Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 09, 1905, Image 2

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to any or all station. on /»•
extend. Teachers must give common REID PROMISES A RAIL­ Oregon. Enactment of the law is sup­
sen*e topics on which to write, and
ROAD TO TILLAMOOK. ported bv its author to encourage I
where the subject is left to the choice of
inX oi independent line» of railroad to f» IN C. W
Fred <J. Huker. Publisher
the pupil he should lie directed to choose
develop section» of Oregon at present
UAIKYMtN AND A RAILROAD. such. No such topics as the “ Higher
without trnimportation facilities without
Aesthetics," " Talks With Angels,”
English Capita,ists.
awaiting the pleasure oi the financial
Some of the Benefits they will " Nights With the Gods," " Travels in
powers behind the Harriman system
Portland, Jan. 30.
Derive by Quick Transportation. Jupiter,” or “ Visits in the Moon,"
companies and the Northern Pacific. Its
should l»e permitted, and least ot all
To Hon. Geo. Cohn, Mayor,and to the
A railroad into Tillamook will benefit should they lie subjects ot essays tor Citizens of ¡'¡lllamooli, in Public Meet­ particular application at this time is to
enable the immediate construction of
the dairymen in many ways, and it is Commencement day.
We look for a ing Assembled.
Instep Skirt», Cloth and Silk Coat», Ragla.i’a Rain Coats.
the road to Tillamook without necessity J
not surprising that they are extremely radical change in this matter next June.
Gentlemen : We feel it is due to you to
Exlusively to Measure.
anxious at this time, for it is money in
make the following explanation :
* * *
their pockets and they will be more in
It is in order about« these times to
Arguments have been made against
defiendeiit than ever in the manufacture decry the value of parsing. Discovering Railway Company was incorporated for
Come early and secure first choice.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
and disposal of their pro lucts. Let us that people who can parse like lightning and at the special request of E H. Harri­ the bill before the committee of the House
point out a few instance* where a rail­ do sometimes blunder in their svntax man, made to us through his chief offi­ I by representatives of the Southern Pa­
road will lienefit them and why they like thunder, our one eyed pedagogical cer here, with a special guarantee to its cific and 0. R & N., on the ground that
should be lilieral in their donations to critics unhesitatingly proclaim the use­ company's vice-president at Portland, i I it would give feeding lines proprietary i
raise the subsidy :
lessness of parsing. Correct syntax is and its secretary, that he would supply i iuterest in expensive terminals and sta-
1st. It will put Tillamook butter on not the ultimate end of parsing ; practi­ all the money required, with traffic con­ I tions of big roads, and that any respon-
the market every day, and on that ac­ cal good grammar is only an incidental nections to Portland and the East. On ■ sible person oi company can secure traffic 1
count it will bring at least 5c. to 10c. a liencfit of the exercise. Correct svntax no other condition would Portland then I contracts for interchange of business;
roll more; it will enable every dairyman is partially dependent on a knowledge of undertake the enterprise, as the local j that the Southern Pacific will build to
to manufacture, ship ami dispose of his | parsing, but more dependent on good capitalists are unable, personally, as yon Tillamook when convinced that the ven­
butter in Portland to merchants, hotels, i early associations, careful habits of read all know, to furnish ¡13.000,000 f »r rail- . ture would pay ; that the big companies
rating houses, etc., thus saving the cost , ing and writing, and a keen observation road construction, even to Tillamook would lie thereby compelled to handle
Spruce and Cedar Shingles.
of manufacture and commissions to mid- i of syntactical forms. The province of] and the Nehalem. No profit was to be poorly equipped cars ot small lines, aad
flle»nen, jobbers and commission houses ; ■ parsing, while including that of correct made, but we were to utilize our previous that the bill if euacted would induce
it will foster winter dairying in Tilla-| construction, is bv no means limited to engineer’s field notes and surveys to the | enactment of a similar law in Washing,
Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty
inook and with it the dairymen will get [ it. It is chief]v for drill in the anaysis Nehalem and Tillamook country so as ton that would divert traffic to Puget
big prices for their butter and quick re­ | of language. It is a mental sharjiener; to build speedier the road to the coast; | Sound points. As examples of traffic
the same to the understanding and use seeing Northern Pacific then contem­ agreements having been granted the
Orders for Lumber promptly attended to.
2nd. Instead of knocking the calves in of language that the practical analysis plated building from Portland, via Scap­ Columbia Southern, Great Southern,
the head directly they come into* the I of compounds is to the study of cheinis poose to Tillamook City, 125 to 129 Astoria & Columbia River and other
world, most of them will be raised and | try and gymnastics to the athlete. The miles ; whereas, our Tillamook to Port­ roads are C'ted. It is further asserted
Sold to those who gather up young stock I loose construction observed in composi­ land line was only 85 miles, including that the Tillamook project lias no sur­
to place on the range in other states, or I tion aud the vagueness of comprehen- part of the Southern Pacific Company’s veys. and is without credit.
they will he raised for the meat market. | I sion of printed discourse, are evidence of track. Subsequently, the Union Pacific
Mr Reid reviews briefly the history of
For instance, if a dairyman has a surplus the want of that keen sense of the foree made an agreement with the Northern the efforts put forth by the company for
lot of cattle fit for the meat market he | and use of language which parsing helps Pacific that neither should, at that time, which lie is attorney to secure such
will keep posted upon what the packing I I to cultivate. This sense may exist in construct to Tillamook. Mr. Harriman traffic agreements as the railroad repre­
companies are paving for cattle, and the gilted without formal training ; but then dropped the Portland, Nehalem & sentatives allege can be had, and refutes
when he is ready to ship he will do so in |
its cultivation is none the less desirable, Tillamook Railway Company, but its the arguments advanced in opposition
c ir lots and will know before lie leaves
J. P. AULEN, Proprietor
and, in the majority of cases, necessary directors being all Portland men, there­ to the measure.
home exactly what lie will get at the « | to accurate scholarship in the English after determined they should build the
Fears at Tillamook.
packing house when he delivers them, or I branches, especially when a knowledge line as an independent company, with
“Ninety-nin eout of every hundred men
finding that a large number of cattle!
•3 Latin is not to be attained. Even seperate railroad connections, both to at Tillamook have held the men con­
could be bought and en-trained at I ilia- 1 the decricrs of parsing will find fault the Southern Pacific and Northern Pact cerned in the project to build a road
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
inook City, the packing house people« | with the student who cannot distinguish fic main lines. On this latter proposi­ through the Nehalem Valley to Tillamook
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation
would soon have buyers in here togather
I the parts of speech ; but how can this tion we have repeatedly secured money under the hallucination of being bought
up cattle in train load lots. In that wav | critical ability be gained except by prac­ from American capitalists on bonds, but up by Harriman interests to hold back
the highest market price can be obtained 1 tice in parsing ?
I Mr. Harriman’s people have as often re­ the construction of that road, although
for cattle, whereas now, if a band of cat.
The power of concentration gained by fused any and all traffic connections ; we have been earnestly endeavoring to
tie was brought to the city they could I parsing, especially in the parsing of consequently, as the laws of Oregon re­ abtain traffic agreements with either the
not be sold and vatied would be the | 1 verbs, is not the least benefit of the ex- quire us to break bulk by trans shipping Northern Pacific or the Southern Pacific
estimates as to the worth of the cattle. j ercise. It calls more faculties into simul­ and rehandling freight from one railway for an entrance to Portland.
Another thing, with a railroad, dairymen • taneous play than anv practice save that line to another, and permits the line to
‘‘In 1902 the Portland, Nehnlem and
would not be compelled to keep stock i of translating a dead language into Portland to charge local rates from Tillamook was promised trackagerights
after it was ready for market, as is done | good English. Nor is it a dull exercise trans shipping point, our bondholders into Portland on the same basis as the ONLY LINE—ASTOTIA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI,
now, eating up a lot of feed without get I in the hands of a bright teacher. It can found that, without a traffic agreement contract with the Astoria & Columbia
ting one cent extra when they are dis­ be made not only interesting but posi­ with some railroad line to, or an inde­ River, and I have the letter of President
with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and
posed of,
tively exciting ; hut it requires tact and pendent entrance into the city of Port­ Mellen, then the executive head of the
also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. foi San Francisco, Portland
3rd. As to "porkers," Tillamoon is so I aptness of illustration to do this. We land, they could not ascertain definitely Northern Pacific, in which that promise
and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to
hoggish it consumes all its own pork. notice that while good hands at parsing whether the local traffic alone would be was made, In that year and the pre-
With a railroad and a readv market, a ; may blunder occasionally, its opponents sufficient to pay interest on the bonds. vious year the Northern Pacific made
B. C. LAMB, Agent, Tillamook Oregon.
large number of dairymen would turn |
. (0. R & N. R. R. Co , Portland.
use loose language systematically. Poor In these circumstances it was recently surveys for a road to Tillamook front
A«eDt8 {A. & C. R. R. Co., Portland.
their attention to hog raising and would souls ! They never know their weakness. resolved to procure money from foreign Scappoose, and in the same letter in
ship them in car lots to the packing com
" Where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to railroad capitalists to build, Tillamuok which the traffic agreement was promis. Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Expres
panics, whereas now "porkers" raised in
into this city, which has since been done ed President Mellan wrote that ‘no con.
be wise."
Tillamook rarely ever find their wav out
The substitute for technical grammar with an assurance that the work of con­ struction work has been authorized by
side oi the county and the only market is is what is termed language lessons; but struction will commence to Tillamook our board beyond that from Scappoose
the local meat market.
excluding the technical grammar from Conntv within 90 days, and completed to Pittsburg,’ and apparently ‘.here was
4th. As to chicken, eggs, fruit, onions,
no obstacle in the way of our company
these lessons, what is left ? True, we thereto before the end of this year.
potatoes and other things that can be
The Portland people in their efforts to going ahead the following Spring with
have " the description of pictures," as
raised in the county, dairvmen would be
if a picture as such could by any possi­ give your people a railroad to the sea. building of the road.
able to ship these or dispose of them at
bility lie described ! Then there is the
Morgan and Mellan End It.
good prices to the large number of visi­
changing the poetry into prose, the Bay, and to the southern boundary of
“In the Fall of 1902, when J. Pierpont
tors who would come here for the sum­
stanzas usually given being far beyond Tillamook, have never asked of you a
Morgan attended the Episcopal Church
mer holidays, which would lie consider-
the comprehension of the immature subsidy of any nature whatever. They conference in California, he returned via
minds to be exercised. We have also the beg here to repeat that they have no Portland, accompanied by H. G. Burt,
These are some of the advantages that
Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging.
combining of several statements into such intention, and will be satisfied with
then President of the Union Pacific.
will accrue to the dairymen as soon as a
a 60 foot right of way from.that portion
one sentence, e.g.
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
Here they met President Mellen, of the
railroad strikes Tillamook, and it is no
of the line which lies within the valleys
" John Smith was in England.
Northern Pacific, and President A. L,
wonder that they are greatly interested.
around Tillamook city, because they
John Smith had a grandmother.
Mohler, of the 0. R. & N, Company, and
Therefore, it is the dairymen, especially
John Smith's grandmother had the know that 30 miles of the-proposed rail,
entered into an agreement bv which the
those with large farms, who should take
road in the Wilson River Canyon is held
Northern Pacific agreed to not build any
the bull bv the horns and help all they
by Eastern timber-owners, many of
possibly can to raise the S35,()()0 sub­ John Smith steered his bark to the
lines into territory south or west of
land of the free and the home df the whom have already given and offered
sidy—if that will secure a radroad—lor
Portland, and the Southern Pacific was
our Portland people such rights of way
t he enhanced value ofdairv products will
to enter no territory north of this city.
Another foolish exercise is that of free.
Rates, $1 Per Day
Boon amount to that sum.
Thereupon the Northern Pacific refused Centrally Located.
Finally, we offered Mr. Harriman's
printing poetry in the form of pros, and
to grant the promised traffic agreement.
ordering pupils to change the form to syndicate, in writing, we would, retire
Educational Commenta.
"With a special guarantee that money
that of poetry. What knowledge does from the field if they would give us their
would be furnished for building the road
this test ? What benefit it accrues from guarantee to themselves build the line to
M. H. LARSEN. Proprietor.
by E. H. Harriman, and at his special
For people who have been apparently it ? It is not a test but a trick, and a Tillamook in 1904—last year—or when
so well drilled in writing compositions scurvy trick too, when the examiner, built, we would turn the ownership over
Portland men to build the road, to utilize
The Best Hotel in the city. No Chinese Employed.
to them, subject only to the Southern
(hiring their school lite it is strange what
our previous field note and surveys, and
Pacific’s guarantee of interest upon the
a small fiercentage oi Americans can limping feet and unrhyming lines.
In a citv in which the epidemic of bonds to be paid to bondholders for 25
write a simple letter with ease or cor­
would furnish connections to Portland
rectness. The cause, in our opinion, is language lessons are opposed to tech­ years. These offers were also declined;
to the Ea»t. After the agreement
the way in which composition is taught nical grammar was raging, it was the consequently, it is useless for any inde­
had lieen entered into between the
in the great majority oi schools. In the practice of the writer to keep his class, pendent railroad to stop either at Hills­
Southern Pacific and Northern Pacific
first place, it is commenced too soon. undergoing preparation for admission to boro, Forest Grove or North Yamhill, or
division of territory, the promised
anywhere except at Portland City, as
Before the child has either ideas or
contracts were postponed from time to
vocahularv ,he is called on to w rite a mar. until within two weeks of examin­ has been arranged.
time and were never forthcoming, and
Yours respectfully.
W illiam R eid .
“ composition." In the absence of miv ation, and then cram on emperical lan­
the director» all being Portland men,
ideas oi his own, he borrows them from
anxious for development of the territory
From the Evening Telegram.
the most accessible source—an Encyclo­ lor this language jnggerlerv. old-fashion­
pedia sometimes, but in most instances ed teaching in grammar is found the
William Reid, attorney (or the Port­ nntnrallv tributary to this city, deter,
from flashy novels and Yellow journals. most advantageous plan. As flouncing land, Nehnlem & Tillamook Railroad mined they would build the line inde­
The result is that in nine cases out of and trimming to the garment ot gram- Company, which has l>eeii for more than pendently. Foreign capital ha» been in­
ten the composition is a nuinlier of un­ mar. language lessons may be tolerated two years past engaged in an effort to terested in the enterprise and the road
meaning phrases, blended in such a wav but as a substitute for the good old perfect arrangements bv which a rail, will be built during the present year."
If the proposed bill becomes a law,
as to lietokvn industry it not hones«y on original cloth—never !
roed shall open to development the rich
G. A. W alker .
the part of the pupil and culpable
region lying between Portland and the the road will be built to connect with
negligence or downright ignorance on
coast, announces that work will he start, another line. If the bill fails the new
the part of the teacher who does not Deafness Cannot be Cured ed constructing the line within 90 days, company will build to Portland. Con­
detect the plagiarism and prevent its bv local application*, aa they cannot reach the and it will lie completed hy the end of trol of the company will remain in this
dlaeaacd portion oi the ear. There is only one
recurrence. Another cause—and this is way to cure deahiesa. and that i* by co ns tit a 1905. Whether the railroad will enter ,city.
remedies Dvafuew« it» caused by an in-
peculiar to high schools and colleges, so ti«»nal
fL<.net! condition of the mucous lining of the
The tiller of the soil who keeps good
called—is the use of false eloquence and Ku«tachiau Tube When this tube gets inAn til­ the action of the Legislature in reference live stock, or is engaged in dairving and
ed you have .» rumbling sound or imperfect
highly-wrought rhetorical flourishes. In hearing, and when it is entirely closed, tlealnesa to a bill introduced in the House at feeds the farm grown crops to his ani-
the result, and un'eaa the inflammation can
My health compel, me to make a change. This is no humbug.
most instances these are either faulty is
be taken out and this tube restore«! to its nor­ Salem, requiring railroads to interchange mala, is a manufacturer in the broadest
and inappropriate or wanting in origi­ mal condition, hearing will be destroyed ft» - cars and establish rates for joint traffic. sense of the term.
Repairing Neatly Done.
ever; nine cast's out of ten ate eauaed by
nality. Such etlorts, however, arc the Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con­
The measure further provides, as now profit that goes to the middle man—the
P. P. BROWNE, BalBHrnan.
ones that win commendation and are We will give Urie Hundied|bollars for any amended, that in case the officials oftwo grain buyer, and also the profit that
marked highest As in the world honesty case ot Deafness (cause«! bv catarrh) that can roads fail to agree upon such rates for some other man who bought his grain
not be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for
and simplicity are thought unfashionable circulars, free.
interchange of cars, a board of arbitra. and fed it, would make, and the waste
F J. CHKNKY A CO . Telesio, O.
and even vulgur by the unthinking, Sold by Diuggists
Dewirtrnent of th. Interior.
lion, composed of the Governor, Secre­ product from the feeding process, aid
Land Office al OreRon City. Ore
while pomp and bombast and idiotic Hall s Famdy l*ilIs arc the best.
tary of State and State Treasurer, shall very materially in keeping his land fertile
N otic « is H brbry G itbn .—That the nn
. I.
*«"»»rjr itih 1^./
lha* tl,e «»llowin«- nemigned ha« been. bv the County Court of
gravity arc deemed good breeding and
decide and establish the through rate
and in condition to produce abundantly. to
s’.ml r .Li '"d "O'1*-* pf hfe Intention the State of Oregon for Tillamook County
^UV?’_aPPp’ntvd administrator of the estate <»«
sound sense, so in composition, brevity,
Dr. P. J. Sharp, the exper- Representative Killingsworth intro, Farmers should feed to n finish, turn off and
. that
of hrs
and pro«»f
bï made
terseness, ami originality are condemned enced dentist is located in duced thejbill. which|provides that com­
’ ,eTk ofTIbamonk Co., at Tillamook persona having CLAIMS again«! said estate
beef, pork and mutton that is ripe of < I Hy. Oregon,
on March Mh. i « l W
arc hereby notified and required to present
as flat, stale, ami unprofitable, while Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and panies building new railroads mav at
first quality, and that top« the market.
.* ’anw to the undersigned administrator,
involved sentences, plagiarized phrases, is prepared to do nothing but I tlieirown es[tense connect tracts in any
h E
TJK>- for the X S Nw U of -or »« with the proper vouchers duly verified ac­
It is the height of folly for a farmer to ÄUeS*-kV»«
cording to law at the «»fflee of Eddv A
nml glittering generalities are classed first class work and give the depot or station of other companies, and
Tin1*’ AVtor,?ey,-at-Law. Tillamook City,
his grain for some one else to teed,
He namm the following
imamook County, Oregon,
within «<«
among the sublime ami beautiful. It is best of satisfaction
If yonr haul to such connecting freight cars, sell
month« from the date hereof.
or to sell his animals in a half finished ifVÄd XT“*" upon aud
time for radical reform in this matter teeth need fixing call upon loaded or unloaded for transmission bv
Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, the Sth
condition for some other man to finish.
day of Januarv. 19OS.
The mi'chici should not be allowed to him.
such railway with which it may connect He loses every profit in the business.
. .
Administrator of the Estate of William
Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring,
Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts,
SARCHET, the Tailor, Tillamook.
Fir and Spruce Lumber.
The Best Hotel
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Pacific Navigation Co.
Tillamook Iron Woks
General Machinists & Blacksmiths.
Closing Out its Entire
Stock of
Uy Goods are all First Class and up to date.
ilMssos s
umm ««.
Fitipatrick. Deceased.