TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH (^iU.iniooh Mjcibligbt cities of the empire. The arrests which art being made of the popular leaders and the prominence of the Cossacks on the streets are ominous signs This time the czar intends, if possible, to head off the demonstrations before they have a chance to assume dangerous proportions. Still, though the czar’s concessions will be very far from meet­ ing any of the populace's demands for participation in the making of the laws under which it is governed, they are worth something as showing that at least through its fears the autocracy can be moved. Possibly before the peril at home and abroad vanishes something more substantial in the way of reform can be extorted from the autocracy. These are the anniversary days of Alexander H.'s emancipation of the 24,000.000 serls in 1861. The anniversary, too, is near at hand when the same Alexander, after the prepara­ tion of a rescript for the granting of a constitution to the empire, was assas­ sinated by the nihilists in 1881. The decree for the constitution, which was not yet signed, was torn up after the assassination, and reaction, headed by Alexander III., made its advent. Nich­ olas II.’s concessions do not rank with the thing which Alexander II. granted or with that which he pro­ posed. vet even small favors ought to get a hospitable reception in Russia in these absolutist days. 16, 1905. Railroads Ignore Order. The announcement that the railroads would ignore the ruling of the Interstate Commerce commission in its recent or­ Roosevelt’s Second Term. der directing that live stock shall be handled at the same rate as live stock Theodore Roosevelt has entered upon products, is creating considerable com­ a term in the presidency to which he ment. The railroads, of course, claims was elected by the greatest popular ma­ that if the order was carried out it jority ever given to any candidate for would mean a big loss, as the cost of the presidency in the nation's history. transporting live stock is greater than He is today by reason of this the most for carrying live stock products. The powerful man in the country, exerting intention of the railroad is to carry a greater influence upon the popular case into the courts in the hope that mini! than has ever before been exer­ commission will not be sustained in cised by any public man, president or ruling. otherwise, in al! our history. Every­ It is also very apparent that the rail­ where throughout the nation today the roads do not wish it thought that the thought is as to what this great man, packers are being favored at the expense dominating as he does the best intelli­ of the general public. One railroad offi­ gence of the nation and directing its cial is said to have made the remark greatest thought, will do in the next that the Beef trust is best hated by the four years in which hr will control the railroads, for if it had not been for the administration of the government, to strength of the combination the rates on fashion our domestic and foreign affairs packinghouse products would long since so as to make them promote our welfare have been advanced. Not only that, but in the former and peace in the latter. the system of rebates and the private The acclaim and enthusiasm with car contracts would never have been which Mr. Roosevelt was ushered into allowed. the office of president of the United Several deductions mav be made from States was absolutely in accord with these statements. In the first place, if the popular verdict which made him the railroads say there is a Beef trust it president In both cases it was a vin­ I fit? 1 VI LJ O I» 1 I UIIUUIC/ «11 ■ —■ — — - - certainly must be true, and in the second dication of the popular idea for the su­ ÿ az > z fe premacy of those policies and principles place, if the packers are powerful enough which the great majority of our people to coerce the railroads it is high time believe must prevail and which they for the Beef trust to be curbed. If the are determined shall prevail. The prac­ railroads begin to tell on the packers it WILL BEGIN EARLY IN APRIL Tragedy Averted. U. L. EDDY. H. T. BOTTS. Prosperity of Dairymen. tically universal sentiment is that the is only natural to expect the packers to “ Just in the nick of time our little DDY & BOTTS, one man who can be relied upon to carry In his talk before the Wisconsin dairy­ give railroad secrets away, and in that Chief Engineer in Forest Grove boy was saved’’ writes Mrs W. Watkins out those principles and to see that in men convention C. P. Goodrich called at­ event the general public would soon be of Pleasant City, Ohio. ’ Plieuuionia had Making Preparations. A ttorneys - at -L aw . everv direction the interests and welfare tention to the prosperous condition of considerably wiser and the need of prop­ Mr. Gardner, chief engineer of the played sad havoc with him and a terri­ ble cough set in besides. Doctors treat of the American people will be con­ dairymen generally, saying: “ As one er legislation more apparent than ever. Oregon Traction Company’s construe ed him. but he grew worse every day. Complete set of Abstract Books served is Theodore Roosevelt and there travels about the country in different tion work, was in Forest Grove, last At length we tried Dr. King's New Dis­ is today uni versal reliance upon him in states he can tell the dairy districts as he Saturday and Sunday looking over the covery for Consumption, and our darl. in office. Sermons Boiled Down. Taxes paid for non this respect. route and making plans on the cons­ ing w-w saved. He's now sound, and passes throngh on the train by the good Little sins are never alone. well Everybody ought to know, it's the Residents. Will he meet this expectation of the houses and large barns and other evi­ truction of the roadbed. only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all No one can be thoughlessly kind. people? There cannot be the slightest dences of thrift and prosperity. The He stated while here that the bond Lung diseases. Guaranteed by Chas. I. Office opposite Post Office. Nothing is holy unless it is helpful. doubt about it. What he has already commercial traveler will tell you that required of his company bv the Portland Clnugh, Druggist. Price 50c. and $1.00. Tombstones a I wavs behave themselves. Both phones. done is the most complete assurance of there he finds his best customers, who council, was readv to be placed on file Trial bottles free. A stiff man is not always a straight what will be done in the future in the buy freely and pay promptly. on the passage of the ordinance. Al the one. The hens are in the garden, public interest. Theodore Roosevelt is a last meeting of the Portland council the “ There is never a failure of dairy pro­ It makes me smile with glee ; There are no promises without pre­ H- COOPER, friend of the people. He believes sin­ ducts. Those who depend on special franchise was ordered published for It’s my neighbor’s garden they’re in, cepts. cerely in promoting their interests, re­ crops have frequent years of failures, but twenty days, which practically means And the hens belong to me. Good cheer is often better than cold garding this as the only true way of ad­ there never was a season yet in Wiscon­ its passage. cash. A ttorney - at -L aw , vancing the prosperity of the nation. sin when there was not enough feed of The ordinance provides that the com­ You esnnot teach where you do not He is not an enemy of wealth, but he one kind or another raised to provide pany are not to obstruct more than five touch. I blocks of street at one time and they is the foe of monopoly, and it is against fairly well for the year. The dairyman’s i T illamook , O regon . Brooding over troubles only hatches the latter only that he is making a income with a given herd of cows varies are not to remain no longer than out new ones. fight. 'I'he administration that was in­ but little from year to year, and he can seven days, consequently no work cau — Folks who often burn out a fuse sit ( incorporated ), augurated on March 4th, under auspices calculate with reasonable certaintv be begun in that city until the rails ar­ often in the dark. CARL HABERLACH, rive from the East, which takes at least j TILLAMOOK unprecedented in their character, will about what it will be. He is not elated CITY, ORE. All honest doubt has its destination in be judicious and conservative in char­ at times with the expectation of getting 90 days. In speaking further of the sit­ acter, but it will never losesight of what an immense crop and big prices and some great truth. uation, Mr. Gardner stated that in view ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000. The best amen to a sermon is the one is essential to the promotion of American tempted to run in debt on the strength of the dilemma confronting them, they that comes on Monday. Peutedter interests and welfare in any quarter of of it, and then have his crop a failure would begin the construction work on ' A GENERAL BANKING No man who is doing good work is the line outside of Portland, and it was 1 the world. Office across the street and north from because of sudden blight or storms, or BUSINESS. the intention to have it all completed by ' have the yield greatly reduced by sorry to hear the Master coming. the Post Office. Autocracy's Concession to Liberty. drouth. It is a noble thing to die, but it is the time the rails arrived, or nearly so., Director8 W. H arrison , W. “ The dairyman’s income conics stead­ usually harder and more noble to live, All the details and preparations for1 C urtiss B. L E ddy It is not a large gift of freedom which JDOBERT A. MILLER, a large crew are now’ being1 • »< ,«• TT Nicholas II. offers to his subject in ily along each week ; therefore he gets It gives a man a moral squint to look working . . , ... ,, Cashier r-M. W. H arrisox . made, and ns soon as the Portland I his rescript addressed to the minister into the habit of paying as he goes. more at condition than at character. council meets which is Wednesday April1 . I-i >eral Pflcfs • n,<* (°r 8>k edge securi of the interior. Nor is it extended to When the farmer’s income is from some ' A ttorney ’- at -L aw . When all creeds can be put in one . , , , , - , | ties ot all kinds. them as a spontaneous expression of his crop that is sold off once a year, he gets casket it will be because they are no 5, and the franchise is granted, the peo-, Oregon City, Oregon. pie all along the route may look for good will. It is extorted from the im­ into the habit of running into debt at longer alive. (»¡»erations to begin in earnest.— Wash, perious necessities of the internal situa stores. He gets w hat he wants and the Land Titles and Land Office Many men do nothing because they C. B. LEEP, ington County News. ation, which has brought something members of his family get what they Business a Specialty. despise the little things and despair of like civil war in sight. The czar says want, and it is charged up to him. When Boots and Shoes Nearly the great ones. Don’t Nag. he is resolved henceforth “ to convene the crop is sold he gets his money ; he Those who most need a taskmaster Repaired. the worthiest men, possessing the con­ goes to settle up with the merchant Q H. UPTON, Ph. G.,M.D., S. E. Kiser in Chicago Kecord-Heiald. fidence of the people and elected by He is astonished to find his account so are usually quite ignorant of that most If you wish to help the world a little in severe one — conscience. First Class Work Guaranteed, them, to participate in the elaboration large and he does not have money en­ your humble way, P pysician and S urgeon . The only thing worse than having no Give me a trial, and consideration of legislative mea­ ough to pay. He has got behind, and Don’t nag. the chances are he will be still more be ­ sense of humor one's self is to have to sures ” He refers to “ the peculiar cir­ Office one block west of the Next to the Headlight Office. Your wife, it you’re a husband,doubtless cumstances of the fatherland, the multi­ hind next year. After a while a mort­ live with those who have none. has her faults,t but—say— Allen House, Tillamook City. plicity of its races, and, in certain parts gage has to be given to raise the money There is something wrong with the Do n’t nag ! Calls answered promptly. of the country, the weak development to pav up. This habit of getting into religion that cannot stand transplant­ You mav be too toiling tor your little bit ol its citizenship'* as reasons why Rus­ debt is a bad once, and dairymen are ing from the cathedral to the kitchen. ot crust sian rulers have gone slow in granting more likely to keep out of it than any To be able to lift others who are lying in BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER. R. BEALS, concessions, and add ; ” In undertaking other class of farmers.” Favor Good Roads. the dust, these reforms I am convinced that local HAIR CUTTING But you still can help in making the SHAVING, Intense interest is being awakened in Reformation in California. needs and experiences of life, well REAL ESTATE, world brighter it you just SHAMPOOING, ETC all ¡»arts of Oregon in the good roads weighed and sincere speech of those Don’t nag. The country has unqualifiedly approv ­ movement, which means so much for the elected, will insure fruitfulness in legis F inancial A gent , 11 you wish to give him courage who Electric Baths nicely fitted up. Goodfor lat ion for the real benefit of the people. ed the action of the senate of California development of the state Many local has chosen you tor lite, in expelling the members of that body ’ ! Tillamook, Oregon. meetings have been held, as veil as sev. At the sirnie time I foresee all the com­ persons suffering with rheumatism. Don’t nag ; convicted of accepting bribes, roar sen- I eral state gatherings. plexity and difficulty presented in the If you wish to be bis helper—and lie'll ators were charged with the crime and I elaboration of this reform while preserv­ The next important session will be at need help in his strife— after an examination of the facts that ^pHOS. COATES, (»rant’s Pass, Monday ami Tuesday, ing absolutely the immutability of the Don't nag. left no doubt as to their guilt they were I fundamental laws of the empire." M arch 20 and 21. Delegates will be Agent for Fireman’s He may have a tew shortcomings—hus­ unanimously expelled, a fact which not I Nothing is here offered that will present from every part of Oregon. Judge Fund and London and Lanca­ bands generally do — only reflects a great deal of credit upon ■ satisfy the liberals. Neither a constitu­ John II. Scott, of Salem, president of the And he may sometimes sit beaten when the California senate, but is also a very shire Fire Insurance tion nor a parliament is extended to Oregon Good Roads Association, was in he should have triumphed too. excellent example for other states. Companies. them The council of the empire will Portland, and called at the Portland But he’ll rise with newer courage and There appears to be in the California still make the empire's laws, but the Commercial Club with regard to the Tillamook .. Oregon. new strength it only you legislature a wholesome sentiment in ! EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 4 1904 representatives of the people will be Grant’s Pass meeting, The good roads Don’t nag. favor of reform which must meet with ' allowed to express their views on all committee of the Commercial Club will All around there are others who ha vc general commendation. It is proposed ' T~^°K ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. measures before the council completes go us delegates. Those composing this Leave PORTLAND Arrive paiutul wounds to nurse, to put a stop to gambling and prize i them The council will be subject to committee are : GO TO Don't nag fights. There mav be some doubt as to s:oo a.rn. | Portland Union ' 11:10 a.in. the czar, as at present. In actual fact John S. Beall, chairman ; A. L. Craig, Rubbing on the raw has ever and will cWIp.tn. f depot for Astoria.I 9:40 p.m. the particability of stopping, except as I the czar will be as much of an autocrat H. W. Goddard, W. E. Coman, G. W. TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT AND always make it worse, publicly carried on, but unquestionably ' ns lie is now. Neither czar nor council Evanns, W. M. Cake. Leave ASTORIA Arrive. Don’t nag! the prize tight business, which lias floor- ’ TRUST CO. will be under any obligation to heed President Scott also wanted to arrange You can see your neighbor’s foibles—all ished tor several years in California, can the requests of the ¡»Topic’s representa­ some details in connection with the ap­ T hos . C oates . Pres. his weaknesses are plain?— tives. The reactionaries, under the lead lie prohibited. In reference to this the proaching convention of the Oregon De­ But then, what's the use of prodding San Francisco Chronicle, says that there of the procurator general of the holy velopment League April 4 and 5. At SEASIDE DIVISION. when it cannot bring you gain ? is no question that an overwhelming WM. GALLOWAY. GILBERT L. HEDGES. synod, M Pobcdonostseff, will be ns re- tins convention the session will be so ar­ Why adit by a look or wisper to ttie majority of the people desire the sup- ' actionary as now, so far as the influ­ ranged as to allow a certain time for Leave ASTORIA Arrive. world s supply of pain ? pression of prize fights and that if the T T EDGES & GALLOWAY ence of the popular advisers mav extend. various interests, as. for instance, min- X ATTORNEYS.AT.LAW. Don't nag. 1 11:35 a.m. > for Seaside Direct Nicholas’ father, Alexander III., the legislature responds to public opinion on ing. dairying and fruitgrowing 5:20 p.m. this question of decency it w ill do more most ¡»ersistent and consistent despot | “We are determined,” said Judge If she has her days of fretting, oh, be pa. Mnke a specialty of Land Office Business. Leave ASTORIA tient then with her — Arrive. since Paul, might, in an extremity, have I to strengthen the republican party in Scott. “that the time devoted to good OFFICE . IX WF.IXHARD BOLDING, the state than is possible by any other Don’t nag. granted everything which the present roads shall l»e so well improved that our ' ♦ x 15 a.m. for Warrenton, » 10:45 a.m. At present California is the Room 1 and 2, czar proposes. They would not have I means. work at that convention will be of per­ If he makes mistakes remember it is I 5:50 p.m. Ì Hammond. Ft. > Mecca of the prize fighters and if that Stevens, .-easide.) OREGON CITY. ORB. 7:40 a.m. human still to err— hampered Ins activities as a tyrant in | manent benefit Co the movement, ami state should lie closed to them, as it Don’t nag. any respect Nor will the reforms result in enlisting the co-operative of Leave SEASIDE now appears probable it will be their Arrive promised in Nicholas' decree impede his everv del-gate present. In connection You may not have strength to rescue the SEVERANCE, opportunities tor exploitation would lie pale ones whose burdens kill, 4:30 p m. < adininisttatois in carrying out any | with the good roads committee ot the for Astoria Direct 12:30 p.m. very limited. The sentiment for reform Or to lift the weary toilers who policy which he and they mav choose. are Portland Commercial Club I «am making Leave stumbling up the hill, EASIDE Yet the concession is of value as an ( in California is altogether commendable. up a programme which will include Arrive A ttorney - at -L aw -, indication that the bureaucrats at St. i speakers on this subject w ho are admit- Rut you can refrain from making the ‘ »:15 a.m. £ n r Warrenton Ft » Petersburg feel they must do something | According to Commissioner (»ar field's tedlv authorities ” 0:33 «.m. w orld sadder, it you will— Steven*. Ham- C T illamook O regon . (9:30 a m. f mond. Astoria. S Don’t nag! to placate the populace. It will be a report, some of the members of the l»eef 7:20 p.m. f good starting point from which to worn trust are making an honest effort to live Dr. P. J. Sharp, the expre- Additional train leaves Astoria daily at It Saved His Leg tor real reform. Nicholas speaks of ' up to the letter of the law, regardless of , enccd dentist is located in 1 I 30 a m. for all point, on Ft. Stevens S. STEPHENS, p . _______ A. Danforth, of I .at «range. any incidental pangs of conscience. (»a.. hrnneh. arriving Ft. Stevens 12:30 p.m . re- “ the present \erv graxe times ’ The Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and ’uffered h i SIX months w ith a frightful turning, leave. Ft. Steven, at g.-OV p.m., ar- * Real Estate and Fire, Lite, times are likely to be graver before (»eneral Stoessel is not proving to be is prepared to do nothing but running on his leg. Hut writes riving Astoria 2 V, p nl. the) are better. The general strike much of a sidewalk attraction in St. J first class work and give the that Buckler, s Arnica S ||vo wholly Health, Accident, Insurance. • Sunday only. which has been ordered promises to Petersburg. Most of the inhabitants , best of s itisfaction If your «•tired II in Hvedays. F. r Ulcers. Wounds Through ticket, and ch.,» connection yin Agent for the Northwest School Furni­ precipitate a ie|»ctition <»t the disorders would rather see a first class bomb ! teeth need fixing call upon Piles. II- the best sslve in the world * i Ry. at Portland and Goble ami o. R. ture Co. and Oi gnns and Pianos. Uuu-guaranteed. Only 25 eta Sold bv . N. Co . via Portland. Notary Public. thrower. him. Chas I. Clough, druggist. Office : Southwest from the Court House, J. C. Mayo, G. P. A. in the building occupied as a music store. Frati C Baker. Publisher. DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES Agents for the Great Western Saw. M c I ntosh & M c N air co ., The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. TILLAMCOK COUNTY BANK. w LATIMER, BROS., A.&C.R.R 5 TIME CARD. J I