TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 30, 1905 Educational Commenta. Its existence makes the common schools wav. It is prrsumed he was in flight. better by the incentive to more careful c? Howse was also shot in tbe back. He No branch of rhetoric is mure benefi­ | and thorough work in the hitter which .Ml cial to. or mote neglected by students, its portals offer by opening at stated had interfered with Shook, and the latter * turned the weapon on him. Both men than that which relates to precision. seasons. 1 Its demise would be a death-1 died instantly, Onr language, on account of its compos • blow to the common , • Stepping outside Shook he ee—.xoa schools, schools, and and it. it., g a Gtomeui. moment I later put a bullet through his ite character, is especially prolific in ‘ therefore, is under a twofold obligation ! own brain, words virtually synonymous, and the! reproach-obligation | Shook and Howse were both single nbililv to detect the slight shades of dif-1 to be beyond reproach—obligation to tself and obbgation to the system of men. The latter is from Eastern Oregon terence in their meaning is one of tile Certbellu,n’ '* |‘he former from this county. Cooper is elements which make the correct writer CTrebru'1 '* Tl quite well known and had a good repu- and critical reader of the English tongue. 1 Here is a strong opposition to the j tion. To appricate delicate coloring, we HighSchool in many quarters. The ob ' must not onlv be able to note the har­ LOSS IS ENORMOUS. jection to it on the score of expense has mony of the whole, but to ahserve by a plausible appearance to many minds. Russia Admits Sacrifice of Half what combination of tints that harmony Then comes the politico theoretical ob­ a Million Men. is produced ; so to appreciate elegance jection that tile state has no right to go S t . P etersburg , March 25.—Stung by in composition, we must not only under, * beyond the rudiments in educating the the wholesale criticism lately heaped stand w|ten an entire sentence is well ex citizen. But far the most formidable upon the War Office for its unprepared, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window pressed, but how each word, by its hostility is that of denominationalism ; ness and incapacity in providing the peculiar fitness, adds strength and beau­ Sashes, on the part of the Catholics, thcoppos. Manchurian army with men, guns and ty to the whole. sition is against a system of education munitions, the government today lavs Apractical musician, amid the din of that is secular from beginning to end ; bare what has been done since the open, the whole orchestra, can trace a false of • many rniiwiani Protistant sects tile the ing of hostilities, giving the exact fig. , • * * . .... on — ■ the — !' part —• • ” note to the instrument from winch ■ho8ti,itv grows out of the fact thnt the ures. From these it appears that up to proceeded ; so one skilled in the use of .High ... „ School -------- ir is supplanting the semi- March 12 the War Office had dispatched words can tell instantly whence a dis­ , narics by which the denominational col. 13,087 officers, 761,467 men, 146.308 cord comes, and detect eriors in what a | leges were fed in the palmier days of horses, 1521 guns and 316.321 tons of less discriminating judge would consid­ I sectarianism. On the whole, the oppo­ munitions and supplies to the front. Agents for the Great Western Saw. er correct. Let us illustrate; “The sition is dangerous enough to place the Declaring that the transportation tod,.d„e learned, Jacob Reu­ May, I905.I A lgernon S. D resser . Register. one best expressing his meaning; the old story of the farmer's wife's infatua­ Calls answered promptly. ter and his brother Peter and a man not careless or unskilled writer will use the tion for the hired man lies the keynote known to those making the report were T imber L and , A ct , J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or of the grim tragedy near Elkton yester ­ first one of them that occurs to him. and P ublication day, as a result of which the dead bodies sitting in the house. Jucob Reuter went United State« Land Office, it is usually the wrong one. Oregon City, Ore., BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER. F. R. BEALS, out upon the porch, and soon after four March 3rd, I005. U e smile at the story of the man who of A. E. Cooper, Paul Howse and Her­ Notice is hereby given that in compliance SHAVING, shots were heard in rapid succession. man Shook lie monuments of the most HAIR OUl’TING refused to pass by the house of a neigh­ with the provisions of the act ofcongrer» of The others ran to the door and found June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of REAL ESTATE, bor who was sick of a contagious dis- shocking affair this part of the stale has timber lands iu the state» of California, Oregon. SHAMPOOING, ETC him dead. Nevada and Washington Territory”*» extended ease; yet we hear every day people of known in years. Later reports from the F inancial A gent , Peter Reuter, it is said, immediately to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, intelligence misapply contagion and in-1 scene, which is nine miles from Roseburg, 1M92, Electric Baths nicely fitted up. Ooodfor informed the neighbors, and when ques ­ HENRY CRENSHAW. Tillamook, Oregon. lection. The same may be said of^ show that Cooper's anger at Shook's Of Tillamook City, county of Tillamook, State persons suffering with rheumatism. tioned as to who had committed the of Oregon, haa thia day filed in this office his enough and sufficient, congratulate and 1 alleged relations with his wife was tbe sworn statement No. 6554. for the purchase murder, answered: of the S S of Sw *4 of sec. 20, and E % of Se *4 felicitate, invent and discover, examj le primary cause of the triple killing. P ' Shook, the murderer and suicide, is a "I didn't.” of sec No. 19, m Tp. No. I 8, Mange No. IO AJAHOS. COATES, and instance, pride and vanity, and West, and will offer proof to show that the It is well known that Peter and Jacob lan«i I farmhand, about 25 years old, who for sought is more valuable for its timber , A Agent for Fireman’s many other words in common use, or stone than for agricultural purposes and to I almost a year has been working for did not get along well together,although or establish his claim to said land before the rather in common misuse. Fund and London and Lanca­ both lived in the same house, and it is County Clerk of Tillamook county, Tillamook The subject is one that is not sufficient, Cooper. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 17th day of generally believed that Peter committed City, shire Fire Insurance Cooper's recently acquired suspicion May, 1905. He nann* as witness««' ly attended to in our schools. It need Win held C. Trombley,‘Tillamook, Or: Ira C. that all was not right between Mrs. the murder. Companies. Smith, Tillamook. Or ; Lem Parker. Hay City, not be taught as a seperate study, but The five bullet holes found in Reuter’s Or.; Ethan A Edwards, Tillamook. Or. Cooper and Shook was enhanced a •hould be made a part of every exercise, Any and all persons c amming adversely the Tillamook .. Oregon. week ago yesterday when he toon took some breast are so close together that all can alEove-deseribed lands are requested to file their EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 4 1904 henever a pupil expresses an idea, he medicine and violent convulsions with j be covered with the palm of the hand, claim» in this office on or before said 17th day of Mav, I905. •hould be corrected not only for faulty ALGERNON S. DBEM kr , Register. indications of strychnine poisoning, re- j Sheriff H. T. McClallen, of Roseburg, is ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, grammar, but for misuse of terms. Most suited. Dr. Wade, of Drain, who was at the scene of the murder, and will PORTLAND Arrive. Leave teachers will reprove a pupil for saying I hurried to Elkton found that Cooper make a thorough investigation. The T imber L and A ct , J unk 3 I878 —N oticb job GO TO P ublication . i R:0O a m. | Portland Union ' 11:10 a.m. It is me’’ for It is I, but will sit bv with United StatenLand Office, 9:40 p.m. 7:00 p m. 1 depot for A«toria.| had taken »0 much strychnine that it Reuters do not bear the best ofreputa Oregon City, Oregon, TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT AND perfect composure and hear him say, January 18th, I90V tion in their community and the disap­ Teacher learned me how to do this,” ; acted as an overdose and saved his file. pearance of one or two men living near Notice is hereby given that in compliance Leeve ASTORIA Arrive. TRUST CO. with the provision* of the act of Congress of «e need not waited" t'^ Ttudv’ol! Coo‘*\’us7cUd "" aU7P\ 3, 1H78. entiled " Au act for the »alt of tim but said little, preferring to wait develop- them Las been laid at their door, although June 11 30 a.m. |for Portland and / her land» in the states of California. Oregon, 7.4B a m. rhetoric is taken up to teach precision, j way point«. | 10:30 p m. Tuo». C oate ». Pre«. it could not be definitely proven. Nevada, a.id Washington Territory," as ex­ i 6:10 p.m. / tended to all the Public Laad States by act of As for more advanced students, they ! ments. R oseburg , Or., March 26.— The lateat August 4. 1*9’2, , i Night before last Shook took Mrs. •hould endeavor, by close attention and SEASIDE DIVISION. WALTER FRED MAKER. WM. GALLOWAV. GILHKBT L. HKIIGM. Cooper and hee two children to a dance reports from the killing of Jacob Reuter, Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook. State of arquent consultation of the best authroi-1 Oregon, has thia dav filed in this offir«- hi» ' I in the neighborhood. Cooper stay ing at 14 miles west of Oakland, show that ASTORIA Arrive. sworn statement No 654*. purchase of Leeve EDGES A GALLOWAY ■*», to attain what will be of grent home with Paul Howse, who had called the tragedy occurred about 4 o'clock the Ne % of Section No. 20, in Township ”lue to them, either as speakers, readers No 1 south Range 10 West, and will offer Thursday afternoon, instead of Friday for Beanidc Direct ATTORNEYS.AT.LAW. 11 35 a m / 5 20 p.rn. I on the family. Shoos did not get bask proof to show that the land »ought if or writers—a precious use of language. : more valuable for It*timber or »tone than for with Mrs. Cooper and the children until morning. Make a specialty of Lami Office Business. agricultural purposes and to establish hi* Ti . * * » ASTORIA Arrive. Reuter was nt the door of his house claim to said knd liefore the County Clerk, Leeve OS FICK IN WKINIIAIID HOLDING, ■ ne crowning glory of the public school 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Howse of Tillamook County, Oregon, at Tillamook when shot by someone 100 or 125 yards City. Oregon, on Thursday, the 6th day of •'stem, . as - --- far nsdoveloped, ID is IIIV the WSWJ, city ! had stayed over night. ; F H:15 a.m l for Warrenton, j •10:45 a m. Room 1 and 2, April. He name» a* witnesses 1 Hammond. Ft / 'kh School. It is the pet and pride of j Next morning the three children went away on the hillside above. Four bullets Henry Crenshaw Water f Halley. Barnerat ; OREGON CITY. ORB. 7:40 a.m. 5:50 p.m f Bteven*. Seaside.) from a 25.30 caliber rifle struck him. Harry S Baker, Tillamook ; Fred C. Raker. to school, leaving the three men and ‘he system. Let us see to it that it be J . . . smokeless powder evidently living used. WiitfHI. Any and al! persons claiming adversely the Leeve SEASIDE Arrive ■°t, like family pets and darlings—spoil- ’ the woman alone. It was decided that above-described lands are requested to file their His father. Caspai > cuter, and brother, I claim* in thisofficee« 01 before »aid 6th day W. SEVERANCE, 'd. During the period of its existence, | Shook was to go, and Cooper had paid A:30 p m. < for Aatoria Direct i 12 30 p m x_A him his - wages and he had packed his be- Peter Reuter, were . i bed at the time, of April, 1905 AUsEBNON S. D resser , Register »» the High School improved itself as!.. ........ ‘he Common Schools have improved longings. All that is known o w a both being ill. The latter, upon hearing EASIDE Arrive Leeve A ttornky - at -L aw , ‘hemsehe,within themsehes within the same period? Have took place at breakfast or of discuss.on the shots, went outside and found his NOTICE for PUBLICATION. Department oi the Interior brother dead, but saw no one around >llRKestion« of improvement originated of the domestic tangle among t C 15 u rn. i for Warrenton Ft » 9 25 a m. . Land office at Oregon Citv. Ore., the premises. He went and called to his > Steven». Ham- > March iMth ly»5. O regon . T illamook 11‘he base or at the capital of the svs- what Mrs. Cooper tells, bnt it appears am f mond. A »tori a. 7 7 20 p.rn. | Notice ia hereby given that the f How inn neighbor. George McElroy, across the named that after breakfast Cooper made a di ­ wettler ha* filed notice of h* r intention ,fn>" We fear that High Schools, having river, three-quarters of a mile, but he to make final proofin «upport of herclatm, and Additional train leave* Astoria daily at '" most cities and towns, no similar lmuar in- rect charge that the poison had _ been was away from home, so no report was that »aid proof will be made Isefore the — S. STEPHENS, County Clerk of Tillamook C• “re *---- H*r' ° ’ ,h*r A gen t for the Northwest School Furni­ continuou« reaideuce upon and cultivation The »hooting could not have been her Through ticket« and close connection via Th« thief benefit which the High 1 and seised a 30-30 Winchester an » \ -------- ture Co. and Oigana and Piano«, of »aid land, viz been N. I ’ Ry at I ’ ortlarwl and Goble awl O. K W'-«ley Bu«h Emanuel T. saner*. < oay < lark plover fell dead, th« bullet having dont by Reuter s brother, as had Notary Public. of Tillam'«k, Oregon . S. Bhiffman. of Clover­ A N. Co , via Portland. has bestowed upon the common His emj Offict SouthweBt from the Court House, back and come out at intimated a« probable. dale, Oregon ^koolt tributary to it, is passive and struck him in in the --- ------- J. C. Mayo, 0. P. A. I in the building occupied aia music store. A lgernon S D rembb , Register. Tbe only weapon« «boot the place rather than positive and active, the breast as be was entering his do HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES M c I ntosh & mcnair co . DONT GET WET!® E SLICKED TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. LATIMER, BROS., A-& C. R.R TIME CARD I J I