TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, APRIL 6, 1905. Editorial Snap Shots. bums and gamblers, and every person 1 merchants, but thev impooe upon the HOPE ALL FROM ROJEST- who has the interest of the city at heart people a trashy, Cheap John grade ot VENSKY Are you going to pee! Chittim bark this will readily admit that the community goods at exorbitant prices. Our city Russians Expect Change of For- summer ? is better off without them, for only those councils have wrestled with the problem * * < who have interests in the games want to a number of times w ithout much success, ~ tune When He Meets Togo. It is true that some people do not war.t sec the gamblers and saloon bums back S t P etersburg , April 4—The an and as the new law is exactly what is to see a railroad into Tillamook—but again. As Rollie is wondering who will wanted to cut out the peddlers, we hope nounceinent that President Roosevelt they lielong to the mossback order. be the next to leave the city because the the business men will get together and has left Washington on a vacation trip * « « will of the people of this county is being send a deputation to the county court is accepted here as evidence that the Rents for business houses in this city carried out, it is plain that he is growing and insist that the license be placed at efforts to draw Russia and Japan into li ive taken a drop. Well, they were too restive living in a city where people do $500. All the business men of this citv jieace negotiations have come to grief limited amount of not want saloons—and the gambling are carrying large and up-to-date stocks, for the moment. No definite explana­ joints that usually go with them. Good are selling at small margins and below tion of exactly what happened is furth­ * by, Rollie, good bv. , prices in other towns, and on that ac coming, but the general impression is What does Tillamook need ? More « * I count they are deserving of patronage that Japan either declined to treat people, more wealth and a railroad. But The Oregonian does not pretend to by the people of the county and protec­ upon the Russian basis or demanded a how is the county going to get them, for control or to direct the mind, the senti­ tion from peddlers. Patronize the home direct avowul that there was u pacific rpose of Oregon. It is, herein is a problem not easily answered ? ment and the merchants, the business men who can be disposition. however, their exponent and interpreter. * * * At any rate, the advocates of a con­ It is a humble position, and yet a suffi­ [ relied upon to give the people good value We suppose when the hose company ciently proud one.—Oregonian. ' for their money, which every bnsiness tinuation of the war seem secured in gets the new water system and new 1*11 And sufficiently important that Har­ ' man in Tillamook City is now doing. their position and everything indicates tower it will he playing high jinks try- vey Scott would rather be the editor of that the hope of an immediate change ing to knock the spots off the top of the the Oregonian than United States semi- of fortune is staked on Vice-Admiral SPRUCE. flag pole. tor. Some people do. however, get into R'»jest vensky, whose squadron, accord- M * * H. A. Kinnaman and family attended ing to th« best information, is now the foolish notion that it a newspaper is Do not buy a pig in a poke ! You do fearless and outspoken that it wants to the meetings at Pleasant Valley Satur­ actually on its way to meet the Jap. so when yon send away lor merchandise run and dictate affairs. The country i day and Sunday. anese. The Admiralty is greatly en- to mail order houses. Patronize your newspapers are often accused of wanting , All Bunn, of Beaver, passed through couraged by the prospects that R<> home mere hauls and then you won’t be to run things, when, in fact, they are here on his way to Tillamook last week. jestvensky will be able to defeat Ad- humbugged and fleeced into paving more simply exponents of what they be-1 Frank Dye and Mary Tucker, O. W. miral’logo, owing to the splendid re for an article th in it is worth—and the lieve to be best for the community, and Kinnaman and wife, Mrs. Tucker and ports which have just arrived here freight added. whenever a country newwspaper has Mrs. Lena Kinnaman attended the ser­ from Rojestvensky, dated from the ‘ M * * anything to say about politics the little vices at Pleasant Valley Sunday night. Island of Madagascar, recounting in Put this in your pipe and smoke. The J. H. Woods and wife went to Tilla. detail the condition of the shqis and citv charter will have to be amended at local politicians also get the foolish idea into their heads that the editor is want­ inook Tuesday and returned Wednesday, personnel and the results of the target the next session of the state legislature ing to boss the party. and on their way home visited C. Dye practice of the squadron and of the so that a larger levy can he made to pay * ♦ * and wife. maneuvers, i.i which the warships have off some of the interest on the bonds, for Whether the county court agrees with S B. Holt, of Blaine, visited his sister lieen drilling for three months. it is admitted that the new water system us or not, public sentiment will demand Saturday and Sunday. will not pay interest on the bonds. that it build a bridge across the south, ' Mrs V. Kinnaman visited her sister, Hungry For TrepofTs Scalp. * * * as well as the north fork of Nehalem as I Mrs. N. J. Dve the fore part of last week. S t . P etersburg , April 5 —The police There is one thing that Tillamookers soon as possible. The development and ■ Jim Christinson is hauling lumber from arrested yesterday in the Nevsky Pros­ can pride themselves upon, whether they progress of that section of the country ' the sawmill on Beaver Greek. pect a man disguised as a carriage driver get a railroad or not, they are located in demands it, and it is a shame that these 0. Walthers took the first load of milk presumably belonging to the same or LUc bol iLprving country in Oregon, and bridges have not been constructed before. to the factory from our neighborhood, ganization as the 21 persons who were that being a fact. Old Bossy willcontinue The same thing applies to the Nestucca Tuesday. arrested last week for suppossd connec­ to add wealth to the county and a good, river, and from now on the Headlight Ike Hiner went to town Saturday and tion with tourist schemes. independent living for the dairymen. will keep punching the county judge and returned Sunday. There is little doubt that there was a W * * countv commissioners until they decide Hermann Tohl, who has been staying plot directed against the life of Governor Good roads saveconsiderable wear and on building these bridges for the develop at A. Kinnaman’s the past week, Return­ General Trepoff and the latest arrest tear to harness, wagons, buggies and ment of those parts of the county, and if ed home Wednesday. indicates that the terrorists are acting horse flesh and keeps men from saying the residents will help us do a bit oi N. J. Dye and wife spent Tuesday night on a concerted plan, with auxiliaries a nd big cuss words, as they are in lhe habit of punching every time they see anv mem­ and Wednesday at A. Kinnaman’s. lookouts to aid the actual prepetrator of doing when they drive into chuck hole«. ber of the court, we can shame them so We have been informed that Herman the assassination. But the first thing necessary in Tillamook badly they will order the bridges put in. Tohl has not returned home. is good foundation, Alter that is ob. Punch ’em, boys ; we’ll furnish you with Miss Effie Holt closed a very successful On it’B Last Voyage. tained then it is no trouble to maintain plenty of ammunition from now on that term of school at Spruce. Friday, with a i S t . P etersburg , April 4.—A letter good roads. the bridges should be built this year. fine program and an excellent dinner, , from Vice Admiral Rojestvensky to his M * More anon which they all did justice by, especially - wife, which has just been received here, * * * The editor of the Herald has got the indicates that the departure of the grip and CIIIVUIIC anyone ¿having had o..r this ...... week «ml The school board has been fortunate in Mrs. V. Kinnaman’s coffee pot. Walter Kinnaman and wife, Ed Kin­ second Pacific squadron from Mada the same has our sympathy. Just able . again securing the services of Prof. E. H to hold our head up and that's all.— I Whitney for another year ns principal of naman and familv, left Tuesday for Cal gascar waters is final and that it is now Herald. I the public and high school. If there is ifornia, where thev expect to meet their on the way to Vladivostok. The Headlight man hastens to express ' one thing more than another that the old friends, G. W. Lucas and wife and C. In the letter the Admiral wrote that his deep sorrow and regret that his Bro. citizens of this district are proud of it is Sea res and wife, who left for California the sailing of the squadron had been finds it difficult “to hold our head up." their district and high school. And they . a short time ago. fixed for March 19, but naturally he Gee, wiz! Has it reached that alarm­ have just reasons to be proud of it, for it | Supt. Wiley and Rev. White were visit­ avoided mention of the route which it ing size ! is a well known fact that for several ors at the last day of school Friday. was intended to follow on the voyage * « * eastward. There will be another local option elec­ years the principals have made a success BOULDER CREEK. Tlw Admiralty yesterday admitted tion in Tillamook county in June if the of the school and have given good satis knowledge of this determination and will of the people is defeated on a trivial faction, and the three years Prof. Whit­ H. L. Jensen went to Hebo last Sun­ techicalitv. In that event, we predict ney lias been the man behind the gun the day to see his mother, who has been stated that no contrary orders had been sent. that local option will carry with a much school has made rapid progress, and quite sick, but is some better now. It is understood that a rendezvous larger majority than it did in November, what little extra tax the taxpaxers have Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Kinnamen and with Vice-Admiral Nebogntoffs divi- tor a large number of men now see for pav to support the high school, there is Miss Zella Blackburn spent Sunday at sion of the Baltic squadron is not con­ themselves that the community is better this satisfaction that they are getting Wolfe Greek, with the family of Mr. templated. __ off and thev have money in their pockets good value for their monev in giving the Norman Dye. on account ol lhe saloons being closed young people of this district, as well as S t . P etersburg , April 4-.—Seventy Mr. Creed F. Greene moved on his I those living in other districts, an oppor- and the gambling stopped. persons, 30 artillerymen and 40 Chinese, ( tunity to obtain a high school education homestead last Friday. * * * were killed Monday by the terrific ex­ Oliver at home and in their own county. We Mills and his new made bride Tillamook Ims the paper railroad about plosion of a bomb in the artillery depot arrived from the completed and now have a committee feel sure that Prof.Whitney’s re.appoint­ valley Wednesday at Harbin, Manchuria. The man who generating hot air to propel it with. Such ment will give general satisfaction in the evening. caused the explosion was also killed. in life near the big pond.—North Yamhill district, for all will admit that lias been O. W. Kinnaman, Record. John Nicklaus and The entire laboratory, a huge estab­ It is a fact, nevertheless, that the fel­ most energetic and enthusiastic in bring­ John Kumm spent Friday night with lishment, was wrecked and 10,000,000 II. A. Chopard. low who was going to build the railroad ing the school up to its high standard. projectiles were destroyed—2000 pack­ * * Mrs. Elisha Mills and son, Bennie, ing cases containing 5000 each. Mil. proposed starting from North Yamhill. Tillamook City lost the money it de­ called at 0 W. Kinnaman’s Saturday lions of other projectiles, not yet com­ That accounts tor the “hot air''that was rived from the saloons on account of the afternoon. injected into it. But the Record, instead pleted, w’ere made useless. countv going “dry,’’ and now Astoria ot twitting Tillamook, might show a Mr. Jim Tompkins returned from the lias lost the license it derived from the S t . P etersburg , April 5.—General more magnanimous spirit towards a city Saturday with a fine new horse. gambling joints because Sheriff Linn ville Linievitch’s position lias altered for the neighboring county striving for ruilroad Mrs. Grace I. Chopard and Master served notice on them to close up, for it worse. The general staff fears that connections. is stated that “one of the principal rea­ Norman visited Friday and Saturday the Japanese will be in Harbin within a * * * with Mrs. Elsie Kinnaman. month. “Gone to sleep I’’ is what the county sons alleged for closing the games was Mr. E. Mills went over the hdls to There is a rumor that the railway superintendent found posted on his office the large influx of Portland sure-thing ' gamblers that have been coming to As- Beaver last Friday. has been cut mar Tsitsihar. door when he returned from the south 1 toria." But what is now troubling the A party of the boys went Friday night end ot the county on Friday. The editor H arbin , April 4.—Affairs at the front did not find him taking a nap when he authorities of that city is how to make to serenade Mr. and M rs. Oliver Mills, happened to drop into the pedagogue’s up the deficiency caused by the license on but their attentions were received in generally are quiet, except for skirmish­ 1 the gambling houses lieing knocked off. very bad favor by that doughty ___ ing by General Mistchenko's Cossacks. sanctum on Monday to see whetlier he war. It will inteiest this city to know how rior who threatened to “ fill them full of Reports are received of the movement I.ad fully recovered from his drowsiness. Astoria will meet thedeiiciency, for Tilla ­ lead,’’ a threat which sent them down of a Japanese Hying column northward I'erhaps the ex-county superintendent mook City has not solved it yet. This the hill double quick. through Manchuria in the direction of can inform us whether his successor’s Tsitsihar. will give some idea of the situation in snoring resembles a buzz saw or a tog Astoria, taken from the Heraki : I’he loss and destruction of commis­ The Oregon Traction Company horn. I'he joke is on the superintendent “Councilman Belland, chairman of the sariat stores at Mukden, Hussitah. Tie — as well as the treats. ! ways and means committee, remarked It looks as if the Oregon Traction Com­ Pass, Kaiyuan and Changtafu has been » » W at the last session of the council that There ap|>ears to lie a wrong i in pres something will have to lie done bv the pany would obtain a franchise to• place a heavy deprivation to the Russians. As sion in the public mind that the court i council to provide for increasing lhe reve car tracks on Stark street, Portland, and a result, lhe price of provisions has been | house site was deeded to the county con- nties, ’now that the “cri ne hatcheries’’ that being done to build an electric considerably increased. arc to be kept closed.’’ He said the coun­ 1 road to Hillsboro. The question of ditionally, as r long ‘ as used tor court cil is authorized to place a license on all Theodore P. Shouts, president of the w hether the franchise shall be granted house purpose*. T" is not correct, ____ ,__ ___ . This tor business houses mid professional men ' Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad, the land was deeded to the county with­ and arranged for a meeting of the com came up before the City Council yester­ mittee with the city attorney to discuss day and the majority of the Councihnen who has been appointed chairman if the out any conditions l»v Mr. Thayer when the advisability of passing such a mea­ Panama Canal Commission, is to be Mr. Cooper wiis was eounty county judge, judge. So the sure. Burns replied that he would never seen Tuesday seemed to be favorable to i paid •• salary large enough to compen. the enterprise. Headlight was w rong when it also feel I support a general license ordinance as he There was at one time two reasons for I ' ate him for the financial sacrifice be will did not think such a measure just or rea­ into the same mistake r__ and ‘ stated .. that sonable. “1 am willing,’’said he. “if the believing that the franchise would not make in leaving his present lucrative the site had been given conditionally. ,. It other councilmen will do the same, to let be granted. Both were based on rumors position. Mr. Shonts was borne in seems that Mr Thayer wanted __ __ to — - • he $100 which I receive from the citv as deed Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and it that way, but the court objected. a salary, »evert back to the public trea- one that the Oregon Traction Company sury but I am opposed to taxing any was really the Oregon Water Power & has been in the railroad business since * • * man for the privilege ot earning a living.'* Railway Company with designs on the 188L He has been successively general The public is cognisant of the fact that * * « ' Fair business, and the other that it was superintendent, general manager and i n numlicr ol sheriffs, noteably those in The business men of this city should president of the Toledo, St. Louis & j Multnomah, Baker and Clatsop counties, iietition the county court to fix the license an attempt of the Portland Consolidat­ Western Railroad. He is a graduate of ed to obtain the valuable franchise on have bestirred themselves and are now 4 l*ddlrrsso that it will make it prohi Stark street. That the Councilmen seem Momnouoh College, Illinois, and a enforcing the law. Nut, liowevt., tr. because bitory lor them to do business in Tilla. brother in law ot John Drake, partner of they arc any better sheriffs tha n their 1 niook county. The peddlers area menace on the whole favorably dispose«! to the JohiieW. Gates. granting of the franchise is taken as a 1 predecessors, but because C * a * thev have legitimate business, and they take out sign that the Oregon Traction promoters taken the hint that the public - the countv a large amount ol monev Everybody is waiting patiently to ‘ • ex|4ct of have produced convincing arguments ' them to do their duty, for thev arc the read the second chapter of Commis­ won it once, for now is the time of year with crafty greed, is m< a heroic figure side of Dr. Osler’s »lead line, but if he can i Since local option went into effect. Till- when peddlers infest the countv, and not to be tmeked up with navies and armies. keep out of Admiral Togo s wav be wl aiiiook City has lust a number of saloon Let him take lhe riaks of collet ting his only take business away from the home take the ihances on being chloroformed. own paddvd bills. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. BXKCt'TRIX SALE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon Hard Luck —“That is tough luck; T for the County of Multnomah. In the matter of the Estate of/ 1 go into bankruptcy yesterday, and Lawrence Schiller, deceased, i N otick is H rkkhy G ivbn ,—That from and this morning my cashier absrond« with after the eighth day of May, 1005. the un- my money.”—Fliegemle Blaetter. dersigned executrix of the estate of LAW- KI.XCE SCHILLER. f Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian ; and Lot 4. in Section »>. Town­ woman's duty to lie beautiful if sh« ship 6 South, of Range IO West of the Will­ amette Meridian, containing 123 acres, all can.” She—“And it is a man’s duty tc in the County of Tillamook ami State of make her think she is whether she ix Oregon. or not.”—Stray Stories. LOUISE S< HILLER. Executrix of the Estate of Lawrence . He—“I gave Jones a bit of advice. 1 Schiller, deceased. told him that before he married hit JOHN K KOLLOCK 7 Chamber of Commerce, girl he should look her mother over.” Portland. Oregon. In every town and village may be had, o the Mica Axle Grease Med« Standard Otl