DIE IN LAND FEUD tions for a court house that is commo­ Editorial Snap Shots. COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Hiram B. Moore, defendant. Fore­ dious and in securing bids that come as Straut Brothers Killed by J. H closure. Eddy & Botts for plaintiff. Rollie will quit talking »0 much about near what the county could afford as the Lowest Bid for Court House is McBain. Writ of Review on Local Augusta Hunt, plaintiff, administra­ $i9»5oo—Contract to be Awarded a “wet” town when he commences to most rigid economist could wish, and W allowa , Or., April 10.—There oc. trix, ys. Carrie A. Bailey, W. C. for that reason there ought not to be Option Election to Come up. Bailey and the Yellow Fir Lumlier Co., nurse bis off spring. on Saturday. any objections, but congratulations that curred nt West Grossman, about 25 * * * An adjourned meeting of the board of a corporation, defendants. Foreclosure. miles northwest of this plate, some time The circuit court will convene on Mon The press dispatches sa vs that Admiral the county will obtain a good court at county commissioners was held on Mon­ so reasonable a figure. Mr. S. A. Brod­ yesterday, the most sensational shoot­ day, with Judge W. Galloway on the Eddy & Botts for plaintiff. Rojcstuvensky has fooled Admiral Togo. day, with County Judge W. W. Conder head lias been instrumental in saving the ing of mnny yenrs. bench. There are not many case» on the and Commissioners G. W. Body felt and That entirely depend» upon what the J. H. McBain, an engineer, of Grand county several thousand dollars, for the docket. Those of most importance to UNFORTUNATE DROWNING Geo. Loerpabel present. latter admiral is up to. court appealed to him and he spent con­ Junction, Colo, who came here several the public is the writ of review on the Cable of Ferry Breaks and Fred * * * The bids for the county court house local option election, in a petition filed We suppose, if the local option election siderable time with the court previous to weeks ago to take a homestead, shot were as follows : and after the plans were received, anti and killed two young men named by J. S. Lamar, a saloon keeper of this Tomlinson is Thrown Overboard H. Snook, of Salem, brick..... $19,500.00 is defeated in the circuit court on a tech­ Another case of drowning occurred on city, the decision in which is availed nicality the Herald will fall all over itself when it became known to the outside Strnut, who had jumped his claim S. A. Brodhead,of Tillamook, contractors that a local man was going McBain came west several weeks ago, with some amount of interest, for if the Thursday afternoon of last week, when brick....................................... 22,205 81 and the people will have a number of to bid. this caused them to cut down surveyed the claim, putting up notices will of a large majority of the voters is Fred Tomlinson came to an untimely A. F. Peterson, ot Corvallis, •‘wet’’ issues of that newspaper. their bids. For instance, A. F. Peterson to that effect, and innde a contrnct with defeated on a technicality it will mean death in the Tillamook river while oper­ brick....................................... 24,480.00 M * * some months ago offered to build a court B. S. Brady to erect a house on the land. another local option election in Tilla­ ating the ferry. George Coffman left this 800.00 Extra, for concrete ......... It is reported that several young men house, quite a bit smaller than the one When Brady went to work on the mook next June. The other two cases city on horseback to return to his home As the bid of H. Snook did not specify of interest to the people is that oi the at Netarts. On reaching the landing he whether he intended to include the jail in the neighborhood of the Miami have that is to be built, for $27,550. Quite a place he was ordered off by the Straut claim of the county against the estate found that the ferry was on the west side and vault doors, it was Tuesday even­ hit the trail for fear of being arrested on number of persons think that the court brothers, who had taken possession. a charge of criminal assault, and if they should have awarded Mr. Brodhead the McBain, who had in the meantime re­ of the late H. II Alderman on account of the river. He attracted a man on the ing before the court could reach Mr. of the shortage in his accounts and that other side of the river, who started with Snook bv telephone, and haying done so. don’t want to go to the pen they had contract, being the home contractors, turned to Colorado, was notified, The better bide away. in which County Judge W. W. Conder the ferry, which is propelled by pulling and especially as the hid of H. Snook of story of the encounter is that when Ale­ * * * he stated that his bid was for the court has filed suit against ex-County Clerk ata cable attached to each side of the one house complete. He was advised to It will be noticed that but very few was vague. It is plain to see that some Bain went to his claim he worked Homer Mason to compel him to turn river. Coffman did not watch the ferry | come to Tillamook on Saturday next, few persons have worked hard to get the day without molestation, but on the business houses have failed in Tillamook, over land office fees, which no one ques- after started, until he heard Jthe cable when his bid will be accepted, unless arid and those who have taken the short cut job away from the home man, and the second day met the claim jumpers tioned as belonging to the ex county snap, and looking in that direction he I something should turn up in the mean­ through the bankruptcy court have been speculation amongst people is that the ordered them off. Then one of the clerk until this action was brought, as saw that the man was splashing about while to stop it. saloon kee|»ers, so the “tangle foot’’ that county court will decide in favor of the Strants raised an ax against him. all other county clerks in Oregon have in the water at. the west end of the ferry. In self defense McBain shot him. The In the matter of the cancellation of made so many of our citizens feel good outsider. retained and are still retaining the land There was a strong northwest wind at other brother shot a bole through Me. tax sale of S. W. »4 of Se of sec. 16, tp. must have made the wholesale liquors office fees, and over which the state has the time, and when the accident occurred A Cottage Grove man has established Bain's hat with a single-barrel shotgun. 3 S, the sheriff was ordered to cancel the dealers feel bad when »0 many men took no jurisdiction, when county clerks per­ the ferry was one third across the river. a trout hatchery with a capacity of McBain then shot him to death while he sale upon sales record. drinks at their expense. This Jis only forin government work. Prabably the The mt.n called lustily for help after he 60,000 eggs, and a sportsman's club was attempting to reload his gna. another instance of the treating abuse In the matter of taxes on Wagner land latter case will not come to a trial at was in the water. Coffman answered will be organized to see that full protec-1 Thomas Brady, a timber locator, this term of court, as Mason's attorneys him by saying that he would come to his owned by A. Gubser, the sale was can­ magnified. tion is afforded the fish after they are ■ ' heard the shooting and went to the * * * celled. will move that the complaint specify the assistance with a boat and not for him The Lincoln County Leader says : “A hatched and turned loose. This private scene, where he found the two men dead In the matter of the tax sales of Ne V4 to exert himself too much, He ex|>ected amounts of the fees collected. bicycle store at Corvallis has been forced enterprise suggests that it might be a and McBain keeping watch. of sec. 8, tp 1 S, R 8 W, and it appear to quit business. It is presumed that good plan for the men who are most It is thought probable that another to find a boat at the end of the landing, Gives Himself Up. ing that the tax had lieen paid, the sheriff since the booze stores were chased out of interested in catching and canning sal­ grand jury will be called to investigate but on reaching there found no boat, so was ordered to cancel same and issue Brady then advised McBain to come had to go to a scow a little way up the several matters which have cropped up that town the male citizens have gradu­ mon to adopt the same plan. Let them redemption certificate. to Wallowa and give hiinsell up. He since the last term of court, but we are river, but the boat had no oars. Seizing I ally regained the use of their kgs and are get together and hatch their own fish In the matter of the tax sales of Se % to the a bit of board to propel the boat, just as J not certain whether this will be dore. again able to walk uprightly and in a as the Cottage Grove man is doing with came to Wallowa, and went he was about, he saw the man disappear of sec 33, tp 2 S. R 9 W, and it appear, straight line.” We fail to see, however, the trout. This would settle a vexed Wallowa Hotel, where he ordered sup State of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. Frank i below the surface and did not come up ing that the tax had been paid, the sheriff what the closing of a bicycle store has to question, and if the canners and fisher­ per. It was set before him, but he could Severance, administrator of Herman j again. Coffman obtained assistance. was ordered to cancel the same and issue do with local option or male citizens men knew that they had to pay for re- eat nothing, lie then called A. S. Cooley, Brown, deceased, defendant. Confirma­ attorney-at-law, and told him the cir- | and a number of boats dragged for the redemption certificate. being able to walk straight. plenishing the supply of fish out of their tion. Eddy & Botts for plaintiff. In the matter of tax sales of E Y q of W body, and at low tide soon after six cumstances. * * < own private funds they might be a little C. & E. Thayer, plaintiffs, vs. Ben- | o'clock it was recovered near the spot Yt of sec. 33, tp. 1 S, R 8 W. and it ap­ An attempt was made to get Dr. The editor of the Oregonian is lieing ton Turner, defendant. Action for where it disappeared. It was not known pearing that the tax had been paid, the smothered with unusual honors. The more careful in their violation of the Seeley, County Coroner, at Lostine, but laws. — Oregonian. money. Handley & Thayer for plain­ for some time who it was that was sheriff was ordered to cancel the same good evangelists now lahoriug in Port ibis could not be done. Early this morn­ Xt » * land are making him the subject of special tiffs drowned, but it was ascertained later in and issue redemption certificate. If your cemetery is neglected and a dis­ ing McBain, Cooley, Dr. Gregg and and earnest prayers. — Lincoln County The County Clerk was ordered to re­ Leader. James W. Johnson, plaintiff, vs. The the afternoon that it was Fred Tomlin grace to your community, interest the Justice of the Peace Miller left for the Tillamook Logging Co., defendants. ' son. When found, the unfortunate man turn certified checks to unsuccessful bid­ Harvey Scott is not the only editor wonen in its improvement. If vour scene. Nothing was said before their Action for money. Eddy & Botts for , had no boots on, which he must have re- ders of court house and bridge. who has come in for this special honor. school house grounds are a libel on our departure, and particulars were not Tillamook Herald was awarded the But of all the professions none need the plaintiff; Handley & Thayer for de 1 moved alter he fell into the water, the modern svstem of education, elect a live generally known until the arrival ot the fendant. exertion of doing so may ha ve exhausted contract for bid on printing in the sum prayers of the church more than editors, woman as school director. If you want stage from Promise, about 2 o'clock of $182.15. C. A. Keep, plaintiff, vs The Oregon him, for thev were leather boots and For, coming in touch with all conditions a real live farmers’ institute, elect a this afternoon. Chas. I. Clough was awarded the con­ Pacific Navigation Co., a corpora­ I hard to pull off. Tomlinson must have No one witnessed the shooting except and classes of people, they see and hear bright woman as secretary. In a word, tion, F H. Skinner, J. K. Lock and A. been at the end of the ferry when the tract for bid for office supplies in the a great many things which make them if you want any public improvement the men participating Whether tile sum of $74.50. J. Parrington, defendants. Action fur cable parted and fell in backwards. cynical. pushed and completed, set the women at Coroner’s jury which will be convened The contract entered into between the * * * The deceased was 37 years of age. and money. J M. Pcarcy and Handley A it, for thev know how to pull the monev by the Justice of the Peace will develop he leaves a wife and four children to County Court and Chas. H. Burggraf, Thayer foY plaintiff. The Eugene Register takes the Head­ out of your pocket and how to spend it anything new remains to be seen. This architect, on the 11th April, to furnish light man to task for some remarks we Geo. W. Kiger, plaintiff, vs. G. 0. mourn his death. He was a sober, indus­ is the first trouble known in this county plans and specifications for the court made about the recent railroad flutter to the best advantage. Women can do Nolan and O. J. Painter-Nolan, defen­ trious man and a good wife and father, oyer claim jumping for many years. lots of things besides go to church, take house was approved and ordered placed and the amount of freight now going out dants. Action for money. C. W. Tal­ as well as a good citizen, and was a care of the babies and cook your meals. file. on of Tillamook. If the Register mart had mage for plaintiff, Eddy & Botts for member in good standing of the A.O.U. # * * Coming Home for Trial. The bids for the construction of a lived where the air had been impragnated \V. lodge in this city. The funeral took defendants. The effects ofthe threatened referendum court house were continued until Satur ­ place on Saturday, the services being in with railroad procrastination for twenty upon the general appropriation bill is W ashington , April 10.—Representa. Louis W. Glaser, plaintiff and re­ day, when the court will meet again. years, as some of the inhabitants of already being felt by the employes ofthe tive Hermann will leave Washington spondent. vs. Tillamook Logging Co., the M.E. church, conducted by the Rev The bond of W. D. Wood for the con ­ C. A. Stockwell, and the burial in the Tillamook have, he, too,would leel pessi state institutions at Salem, where, in tomorrow for Portland. He will be on defendant and appellant. Transcript struction of the bridge across the Ne­ mistic, when every once in a while a case it is desired to realize upon their hand in time to be arraigned next Mon. from County Court. Eddy A Botts for I 0.0.F. cemetery, which was attended halem river was accepted. railroad “wind bag” comes here, opens vouchers or certificates at the present day. Mr. Hermann has been unable to plaintiff; Handley & Thayer for de­ bv a large number of sympathising The bids for the Nehalem bridge are as friends. his safety valve and blows off Iris ‘ hot time, it is necessary to discount them at learn when bis case will be called for fendant. follows : air.-’ the rate of 15 per cent, or 85c. for jl .00. trial in this city, but is satisfied there Seth F. Moon, plaintiff, vs. R. M. SOUTH PRAIRIE Olds & Harris, Oregon City.. $2,368.75 * * * This state of affairs, coming at this early is no hurry about it, ard feels confident Dingess, defendant. Transcript from The site for a court house is likely to The frost of the past few days have C. F Royal & Son, of Salem 2,678 80 County Court. Eddy A Botts for plain injured the early fruit and strawberries W. D. Wood, Bay Citv ......... 1,600.00 cause some amount of friction, for it is date, with prospects of a further dis­ the case will not lie reached until the count later, is creating anything but Fall term of court. The District Attor­ The bid of W. D. Wood, of Bay City, tiff: Handley & Thayer tor defendant. stated that a block in the Gangloff pro­ ! satisfaction among the employes. to quite an extent. lieing the lowest, was accepted. ney for the District of Columbia says he John X|prolf, plaintiff, vs. The Tilla perty will be offered to the county. On Chai ley Wellsand Ed Leach captured * * * Bill of Janies Christensen, for $15, was the other hand, there is considerable op­ does not know when the case will be tet mook Logging Co., defendant. Suit for a young cub bear the other day, Charley It appears from the session laws just for trial. damages. A. W, Severance for plaintiff , also had a bear to wound one of his rejected on account of not being specific. position to locating it there bv those received that there was passed by Bill of Tillamook Logging Company Mr. Hermann goes home confident that Handley A Thayer for defendant. who think the present site is the best and valuable dogs severely. for 150 feet of wire cable at $12, was most convenient. No one can deny that, the last Legislature a bill exempting he will be acquitted on every indictment Tillamook County, plaintiff and re­ Mr. Williams, of Tillamook, visited on < from collecting all delinquent taxes on continued. returned against him. He has talked six and it is not probable that the members | property spondent, vs. the estate of H. H. Aider­ the prarie last Sunday. - - at the end of — — years IS from will over his case with friends in Washing­ Geo. W. Bibee, receiver Oregon of the court will want to change the site Hull Johnson is moving his house to a man, defendant and appellant Appeal the time when such taxes became due, City for list of land, final receipt 2 70 from county court in probate. Handlev more desirable location on Bewley creek. T. II. McCormick, witness and simply to depreciate the value of some ■and declaring void all proceedings at­ ton. He lias had much coriespondcnce milage fees in circuit court ... A Thayer for plaintiff; Ralph X. Duni- W. B. Powell has disposed of his 4 8o property to enhance the value of other tempted to be taken for the collection with friends in Oregon, and from assur­ ances he has received is satisfied that wav for defendant. large team of horses, getting smaller Oak Nolan, witness and milage fees property in the city. of such taxes after the lapse of such time. grand jury.......................... .......... 2 20 the various casts against him will col­ * * * ones. 9 » * Z. F. Moodv, plaintiff and appellant, Todd & Co., merchandise............. 4 75 The Headlight has recorded a large General Linievitch has pilloried a num- lapse when brought into court. Mr. vs. W. M. and N. M. Learned, defen­ John Webber is buisy hauling lumber Yellow Fir Lumber Co.,................. 2 8o number of deaths of Tillamook people oer of officers display ed cowardice dur­ Hermann has no more concern over bis Oregonian advertising for bids dants and respondents. Apjical from from Tillamook. fur Court House ........................... 6 7° since it made its advent in 1888, and by ing the battle of Mukden, publicly dis­ coming trial in Portland than over the Fess Quick was on the Prairie last County Court. Handley A Thayer lor W, A. Williams, strap.................... i oo the wav some of our best known and gracing them bv posting their names at Oregon trials. In fact, he regards the plaintiff ; C.JW. Talmage for defendants. Tuesday on business. G. B. Lamb, I mo salary as clerk . 133 3*^ oldest citizens have been passing to the all the division headquaters. while some indictment returned in Washington as Chas. Wells was rolling logs with a G. B Lamb, incidentals ................ 3 88 James M. Ma|>es, plaintiff, vs. John great beyond, for one after another keeps ot them are ignominiously drummed out trivial. Were it considered important K. Mills, 1 1110 salary deputy Weiss and J. I). Morris, pat ttiers under donkey engine on his ranch last week. clerk .............................. 50 oo dropping out of sight and into the city of camp. by the Government, the Government Lloyd Powell intends helping to make the firm name of the The Tillamook Thus. Coates, salary as deputy of the dead. It is an unpleasant duty to would have urged prompt trial. As it is. sheriff 1 mo.................................. 50 oo County I umber Co., Jobe Foster and cheese at the Red Clover factory this write up their obituary. We say a good summer. the Government lias given the case 110 A Great Sensation. C. A. Johnson, salary as deputy the Little Nestuccn Toll Road Co., a ; word for the departed and we breath a assessor 1 tno............................. 50 There uas a big sensation in Lees­ consideration since the indictment was corporation, defendants. Action for The New York Stock Exchange is con­ C. H. Woolfe, salary as sheriff 1 tno 133 , word of sympathy for the soirowing, ville, Ind., «hen W H Brown of that returned, and apparently has no inten­ money. Handley A Thayer for plaintiff. fronted with a condition, not a theory. P. W, Todd, salary as Treasurer | but in doing so this thought always place who was expected to die, hail tion of calling it up at the present teim 1 JM is Ins life saved by Dr. King’s New Dis­ John S. Lamar, plaintiff in error, vs. Alter July 1 a stamp tax of 2 cents per flashes through the editor's mind, Who covery for Consumption. He writes- •• I of court. Every inquiry as to the case A. M. Hare, salary as assessor 1 mo. 100 The County Court of Tillamook County, $l(M» of par value of stock securities sold Headlight, printing ...................... 8 will be the next ? endured insufferable agonies from Astli. has failed to bring forth any definite defendants in error. Writ of review. or transferred must lie paid to the state. W. W. Wiley salary assupt, 1 mo...55 * * * ma. but your New Discovery gave me reply. The District Attorney’s office has . •’""»«•’«»•te relief and soon Hereafter C W. Talmage for plaintiff; District To realize what this seemingly insig- W. W. Wiley, incidentals. ......... 5 That the Oregon Traction people will no idea whatever when the case will be Attorney and Eddy A Botts for de- nificiant impost amounts to, it might be Fred Arthur, service as deputy their line on to Tillamook, there ' cure8 e' “ complete cure." Similar sheriff .......................................... »5 00 extend reached, but expects that the docket is is no doubt. For several * "« ’ unionia, fendants. weeks their i stated that based on a calculation of Fred Zaddach, work on road .... 30 00 chief engineer with cruisers have been . and ’r.’P Hre numerous, i. h ’s now crowded and there is little time It's Norris Safe and Lock Co., ph. in tiff. vs. the business done last vear, Wall street s F. L Sappington, plans and speci­ busily engaged in locating a feasable ¡lin fTJ • i re,l,edv. all throat and available for consideration of cases not fications Nehalem bridge.. 00 donation to the state government would «5 route, and from what The News is able h "* tryuh,e8- Price ^,r’Ce JiOc , • and $L00. Henry Meister, K. W. Stanley and the iLOtl. yet oh the docket. Bill of S. J. Sturgeon of three to learn the route has been located and J; ,CliaH- Plough, Drug- U.S. Fidelity A Guarantee Co., de­ exceed $5,500,000. There have been claims allowed in sum of........... 22 95 will be used at once.-Washington i g gist. Trial bott,eR bottles frw free" *""8- Mr. Hermann expects to remain in L Tr,al fendants. Action for money. Handlev days on change when 1,000,000 shares, Oscar Bergman & Co., for work on Oregon until his case has been disposed County News. —1 of a par value of $HM),iMH),(MM) have been Nehalem dyking......................... .400 i A Thayer for plaintiff. 71 of. He will return to Washington when, We .incerely hop, that the New. i. $100 Reward, $ I OO T. B. Handley......... ....................... 50 Tillamook County, plaintiff, vs dealt in. Some times the figures run George Bodyfelt, commissioner ... 13 2 00 ever notified that a time is set for his correctly informed and that its predic . Th. r„ d .r. of tin. p'> ¡'I it« curative poie^s 3 80 fork ot Nehalem river if the county court ea?em.71. ?7 ‘I"’ to imprisonment for life hy fudge W. S. Dollar, ™ defendant. r*"d for ll,‘ of t*»ti Bradshaw. A verdict of murder in the moved when a delegation comprising J. R Harris .................................. 5 (MJ would cut out the useless office ct road rnoniil* Robert Watt...................... ............... 3 John Ronetsch, plaintiff, vs. Albert W. every Republican legislator from the John Larion .. .2 ; master. There are too many b«»sses and 1 second degree was returned against 3 So taxpayer, have to pav for them. For; and Ellen Mills, defendants. Fore metropolitan district called and urged C. N. Drew ................................. Thompson at 11 o'clock Satrudny night 2 20 Kall s Faniilv Hill, ,re lt)s He-,« closure. Thad W. Viceland for plaintiff him to call it oft. as it meant the ruin of instance, the road supervisors boss the R oad D istrict N o . 1 . after the jury had been out seven hours. 6 00 people who work on the roads, the road 5 C. A B. Thayer, plaintiff, vs. R. M. the Republican party in the Greater Hickey................................... Self defense was the plea, and Thomp­ J. R. Hicks..................................... 6 40 master bosses the road superviMrs, the and Rollie W. Watson, defendants. City son's attorneys put up a desperate fight, — — Wm Scholl merer ........................... «4 40 WWW county court bosses the road master, Foreclosure. Handley A Thayer for but the state made out a conclusive thk >7 00 The County Court disallowed lite bills 1 (» M. Cobb and team plaintiff; Eddy X Botts for defendants I Win Snyder ................................. 6 40 and the countv judge bosses the whole case I lie delense is moving for a new CURE thk LUNCS of the prosecuting witnesses in the | Wm Crawford ... ......... .... ÎO OG outfit. Cut out the road master boss E. M. Porter, plaintiff, vs. Arabella trial, and is seeking a stay of execution whiskv cases for the time they were in John Braunersrenther ................... 4 OO , and appropriate the salary towards with Tone and David Fit spa trick adminis­ jail, pending the disposition of the cases which has not vet been secured. Thomp­ The court adjourned until Saturday. building a bridge across the south fork trator, defendants. Foreclosure. W son and G.^ruke were boss and cook, bv the court. When thev testified before __________________ _ , of the Nehalem, and even then there will I II Cooper for plaintiff Makes a Clean ___ Sweep. respectively, in a construction camp on the grand jury thev were required to There's nothing like doing a thing ** more than .enough bosses left. We' the O R. & X Arlington Condon branch Tillamook County, plaintiff, vs Edith give bonds for their appearance before thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever bope that every Nehalemite will sav In an altercntior. daring which Tho np- M. Alderman, defendant. Suit to set the trial jury. Not being able to raise rnn /C onsumption Prie,* 'Amen ’ and Amen " to FOR 50c* s I. oo s«n claimed the cook mnde a pass at aside title. Handley A Thayer for plain the bonds, they were committed to jail. best It «ww|. a way and cure« Burna. W'lh ,rur what we here advocate for their benefit him, the murderer grastied a big knite o I tiff, R R Duuiway for defendant. V°LPS Frw Trial. The money however, has been raised by S