« I Vol. XVII TII.LAMOOK JOTTINGS I TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Haltom will receive on nejj boat his new gently to my sorrowing wife «nd | Big Stock of Dress Goods and Trim- kid«. Should it lie you, I will have great « E hly & Botts, for abstracts. j niings, Men's Clothing, etc. • pleasure in returning the compliment.” « Walkover Shoes at Todd’s. Preparations are being made by the Emil looked as though the bear would Hay for sale.—Apply to A. G. Beals. * Dramatic Club of the Academy for a free select him for his next meal,tor he would Gordon Hats and Gloves at Todd’s.* musical concert to lie given on .Monday make the most tender meat to uiasti- Gent.’s Furnishing Goods at Todd's.* evening. March 7th, after which the gate, but the thought of being chewed ladies of the Sacred Heart Society will up into mince meat to fill out the paunch Mr. W. W. Curtiss came in last week. give a box social, to which they extend a of that ravenous animal was a situation Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at cordial invitution to all. that Emil did not appreciate, neither did Todd’s. • At the annual meeting of the Tillamook Jennings. I heir right, however, soon R. L. Wade has returned from a busi. Creamery on Saturday, the following came to an end when Charley Jennings ness trip. officers were elected : Jos. Sanders, Jos returned from the house with his gun C. W. Talmage returued to the city on Durrer and - M. Melchior, directors; --—-.................... .. ; C. and dog. On the arrival of these rein, Monday. lorcements, Mr. Bear turned tail and & E. Thayer, treasurer; Carl Haberlach. ' # I Nice bright days with frosty nights ( secretary. The report of the year's busi took the first tree he came to. A shot through the animal’s head relieved Emil j ness will be found on the next page. the past week. and Jack of all anxiety in regard to their E. H. Crow, of Eugene, was in the city i .Miss Bertha Hummel an experienced I business sales lady, has just arrived in families. Ry that time Jenning's team on Wednesday. had recovered from the fright, and the H. II Tubbesing was down from Ne­ the citv to take charge of the dry goods, restiveness of the animals did not permit millinery and suit department at Hal. halem on Wednesday. tom’s Store. Miss Hummel is also an him much time to enjoy the bunt. The R. M. Watson took his departure from bear had a fine hide. experienced corsetierr, being thoroughly this city this morning. The teachers who successfully passed familiar with the fitting of corsets. O. A. Lonunen, of Nehalem, was in A petition was circulated to refer the the teachers’ examination and received the city on Wednesday. certificates last week were : occupation tax ordinance to a vote of FIRST grade . Geo. W. Kiger returned from a trip on the people under the initiative and refer­ Miss Minnie Loinmtn, Nehalem. the outside on Saturday endum law at the annua! election in De­ Miss Alice Vessey, Tillamook. A petition is being circulated for a new cember. As the city must raise money FEBRUARY 16, 1905 Editorial Snap Shots. $1.50 per year and big corporations and getting pay for H...... ... 320,595.... .... 5.......... 1,603.06 9 1.73 their service«. Herein is the secret of 1»...... 18,905.... .... 5.......... Even one of the newspapers went"dry ” Senator Mitchell's downfall. But he is 23...... ... 44,495.... .... 1.......... 44.65 this week. no worse than thousands of others who 24..... .. 118,435... .... 7.......... 829.16 * * * have done the same thing, only that he 25...... ... 28 215.... .... 8 ........ 225.72 Since Tillamook county went “dry” has had a number of political enemies on 26...... .. 13,565... .... 5.......... 67.96 there is a decline in the rainfall. This is his trail ready to bring about his down­ 28...... 11.992.... .... 7.......... 84.05 a fact. fall at the first opportunity. Thev have 30 . .. 14 425 . 10 144.25 * * “Sold out, doctor ! Sold out !” It was dope so. which is much to be regretted, 31...... ... 36,016.... ...34.......... 1,225.11 characteristic of R. M. Watson to do so, for it holds the State of Oregon up to 35...... .. 304.985.... .... 2.......... 60s.17 62.25 6,225... ....10.......... so no one need be surprised that he sold odium It should have been at the Na 36...... tional capital, and with the big corpora­ 37..... 5 130.... .. 5 . . 25 72 out the saloon faction. tions, where the work should have com­ 39..... ... 19,237.... ....10.......... 192 37 * * * 90.40 4.520.... ....20.......... We move that the $5 taken in for fines menced to put a stop to bribery and cor- 41..... 8,465.... .... 6.......... 50.79 last year be turned over to the law en­ ruption, for, as it is so often stated, that 45..... forcement league so as to help it out in it is almost impossible for senators an d 46..... ... 168,570.... .... 2.......... 337.11 26 635 . . 2 .... 53 27 funds to carry on an aggressive cam­ representatives to live upon the salary 48..... they receive. 49..... ... 25.245.... ..... 2.......... 50 49 paign. * * * * * 50. 4,760. 2S.56 6. The Headlight is still doing business at The Headlight man is brushing up his black meeting going duds in anticipation the old stand, despite the fact that it has $12,020.90 Total of being invited to the funeral of the met wi*.h serious opposition on a nunl­ baby ’Dependent, which whined itself to her of occasions. For 16 years it ha9 Tillamook City..216,340 .2...... 432.69 been a factor in the body politic of this Road Dist No. 1 ..512.896..5...... 2,565.44 death. * * * county, championing the cause of the Amount of Countv and State We wonder how many tnorevears that people, who have given the Headlight Tax ............................................. 71,791.77 Rollie is going to keep that buggy 011 their loyal support and patronage It the string ? It has become a regular will continue to be a strong factor in the Total amount on tax roll...$85,810.80 chestnut. Present it to the Headlight affairs of Tillamook.no matter how much man, Rollie, and ge* through with it. some people may approve or disapprove NEHALEM. SECOND GRADE. school district in East Beaver. I to pay off its indebtedness as well as for * * * the policy of the newspaper, It is here Miss Eleanor Macdonald, Tillamook. There is one thing that the Tillamook Born, Feb. 5, to the wife of C. L. Al­ Henry Crenshaw returned from a busi­ this year's current expenses, it seems to to say, and no one, not even our most Miss Estelle Armitage, Tillamook. Creamery can congratulate itself, and personal friends, are allowed to diciate iev, a son. 11s that the most sensible thing to do is ness trip to Portland on Monday. Miss Zella Blackburn, Beaver. which is the secret of last year’s success, what we shall and what we shall not L. McFee has rented the Newell place Wanted, to buy, heifers coming fresh to go over the occupation tax ordinance Herbert H. Parsons, Tillamook. it “balked’’ at »lie right time and would publish. The trouble with so many for a year. and change it in a few instances to in the spring. Jerseys preferred. Apply THIRD GRADE. not allow itself to tie groomed and bar- editors who have come to Tillamook is satisfy a few objections. Herman Tubbesing has burned to A. G. Beals. * Arthur Hill, Dolph. nessed. stumps out of his meadow this winter. that thev have allowed other people to Death again entered the home of Mrs. * * * Herbert Cooper, Tillamook. There appears to be less winter dairy­ Some people get hot in the collar be run them and their newspapers for per. We like to see this kind of improvement Miss Viva Walker, Nehalem. ing in Tillamook countv this year than Diantha Page on Tuesday and deprived sonal or political spleen, hence thev soon go on. her of another of her family, making the W. S. Bucl, Mrs. Ellen Ha vs and Miss cause they have to go down in their jeans in previous years. third within a few years. Her son, John Clare Hollander were recommended for to pay off the indebtedness of Tillamook petered out, for the people soon find out Oscar Bergman and Emil Larsen The amended bill to create a wa*er Page, was taken down sick over a week City. Blame it on die “wide open’’ sys who are running them. To-wit, the de- have commenced worn on their contract commission for Tillamook City passed ago and died on Monday. He was 17 years State Certificates and S. B. Holt and tern that prevailed, but don’t let it hap­ funct Independent. It anyone has the to throw up a dyke for the new road Miss Ruth Cooper for State Diplomas. the house last week. foolish idea that the Headlight is not an acress McDonald’s place. of age and worked in the saw mill. The pen again. * * W The Tillamook Dairy Association will funeral took place on Wednesday, the important factor in moulding public Charley Handy left for Minnesota Notice. People drop into the editor’s sanctum opinion in this county, let them antag­ hold its annual meeting Monday, Feb. religious service being in the II.B. church, Monday. and declare with the air of certainly that onize it. Before they are through they Tillamook, Oregon, 27th. at the city hall. which was attended by a number of sym­ School started in the Sandhill district February 15th, 1905. Tillamook is going to get a railroad, will have to admit that it is far better to The masquerade ball at the opera pathising friends, Monday, with Miss Leider, of Portland, To the Stockholders of the Tillamook sure, this time. We hope so. But what get along pleasantly with the Headlight house on Monday drew a large crowd of The members of Alder Circle, No. 44, Dairy Association, a corporation, as teacher. with its principal office at Tillamook is the betting, 10 to 1 that we will get a than otherwise. dancers and spectators. Women of Woodcraft, will give a social * * * railroad, or 10 to 1 that we won’t. Citv, Oregon BOULDER CREEK. Ladies! Attention ! For the most at Todd’s hall next Wednesday evening, Financially, Tillamook City is in bad * * * N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the stylish tailor made suits,go to Sarchet’s, beginning at 8 p.m. Each ladv is expect­ annual meeting of the stockholders of The $45.000 worth of bonds must be shape and up against a serious situation “Have you had la gripi>e, vet ?” ed to take a basket with lunch for two. the Tillamook Dairy Association will be taken up by the city on the first of next to meet the indebtedness entered into The Fashionable Tailor. * Miss Zella Blackburn, our teacher, held on Monday, February 27th. 1905, and, if possible, a gentlemen to buy it. Lost, a red belt, in the neighborhood at the hour of 1:30 o'clock pm. of said month—that is if the bond buyers stick bv the previous city council and to raise who has been out at Tillamook attend­ of the court house. Will the finder please I'lie baskets willbesold at 50c. each and day, at the City Hall, at Tillamook to their agreement, which, we under­ enough money tor current expenses As ing the examination, returned Sunday coffee and cocoa will be served free with City, Oregon, for the purpose of electing stand, they need not do if they don’t we look at the matter, when the city leave the same at this office. evening. the lunch, by the lodge members. A nice officers and for the transacting of anv want to. whereas they have the citv tied lost the revenue from the saloons, what Haltom received on last steamer a Big Mrs. Virginia F. Lucas ami Mrs. Roz t other business proper to come before it. program will he rendered Everyone is up so that it must take the money or. the it should have done was to have had the The Tillamook Dairy Association. Stock of Shoes, 1905 Spring St vies, and Burba came over the river Sunday, and cordially invited to attend. city charter amended so that it could ill date specified. By C arl H aberlacii , Secretary. Boys' and Young Men's Suits. * s|>ent the dav with Mrs Rachel H irdeii. * * * crease its levy from 2 mills to 10 mills To-motrow (Friday) evening the band It will be noticed that the national In that wav it would have put an equal Elder R. Y. Blalock started for the Do not forget the Box Social by the bojs will give their entertainment, and Harriman Officials Will Not En­ government is to takeup the matter of tax upon the property owners and tax­ valley the first of the week, this is the ladies belonging to Alder Circle at Todd’s front all accounts it will be a good one, courage Tillamook Line. regulation of freight rates, a bill for that payers to pay the runningexpenaes of the third trip outside he has made in the last hall next Wednesday eveuing. consisting of some of the latest popular Geo. Johnson, Newt. Leslie and E W. I music, both in vocal and instrumental. William Reid had this letter in the purpose having passed the house. This city, anil there would have been less com­ two or three weeks, He went out over was a burning question for years, and it plaint, for an occupation tax throws the the Hebo trail. Hadley left on thesteamerand will go to ' One feature of the entertainment is the Oregonian on Tuesday ; I is a source of satisfaction to know that burden upon the business men, and this H. A Chopard returned Tuesday Washington to look for work. to the “ Reports having been made minstrel show, which is followed by a the republican party has started in to unequally. Councilman Mason introduc­ from Tillamook, he visited his brother. Mrs. Sturgeon was able to be out on laughable farce entitled "A Close Shave ” members of the Legislature by certain wipe out this abuse. ed a resolution to have the city charter in-law, Lewis E Getchel, at Mr. Mike Wednesday, the first time for months, It will be a good variety entertainment, lawyers that the head office of the South­ * * * amended, but the city council refused to Abplanalps on the Trask River, during ern Pacific Company at New York had since she fell and injured herself. and it deserves liberal patronage so as Is there any difference between ci tv entertain it, hence it will now be three his absence. repeatedly offered to give traffic agree­ The bill to authorize the county court to help the band boys out in their expen­ officials who accept money from gamb­ years before the citv can get anv help by ments to any branch railway from Till«- Miss Lily Bays has been slaving with lers and those who have been indicted for to levy a tax Io construct a court house ses. mook that made connection with West receiving money in connection with land taxing tlie propertv. This is where the Mrs. Mae Blalock the past week. has been signed bv the governor. Tile passengers who came in oil the city council made a mistake. C. B. Had­ Side track at Hillsboro, Forest Grove or La Gripp. in a very severe form, is go­ Herbert Cooper will commence teach­ steamer Sue H Ehnorc last week were North Yamhill. We wrote Elijah Smith frauds ? Let’s make an investigation in. ley objected on the ground that if the city ing tlie rounds of this neighborhood, and ing in the Quick district on Monday and W. A. Kirk, Kelly Maxwell, F. B Buttz (now in New York) and at one time for to the gambling bribery and corruption council had the power it would alwavs • claiming hosts of victims. I • C. Crowley in the Worthington dis­ and wile, E. M. Peel, Mr. Knight, W.W. years president of the O. R & N. Co. to right here at home in Tillamook City be­ be levying a 10 mill tax. Then the Mrs. Lulu Dingess and little daughters fore we condemn people in other places. Curtiss, Mr. Gray and wife, E. Swartz trict. occupation tax ordinance was rushed call at Mr, Harriman’s office and ascer Wilma and Mellha were over on Boulder * * * and Mr. Nelson. She left this city on through at one meetiug without giving last week visiting friends and relatives. Charles Sears sold his place at Blaine tain if this statment was true He saw Before going to Portland it is neces­ Tuesday, her passengers being Sisters the business men an opportunity to be to W. H. Easter, the consideration being Judge Cornish, first vice-president of the C. A. Smith is fence-building these fine sary to arm yourself with a gun. for the Seraphine and Alexander, Miss Jessie $3000. The trade was made through Southern Pacific, on February 1 last, Chief of Police isn't the up-to-date officer beard in open council. To head the oc­ days. Mathis. C. A. Goddard, Henry Valilsing, I F. R. Beals. whom in reply stated that his company a metropolis of that size requires. Hunt cupation tax off, those who opposed it II. L Jensen went down to his father's Geo. Johnson. Newt.Leslie, Mr.and Mrs. Coroner C. E. Reynolds celebrated his Wiley and E. W. Hadley. She crossed did not make nor had made any traffic is a great man in iiis own estimation, have brought the referendum into play one day last week. 65th birthday on Saturday evening by out on Wednesday, taking a number of contracts with branch lines, nor would and if we mav »>e allowed to express our by circulated a petition that the matter they make or give any traffic arrange­ observation, he looks terribly swelled lie decided by a vote next Dccemlier, and inviting a number of friends to his home passengers on at Garibaldi. Schoolhouse for Sale. sufficient signers have been obtained for ments or connections whatever to anv that evening. The St. Valentine social given by the branch line in Oregon that connected or out when he parades the side walks of i that purpose. Another thing, within two We wish to sell our school building The bill that was passed in the house ladies belonging to the Ladies' Aid So­ might hereafter connect with the South­ that city dress in his best uniform duds | weeks the »45 ,000 bonded indebtedness public auction on March 10, 1905, Hunt ought to be told to hunt another for the special benefit of the Tillamook ciety ol the Presbyterian church drew a will be upon the city, when interest oil the school house. Dist. No. |13, at 1 ern Pacific system. job, and then probably the criminal class j W.iter Company, was reconsidered and large crowd at Todd's ball on Tuesday “You will therefore see that in these would hunt for other states if thev found ' that amount of money will have to lie ni. The district reserves ,the right sent to the graveyard. evening. The hall had been tastefully circumstances there is no other course I paid, six months really lieforc the m.uiey reject any and e II bids thev had a live man huntiug them up. | can be u«ed. Thus the merry war goes Rollie W. Watson has bought the In. decorated for the occasion, the prevail, left than for the Portland people to build J. |. M c G innis . * * * >n in Tillamook City between those who dependent plant, upon which Claude ing colors in the festoons being red and their railway direct from Portland to ____________ Dim Cleric. VVhat is the difference ? The Czar of I hold different views as to the financial Thayer holds a mortgage, and that green, with hearts predominating Quite Tillamook, unless, of course, the present Russia will not allow his subjects a word England's naval expenditures a nice program of instrumental and Legislature authorizes the enterchange situation in this citv. The occupation newspaper will cease publication. to say in that benighted country, and double those of the United States vocal music was rendered, which con lax appears to be the only solution. between all Oregon stenm railways of Tillamook Luml>er Company will sell the Grand Duke Representatives in the equal to those of Russia, France * * * Rough Fir Lumber sawed to order for eluded with a laughable burlesque, after loaded cars to and from interior points Oregon legislature won’t allow that which the ladies served refreshments. In within this state, without breaking bulk either, for they voted to kill the local ' The people of Tillamook countv are, Germany combined. Britannia continues 17.00 per thousand in one thousand lots not inclined to l>e stingy when it comes to kerp a sharp eye oil sea power. and up. Spruce at $6.00 at the same the contest to decide who was the pret. or transhipping the freight therein.” option law because the law, which was to providing education for the rising i tiest young ladv, this was won by Miss Thomas W. Lawson, of” Frenzied Pi rate. » carried by n direct vote of the people.wns generation, for apart from the $11,768; Minnie Goyne. Everything passed off nance fame,” inav lead the movement To The Public. repugnant to th“ liquor inti rests, which that is levied by the county for eiluca ; Haltom has a Big Sale on all winter nicely and a most pleasant evening was to drive the Standard Oil Company from has but one meaning, the Grand Duke tional purpose«, 28 out of the 50 school weight Undetwear, w Gloves, Mittens, Having sold the Independent. I feel Kansas. 'The Oil Producers Association, enjoyed. Representatives and the liquor interests district« levied special taxes amouiiting Sweaters, Hosiery. ¡Vool Blankets, Over conMrained to t*ay a word to the public, <4 Chanute, for wanted an invitation to While Emil Hellebuvck and Jack Jen- think the people of Oregon arc so igiu.r- to $12,020 90, making, in round figures, coats, Jackets and Rain Coats, Shirt Boston man to interest himself in th- mngs were clearing up land on the Int after returning thank« for the support ant that thevcan nnlv be trusted to vote Waist and Skirts. » nearly $24,000. This is truly commend ( refining of oil in that state. The associa­ given me. The factional feeling in thia ter’s place witn a team on W ednesday, n upon a law first fixed up for them by the able for so sparsely settled county as I tion adopted the invitation unani­ A petition by J. R. Simmons, C. H. large black hear suddenly came out of community is very bitter and many Grand Dukes and Czar Whiskey. Tillamook, but it shows the desire of the i mously ami insists that Mr Lawson Blake and others, who want to change the brush within twenty vards of them. things itave been done and wild detrimen. # ♦ * people to give the pupils who attend our will be given the hearty support of th*.* from school district No. 12 to No. 33. They were both paralyzed with fright tai alike to in lividuala and the commun­ The Tillamook Independent has snuffed district schools a good common educa people of Kansas The plan of tin* ns to which there is a remonstrance, will be for a while, especially when the ugly ity at large by both factions, and I out. and it is « good thing for the com­ lion, and those who want to take high sociation is to have Lawson and the for the boundary board to decide. monster showed its teeth and made a would lie derelict in duty to myself and munity, for in trying to “do up” some of school studies, enn do so in Tillamook ; Pure Oil Company, of Pennsylvania, the public and to those wiio may feel our best citizens in a most vile and vin City. The young people of this county William Barnes and Pete Jaco’os won demonstration to bounce upon them, for take up the refining of crude petroleum aggrieved at any thing I have said the top buggy that was raffled for by V. they were unarmed. Jennings took dictive spirit, it soon did itself np. There through misinformation, if I ‘lid not I never was room for three newspapers in enjoy manv advantages toilay which the ami the manufacture of its by-products his frightened companion by the hand Jacob, who wishes to inform the parties young people in former years were de in opposition to the Standanl Oil Cor­ acknoa ledge regret for any injustice or ! Till« mook, in fact, with the prospective priveil of. and as the taxpayers show who circulated the report that it was and said with a good deal of solemnity : unjust injury I may have occasioned poration. The Pure Oil Company is 1 business in sight one newspaper would such a spirit of lilierahtv in providing mortgaged to produce the mortgage and "Emil, one of us will in "H probability thereby. Ami I »’ill say further that if said to Ire I lie strongest competitor <4 fall a victim to that savage animal sit- do and woubl fill the bill, and even then for the maintenance of the schools, it is he will pay it, lor he knows nothing these factional differences are not sup­ the Standard Oil Company in the Unite«! t ng there. Shonld it be me, break the the editor who was running it would not to hr h l>> < <>ii«ti(u ! people should not get along muc h lietter tlounl renirdl«*«* Itrafnew« I* rauncd by an bi Mr. H. Ilaggins. of Melisiiirne. Fla . tax fl i n< <1 ronduion of the muori**« hui g «»f ti r writ’s, - Mr doctor told me I had Con. and more amicably together in the future hist Mdl «. Valuation Tai l-.ii-iM* hiMU T»!* When thia tube gel* iii II n sumption and nothing could lie done than in the past, both »ocially and in a rd you have 4 rumbling «»r impwfr* t J 259 73 lira ring, and wliru II Is entirely chmed 1. . . $129.865 ........ 2 dentar mi for me I was given up to die. I'lie business war. ..... 15,000 ....... 10 ........ 150.00 i* the rr-aii, and unless the mllatnniatioN ran 4 . offer of a free trial IsHtle of Dr. King's * » * betake»« out rtiul this tube rest*»red to 'la ror New Discovery for Consum|4ion. in­ 163.38 mal condii km. hearing will be deatroyed Io 32.055 ....... r. It is with mtici. regret that the people 5 nta«- ra«»ea «»ut of leu are caa-ed I y duced me hi try it. Results were start­ 63 92 ever: 12,765. ....... 5 7 .. ...... of Oregon hear of the downfall of Srna « .»noth w It kit fa notbl ng but an mflonrd cm. ling I am now on the road to recovery drion <»f Ihr murou- *urfa»r* 13 .... 3.7141.» 9 285 590 and owe all h« Dr King « »w D" tor John H. Mitchell, who has liren We wtl! «ir« (lue II >tnllar« for any 8MI R9 ca«r of IM h tace* (cauwed by Catarrh) lliat rail 176 950 .... 5 cowery. It*iir»*ly waved my Hie Thia hounded by political enemies and mad ■ 11... not l*r«-»it-d I») Ma I n Catarrh Cure Send fi-r great cure it guaranteed for all ilir«mt a scape goat for a loose system of «rnn 1 2 45.160 ....... 3 135 66 » Ircular*. free and lung diaemv H bv Cha-« I Cknigh K J. »II KN it Y «c CO.T« lr«lo. O. 6 325 2 > 1 I 54.212 tors and congress nen in the National by I» mtsiata Driiggi"’« Pri'.’e 36c. A $1 00. liml 'Jtl I » Sold Hall a Fam.ly Pii egislaiure rep CMniing p.irate p irtie. 15 ...... 53,100 ....... 4 ..... Bottles free