W. S. Hare ................................... 1.80 Commissioners’ Court. |t> the situation in Tillamook county, (’. H. Woolfe, expenses at cicunt court . . ...................... 18.10 I but there is this difference : Tillamook s The board ol county commissionera —State vs. Gr..nt Lederer.— It seems to be the consensus of opinion court house is to cost a little over $20,- met on Wednesdav with Judge Conder G. 11. Alley, justice....................... 12.00 amongst the water commission and city OOO, with a large amount of the money and Commissioner Geo. W. Body feit C. H. Woolfe.......................... 4.50 council to stop further payment ot already raised and remaining idle in the present. Commissioner Loerpabel was Emily Smith................................. .'. 1.7o treasurer's hands ; whereas the Clatsop 1.70 unable to be present at tins term of Mary E. Smith...................... water rent to the Water Company until L. L Smith........... ........................ l,7o the pressure is sufficient to warrant pay­ county court bouse w ill cost oyer $100,- court. Naomi Deightou.......................... 2.90 000 with no money on hand. County ing for it. Claim of school district No. 16 for Said the Maiden to the Man. —Claim ot Jurors.— Judge Conder and the commissioners V * * rent for Novemlier election was with- ‘TH disclose to you a plan G. H. Waid..... ............................. 10.80 The mutual telephone company has not could delay building the court house un­ diawn by consent of clniuienls. Gus Nelson ................................... 7.80 How to win my hand and heart:— applied for a franchise yet, and we are til next January il they so desired, when Claim of Tillamook Logging Co. for Andrew Klein................................... 12.0C informed that if is not likely to either. they could levy the balance of the money Just shake those clothes—they're shams G. M. Cobb..................................... 12.00 $12 was continued. We are wondering what has become of to complete the court house. It would Get the kind that’s made by 'Lamms’ Claim ofj. Sanders and Frank Wheeler Joseph Bixby ................................ 9.40 all that "hot air” Bro. A. W. Fletcher, of be unw ise for them to adopt thatcourse, Chas. Desmond............................. 8.00 And as one we’ll then depart." C. C. Jenson.................................... 10.20 Oretown, shot into the citv dads a tew lor it would make a delay of 12 months, were continued. In the matter o(the petition of G. N. W. T. Doughty............................. 7.4u weeks ago ? and we have a vague idea il il is delayed 6.80 Hogden for a road of public easement, J. H. Hathaway....................... * * * that length ol time il it comes to readver­ F. L. Sappington. John Hickey and G. (.'lifts. Ostrander............. -....... _... 7.40 It is stated »hat the county is going to tising the county will have to pay from Alex McDonald............................... 12.00 lease the toll roads thev have bought. $2,000 to $3,000 more for the court M. Watkins were appointed viewers to Fred Robitch................................. 8.20 That is a funny idea and tinged with house. Therelore, our advice is that the meet on the 22nd of May. W. G. Hanis ................. 6.20 11.60 The countv clerk was ordered to ad­ W. A. Gage............................ inossbackism. The toll roads ha ve been county court should proceed with the M. D. Reading ........ . ................ 7.40 a curse to the country, to say nothing of erection of the court bouse w ith as little vertise for bids for the construction of a Milles Warren............................ ... 7.40 He did as she commanded how they have squeezed the people, so we bridge across the Big Nestucca river at Frank Owen»................... »........... 11.20 delay as possible. It is lor the best inter- And when coming back thus "BRAND -ed hoped the roads will be thrown open free or near what is known as the Charlev H. E. Weston................................. 6.20 est of the taxpayers and the public, and He was greeted with sweet laughter: to the public. Those who owned them, C. E. Donaldson........................... 6.9) a considerable saving as well to the tax­ Smith ford. perhaps, feel glad they w ere able to dump She said—“Much to me you’re worth Report of Fred Zaddach supervisor of Wm. Maxwell.................... . ........ .. 6.80 payers when everything is taken into D. B. Dar bey................................. 8.40 them upon the county. Oothed with THE BEST ON EARTH" K. C. Muggarell............................ 12.00 considetalion, that the court bouse road distract No. 1 was approved. * * * Claim of Tillamook Lumber Co. for Seth F. Moon ................................. 11.00 And they lived happy ever after. As some of the mercantile stores in this should be erected this year. That is the $79 92 was continued, but on reconsid­ Henty Tohl....................................... 12,00 city propose doing a cash business in the general opinion, so the county court eration was allowed. Alex Watt..................................... .. 6 20 A. W. Fletcher................................. 13.00 future, we think if this system can be ought not to delay the building. Every man who seeks to clothe himself with the Bond of John Hickey, as roadmaster, * * si Fred Christensen........................... 2.90 carried out it will be better for those who satisfactory kind of made-to-measure apparel should was approved When the newspapers were scrapping S. H. Rock....................................... 13.00 trade here. It may cause a little incon ­ follow the maiden’s injunction. with the city council for simply a fair The court ordered a warrant drawn in H. H. Hays....................................... 53.20 venience to those who have been in the and reasonable compensation lor work, the sum of $500 to pay for the Little O. Bergman A Co......................... 125.19 The “LftNIM" kind from “Start to Finish” habit of doing their trading on the credit Councilman Chase said they were hold­ Nestucca Toll Road, and it has agreed to Fred Lowery...................................... 3.80 makes good its label “THE BEST ON EARTH” plan, yet for all that if the business men ing the city up. He said the same thing purchase the Big Nestucca Toll Road for S. Downs, bailiff............................. 12.00 That means material, trimming, workmanship and fit; and they’re made strictly can cut out the long credit system they 5.00 on Wednesday evening about the attor­ $1000, the sale of which will be com­ C. Hanenkratt ............................... for you -not for the other fellow. They’re money saving clothes because of will hud less trouble in paying their own Tbe liwiu Hodsun Co................... 18.90 neys, and now wants to engage an out- pleted at an adjourned meeting ot the Ralph Ackley.................................. 16.00 their lasting qualities. Never get out of shape and always have a smart and bills. side attorney to look after the city's in­ court the first Monday in June. S. M. Dailey.................................. 30.00' * * * natty appearance. Prices are right, too. “Seeing is believing’’ and if you Tillamook -Water Co...................... 2.00 Some of our Catholic friends think the terest. We believe the city is able to —Road District No. 6.— haven’t ordered your Spring attire yet, put us to the test by calling at Headlight went a little too far in its pay the newspapers and attorneys a fair J. Ottis........................................... $33.00 K. Mills, salary.................... ,.... 50.00 31.60 A. M. Hate, salary ................... 100.00 “THE BEST ON EARTH” CLOTHES SHOP criticism of Father Schell in our issue of remuneration for work, and when Chase Frank Owens ............................ 13.50 C. A.Johnson, salary.................... 50.00 You'll find there a large and superb line of Spring and Summer materials to sektt last week. We are frank to admit that makes a public statement that they are Fred Briody................................. 7.50 22.00 B. F. Durfee................................ Guy Mattoou............................... it was somewhat severe and might have holding the city up it is a libel. Sup­ Roy Mattoon............................... from and courteous treatment—buy or no buy. IT'S WORTH LOOKINC IN’O. 24..'H I Cobn A Co...................................... 11.25 been couched in more moderate and pose the Headlight made the statement Chas. Ray, teams....................... 85.1X1 J. H. Oliver.......................................... 85 7.60 9.50 Cohn A Co...................................... charitable language, yet editors are that Chase was holding the citizens up Lester Lundingbam................... 7.00 R. L. Wade.................................... 87.75 human and err sometimes in judgment. and trying to rob them on the price ot E. Lundingbam........................... John Craven................................. 13.00 — Balance continued for O. K. But, to justify our position, all we need fish when he was only asking fair com- (I. Dann....... .............................. by parties »Ho purchased.— 13.00 add is that the man who attacked Arch­ pensation, he would sue us for liabel and A. Gage.......................................... 5.00 Tillamook Lumber Co............... 20.64 25.00 B. O. Snuffer...... ..................... 30.00 bishop Qhristie and others in such a pav a reasonable compensation to an A. Hess .......................................... venomous manner as it was reported attorney to defend his case—unless he Thomas Willson........................... 33. (X) M. F. Leacb.................................. 5.86 D. Fletcher..... ............................ 21.00 F. L. SappiDgton....................... 20.00 Father Schell had done, we thought he could find some attorney who could not Henry Gage.................. .......... .. 16.00 P. W. Todd, saiaty..................... 45.83 was not deserving of the least sympathy. get a case without doing it for nothing. L. Whiteman............................... 16.00 William Woods.............................. 50.00 * * * The city pays a reasonable compensation J. C. Smith.................................. 4.00 C. H. Woolfe, refunded............ 18.28 2. IX) W. W. Conder salary..................... 50.00 It is about time for another railroad to city officials and o.k. bills for lumber, C. Christensen............................. 1.00 to be built into Tillamook on the "hot gravel, electric globes and merchandise C. Waymire................................. 2.00 Hogan...................................... WARSAW STAINED RED. air” system. When the Simmons’ pro­ and not a word is said about holding up C. 17.57 Wm. Grosboff.............................. position was first made a number of our the city, nor do the city dads resort to B. Kingston............ ......... ........... 16.62 People in Orderly Demonstrations citizens were very much concerned for cheese paring and chewing the rag, for Stephen Bauer...................... ,..... 17.10 Slain by Troops in Wanton A. A If niter .................................... 11.75 fear the Headlight man would pour cold they allow the bills without question. Il Massacre. J. T. Weckoit ............................... 14.25 water upon it. We are frank to admit is the city officials who are to blame for W arsaw , May 1 —Nearly 100 persons F. C. Varner...... .......................... 12.75 that we felt like criticising the proposi­ not having a city attorney, for they E. C. Varner................................ 14.25 were killed or wounded in disturbances tion from the start, but as so many of our failed to agree amongst themselves who D. Biadley................. . ................. 4.10 in various quarters of Warsaw today. William Penter ........................... 35.00 The troops, apparently, were uncontrol. citizen felt that it was a "sure thing” they wanted. If the mayor and city table and violated all orders to act with —Road District No. 3.— this time, we purposely held our whist. council would put their heads together moderation. They fired into the crowd Harvey Williams .......................... 35.20 But it is about time for another bag of When the story opens John Fairplay, a young merchant, and appoint a city attorney, as they of demonstrators, and workmen in des­ Charles Erickson ........................ 24.40 resorted to the use of firearms who has recently inherited a large fortune from an aunt is on the wind to make his advent and catch—well should do, that would put a stop to the Alfred Carlson . ......... .............. 14.80 peration we feel as though Simmons had us on foolish talk that the attorneys were try M. J. Toddbunter....................... 19.20 and bombs. Many women and children are among the dead and living point of becoming .the affianced husband of Evelyn Nickelbury, a hook. 19.20 ing to hold up the citv and that Yamhill Wm. Jolly.................................... What approaches a reign ol terror ex­ * * « Peter Jacobs ................................ 19.20 the only daughter of an opuleut member of the New York Pro­ ists tonight, the city presents a most Mr. Thayer cracked a good joke upon geese were to be imported to represent M. Davis......................................... gloomy aspect, and the temper ol the duce Exchange. Fairplay's suit is prospering, when he suddenly I Councilman Chase on Monday evening. Tillamook City. It may be, however, Bruce Ross ........................... ...... 17.00 1C. 00 entire community augurs ill. The pres Weiss.................................. 8. Ou ence of numerous patrols of Cossack discovers a will in his own house, which had apparently been The cilv dad from the first ward was the that the city will find that it needs some Alfred reliable advice, and if it doesit ought not Emmett Jenkins.......................... 11.40 and infantry is the only remind, left by his deceased aunt, and by which she leaves the bulk of her first to set the ball rolling as to what to kick about paying reasonable fees to Frank Butz.................................... 11.40 cavalry of lurking danger. should be done in regard to the threat- Hiner............................... 14 40 er No untoward incident was reported fortune to charitable institutions. On leaaning this, Nickelbury I end litigation by the water company. "I attorneys for their services, which it will Clifford George Davis................................ 9.80 until afternoon. The first disturbance gives Fairplay cold shoulder, and induces his daughter to do the have always found it the best thing to have to if the citv is sued, even should it M. Forrester................................. 3.20 occurred between 1 and 2 o'clock this A. Plaski....................................... appoint a citv attorney. .20 afternoon, when a procession of several same, adding he has learned of an illicit love-intrigue between | do when you need an attorney is to go Eddie Fishbocker........................ 1.60 thousand workmen, carrying red Hags, ahead and employ one.” "Well,” chimed —Road District No.5.— Wedding at Oretown. the lover and a young lady. Said intrigue and the plot about tile in Claude, "why didn't you employ one marched along Zelnsna street. The dem A. Cady........................ 11.60 onstration was quite orderly and pro­ discovered will, however, prove to be only schemes artfully con­ when you sued Gove ?” Even Chase Married, on the 27th of April, at the M. Henry Smith....................... ceeded without molestation lor some 9.60 structed by a certain Sharp, Fairplay’s rival. The effect of which enjoyed the joke and participated in the home ot the bride's parents,Mr. and Mrs J. Woods............................. 12.20 distance. Suddenly several squadrons of Redberg, Oretown, Ore., Mr. Ole Red. Ollie Woods....................... 7.20 Uhlans appeared, but without interfering cause Evelyn, too, to regard her lover guilty. The plot laugh. (For the benefit of those who do berg 11.20 with the procession, and took a position and Miss Elma Porter. In the pre. P. R. Coulson .................... not see the joke, we may say that Chase Howser....................... 6.60 along the sidewalks, while the workmen thickens until at last it is successfully unraveled by Pymples, and Gove had a trivial case in the justice sence of a number of relatives and friends J. Edd J. Bailey .......................... .80 passed through the fines, book-keeper, whois in the employ of Sharp, who unknowingly, or court, both of whom conducted their the Rev. C. H. Waymire performed the R. W. Btindj...................... 17.20 Wanton Attack by Troops. Robert McClay ................. 1.60 without intention, proves himself to be the “ Deus ex machina” own case, much to the amusement ot the ceremony. The happy couple are well Ralph Welsh...................... Then a company of infantry approach- 15.40 cd from the front and immediately the a udiencc). known and highly respected young peo­ Hugh Welsh......................... of the play. 15.20 cnvalry charged into the pri cession, * * * ple. and we trust a long, happy life is in E. E. Roland.................. . 12.80 driving it with the flat ol the sword into When the Water Company neglected to store for them. Quite a large crowd ol A ct I. Dave Hess................ .......... 17.20 a disorganized mass. M hen the cnvnhv I improve its pipe line a few years ago and Mark Curl ........................... S cene I.—Sharp’s office in Wall street. relatives and friends were invited and all 15.40 withdrew, the inluutry fired n volley, at a time when it was plain that some- 8.00 whereupon the demonstrations turned enjoyed themselves, for Mr. and Mrs. N. Dye................................. S cene II.—Ante room to Sharp’s office. H. M. Farmer..................... thing should be done to give the citv bet­ 2.90 and fled. The infantry continued to dis­ Poiter entertained the guests in a man Frank Dye........................... 7.20 charge volle>s into the retreating.shriek­ S cene III.—I’arlor in Fairplay’s villa. ter fire protection, it practically threw ner that makes one feel at home. The Allie Poland........................ 3.20 ing multituile. Thirty.one persons were away a valuable franchise and forced the wedding dinner was a flue recommend Ralph Welsh........................ A ct II. 8.00 killed aud many wounded, nnd of the I city into a mortgage indebtedness much 2.00 latter it is believed 15 will die. for the cook,who was no other than Mr Bob Housten....................... D. F. Coulson.................... Parlor in Nickelbury’s villa. larger than the city is able to carry. As 2.40 Cook, a son-in-law of Mr. Porter. Quite Ira Spencer.......................... The shooting is denounced ns haring 8.00 been quite unprovoked. It has aroused to the water company now bringing suit Vocal Solo, “The Maid and the Rose,” Miss E. May Jones. a number of nice and useful presents were Del Spencer ..................... 2.00 the most intense indignation among all against the city at this late date, it cer presented. Visiting, singing and a gene­ Nancy Smith............. .. 4.90 classes in Warsaw. Many of those who A ct III. tainly will fie its own fault if it is forced 1.60 were killed or wounded were shot in the ral good time was the order of the after Henry Hays............... Nickelbury’s Garden. Otto Walther ............. ' to the wall, for the city officials gave the 12. (X) back, showing that they were running noon, and before the guest« took iheir James Christensen............ company plenty of time to improve their 10.00 away when they were struck. Selections by the band Orchestra between acts. departure they once more congratulated O. W. Bcdyfelt.................. 2.20 ' pipe line. It promised to do so, but as Another terrible scene was enacted at the happy couple and with best wishes Program : —Road District No. i 5 o'clock at the corner of Hlota and Sos- its promises never amounted to any­ for their future happiness. J. R. Hicks .......................... nore streets, w hen workmen fired from “ DOLLARS AND CENTS.’’ thing, hence the present state of affairs Wm. Crawtoid.................... behind a wall ata patrol, which imine- with its pipe line. But it is well not to C ast of C haracters : John Braunersrenther...... diatlv opened fire on the passing crowds Fairview Entertainment. Fred Kabla ..................... be too hasty in condemning the present killing or wounding 20 |>ersoiis. Evelyn Nickelbury, a young heiress. . Miss Bertha Hummel. ' system, G. M. Cobb .......................... The following program will be given for it will not lie tt any years Harriet Welford, her friend....... .. .Miss Winnie Govne. hence before the city is in the pipe repair- at the Grange Hall, Saturday evening, Lofus Larsen............. — NETARTS. - Wm. Norris...................... Mrs. Shybold, Everlyn’s aunt............ .. .Miss Flora Perkins. J ing business itself. Mav 6th. S. Linkhart .......................... Frank and Miss Ruth Easter, of Till« Betsey, a lady’s maid........................... ... .Miss Marie Smith. Song. " Mill Mav.’’ bv the School. * * * I Alvin Thompson ............... monk, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs William Nickelbury, a widower.... Phelps on Sunday. ............... Merril Smith. The Astorian says : "The steamer El­ Concert Recitation. •• Motion Exercise— G. R. McKimens................ i Albert Zimmerman............ The Clock,’’ Second Grade. Frank Nickelbury, M.I")., his nephew Geo. Coffman returned home Siturdav ............... Walter Baker. more arrived in last evening from Tills- Geo. Hall .................... " The Beautiful Willamette " last from Tillamook, where lie has been John Fairplay, a young merchant. ... .................. Cliff Hiner. inook. Among the cargo of freight was Recitation, A. A. Handy ................ Evan Ross. working lor Eli Olds for the last few Philip Sharpe, a modern financier.. . . John Ek................. days. .... Fred Sappington. a tine cow. probably- all that there is left Solo. Mrs. H. Ella Gibson. from the Elmore stock farm, and it was Bayard McKiniens. Montague Pymples, his booker, . ...W. C. Trombley. brought to Astoria lor safe keeping. Sev­ Class Recitation, “ Grandmother’s Dais J. W. Thompson................. Alford Prette and family have moved Ferret, a lawyer......................... out to South Prairie to make their les." First Grade. ..Frank Hanneukratt. eral years ago Mr. Elmore bought a fine H. K. l’bomi son............. . future home. Mike, " A Smart Little Bud," Primary Ray Thompson.................. larm mid stocked it with thoroughbred Song, The new cheese factory is running now Pupil». • Gus Davidson... Anderson, Servants.................. Ross Clements. cattle. There ought to lie an increase in at Netarts, which is quite an improve­ W. B. “ Smith..................... ............... ’ Dialogue. " The Runaways," George James. ment in the way ol handling milk ol the the stock, but every time Walter Ridhalgh Olson. —Read District No.4. bay. D. D. West........ ................... 1 went down to take an invoice, there I Song, " The Little Gardners.’’ 1.50 W E. CatteJin went down to Miama H B. Johnson............... seemed to be no increase. What is neces. I Reciintion. “ The Roman Slave.” Mrs. 7.50 Inst Saturday returning Monday. I D. Dai by..................... Rosa Crawford. THE INDEPENDENT CHURCH. sary on a stock farm is a manager that 3.00 .............. ................. Mrs. E Dailev. of South Prairie, was ................ ... Rrcitation, " Little Ah Sid •’ Rm is Johnson 5.25 visiting with Mr. and Mrs W. C. O Hara | cun report ait increase of nt least one bull I T bird Grade. John Sheet»........- ^'"1".. I maginary 1.50 Sunday. 1 calf a year. There is no question as to Recitation.," Our Visitors from Europe •' Henry Simmons......................... 1.50 Dedicated to the proposition that God is Sovereign King and the adaptability of the farm or the quid, by Seven Girls. Riley Simmous................. The Misses Sunds and Miss Blackburn .75 " Tops, Turvy." Primary Grades were down from the light house Sunday. that he especially provides for those who subscribe to his ityefthe stock, bot there has always Song. John Weise, plank I antomime. " The After Piece " 250. no will and trust his providcuce, whether we follow the teach­ been a large sized discrepancy in the in­ Dialogue. “Rip Van Winkle." Mrs. D. W tn. Kimball............. 40.00 I A. K. Case..................... Billings. Bankruptcy Notice. ings of the Bible, the precepts of the Pope or the dictates of a crease." I-et the Headlight asked the 27.94 i C. 4 E. Tbayet ......... Trio. Mrs Gibson and children. clear conscience. Astorian a question . How many calves 9.15 N otice is H ekebv G iven .- That on John Iler ..................... Recitation, "Morning. Noon and Night," 80.00 the 8ih day rd April, 1905, VOGLER O bject —To preach the Kingdom of God and to perpetuate the could it raise with cows w hen it was im­ I Cbas. 1. Cough Mary, Murtha and Emma Neiger. 160.35 8t HAMILTON, ol Tillamook. Oregon, possible to crowd any more rings on McIntosh A McNair ' Recitation. " Hiawatha." dramatized. American Independence. 10.05 were duly adjudicated bankrupts, and R O. Richards................ Duel, hv Mimes Tinnerstet. 45. (Xt tba* the first meeting ol’ their creditors Oi’l’OSKi»— To the National abuse of the sexual functions, the their horns ? C. H. Woolfe, salary * » « Dialogue. •• A Pair ot Shoes." 133.33 will be held at R..oin 6. case may have some little resemblance J. Kupp. Tillamook Herald ALEX SIVEEK, I -Mrs. J. M. Bodie. .. Referee in Bankruptcy. I Editorial Snap Shots, Fit Guaranteed ALVA FINLEY, Local Agent, Tillamook, Ore Band Boys’ Entertainment on Saturday Evening