Hcuhlüjljt r. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY 9, 1905 $1.50 per year I arties who have not paid their dog Enthusiastic Railroad Meeting. provisions tor punishment of careless Weddings. license will be fined if they do not do so andjwanton starting of fires in timber at once, A large and enthusiastic meeting took' On Wednesday, February 1st, 1903. areas. The countv bridge across the Trask place on Saturday afternoon at the at the home of the bride's parents, at The bill in its present shape is expected Blaine, this countv. Mr. and Mrs. James river, at Hunt's, will be closed for travel opera house to hear the report of the to pass the Senate without much opposi" Woods, Mr. William Ray and Miss until it can be fixed, for it is dangerous committee appointed to take up the Rachel Wood were united in marriage tion. The original bill provided for a to travel over it until it can be made matter of building a railroad into Tilla­ at high noon, Mr. Forest Ayers acting closed season between August 1 and Sep­ secure Owing to a wash out near the mook, either from Forest Grove or as best man and Miss Belle Curl as tember 15, during which all clearing fires North Yamhill by Mr. J. E. Simmons, piers the bridge has moved some. were to be prohibited. who is waiting a subsidy of $35,000, bride’s maid, Only the relatives and im- A pleasant surprise party was given 100 foot right of way, and terminal mediate friends were present, On Thun. Real Estate Transfers. Kathleen and Morrison Mills last Satur­ daj’ the bridal procession moved to the grounds. day evening, at the .residence of Mrs. Reported by Eddy & Botts. home of Mrs. Rav, where Mr. Robert The committee’s report recommended Mills, in Fairview. The evening was McClay and Miss Ethel Rav were united U.S.A, to Newton H. Culver. Patent. spent in music and games. One of the that a committee of three be appointed in the holy bonds of matrimony at 12 N. l2 Sw X* &U Nw *4 and Nw b enjoyable features of the evening was to solicit subscriptions for the subsidy, o’clock, and the newly married couple, Se section 29, tp. 2 south, range to be raised in 40 days ; that as soon the song " Old Zip Coon,’’ rendered in a 10 west. Mr. and Mrs. Ray, were called upon to most efficient manner by Mrs. Rose as the neces&ary iuuds are raised a act as best man and bride’s maid. After U.S.A, to Garret II. Ward. Patent. Sw meeting of the subscriber is to be called ; Crawford and Mr. Gus Kunze. H Nw *4 and Nw Vi Sw V4. section the ceremony a bounteous dinner was that $25,000 be paid as soon as the 30, tp. 4 south, range 9 west, and The dairymen on the Wilson river have served to the honored guests. Rev. R railroad reaches Tillamook City and the E Ya Se J4, section 25, tp. 4 south, decided to form a new companv and in­ Y. Blalock performed the ceremonies in other $10,000 paid as soon as it reaches range 10 west. both instances. The contracting parties corporate, and as they are all large pro­ Netarts Bay. Another point in the ducers of milk, they expect to put up a are popular young people of Blaine, and U.S.A, to Carl Iler. Patent. Nw *4, report was that it did not undertake to section 5. tp. 1 north, range 9 west. all join in extending their congratula­ factory on the Wilson river, which will bind the subscribers to Mr. Simmons be the largest patronized factory in the or any one else, but that the.money and tions and wishing them long and happy U.S.A, to Albert L. Hall. Patent. Se ,l4 Sw U and lots 3 and 4, section county. It will be erected on the Lati. rights of way should go to the company lives. 31, tp. 2 north range 7 west. mar place, and work was commenced on that will put in a railroad. A wedding took place on Sunday clearing the ground on Wednesday. The afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U.S.A, to Theodore P. Bowlby. Patent. Messrs. T. B. Handley, B. L. Eddy,C. Nw Vi Sw Vi, S l2 Nw Vi and Sw V4 new company will incorporate with a Thayer and others spoke in favor of VV. Tinnerstet, at Fairview, when Rev. Ne Vi, section 24, tp. 1 south, ¡range capital stock of $25,000. E. M. Patterson, pastor of the Christian And many Other Colors a strong effort being made to raise the 8 west. The Dramatic Club of the Academy money, they contending that the citizens Church, joined Mr. Dolph Tinnerstet and Stephens B. Hill and wife to Nestucca Miss Bertie McGowen in holy wedlock. are preparing for a free musical concert had nothing to loose and everything to McCALL PATTERNS FOR MARCH. ALL SRAMS ALLOWED. Lodge No. 114 1.0 O.F. Tract in and the dramatic play to be rendered on ! I gain by Mr. Simmons’ proposition, Mr. The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. section 14, tp. 4 south, range 10 Monday evening, March the 7th. The Eddy, although he bad no personal Pen well, and a young women much west. $1.00. ladies of the Sacred Heart Society will knowledge of Mr. Simmons’ ability to respected in that neighborhood, while Hull W. Johnson and wife to Jacob give a box social after the play. This carry out what he had proposed, he had the groom is the son of Mr. W. Tinner­ Pesterfield and wife. 40 acres in 9? will end all kind of public entertainments been reliably informed that if Mr. Sim­ stet, who has a large number of friend. south part Ne, section 6, tp. 2south, to be given by the church and school mons had promises to put in a railroad The ceremony took place in the parlor range 9, with roadway. $4000.00. which had been tastefully decorated lor until after Easter Sunday, April 25, so he would do so. the occasion with white and green, and Z. Wells to Lawrence Sanders. N V6 Se as to leave opportunity for due observa. Mayor Cohn appointed F. R. Beals, it was under a bell of while ribbon that Vi, |Sw '4 Se V4 and Se *4 Sw U. tion of the Lenten time, extending over C. B. Hadley and Geo. W. Grayson the the nuptial knot was tied. section 23, tp. 2 south, range 10 Miss about six weeks. committee to solicit subscriptions, and if west. If you are wanting anything in the the necessary funds are subscribed with­ Amanda Tinnerstet played the wedding Claude Thayer and wife to George N. nursery line, such as ornamental trees, in 40 days, the citizens will be in a posi­ march. Mr. Leslie Pen well was best and Marvin A. Hodgdon. Lots 8 fruit trees, small fruits, vines, roses, etc., tion to contract with Mr. Simmons or man and Miss Anna Tinnerstet the and 9 and Se Vi Se Vi, section 27 and After the ceremony the bride ’ s maid, We made a mistake last week in saying write of E. P. Smith, the Eastwood Nur­ TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS any one else who wants to put in a rail, happy couple were congratulated by a Sw Vi Sw Vi, section 26, tp. 1 south, that J. S. Lamar’s mother was dead. It series, Gresham, Ore. The editor is per- road under the conditions specified. range 9 and tract on south side of * was Mrs. Lamar's mother. E Idy & Bott9, for abstracts. of invited guests, who large number sonally acquainted with this nursery and Champion D.L.C. $4200.00. About $15,000 is already subscribed, wished them a long life of happiness Walkover Shoes at Todd’s. Tillamook Lumber Company will sell Mr. Smith, and if any of our readers are and same of the largest subscribers are The guests were then invited to the Claude Thayer and wife to William C. wanting ornamental or fruit trees, etc., Hay for sale.—Apply to A. G. Beals. Rough Fir Lumber sawed to order for Woods. Lot 4, block 43, Thayer’s Geo. Cohn, McIntosh & McNair. C. B. hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. W. Tinner­ »7 .00 per thousand in one thousand lots we fell safe in saying that they will be Gordon Hats and Gloves at Todd’s.* addition to Tillamook. $100.00. Hadley, W. H. Harrison and Gus Kunze, stet, when a weddirrg supper was served. and up. Spruce at $6.00 at the same better pleased for supporting an Oregon Gent.’s Furnishing Goods at Todd’s? I $1,000 each ; E. T. Haltom, H. B. Hath­ The newly married couple will make Fritz Bull row to H. Gessner. 54 acres industry that makes a specialty of turn­ rate. ’ 111 Sw part section 7, tp. 3 south, away, Tillamook Lumbering Company. their home in Tillamook. Those present G. W. Kiger left for Portland on Fri- I The ladies ot the Presbyterian Church ing out all the best kinds of nursery Reynolds & Jones and H. F. Goodspeed, were : Prof, and Mrs. Buel, Mr. and range 9 west. $380.00. day. will give a 10c. St. Valentine entertain­ stock and true to name, than sending $500 each. Claude Thayer and wife to M. V. Par­ Mrs. H. C. Kunze, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at ment and social at Todd’s hall on Tues- East. mer. Lots 5 and 6, block 43, Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kunze, Todil’s. idav evening, to which everybody is in- Thayer’s 5th addition to Tillamook. The Bill Should be Amended. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Files a Motion. The Fairview Grange will meet on vited. $150.00. L. S. Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mad ­ The bill introduced by Representative Saturday. I Ralph Acklev has ordered a new 6- Homer Mason, through his attorneys, dux, Mr. and Mrs. D. Billings, Mrs. Theodore P. Bowlliy and wife to Floyd W. King. Nw *4, section 14, tp, 2 I J Howser, of Blaine, was in the city horse power boiler for Al. Bunn for his West, at the request of W. H. Cooper, Eddy & Botts, has filed a motion in ' Barbara Babi, .Misses Anna Holden, to empower municipal corporations to south, range 9. $800.00. on Monday. factory at Beaver, and a 15 horsc power Kunze, Lucv answer to the suit filed against him by Lulie Kunze, Leonora condemn waterworksand water systems The hose company meets this (Thurs­ boiler for the factory that is to be built belonging to private persons, came to Tillamook County for the recovery of i i Wolfe, Male Stoddard, Neva Maddux Janies A. McIntosh and wife to John Waterhouse. Nw %, section 20, tp. on the Wilson river. day) evening. the fees taken in for homestead and tim­ j and Messrs. Will Newcomb,John Harter, hand today. It has passed the house. 3 north, range 9. $6.00. John Morgan has taken a trip to the ber claim proofs. The motion is as fol Ira Tomlinson, Luk Woolie, Edward Wanted, single men and women thro­ The bill provides : I Fishbocker. Arnold Tannler, Carl Kunze, Frank Kiernan and wife and R. P. outside world. ughout this section of country to corres Sec. 1. — Any municipal corporation lows : Eifi tiger and wife to Isaac S Ward. Move the court for an order to make ■ | Lail Maddux and Carl Haberlach. Henry Crenshaw left for a business pond with desirable persons on our lists shall have pow’er to build, construct, Tract in section 6, tp. 5 south, range who seek marriage. Send stamp for trip on Sunday. operate and maintain water works and the complaint herein more definite and 10, with tide lands adjoining. $750. I To Protect the Timber. water systems, within their corporate certain in this, that plaintiff be required Bert Donaldson returned from San particulais to box 761, Astoria, Ore. * State of Oicgon to Bthigtta Byrum SVi Representative Miles’ bill to protect Come to the Valentine social at Todd's limits, and in territory adjacent thereto, to show by amendment of its complaint Francisco last week. Sw, SVa Se and Ne, Se, see. 16 1 N what sum or sums respectively are forests against fire passed the house as hall next Tuesday evening. Admission ami shall be empowered to condemn and 10. $250 00. Died, on Saturday, the infant son of is 16c. A nice program will be rendered. to tase full possession of any and all claimed by plaintiff against delendent amended by the committee on public Carl C. Iler and wife to Myrtle Lilley. Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart. Conte and see the pantomime and have a waterworks, or water systems, owned Mason for the various kinds of alleged | lauds, with only one voice raised against Nw sec. 5 1 N 5. $1200.00. R. L. Wade went out on a business good laugh. Refreshments will be served and operated within such municipal cor­ services mentioned jn .said complaint, I it—that of West, of Tillamook. Richie, Nestucca Lodge No. 114 I 0. O. F. Deed trip to Portland last week. to those who wish for the small sum of porations, and in territory adjacent namely, first, in taking and certifying I of Marion, Newell, of Washington, and of dedication ol cemetery, in sec. 14 Charley and Clyde Getchell were in the 10c. thereto, by any private person, or cor­ and remitting to the United States land Gray and Sonncmann, of Douglas, who 4 S 10. city on Tuesday from Hebo. office at Oregon City homestead and opposed the bill in its earlv form, ex- A writ of review has been filed in thej poration, bv giving such private person, Edith M. Alderman and Queenie K. R es timber fillings and final proof and cvi. | plained that the objection«! lea lures had A petition is being circulated protest- circuit court by Geo. W. Phelps, in which i or corporation, thirty days notice there- land and husband to D. W. and M ing against^the occupation tax. Tillamook County and C. N. Hodgdon j of ; provided, such municipal corporation eence in lanJ—"ontests and other land been eliminated to their satisfaction, and E. Rhodes lote 11 ami 12 block 76 office business; second, for taking affi- that thev were willing to see the measure Lloyd B. and J. J. Henderson, of Co­ are defendants. The county court made shall, before beginning the actual con- Central Addition to Bay City. $10. , oaths ; davits ; third, administering pass. Those who advocated its passage Jacob Pesterfield and wife to Hull W. an order to open a private road belong­ struction of its water works, or water burg, were in the city on Tuesday. system, pay to such private person, or fourth, for reducing testimony to writ- were Miles, of Yamhill, and Bingham, ot ami Frances Johnson. Sw Sw sec. 18 Al Bunn is making preparations to ing to Phelps and it is over this that the 2 S 9. Re Sc sec. 13 and Ne Nw sec. corporation, such sum of money, to be ing ; fifth, making copies of written Lane writ of review is taken. operate a cheese factory at Beaver. 24 2 S IO. $1775 00. instruments ; and further that plaintiff The bill provides that between June 1 W. H. Galland, of Dolph, is in the citv not less than the actual cost of such en­ Wanted, to buy, heifers coming fresh be required to say w hat was the charac- and October 1 brush and clearing fires fames Armstrong to Nellie Eunice Arm­ tire water system, or waterworks, to strong. NVa Se» Sw Ne and Se Ne s c in the spring. Jerseys preferred. Apply with a view of making an investigation such private person or corporation, in­ ter of the written instruments of which shall be set out only on permit issued by 5, and N>/a Se, Sw Ne and Se Nw sec. as to whether there is any clay in this to A G. Beals. * Mason made copies ; it is alleged said County Clerks, and that such permits 4 2 S 8 and S’/2 Sw, Nw Sw and Sw vicinity suitable for brick, for it is claim- cluding all the sums paid for land, build that is to say, whether the same were Nw sec. 22 IS 10. $1500.00. The governor signed the bill making shall be good for three days. Forest led that in building a new court house ings, tools and machinery connected public or private writings or in the rangers appointed by County Courts Thirteen mortgages filed to secure in the the salary of the county school super­ $6,000 or $7,000 will lie saved if the therewith. aggregate $5031.50. intendent $1000. Sec. 2 —The preceding section is in­ official custody of said Mason at the and paid by timber owners petitioning brick can lie manufactured in the vicinity tended to apply only to private persons time or otherwise ; and further tnat for them are to have police power in en­ Five mortgages securing in the aggie* Ladies! Attention ! For the most of Tillamook Citv. gate $1990.00. Satisfied. or corporations who are engaged in sell­ plaintiff Ixr required to name and »specify forcing the act. The bill contains rigid stylish tailor made suits,go to Sarchet’s, The J Pesterfield place on Bewley ing water, or in leasing water power to the exact chaiacter of the other services The Fashionable Tailor. Creek, consisting of 110 acres, and the - mentioned in said complaint. We are sorry to hear that Gus Allison, Hull Johnson place, of 40 acres, on private persons or corporations within the limits of any incorporated city or who went to California for the benefit of South Prairie, were sold through F. R. town, and shall not lie in conflict with, Teachers’ Examination. his health, it failing fast. Beals. The consideration for the former or in any way interfere with the laws Miss Estella Dodson left for her home was $2,000 and the latter $4,000, thus Whatever the doctor prescribes or There are 26 persons taking examina- at Dallas on Sunday. She had been making a change of places by Pesterfield governing the rights of irrigation. suggests, is what I specially try to tion in this city for county and state teaching the Bay City school. and Johnson. The H ead UCHT has no hesitation in papers, viz ; supply, and succeed as well that I R. .M. Dingess, W. N. Bays, S. F. Moon The steamer Sue H Elmore went out saving that this bill should not become a an known as Headquarters for all Minnie Lommen, Nehalem. and J J. Howser were in the city the I on Saturday with the following passen­ law in its present form, for it would com Alice Vessey, Tillamook. SICK ROOM GOODS. first of the week from Beaver. gers on Saturday : Oliver Thornton, Ted pel the people of Tillamook Citv to pay Lillie M. Buel, Tillamook. Mrs. Latimer and son Ira left on Fri­ Burdick, Mrs J. H. Burdick, J. E. Sun the Tillamook Water Company the first Zella Blackburn, Leaver. day to visit Edgar Latiiner and wife in mons, A. L. Bolish, Mrs. Permelia Lati­ cost for their system. There is no justice Vitya Walker, Nehalem. mer. Ira Latimer. R. L. Wade. J H. Me. in that after a system has been in use for California, the latter being sick. Herliert Cooper, Tillamook. Reliable Druggist. lntosh, C. W. Talmage and Mrs. Ida Ed ­ a number of years and in a bad condition. Robert Sargent, who previously resid­ G. A. Hoover, Woods. munds and child. It is true that the owners have vested ed in this county, is visiting his mother, Grace Ford, Tillamook. Died, at Fairview on Friday, after a interests in the present system and they Mrs. G. S. Richardson, in this city. Clarissa Foster, Tillamook. short sickness. Mr. J. V. Huntsinger, and should not be closed out if the city doe* Estelle Armetage, Tillamook. Rev. A. S. Foster will preach at Bay the remains were buried the next day at not want to buy. In our judgment the Ma) me Glaser, Hobson ville. City on Sunday morning and in this city Bay City. Deceased was an old settler bill should lie amended so that a commit- If you are in want of Good Trees, guaranteed true to name, Mae Ethel Gray. Tillamook. at the Presbyterian church in the even­ try of thiscountv and a man much respected tee of arbitration should decide what a Nina M. Norton, Spruce. ing. bv all who knew him. He was born in system is worth before a city is com. Eleanor Macdonald, Tillamook. L. W. Glaser, who has »Ken in the em­ Pensylvannia and leaves a wife and pel led to buy, for no one wants to pay Maggie Creecy, Blaine. ploy of the Columbia River Packer s family to mourn their loss. the same amount of money for a second Clara Franklin, Tillamook. Association, left last week and his family | In a case tried on Monday before Judge hand article, no matter what its condi­ Reva Buell, Beaver, will remove to Astoria. Conder and a jury, in which Seth P. tion, as they would for a new article. Eliza II. Crow, Oretown. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines Protracted meetings are still lieing held Moon sued R. M. Dingess for $125. the Mary Tucker, Beaver. School bouae for Sale. in the Christian Church, conducted by 'jury was unable to agree and was dis. Arthur K. Hill, Dolph. Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes. the pastor, Rey. E. M. Patterson, and charged. Moon sold his place to Dingess, Herliert Farson«, iillatrook. Send us list ol trees wanted and prices will he quoted by return mail. We wish to sell our school building at Eld. J. N. Murphy, county evangelist. j but the latter was unable to meet the State. pu»)ii<* auction on March 10. 1905, at The band boys mus’eal and minstrel paymentsowing to the fact that cattle Clare Hollander, Tillamook. This is to certify, that I have this 27th day of Ih-rrmber, 1904, inapreted and the school hotiffe. ,Di»t. No. |13, at 1 P- show will take place on Friday in next depreciated so in value last winter, that m. The district reserve» .the right to examined the Nursery Stock of Mr E I*. Smith, of The E«»two«l. market, week, Feb. 17, and from all accounts it Moon had to take the place back, and it W. S Buel. Tillamook. reject any and ell bids able condition and dear of any «erion« it* acct peat or