I TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 27. c K Hun ’s Residence Burned. Wlirii il.e fire altirm rung out and the t,Kilin«»' the whiJtle nt the »aw mill „woke all rhe city early Saturday morn- . ,K> it #a> at once seen by the glare that the tire fiend was plating high carnival in thiscity. conKcquciitiy there wna »ome Intle excitement and hurrying to nicer. tuiu whose building wm laing wiped ,,ut It w is Mr. C. R Hunt's, and noth­ ing is left »1 it l>ut »'nail heap of hurtled w0,| It is not known how the build. c mght lire. Mr. Hunt uud his son | ones Wire in the house, uud the first ti,ev knew about it when they awoke whs that the house was on fire and was full of smoke, and Itut very little time 1,11 for them to escape, but ns it was Mr. Hunt was almost ovcicoine and it was lortmiate that his soil was there to help lum out. The house was well ablaze be I ire the alarm was turned in mid there whs nothing lor the lx »-• company to do Imt to prevent the fire from spreading. Io'no'll ng the bovs could do could save i]e oust , ns it was envelopedin flames and made night as light almost as day. All tlmt Mr. Hunt saved was a tin box, which contained papers, but these were burned on the ends. The house was in sured for $600 and the furniture for $100 in the Oregon Relief Association. 1905. General News. while living driven to the Slimmer A short „ aple,„gllr crop is rep„rte(,, ranges. J D Ingram was driving his <; '"le over the nxel a few d »ys ago and ■Mt that M of no cunw.iuei,« |u„g lo-t four. After being infected by the the glucose and fresh chips hold out. p'if n flie blood dries up in the veins n . * * * 1 he Russian fleet uses immediately. Mr. Ingrain resorted to nut less than the old remedy of docking the animals 600 tons of coal a day. It will not be easy to fight it out on that line if it when they first became stricken, aqd out of 36 affected and docked only four takes all suimner. died. An examination of the dead IC r * * * If President Roosevelt wants some j showed that the jugular veins were per- real sport, lie should cz:„. come back from j ; fectly dry when opened immediately the mountains and lock hori ..~riis with the after the animals fell. No indications critters who are mani| pulating May can lie found to show whether the poison wheat. is a weed or has been placed in the grass. * * * I M * * Hiram Cronk, of the town of Ava, The March health report of Colonel N.Y., the only survivor of the War of W. C. Gorgas, chief santiary officer of 1812, will celebrate his 105th 1 birthday the Isthmian Canal Zone, shows a Wednesday next. The aged veteran steady improvement in conditions. lives with his daughter on a farm near There are about 9000 employes of the Ava. He enjoys splenditi health for a ' commission at the end of the month mail of such years, and his faculties are The sick in the hospitals numbered 153 ' us keen as those of many persons half and the total deaths tor the month were i bis age. only 11. This equal to a rate of 14 per | HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES thousand, a rate which Colonel Gorgas savs would lie considered favorable any- i where. In the 30 davs ended with March there had been four cases of yel low fever throughout the whole isthmus, of which one was in Panama. In the previous 30 days there had been 12 i cases. Each house in Panama Citv has j been fumigated ; a great many of them Schell beaten by Saloon Keepers ill a verdict for defendant. ! several times. * * * * M * S dlx CITY, I a ., April 13.—Injuries Mi Mi Jost ph Jefferson, the eminent actor, Now, that the great May wheat corner which may prove fatal were inflicted on died at his home, " The Reefs.” at Palm t it Kev. Father Joseph Schell, at Dakota Beach, Fla., on Sunday evening. The has gone to smash and all that remains City, Neb., today, by two saloon keep, end came after a day of unconsciousness is the somewhat costly burying of the Protestantism vs. Americanism. < Holy Spirit, are often the guilty parties B. L. EDDY. H. T. BOTTS. Women who denounce drunkenness and ers, who assaulted him because of his and after a heroic struggle of days corpse, interest is turning to the July There is a difference between a man who is i other sins of much more trivial importance, DDY & BOTTS, activity in protecting the Indians of the which had exhausted his vitality. At proportion. In the last fatal hours of under conviction for his sins before God, ' are they not often more infamously guilty* Winnebago Reservation from the extrac­ his deathbed were his wife, his sons, the May deal. John W. Gates was forced who is unable to explain himself, who feels before God ? and “ the causers of these time' A ttorneys - at -L aw a* tions of trailers, speculators and loan Charles B. and Frank [efferson, his to make terms with Armour to iiiiniuiize the remorse of a guilty conscience and the less deaths, as blameful as the executioners?" need of an attonement for reparation, who the losses. It is held by cluse observers Let me say then to hypocritical Pharisees, I sharks. Father Schell now lies at St nurse, Miss Mabel Bingham, Dr. R. B. Complete set of Abstract Books is in search for some one who comprehends 1 that smoking a cigar may be a filthy habit, , Joseph’s Hospital in this citv. His jaw Potter and his faithful old servant, Carl that Mr. Gates is now in a position to his case, and a depraved maniac who im­ but that abortion is murder ! And not even I make things highly interesting for Mr. agines he is pursued by the devil Columbus Taxe« paid for norf- is fractured and internal injuries of a Kettler. the mask of self-righteousness, nor tt^e pale in office. Armour, and drive him to terms in the believed that he was commissioned by heaven of the church, nor denunciation of the publi­ grave character are reported. Father M * * Residents. to carry the gospel to the heathen of the un ­ The road from the Valley to the sum­ July deal. Armour is long on July—■ known land. The Pilgrim fathers sought a can, will aave them from the wrath of God, Schell is the fighting priest who, going and the anathema : " Depart from Me ye to O.egon three years ago, uncovered mit of the Cascade Mountains, via the just how long no one but himself knows land where they could worship God from cursed,’’ " I never knew you !” which Christ Office opposite Post Office. — but within a week or two he has taken their own impulse. While every great event will one day hurl from his judgment seat ! the land frauds which have since led to Lebanon wagon road route, is now open Both phones. of American history has portrayed the in ­ oil 10,000,000, or 12.000,000 bushels, at J. C. G ovk . the indictment of Senator Mitchell and S. G. Dorris, proprietor of the Fish visible hand of God. The most typical Amer ­ Lake Summer resort near the summet an average price of 37'/, cents. The price j ican believes in God's soverignty over all, others. Ladies ! Attention ! For the most now hovers around this figure. Crop i that there is more genuine satisfaction in The saloon keepers, Harry Kassel and of the mountains, stated that the snow ^^7 H- COOPER, conditions aie ideal, and with no set­ God’s approval than the whole nation could stylish tailor made suits,go to Sarchet’s, is all out of the mountains and the road Louis Lambert, approached Father The Fashionable Tailor. • back a bumper crop will begin to pour afford, or to be condemned before God would Schell in a livery stable. Lambert struck cleared for traffic, something almost un­ in before the end of July It is believ- be greater pain than could be inflicted by the A ttorney - at -L aw , the priest, who was not looking, a pow­ precedented for this time of year. Usu­ American people. Governments fail, God j ed that the supply of wheat will drive cannot. A man bought a jack knife. After erful blow on the jaw, knocking him ally this roa 1 is not open until late in the pried to 75 cents or lower. carrying it a long time broke the blade, he down. Both men then kicked and jumped the Spring. O regon . T illamook , had a new blade put in, later he broke the * * * i n the prostrate body. Then they were handle, then had a new handle. Afterwards Will the public ownership of public Notice. the question arose “ how long he had forced to stop. The priest was supposed utilities become a national issue ? May­ to be dead, The two saloon men were On and after May 1st we have decided had the knife.’’ Protestantism may have ( incorporated ), or elect Dunne of Chicago says it will. stood for Americanism once, but it has been a rested.—N.Y. World. to sell only FOR CASH. replaced by customs and ideas until nothing Mayor Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland is CITY, ORE. All who are indebted to us will please of the original remains. The original Pro­ TILLAMOOK equally sanguine. He declares that ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Another “Bossed” Newspaper is call at our office and settle their ac­ testant preached the kingdom of God, plead municipal ownership will be put in the for tnercy and sang in the natural keys in PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000. counts either with cash or by note and Suspended. Jlcutevhcr .Abuohat, music, and was capable of discerning the Ohio Democratic state platform of 190.5 oblige. difference between conviction for sins and a The Baker City Herald has proved ano. in big letters, that the Republicans will A GENERAL RANKING Office across the street and north from M c I ntosh & M c N’ aib C o . delusion, also made a uistinction between ( thcr financial failure because it had a be forced to favor it or their candidate BUSINESS. the Post Office. men anti women and cnildren. I am hots and a dictator behind it whose pur­ for governor will be beaten, that it will positive before God that Protestantism ! A Great Sensation. is no longer Americanism that their in­ pose was to ride or ruin—somewhat the be at the national canvass of 1908. All ' Directors :—M. W. H arrison , W. W There was a big sensation in Lees same as a tew individuals have been over the country the muncipal owner­ ville, Ind. , u when W. H. Brown of that terests are not in common that Protes­ TD i OBERT a . MILLER, C urtiss , B. L E ddy . tantism is incompetent to deal with I striving to do with the established news ship men are encouraged by Dunne’s big place, cvho was expected to (U p , had theissuesof Christianity and Americanism,' Cashier ;—M. W. H arrison . Ills life saved by Dr. King’s New* Dis­ and that there is no possible chance to com-{ papers in this city, but, thus far, they victory. A ttorney - at -L aw . covery for Consumption He writes: ” I promise. I am sure that God will defend the ' Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edge securij * * * hive failed That is the inevitable end of Oregon City, Oregon. T. A. Rapley, an engineer on the rail­ endured insufferable agonies from Asth­ right, and that I was in the right when I I ties of all kinds. all such newspapers, for the general pub­ road running from Stella, Wash , to the ma, Imt your New Discovery gave me went to a Protestant Church with my sins, J liccatch on very quick to the schemes of immedvite relief and soon thereafter for which I was sent to the asylum at Napa, | Land Titles and Land Office h'gijing camp of the Eastern Western effected a oomplete cure.” Similar Cal., and that I was in the right whenl went | C. B. LEEP, those who back such newspaper and to Business a Specialty. Lumber Company, was taken to .the cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, to the McMinnville College with what I | the putty editors who run their. This Boats and Shoes Nearly Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It ’ s Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, know about the adulteration of music for i is what the Telegram says about the the peerless remedy for all throet and which I was sent to the asylum at Salem, perhaps fatallv injured. Sunday morn­ Repaired. Herald : lung troubles. Price 50c , and $1.00. Oregon. ("A H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D., ing a locomotive in charge of Rayley ran Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough, Drug- Sacred history 1« full of accounts where “The Baker City Herald has failed. Its men have trusted in God and dared to follow First Class Work Guaranteed, failure points mice more a lesson often off the track pinning him to the ground. gist. Trial bottles free. P pysician and S urgeon . their convictions, and whether they are true t mght Kent« f .re, but one which never- Before he could be reached he was badly Give me a trial, | or false they tend to encourage respect for tl e e s has been and will continue to be scalded all over his body, besides having Office one block west of the $100 Reward, $1OO. impulse. Next to the Headlight Office. (i u g r.ied now and then. It is that a several bones crushed to a pulp. At the The reader* of this paper will bo pleased to To say anything that would not bear the newspaper ot illegitimate and unworthy learn that there is at least one (Ireaded disease Allen House, Tillamook City. < rigin and of i,legitimate and unworthy hospital it was found necessary to am­ that science has been able to cure in ail its inspection of the church, the bible and the mission cannot live and thrive. The putate Rayle.v’s right leg between the stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh consciences of men would be dishonorable. Calls answered promptly. Cure is the only positive cure not known to the Protestantism is nothingism. The avowed Herald, as a daily, was established by knee and the ankle. medical fraternity. Catarrh being a conMitu atheist is as much of a Protestant as a Pro­ Lest on Balliet, a promoter of illegiti- tional disease, requires a constiliitionaiil treat * * * The A.P.A. had no ment. Hall s Catarrh Cute is taken internally, testant minister. n are and impossible ‘ enterprises.” Bal­ One dead and 50 wounded is the result acting directly upon the blood and mucous standard of faith or virtue. Protestantism R. BEALS, BARBER ANO HAIRDRESSER. li» t had found that the established pa- MU laces of the svsteni, thereby destroying the is a lie on its face for it protesta against the of a collision in Santiago between a foundation of the disease. au<1 giving the patient pe sat Baker City were ton honest to SHAVING, 1IAIR CUTTING "oost’’ his schemes. He needed an police detachment a id a crowd of work­ strength by building up the constitution and jurisdiction of the church and then builds a aMistinv nature in doing its work the proprie­ REAL ESTATE, organ and he established the Herald, man, says a H^ral i dispitch from Val­ tor« have so much faith in its curative Dowers, church, and tries to usurp authority. It is a SHAMPOOING, ETC whose n i »sion was to do the "boosting” paraiso, Chile. The workmen had been that they offer one lliinired Dollars for anv house divided against its self with a mortal F inancial A gent , ca*e that it fails to cure, rend for list of testi- creed warping the bible to their fancy. that the real newspapers had refused to attending an open-air conference of a • Sick and in prison and ye visited me not:" '0 n I to injure those newspapers in ’’'.Vi'liess. F. J. CIIEN'EY & CO ., Toledo, O Electric Baths nicely fìtteti up. Good for For 10 long year» I was in a position to Tillamook, Oregon. priest who,while advocating the simple nc wav p< ssible. Sold by Druggists, 75« know, and there never Was a Proteatant persons suffering with rheumatism. Hall s Family Pills are the best. 1'0 i axis upon thousands of dollars life, denounce I “the perversity ’ of bis minister came into the asylum to visit a weitspt nt upon the Herald. It was de­ former bishop When they were met by member of his church of his own free will, livered free to everybody who would Makes a Clean Sweep. ^pHOS. COATES, and to give any spiritual conso.ation. God a religious procession after the confer­ take it. Advertising space was pmeti There ’ s nothing like doing a thing is aware of the absolute worthlessness of Agent for Fireman’s 1 11 given away Naturally the legiti­ ence the men attempted to slop it, but thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever Protestantism and all of its function«, and mate newspapers suffered from this sort the police charged a score of times with heard of. Buck leu> Arnica Salve is the I trust that God will reveal its true condition Fund and London and Lanca­ of competition. One of them was driven unsheathed swords, the workmen answ best. It sweep« away and cures Burns. to honest men. I am reminded that the from the field. The other, better equip­ shire Fire Insurance Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers majority rules America, but one man and ped, has weathered the storm, but its ering with a rain of stones Skin Eruption and Piles. Its only 25c., God has always been the majority. I always Companies. 5» * losses have been heavy. In course of and guaranteed to give satisfaction by feel safe so long as I enjoy God’s approval. Judging from a letter that has been tune Balliet was carried off to jail, where Tillamook .. Oregon. Chas. I Clough, Druggist. Protestantism stands on the bible, I claim he belonged, and the Herald withered received bv the officers of the Oregon that the bible without the church training EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 4 1904 «nd faded. Presently it passed from City Land Office from Secretary of the and a clear conscience is unreliable. I loaned Ba.liet’s ownership, its new proprietors Interior Hitchcock.it is evident that in­ abstracts of title , my bible to a patient. He broke off the leg strove valiantly to make it succeed as an PORTLAND Arrive. of his iron bedstead and beat another Leave P "e>t* legitimate enterprise. But the tervention on the part of President GO TO patient’s brains out. 1 asked him why?" he Balliet blight was strong upon it and Roosevelt alone will prevent the re answered, " Didn’t Mote» slew the Philis­ K:OO H.rn. | Portland Union ' 11:10 a.m. «told not;be removed. It was an organ moral of the Oregon City Land Office to tines?” That is Protestantism, anything the 7:00 p.m. t depot for Astoria.i 9:40 p.m. TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT »»at the public had learned to know the Portland as ordered. ness o the Heral I died, inevitably nnd I July I next, has been set, a place named 1 1 :3O a.in. S:3O p.m. Thursday looking after stock cattle. forwarded by the people of that citv as long by the o«e of Eureka blessing of God upon the school and nation * * * Make a specialty of Land Office Business. R Robinson the cheese man was on Harness O‘L 4 now as a resentment to Protestantism, that Leave ASTORIA Arrive. Fishermen are enjoying a^liarvest in the river on business Sunday. OFFICE IN WKINHAMD BUILDING, holds that the bible is the source of life, a They report protest against the church and conscience. | Prof Holt visited his sister at Folev Oregon City, Or., this »ear. Room 1 and 2, ' f 3:15 a.m i for Warrenton, j 10:43 a.m. The whole school system is turned over to I SHturriay ilnd s„nrtav. / llammond, Ft. / that Chinook salmon were never more Sold OREGON CITY. ORB. 7 40 a.m. | f Steven*, 7-ea*idr.) S:5O p.m everywhere atheism. I challenge any man to show that j ; Fannie Smith is teaching school plentiful and some of the catches are in cans— Protestantism is more than an antagonizing I A local «»herman landed a ,"-. k Bahn district, commencing the large. •11 »irt®. fallacy, ot that it has any more right to Leave Arrive SEASIDE Made by * 12:30 p.m. ! Company tight young people Easter Sunday. The women of America weep tears over are hundreds of fine Chinook to be seen Nehal* tn ramp.W.of W , held memorial the deluded mothers of India and China, who Leave Arrive EASIDE A ttorney - at -L aw , in the vicinity of the state fish ladder at throw their infants to the crocodiles of the ,or th* F. A. Falkenberger the falls in Oregon City. Many success- koticb FOX PVBI.I' atiox . Laster Sund.iv. »'ranges, or into the ’ infant tower«" of z f«»r Warrenton Ft » 9:25 a.m. | 6 15 a.m Department of the In rr*°« O regon . fully asceml th.» contrivance and reach Canton and send their contribution« to con­ T illamook ' . . - 111" z Ijn.l OBlce .t Oregon < It». Ore . Supervisor Zaddach has a crew vert them. They do well. But will they not f9;3O a.m. f mond, Aatoria. ' 7:20 p.m. j 1 April i«l*. IV»- the upper Willamette R.ver and >t. b nt Work on the road at Mc- Ì. hereby «i»en th«' the f'.liowm« confess that they are equally guilty with p|HCC> tributaries Under the provu.««» of a ' JTÍ ,,l.-h.- ’led nidtee of hi, mteMtwl to Additional train leave« Aatorin dniljr at ".’"ìe « Li 7ro ' "• "Ippnrt of hl. rl.im «'¡4 their heathen «i«urs. when they destroy the S. STEPHENS, ,tate law. which prohibit« fishing with­ m,.ke f,n| he nrn.tr befóte the <'<•••«, unborn babes which (io<1 has given them in 11:30 a.m. for nil points on Et. Rtevena rShmook C" >t Tlll.mook « Hy. Ore. marriage? Oh' the offence is rank It brunch, •rrlvinjc Ft. Htevenw 13’30 p.m .,rc- • Real Estate and Fire, Life, Dr. p. j. sharp, the expre- in 600 feet of the fish ladder, t iese ■ I^-¿ ; smells to heaven ’ It is commended and 1 turning, leave* Ft Steven« at 2 OO p.m., ar­ nced dentist is located in arenotd.sturhedand they are enabW ... J«neMh.¿^. Health, Accident, Insurance. practiced so universally that it has crept riving Aatoria 2.FS p m. fin th* * *** VTL’Í • r- Wise’s dental pair rs, and to reach the upptr river m large num V ir F ’J lWS • Munday only. r ittnfS«-« 1 Tp 1 South. R 9 V* Agrnt lor the Northwent flrhool Furni­ into the Churc h of God. and men and women Through tiexet« and close connection via ture Co. nnd Oigaii» and Flaue», who wonk! be a«toni«ned to hear that they 9 Prepared to do nothing but bers. not Christians, and who |>erhaps with ; N. P By. at Portland and Goble ami O. R .rst class work and give the fr-port- an co»'"* i" from ‘heC.n»« of^r.!*Kd