JlraÖligljt Vol. XVII TILLAMOOK, TILLAMOOK M’ system BIGSHOW” ILORING SAMPLES -ie AH F4DTH TAILORS- Fii Guaranteed. ALVA FINLEY, Local Agent, Tillamook, Ore Bring Your Job Printing to the Headlight Print Shop and you ouill Get Good Work and Save fHoney For the Sick Whatever the doctor prescribes or suggests, is what I specially try to supply, aud succeed as well that I an known as Headquarters for all SICK ROOM GOODS. Chas. I. Clough, Reliable Druggist. The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE J. P. ALLEN, proprietor Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation 1 UepHin (.uns, Lock*. Typewriters Keys Sewing Machines. Makes a Specialty of 1 lumblng. Repair Shop, Opposite McIntosh $ ♦»sstssssess »■«>>»»»........... -1 Centrally Located Rates, $1 Per Day LARSEN HOUSE, M. H. LARSEN, Proprietor. TILLAMOOK, The Best Hotel in the city. OREGON Xo Chinese Employed, OREGON, JOTTINGS. MAY 18, 1905 >1.50 per year Fred Forslund, the Plumber, does all Walkover Shoes at Todd’s. Married. kinds of plumbing in a workmanship Henry Crenshaw* met with an accident | On Mav 10th a very pretty wedding Eddy & Botts, for abstracts. * style and makes a specialty of that kind on Saturday which might have resulted occurred at noon at the home of Mr. and of work. Big Bargains in Bicycle at Fage’s. * seriously. He was fixing the telephone | Mrs. Charles Harding, 377 Williams Gordon Hats and Gloves at Todd’s/ After a week’s rain, which was what line on the road to Blaine and had strap, avenue, Portland, Or., when Frederick Gent.’s Furnishing Goods at Todd’s/ the county was greatly in need of, the ped himself to a pole on the side hill, Koltz and Miss Ethel Southmayd were M. J. B. coflre just received at Cohn's • weather turned bright and warm again when the foundation of the pole gave united in marriage. Rev. William S. Gil. on Sunday. out, and Crenshaw and the pole were bert, of Calvary Presbyterian Church, Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at Postmaster Severance changed the thrown on the rocks some thirty feet be­ officiating. The decorations were snow­ Todd’s. • position of the cabinet in the post office low. He was burised badly about the balls, Oregon dogwood and roses, beaut, Half soles, all sizes and prices at W. E. on Wednesday night so as to procure leg and is not fixing telephones for a few ifully arranged. The bridal couple en. Page’s. ♦ da vs after his lucky escape. more light. tered the south parlor to the strains of Trade vour old bike to Page for a The baccalaureate sermon to the high Mendelssohn's wedding march, played Mrs. Plank will leave on the steamer good one. • to visit her daughter. Mrs. Kate Frank* school graduates will be preached next by Miss Helen Harding, and stood dur­ F. J. Yates, of Hebo, was in the city on lin. in Washington, and will be awry Sunday morning by Rev. A. S. Foster in ing the ceremony under a bell of white Wednesday. the Presbyterian church, which will be a flowers. Only the immediate relatives several months. • and a few of the bride's friends were The steamer Sue H. Elmore left Astoria Lost, a plush robe.—A reward ot $10 union service. Prelude.—Miss Ruth A. Cooper. present, owing to the illness of the bride­ this morning. will be paid bv A. G. Beals for the return Piano Doxology. groom's mother. The bride looked very O. Bergman was down from Nehalem of the same. Was lost near the Grange Invocation, on Wednesday. hall on Saturday. ^election. “Meditation”—Oichestra. winsome in a traveling gown of blue piped with v.hite satin, and carried a Reading. The school grounds are being fenced in Scripure The best sewing machine oil and Player—Rev. N. S. Hankins. shower boquet of bride roses. Mr. and with a neat fence. Iron posts have been Vocal Quartet. —Misses Macdonald, Mrs. Koltz left on the afternoon train needles at Page's. * Bewley. Messers Whitney, Cooper. for an extended trip to Victoria and Frank J. Rowland, of New York, is in set in concrete, attached to which is two Sermon. — Rev. A. S. Fostei. rows of iron chain. the city this w’eek. other Sound cities Miss Ethel South, Prayer. —Rev. John Branch. For sale, four good 3 year old heifers Solo.—E. II. Whitney. mayd is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Best grades of barb wire and milk cans and three 4 year old cows, all of which Selection.—‘‘Pilgrim’s Song of Hope. ” Al Southmayd of Oeean Park, and is for sale at Cohn’s. * —Orc hesti a. will come in fresh soon. Apply to L. C. very well known and highly respected House to rent. Apply to M. C. Trow- Benediction. Smith at Bar View. throughout the county. bridge, Tillamook. At a meeting of the school directors on Jolin McNamer and G.W. Grayson will Cohn & Co. are paying the highest run a stage over the Wilson river road Tuesday, B. L. Eddy tendered his resig Notice price for dry hides. * thissammer, leaving this city and Forest nation, which was accepted, and T H. Botts was appointed to fill the unex­ Removal of the United States Land Office F. A. Chinnock, of Portland, was in Grove on alternate days. pired term. Most everybody will regret the citv on Tuesday. from Oregon City, Oregon, to Port­ When vou want tinning done go to that Mr. Eddy has severed his connec­ land, Oregon. Good Sewing Machines for little Fred Forslund’s. All work strictly first ting with the board, for he has been iden­ Notice is hereby given that the Presi- money.—W. E. Page. * class aud guaranteed. Repairs of all tified with it for a number of years and dent of the United States, by Executive Ralph G. Gunn, of San Francisco, was kinds <\.e executed with neatness. * was most active in bringing the school order dated March 21,1905, has. pur in the city this week. The Independent plant,which was sold up to its present high standard, which suant to section 2251 of the Revised The best equipped bicycle repair shop at auction by the sheriff oil Tuesday,was the patrons have great reason to be Statutes of the United States, and by is at Fred Forslund’s. bought in by T. B. Handley for Claude proud of, for Tillamook City has one of virtue of the authority therein given, W. W. Plum and wife, of Salem, were Thayer, who held a mortgage on it. the best high schools in the state. This directed that the United States land in the city on Monday. J. A. Richardson and, wile left Tilla­ is what the patrons wanted, which Mr. office now located at Oregon City, Call and see the Racvcle Bicycle at W. mook on Saturday for their future hoir.e Eddy and his fellow directors have com Oregon, be removed, with its business, near Olympia, Wash., where Joe has pur­ plied with. Mr. Eddv has been a true records, and archives, to Portland, H. Cary’s before buying. friend of the public school, and we are Oregon. Elegant pictures given away with chased an interest in a small steamer. In pursuance of said Executive order Emmett Quick is hauling the pipe for sorry lie has found it necessary to sever Archer’s starch at Cohn’s. * his connection with the board. the United States land office at Oregon New crop fine spider leg tea only 25 the new water system and takes four ton at a load. Part of the wood pipe was The graduating exercises of the public City, Oregon, will be permanently closed cents a pound at Cohn's. brought in on the steamer last week. school will be held in the opera house on and discontinued at the close of business Harness and Sole Leather and Shoe- Mrs. Peter Brant, who has been in Friday evening, May 26th, when the hours on June 30, 1905, and its business maker's supplies at Page's. poor health for a long time, had an at­ 1905 class of the high school will be pre- | records, and achieves removed to Port­ P. McIntosh left on Saturday on a tack of paralysis in the left side Sunday seated with diplomas. Theexercises will 1 land, Oregon, on July 1, 1905. business trip to the Sound. Given under my hand, Lt the City of evening, and is now quite seriously sick. be free, the program for which is as fol. Washington, this twenty filth day of Money to loan on improved farm pro- Bull for sale bv T.J Bibby. of Long lows : March. ‘‘University of Pennsylvania” March, A. I). 1905. perty.—Apply to F. R. Beals. Prairie. “Royal Star.” registered in —Orchestra. Bv the President. John McNamer left on Tuesday with American Short Horn Breeders’ Associa .Salutatory. Progress—Ralph U. Moore W. A. R ichards . Engineer Chase and R. Robinson. Selected—Mrs. E. M. lion in vol- 44, his No. 137,780. Will Vocal Solo. | Commissioner of the General Land Office. Patterson. Horse for Sale.—Apply to J. A. Wag­ sell cheap. (’lass History.—Clara Eichinger. ner. on the Mills’ place, Wilson river. * Tillamook City has not grown in pop Waltz. ‘‘Dream Thoughts.’’ — Orches­ Goats for Sale. tra. Take your wool and bides to Cohn’s if ulation for several years. The census is For Sale, 50 head of gouts, in fine Valedictory. ‘‘ We have Crossed the you want the highest cash price tor it. * now being taken, and it will be about Bay, The Ocean Lies Beyond.”— condition. Half and half.—Apply to J. the same as that taken by the govern Found, a lodge emblem, “P.F.L E.” J- Hupp. ________________ Sadie M. Watt. Address.—Hon. B. L. Eddy. Left at this office for the person wlro lost ment five years ago. Presentation of Diplomas. Building for Sale. P. Buckholts. J. Burkhanit, E. E John it. March. —Or chestr a. son and Matt Greene, who attended the For title, chrap, if sold at once, the Honey in onepoundsections at Cohn’s, also bee hives and all kinds of bee supplies conductors' convention in Portland and Mr Eddy will Leave Tillamook. building rust of the Headlight office that was used bv Otto Heins for his studio.— then came to Tillamook to fish and en­ on hand. * Apply to Mrs. Heins in this city for price. joy themselves, left on Tuesday. The many friends of Mr. B. L. Eddy E. A. Worthington and Fred S. Crow­ Mr. T. B. Handley returned from a will be sorry to hear that he will leave ley, of Cloverdale, were in the city on A women who has just won a goodlv business trip to the W illamette valley on Tillamook shortly, for it is more than sum of money in a breach-of promise Saturday. Sunday, and reports the valley towns probable that President Roosevelt will case talks about the gallant jury. A Norman Olsen has moved to Portland are increasing in population, with coil appoint him register of the Roseburg mercenary woman always calls a jury and is working for the Hazel wood Cream siderable improvements in buildings. land office, which will make his removal gallant which takes money out of a Company. Mr. and Mrs. Hcnrv Lowry returned from this county necessary. Mr. Eddy mun’s pocket and gives it to her. Married, on Friday, by Justice G. B last week from Ashland, where they has been a good friend to Tillamook an«l * * * Alley, Mr. Frank Reading and Miss Mil Professor Haeckel in a recent lecture visited for about three weeks. They we consider it is a lost to the county and lie Arrance. were perfectly content to return to lilla those who put implicst confidence in him says there is practically no difference lie. Bikes, l»eds, springs, tables, stands, mook, for they saw no section of coun as an attorney. He won reputation f<»r tween a man and a monkey. It is only mattresses, guns, revolvers, etc. Cheap try that came up to this ideal dairying himself and Tillamook when he reprent- a difference in quantity, not a difference at W. E. Page’s. • ed Yamhill and Tillamook counties in of quality. That means when reduced to county. Mrs. J. P. Allen and Elmer will leave We undeestand that some of the tea the state legislature at two sessions, but lowesr terms that man is only more of a on the evening of the 25th io visit their cliers in the public school are not satis- at some sacrifice to hioiself representing monkey than ¿the fellow who grimaces friends in California. fied with the wages and will not teacli the people, for he had to close up his law so inghltully. * * * The schooner San Bennvintura arrived in this district again. Prof. Whitney, office while he was away. Yet in spite of The members of the Federal grand jury on Thursday to load lumlier at Hobson, Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Hays are the this, the people of Tillamook county did investigating the business affairs ol the only teachers who have decided to teach not show a magnanimous spirit when a beef packing industries at Chicago, on ville for San Francisco. majority of the voters did not support Commissioner Bodyfelt has been in the again. him as they should have when he was a Monday learned .ill the details of the Farm for sale. 159 acres, near Sand city this week on account of the serious candidate for circuit judge. The Head manner in which officials of the Aetna lake ; good house and barn ; 40 acres sickness of Mrs. Brant. light has always thought the jieople of Trading Company kept their books. This Mrs E. C. Wilson, with her daughter, tide land and 30 acres of bottom and this county did Mr. Eddy an injustice on company, it is said, was the means by Miss Ollie, left on Saturday to join her meadow land ; raise 40 tons of hay and that occasion, a ;e fought out in the general con­ millinery store. More new styles just L. Young. J. E Welch. O. Mtach, Engi- to miss, an offer that 1 do not innke ference session. 1 he conservative ele. ment of the church is opposing union. j nrer Chase and 13 men to work on the every day. Come and sec for yourself. ' arrived. The friends of union sav the conserve M r « LI nmky . The schooner C. T. Hill, with lumber pipe line. She left again Saturday with tiyes are in the minority and the plan I from the Tillamook Lumber Co.'s saw Mrs. E. C. Wilson, Miss Ollie Wilsou, A. will l»e adopted. It has already been a<*. Social Dance Saturday, May «epted by the Congregational and Me* mill in this city, was towed to tea on Marolf. J. A. Kuhardson and wife and 1 h > list churches. ,20, at Opera House I Misses Julia an J Anna Tone. Thursday.