Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 20, 1905, Image 4

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tienatc railroad charges on one side and they could.
Make Railroads Pay.
rebates and drawbacks on the other.
Nearly all railroad managers insist
* 5 B Fred C Baker. Publisher
offered to double the freight rates on that no rebates are being given any-
petroleum, not to charge the increase to where to anybody, directly or indirectly.
Now is the Time.
the Standard Oil Company mid to give In discussing the railway problem with
the increase collected from all coinpeti- a prominent Omaha merchant the other
¡^Btirne has come for farmers to put
tors to that company through go-be­ day he expressed himself as decidedly
^Hctice what they learned during the
The first business of the state is
opposed to any congressional interfer­
Mr regarding scientific farming. Ag- guard its people against the abuses of tweens. The rate for carrying petroleum
ence with rebates. When pinned down
experiment etatione have liecn its corporate creatures. 1 tie power of to Cleveland to be refined was advanced
as to whether he received rebates, he
^■all winter giving short course» »nd railway managers to enrich or injure for instance, to HO cents n barrel, but to !
admitted the soft impeachment by say­
^Bng out bulletins giving tbe results particular patrons, branches of business ' the Standard Oil Company, through its
ing : “ We don’t get rebates from any
Man »u- ex peri mt nls. There
or sections of country by discriminations
to be refunded to it- W hen paid by railroad at Omaha. We get them in the
I n PT been many excursions through the in their rales of freight is a momentous
I country on which representatives of the element of the railway problem. The anyone else the +0 cents was not to be east from the M. D.” When asked what
' experiment stations have given lectures freight rales are practically a tax which merely refunded, but paid over to its “ M. D.” signified, he responded, “Don’t
on see I wheat and other topics for the follows the commodity from the produc­ competitor. The charge on refined oil to you know ? The M. D. is the Mer­
benefit of such farmers as could not at- er to the consumer. An arbitrary and Boston was increased to $3 70, on which chants' Dispatch,” and the “ Merchants’
tend the short courses at the colleges. I unjust tax is, therefore, an arbitrary the Standard Oil concern was to get Dispatch’’ is only one of half a dozen
Then, too, the agricultural papers have and unjust tax imposed upon the public hack a rebate of $1.35 on every barrel fast freight lines by which the railroads
it sent to Boston and on every barrel are able to whip the devil around the
been pounding away all winter on the without its consent.
subject of better and more up to date
The most iniquitous form of discrimi- that anv one else sent. In the language of
In a nutshell, the railroads are under
methods of farming. In view of these nation in railway rates is secret rebates Henry 0 Lloyd, in his work of "Wealth
contract to haul the freight shipped by
facts the farmer who has failed to get and drawbacks.
Rebates and their
private car lines at a much lower rate
some new ideas has lost a ¿great oppor- origin in silent partnerships between
Kings of the Road
“The railwpv managers, made |kings than the ordinary shipper is required to
tunity and is worse off than he was a railway managers and concerns whose
veji£ affo. for the reason that his com- prosperity was promoted by advantage of the road by the grant to them ot the pay, and the private car line, which
---- **------
pelitor« “
beeu adopting
new 7 meth- over business rivals i.i the matter of rail sovereign powers of the state, covenant­ transports merchandise ostensibly at a
high rate, is able to give a drawback to
increasing production.
way rates. As side partners, or share ed in order to make their friends kings
Bylt is in easy matter, howtvir. whe n holders, in grain elevators, flouring mills of oil. that they would maintaine the its patrons and still make large divi
rrr«h nf spring work comes on for a stock yards, coal mines, stone quarries, business of their auxiliary against loss derids for its stockholders, among whom
i farmer to fail to put into practice what gravel pits, oil refineries, smelting works, or injury by competition, and pledged it counts railroad magnates and lower
he has learned. He has been told to ex- fast freight lines, sleeping car lines and themselves to put the rates of freight up rank officials.
ercise great care in the selection of his express companies, railway magnates or down, as might be necessary to over­
Sermons Boiled Down.
seed wheat mid to test its germinating and their traffic managers have had an come such competition.”
qualities. But all that takes time and incentive to grant rebates to one class
It is positively denied by the Standard
It takes more than a syllogism to save
it is so easy to go back to the old way of shippers and exact exhorbitant rates oil magnates that uny rebates are paid men.
of careless selection of seed. It may also from another class with whom their or allowed directly or indirectly bv any
Hot air is al wavs succeeded by. a cold
seem more difficult to prepare the soil business partners were in competition.
railroad at this time to that company, wave.
in the way that it should be for the vari-
and this is substantially true. The
Enrich a Favored Class.
Deeper science is the cure for scientific
ous crops than lie is accustomed to and
In playing the part of providence by Standard Oil magnates now own a con­ doubt.
consequently lie can easily drop back to enriching a favor-d class of patrons and trolling interest in nearly all the rail­
A form of faith is apt to be a figure of
the old method. It also takes time to industrial concerns and building up lav roads and the hulk of their product is speech.
prune the orchard and spray the trees ored localities ill which these magnates shipped by pipeline to the seaboard. It
There’s always room for two on the
at the proper season and as a result or managers were inventors in town is another n alter, however, with scores narrow way.
while he knows it should be done, he lots or shareholders in factories, and of other combinations in restraint of
The sun that shines in the face rises in
can readily let the chance go by, with improverishing a disfavored class of trade, notably with the Big Four, the heart.
the result that there is no improvement p itions and descrimating against towns better known us the " Beet Trust,” that
No man can sacrifice himself until he
in the quality of the fruit.
which they hail no individual interest, have obtained the practical monopoly appreciates himself.
It is true that in some cases it is no railroad managers laid the foundation 1 ot the meat packing industry through
God never visits one church in order
harder to do a thing the right way than for the most flagrant abuse from which the control of private car lines.
to vanquish another.
it is the wrong way, but in many other the Amciican people have suffered at the
According to latest railway statistics,
It lakes more love to say “No’’ than
instances the opposite is true. But hands of the public carriers.
there are 54,000 refrigerator cars in it does to say “Yes.’’
when it conies to a question of the right
While it is doubtless true that the daily operation ill the United States, in
Many prayers for blessings are but re­
and wrong wav of farming there is no Standard Oil trust has been the benefi­ which the hulk of all the live stock pro­
quests for burdens.
doubt but what the results obtained ciary ol the unscrupulous exercise of the duets, fruits anil vegetables are trans
When a man pretends to the Lord
from following scientific, common sense power of railroads to grant special ad­ ported at a very low rate, and verv high that he is poor the Lord is likely 'to take
methods more than make up for anv vantages in the shape of rebates and rate to the consumers ot their products. it as position to make him so.
extra labor that may be involved. It drawbacks, in was by no means tile or­ Following the example of the Pullman
takes considerable will power and perse­ iginator of that system whicii, as already Sleeping Car company, charges for haul
By the new parcels post arranginent
verance for a man to cast off the habit stated, is dir. tly traceable to the greed ing privately owned freight cars, were
with Great Britain the rate has been
of doing things in the same old way, blit of high railway officials who use their inaugurated in the earlv SO s bv the
reduced from $1.60 a pound to 12 cents,
where old methods are replaced by mod­ power to make nrbit.iry and discriminat­ Standard Oil company’s union tank line
but the domestic rate remains at 1 cent
em ideas a vast difference is noted in ing freight tariffs lor their own aggradi- as a convenient disguise for rebates.
an ounce.
the profits from the hum.
Tile practice was abandoned after a few
* * *
Railway Officials as Exploiters.
Riiler Haggard is in this country to in­
Value of Good C owh .
Thus, for example, the officials of tile bates was devised
vestigate social conditions in behalf of
Packers Take a Hand.
Prof. Eckels, in charge of the depart Union Pacific, from president down, uu
the Salvation Army and to find some
Between 1HH0 and 1883 the Chicago, scheme to iuduce the toilers of the big
ment of dairy husbandry at the Uni ver <ler the Credit Mobilier and Jay Gould
sitv of Missonii, says of the value of regime, exploited the coal mines of Wyo­
cities to go back to the soil. Thousands
good cows :
ming and dispossessed and ruined mine two lines to Missouri river points— of people are struggling along in cities,
“ Very lew farmers realize the income owners who had acquired coal properties Omaha and Kansas City. Phil Armour, making scarcely enough to live, who
that can be had from a good cow The and developed them by legitimate menus. the packing liouSe king, was a director would no doubt be much better off in the
farmer who keeps a cow a year to raise a Thus they managed to build upextensive of the Milwaukee & St. Paul and very country, where fresh air and outdoor ex­
$15 or $20 call usually thinks he has silver smelting works in Omaha, in powerful in its affairs. Other packers, ercise arc conducive to good health and
done well, but his profits do not com which thev owned stock, by exacting including the llammond Packing com­ where they would be comparatively free
pare with those of the dairyman. Ex discriminating rates from smelters in pany, Switt and Cudahy, had built great from v ce and ten ptation Of course these
cept with the high-priced registered Colorado and .Montana, and thus, dur­ meat packing plants at Omaha. On the poor people have no means with which
cattle, the milk, not ti e calf, is the most ing n more seeent era, railway managers plea of securing part ot the resulting to start, and it is the purpose of the sal­
valuable product of the cow.
ol other Nebraska roads have built up traffic lor new lines Mr. Armour brought vation army to buy land and colonize it
“The milk produced by the average their side partners in the grain elevators about an arrangement with the Chicago, at the same time giving them material
Missouri cow in a year will sell for about business, while their rivals were driven Milwaukee & St. Paul allowing the I with which to produce the first crop,
packers mileage on their refrigerator i The idea is right, but M. Haggard will
$50 nt the creamery or when made into to the wall.
first class butter. A good cow of the
The graft of high railways officials, cars.
have a big job on his hands.
The other roads to Missouri river
dairy breeds will make at least $50 cash however, has not been confined to rebate
* * *
income every year.
I have a list of mid drawbacks to silent partners, hut points made haste to meet tile terms
Every wise effort to improve rural
about fifty Missouri farmers who report has extended in almost every field that made bv the Milwaukee road and the
a cash income of $50 to $100 a cow afforded them an opportunity for amass mileage system was firmly established education should he welcomed. Sir Wil
every year, and these figures do not ing wealth mid al the same time increas­ in the western territory. In other words, liam McDonald of Montreal, the great
benefactor of Canadian education, has
include the income from the sale of ing the capitalization of the railroads, the railroads paid the packers a mileage
given $4,000,000 to the cause. This
calves and pigs fed on the skim milk. I which forms the basis for freight and rebate for hauling their products in their
refrigerator cars. In due time the same is largely for a normal school building in
‘ But,’ says one, ’ milking is a tremend- | passenger schedules.
ous task.’ As a matter of fact.it takes J Only a lew weeks ago a forcible illus­ I concession was made to the packers by Quebec, and for scholarships therein,
only sixty hours, worth 15 cents nil tration ol railway graft was brought the Canadian Grand Trunk railroad. particularly with a view to furnishering
hour, to milk a cow twice a day for ten to mv attention by an ncquaii tance who By threatening to divert all their enor- better teachers for rural schools. Sir
W illiam has previously made large gifts ,
happened to have the same and initials inous tiaffic to one line the packers
“ Last vear the cash income from the as a former general manager of one of [ forced one alter anpther every railroad to promote manual training and to im- I
herd of cattle on the college farm was the great transcontinental lines. On in the country to yield to their demands prove the country schools. His example
$N2 50 a cow for butter sold and $12.50 opening a letter postmarked Pittsburg and surrender mileage on refrigerator should be imitated t»y wealthy citizens of
a cow for milk, skimmed milk and he was surprised to find a check tor sev­ cars.
This was fixed eventually at thiscountrv. Instead of giving millions 1
calves, making a total income from each eral hundred dollars, with this explana­ three-fourtlis ot 1 cent per mile east ot for the higher education of the few. which
cow of $95 This year the average in­ tion : "Enclosed please find check for Chicago, exc-pt by way of Montreal, on is already so richly endowed, let bene­
come |»rr cow from the same source will dividend on your stock in the Westing­ which route it was 1 cent a mile on all factions be directed more toward the im- i
provement of elementary education and
be over $100 ¿for the entire herd of house Manufacturing company." It is the territory west ol Chicago.
rural schools for the many. Private |
twenty-eight. These results do not doubtful whether the general mannger
Deny Giving Rebates.
come from expensive or excessive treat­ ever paid a dollar lor Ins Westinghouse
Not content with this triumph, the means may well co operate with public '
ment of anv kind. But they are the stock, which manifestly represented a ‘ packers made the railroads pav the funds in fostering the public school svs-
result of doing the right things at the contribution lor which in return lie was mileage whether the cars were empty or tern.
light time in the proper way.”
expected to use his influence to bring I loaded. Thus the ruilroads pay $5 to
A Great Sensation,
about the introduction ol Westinghouse i the packers for hauling ail empty re
There wan a big sensation ...
in ____
L< .ees
For the street railwaw companies and airbrakes mid other Westinghouse appli­ trigerator car from Chicago to Omaha
other big corporations throughout the ances on his line A similar nest egg in or Kansas City and $14 for hauling it ville, Ind., when W 11. Brown of that
place, who was expected to die, had
country whose operations touch the the shape of Westinghouse stock was from New York to Omaha, They re- his life saved by Dr. King's New Dis­
public at anv point the result of the tound among the assets of another high fused to allow the cars to be loaded covery for Consumption. He writes: ” I
election in Chicago carries a warning, official of a transcontinental railroad with anv but the puckers’ own freight ; endured insufferable agonies from Asth­
fudge Dunne's victory is not a triumph when bis estate was euventoried in our they kept down the minimum load ma. but your New Discovery gave me
iimnediite relitf and soon thereafter
for the Democratic party, although he probate court.
weight, they forced down tile freight effected a complete cure.” Similar
himself is a Demon at, and the ticket
rates on dressed beef and packing house cures of Consumption, Pneumonia.
Disastrous Effect» of Rebate»
Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It s
which he was on bore the IWmocratic
Looking backward at the disastrous products and they compelled every rail t fie peei less remedy for all throat and
name. This is a truth which many dem­ effects of the rebates voluntarily granted road to expediate their cars at the ex
lung troubles. Price 50c , and $1.06.
ocratic papéis, especially in the Hast, i by or involuntarily exacted Inm the pense of all other shipfieis.
Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough, Drug­
are missing. Those pajier« are saving railroads to the Standard Oil company,
Trial bottles free.
The railroads, of course, could not
that Chicago, which gave Roosevelt a upon it« competitor», one is amazed very well maintain a discrimination l>e-
110,000 plurality five months ago, is that such a conspiracy could have been tween refrigerator rars and the mileage
$ 10O Reward. $ 10O.
now a l>cmocrattc town. There was consninated in a country like our», in rate granted to one firm must in the end
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
not a vestige of partisan politics in the which publicity arid intelligence are so lie granted to all. Hence all refrigerator learn that thereis nt lea-t one dreaded Ufae^e
that science has been able to cure in all its
Chicago canvass. Tens of thousands of general.
cars, however owned, came to l»c mile- •»taites and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh
< ure is the only positive cure not known to the
Republicans voted for Dunne. Tens of
The first authentic proof of the secret ; > age earners and shared in the loot. As medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu­
thousands of Ikrmocrats cast their bal compact entered into with the railroad« the four big packing houses began to tional disease. requires a con«titntionanl treat­
ment Hall * Catarrh Cuie is taken internally,
lots for Harlan, the Republican, who by the Slandartl Oil company was pro assume over-shadowing importance the acting directly upon the blood and mucous
*»i the system, thereby destroying the
headed a ticket which carried the Repub­ duced Intore a congressional investigat­ refrigerator cars became a most po­ foundation
ot the di«ease. and giving the |>atient
lican title. The parties were mixed mis ing committee manv tears ago. By this tential factor for crushing out ; com. •trength bv building up the constitution and
assisting ualure in doing it« work I he proprie­
cellnneouslv in the division on election compact the whole nil industry, not petition. Rival houses that had I no re tors have so much faith in ft« curative power«,
that they offer mi • H iti Ired Doiiars for any
day. Dunne and the men who support alone ot the valley« where petroleum was frigerator cars found that rebates i made ease
that it tail* toeure. eend for list of testi­
rd him went a little farther in the direc first found, but of the districts where it the four big packers unassailable, Rival monial a.
Ad lrr«a,
F J. CIlENFV % CO . Toledo. O
lion of immediate and unconditional was retired, the markets where it was houses that had refrigerator cars i found
.<> d by Prngvi«i* ’sc
Fills are the best.
muucipal ownership of the street rail bought and s*>ld, and the ports .from that the ears of the bigger and I more
wavs than Harlan and Ins supporters which it was sbipi<d abroad, were sub­ Aggressive packers were favored I by the
Fred Forslnml, the Plumber, does all (
favored, although they, too, wanted to jected to the control of a ting within the railroads, handled more rapidly and
put the street ¿railways under the public ring, expressly incorporated to prevent went back with less delay, and they kuitl* ot plumbing in a workmanship •
style and makes a specialty of that kind
control ultimately.
and destroy all compeUlioa by extor gradually came out on the best terms
“Rebates and Discrimina
tions” —Series of Special Arti
cíes By E. Rosewater.
If you are in want uf Good Trees, guaranteed true to name,
Gresham, Oregon,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines.
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail.
This is to certify, that I have this 27th <1 y of December, 1904, inspected and
examined the Nursery Stock of Mr. E. P. Smith, of The Eastwood Nurseries, Gres­
ham, Oregon, and so far as I ain able to ascertain, have found it in good, market­
able condition and clear of anv serious insect pest or disease Their methods Of
handling and growing stock are first class.
WILBl'R K. NEWELL, Commissioner First District.
k <•
I For Gentlemen’s Garments to rder.
Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring,
________ ....
V Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts,
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Ragla.i't Rain Coats.
Exlusively to Measure.
<L ?
V SARCHET, the Tailor, Tillamook.
Come early and secure first choice.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
Fir and Spruce Lumber.
Spruce and Cedar Shingles
Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty
Orders for Lumber promptly attended to.
Rates, $1 Per Day
Centrally Doeated.
M. H. Lt RSEN, Proprietor.
The Best Hotel in the city.
No Chinese Empio)td.
Pacific Navigation Co.
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and
also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. fol San Francisco, Portland
and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply.to
B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon.
. , ,to. R & N. R. R. Co . Portland,
agents jA & c R R Co p„rt|Blld
Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Expres
Tillamook Iron Woks
General Machinists & Blacksmiths
Boiler Work, Logger’s Work anti Heavy Forging.
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
V W W 5FT w wrwv W WW’
Notice to the Public
1 will continue sell­
ing mv stock of Boots
and Shoes at Cost un­
till the 15th May,when
I will receive a large
Stock of First Class
Boots and Shoes from
Come and get Bar ains and save money
• 1
40 c.
P. F BROWNE,Salesman