Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 30, 1905, Image 4

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Editorial Snap Shots.
It's all off—with the railroad.
Simmons Wants the Subsidy and
» * *
Deeds for Rights of Way before
Don’t get disappointed because the rail­
he will Contract for a Railroad.
road thermometer is again down to zero.
* * *
Much to the disappointment of most
The business man who advertise cap­
everybody in Tillamook county, the last
railroad bubble has not turned out as tures the trade. And it pays to adver­
they expected. for there is a difference of tise in the Headlight
* * #
opinion between J. E. Simmons and the
This is how a subscriberat Neskown
committee having the matter in charge.
It was generally understood that as writes : “We like the strong stand you
Soon as the subsidy of $35,000 was take for the right on al) matters. Success
raised Mr. Simmons was to place $5,000 be with you.” * * *
in the bank, whereas he was wanting
We wonder how many members of the
last week the $35,000 and the deeds for water commission know from practical
the rights of way placed in the bank be­ experience the life of the pipe that is to
fore he put up his money. The commit­ be used in the new water system in this
tee had a meeting on Tuesday and made country where iron rusts so quickly?
a proposition to Mr. Simmons to this
W * *
effect, that he accept $30,000, the amount
Men who wear celleioid collars and
of the|subsidy already raised, and that
buy cheap $7.50 suits of clothes and who
the committee would do all in its power
are ready to play checkers with loafers
to get the rights of way to the county
and others, are not the stvle of men who
line, but would not guarantee them I*,
build railroads which run into the mil­
is not likely that Mr. Simmons will ac­
cept that proposition, and in that event
* * *
it is more than probable that it will
“Fooled again, Dr. ?” Yes ; but the
fall through until some other arrange­ next railroad wind bag who comes to
mentscan be made with responsible par­ Tillamook will be tomahawked so that
ties to build a railroad into Tillamook. a post-mortem examination can be held
It amounts to this, Mr. Simmons wants to ascertained where so much “hot air’’
the people of this county to put up their originates.
* * *
money, while the latter expected Mr.
Simmons to put up his money at once.
Rollie has nothing to prove his asser­
That the citizens had faith in J. E. Sim­ tion that the Oregon Traction Company
mons and in his ability to construct the will soon build to this county. Such
road was shown in their readiness to statements, which have no foundation
subscrilie for the subsidy, which they did whatever, are just a little more railroad
in a most liberal spirit and with some “hot air.” That is all that it amounts
amount of enthusiasm at the thought of to.
* * *
Tillamook's long bottled-up condition
Whatever may be said about the rail­
coming to a speedy end. But, alas, when
it comes to getting railroad connections road proposition, a vote of thanks is due
or harbor improvements the people of those who subscribed large and liberal
this county are doomed to disappoint amounts. For orice the citizens got to­
ment—a disappointment in seeing this gether and pulled togetherfor a common
favored section of country, with enor- 1 purpose. May they continue to pull to­
mous undeveloped natural resource, tied gether in the future.
up. On account of Mr. Simmons’ new
* * *
conditions the people have lost faith in
Probably some people will feel like pull­
him and do not expect to see anything ing up stakes and leaving the county on
come of it, unless he should accept the account of the disappointment they have
committee’s offer.
1 experienced on account of the bottom
We are informed there are two other ! droppingout of the railroad proposition.
parties who want to be consulted should ! It was surprising how many persons
the committee eventually decide to drop buoyed themselves up that it was a sure
the Simmons proposition, and on that ' thing this time.
* * *
account there is vet a streak of light on
Tillamook county during the past year
the dark railroad horizon, and some­
thing may yet happen, but people should has reach normal conditions, depending
not loose heart, for the recent agitation almost entirely upon dairying, and this is
for a railroad is having a good effect, liable to be the state of affairs in this
and if nothing else comes of it, it will county for a number of years. But this
help expedite the construction of a rail­ i is hardly swift enough for some people,
road when conditions become more hence the desire to sell out and locate in
a place where trade is more rushing.
fa vorable.
When Pedagogues Disagree
Linievitch Has no Report From
His Army
L ondon , March 29—The Tinies’ St.
Petersburg correspondent telegraphs as
follows :
The entire absence of press and private
telegrams from the front, together with
a laconic message from General Linie-
vitch tonight dated Harbin and saying,
“No reports from the armies.” en volves
fears that communications have been cut
and that the Japanese have turned the
Russians' flank.
D ear S ir ,—The county school superin­
tendent, in giving the result of the ap­
peals of Mrs. Buel and Mr. Crowe in last
week’s issue of the Tillamook Headlight,
failed to state some of the causes which
led up to the appeal, as well as a portion
of the action of the State board, and al­
so some of the actions of the County
Board, which most concerns the public,
and especially the other applicants Jthat
go to make up the many out of the
twenty that failed at the recent County
Prisoners Arrive in Japan.
Mrs. Buel received an official state,
TOKIO, March 29 —Twenty thousand
ment of her standings as stated in the last
Russian prisoners captured in the battle
week's issue. Some of the grades she
of Mukden have already arrived in |apan.
could not account for.
A revised unofficial estimate of the
I thought it would be wise to see Mrs.
Japanese casualties in the battle of Muk­
Buel’s papers. I asked permission, which
den and the Tie Pass place the number
was freely granted by the Conntv Supt.
at 57,000. Flags captured at Mukden
I soon discovered a number where no
have been presented to the Emperor.
credits had been given for the answer,
Generel Mayeda, who was wounded at
which I considered was deserving. I
asked the County Supt. if he had graded Mukden, is dead.
those papers. He said no, not all ot
Maker of Peace.
them, but that he had gone over all of
S t . P etetsburg , March 28.—Russia
them very carefully. I called his atten­ has outlined the conditions under which
tion to the above named question. He she is preparing to negotiate peace.
read it a time or two, and said he did
It was stated tonight, with every
not see how it had occurred,but they had semblance of authority, that, thanks to
made a mistake in that question. He
the good offices of the United States and
gave ten credits to the answer, erased France, the question of peace had assum
the former grade and changed it to cor­
ed practical shape.
respond. The County Supt. repeated
L ondon , March 28.— (5:22 P. M.)—A
the above stated action until he changed telegram from a Northern European
the standing of the respective subjects as
capital, received in London this after­
follows: Grammar from 61 to 71, Writ­
noon says :
ten Arithmetic from 80 to 90, Physiol­
“I have just learned on reliable author­
ogy and Hygiene from 88 to 98, Writing
ity that Russia has asked Delcasse to act
from 70 to 90. The above changes were
as intermediary and open peace nego­
made by the County Supt., acknowledg­
tiations with Japan.
ing the mistakes or oyersights he had
"Delcasse has signified his willingness,
made. He acknowledged they had
but considers that Lansdowne's co-oper­
graded Mrs. Buel a little hard on cer-
ation is essential to success.’’
tain questions in U.S. History (the
only subject which she had failed in, and
that by five credits), but said he would REMARKABLE CONFESSION.
not raise them because, they had been
lenient in grading other questions. In Infernal Machines Blew Up Bat­
tleship Maine.
my opinion he would not do so, because
it would have given her a certificate. As j N ew Y ork , March 28.—That the bat-
an excuse for some of his errors, he said | tieship Maine, through an error, was de-
he was just so sleepv and worn out he I stroyed by a bomb of his manufacture.
hardly knew what he was doing a part ■ was the statement made by Gessicr Ros.
of the time.
' seau in the Tombs today. Rosseau was
I w’ould advise all applicants in this ■ convicted yesterday of having sent ex-
county who have not secured their posi­ | plosives to the Cunard Line pier, this
tions through the influence of the County city, in May, 1903. He made the follow­
Supt. to either see their papers after the ing statement today :
examination, or make sure their papers
“ For several years, while the Cuban
were not corrected whin the County patriots were struggling against Weyler,
Supt. is sleepy.
I watched the contest with deep interest
The County Supt. failed to state that and sympathy. I decided to go to Jack­
the State Board had raised the grades sonville and do what I could to assist
of certain questions that were appealed the revolutionists. I started from St.
* M *
to them, both in U.S. History and Or.
Following is part of Mr. Simmons'
Do not loose heart in Tillamook be­ thographv. This also proves, it occurs Louis, where I had been living during
new proposition for a subsidy and the
cause the prospects for a railroad looks to me,that the County Board could have the early part of 1897.
rights of way :
“ Before taking a train for the South 1
| gloomy. A little more patience and a conscientiously given Mrs. Buel a slight
This agreement, made and entered into
I little more united effort and agitation raise also on these questions and grant got together the material for the con­
this 24-tli day of March, 1905, by and
will do wonders in bring a railroad into ed a certificate to teach had they been dis­ struction of two exploding machines of
between The Tillamook, Railroad, or­
tremendous power, so arranged that
f this long neglected Coast county. But posed to do so.
ganization, of the County of Tillamook,
they could be wound up and left in a
i do not get disheartened because another
There is another feature of the examin­
in the State of Oregon, the party of the
1 railroad proposition has jumped the ation that our Supt. has not mentioned, selected place, with the certainty that
first part, and J. E. Simmons, principal
they would go off with terrible destruc­
track and become ditched.
that may be of interest to the public. tion within a few hours.
place of business at the city of Portland,
The Supt. upon being questioned as to
State of Oregon, party of the second
“ At New Orleans I rented a room and
Several members of the water commis who the third examiner was. said : Mr.
part, W’tnesseth :
put the boxes together, after which 1
That the said party of the first part,
went on to Jacksonville. There I be­
in consideration of one dollar and of the other evening that the new system would had been told by another party that the ! came acquainted with a party of Cuban
covenants and agreements of the party not pay for several years. That is tanta Supt. said it was not necessary, that 1 leaders who were planning a filibustering
of the second part liereaker contained, mount to anadmission that it ingoing to they would have but two on the board. I expedition. They had engaged the De.
Mr Crowe communicated to Mr. Holt ! stroyer, a small vessel to take them to
agree to convey unto the said second be a financial failure from the start. The
partv, his successors and assigns forever, city dads are kindly disposed and good and said he received intelligence from | Cuba, along with a number of American
a right-of-way one hundred feet in width Matured, so they won’t object to tooting Mr. Holt to the effect that such a thing and European adventurers, who were
in and oyer a certain strip of land to be ' the bills out of the city finances. They had never been mentioned to him. Our anxious to strike a blow for Cuban free
County Supt. must have had a very dom Several ot the leaders of the party
located by survey at the expense of |. E. can charge it up to “water sure.”
sound sleep and visions passed through are men now well known and I will not
* * *
Simmons, being fifty feet on each aide of
The oft repeated remark that “Tilla­ his mind in some miraculous wav to | mention their names, although I have
and parallel with the center line of said
atrip of land, as the same is or maybe mook w ill gel a railroad when the time have caused him to believe Mr. Holt had among my papers a list of them all.
staked out and located over and across I is ripe to move the timber” is beginning lieen appointed, when Mr. Holt had no
“ I suggested to them that they use
the following described premises in Tilla­ to impress the ¡»eople that a railroad will knowledge of the fact at that time.
my machines to destroy Spanish war.
W. S. Bi el .
mook Nr Washington Counties, State of I not be built into this county before that
ships in the harbor of Havana and in
Oregon, to-wit:
time. And it may be five or more years
other ports on the coast of the island.
Afraid of His Brutal Father.
Termini ground, at Tillamook City, as before this comes about, not that we
They readily seized upon the idea, and
«greed upon, Right of way. One hun­ want to blight one’s hope, but looking
when the Destroyer sailed with the
dred feet in width through Tillamook and 1 at it form a business standpoint, we see
filibusterers they took iny two machines
Washington Counties, to a point on no prospect for a railroad into Tillamook M. Hanson was arrested a few da vs ago with them.
for unmercifully beating his 12-year-old
Southern Pacific Railroad l>et ween North for several years
It wes my intention to go along
* * *
boy Henry. He pleaded guilty and was
Yamhill and Hillsboro, or as may lie,
with the partv so as to direct the work
had left, but after
The board of county commissioners
staked out by said J E. Simmons, con­
of sinking the Spanish ships, hut theydis
necting with the Southern Pacific Rail-| will meet on the 10th April for the pur- much persuasion he was induced to re­ suaded me, urging that I could be of
road at any point, or any other line in-
greater use in Jacksonville preparing
dependent or otherwise to the city of of a new court house. It seems that the a bath he went to the well to get a I other machines if the first proved sue
Portland, Oregon. Together with a sub. new court house will have to be erected drink. Suddenly he disappeared and the cessful.
snlv of thirty-five thousand dollars, the on the old site, unless some other part of IMirents and officers were mvstified to
“It was planned to have some mem J
subsidy not payable until the road is, town is willing to give a whole block for know what had become of the lad.
Henry was discovered this evening by ber of the revolutionary party join the
built to Tillamook Citv, and then if funds that purpose. The present site was given
Spanish navy so as to get the machines 1
arc hard to raise at that tim* will give to the county by Claude Thayer condi­ a little boy under Hanson's house, grab­ I aboard. If that failed it was decided to |
you one year mote on ten thousand of
bur _________
subsisted ____
there for
of tbe boxes to the hull of a
__ ____
it at six per cent per annum on good as it is a cock eved block a new court the dog. 1 The
ship under the water line, for I had fixed
paper. To complete this agreement, the house would look better on a full lot and three days without coat, shoes and
my machines so that they could l>e ex
partv of the first part shall raise the a wav from a blind street. The west end ' sc>cks, and afraid to re-enter his home on
ploded under water. That was late in
above suiisidv, and then the party of of town might get a hustle on and offer account ot his brutal father.
the fall ot 1897. The next .ping the
the second part shall have surveyed a a site for the new court house if »hev are
* wns ‘•«•‘toyed.
permanent line. Then the party of the
one of the men in the secret of
first part shall proceed to get the right that end of the city. But thev do not C. A. Klose remains as much of a mys-
of way over said line, and when secured want to offer a building site with a lot terr as when the water-logged and ‘be machines ever returned to America,
abandoned vessel was sighted Friday. • SRW
some time after the war with
to l»e deposited in sonic bank with the of strings on it.
* * W
Shipping men generally believe that the Spain had begun. He told me he had
above subsidy. Then the partv of the
Here is a practical joke worth repeat, crew attempted to escape from the nothing to do with the boxes after
second, J. E Simmons, shall deposit in
same bank five thousand dollars in cash ing Not long since two well known per. | schooner in small boats, and that the reaching Cuba, but had l»een told a mis
or bond« satisfactory to the party of sons were seen to emerge from the back . boat, were swamped in the tremendous take had been made.
the first part, that he will complete the of the I'alace hotel with a Imttle ot the was running. All coasting vessels have
“ The man who had been entrusted
road one vrar from date of the almve “citter," and alter taking a good drink, ' been notified to keep a sharp lookout with the task of destroying a Spanish
deposits, or be will forfeit the five thou hid the remainder. A woman saw what for any small boats adrift, but the [ vessel attempted to fasten a box during
aand dollars on deposit, unless prevent­ the men had done, and after they had j chances of the crew's rescue appear the night to one of Alphonso's warships,
returned inside, the woman played a ' slight. Special reports received from I and blundered into blowing up the
ed by some util« «merit matter.
practical joke on them bv purloining the Long Beach state that the schooner C. ; Maine. I was told that the man. im
bottle. Becoming “dry“ again the men A. Klose which went ashore, is bottom mediately after learning of the error he
Social, April ist.
thought they’ed like another swig, but up in the breakers, and can be reached
The laches' of the Christian Church their surprise was great when thev found at low tide. Her deck load is scattered had made, committed suicide."
Kosseau said he had attempted to blow
will give an entertainment and social at that the spirits had flown and there was along the beach, but her hold cargo is
Todd’s Hall, on Saturday evening. April no telling where
As spotters" had intact. The vessel is expected to be a up the statue ot Frederick the Great in
1st. to which all are invited. Ten cents liven watching the house, the whole situ. 1 total loss. Insurance Adjuster Gene- Washington because he did not wish to
admission will lie charged at the door. 1 ation was taken in and wr are wonder I reaux, ol Seattle, and Mr Beadle, of see the statue ot n King in America He
In additi.oi to the entertainment, fine1 ing what is going to l»e done about it bv .’‘an F'rancsco, oo account of the added that he was not an anarchist or a
home made candies, cakes, pies, etc . those who boastfully belt.re election said owners, are expected to arrive to take, nihiBat. and that be bad made no effort ,
to supply exploding machines to the"
w ill be on sale
they were going to enforce the law.
charge ol the wreck.
to details of the general offense. Tbii
point will also lie contested in the highei
C leveland , March 27.—Unless the court, as will the other points which re
higher court interferes, Mrs. Cassie L suited in conviction.
Chadwick will spend the greater part ot
the next ten years in the Ohio State
Penitentiary. A sentence of ten years
was imposed on her bv Judge Robert \\ .
Tayler in the United States District
Court today.
Mrs. Chadwick was convicted on
seven counts and sentenced upon six
You can tr.nko your bar-
counts. For four of these counts a
nv>4 ua soft ub a glove
anti ns tough mi wire by
sentence of two vears eacb was imposed
ualiij EC It EKA Unr.
non« Oil. You can
and upon two counts a sentence of one
lengthen Its life—make it
1..8t twice as long us 11
year each was imposed, making a total
ordinarily would.
sentence of ten years.
As soon as the sentence was pro­
nounced, J. P. Dawlev, counsel for Mrs.
Chadwick, took exception to the sen­
tences upon each count except the first.
The defense intends to make the claim
m’kkefl a poor looking bar-
nesd like new. Made of
that the court cannot impose a separate
pure, heavy bodied oil, es-
/ pecially prepared to with-
sentence for each count ; that the law
' aland the weather.
applies to the general charge instead ol
each incident of a general charge. The
various counts of the indictment are
considered by the defense to refer only
Gets Ten Years.
Harness Oil
The Best Hotel.
J. P. AÜÜEN, Proprietor.
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
The Best
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$2.25 a year.
Subscribe Now,
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11 ome