TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, APRIL 13, Cha lea A Smith Drowned. ,\ st <> kia , Or.. April 6.—Charles A. Smith, who win eniplujed us a sawtiler at the Bremuer Logging Company's lUnip, on Young's River, wn* drowned ,arl> this morning in the Columbia Kivu <’fl the city front. Alum 6;3U this .... ruing S. E. ILiriis, immager of the ......p iny ; Geoige Ackerman mid Smith liuanlcd a small gasoline Inunth noil siaried lor the camp. Almon imine diatelv utter leaving the whan the en. ..me broke down " The current carried the launch against a coal limgethat washing alongside I he American ship St. Nicholas. Harris and Ackerman jumped on ooard the barge, ¡mt Smith was evidently knocked over­ board, ns he was seta swimming some distance down the river. As he drilled past the lighthouse tender Heather, he bailed the vessel and shouted : " Throw men line” First Officer Hamerstrom lowered a bunt asquickly ns possible mid went to the rescue, Imt before Smith was reached he sank nearly a mile be low where he fell overboard. The body has not been recovered and probably will not be for some d.ivs nt least. The de- ceised was about 30 vears of age. un­ married, and his only known relatives n sister living at Tillamook. SFMI-ANNUAL STATEHFNT Countv TrLìure'r by "th? Slher'iff .T t 'ÎÏ*1 f and Money paid to the ___ o» the 31st day , f March A.Sk r^c°<'k LuBUt’r' fur the slx monlhs DATE ■9-45 " ” T amount RECEtvED. Taxes for year “ “ “ “ “ Total received Oct. 1899 1900 1901 1902 19<>3 1904 # 22 11 f 16 77 I 31 20 24 58 23 30 2003 6423 2 21 26 65 26 03 1661 day r »V AMOUNT ,.All, ■904-5 Oct, lo County Treasurer 1893 67 Great Xov, James Nicholson came in contact with a live wire carrying 54.000 volts of vlectricity at the Seattle Electric Com Pany's substation, fell 20 feet from a r°°f °n which he was working, and M'H lives. When he landed from the roof below his clothing was ablate. P y ••cians say he may live, although one «< and both hand* will pfobably have -obe amputated. * We carry a Large Stock of 0F $ 22 It i 1677 31 20 24 58 23 20 20 03 64 23 601 39 583 74 Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, # 2 21 # I 44 20 63 26 65 21 OÖ 37 i2 26 03 38 98 24 17 16 61 23 22 52 98 32568 196 50 6856 ■3788 45 54307 62 Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Total paid Treasurer 's93 67 657 08 730 17 39718 14054 84 54525 89 Ron, County of Tillamook, SS. I, C 1............ ™ I8,1’*"* Count-V. <1° hereby certify that the foregoing st,:.. . .1 ofÀ^nï . -. A.VwV “ Statement is correct and ami imp true. iViinum Witness ..... my iiandthürnd^ o Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. Agents for the Great Western Saw The Most KXKCt'TRIX SALE. T imber I. and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for P ublication . United States Land Office, Oregon ity, Oregon, February 25th, 1905 Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3rd, 18-8, entitled ‘ An act foi the sale of timber lands in the States of Califo'Tiia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Teriito- ry.” as extended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, 1S u 2, II \NS U. HANSON. Of Tillamook City, county of Tillamook. S»ate of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office bls sworn s atement No. 6553, for the purchase of the Sw *4' of Sw % of Sec. 28, S of Sc *4 Sec 29, and Nw of Ne of Sec. No. 32, in Tp. No. 1 S, Range No. a W. ami will otfei proof t 1 1 show that txe land sought is more valuable ( for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- ; po‘-es, ami to establish bis claim to »aid land ’ before the County erk of Tillamook County, f at I illamook City, Oregon, 011 Tuesday, the 9th I day of May. 190s He names as witnesses : ( W H. West, Dr. J E Bartell, Paul Hanson, I ('. A. Vogler, of Tillamook, Ore. 1 Any and all persons claiming adversely the. a hove-described lands are requestad to file their 1 claims in this office on or before said 9th day of J May, 1905-? . A lgernon S. D resser , Register. ,. .< 1.1 r i . an 1» act , J uki i 1878 N oticb M& i P ublication United Slates Land Office, Oregon City, Ore., March 3rd, looj. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3. 1878, entitled An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory' as extended to a 1 the Public Lund States bv act of August 4. HENRY CRENSHAW, Of Tillamook City, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, lias this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6554. 4 of sec. 20, and E % of Se '4 of sec. No. 19, in Tp. No. I S, Range No. 10 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk of Tillamook county, Tillamook 1 ity, Oregon, on Wednesday, the l;th day of May.TQos. Jle names as witnesses : Winfield C Trombley, Tillamoik, Or.;IraC. Smith, Tillamook, Or ; Lem Parker, Bay City, Or.; Ethan A Edwards, Tillamook. Or. Any and all persons «• aiming adversely the above-described lands are j.-quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 17th day of Mav, I905. . A lghrm 'N s. D resser , Register. tyrfApril A >’ C°0 B. L. EDDY. I \ ''/ shbrk W SLICKER YELLOW BLACK OR Complete set of Abstract Books f •in office. Taxes paid for non Residents. Office opposite Post Office. Both phones. WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING EL5E WILL A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO.. LTD., TORONTO, CANADA. A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook , TILLAMOOK CARI' HABERLACH, ( incorporated ), TILLAMOOK (’ITY, ORE. attorney - at - law , PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000. iDcutoilti'v Abvolint, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Office across the street and north from the Post Office. J^OBERT A. MILLER, Directors :—M. W. H arrison , W. W C urtiss , B. L E ddy . Cashier :—M. W. H arrison . Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edge securi] ties of all kinds. A ttorney - at -L aw . Oregon City, Oregon. Land Titles and Land Office Business a Specialty. C. H. LEEP, and ShoBH Nsady Repaired. BaotB II. UI’TON, Ph. G..M.D., First Class Work Guaranteed. Give me a trial, Next to the Headlight Office. P pysician HAIR Cl I’TING REAL ESTATE, SHAMPOOING, ETC F inancial A gent , Electric Baths nicely fitti li up. Goodfor persons suffering'with rheumatism. Leave 7:45 a.m. 6:10 p.m. ASTORIA |for Portland and / / way points. ( Tillamook, Oregon. ^pHOS. COATES, 4 Agent for Fireman’s Fund and London and Lanca­ shire Fire Insurance Companies. Tillamook .. Oregon. 1 ASTORIA Leave for Bcaside Direct < 11:35 a.m ASTORIA Harne»» <»L 5:50 p.m Leave i 1904 GO TO 11:10 a.m. 9:40 p.m. TILLAMOOK Arrive. 4:30 p m. Leave ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Tilos. C oates , Pres. 1 1:3O a.in. 10:30 p m. WM. GALLOWAY. GILBERT L. HEIM.EM. Arrive. EDGES&GALLOWA Y 5:20 p.m. ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. Make a specialty of Land Office Business. Arrive. OFFICE IN WF.INIIARD BUILDING, Room 1 aqd 2, for Warrenton, . • 10:45 a.m. Hammond. Pt. / 7 40 a.m. * Stevens, TM-asidc.) SEASIDE OF TITLE, ABSTRACTS Arrive. SEASIDE DIVISION. f M:tA a.m l Company 4 | Portland Union J depot for Astoria.I Leave _______________________________ _______________ S urgeon . BARBER ANO HAIRDRESSER. SHAVING, w» ar» I ■< lonub) the Sold everywhere in cam— all »ire«. Made by Standard Oil and Office one block west of the Allen House, Tillamook City. Calls answered promptly. LATIMER, BROS, H arness ke-ps the le.till­ er »oft and pli­ able. Stitch«» do not break. No rough f ur­ iate to chafe and cut. harness not O regon . COUNTY BANK. H;OO a.m. 7:00 p tn. [ÌIREf^ COOPER, H. TAKE NO 5UMTITUTW CATALOGUES FREE •HOWINGFULL LINE OF GARMENTS ANO HATS. TIME CARD Ra:n and sweat hare no effect < n harness tr- ated itb Eureka Har­ nes» Oil. H. T. BOTTS. T_7^ DDY & BOTTS, J— A ttorneys - at -L aw . THE ORIGINAL )32 A-&C.R.R. b ' m S I ment they will t't' reni»mt l>e draped in morning ; that these resole tion. be spread |on the minute book ot mit the following : Wherea., death ha. removed from our I ,faM lodge, a copy I" hi. brother. H. V „¡.Htonr beloved brother »«nry » an P r intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tilla­ mook, Oregon on Mat 6, 1905, viz. MAUDE MIURWEON. H.E. No. 12677. for the Lots 7, 8, 9 ami 10, section 5, tp. 1 South, rango 8 West. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER of said land, viz Wesley Rii-li. Emanuel T. Sauers, Cosy Clark of Tillamook, Oregon ; S. Shiffman, of Clover­ PORTLAND Leave dale, Oregon. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. Slate of Oregon, County °f Tinamwk of TiJIamooki Slate ,,f Oregon, I. G. B. I.amb, Countv Cle 11 ( c()rrfCt statement of the number do hereby certify that ‘^e foregoing a m Court of Mi,i County for the mx a„d amount of claims aliowe' 1 by theC, MIS, y on Oll wh »S at account —-- the same were months ending on the “drawn, and the amount of warrants outstand i'e*' ...... -• M Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. In the County Court of the State of Oregon tor the Count v of Multnomah. In the matter of the Estate of/ Lawrence Schiller, deceased.! N otice is H ereby G iven —That from and after the eighth day of May. 1905. the un­ dersigned executrix of the estate of LAW­ RENCE SCHILLER, decease«!, will offer for sale and proceed to sell at private sale for cash pursuant to the order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, duly made and entered on the third day of April, 1905, the following described property, to wit : Lots 1 anti 2. of Section 1. Township 6 South, of Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian ; and Lot 4, in Section 6, Town­ ship 6 South, of Range IO West of the Will­ amette Meridian, containing 123 acres, all in the County of Tillamook and State of Oregon. LOUISE SCHILLER, Executrix of the Estate ofLawrence Schiller, deceased. JOHN K. KOLLOCK, 7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. DATE h-l mcnair co . M c I ntosh & Sensation. There was a big sensation in Lees­ ville, Ind., when W. H. Brown of llial I'l-ice, who was expected to die, had hi" life saved by Dr. King's New Dis­ covery f,,r Consumption He writes. " I endured insufferable agonies from Astb- !’“*• but your New Discovery gave me immedute relit f and soon tliereaf ier I’uected a complete cure.” Similar cures of Consumption. Pneumonia Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It’s thepeeiless remedy for all throat and long trouble*. Price 50c, and »1.00. Guaranteed by Chas I. Clough, Drug- gist. Trial Imttles free DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STOVES & RANCES 20 63 37 12 38 08 5296 6« 56 >3 7SS 45 54 307 62 54 525 89 AMOUNT 1905. RESOURCES. Mr. Harvey, the Tillamook laundry Mar. 3t By funds in bands of County Treasurer applicable to tbe pay­ man, was nt Netarts Saturday* and Sub ment of County Warrants....................................................... dav. By fund, in bands of County Sheriff applicable to the pay­ ment of County Warrants ................ ................................... C. B. Wiley has moved back on his By estimated unpaid current taxes applicable to the payment place on the S ind Spit, and his renter, of County Warrant., 1897 Roll............................................. Mr. Hannenkrat, has moved back to 1898 Roll ----- Long Prairie. 1899 Roll 1900 Roll Judge Alley, of Tillamook, was at 1901 Roll Netarts Sunday. 1902 Roll l>r. Smith pissed through this place 1903 Roll M inday, going to the lighthouse. ■9<>4 Roll By Amount estimated on Sales Record, Mr. Arrance has moved onto the Max. well place. #31735 3« Total Resources................ The lumber is all on the ground for SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT the new cheese factory. Miss Pearl Farmer is quite sick at the Of the Countv Clerk of Tillamook County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the Count. Court of «nd County. for present writing. what I'llowid, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstandnig J. Myers went to Beaver Saturday, and unpaid, from the 1st day of October 1904, to the 31st day of March, 1905 returning Sunday. both inclusive. _______ ___________________ -______ Amount of Amount of No of NEHALEM Warrants Claims Claims ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. DATE Drawn Allowed Allowed The cheese factory started up April # 342 44 3rd. with T. J. Ballentvne as cheese # 342 44 ... 20 March 31 Bridges....................................... ....... 560 I0640 98 10640 98 mnker. C. L. Alley carries milk on the Roads and Highways................ 438 10 43» ■» Circuit Couit.............................. .... Ì27 Nort'i loik and Janes Limmen on the 40 45 40 45 — 15 Justice Court .............................. South fork. 799 99 799 99 4 Clerks Salary ............................ 799 9« 799 98 Three young men, well known in these 4 Sheriff's Salary--------- ---------- 300 00 300 OO 4 parts, while passi ;g down the road one Deputy Sheriff’s Salary.............. 300 00 300 OO 4 Deputy Clerk's Salary......... ' ii last week past Clyde Christenson’s 3OO GO 300 OO 4 School Superintendant’» Salary 275 pi house, shot out the windows and shot 275 OI 4 County Treasurer's Salary....... to pieces a number of glass jars. This Co. Judge & Commissioner (Co. 758 55 758 5J crime should not go unpunished. ( . .................................................... 58 7° 58 70 Coroner .................. ......................... 600 OO The Gerald C came in Saturday with 600 OO County Assessor’s Salary..................... ■ 300 OO 300 OO freight for the merchants and supplies Deputy Assessor's Salary................... 503 26 5°3 26 for the cheese factory. She went out Court House and Jail............................ 447 70 447 70 Election Expense................................. Monday with a load of lumber from 410 67 410 67 Care of County Poor............ ■ ■ -: Effenburger's mill. Current Expenses. Books, Stationary We are informed that the Wheeler mill etc.......... ........... ...................... 213I has changed hands. Taxes Remitted............................... 5 Tax Rolls and Taxation....................... Rev. W. B. Hollingshead, presiding 1 Auditing County Books ... ....... elder of the West Portland district, 15 Co. School Svpt's Traveling Exp....... 2 came in Saturday and held quarterly County Surveyor................................. meeting Sunday and Monday. He goes # 18541 32 ....... f18521 32 TOTAL AMOUNT CLAIMS AI.I.OWHD AND DRAWS to Tillamook. PRINCIPA L INTEREST . MOUNT OE OUTSTANDIN-r. WARRANTS I SPA 1 ■> Maxie Fisher is in from Portland A MOV visiting friends. Outstanding unpaid County Warrants on t..t V #44459 93 I’rof. Holt will commence school in the fiooo 37 March, I9°5............, • .................. I nion Peak district, April 17. Estimated interest accrued thereon....................... ................................ # ><>00 37 Total amount of unpaid county warrent. ... >48460 3Q_ A HEADQUARTERS FOR ——-■ - ■ N ™,NG¿eE “7™ f 1 Mlheu ar TV m 0f,Ti!la",ock County, Oregon, for the six months ending whom r3e‘ yi f MiarC1 A ?' '9<>5, ofn,o,"’y received and paid out, from w houi received and from what source, and on what account paid out: The drowned man was well and favotably known in this city, and DATK AMOUNTS RECEIVED. GENERAL FUND. SCHOOL FUND. r cinity. Il® >8 8 sou lat® Allen N. Smith, of South Prairie, and a Mar 31. To amount on band from last report #18157 20 #3472 65 brother-in-law of Mr. .John Sheets, lo amounts received from all sources, 5442964 23438 56 mid leaves a number of btolhers and Due from S. D. 27............................. 19 sisters to nioutn his untimely death. Mr. Sheets has gone to Astoria, to Totals 725H684 26911 40 take chaige of the personal effects, and to make such arrangements as ho DATE. AMOUNTS PAID OUT. GENERAL FUND. SCHOOL MUND. can for tlie recovery aud burial of the Mar. 31. By amount; paid out on County War- body. ________________ „ ran,s....... . .................................. »3860525 Bv amount paid out on School Super­ BEAVER. intendents’ Warrants................... 7860 21 Bv balance General Fund on hand . . 4274 96 The McIntosh cheese factory started By balance School Fund on hand ... I0606 IO up this morning. County Road Fund............................. 20272 54 Mrs. Wallace, of Spruce, spent a few Indigent Soldiers Fund..................... 408 50 days last week with her brother, A. W. Institute Fund....... ............................ 21 8O Bicycle Path Fund.............................. 49 00 Bunn and family. Port of Tillamook .............................. 32 Mr. Bixbv returned Sunday evening I Tiilatnook City...... .................. 800 46 accompanied by his wife and sons, Ben Court House Tax................................. 6267 34 and Rollie. Road Dist. No. I................................ 1886 67 All School District,............................ Abss Eva Bunn returned home from 8444 90 Due from S D. 27....................... .. 19 Washington. W. A. and A. G Kirk have gone out­ Totals 72586 84 26911 40 sole to work in a logging camp. Miss Wilson, of Tillamook, is visiting State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS I. P. W. Todd, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct Miss Helleu West. statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the County A few of Beaver's young folks attended Treasury of said County for the six months ending on the 31st day of March A. D. a dance at Three Rivers a few days ago 1905. Witness my hand this 5th day of April A. I). 1905. P. W. TODD, County Treasurer. and report a very enjoyable time. Mrs Hiatt and daughters visited Mrs. SETll-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT. A. Brown Inst week. Of the Financial Condition of the County of Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, on Mrs. Coulson and Mrs. Crecev, of the 31st day of March, A. D. 1905. Blaine, called on Mrs. Kirk Friday. DATE Mr. Bixby started outside this morn- ■9°5 AMOUNT. LIABILITIES. iug. Mar. 31 To warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, and outstanding Mrs Wilbur Booth, from Blaine, now and unpaid .............................................................................. #44459 93 lives in the white house of C. Mills, Mr. To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon..................... 4000 37 Booth and his lather having rented both #48460 30 Total liabilities Mills places.________________ NETARTS. 1905. OREGON CITY. ORE. W. SEVERANCE, Arrive for Astoria Direct / 12:30 p.m EASIDE i for Warrenton Pt . 1 Btf ■ Him- > ♦9:30 a.m < rnon a m. for all point o.i Pt. Rtevens enced dentist is located in branch, arriving Pt. Stevens 12 30 p.m , re- Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and f t»iruing, leaves Pt Htcvcns at 2:00 p.m., ar­ is prepared to do nothing but riving Astoria 2:4* p m. first class work and give the • Sunday only. tickets and close connection via beet of satisfaction If yonr N Throtaifh P Ity at Portland and Goble and O. R teeth need fixing call upon At N. Co , via Portland. him. J. C. Mayo, 0. P. A' I ■ A ttorney - at -L aw , Arrive S. STEPHENS, • Real listate atidFire, Life, Health, Accident, Insurance. - J Agent for the Northwest School Furni­ ture Co. nnd Oigiinn nnd Piane *, Notary !’ul»liv. Office South west from the Court Tfnu«e. in the building occupied ns a music ttore. i