TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 9. 1905 What the Celilo Canal Means to the short way. too. For the initiative 65,000 population, the preacher’s esti­ the Inland Empire 8 per cent of the vote last cast for Sn preme ’ fudge ‘ would have to petition, in* stead of ■’>—'200 electors instead of 4500, The appropriation bill will cost the stale $113.000 for Normal Schools during the ensuing two years. But a veto on the entire bill will cost the state much more—Oregonian. B ickleton , Wash., February 27th. 1905. As the readers of the Headlight will remember, the project of a ihip|cunal at Celilo Falls ill the Columbia river, has long been agitated, and an appropriation was recently made by Congress to begin the actual construction. They also have some idea of the lurge amount of grain and other products grown in the vast basin of the Columbia east ot the Cascade mountains. 1 will say here in regard to its productive area, that section after section of lands supposed at one time to be arid, and useless for agriculture in Eastern Oregon and Washington and in Idaho, have been brought under cultivation—small portions by means of irrigation, but large ones without—until soon very little of this great extent of territory will be left unproductive. The products of this fertile region then are carried to market by rail. And the rates charged are high (in the case of grains 11 to 14 cents per bushel to Portland or Seattle and other com. inodities correspondingly high). The canal will open the river to navi­ gation from the sea to Priest Kupids on the Columbia, and to Lewiston, Idaho, on the Snake ; which poiiits.are far into the heart of the country in question. Also the Columbia can be opened with comparatively little expenditure aboye the international boundary and beyond. Years ago there was a portage road from Celilo to The Dalles, and another where locks ¡lave since been built at Cascade Rapids, and in those days steamboat lines carried freight cheaper, in spite of the many handlings, than the railroads now do. The 0. R. & N. Co., however, when building its road along the river, secured the portage road bed a.id used it as a part of its track and by various other means succeeded in banishing navigation from the part of the river above. On certain portions and branches of the river far above, boats still ply, but there isolated lines act only as feeders for the roads. The building of a canal at Celilo and use of steamboats as carriers will cut the price of transportation of freights down very low—perhaps to one third of present rates. To a person who has seen broad stretches of the upper river from a car window or has crossed its wide stream by railroad bridges, or been down by its shore ami witnessed its majestic speed, and known the depth and power of its current, the question of when this great river would carry its share of the world's commerce may have presented itself. We believe that this dream of utility is in a fair way to be realized. The canal, of course, may be several years in building, but the new portage road now in course of construction and to be finished about May 15th, will make possible the good use of the upper river, while the better work of the canal will follow. The outlook at present is a hopeful one for the producer of this region. It seems probable that one day the Colum­ bia river will rank as one of the great inland waterways of the United States, and that the opening ot this river to navigation, will bring an era of unex­ ampled prosperity to the “Inland Em­ pire.1’ G. V. D oughty . mate is considered wild. His church is one of the largest in the city, and a big audience heard him. Threat of referendum on the general appropriation bill of the Oregon Legis­ lature is prompted by desire to cut off superfluous Normal Schools. But is there not a better means to that end ? Many people are satisfied with the log rolling in the Legislature which re­ sulted in hitching Normal Schools to indispensable state institutions in order thus to boost the schools into the public treasury. Two avenues are open to such persons ; first, referendum veto on the bill; second, enactment of a correct­ ive law under the initiative. The second alternative seems the more reasonable and practical. The first would deprive necessary institutions like the insane asvlum and the penitentiary of money required for maintenance and improvements at the same time that it would shut off the Normal Schools. And there is serious doubt whether interest- liearing warrants could be issued for maintenance of necessary state institu­ tions. No doubt the institutions at the capital could be kept going on the credit of the state, but certificates based there­ on would be discounted if no interest were allowed by law. “No warrant shall lie drawn by the Secretary of State,” reads the law, “in pay ment of any claim against the state unless an appropriation has first been made for the payment thereof; but w here such claim has been incurred in pursuance of authority of law, but no appropriation has been made for its payment, or if made has been exhausted, the Secretary stall audit such claim, and, »f allowed, shall issue to the claim­ ant a certificate as evidence of such al­ lowance.” This foregoing section of the code raises a two.fold doubt. First, would not the institutions at the capital have to subsist on certificates withont inter­ est, and, second, would not the Normal Schools I jc entitled to such certificates al«o. The sure way to end the Normal School abuse is by the initiative. It is KILL the Dr. W. Van Osdel. minister of the First Baptist Church of Spokane, preached a sermon devoted to theexposure ofnlleged immoral conditions in Spokane. The minister had caused the church to be lighted with l<»0 red-coloied electric lights and his sermon was in accord with the color scheme. The ministers remarks were sensational, one state­ ment being that Spokane was the home of tietween 900 and 1200 mi.tre-ses This is exclusive of the regular denizens of the tenderloin. As Spokane has but( Í DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES Schoolhouse for Sale, We wish to sell our school building public auction on March 10. 1905, the school house, Diet. No. 13, at 1 in. The district reserves the right Only the fact that petroleum is on the reject any and all bids. free list prevents the Democratic party J. J. M c G innis . from declaring that protection is the Dial. Clerk. parent ol the biggest octopus. SPRUCH. * * X The construction of a sea level canal in Lawerence Sanders has moved twelve years for 5230,000,000 would be a great triumph. Uncle Sam is a hustler household goods up on the Nehalem, his wife will go as soon as the little girl and tnay do it in less time. is able. * * * Uncle Sam is dealing with two kinds Clyde Kinnaman is at home at present of Indians in the Indian Territory: the nursing a very bad wound on his hand, real Indian, unknown to the East, and caused by the cross cut saw. the picture Indian, unknown to the Roy Blanchard while cutting wood west. last week accidentally cut his foot, caus­ * * * The new battleship named in honor of ing a very bad wound. Oran Wallace has gone to work for Al the state of Kansas will be ready for launching next June. Presume the chris Bunn, at Bea yer. rening will be done with a barrel of Mark Curl has taken Mr. George kerosene. Lucas and wife to Sheridan. There they * $ » will take the train for California, where The Moscow nobility has sent a res­ they will make their future home, and olution to the czar asking for a continu­ Mr. Charley Sears and wife also are ation of the war. To what extent is the going to California in a short time, and nobility represented in the trenches we are glad for Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, for around Mukden ? they will have some of their old friends * * * with them again. Chloroform was discovered by an Little baby Lenard, the son of G. W. American, Dr. Guthrie, at the age of 49. He was unaware that he had passed the Wallace is quite sick. I rather think the sign is in the feet deadline of usefulness nine years before, according to a freak doctor of a more this week. As the women have been traveling the roads quite often. modern school. * * « The crank who proposes to chloro­ Sermons Boiled Down. form men on reaching the age of 60 probably wants to save the pension ap­ A full head seldom swells. A crooked walk shows a crippled will. propriation. But the entire amount it Nothing lifts one higher than love for represents could not bestow common sense and decency on the few who are the lowly. Love covers sins, but does not conceal born without it and grow up to make them such propositions. * * * Croakers always advertise their own The wife of Vice President elect Fair­ swamps. banks graduated in the same class with Every sorrow may be the seed of some him both in college and law school, and great joy. subsequently took a degree in interna­ Love that can be measured is never tional and parlimentary law. If any worth measuring. knottv points arise in presiding over A little smile will break up some the Senate, Mr. Fairbanks will know mighty big clouds where to go for advice. Innocense that is advertised usually * * * hides some iniquity. Grand Master Workman F. Berchtold, Worship with the heart results in the head of the Grand Lodge of the An­ work ^jth the hand. cient Order of United Workmen for Ore. Nothing but art on the menu is an gon, has issued a call for a special session aggravation to the appetite. of the Grand Lodge to be held in Port­ Lies abide forever, though they are be- land on April 13, for the purpose of dis­ lieved but for a moment. cussing and perhaps readjusting the There is no service without a sense of present existing rate of assessment hold­ the sacredness of things. ing in the order. It is the gold of love that makes the * * * quartz of lift* worth while. The German steamer Numidia, accord­ No man is meaner than he who tried ing to the correspondent of the Daily to keep “the golden mean” between Mail {at Hongkong, reports having right and wrong. sighted two (apanese squadrons on Sat­ urday, 1O0 miles southeast of Hong­ It Saved His Leg kong. The first squadton, comprising P. A. Danforth, of LaGrange, Ga.. nine battleships and cruisers, was seen suffered fornix months with a frightful at two o'clock tn the morning, going at running sore on his leg; but writes full speed with all lights out, and the that Bucklen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured it in fivedays. For Ulcers. Wounds second squadron, of 13 large warships, Piles, it’s the liest salve in the world. was sighted in the afternoon. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cts. Sold by Chas. I. Clough, druggist. * * * According to estimates which have been prepared, the forces under General T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for P ublication . Kuropatkin between the Shakhe River United States Land Office, and Tie Pass total slightly over 400,000, Oiegon ity, Oregon, 25th, 1905 composed of 335,000 infantry, 33,000 Notice is hereby given February that in compliRiice cavalry and 35,000 artillery, with 1504 with the provisions of the act of Congiessot June 3rd, 1878, entitled ‘ An act for the sale guns. These estimates do not include of timber lan«ls in the States of Califo'iua. Nevada, and Washington Territo­ the Vladivostok and other garrisons, Oregon, ry.” as extended to all Public Land States by the railroad guards or the civil employes. act of August 4, 18 q 2, HANS C. HANSON. The grand total of tne Russian strength Of Tillamook City, county of Tillamook. State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his east of Baikal is estimated at 700,000. sworn s atement No. 6553, for the purchase of the Sw *4 of Sw % of Sec. 28. S % of Se l4 * * * 29, and Nw % of Ne of Sec. No. 82, in Tp The emphatic denial by the Japanese Sec. No. 1 S, Range No. 8 W, and will offer proof to minister at Washington that Japan has show that tr«e land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ made any proposals for peace will put poses, and to establish his claim to »aid land before the County C erk of Tillamook County, an end to any hope which mav have at l illamook City, Oregon, on Tuesdav, the 9th been held that the end of the war is near. day of May. 1905. He names as witnesses W. H. West, Dr I E Bartell, Paul Hanson, Russia has said just as emphatically, C. A. Vogler, of Tillamook, Ore. Any and all person« claiming adversely the through Nicholas II. and sonic ol his above-desermed lands are requested to file their ministers at foreign capitals, that it will claims in this office on or before said 9th day of May, I905.? continue the war. Apparently the peril A lgernon S. D resser , Register. at home and the danger abroad is not T imber L and , A ct , J une 3. W — N oticb F or menacing enough to coerce Russia into P ublication United States Land Office, giving up the tight. The peacemaking Oregon City, Ore., March 3rd, I905. efforts ot William IL, Edward VII. and Notice is hereby given that in compliance other friends of the czar have all come with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3. 1M7M, entitle«! An act for the sale of to naught. timber lands in the states of California. Oregon. » * * Nevada «nd Washington Territory ’ as exunded The English press has eagerly seized to a 1 the Public Land States by act of August 4. Dr. Osler's suggestion that professional HENRY C'RENSH tW. Of Tillamook City, county of Tillamook. State men are too old at 40. Everybody worth of Oregon ha» thia day tiled in this office Ins quoting has been consulted in regard to sworn statement No. 65M. for th« purchase of the S '■» of Sw */4 of sec. 20. and E 54 of se ‘4 this statement, with the result that all of sec No. 19, in Tp. No ! S. Mange No. 10 West, and will offer proof to show that the interprent the wellknown professor's re. lan-1 sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpos» a and to mark as a joke. Sir Frederick Treves, establish his claim to said land b< fore the who is the leader of British medical County Clerk of Tillamook county, Tillamook City. Oregon, on Wednesday, the l;th day of men, entirely disagrees with Dr. Osier’s May. 1905. He nam' S as witness« » : VI in field C Trombley, Tillamo.k, Or.IraC. theory. He says that degeneration does Smith Tillamook. Or ; Lem Parker, Bay City, not begin at 40 in a man who has taken Or.; Ethan A Edwards, Tillamook. Or. Any ami all persona c aiming advenu ly th • ordinary care ol himself and refrained above-descritw«! lands are requested to file their from dangerous habits. Many men are claims in »his office ou or before said 17th day of Mar, I905. ALGERNON 3. D resser . Register. at their best at 50. In America, where life is more hurried. Dr. Treves said men doubtless age earlier, but it is impossible to generalize. * * couch Referendum, No ; Initiative, Yes. HEADQUARTERS FOR AND CURE the LUNC8 Dr. King’s New Discovery WITH CONSUMPTION OUGHS and pries 50c »51 00 Fres Trial. OLDS Surestuid Quickest Curs for all THROAT end LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES Agents for the Great Western Saw M c I ntosh & mcnair co . The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County A.& C. R.R.. TIME CARD 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.tn. Leave 7:45 a.m. 6:10 p.m. PORTLAND i Portland Union f t depot for Astoria, i ASTORIA |for Portland and | / way points. | ASTORIA WATERPROOF •IkCP CLOTMINC LVlRtWMfcltU. Arrive. 11:10 a.m. 9:40 p.m. Arrive. T0WIR5 ABO« AU0T1H5 11:30 a.m. 10:30 p.m. Leave ASTORIA 4:30 p ni. Leave SEASIDE 5:20 p.m. AJ.W5C020JraUUll.5U. Wl CJUWUNCO,Lm,t.dTOMIIO,aM « for Warrenton Ft » < Stevens. Ham- > f9:3O a.m. ( monfl, Astoria. ) 6:15 a.m. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. 9:25 a m. 7:20 p.m. J. C. Mayo, G. P. A. T imber L and A ct , J une 3 1878.—N otick F or P ublication . United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore. January 3rd, I905. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ot June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for t e sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892. WILLIAM H BAN( KE, Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office h’s sworn statement No. 6542. for the purchase of the N W. NW. 54 of section 4, in tp. 2 South, Range No. 10 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber orstone than for agricultural purftoses.and to establish his claim to said land before the Countv Clerk of I ilia inook County, at Tillamook City, Oregon, on Monday, the 20th day of March. ¡905. He names as witnesses : C. Desmond, Samuel Daly, John Staseck, George Kauffman, of Netarts, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office 011 or beloie said 2oth «lay of March, 1905- G eo . W. H i bee , Receiver. MOTIt'K FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office «t Oregon Citv. Ore., February 6tn. lyoj. Notice i» hereby given that th«- following- nanied settlei ha» tiled notice of hi» intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tha' »aid proof Afill be made before the County Clerk of Tillamook Co., at Tillamook City, Oregon, on March 14th, 1905 viz.: JAMES ( HRIsrEN^KN ; H E. No. 12607. for the N 54 Nw % of sec u, Se Sw % and sw *4 He‘4, aec. 2, tp. 3 South, range 9 West. H« nam« a the following witne'tse« to prove hia continuon» residence upon and cultivat on of said land, viz. : Henry Ely, Jack Holgate, E. K. Gill>ert, William Gilbert, of Spruce, Oregon AMiFRNON s DRKSSFM, Regiate OF <»!'A It l>l A N’N MALE OF KBAI. I’ROrr.KTY CITY, ORE. PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000. Taxes paid for non­ Residents. Office opposite Post Office. in office. Arrive. Arrive ( incorporated ), TILLAMOOK Complete set of Abstract Books I i Both phones. I I I Additional train leaves Astoria daily at ' 11:30 a.m. for all points on Ft. Stevens I branch, arriving Ft. Stevens 12:30 p.m., re-J turning, leaves Ft. Stevens at 2:00 p.m., ar- i riving Astoria 2:4-5 p.m. * Sunday only. Through tickets and close connection via I N. P. Ry. at Portland and Goble and O. K. | & N. Co., via Portland. NOTICE i Agent for the Northwest School Furni­ ture Co. and Oigans and Pianos, Notary Public. Office : South west from the Court House, in the building occupied as a music store. H. T. BOTTS. DDY & BOTTS, A ttorneys - at -L aw . Arrive. { for Astoria Direct J- 12:30 p.m. SEASIDE J Arrive. f 8:15 a.m. i for Warrenton, i * 10:45 a.m. ? Hammond. Ft. ? 7:40 a.m. 5:50 p.m. ’ Stevens, seaside.) Leave S. STEPHENS, • Real Estate and Fire, Life, Health, Accident, Insurance. TM best «Bfcrwlx M i lied workirm and sixty sewn >ws expense htw mode TOWER'S öli TO Oregon, and ownwl by aaid minora to-wit Beginning at a point one an«l thirty-eight hundre«lth-« (1.3K) chains North an«l five and TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT AM» fourteen hundredth* <5 1 I) chain» East fr«»m the point where the North and South line , In-tween lota three (’. • and four (4>. Section TRI ST CO. twenty (2O>. Township one (1) North of Range ten (1<>) West «if the Willamette Meri­ T hou . C oatf . s , Pres. dian strike» the ah«»re of Tillamook Bay «which ia c large rock marked XX Remarked X X on a large rock for the south East corner of .boat­ house lot . thence West fifty (5Oj feet . thence North two and sixty-four hundredths <2 04» chain* to center of countv road thence East along said road fifty i.ioi Jfert . thence ATTORNEYS. AT-LAW. South two an«! sixty four hundredths (2.041 Make a specialty of La nd Office Business. chain» to the place of beginning Dated Pebruary Idth. 1905 OFFICE IN WEINIIARD BUILDING, LLOYD C SMITH. Guardian Person« and Estate« of Room I «nd 2, Elisabeth L. Trrwill ger an I OREGON CITY. ORE. David L. Terwil iger. minors. T imber L and A ct , J i nk 3 1*7*1 — N otice ^<> k P umlh avion . United statr»ljnid f’fffre. Oregon City, Oregon. JanuHty iSlh, 1 Notice is hereby given that in coinpl with the pioviMioim of the act of Congreaa <»l June 3, 1*7*. entiled " Au act for the «.ale of titn l>er lands in the Htate- of < alifotnlH. Oregon, Nevada, and WaMhnigton Teiritory," mm ex tended to all the Public Land State* by act of A<>M'»4l 5 M WALTER PHI 1» BA KI R Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook state « f Oregon, ha* till« day filed in thia of!b e hi* ■ worn Mtiileno-nt No 6 m - for the piilmn of the Ne % of Section No 20, in r«'wnahip No 1 nouth, Itange 10 WrM, and will offer proof to allow thnl the laud «ought if more valuable for Its timber or atone than for »gr ind all peraona claiming adversely the above dear 1 dwd Innd» are re.jii*a(efj to file their , claim» in Ihiaofftteon 01 befort »aid Mh day of April, 1905. AM.kRNuN 8. D m f . »•►.■, Hegiater I