Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 06, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. XVII.
Still in Line . Tinning. Plumbing and
When business men have anything they
Bicycle Repairing at W. H. Cary’s. All
want to sell they must advertise in the
E Idy & Botts, for abstracts.
work guaranteed.
Headlight and then everybobv
in the
, —
Walkover Shoes nt Todd’s.
Mrs. P. McIntosh and son left on the county will know about it, for it is the
Gordon Hats and Gloves nt Todd’s/
steamer to visit her relatives in Portland best advertising medium.
The adjourned meeting of the board of '
Gent.’s Furnishing Goods at Todd's? tor several weeks.
As far as we are able to ascertain there county commissioners will meet ou Mon­
Clay Daniel was in from Foley on Tues­
is nothing new to report regarding the day for the purpose of awarding the con.
railroad situation.
tract for the erection of a new court
Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at
Edgar Saylor, the cirgar maker, has house, theconstructionof a bridge across
taken his departure from this city to the north fork of the Nehalem and other
Choice butter 45 cents a square at
find a better location.
The new steel bell tower for the fire
Ladies! Attention ! For the most
Steamer Sue H. Elmore came in this
stylish tailor made suits,go to Sarchet’s, bell has arrived from the east, and A. K.
Case will erect it right awav on the lot
The Fashionable Tailor.
A. G Beals is wanting a man to work
Theo. Kingsley left with his mother on south of the city hall. The fire bell will
on his farm.
Monday for their old home in the East, be GO feet from the ground, and the top
of the flag pole on the tower will be 105
Countv Judge Conder vzas in the city going out on the steamer.
on Monday.
An apportionment of school funds,
P. B. Vantress, L. Riefenberg, Gus Nel-
Walt J. Smith was down from Wilson amounting to $1938, was made by the
son aud Fred Kabkee have leased the
on Monday.
county school superintendent.
Truckee Lumber Company’s saw mill at
Born, on Sunday, to the wife of W. C.
Mrs. N.J. Myers presented her husband Hobsonville, and they started sawing
Trombley, a son.
with another son this week, making him
on Wednesday. As they are all expen.
All kinds of base ball paraphernalia at the proud father of four boys.
enced in the lumber business it is hoped
Ralph Ackley’s.
My spring goods are now ready. The they will make a success of it.
New grass and garden seeds just re­ quality the best, the prices the lowest, at
The steamer Sue H. Elmore sailed on
ceive I at C »Im’s.
Mrs. Lindsey’s, Exclusive Milliner.
Monday, her passengers being Mrs J. H
Chas. Nelson was in the city on Satur­
Fred Forslund, the Plumber, does all Hicks and two children, Mrs. Fage, W.
day from Cloverdale.
kinds of plumbing in a workmanship A. Kirk, Oscar Tittle, Clarence Tittle,
The best equipped bicycle repair shop style and makes a specialty of that kind Mrs. J. Richards, W. Collins, Mrs.
of work.
Kingsley, Theo. Kingsley, and Mrs. Mc-
is at Fred Forslund’s.
If you fish, you want to get in on that Itnosh aud son.
All kinds of Bicycles at Ralph Ackley’s
$10.00 cash prize that Ralph Ackley is
On board the ship Buffalo, now sta­
and his price is right.
For millinery, correct both in style and going to give this year. Call at the store tioned in Southern California, out of a
for particulars.
class of 75 apprentices, only 20 passed
price, see Mrs. Sturgeon.
The very latest styles in Lady’s Spring the examinations for ordinary seaman,
Born, on Thursday, to the wife of Em­
and Summer Hats, just received. Hand­ and among the successful ones were three
mett Jenkins, a daughter.
made hats a specialty. Mrs. Lindsey, Tillamook boys, viz., Olsen, Loomis and
You get high grade, but low priced
Jennings. Last year Phelps, of Netarts,
Exclusive Milliner.
millinery at Mrs. Sturgeon’s.
For the accommodation of men who passed. This is a good showing for the
Money to loan on improved farm pro­
Tillamook boys.
work on the government dredger, sleep
perty.—Apply to F. R. Beals.
Grant Lederer was arrested on Tues­
ing and living quarters are being erected
day and charged with a most serious
Golden Gate Baking Powder, 16 oz. for them on the dredger.
crime, that of rape, upon Emily Smith,
can reduced at 40cts. at Colin’s.
The lumber schooners C. T. Hill and
Keeper H D. Mohler and wife were in San Bunavista were towed to sea Mon­ daughter of L. L. Smith, who is under 16
years of age. The accused is having an
from the lighthouse on Wednesday.
day with lumber from the saw mills in
examination before Justice G. B. Alley
Mrs. Page left for Fort Canby, where this city and Hobsonville.
to day, and owing to her condition she
she will reside with her son, Allen Page.
Dairy farm to rent, with 20cows ; also was unable to come to this city, so her
You save money by having your job for sale, seven cows with a number ol evidence was taken at her home.
printing done at the Headlight print hogs. Apply to H. E. Gibson on the
There was a run away on the North
Maxwell place at Fairview.
Yandiill stage line last week and a smash
Take your potatoes, eggs and dry
P. F Browne has rented the building up followed. Coming down the grade
hides'to Cohn’s if you want the highest previously used as a restaurant and will near the peninsular, with H. H. Gaunt
move into it the end of this month with driving, he could not manage the team,
and the tongue plunging into the ground
Otto Heins has closed up his «tudio his stock of boots and shoes.
and left on Saturday to look for a new
Mrs. J H. Hicks and family, ol Bay a general mix up occurred. One passen­
locati on.
City, left on the steamer to join her hus­ ger was slightly hurt. A wagon was
School Supt. Wilev is in the Nestucca band in Eastern Oregon, where he is borrowed and the mail wras not delayed
very long.
country this week visiting the district working on the irrigation works.
The third quarterly meeting of the M.
When you want tinning done go to
E. church will be held at Nehalem next
A marriage license was issued on Tues­ Fred Forslund’s. All work strictly first
Saturday and Sunday, April 8 and 9.
day to L, L. Stillwell and Miss Katie class aud guaranteed. Repairs of all
Quarterly conference at the church on
kinds are exected with neatness.
Saturday at 2 p.m. Preaching at Onion
The latest in millinery at Mrs. Stur-
Nine 3 year old, very promising heifers Peak school house on Sunday at 11 a.m.
geon’s. New styles every week. Prices for sale ; Jersey and Holstein mixed ; will and at Nehalem at 2:30 p.m. A brief
the lowest.
crime in from 1st May to the middle of love feast service at each place just be­
Ralph Ackley will sell you anything June.—Fred 0. Skornp, Trask, Or.
fore preaching. Presiding Elder Rev. W.
you need in the way of vehicles and farm
B. Hollingshead will conduct the quar­
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Wiley moved back
terly meeting services.
to their farm at Netarts this morning
The school board re-employed Prof. E. as the renter was not making the success
It is expected that the presiding elder
H Whitney as principal of the school for of the place they had anticipated.
of the West Portland district of the M.E.
another year.
church will be in Tillamook during the
Rev. J. Muellhaupt, of Salem, of the
Before purchasing your bicycle, call German Reformed Church, was in the week beginning next Monday. He will
and see the Recycle and Savage Bicycles county last week and preached to that preach every evening during the week.
The quarterly conference will be held on
at W. H. Cary’s.
congregation in this city on Sunday.
Saturday, April 15, at two o’clock. Love
Powerine, the new washing powder,
Mrs. I. S. Turner, and two children, of feast the following Sunday at 10.30
can't l>e equalled. Cohn & Co. sell it. Centralia, W ash., came in last week to
a.m. ; preaching by the presiding elder,
Free samples.
visit her father, J. N. Nolan, who has Rev. W. B. Hollingshead, at 11 a.m. and
A. K. Case is having his machine shop been quite sick, but who is reported as 7:30 p.m. All are cordially invited to
moved to the lots where the city hall some better.
attend all the services.
previously stood.
A. W. Severance and C. N. Drew will
Married, on Wednesday, in the parlor
Rev. A. S. Foster left on Monday to leave next week for Portland to attend of the Allen house in this city, bv Rev. E.
attend presbytrv and the revival meet the special meeting of the grand lodge of M. Patterson, pastor of the Christian
ings in Portland, to be away over two the A 0.U.W.,when a new plan of assess Church. Mr. L. L. S illwrll and Miss
ment is to be discussed.
Katie Gardner. After the ceremony the
happy couple were congratulated by their
friends, and the same evening one of the
largest serenading parties this city has
ever seen, accompanied by the Tillamook ■
brass baud, gave Pinkey and bis bride a
Whatever the doctor prescribes or
right royal serenade, when again the
suggests, is what I specially try to
happy couple were congratulated and
supply, aud succeed as well that I
the best wishes expressed for their future
an known as Headquarters for all
Mrs. Larson met with a bad accident 1
on Friday, which might have proved
much more serious. M. II. Latsen was
working on the third floor of the hotel,
and as Mrs Larsen stepped out at the
Reliable Druggist.
back to call him, he was in the act of
throwing an empty cracker box from the
window, and not noticing his wife, let it
drop after saying "Look out lielow.”
The box struck Mrs. Larsen on the head
and felled her senseless to the gro und
She was picked up and earned into the
| hotel and Dr. Smith was sent for, who
1 found that Mrs. Larsen had received a
wound on the head. What saved Mrs.
Larson’s life was a clothes line, which
broke the force of the fall <»f the box pre­
vious to striking her on the head.
While Ira T«»mlinson was bringing a
fine three year old steer to town to be
butchered for Leach’s meat market he
thought sure that an earthquake had
occurred, for the animal suddenly disap
penred. He had the animal roped, and
in coming down the side of the bill be­
tween Silas Morton's and West Dav's it
pulled at the rope, and Ira kt the steer
J. P. flbUEN. Proprietor»
go at a good gait. Not noticing n deep
gully, the animal went into it headfirst
and disappear sixteen feet into the liowels
of the earth and was dead in a few min­
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
utes. Ira dismounted, and seeing that it
#1.50 per year
Chas. I Clough
The Best Hotel
Headquarters for Travelling IVlen.
A First Class Table.
Comfortable Beds and Accommodation
was impossible for him to get the animal
out by himself, cut the rope'as lar as he
could reach down and then rode to the
city. The loss falls upon Mr. Leach.
Henry M. Parmer, who came to this
county 16 years ago with Mr. and Mrs
W. C. Morton, died suddenly, after only
a few hours’ sickness, at his home near
Bay City on Saturday. Deceased was
74 vears of age and lived with the Mor­
ton’s since he came to Tillamook. He
was born in Clay County, Mo., on April
3rd, 1831, and resided in Holt County,
in that state, until 1843. In 1849 he
crossed the plains and went to Califor­
nia, and from there he came here 16
years ago, and meeting Mr. and Mrs.
Morton on their way into Tillamook,
they became staunch friends. Deceased
was a member of the 1.0 O.F., and the
funeral took place on Sunday under the
auspices of that order,the interment being
in the Bay View cemetery. A large num­
ber of neighbors and friends attended
the funeral, for deceased was highly re­
spected. A brother, M. V. Parmer, re­
sides in this city
A divorce suit has been filed by Jennie
E. Perry against her husband, Daniel
Perry, in the circuit court. Th*se parties
were married on August 16th, 1887, and
from which time thev lived together in
Tillamook county. The grounds upon
which Mrs. Perry base her complaint is
that her husband frequently assaulted,
abused and bc**t her and the children,
and about January 10, 1905. defendant,
with intent to annoy and distress his
wife, told her that «he was not his legal
wife, and at the time of their marriage
defendant said he had a wife living, from
whom he had not been divorced,and that
he had married plaintiff under an assum
ed name, but he refused to divulge to
plaintiff his true name, and thereupon de­
fendant left plaintiff and her children and
ha? not returned to his home. Mrs.
Perry prays for a decree dissolving the
marriage and for the custody of the
minor children, of whom there are seven,
ranging in age from 15 to 2 years.
Musical Recital.
Following is the program to be given
at the M.E. Church, Saturday evening,
Aprils The public is cordially invited.
Opening add,ess, Allegra Mason.
Solo, “ Won't You Be My Sweetheart,”
Alice Todd.
Reading. “ The Song of the Camp,”
Ilah Quick.
Song, '* Won’t You Play House,*’
Allegra Mason, Gladys Quick.
Violin Quartet, Selected, iMiss Mc­
Donald, Chester McGee, Ruby McGee,
Clifford Hiner.
Solo and chorus, ” Go Sleep My
Recitation, “ When Pa Put Up the
Stovepipe,’’ Erma Quick.
Song, ” A Wee Little Boy and Girl,*’
Lucil Stevens, Zetta Johnson.
Recitation, ” The Little Girl’s Logic,’’
Eugena Smith.
Solo. ” Gatherin'» the Mvrtle With
Mary,” Henry McKinley.
Recitation, ” L«»tle Boy Blue and His
Gun,” Gladys Quick.
Solo, Selected. Mrs. Patterson.
Recitation, “ Au ,t Tabitha,” Ethel
Song “ I'm Mad at You,” Ilah Quick,
Erma Quick.
Reading, ” The Courtship of Larrie
O’Dee,” Dot Stevens.
Violin Quartet, Selected.
Closing address, Gladys Quick.
Circuit Court Cases.
Circuit court will convene in this city
on Monday, April 17, when fudge Wm.
Galloway will preside on the bench for
the first time in this county. The court
docket is light, the only cases of public
importance being the writ of review on
the local option election, the suit insti­
tuted by County Judge Conder against
Homer Mason for land office tees collect­
ed while he was county clerk and the ap­
peal from the probate court in the mat­
ter of the county’s claim against the
estate of the late H. H. Alderman. Up
to the preset time there are no criminal
cases of any importance.
Augusta Hunt, plaintiff', administra­
trix, ys. Carrie A. Bailey, defendant.
Geo. W. Kiger, plaintiff, vs. G. O.
Nolan and 0. J. Painter Nolan, defen-
dant. Action for money.
John S. Lamar, plaintiff in error, vs.
The Tillamook County, Ore. Writ ol
George E. Chamberlain, constituting
State Land Board, plaintiff', vs. Hiram
B. Moore, defendant. Foreclosure.
Louis W. Glaser, plaintiff, ys. Tilla­
mook Logging Co., defendant appellant.
Transcript from County Court.
Fred Lange, plaintiff, vs. Nicholas
Dorstoff, Carl P. Fuchs and Henry Told,
defendants. Foreclosure.
Jennie E Perry, plaintiff, vs. Daniel
Perry, defendant. Suit for divorce.
C. A. Keen, p’aintiff, vs. The Oregon
Pacific Navigation Co.,
Action fur money.
James W. Johnson, plaintiff, vs. The
Tillamook Logging Co. Action for
Seth F. Moon, plaintiff, vs. R. M.
Dingess, defendant. Transcript from
County Court.
John Marolf, plaintiff, vs. The Tilla
mook Logging Co., defendant. Suit for
J. Z. F. Moody, plaintiff and appellant,
vs. W. M. and N. M. Learned, defen­
dants and respondents.
Action for
money. Transcript from County Court.
Norris Safe and Lock Ci»., pb.intiff, vs.
Henry Meister, defendant. Action for
George W Phelps, plaintiff, vs. Tilla­
mook County and G. N. Hodgdon,
defendants. Writ of review from the
County Court.
plaintiff, vs.
Homer Mason, defendant. To recover
land office fees.
John Roinetsch, plaintiff, vs. Albert W.
and Allen Mills, defendants.
C. & E. Thayer, plaintiff, ys. Ben
Turner, defendant. Action for money.
Tillamook County, plaintiff, vs. Edith
M. Aiderman, defendant.
Action for
In the matter of the estate of H. H.
Aiderman, deceased. To recover short-
age in SherifFs accounts.
C. & E Thayer, plaintiff, vs. Rollie
W. Watson, defendant, Action for
James M. Mapes, plaintiff, vs. John
Weiss and J. D. Morris, pai tners under
the firm name of the The Tillamook
County Lumber Co., Job Foster and
the Little Nestucca Toll Road Co., a
corporation, defendants. Action lor
Real Estate Transfers.
City Council Meeting.
A meeting of the city council was held
on Monday evening, when Mayor Geo.
Cohn and Councilmen W. O. Chase. M.
F. Leach, A. T. White and Homer Mason
were present:
Water rent.................................. I $30.00
Electric lights, two months... 80 00
Recorder’s salary ..................... 15 00
Printing ...................................... K5O
T. B. Handley ........................... 2.00
H. T. Botts................................. 2.00
W. G. Kelso................................. 2 00
Arthur Stillwell.......................... 2 00
Alva Finley................................. 200
C. W. Talmage........................... 3 00
G. B Aller................................... 8 00
Fred Arthur ............................... 2.00
Squire Dotv ........................ - .... 1.50
C. &E 1 haver, occupation
tax refunded................. .......... 75.00
It was decided to order the opening of
Third street through the Gangloff pro­
perty and have the entire street graded
and graveled to the citv limits on the
east and west.
A K. Case was granted permission to
place a 16ft. sidewalk in front of his ma­
chine shop.
| S. Stephens was elected city trea­
surer to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Ralph Ackley.
It was ordered that the treasurer re
fund the general fund $300 which had
l>een borrowed from the road fund.
Makes a Clean Sweep.
There's nothing »ike doing a thing
thoroughly. Of nil the Salves you ever
hoard of. Ruck Ion e Arnica Naive is the
l>eM It Mwoe|Hi away and rum Burns
S >res, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcer ,
Skin Eruption and Pile» It » only •> ,
and guaranteed Ut give satisfaction by
Chas. 1. Clough, Druggist.
Reported by Eddy & Botts.
U.S A. to Bernard O'Hara. Patent.
He *4. section 20, tp. 2 south,
range 10 west.
U.S.A, to Fredrick Auer. Patent. W X
Ne *4 and W
8e *4, section 17,
tp. 6 south, range 9 west.
C. E. Hadley and wife to Tillamook Co.
Bank. % interest in 8. 50ft. Muck
1 of Thayer's addition to Tillamook.
$550 00
James Talton and wife ti The Elmore
Packing Co. Lot 1, block 0, Gari
baldi. $225.00.
Bernard O'Hara and wife to Jacob II.
Cook. Se J4- section 20, tp 2 south,
range 10. $ 1100.00.
Asahel M O’Hara and wife to Alfred R.
C. Hansen and wife. Lots 2, 3 and
6, block 5, Cone & McCoy’s addition
to Bay City. $800.00.
Louis Olsen to George Cohn. % interest
in S. 50ft. block 1, Thayer’s addi­
tion to Tillamook. $875.00.
Louis Olsen to George W Kiger.
terest in S. 50ft. block 1, Thayer’s
addition to Tillamook. $875.00.
J. 8. Lamar and wife to <■. FL Hadley.
Deed of correction. 8 50ft., bloc k
1, Thayer’s addition to Tillamook.
$1 00
Wells Gilbert and wife to Wilson River
Lumber Co. Lots 14 ami 15, section
2 and lot 14 section 3, tp. 1 south,
rangeS. $1.00.
Wells Gilbert ami wife to Wilson River
Lum tier Co. Ix>t 4, section 2, tp 1
south, range 7 an I He *4 Sw
lot 4, section 19, tp 1 ourlli, range
Harriet E. Abercrombie to L. R. Aber-
cromhie. Lots 8. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8,
block 24, Thayer’s addition to Tilla.
mook. |il.00.
Isaac S. Ward to Chas. Ray. Agree-
ment to convey lands in section 6,
tp. 5south, range 10, and section I,
tp. 6 south, iange 11. $200.00,
Ira J. Ford and wife to Mrs. Alice C.
Mills. S V4 Sw X, section 25, tp. 3
south, range 9 west. $400.00.
Vote of Condolence.
Alder Circle, No. 44, Women of Wood­
craft, adopted the following resolutions
of condolence for Neighbors Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Higginbotham on the loss of their
daughter :
Whereas death has invaded the home
of our Neighbor, Mr. and Mrs. Higgin­
botham, and removed from thia life their
beloved daughter, Lola ; thereMre, bt itj
resolved that the Women of Woodcraft
extend to our neighbors the heartfelt
sympathy of this lodge, in this their sad
Resolved that a copy be spread upon
the minutes of this circle and a copy be
furnished the county papers for publica­
Ella R. Hays, May F. Drew, Matilda
Kimball, committee.
Forest Grove Saloon Cannot Open.
H illsboro , Or., April 3.—fndge
McBride this morning over-ruled the de­
murrer of the defendants, C. N. Miller.
Mayor of Forest Grove, and this prac­
tically decides that Forest Grove can
have no licensed saloon under the pro-
visions of the present charter.
The Pacific University is the plaintiff,
and has been making a long fight to
keep saloons out of the town.
The .decision handed down covers the
ground in the several legal aspects, and
the only resources at present for the sa­
loon-keeper, A. G. Watson, is lo Uk a
bond and appeal the case to the Circuit
The decision delivered I jj the court is
as follows, verbatim ;
“That the institution was founded by
Harvey Clark with the stipulation that
no intoxicating liquors should ever be
dispensed on the 209 acres deeded to the
University. That there has never been
a licensed saloon in the town, and that
because of this fact many people bought
property and resided there, and that be­
cause of ibis many endowments have
been made to the University. That the
Mayor and Council have passed a license
ordinance, and that A. G. Watson is
about to open a saloon within 300 feet
of the University entrance.’’
Judge McBride said the important
question was whether the authorities
have the right to license a saloon. By the
charter they are given the right to reg­
ulate. In this decision he reviews the
amendments made to the Forest Grove
charter at various sessions, and then
says :
"Taking the charter by its four cor­
ners and seeking in its contents as a
whole for light upon this question, 1
cannot read the word license into it.
The Legislature did not put it there ;
the City Council, which caused this
charter to be presented and wrote their
approvals of its provisions upon its
lace, did not put it there—and the court
will not put it there.
"I am satisfied that the legislature no
more intends that the City Council
should license the selling ol liquor ¿than
it should license a bawdy house or a
gambling hell. In passing upon this
question the court docs not consider
what would be best for the citizens of
Forest Groye. It is possible that the
liquor traffic would be less dangerous to
the public morals il conducted as requir­
ed in the proposed ordinance, than it
would be conducted secretly and unlaw­
fully, but if that is true they have to go
to the Legislature aud secure the au­
thority which in my power is lucking in
the present charter.
1 "The ordinance set forth in the corn,
plaint are wholly void for want of an-
thority in the City Council to pass it,
and the demurrer will l»e overruled.”
Mine Explosion
Z eigler , III, April 3—Thirty-five
miners were instantly killed and perhaps
as many more injured, more or less ser­
iously, some ol them fatally, by a terri­
ble explosion in the mine here nt 7 o'clock
this morning. The explosion came just
as the night and day men were changing
shifts and it has not jet been determined
just how many men were entombed in
the shaft. There is no ho|»e that any of
them will be found alive.
Although officials of the miners union
insist that the explosion was due to
accumulation of gus or accumulated
dust, frequent causes lor mine disasters,
there is a strong suspicion that there
may have l»ecn another cause. There is
much talk of dynamite and the similari­
ty between this disaster and those in the
Colorado mines is much commented up-