TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 6. IN A FRKNZY OF RAGE. 1905. ' halter the animal while young, easier to I The irrigation projects in the arid west I lœ crocodile in the egg, than after are being pushed on a vast scale and : it lias got its jaws in lull I working order. diem. their completion means much to future generations. Millions of people will be W arsaw , April 3.—Not since the Mon I SETS SEtF AFIRE. day following “Bloody Sunduy’*at Si.1 able to secure farms at reasonable prices Petersburg has there been such a feeling Awful Suicide of Wife of Farmer. and the products from this redeemed land will in time add greatly to the of apprehension in ¿his ancient city as 1 Mr«. Lena Charlotte Heuunera, aged exists this morning, and it is believed | 5!) living at Orient, in East of Multno­ wealth of the nation. One of the great­ it tain that before tile day ends much mah County, saturated lierself with est of all the private irrigation schemes is the one on Snake River, near Twin blood will be shed. In many liomes in! kerosene early Sunday morning „nd the city anguish prevails today and vic-I burned herself to death. She went out i Falls, which is now nearing completion, tuns oi the present regime are to be from her home in the middle of the anil will open up for settlement hundreds found in the lodging homes of the Jew- night, when her husband was asleep and of thousands of acres now practically worthless. isli quarter. her Stepson at a dance, and. building a * * * One thousand Jewish Socialists assem bonfire in a cabbage patch, ignited her Japan and Russia have spent a billion bled on Sunday before tiie main prison clothing from that and was dead for dollars for one year of war, while mil­ and demanded that the body of a Jewish many hours before »lie was even missed. lions of people in Asia are suffering from labor leader who had died during the! She was found, her clothes all con­ hunger and dying of the plague. All the night be delivered to them. Tlieir de sumed and her body charred, by her old other nations are going the same pace, maud was refused, with the result that and feeble husband, at 10 o’clock in the with top-heavy military establishments* after listening to an address bv their morning, though the suicide must have enormous navies constantly increasing, leaders, they stormed the prison and car been committed before 2 o'clock that and all to gratify the human vanity lor lied the outer entrance. morning. “the pride, pomp and circumstance of Deadly Volley Fired. She, with her second husband, Ott> C glorious (so called) war.’’ Whoxwas it Hurry calls were sent out tor troops llemmers, had been living on a farm that wrote of the world as n place and three regiments under the command | near Orient, seven miles beyond Orea- “where every prospect pleases and only ot Brigadier General Sausanbiealz were I bam. for 11 years, ever since they were man is vile ?” hurried 10 the rescue of ttie prison guards. I married. * * * Before that she had been I The commanding officer ordered ttie mob deseited by her first husband in San Japan has surprised the world by its to disperse and, a trit did not move on Francisco and at that time had at fighting qualities, and the diplomats quick enough, he orJered a volley fired, tempted to commit suicide at the Sutio are likely to find that its terms of which had a deadly effect. baths, and had been rt-scuvd. peace will tend to insure the future Five fell dead at the first fire and then safety of the island empire from the Suffered With Melancholia the mob retired, firing revolvers mid bear that walks like a man If Russia’s For four years, since the time of a cursing at the soldiers as they ran. proposals are superficial, the war will serious operation, she had been at times When the smoke cleared, five dead ‘were go on until the czar is deprived of all melancholy and at .others suspicious, found in the main corridor of the prison, naval footholds on the eastern coast of fearing harm for lierself and for her kin, A Great Sensation Asia. while forty wounded were hurried to the B. L. EDDY. IE T. BOTTS. I but she had never been su (fluently in There was a big sensation in Lees­ hospital. After the mob had retreated, * * ☆ sane to be considered more than erratic. ville, Ind., when W. II. Brown of that DDY X xo, the police got btiisy and arrested more Japan has 858 technical schools, of place, who was expected to die, had , She was in the habit of leaving the A ttorneys - at -L aw . than 100, among them being all of the which the government runs nine. In Ids life saved by Dr. King’s New Dis. j house frequently and remaining away leaders of the Socialist element. addition, many Japanese are sent to covery fur Consumption. He writes: “ I I many hours without explanation, and Remember this when .you buy Wet Complete set of Abstract Book* various foreign countries to study the endured insufferable agonies from Asth.| Call on Populace to Rebel. ma, but your New Discovery gave me 1 that accounted for the length of time Weather Clothing and look for the latest forms of iudustiy. The Japs have immediite relief and soon thereafter Following the riot hundreds of procla- liefore her body was found. name TOWER on the buttons,. in office. Taxes •paid for non- Similar! an idea that exact knowledge in all effected a complete cure.” mations appeared at all of the public Saturday evening, her stepson, Ilenrv This sign and this name have stood cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, I practical affairs is a valuable asset. places in which the populace was urged Residents. for the BEST during sixty-seven B. Hemmers. went «way to a dance, Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It’s * * * to rise against the “tyrant government,” ■ * years of increasing sales. the peeiless remedy for all throat and1 and left his father and stepmother sitting Office opposite Post Office, People who are disposed to think well lung troubles. and to exterminate those who had mur­ Price 50c, and *1.00.1 If .your dealer will not supply you write for reading before the fire. Some time be of King Edward and Emperor William Guaranteed by (’has. I. Clough, Drug­ free catalogue of black or yellow water­ Both phones. dered the workers. fore midnight the elder Hemtners went hope that their majesties are 11«u laugh gist. Trial bottles free. During the night five bombs were proof oiled coats, slickers, suits, hats, and to bed, his wife saying that she would ing in their sleeves over the honest horse goods for all kinds of wet work thrown, but so far as can be learned no read for a litt.’e time longer, and appear­ $1OO Reward, $1OO. H. COOPER attempt to settle the old international A. J. a. TOWER CO. AICM THE «OWER-g <1 image was done. The police anthori ------- MA1 constitutional)! treat ­ that the door to his wife’s room was ajar, soldiers have been warned to have their religion in this grand republic, our future ment. Hall's Catarrh Cuie is taken internally, T illamook , O regon . but thought nothing of it. directly upon the bloociiodical “queer” moods. I right and wrong and is accountable to God Address, F. J. CHENEY & COToledo, 0. TILLAMOOK ing the next overt act, nfartial law will ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Sold by Druggists, 75c. They ate breakfast, washed the dishes for his influence, which every man naturally Hall's Family Pilis are the best. be proclaimed._______________ exert«. The modern preacher is merely a Geutevlu ’L- ¿Kbuoliot and the son went away. PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000. talking machine. A church is an organization Finds Charred Body of Wife. that subscribe« to some particular tenants. Office across the street nnd north from Dairy Squeeze Threatened. I A GENERAL BANKING Then they call a preacher to argue their T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for the Post Office. The old man stood in his doorway late P ublication -. I There seems no wav to get away from BUSINESS. doctrine It is strictly a proprietary affair- United States Land Office, Oregon ity, Oregon, 1 the combines, remarks the American in the morning, and, thinking of the The only question is what we want to hear. February 25th, 1005 ) Farmer, and then goes on to say that young cabbages he had planted in a field We need a church that is national in charac­ Notice is hereby given that in compliance ter where the sovereign will of God is re­ with the provisions of the act of Congiessofi DirectorsM. W. H arrison , W. w JO OBERT A. MILLER, nothing can escape this rapacious and several rods away, walked over to them flected in the light of a clear conscience. With June 31«!, 18,8. entitled ‘ An act for the «ale C urtiss , B. L E ddy . with a pitchfork load of rubbish to timber lands in the States of Califcnia, • predatory product of our complex civili­ the Pope and bible as competitors, ie.,I don’t of Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Teriito- J Cashier ;—M. W. H arrison . A ttorney - at -L aw . zation. It has seized upon pretty much spread over them. He came to a log by object to the teachings of the oible or the ry.” as extemted to all Public Land Stales by 1 the field, and, throwing liis load over it, act of August 4, ¡3 m 2, 1 Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edge securi] preeept« of the Pope so long as they agree Oregon City, Oregon. everything, and like the daughter ot the HAN« C. HANSON, ; ties of all kinds. with the dictates of conscience, for |God is a horseleech, its cry is still for more. The stood aghast, for he looked upon the j spirit and we comprehend him in spirit from Of Tillamook City, county of Tillamook. State of Oi eg..11, has this day filed in this office hl* I Land Titles and Land Office latest is a creamery combine, reported charred body of his wife. within clearer than from without. The re­ sworn s atement No. 6553, for the purchase I C. B. LEEP, Business a Specialty. He picked up her cloak, which lay un- I of the Sw *4 of Sw J / 4 of Sec. 28. S % of Se *4 I sponsibility rests upon the men who have Sec. 29, and Nw of Ne of Sec. No. 32, in Tp. from Io va, wli?re th s industry is wide- spread and of great importance. Accord, : burned, and threw it over her, then i been entrusted with the faith and virtue, No. 1 S, Range No. 8 W. and will offer proof to I Bants end Shoes Nearly instead of a lot of tinhorn preachers that for show that the land sought is more valuable ing to the press of that state a three mil­ 1 rushed to the neighbors, who telephoned a paltry dollar can be persuaded to withhold for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ II. UI’TON, Ph.G.,M.D., Repaired. poses, and to establish his claim to said land for Deputy Coroner A. L. Finley, who lion dollar dairy trust is incubating at what ought to be said, or say that which 1« before the County C erk ot Tillamook County, I illamook City, Oreg . -, on Tue««> a.m. | Portland Union be harmless. United State«lAiid Office, There are evidently some very gener­ sponsibility of keeping the faith and virture t depot for Astoria.i 0:40 p.m. 7:00 p.m. TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT Oregon City, Oregon, Now, here comes more trouble in the I ous guzzlers of spirituous hejuorsin Seat­ of the nation. The church that I belonged Januai y 18th, I90A. Notice is hereby given that in compliance Leave shape of the familiar octopus, or com­ tle, unless Judge Carroll has made a mis­ to turned out a little girl for dancing at a ASTORIA Arrive. TRUST CO. with the provision« of the a« t of Congress of bine, whose sole business is to get its take in his estimates. For the exclusive private party while they retained an old hag June 3, 1*7*. entiled “ .. act for the sale of tim- j in the church choir who boasted of her ab­ her lain!« in th*- States of California, Oregon, 7:45 a m. Jfor Portland nnd i 1 1:3O a.m. Tlion. C oatk *. Pre*. grip on things as to reap all the profits, saloon privileges in the Queen Citv all over more valuable for ‘tatimber or stoffe than for Make a specialty of Land Office Business. agricultural purposes, and to establish his market dominated by the manipulators the novelty of the scheme. It would put the broad land, the total lack of the pure claim Arrive. OFFICE IN WKINHARD BUILDING, ASTORIA to said land before the County Clerk, Leave principle« of faith and virtue ? I consider the of the trust. As fast as one trust is Tacoma way to the bad from a statisti­ professed protestant minister the greatest of Tillamook County, Oregon, at Tillamook City. Oregon, on Thursday, the nth day « I Room 1 nnd 2, for Warrenton, a *io:4fl a.m 1 knocked out or tackled seriously, another cal standpoint if Carroll secures the Seat­ foe that the nation ever had, because he April. He name* a« witnesses ♦ K:15 a.m. HamMMMM i 1 / OREGON CITY. ORB. Henry Crenshaw Water C Bailey, Barnegat ; b >bs up in a new place. President Roose, tle franchise, for no one would give half shirks hi« responsibility Sinclair says in hi« 1 Harry 5:50 p.m. ( Stevens, Seaside.) 7:40 a.m. ' •• Crowning sin of the age,” “ What 1« the Wilson. S Baker, Tillamook ; Fred C. Baker. velt lias d *clare 1 war on some of the n million dollars per year for the privil­ intention, when the effort is made to pre­ Anjrxnd all persons claiming adversely the Arrive SEASIDE worst <»f them'■and is making a hard above described fend* are requested to file their Leave W. SEVERANCE, ege of idling firewater to the decorous vent offspring« ? It is the intention to pre­ in thisoffkeon oi before said 6th day fight to get a ring in the nose of the beef town on Commencement Bay. — Ore vent. and to destroy human life. The law« claims of April, 1905- for Astoria Direct >12:30 p.m | of the land, this conscience of the most de­ AUiKRNON S. D rehskb , Register I 4:30 p m. trust and a bit in the mouth of that gonian. * * * graded and the majestic law of God unite in A ttornky - at -L aw great modern leviathan, known as the EASIDE Arrive Leave WOTfUF. FOR PUBLICATION. It is the rebate devil that has caused pronouncing it murder. ’ Again. ' Let us Standard Oil monopoly. It is a hard Ih-pailment of the Interior. learn this that a marriage entered into with Land Office st Oregon City. Ore , ' 6:1 fl a.m for Warrenton I t f 9:80 a m. i fight, as rliese concerns seem to have the most of the losses to shippersand ruin of the avowed purpose to prevent offsprings, i« T illamook O regon . March iath, 1905. Mtevens. Ham- 5 in a meretriciou« union, in which lust conceives Notice is hereby given that th»- f llowmg tW:3O a m. 1 mon«!. Astoria. 1 7:20 p.m. ' faculty of the didapper lor appearing and numerous competing organisations named settler has fllwi notice of h r Intention anK Ml I'RO EON of the thimble-rigger and the public i* nest, only ruin can possibly await the cursed butchery is red handed murder ” uritit»*. tat res Ft. Steven« nt 1:00 p.rfr., ai H E Mo. 1 >*»77 for the Ix>ts 7. S, 9 and ro, * ai Health, Accident, Insurance. America will 1* d. re popu I a ted. but will it be $ tp 1 Soatli. rang« via* AMlrin 2 *5 p ni. kept guessing as to what they arrgoing latter in the long run. Fair treatment. , _ _ _ • - u«hter. • (hose who rthc name« the following witi»e««es to prove Age» t for the Northwest School Furni­ - L..I like rate, to all. equality ' by the wn. and daughter, • Bawd ay nljr. . , . lived __ _ and died for < r the glorious flag who be­ her continuous residence upon and cullhatson to do next. The farmers interested a square oeal. like rate, to ture Co. and Oi grin« nnd l’ian< •, Throau«e, Portland. | to head off this combination which . off «oaring of creation’ Who in re- dale, OregonA lx . kb . wom S. Dafcsaga, Register. in the building occupied a« a music store. J. C. Mayo, G. P. A ; threatens the vast creamery industry of great producing classes nnd tbew are the tbe •pow.ble f J C G< ” * things they are determined to hare. |e^ the middle west. It will be easier to * si 313 ansisi Warsaw Jews Shot Down by" Sol- DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choi GROCERIES Agents for the Great Western Saw. M c I ntosh & mcnair The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County ALL 5KN5 FAIL IN A DRY TIME THE 5KN Of DIE FISH NtVtl FAJL5 INA WET TIME. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK C fl LATIMER, BROS., TIME CARD < J I co .