Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 30, 1905, Image 2

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I tion be thus be brought into play and it
j will set the whole of a man’s sensual
Warsaw Police Chief Badly
S? ’
nature on fire with hell. There is not i
K»f<l <‘ Itak.r. Pulill.h.r
Monster Revival Meetings in one
fallen man or fallen women—and
arsaw , March 26. - \ bomb was
World Sentiment Against Russia
do of a fallen women ; God only knows thrown into the carriage of Baron von
“ The Mai) of Galilee came passingby.’
which one has fallen the lowest, but Nolken, Chief of Police of Warsaw, at
Herr Brbel, the Socialist leader in
Had he passed by the Manjuam Grand
I utterly loathe this sentiment that S o'clock this evening. It was reported
the German reichstag. indirectly called
Theater Sunday afternoon he would
would stone a woman and let a man that the Baron was severely wounded.
attention to the world’s popular hostil­
have seen 3000 eager expectant men
go free; that would tread the victim ol
ity in Russia in an attack which he has
striving to gain admittance to listen to
Conspiracy Was Elaborate.
; Ins lust down in the mire and let the man
just made on the policy of the German
the story of Rev W. E. Blederwolf upon wipe his lips and step back in decent
W arsaw , March 26.—According to
The Socialist chief de­
the “ White Life,” and as the minutes society—but I sav you will not find one latest
information, the attack on Baron
clared that Germany’s “creeping before
passed he would have seen that crowd
the lesult of an elabo­
Russia had humiliated her in the eves
grow until it filled the doorways and the
he through polluting preparatory pro- rate conspiracy of the revolutionary
of the world, and had bought her to
shame,” He charged that Chancellor street from Sixth to Seventh.
cess in which the imagination was in­ party. Shortly before 8 o’clock tonight
Again bad be noted, he would not dulged in the forbidden sweets ot sin.
an elegantly dressed man went to the
von Buelow was responsible for Prus
have passed by on the other side, H«
“And now but one thing more, and I police station at Praga, a large suburb
sia's “ nasty work of catching fugitives
would have entered the theater and refer to that human scoundreiism that of Warsaw, on the other side of the Vis­
from Russian military service and turn
ing them over to the agents of the au­ have seen a theatrical stage devoted to a looks upon a women as a legitimate tula, and threw a bomb into the court­
strange and unusual purpose,
Upon prey of a man’s beastly passions and yard of the station, wounding seven
tocrat, and for forcing men and women,
whose only offense was love of liberty, that stage there were ministers of the polluted appetites; and blackheartedness persons, two of them dangerously.
to leave Prussian territory at the in G is pel representing almost every de­ that sacrifices the pearls of a woman's
The man started-lo run away but was
nomination under the sun and a choir of chastity to swinish lust; the foul seducer
stance of Russian spies.’’
caught by the captain of the police. He
Unquestionably Herr Bebel not only voices that sung religious hymns with a of virtue who, under the promise of was found to be a J**w, but his identity
^o. ed the view of the entire Socialist fervor that is rarely heard anywhere.
speedy marriage, will take advantage of has not yet been discovered.
Had the Man of Galilee remained i that which is best in a women—her love
party, the strongest partv in the Ger­
A telephone message was immediately
man empire, but he expressed the opin­ until after the sermon and listened to the —and then fliug her aside and let her lie sent to Baron von Nolken at the City
ion of a large majority of the people of singing of “The Holy City’’ by Hany- I scorned and unhelped in her shame.
Hall, informing him of the outrage.
Germany. The Socialists of France, in Max well and the stories of life-interest
Five Reasons for White Life.
Baron von Nolken, accompanied by a
the chamber of deputies and in the and seen that great au«lience moved to | “There are five reasons why you should police official, took a carriage and
press, have talked out in still more ro tears, strong men sobbing and young ' lead the white life. First, it isjthe man started immediately for Praga.
bust style against their own govern fellows trying to keep back their prayers | Iv life. It takes a man to be a Christian,
Receives the Full Charge.
ruent for its league with Russia. The of repentance, he would have remained i Second, it is the reasonable life. It's the
When passing the castle where the
Socialists are not so powerful in France
life of great blessing. It is the heavenly
Governor-General resides a man stand­
as they arc in Germany, but on this is­ th»- hand of the speaker of the afternoon 1 life and, finally, because others need your
ing on the pavement threw a bomb at
sue they undoubtedly have the bulk of
the carriage. Baron von Nolken, who
the French people with them.
Ol to lead thé “ White Life.”
“When I stand by the open grave of
' was sitting on the side nearest the
course, the British masses are also
those that I love I want to be able to j
Such a scene has never been witnessed lift my face to heaven and say that while I assailant, received the full charge of the
against Russia, although there is an
! bomb, while his companion escaped un­
apparent pro Russian feeling in Ire­ in Portland before. Men that we meet they were with me that I did all I could i
hurt. The coachman was thrown from
land, incited largely by the desire to
I to help them to be as God would have j
aside their neighbors to get to the front them be. Don’t you ? If you do you • the box and the carriage was demol-
antagonize Bngiand in everything.
' ished.
This hostile public sentiment of the that they might ask for forgiveness, and will say ‘from this day on 1 mean to
Baron von Nolken was removed to
world is a force with which Russian others came that are known from one live the life I believe God wants me to
the City Hall and doctors were sum
autocracy will have to reckon. It is
live.’ ”
moned, who found he had received in­
impeding Russia in the matter of loans that one intent, to ask for the prayers
When the services closed the speaker
juries on the head, neck, arm and leg,
already, and it is compelling the diplo­ of the evangelists.
asked all to remain. It was unnecessary.
When the meeting had been called to You could not have driven them away which are believed to be serious.
mats of continental Europe to repress
Meantime the police official accom.
such personal perferences as they may order the famous Chapman quartet, from the theater with a guu. They
panying Baron von Noiketi saw the
have for the St. Petersburg govern­ composed of Fred Butler, Charles F. wanted to hear more and they bowed
bomb thrower fleeing and pursued and
ment. When Count Cassini, Nicholas* Allen, O. F Pugh and Charles E. Rykert, their heads and shouted “amen !” as ap.
Washington, ex­ sang the “ Man of Galilee.” A scripture peal after appeal was answered, first in caught up with him, but the criminal
pressed surprise, a few mouths ago, at reading by Rev. Mr. Biederwolf from the upper gallery and then the lower, proved the stronger and tore himself
the popular opposition to Russia in the the 18th chapter of the second book of and the newly-won came to the rostrum away. Another policemiyi fired twice
after him without result. Halt an hour
United States, he inadvertently called Samuel followed, and “The Holy City” to shake the hand of the preacher.
later a man, whom the police believe to
attention to a sentiment which per- was sung by Harry Maxwell in a clear
“Shall I Meet My Sainted Mother ?”
vackd the entire world. Among the ringing voice that brought every one of was sung by Harry Maxwell, and to the be the bomb thrower, was found dead
populace of no country on the earth has the hundreds of men present to a reali­ tune of “Shall We Gather at the River?’’ in Sowia street. The police think the
man shot himself to escape arrest
Russia a friend in this crisis It is use- zation that they were in a place of divine sung bv the choir, the meeting closed.
Rev. Mr.
Biederwolf an­
A girl, who was passing the spot when
less for adherents of despotism in St. worship.
Petersburg, Berlin, Vienna and else­ nounced as his text: “Wherewith shall
Officials of the United States Steel the bomb was thrown was wounded by
where to try to excite race prejudies a young man cleanse his way.” From I Corporation are reported to have com- splinters, and was taken to the hospital.
According to the theory of the police,
by their alarmist prognosticationsofa the scripture lesson he took the story of pleted all plans preparatory to making
yellow peril in case Japan wins. Pub- the death of Absalom in a battle against the announcement of a sweeping wag«* the revolutionists calculated upon Baron
lie sentiment throughout the world is his father. David, and the word« of j increase to go into effect Saturday, von Nolken going to Praga on learning
pretty well agreed on the proposition King David as he learned of the fate of April 1. The amount of the increase is of the explosion of the bomb at the st a-
that all the liberalism that is involved his son : “ Oh, my son, Absalom my not known at present, but it is stated tion there, and knew he must pass the
in the present war is that which is on son, my son Absalom, Woiilil God 1 that, with the exception of tonnage men castle, that being the only road by which
had «lied, for thee, oh Absalom, my son, in the steel mills, all employes will re. he could reach the only bridge across
Japan's side.
my son.”
ceive the full amount of the former re- the Vistula.
There is no mistaking the fact that
Rev. Mr. Biederwolf Speaks,
dt ction. The total increase, they say,
The affair caused great excitement. A
every year farmers are getting a stronger
He said in part : “ Great wealth led
The popular rumor Hays the revolutionaries
hold upon the markets for the products Absalom, as it does so many young
advance will affect 90,000 workmen in adopted this course of informing the
they raise. In the past they have had men of today into high life, and high
the Pennsylvania district.
police that they have more bombs
very little to sav in the regulation of life led him into a lawt life, ami fast
besides those discovered in the Powoiiski
* * *
prices, accepting the terms offered with life ih invariably the macadamized road
Students and professors at the Univer­ cemetery Saturday.
as good grace as possible. The tide, to hell. Young men, let your ambition
Baron von Nolken is very unpopular.
however, is turning, ami it is not unrea­ rise higher than to be a mere pet in sity of Chicago are jubilant over the re
ceipt of a letter from |ohn D. Rockefeller He is hated by the masses of the Polish
sonable to imagine that in the no «listant society.
Life is a battle, a real stern
future the farmers of the country will be conflict, ami a good ninny of us have implying the future bestowal of a $50,- people, who held him responsible for the
a much more potent factor in determin already found it out, and it’s not going 000,000 endowment upon the institution sanguinary suppression of the disturb­
ng the market pi ice of wheat, corn, but­ to be fought with toy pistols, and there bv its founder*. The letter does not re­ ance* here at the end of January. He
ter. cheese and other staple products isn’t any room for the feather brained veal any of Mr. Rockefeller's plans, but, has been here only a year, having come
than the men who operate on the Chica­ «lude, the young man with more collar by reading het ween the lines and coup from St. Petersburg where he was chief
go and New York hoards of trade What than culture. And the young man who ling the writer’s statements with well- of the mounted division of the police.
else can these I inner** elevators through, finds his chief delight in the w me. room known conditions yt the university, the
Six Policemen are Wounded.
out the country and creameries mean ? and the billiard,hall and the cheap thea­ students and faculty are led to expect a
new and greater munificence on the part
W arsaw , March 27—(I A. M.)—Ac
I hey show conclusively that farmers in
ter will find himself enervated for the
of the oil king.
cording lo later information, the bomb
le i<l to set a value upon their crops ac­ struggle and defeated in the contest.
* M *
which exploded at the Praga police
cording to what it costs to produce them
“ If there is one man in this audience
Representative Hermann is preparing
and wait until buyers are ready to pay or in all this city whose life can’t lie to leave for Oregon. He has been un­ station was not thrown into the court­
the prices asked. To what extent that made a little whiter and a little cleaner able to learn when his case will be called yard, but into a room of the station,
can be done, of course, depends largelv and a little more Christlike by the grace for trial at Washington on the charge where the men assembled betöre going
upon the financial condition of farmers, of God, he's not like the lest of us poor of destroying public records. It appears on duty. Six policemen were wounded
as a class, but by forming organizations fellows, God help us ! and God lie] *lp him that the Government is in no hurry. Mr. and all the furniture as well as one wall
the necessary funds can be raised so there too, for I verily believe that no man's Hermann believes his affairs in Oregon was destroyed.
The bomb thrower, in trying to es
are no difficulties which cannot be oyer- life is so unclean as he who with brazen
require his personal attention.
met a policeman and shot twice,
face will IsMist that he needs no < cleans-
* * *
* * *
At Albany, fudge Burnett sentenced wounding the officer in the stomach.
ing whatsoever.
God give us honest
Some western fieople who have travel
Eli Dunn and J. A. Crosslev, convicted The prisoner himself was wounded und
hearts just now.
ed throughout the east mid observed
“ What about Sabbath desecration ? of the Lebanon bank robbery, to five has been placed in the hospital.
closely the met hods followed bv thetarm If a man has given you six dollars it vears in the penitentiary. The motion
The man found dead in Sowia street
ers ot the lean and impoverished lulls as­ would lie
pretty mean to steal the for a new trial was overruled and the dr proves to be a policeman in plain-clothes
sert that the western farmers waste
seventh and tilt» last one he had, wouldn't (eiidant*s attorneys were given 30 days who was seen pursuing B iron yon Nol
more than their eastern brother* produce
ken’s assailant. The police lielieye that
it ? Now it seems to me that the same in which to file a bill of exceptions.
and they remark on the so-called rigid
the latter turned on the policeman and
* * a
rule should apply to using God's seventh
economy ptacliced bv the Yankees. Hut day in a way to please you
Some writer* on the Panama canal : shot him dead.
doubt if it will be necessary even to build ' Baron von Nolken'* injuries are seri-
' ankee economy at its most extreme ten­
Talks Against Profanity.
sion is lavish extravagance compared
tidal lock* on the Pacific side, their ous, but it is thought he will recover.
I sometimes feel a sense of pity for
with the brand of saving that prevail* in
position being that the water will find
some Huiopenn countries. There eco. the victim of certain habits, but there ,ts <»\\n level without difficulty. It is
Tragedy Averted
nomv ot the liair splitting variety has be. is no sin so senseless as that of habitually gratifying to know that the sea level
scorching the lip* with the most holy
“ Just ill the nick of time our little
come a science One gets some remark !
plan grow* stronger as investigation
b«»y was saved " writes Mr* \V Watkm*
ble lessons across the water in making I name of God in profanity. The man i proceeds.
oi Pleasant City, Ohio. “Pheuiiionia bad
I who does it is low grained in his filler
* * *
the most ol things. In Denmark nothing
plated sail havoc w ith him and a h>rri-
During the Inst year no one has car­ ble cough set in besides. Doctors treat
is wasted, la ordei to prevent unneccs- I and altogether unworthy of living recog­
ried a heavier burden of intellectual work ed him. but he grew worse everv day.
■ary trumping ot the pasture, cows are
length we tried Dr King * New Dis­
tethered in the field while feeding. Even I guilty of constant profanity is nut a requiring physical endurance than Field
You’re not having any Marshal Ovarna, and lie isover 60. No covery for Consumption, and our darl.
sheep are confined in the same wav. After ' gentleman.
w is saved
He’s now sound, and
doubt, the Russians will agree that he well Everybody ought to know, it s the
le o iling how earefnl Danish farmer* are | trouble to understand me, are you ?
« ught to have been chloroformed year* only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all
ot every little thing one can liegoi to
Lung diseases. Guaranteed bv Cha*. I.
Iindeist.ind how it isthat n country with meanest,lowest, most disreputable thing ago.
Clough. Druggist. Price ftOc. aud *l.bt>.
* » *
nil area less than two.thuds that of Indi­ that passes tor a man of anything that
ltiacnsvto believe that many Rus- Trial buttles free.
ana is able to export JiiO.OOO.OOO worth breathes under the sun. The man who
soldiers are voluntarily falling into
ol butter mid bacon to Great Britain in with a black heart under a white shirt
Special agents of the federal govern,
front will take another man’s money on the hands ot the Ja panese. A perpetual
a vear.
w a <
the plea that he ran a chance of losing hike, with harsh treatment and scant meat are reported to lie investigating
alleged land frauds in Utah and it is said
A Chicago protestor sum* up creation his own-with every cent he wins and rations, is not an alluring programme.
that the disclosures so far show- that
V » *
in tin* lashion “Life originally happen, and with every jx’imv he looses his in
Mr Carnegie advises men not to work hundreds of thousands of acres of valua
cd. Life i* made up of certain organtic lernal passion if fanned into a fiercer
tor wages any longer than they have to. ble coal lands have been acquired by cor­
compound*. The compound* came to­ flame until he will sacrifice on the altar
If there were no wage earners wtiat porations in devious wavs and by ques­
gether in some manner, and the result ot his lust, his moi e , hi* honor, his
would become of the future Carnegies ? tionable methods. Vast tracts of coal
was life.** But where did the compound home, his love, and what were once his
land, it is alleged, have been filed on and
come from, and how did they happru loved ones and then will rattle hi* dice
patented as agricultural and grazing
to hap|x*u in a progressive way instead and shuffle his cards on the coffin of hiC (
enced dentist is located in land and then transferred to voal com.
of happening not to happ< n ?
victims and pocket the Mood-red gold of
Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and panics The Salt Lake Herald points out
a * a
hi* murdered kindred.
is prepared to do nothing but that the sale ol coal lands as agricultu.
Two of the highest salaried men in the
On Impure Imagination.
first class work and give the ral lands ha* deprived the federal govern-
* orld aie the C ir of Rt ssia ami the king
“ \n impure imagination can pierce ]
best of satisfaction If your •went ,»f several millions of dollars.which
of Spain. Big salaries do not al*a)» through anything to see a forbidden
need fixing call upon has been saved by the coal companies to
bring the l»est seriicc.
object, and once let an impure imagiua- i
winch such lands were transferred.
If you are in want of Good Trees, guaranteed true to name,
Gresham, Oregon,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines,
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail.
This is to certify, that I have this 27th day of December, 1904, ins|K-cted and
examined the Nursery Slock ot Mr E. I’. Smith, of Tile Eastwood Nurseries, Gres­
ham, Oregon, and so far as I am aide to ascertain, have found it in good, market,
able condition and clear of any serious insect pest or disease. Their methods of
haudling and growing stock are first class.
VVILBCR K. NEWELL, Commissioner First District.
I For Gentlemen’s Garments to Order
ii Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring,
iJ Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts,
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Raglan’s Rain Coats.
HExlusively to Measure.
Tailor, Tillamook,
Come early and secure first choice.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
Fir and Spruce Lumber.
Spruce and Cedar Shingles
Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty.
Orders for Lumber promptly attended to.
Rates, $1 Per Day
Centrally Ltoeated.
M. H. LARSEN, Proprietor.
The Best Hotel in the city.
No Chinese Employed.
Pacific Navigation Co.
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Kailroad & Navigation Co and
t,'e Astoria & Columbia River R. R. foi San Francisco, Portland
and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to
B. C. LAMB, Agent, Tillamook Oregon.
Co . Portland.
)A. & C. R. R. Co., Portland.
Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Expres
Tillamook Iron. Woks
General Machinists ¿c Blacksmiths
Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
Notice to the Public-
Twill continue sell­
ing my stock of Boots
and Shoes at Cost un­
tili the 15th May,when
I will receive a large
Stock of First Class
Boots and Shoes,from
bica go.
< onie and get Bargains and save money.
Vll goods purchased of me will be repaired
at the following rates :
Men's Shoes, half soled
Misses’ • »
« «
.P. F. BROWN, Salesman