Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 20, 1905, Image 3

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Vol. XVII.
No. 43
#1.50 per year.
Nine 3-yenr old, very promising heifers I
Court House Contract Let.
for sale ; Jersey and Holstein mixed ; will I
Editorial Snap Shots.
H. T. Botts and L. B. Eddy, of the in. The Headlight will not take a back^B
E l<ly & Hutts, for abstracts.
At the adjourned meeting of the board
come in from 1st May to the middle of
law firm of Eddy & Botts, appeared for seat in advocacy of Tillamook’s claim toM
lune.—Fred O. Skotnp, Trask, Or.
of countv commissioners on Saturday,
Walkover Shoes nt Todd's.
The writ of review on the local option the county and the law enforcement being the best dairying section of Orc ■
the contract for the erection of the court election has fizzled out because there was league in the matter of the writ of review I
E ister Hats at Mrs. Lindsey’s
gon, for we know from close observation M
making parlors in the old Watchtower house was awarded to H. Snook of no writ of review.
in the local option election case, and the of other parts of the state what we are M
I-red Quick has returned to the city.
* * *
building, where she is prepared to do nil Salem, for »19,500, hut much to the sur.
way they interpreted and laid down the talking about, for you don’t find green M
Cordon Hats and Gloves at Todd's.*
From present indications it looks as law to the court and summarily dispos­
kinds of fashionabledressuiaking at very prise ot most people it was concrete
meadows and an abundance of green H
Gent.’s Furnishing Goods at Todd's.* reasonable cost.
«alls that the court decided upon, which though by the time that the county gets ed of the petition of J. S. Lamar to knock grass in the months of July, August and H
Crouse & Brandigce Clothing at
out the election, was disappointing to September in Eastern Oregon, the Will-
Ben O’Hara lias j purchased
___ J 20 acres can lie constructed much cheaper than
k seems that S. A. Brodhead accounts of the late Sheriff Aiderman it those who expected to witness a hard ammtte Valley or Eastern Oregon,where i
of the Thayer tract south of the city
pointed this out to Judge Conder liefoie will have expended considerable more fought case. Even Judge Galloway must the thermometer goes up above 100 de­
Choice butter 45 cents a square at through the Beals’ real estate agency,
he left the city. On Monday the judge money than the county will ever get out have been surprised how the case flat­ gress, whilfe the atmosphere is cool and
property and the contractor returned to the city of it.
tened out so suddenly and left him only refreshing in Tillamook.
New grass and garden seeds just re­ and make it his future home.
* * »
and the contract was changed from the
one thing to do—to dismiss the case, for
* M *
The steamer Sue II. Elmore came in on
ceived at Cohn s.
concrete walls to brick, with the proviso
Another thing the Chamber of Com­
the whole precedure was wrong. J. S.
|tidgc W. Galloway came in on Satur­ Wednesday and her passengers were that the county court experiment in the Marshal Quick, seemed to be of the opin- Lamar had no case in court on a writ of merce would like to know is the indus­
Martin Wallace and wife, Mrs, David, brick business and guarantee it, anil the ion that the street and road work could
day to hold court.
be done cheaper if it was let out by con­ review, for there was no writ of review tries that could be properly Inca bad,
Harry Sw eney was in the city Mon Mrs. Cary and five men to work on the building is not to be completed until tract. Councilman Chase is not talking before the court. To have contested the this county, such as lumlw mill». wojen ‘•J
pipeline. She will leave Garibaldi Sat­ next year. The countv court made a
day from Nehalem.
that wav now, as he wants his father local option law he should have made a mills, etc., in short, ever* advunu«« th*
urday morning lor Asteria.
to an
mistake when it failed to accept the bid appointed city marshal.
test ca«e of violating the law by selling
The schooner Oakland came in Tues
G J. Ayers, who bought the Graves of Mr. Brodhead, for his was the only
whiskey, but to do so in a writ of review or settler. Here again the Ileadligh^^^^
dav to load lumber.
* * *
place at Sandlake on the recommenda­ bid that the court should have accepted.
In what way will the water company the same as was brought at this term say without fear of contiadiction that
The best equipped bicycle repair shop
tion of N. J. Myers, came in last week to
suit against the city ? It is not of the circuit court was for the opposing Tillamook is one of the richest undevel­
is at Fred Forslund's.
look at his purchase and he was well
likely that it will stop the construction attorneys to get Lamar on a barrel and oped counties in Oregon, for it has bil­
Amateur Theatricals.
Representative West was in the city pleased with it. He went to Nehalem to
lions of feet of standing timber which
The “Bank Cashier,” a dramatic plav of the new water system, for that would then go for him with law points in quiek
from Beaver on Tuesday.
will make this a great lumbering center
look over that part of the county.
in three acts, will be presented by the
* * *
at some future dav. There is every indi­
W. H. Holmes and (laughter, of Salem,
Don’t forget the coming event of the Academy Dramatic Club in the near is said that the company w’ll endeavor
Will the county ever recover any of the cation that coal, iron, copper, oil and
were in the city this week.
Season. "Queen Esther” will be rendered future. No date has yet been set, to prohibit tb* citv from selling water.
money bv reason of Henry Alderman’s even gold will be found in paying quan.
(’all and see the Racycie Bicycle at W. next week, Thursday and Friday even but as near as we can ascertain it will Let’s have a drink of free water, please.
shortage ? It doesn’t look so, because ties, and as to motive power the numer­
M * *
H. Cary’s before buying.
n^s. Get your seat reserved at Clough’s be about the 5th May. This plav will
There will be nothing extravagant or Judge Conder has employed and is pay­ ous streams can be harnessed for that
Money to loan on improved farm pro­ drugstore. Prices 25. 50 and 60 cents. be one of the best ever presented before a expensive about Tillamook county’s new ing local attorneys, Handley & Thayer,
purpose. Such, in brief, are some of the
Come the first night and you will want Tillamook audience. .The members of
perty.—Apply to F. R. Beals.
court house. Not even the biggest knock- J for doing what properly belongs to the resources of Tillamook and what they
to come the second also.
the club made up their minds that this er about excessive taxation can kick at district attorney. We do not blame the
Golden Gate Baking Powder, 16 oz.
will develop whenever the county is
Mrs. Abplanalp and her daughter were was to be their best play, and thev the moderate sum it is going to take to law’ firm of Handley & Thayer, so on given transportation facilities. But until
can reduced at 40cte. at Cohn’s.
build a court house, and even the timber that score, we cannot blame them if thev such time as this countjj can get proper |
Jord Morris was in from Portland this ouside of Cohn’s store on Saturday in a
bring that desired end about. The plav syndicates, who imagine they are the are retained bv the county judge, But transportation it is um less to talk about
Week, where he is ip the saloon business. htiggy, when Bryan Snuffer passed with
his Shetland pony, which frightened the abounds in thrilling scenes and humor­ only taxpayers who are pinched, will not the Headlight raises a protest to the new industries outside of the manufac­
Take vour potatoes, eggs and dry
horse in the buggy and it ran away and ous selections. which will keep the audi enter a protest.
whole proceeding and contend that Dis­ ture of butter and cheese. We would not
hides to Cohn’s if you want the highest
* * *
the occupants were thrown out, but for­ ence in one continuous roar of laughter
trict Attorney McNary is the proper and restrict the usefulness or the Portland
D id Hadlev told the city council that only person who should be prosecuting Chamber of Commerce one wit, for there
tunately escaped with only slight injur- from start to finish. These amateur
The latest in millinery at Mrs. Stur­ ies.
players have been preparing for this en­ it should condemn the water system, but the claim and looking after the interest are many things it is doing and can do
geon’s. New styles every week. Prices
At the regular meeting of the hose com­ tertainment the past six months, and it did not follow his advise. Well, that of the taxpayers of Tillamook county in help all parts of Oregon, but the Head­
by the way in which thev are persever­ would make the City doubly ‘’drv,” but, matters of this kind. He is elected for light would like to point out a few
the lowest.
pany on Thursday evening, the boys
Powerine, the new washing powder, balked at paying the $50 they had pro. ing to present the play in good st vie, say, Dad, there isn’t much whiskey in that purpose and is drawing a good things to that body, viz., Tillamook
can’t be equalled. Cohn & Co. sell it. mised the city to help pay for the new they deserve to be patronized the night the city to adulterate, anyway, hence salary, and on that account every war­ County line, as the crow flies, is directly
of the entertainment.
there is no longer any need of a water rant the county court drawns to pay the west of Portland about 35 nnic*, w>hcte­
Free samples.
bell tower, because, it was claimed, the
system. We knew Dad would be in the local attorneys is paying out money that as Tillamook City is under 60 miles in a
Ladies! Attention ! For the most money they had paid in fines, etc., would
"dry” band wagon before long.
can be saved. Distiict Attorney McNary direct line from Portland, vet it is with­
City Council Meeting.
stylish tailor made suits,go to Sarchet’s, go to pay off the outstanding warrants
* * #
is the proper person to represent the out railroad connections. It costs $4 a
against the city. The company, how­
The Fashionable Tailor.
A meeting of tne citv council was held
A. Dean, of Bay City, has a cow that county in the effort tocollect Alderman's ton to ship flour from Por llainito tfie
Supt. W. W. Wiley and his sister left
is a freak breeder. Last week it gave shortage, and sooner the county court Orient and $5 from Portland to Tilla-
and Councilmen W. 0. Chase, H. Mason, birth to a call with two heads, and before
on Wednesday for Beaverton on account hall and in side walks.
places it in his hands, better it will be mooK City. If Tillamook County was
Mr. and Mts. Tracy Elliott gave a L. Hiner. A. T. White and M. F. Leach the Bay Cityite knew that he was throw­
of tilt; death of their uncle.
for the taxpayers.
within 35 miles of San Francisev, ikaLtlv
ing away a little fortune and the oppor­
A new building is going up to be used birthday dinner to a number of their
* * *
or Tacoma, we do not think those cities
Report of committee on examination tunity to become a sho wnau, he knocked
by E. A. Ball for a horse shoeing shop friends in honor of the 18th birthday of
The case against Homer Mason should would allow a valuable leedeij, with SO
their (laughter, Miss Lizzie, a sumptuous of accounts of Ralph Ackley, ex city trea­ the calf on the head before it had time to never liaye been instituted. It was not much valuable, undeveloped esouresu to
near Harris’ new feed stable.
feast was spread, consisting of many
distinguish itself. Blit a cow with two only a bad break, but a big blunder on remain bottled up for so many yearsas^^^
Owing to the Exposition, it is expected
Committee recommended to accept mouths to feed, and with threeears, was
dtlicies. Among those present were: Mr.
the part ot County judge Conder to Portland as allowed Tillamook, and a
that the summer travel into Tillamook
and Mrs. Tracy Elliott, Miss Lizzie bill tower, which was erected by A. K. too much like a i a venous luxury for him have done so without the consent of the class of industrious people, and who
will be less than previous years.
I Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler, Case, which was done, and authorized to keep 011 his ranch.
commissioners. Most people ridiculed have prospered in spite of the difficulties
Ralph R. Duniway was in from Port­ Mr. Archie Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. C. the mayor and recorder to close the deal
* * *
the idea of bringing suit against Mason they have had to contend with because
land this week, who is attorney for Mrs C. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs W. B. Powell. whereby Case was to l»e deeded the lots
The last state legislature raised the
for land office fees, over which the state of lack of quick transportation. We are
Aiderman in the suits before the circuit
where the city hall previously stood,
salary of County School Superintendent
At a meeting of the water commission
nor the county has control. The case inclined to think that the Portland
Recorder Coates made a rtcommenda­ W. W. Wilev’s from $600 to $1,000 a
on Thursday evening, the bond of Trea­
Battened out in a manner different to Chamber of Commerce and the citizens
Fred Forslund, the Plumber, does all surer McNair was accepted, and an order tion in behalf of the hose company in year, but much to his surprise now that what we expected, but if Judge Condei of Portland generally have very little
kinds of plumbing in a workmanship was made on the treasurer to pay the which the latter agreed to expend $50 the session laws have cume to hand it is is wise he will put a stop to further pro­ idea of the abundance of wealth
style and makes a specialty of that kind cost of the same to the security company on improvements and a side walk in reen that the $200hehad been previously ceedings, and that will allow him to in Tillamook and the Coast c unties,
front of the city hall. Councilman Chase
of work.
crawl out of the hole he stumbied'intb, which have been neglected so long in the
in the sum of $168.75. The commission
objected to this, stating that the hose The superintendent will now have to
for not a few persons have an idea that matter of railroad connections, with
The Racycie is a totally different also ordered warrants drawn for : Otto
company should pay over to the city the visit the school marms riding shanks
the suit was brought more for the pur­ Portland.
It will cliipb hills that no Heins, copying specifications, $5 ; Tilla­
$50 it had promised. After some discus,
pose of injuring Mason’s reputation
other bicycle can. For sale at W. II. mook Headlight, printing, $3 ; C. & E
sion it was decided to accept the offer of bike or provide himself with a fast horse than to collect the land office fees it was
Easter Services.
Thayer, for city warrants, $750 and
and buggy. We understand that he has
the hose company.
It is reported that Clyde Clements has
Easter exercises bv the children will
A letter was read from W. H. Holmes done the latter.
Conder was county judge two years
* * *
been asked to serve as city marshal, and agreed to a set of by-laws.
take place of the usual 11 o’clock services
and Webster Holmes, of Salem, who are
A. W Fletcher appeared to have con­ when T. H. Goyne was county clerk and next Sunday morning nt the Christian
in all probability if he consents to serve
attorneys employed by the Tillamook
the latter kept the land office fees, and
Another Pioneer Passes Away.
he will be appointed
Water Company, advising the city conn siderable fun at the Headlight man's ex­ was judge for two' years when Mason Church. All arc cordially invited to at­
For stylish Easter Hats, you must go
was clerk, but after lie steps down and
Mr. J. N. Nolan, who has been sick for cil that they were about to bring action
to Mrs. Lindsey’s. Call and see all tin several weeks, passed away last night, against the city in the circuit or Federal that the Mutual Telephone Company did out, and the experts had audited bis ac­
The following Easter program will be
latest styles in fashionable millinery and
courts. Most of the councilmen thought not ask $35.000, that the company did counts, this suit was brought.
given at the Pre sbyterian Church next
tud Tillamook County loses another ot
get a hat that will suit von.
that they should take ligal advice before not intend to place the poles in the mid law had so specified that the land office ' Sunday, April 23rd, ut 11 o'clock a.in.
its pioneers. The funeral will take place
die of the street jand there was none of
When you want tinning done go t< t his afternoon and an obituary notice they took any action.
Baker’s "hot air’’ in it. We must take fees belonged to the county, the auditors
In vocalion—Mr. Eddy.
Fred Forslund’s. AH work strictly firs
vill be given next week. The deceased
the liberty of answering this bv saying
class aud guaranteed. Repairs of al eaves a wife and nine children to mourn marshal for $10 per month and to be
tected and eager to report such a thing. , Easter Anthem—By the ch< ir.
paid $2 a day w hen employed on street that when it came to showing a disposi­ Another point we will bringout to show ' Recitation» — H EHzabeth <»riKK".
kinds are exected with neatness.
their loss
( 2. (»ale Bartel.
work. Councilmen Leach and Chase
the untenable position he is in by bring, j
Percy R Wiley is one of the graduates
Czar Nicholas would be glad to seen wanted a man to devote his whole time into Tillamook the committee appointed ling this suit. County Judge Conder' Song by School—” Keep the Sweet Bells
of the medical college of the University
herd law adopted in Russia, so that he to the office, and Chase wanted his father to solicit subscription ’found it impossi­ entered into an agreement with auditors
of Oregon, and is taking examination
ble “to raise much money in the south
might remove the iron fence which he is appointed at $45 a month. As the salary I
to expert the county officials books at , Exercise—By three girls.
this week before the state medical board,
part of the county, but plenty of “hot
now obliged to throw around his person of the marshal had been reduced to $5 a
considerable expense to the taxpayers, i Solo—Viola Mapes.
after which he will return home for a
month, it was decided to leave the mat air.’’
yet when they brought in their reports Recitation. - J !;!wbl‘«h«u'*-
( Eliza Nolan.
ter of appointing a city marshal until
The citv council has evidently made up to the county court not one of them said Vocal Solo—Clara Watt.
this evening.
its mind that it is not going to allow so that Mason or Edwards or Goyne owed
Peter Brant presented a petition,which-
much stock to run at large within the the county money for land office fees— D uh — ! I R
Allegra Maxon.
was signed by most of the business men.
citv limits, and it is expected that a city neither did Judge Conder Therefore, we Address—Howaid Drew.
asking that the city vacate 30 feet of the
marshal will be appointed this evening can only draw this conclusion, that the ...
( Hazel McNair.
Whatever the doctor prescribes or
street opposite the property of R. M.
to round up the stock which is not priv­ ; county court has paid big sums of the DuH - ( Herbert Cooper
suggests, is what I specially try to
Wade and Peter Brant, so ns to give
ileged to run at large. Rollie told the [ taxpayers’ money to experts who have Recitations _ j 1. Lelia Drew,
supply, aud succeed as well that I
f 2. Lottie Crane.
more ground for the new court house.
city dads on Monday that there were failed to detect what is owing the coun­
Solo—Edna Alderman.
an known as Headquarters for all
All the councilmen expressed an opinion
about 17 cows and two dozen yearlings ty or the suit was brought to injure Ma­
there was plenty of ground in the block outside his office that morning. Rollie, son's reputation. Our readerscan place Recitation—Donald Newman.
for the court house without closing wha has been bellowing so much about their own construction upon the case Violin Duet—Ruby and Chester McGhee.
up part of the street, and B C. Hadley a “dry” town, didn't catch on that the now that the thin veil is being gradually Address—By Superintendent.
coincided with the city council by saying citv cows had called to allay hisdrvness. removed so that the public can see the Song—< Congregation.
there was plenty of land there if only the Get vour pail, Rollie, and milk them matter in its true light and the injustice
The Easter programme at the Metho*
Reliable Druggist.
county court would believe so. Council
•dry’’ the next time you are besieged by of bringing suit against Mason in a case dest Church for Sunday evening, 7:30
man Chase moved that the petition 1*
where, as far as we are able to asccrla in o’clock, is as follows :
Old Bossy.
placed on the table, which was carried.
Song—" Soldiers’ of the Cross,” School.
* * *
Judge Conder has no case.
Walter Lynch was granted permission
Recitation—” The Lord of Light and
Quite a nnmlter of persons were sur­
* * *
to putin a side walk to the boat house prised that District Attorney McNary
Life,” Theodore Finney.
We are in receipt ot a letter from the
on thee water front.
was not on hand to call a grand jury at Portland Chamber of Commerce, sug Song—"Easter Morn,” School
A. W. Fletcher wanted to know if the the circuit court on Monday, for several gesting that the Headlight set forth the Scripture Reading.—I. Cor. 1 5th chapter.
city council had any objection to the matters ha ve cropped up since the last resources and business opportunities in Responses—Bv School.
Mutnal Telephone Company extending a term of court which should have been in­ this section for the information of visi­ Hymn—"The Risen Christ.” School.
line into this city, as it was proposed to vestigated now. Therefore, it was dis­ tors to the Exposition who might be in­ Recitation—"The Secret of Easier Day,"
Six little ones.
start mutual telephone companies in the appointing to a nuffllter of our citizens duced to visit rilh.mook. The Headlight
south part of the county, the advantage that no grand jury was drawn, and the has pointed out over and over that Till­ Arch Exercise—Nine girls.
of which is tbateach subscriber owns his county is out probably several hundred amook is the best dairying section in Song—“ Shining for God,” Intermediate
and Primary Classes.
own phone and wire. Mr. Fletcher was dollars which it might have collected in Oregon, and, taking farmers as a class,
—” The Christ Child,” Four
told he would have to get a franchise fines. We may say in behalf of District the dairymen of Tillamook are lietter
little ones.
prepared and present it to the citv conn- Attorney McNary that he is engaged at fixed, make more money annually and
Address—Edgar Munson.
cil. The city council will meet again Salem with a grand jury inquiring into are more independent than farmers in
Song—" Send the Gospel Light,’’ School.
this even mu
state land frauds, so was unable to at­ other parts of the state. Tillamook is an Recitation—” What for Jesus,” Esther
tend this term ofcourt, but however that ideal dairying country, where the dairy,
may lie,«it was just as imperative that men raise their winter feed on the farms, Responses—By School.
On and after May 1st we have decided a grand jury should have been drawn at and wfflve n
failure is unknown. Trio—” Easter Lillies,” Hah mid Erina
Quick and Lucile Stevens.
to sell only FOK CASH.
this term of court, and probably more Grass fl king in T ilia monk, and that is
J. P. AL1UEN, Proprietor.
All who are indebted to us will please so than the last term of the circuit court the rtJMrflHftiiig can
carried on so Hymn Tidings—Bv School.
Consecration Prayer—Bv School.
call at our office and settle their ac­ when the grand jury rounded up those sure* •Wwt’y
profitably in this county I Cbnseirational Hymn—By School.
counts either with cash or by note and who ran the gambling houses and gam- and ¿which ia $ splendid
I section for those Easter Offering.
ling games.
° "
M c I xtosh & M c X aik C o .
• wh > want to go into d dairying to locale , Benediction—Rev. Stockwell.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
í *
Chas. I Clough,
¡ i '
The Best Hotel
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
A First Class Table.
Comfortable Beds and Accomnio a .u
* fl
— >