TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, APRIL 20. Nehalem Pioneer Passes Away. 1 A gloom was cast over Nehalem lari eek when it became known that Hrmy Downing, n pioneer and respected iv. " w»th the following results m* mentii ., anuary..... February .., March........ April............ April ......... May............. June ..„........ July ............ August......... September... September ... October....... November ... December .... lus . milk . I?*'Ol> a" cowt a"1' tabulate» daily what ••cow*and 5 two year old heifers last year, and TEST. LBS. FAT. ... 3840 ... 2416 ... 5657 • • 2947 ... 8910 -20.109 ..22,205 • 21,274 -18,854 ... 3054 -10,173 -10,517 .. 9093 .. 6943 .. 4.60 Butter .. .. 4.80 Butter .. .. 4.10 Butter .. . 4.00 Butter .. .. 4.00 Cheese . .. 3.85 Cheese .. . 3.95 Cheese .. .. 4.05 Cheese .. . 4.25 Cheese .. .. 4.40 Cheese .. ■ 4.40 Butter .. . 4 60 Butter ... . 4.55 Butter ... . 4.70 Butter ... Total pounds of milk................ Average teat ....................... Total pound of fat......................... Average price................ Tolal cash .......................... Average pounds mdk for each cow Avernge butterfat, pounds............ Average butter, pounds................. COST OF (Pasture) Hay ...... Roots...... Total................................ Average gross cash per cow Expenditure........................... Average net cash per cow Expenditure....................... FEED PRICE. .27.4 .27 .23.3 .24 .22.6 .19.4 .19 .18.5 .18.5 .22 .22.5 .25.2 .21 .25 HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES CASH .. ... $48.40 .. 29 70 ... .. 54.03 .. 28 29 ... ... 80 54 ... .. 150.19 .. 166.64 . ... 159.36 ... .. 148.23 .. 2956 ... .. 100.71 ... .„121.91 .... . 86 88 . 81.58 We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES 145,992 4.32 6115.74 .22.5 1286.08 5,407 226.50 264.25 Agents for the Great Western Saw. M c I ntosh & mcnair co . PER COW, $7.00 14.00 2 00 $23.00 47.63 23.00 »24.63 23.00 Average ret cash per cow $24.63 Owing to a poor cheese maker for three month? and poor price for cheese for three month, cut this year's returns down. For the year 19U3, Mr. Martin’s returns were from 20 and 3 two year old cows ; Total pounds milk............. ....... 123,907 Average pounds per cow.... ....... 5,300 Test ................................... . ....... 4 07 Total pouuds of fat............ ..... 5012.76 Average lbs. fat per cow.... ....... 213.55 Average price.................... . ...... 28 89c. Total cash........................... . .... $1430.03 Average money per cow.... ---- ^W.12 Cost of extra teed............... ....... 25.00 Net cash per cow................. ..... 37 ii ’ - The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County ■ '-.i V EXKCITR1X SALK. the County Court of the State of Oregon , for the County of Multnomah. In the matter of the Estate of/ Lawrence Schiller, deceased. | N otice is H ereby G iven —That from and after the eighth dav of May, 1905. the un­ dersigned executrix of the estate of LAW­ RENCE SCHILLER, deceased, will offer for sale and proceed to sell at private sale for cash pursuant to the order of the County- Court of the State of Oregon for the County I of Multnomah, duly made and entered on the third day of April. 1905, the following I described property, to-wit : Lots 1 and 2, of Section 1, Township 6 South, of Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian ; and Lot +, in Section 6, Town­ ship <> South, of Range IO West of the Will­ amette Meridian, containing 123 acres, all in the County of Tillamook and State of Oregon. LOUISB SCHILLER, Executrix of the Estate of Lawrence Schiller, deceased. JOHN K. KOLLOCK, 7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. SJdijDH B. L. EDDY. •aaxiwii ‘«oo NViaVNVO Ü3MO1 DDY •SJD// J» ‘VaVNVO ‘OXNOUOX tSF H. T. HOTTS. xx0, A ttorneys - at -L aw * * n ’NOXSO« a*OO M3MOX T ‘V ¡ Complete set of Abstract Jiuuks i in oiliic. Taxi-, paid for noa Residents. iofiiuni n . uiudu tiüiHi ± sih : hii Office opposite Post Office. ’ " •93U0||93X9 JO eqj S| «iMi-puiM uoui -woo aqj jo suo »aS i(uop noA am« eg (-ao|)v.v|[dtlB no ouihx ) ,,-3ufq;ou jo pssqv SI SUO UOUIUJO3 B SO JUO3 UOlULUOd B jo pvaqu juj so jsnf aio Xaqj, -jsoo Both phones. aqi 931AM JOJ 9UO jnoqjpw oq jou p¡noM I *pU3UJ B J°J ®UO OS|B ‘QUO AA9U B JUBAA AAOU pUB ‘SJUOÁ 9Ay JOJ SJQ^OIjg puBjg qsi j jnoX jo suo posa saeq j „ H. COOPER, •BA¡|B|J3dns 'DAijBieduiog ‘ baiiisoj A ttorney - at -I. aw , ¡T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for I . P ublication . onited sute» Laud Office, . Oregon ity, Oregon, O regon T illamook , « ■ February 25th, 1005 Í» li A Ct,y that in oomphauce act a.' 4>»n g^esapt per acre per annum. All improvements furnished within six mon ths or ’Tie rfntr „ “An act foi the sale of timber lands States of Califo nta. of the service of such attachment, exccu -• -■ iiade in excess of 30 cents per acre per Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Teriito- ( INCOI POSA ai num shall apply on the requirements tion or garnishment, 50 per cent of such ry.’’as extended to all Public I.and States fiv act of August 4, 18o2, w ■ >». earnings shall be subject to such attach, for subsequent years. H KNS C. HANSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Of Tillamook City, county of Tillamook. State I The usual provision for veterans of the meat, execution or garnishment.” of OregoU, has this day filed in this office his [ As construed bv the courts, the term sworn s atement No. 6553, for the purchase ' war of the rebellion and the war with PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000. of the Sw *4 of Sw of Sec. 28. S ^4 of Se *4 | Spain and Philippines insurrection is “ family expenses” includes such items as Sec. 29, and Nw ’4 °f Ne *4 °f ^€‘C- No. 82, in Tp. j Office across the street and north from No. 1 S, Range No. 8 W. and will offer proof t«» provisions, fuel, rent, furniture, wearing made—that the time of actual service show that the land sought is more valuable 1 the Post Office. apparel, pianos, organs, jewelry, medi ­ for its timber or stone than for agricultural ptir- shall be deducted from the five years' f»o*'es, anti to establish his claim to «»lid land I residence required ; or, if discharged for cal attendance, etc. the ______ County - >efore ____ __ „ C erk _ _ of Tillamook County, ' at lillamook ( ity, Oregon, oi^Tuesday, the qth ' disability incurred in the service, then day of May. 1905. He names hr witnesses : Directors :—M. W. H arrison , W. W. H. Went, Dr. J E Bartell, Paul Hanson, Paper Milk Bottles. the term of inlistinent shall be deducted; C urtiss , B. L E ddy . C. A. Vogler, of Tillamook, Ore. I but in no time shall a patent issue to a Any and all persons claiming adversely the Cashier;—M. W. H arrison . A ttorney - at -L aw . A recent announcement that the above-described lands are requestad to tile their I ' settler who shall not have resided upon, in this oilice 011 or before said 9th day of I Philadelphia Board of Health was ex claims Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edge securi, May, I905.5 I improved and cultivated his homestead A lgernon S. D resser , Register. ties of all kinds. for at least three years alter commencing penmenting with paper milk bottles ba. I* I 1 elicited many inquiries alsiut the |s,ssi- iiMBER L and , A ct , J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or I improvements. P ublication bility of such articles being put on the United States Land Office, Of course the argument lor these bills Oregon City, Ore., market. On this subject Dr A. H. was the fact, so alleged, that the hir.it of; March 3rd, I905. Stewart, bacteriologist for the board, Notice is hereby given that in compliance practical homesteading under existing with the provisions of the act of congress of suppliis the following information : June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of laws had been absolutely reached in the As yet the bottles have not been timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, area described by the two bills, and that Nevada and Washington Territory “as extended placed on sale, but preparations are to ail the Public I.and States by act of August 4, First Class Work Guaranteed. P pysician and S urgeon . no increase in settlement could be ex­ 1892, being made for their production on a Give me a trial. HENRY CRENSHAW, pected unless changes in homestead laws large scale, 'leu machines for their Of Tillamook City, county of Tillamook, State Next to the Headlight Office. of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his were made. manufacture are being constructed and sworn statement No. 6554) for the purchase In the report from the committee on of the S of Sw *4 of sec. .... and E % of Se *4 public lands of the house of representa- I j should be ready for service in a few of sec. No. 19, in Tp. No. I S, Range No. 10 months. The enterprise is managed by West, and will offer proof to show that the laner Cup Company, No. or stone than for agricultural purposes and to geological survey is quoted as follows : establish his claim to said land before the 3.951 Market-st.. Philadelphia, to whom County ( let k of Tillamook county, lillamook “The arbitrary limit stated by the all inquiries Bhould be addressed. Ina City. Oregon, on Wednesday, the l;th day of present land laws of 160 acres for a publication called ‘'Sanitation” Dr. May,Too5. He names as witnesses : Uinheid C. Trombley, Tillamook, Or.;IraC. SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING homestead docs not suit existing condi­ Stewart gives a few additional partleu Smith. Tillamook, Or ; Lem Parker, Hay City, Or.; Ethan A Edwards, Tillamook, Or. tions in the arid region. If the water lars : ETC SHAMPOOING, , Any and all persons c aiming adversely th*» F inancial A gent I above-described lands are requested to file their supply is ample, 160 acres is usually far This bottle is manufactured from new claims in this office on or before said 17th day too much, and would support two, three spruce wood pulp paper from the forests of Mav, I905. Electric Baths nicelj fitti li up. Goodfor A lgernon S. D resser , Register. In the closing days of the late con­ gress two acts were passed which con template a depart ure in the land policy of the government. Bills by Representative Martin, of South Dakota, and Representative Brooks, of Colorado, became laws, which, in brief, permit 640 acre home­ steads i.i their respe< tive states, instead of the time honored 160-acre homestead. While the bills of Mr. Martin and Mr. Brocks became laws only for their own states, congress, in passing them, estab­ lished a precedent which may, later, spread to other states where the charac­ ter of the land is not such as to permit farming and agriculture in the strict or four families; on the other hand, fo Maine. eastern sense. throughout 90 to 95 per cent of the vast One bottle making machine, or unit, There are, it is true, a number of re­ extent of remaining publie land 160 is capable of turning out twenty thou­ strictions hedging about the provisions acres is so small as to be useless for a . sand bott lea a day, The large sheets of of these laws, which are very similar in homestead. ’’ heavy paper are Hist cut by a steel disk their language, For instance, it is The above is theargu.nent for the legis- j or form, and aie then rolled upon a coni­ stated in the first section that the land lation. On the other hand. Representa­ cal mould, the paste being automati­ contemplated for entry in 640-acre tive Reeder of the Sixth Kasnas distlict cally applied. After drying fcr about tracts shall not be with a forest reserve was strongly opposed to the bills and two and a half lours, the three* different or other reservations ; that it shall be as fought them to the last. He contended sized bottles are cut from each paper nerelv compact in form as possible, and it was a blow at the homesteader and cone ata single cut. in no event shall be over two miles in small farmer, and a step further toward The bottoms of the bottles are then extreme length nor more than one mile the aggrandizement of the cattlemen pul in, ami each bottle is placed upon a in length along the course of a stream of and large land owner. wire bolder and dipped in a paraffine water. Also it is provided that there bath, st 212 degrees F., for half a shall be excluded from the provisions of Debtors Must Give Up Half. minute, and is then placed in a hot (fie act sudi lands as. in the opinion of chamber, which removes the excess of the secretary of the interior.it mav lie Sxt-EM. Or.. April 14.—Oregon mer­ paraffine and allows it to more thoro reasonably practicable to irrigate under the reclamation act or by private enter chants will have a good rem-. I, against uglily penetrate the paper. The bottles are packed in nests of many of their bad debtors after May prise. it is provided that a former home- 18, when the act ol the last Legislature twenty, with a lid covering the upper regarding the exemption ot wages from open bottle. ■ ead entry shall not be a bar to entry Three nests, containing sixty bottles, execution will go into effect. This act under this law of a tract which, together amends the law by making one-half the are sealed in a sterilized paper bag. The with the former entrv, does not exceed fiW acres ; and it is also provided that earnings of the debtor subject to execu­ lids for the bottle are sealed in the same tion proceedings if the debt Ire for family package. Wooden box-» or crates con­ any homestead cntrvman whose claim tain 540 bottles ; 500 bottles occupy has not passed to final {entry when the expenses. Prior to 1903 all the earnings of a about seven cubic feet of space, or about act becomes operative mav relinquish debtor for 30 day» »ext preceding the one-twentieth of the space necessary for and file on a 640 acre homestead. Fro. service of an attachment, execution or the same numlier of glass bottle* when Vision is also made for contiguous entrv garnishment were exempt it the earnings packed, and weigh about fifty pounds ’"’l*,at is, a homesteader may add to his were needed for the support of a family. gros*. One hundred and fifty thou- °nginal 160 filing enough land which Under that law men with considerable sand botile» can be shipped in an hivs alongside to make an aggregate of monthly incomes would eacape the pay- ordinary box car. 6 W acres. meat ot their debt». The Leg.sl.ture of An important provision of these South A new town in Wisconsin called Rooae I*‘kota and Colorado lands is that the 1903 amended the law by limiting t le amount of earning» exempt to $75, but velt will absorb two other towns named commutation clause of the general land La.t year'» laws shall not be in effect hereunder, leaving the law otherwise the same. A» Grover and Cleveland. 2,000,000 plurality was a pretty large there are comparatively few men wor pie entrymen shall l>e required, in mak- ing for wage, who receive over$. >a hint in the consolidating line. pg final proof, to make affidavit that « • * month, thi. law .till enabled men to i’8 residence has been continuous on the President Roosevelt has various styles avoid debt, which they »hould b< com­ acre tract for five years ; and that of delivery, and knows what kind of fie has made permanent improvements of pelled to par. and the Leg-s store 1905 amended the »ection »till further by curves to toss, whether he is playing in a 'al ie of not less than $1.50 for each adding thi. clause " Except when the Kentucky, Kansas or Texas. He is as acre in his tract, which must have been debt >» incurred for family expenses versatile as he is strenuous. made to the extent of at least 30 cents * 1905 TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. TILLAMOOK O arl HABERLACH ORE. CITY, TJcitt«ch£r ilbvoKat, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. w J^OBERT A. MILLER, C. B. LEEP, and Shoes Nearly Repaired. Bunts LATIMER, BROS., Oregon City, Oregon. Land Titles and Land Office Business a Specialty. H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D. Office one block west of the Allen House, Tillamook City. Calls answered promptly R. BEALS, BARBER IND HAIRDRESSER. REAL ESTATE, persons euffering with rheumatism. NOTICE. FOR Pl'Br.lCATION. Depaitment of the Interior. Land office at Oregon City. Ore., March iMlh, I905. Notice is hereby given that the f Mowing named .settler has filed notice of h. r intention to make lilial proof in support of her claim. and that said proof will I m ? made before the County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tilla­ mook, Oregon, on Mav 6, 1905, viz. : MAUDE STURUKON. H E. No. 12677, for the Lota 7, 8, 9 anR ABSTRACTS |for Portland and / f way point». | 11 1Oa.ni. 9:40 p.m. TILLAMOOK Arrive. 11:30 a.in. 10:30 p in. ABSTRACT TRUST CO. Titos. C oater . Pref . SEASIDE DIVISION. Leave ASTORIA Arrive. 11:35 a.m. < for Seaside IHrrct > 5:20 p.m. ASTORIA Leave Arrive. fS;15 a.m. i for Warrenton, j *lo 45 a.m. ’ Hammond. Ft > 5:50 p.m. ’ Steven», Seaaidc.l 7:40 a.m. Leave 4.30 p m. SEASIDE < for Astoria Direct EASIDE Leave 6 15 a m í ' |9:3O a m. f Dr. P. J. Sharp, the expre- enced dentist is located in Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and is prepared to do nothing but first class work and give the best of satisfaction If your teeth need fixing call upon him. Arrive. ATAHOS. COATES, A Agent for Fireman’s Fund and London and Lanca­ shire Fire Insurance Companies. Tillamook .. Oregon. GO TO Mroo^tn. 7:<>U p m. AXLE OREASE 1904 Tillamook, Oregon for W'arrcnton Ft * Steven*. Hum- > mond, Astoria. ) ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Make a specialty of Land Office Business. OFFICI IN WF.INHAKH WILDING, Room 1 and 2, OREGON CITY. ORB. Arrive W. SEVERANCE, p.m Arrive 9 25 a m. A ttoknky - at -L aw , T illamook O regon . 7 20 p.m. Additional train leave» A*toria daily at 11-30 a.m. for all point« on Ft. Htrven» branch, arriving Ft. Steven» 12'30 p.m , re­ turning, leave« Ft- Kteven»at 2:00 p.m., ar­ riving Astoria 2 45 p ni. • Munday only. Through ticket* and clo«e connection via N P Jty. at Portland and Goble hir ! (_>. R. & N. Co., via Portland. G. P A S. STEPHENS, • Real Estate and Fire, Life Health, Accident, Insurance. J Agent for the Northwest School Furni­ ture Co. ami Oigiins and Pianos, Notary Public. 11 tffice : Southwest from the Court Hou«t, I in the building occupied ns n music store.