®iUatwk Vol. XVII TILLAMOOK & No. 42. TILLAMOOK, OREGON^ APRIL 13, 1905 JOTTINGS.1 Buhl milk cans at Ralph Ackley,». • Buhl milk cans at Ralph Ackley'». • Take your potatoes, eggs and dry Eddy & Bott», for abstract«. • Fred Forsluud, the Plumber, doe. all hides to Cohn's if you want the highest kinds ol plumbing in a workmanship Walkover Shoe« at Todd'». • prices. * sty e and makes a specialty of that kind Gordon Hats and Gloves at Todd's.* The latest in millinery at Mrs. Star, of work. s Gent.'» Furnishing Goods at Todd’s.* geon's. New styles every week. Prices The very latest styles in Lady'» Spring • The hose company will meet this even­ the lowest. In the end that every purchaser of the RIRSCHBAUM HAND MADE CUOTHESj and Summer Hats, just received. Hand­ Born, on Sunday, to the wifeofE.T. made hats a specialty. Mrs. Lindsey, ing. may b<_ protected to the fullest possible extent, we hereby warrant each garment bearing our Lots of babies have come to town of Haltom, a da ugh tez—which makes a Exclusive Milliner. • pigeon pair. label RIRSGHBAUM HAND MADE, to be thoroughly trustworthy in material and fate. i When you want tinning done go to Powerine, the new washing powder, Fred Forslund's. All work strictly first making. Crouse & Brnndigee Clothing at can't be equalled. Cohn & Co. sell it' class aud guaranteed. Repairs of all Todd’». * Free samples. • CUE GUARANTEE OUR GOODS to the Dealer and his Castomers, if anything kinds are exected with neatness. Choice butter 45 cents a square at | Before purchasing y our bicycle, cal) wrong we will make it right. Should a RIRSCHBAUM HAND MADE SUIT goes Cohn's. , Nine 3-year old, very promising heifers and see the Racycle and Savage Bicycles for sale ; lersey and Holstein mixed ; will A baby's gold ting was found near the OR OVERCOAT fail to give reasonable wear, or should you find any imperfection in the W. ” H. Cary*». • l at ““ come in from 1st May to the middle of Headlight office. cloth or tailoring, the garment may be returned and your money will be refunded. Cha». Burggraf, of Albany, the nrchi. lune.—Fred 0. Skorup, Trask, Or. • Deputy Assessor Johnson is taking the tect for the new court house, was in the Signed : fl. ß. ^IRSCHBAUm & CO. A,Cre” °f men ltft 0,1 Satnrdrv morn- census of the city'. city nii Monday. * ing lor Killam creek to commence work New grana and garden seeds just re. Countersigned : E. T. HAUTOID. Still in Line! Tinning, Plumbing and on the new water system, from which ueived at Cohn’s. * Bicycle Repairing at W. H. Cary's. All place the wood pipe will be laid first. Born, to the wife ofCaptain Dodge, on work guaranteed. • Mrs. Frank Severance returned to the A Alan's at his best in one of these Sunday, a son Rev. H. F. White took 21 new mem­ city on Thursday from Haines, whereshc The best equipped bicycle repair shop bers into the U.B. church at Pleasant had been several weeks on account of the is at Fred Forslund's. • Valley on Sunday. sickness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. E. All kinds of Bicycles at Ralph Ackley's Mrs. Collard, of Oregon City, sister of E. Severance. and his priee is right. • j Miss Lottie Freeman has opened dress Dr. Sharp, is visiting her mother and Money to loan on improved farm pro- brother in this city. making parlors in the old Watchtower pertv.—Apply to F. R. Beals. • Ladies 1 Attention ! For the most building, where she is prepared to do all Golden Gate Baking Powder, 16 oa. stylish tailor made suits,go to Sarchet’s, kinds of fashionabledressmaking at very reasonable cost. • can reduced at 40cts. at Cohn’s. * • The Fashionable Tailor. Ulork, Right Priee, Right Fit The District Boundary Board estab ­ The band boys did not have a very My spring goods are now ready. The large crowd at their excursion Sunday quality the best, the prices the lowest, at lished two new districts on Monday, one being up East Beavercreek and the other A. A. Fuller, representing the Mutual Mrs. Lindsey’s, Exclusive Milliner. • is No. 52 district at Pitner, on the Sal­ Lite Insurance Company, is in the citv. The steel bell tower was raised near mon river toll road. Sprinkling the streets this early in the the city hall on Wednesday, which is a Hard times dance will be given on Sat­ venr is something new for Tillamook great improvement over the old tower. urday at the 'oera house. Anyone wear, City. Buhl milk cans at Ralph Ackley’s. • ing good clothes, collars, cuffs or ties will be fined 50c. Tickets, including supper, 50c. Spectators, 50c. As the water commission will have to go on a junketing expedition quite often to see how the pipe line is progressing, We are ready in every par­ Our Big Shipment of it might put on a little style and order a ticular for the automobile for that purpose. Handsome Presiding Elder F. H. Neff, of the U.B. PETERS church, will preach at Beaver on Sun SfíOEca day morning and in this city in the even- ing. There will be a business meeting on Every Department crowded Monday afternoon at two o'clock. with New Goods, and the grand The steamer Sue H. Elmore came in For Easter is In. showings embrace the Latest this morning, her passengers Ireing Mr. In Tan and Black, for Men, Styles and Fabrics that the East­ Wire, .Mr. Finley. John Bugard, Miss Women and Children. Bugard, Mrs. McIntosh and son. John ern Markets afford. Sheets and five men to work on water Direct from the Four Big Fac- works. taries of Peters Shoe Co. We understand that the band boys are All cue ask is a visit about to make a proposition to the fra­ from you and a com­ ternal orders in this city to the effect PETERS SHOE CO.’S that if they will pay for a uniform for the parison of Coods and • & boys they will play free at their special Priees with your occasions, including funerals. mail - order eatalo Were awarded the Grand Prize at the World For sale, 23 bee hives, 1 bull (part Jer­ sey), 1 3-year old yearling. 1 sow. 3 ques. Fair, St. Louis. cows, 6-octaveorgan nearly new, sewing machine, 6 chairs, 2 rockers, high chair and other household utensils. Apply to 5, io, 15 and 25 Cent H. E. Gibson, on the Maxwell place. * Sole Agent : Bargain Counters. The passengers who went out on the TREFOUSSE KID GLOVES, Four large Tables arranged steamer on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. “ TOPSV" double finger tip in center of store loaded with Blake and children and Mr. John Sheets, fnbric CLOVES. American GLASS WAKE. CROCKERY the latter going out on account of the LADY CORSETS. “TOPSY” and HOME FURNISHINGS prMtHT SfW HOSIERY, SUNSET SHOES drowning of C. A. Smith in the Columbia at less than HALF the and OXFORD S NEW IDEA PRICE other stores nsk for river Inst week, who is a brother to Mrs. PAPER PATTERS, 10c. each. the same class ol goods. Sheets. Vogler & Hamilton filed a petition in bankruptcy in the United States Court in Portland on Thursday. Thin firm has cd on December 18, 1861, in the Second H. McKinley, lib. 7oz., 18in. Buhl tnilk can» at Ralph Acklev's. been in the saloou business, and its B. O. Snuffer, 21b. 13oz., 21%in. Wisconsin Cavalry at Madison, Wit. schedule shows liabilities of $1547.05, Grant Lederer turned up mining Fri­ Ralph Ackley, 21b. 14oz , 2(>Hin. and was discharged December 15, 1865, with assets of $400. The debts are due day when the preliminary examination He came to Oregon in the November of principally to cigar and liquor dealers. was to have been resumed in this city in Wedding 1884, where he has resided ever since. We made a mistake last week when we the afternoon. He had been admitted Married, on Sunday afternoon, in this About four years ago he had a severe to bail in the sum of $50, which was for stated that J. N. Mvers was the proud city, by the Rev. B. M. Patterson, pastor stroke of paralysis, which partly destroy­ father of four sons. It should have been feitid and paid by his bondsmen. of the Christian Church, Mr. P. B. Van­ ed his organ of speech. He has since Rev. W. B. Hollingshead, the presiding three. We must apologize with the hope tress and Miss Bessie Hunt. The wed­ had several slight strokes, and bore his that the fourth boy will wear petticoats elder of the West Portland district, is in ding took place at the home of the bride, afflictions as bravely as thongh he were and our esteemed brother will also be the city and is preaching in the Metho which had been nicely decorated for the facing the enemy tinder the Stars and the proud father of a lieautiful daughter. dist church every evening this week, and occasion, mid at the appointed hour the Stri|x*s. A few years ago he united with as the rev. gentleman is an able speaker, bride, beautifully attired, and carrying a the Presbyterian Church in this city The steamer Sue H. Elmore brought in a number of our citizens have gone to boquet of orange blossoms, entered the while the Rev. C. P. Metzler was pastor. the following passengers last week' Miss hear him, mid all are invited to attend. Whatever the doctor prescribes or parlor with the groom, where, in the pre He leaves a loving wife and three children Bunn. H and A. Houseford, J. F. Wea­ The quarterly meeting of the M.E. church sence of a few invited guests the cere- —Joel H. and James M. Mapes and Mrs. suggests, is what I specially try to therly, Mrs. Owens, P. Crantz. Mr. War. in this city will lie held on Saturday, in monv was performed, and the happy W. B. Aiderman—to mourn his death, ren and family, R Brown. Geo. Johnson, pply, aud succeed as well that I the afternoon, at two o'clock. On Sun. couple started on their wedded life with liesides a number of relativesand friends. Miss Culvin, A. McCletlen, Mrs. F. Sev­ known as Headquarters for all day morning, at 10'30, there will be a the marriage vow that they would love The remains were laid to rest on Wed­ erance, R. Robinson and family, L. Hoi­ love feast. At 11 a.m. and 7;3O p.m the and honor one another, and with the nesday in the Oddfellows* cemetery near SICK ROOM COODS. king and family, G. Edmunds. A Tucker, presiding elder will preach. congratulations and best wishes of a Bay, City and in the absence of the pastor C. Thorell, Messrs. White, Yale. Murphy, A couger was trapped by the Himes large numlier of friends. After the cere­ of the Presbyterian church from the city, Campbell, Foreman Masters and five Bros, last week on the Trask river, and mony a wedding dinner was served in the religious services were conducted by men to work on the pipe line. Reliable Druggist. the chain breaking, the animal escaped the dining room. They received quite a the Rev. C. A. Stockwell and B. M. Pat J. F. Weatherly, formerly editor of the with the trap fixed to one ofits fore feet numlier of useful and ailistic presents. terson, while comrades of the G.A.R Ocean Wave, at Woods, came in on It was tracked over the mountain and The bride is the popular and affable dau­ acted as pall bearers. Quite a number the steamer last week on a visit and will back again, when it was caught in ano ghter of Mr. C. R. Hunt, while the groom attended the funeral out of respect for stay in the state to see the fair before he tber trap, which was attached to a rock 1 has made many friends and won the , the deceased and to show their sympathy returns to Los Angeles, Cal. We welcome weighing 26 pounds. With the two e i |U"1"1 fulness of the chorous in attending re­ Hobsonville. and the Headlight predicts B. 0. Snuffer holds the lead thus far in hearsals and their untiring energy fore Ralph Ackley's fishi-ig contest, haring that the union will lie a happy one. and I over 425 lbs. butter,over 6,000 llm milk, in ten months last year. She traces twice tell the success of the enterprise The captured a trout on Wilson river that which we sincerely trust will be devoid I to Brown Bessie, 74,997, champion but- sale nod distribution of tickets will lie weighed 21b. 13oz., and which measured of rifHes to mar their matrimonial bliss. ! ter cow at the world's fair. Her grand left in charge ol P W. Todd and C. I. 21% inches from tip to tip. Ralph Ack dam, Ida's D.eam 2nd, 90.217, made 28 Clough. Reserved teat ticket« will he ley caught one out of the same river that Death of Albert Mapea lbs. 6 o^ butter in seven days. Sire, placed on sale at Clough'« Dmg Store, weighed 21b. 14os . and measured 20% Flora’s Chief, 61 478, who traces 13 Died, at the residence of tV B. Alder ­ and mat be «ecured after 9 o'clock Sat inches, but as his Itsh will not be allowed times to Combination, 4389, the great man, near Tillamook City, on April 11, urday morning. The General admi««ion in the contest, Mr. Snuffer has the lead fountain head of a great number of test- j. p. AUbEN, Proprietor fee will be 50 cen's ; children under 12 The fish reported up to date are »• fol. Albert Mapea, aged 7H years, 24'day*. Deceased was born in Mayfield,‘.Ohio, e I daughters and champion butter cows, year». 25|cent«. Reserved «eat« 60 cent». lows : and was married to Miss Elisabeth one of the greateit bulla that ever lived. Those living in the country who de»tre H. Crenabaw, lib 15os 18%aa. Berry, Decern tier 22, 185.3, at Lisbon, J. F. Martin, South Prairie, Tillamook, to attend should «ecure reserved «eat» E Jenkins, lib. 13os , 16%in. When the war broke out he enlist Rollie Watson, 21b. 4ox , 19'4 in. Special Attention paid early a» the best »eats will be taken first WARRANTY: RIRSCHBAUM TOP COAT or CRñVEfíETTE MM^YSTEM^ BIG SHOW c ILORINÛ SAMPLES Fit Guaranteed. ALVA FINLEY, Agent, Tillamook, Ore 1For h tL >ick. Chas. I. Clough I """ it The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. A First Class Table. SHOES and OXFORDS Diamond Brand Shoes Li <1 Local madefy 8 Comfortable Beds ano act I Easter Trade ! Z