre- Kidney Trouble, which cau»eil me great
enced dentist is loeflted in lattn, suffering and anxiety, but I took
Bittei», which effected a com.
Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and Electric
piste cure. I ha»e also found them of
is prepared to do nothing but great
benefit in general debility and
first class work and give the nerve trouble, and keep them constantly
»Ince, a« 1 find they have no
best of satisfaction If your
' ha. I- f lough, druggist,
teeth need fixing call upon equal.
guarantees them at 5vc.
if you are iu want of Good Trees, guaranteed true to name,
Gresham, Oregon,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines,
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail.
This is to certify, that I have this 27th day of December, 1904, inspected and
examined the Nursery Stock of Mr. E. P. Smith, of The Eastwood Nurseries, Gres­
ham, Oregon, and so far as I atn able to ascertain, have found it in good, market­
able condition and clear of anv serious insect pest or disease. Their methods of
handli g and growing stock are first class.
WILBUR K. NEW ELL, Commissioner First District.
H NEW ' summer
d i
© I
$ For Gentlemen’s Garments
to _ Order.
-Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring, Ö
iJ Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts,
1 J*
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Ragla.i’s Rain Coats.
Exlusively to Measure.
W SARCHE t , the
Tailor, Tillamook, v
Conic earlv and secure first choice.
Satisfaction guaranteed in nil cases.
On and after Mav 1st we have decided
to sell only FOR CASH.
All who are indebted to us w ill please
call at our office and settle their ac­
counts either with cash or by note and
M c I xtosh & M c N air C o .
Suitable Exhibit for the Lewis
and Clark Fair Wanted
Five Cash Prizes offered by the County-
Court of Tillamook County, as follows :
For the best collection of Vegetables
grown in Tillatnook County, suita­
ble for an exhibit at the Lewis and
Clark Fair
$5 oo
Best Col.ection of Grain ....
5 oo
Best Collection of Grasses
5 oo
Best Exhibit of Honey put up in one
pound sections
3 OO
Best Exhibit of Small Fruit or Berries
put up in one pint glass jars .
5 oo
All exhibits must be suitable in quantity
and arrangement to be exhibited at the Lewis
and Clark Fair, at a date to be fixed by a
committee to be appointed by the County
Court. The said committee will have charge
of the collection and will award the prizes.
Hated at Tillamook City, Oregon, this 5th
day of May, 1905.
By order of the County Court.
G. B. LAMB, County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Cou^t will receive sealed bids until IO o’clock
a.m. July 5th, 1905, for the construction of a
bridge across the Big Neetucca River at or
near what is known as the “Charley Smith
Ford." The said bridge to be constructed
according to plans and specifications pre­
pared by the County Surveyor anti on file in
the office of the County Clerk, where they
may be seen. The county will furnish ail the
materials delivered at the bridge site. The
contractor will bid on the labor necessary
for the construction of the bridge. File all
bids with the County Clerk. The court re­
serve the right to reject any and all bids.
By order of the County Court.
G. B LAMB, County Clerk.
Fir and Spruce Lumber.
Notice is hereby given that the County-
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will re­
ceive sealed bids for the construction of a
Platt Combination Truss Bridge across the
Wilson river at what is known as the ‘‘Free­
man Bridge," according to plans and specifi­
cations prepared by the County Surveyor
and on file in the office of the Countv Clerk,
where they may be inspected. All bids must
be filefl with the County Clerk on or before
10 o'clock a.tn. on July 5th, 1905. 7 lie court
reserve the right to reject any and all bids.
By order of the County Court.
G. B. LAMB, County Clerk.
Spruce and Cedar Shingles.
Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty.
Orders for Lumber promptly attended to.
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and
also the Astoria & Columbia Rivir R. R. foi San Francisco, Portland
and all point» east. For freight and passenger rates apply to
B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon.
O. R & N. R. R. Co . Portland.
A. & C. R. R. Co., Portland.
Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Exprès
Tillamook Iron Woks
General Machinists & Blacksmiths.
Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging.
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
My experiance in the shoe
business for 30 years give me
the advantage in selecting boots
and shoes suitable for the Tilla­
mook trade. The public are
cordially invited to examine my
goods and get prices before purchasing elsewhere.
The Red Shoe Store is the only Boot and Shoe Store in
mook county.
Department of the interior,
I «and Office at Oregon City. Ore.,
Api II 22 ii <I, I905.
Notice is hereby given that tin- following-
named settler has filed notice of hie intention
to make final proof in support of Ins rlnim,
iiixl t Ila 1 said pi oof *11) hr made befota the
County Clerk of I lllamook Co., at Tillamook
City, Oregon, on Juno 7U1. 190s, viz.;
U.K. No. 1:14/ for the I. Nw %. Nr % Sxv %
and N w % hr % of Sec. 2. t p 4 S, R 9 W.
lie mimrs the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz. :
P. B I.urns, Arthur Haag, Jos Bixby, of
Beaver. Oregon ; Marcus Curl, of Blaine, Ore.
AMH HN on S DlOHMl K, i<«<gister.
publication .
Dt-|iartmei)t of the Inferior,
Land Office at Oregon city, Ore ,
April 15th. 191.5.
Notice is hereby given that the following
nuined settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in sup|»ort of Ids < Jidui, and
that said proofw 111 b** made beloie the County
Clerk of Tillamook Co., Mt T11lam<x»k City, Orc.,
on June6tli, 1905, viz.
ILK. I2255 foi the N % He 1^ and Lot 9 of Ser.
2, ami f,ot 12 of See 1, Tp 3 Hoti th, R m W
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ids continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz ;
Edgar K Gilbert, Henry A. Ely, James Chris­
tensen, Ed L) Hter, of Hpruor, Oregon,
ALGKMNON H, Dxissr-M Register.
Ur V krtuk of an E xkci 'TION and order
of sale duly issued by the clerk of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for the County
of Tillamook. dated the 22nd day of April,
1905. in a certain suit in the Circuit Court
<>f said county and state, wherein IC. M.
PORTER was Plaintifr. and ABABF.LLA
I FITZPATRICK as administrator of the cs-
! tatc of JOHN TONE, deceased, were drfen
I dants, m which satai enh satai I . M FOB
1 TER. as plaintiff, recovered a judgment on
the 17th day of April 1905, against defen­
dants above named, for the sum of One
Hundred Fifty Dollars with interest at the
I rate of six per cent per annum from the 15th
i day of June. 1903, and the further sum of
l iftv Dollars as a reasonable Attorney’s fee
I and the costs of said suit taxed at Thirteen
i sold 5O-1OO Dollars, ordering, adjudging and
decreeing that the real projarty descrlued in
i plaintifi> mortgage and complaint, to wit
Beginning sixteen and 6B. 1 00 chains East
of the Section Post corner to Sections 21,22.
I 15 and 16. Township one ( 1 ) North >>j
Range ten (1<D West of Willamette Meri­
dian , thence East three and H 1OO chains ;
' thence South fifteen and 50.100 chains ,
| thence North sixty eight degree West, three
I and 46 1OO chains , thence North fourteen
' chains to place of beginning, containing five
forty-five hundreths acres more or less,
Tilla­ I and
in Tillamook County, Oregon. I»«- sold to
satisfy said Judgment, Attorney's fee and all
Therefore notice is hereby given that I will
I on Hatunlay the 3rd day of June, 1905, at
the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon •(
said day at the door of the Court House, in
Tillamook City, Tillamook County. Oregon,
offer for sale at public auction to the hlghr«t
I bidder, for cash in hand, the real pr<»i>erty in
I 4.1 id order and decree and herein f>ciorc dew-
, crihcd to satisfy said judgment nnd decree.
' The proceeds arising from such sale of said
I real proj»crty to be applied as follows Fir* t
to the costs and disburnmMrnts of this suit
1 tazed at »13 50 together with »50.00 At-
I torney’s fee and the costs, charges and < «
pense of making such sale Second to the
, payment of the «urn of S15o.00 with Inter« *t
j at »lx ¡»er cent |»er annum from June 15th,
i 1903, to H. M Porter. Third, that th«
; balance if any there be to la* paid to David
i Fitzpatrick, administrator of the estate ot
John Tone deceased.
* Dated this 2 Ith day of A pril, 1903.
Hheriif of Tillamook C«ntnty, Oregon.
P. F BROWNE,Salesman
Department of the Interior?
l.iind Office at Oregon (’tty, Ore.,
A pi II 2'.ith, 1906.
Notice Is hereby given that the toilowing-
named settler has fil«<l notice of his int--ntioii
to make fluid pro f in support of his claim,
and that said proof will l»e 111 ide before County
Clerk of Tillamook Co, at Tillamook, Ort^on,
on June 9th, 19I15. viz
SAMl'KI. T l.t'CAS ;
H.I{. No 12661. for the W >9 Nr >4 ami E
•4. eeiioii Mi, tp. 3south, range a west
I He names the following witin^srs to prove
his continuous residence u|K>n and cultivation
of said land, viz. :
Heth F. Moon, N R. Moon, Marcus Curl,
Gust Chopaid, of Blaine. Oregon
A lgernon I. D mkhskr , Register.
notice for
Is now located in the Store
formerly used as the Model
Restaurant, where LADIES’,
of the latest and best quality will
be constantly kept in stock.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Court of Tillamook County will lease to the
highest bidder the Big Nest uvea Toll Road
and the Little Nestueea Toll Road. Sealed
bids will be received for the same until 10
o'clock a.m. Monday, June Sth, 1905. Par­
ties may bid on each road separate or both
roads together. The time of lease will be
from the signing of the lease when the bids
are opened, until May 1st. 1900. AU repairs
and improvements will be done by the coun­
ty, hence bitkiers will not figure on any ex­
pense for repairs on the road.
The terms of payment are as follows : 1 t
payment incash when the contract is signed,
Vo payment in cash on September (’»th. 1905,
l l payable in cash on November 1st. 1905
A good ami sufficient bond will be required
to secure all payments.
The rates of toll to be collected on each
road will be the same as the present rates,
to wit :
Bach four wheeled vehicle
$1 OO
Each two wheeled vehicle
Knell saddle or pack horse .. .
Each head of loose stock
Each head of sheep or hogs
All bids must l>e filed with the County
Clerk on or before the above named date, the
court reserving the right to reject any and
all bids.
By order of the County Court.
G. B. LAMB County Clerk.