TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 2. Record of Oregon Legislature. administrators, executors and guardians. To authorize County Courts to appro- priate land for roads. To lengthen terin of present Labor Commission from July. 1906. to Jan­ uary 1907. | To authorize State Land Board to ex ecute certain papers. To authorize state to condemn land and water for public institutions. To pay employes of state institutions monthly instead of quarterly. | To appropriate $25,000 for salmon hatcheries. 1 o revise militia code so as to conform S enate B ills P asseo the H ouse . with National Dick law. To relinquish quarantine stations to To authorize district; boundary boards national government. to condemn land for school uses. To reimburse school fund for money That articles of incorporation shall be loaned to agricultural societies. prima facie evidence of .corporation’s For transler.of guardianship by one right to do business. county court to another. Tojchange time of ¡holding Lewis and To repeal law protecting black bass. Clark Fair. To prevent larceny of railway tickets. Io require Sheriff's to record residences To regulate sale of stocks of goods. i of taxpayers. To appropriate $800 for land at Chain. . To define duties of executers, adminis- peog monument. 1 trators, etc. To fix boundary between Umatilla and 1 o cure defects in certain deeds and ju­ I nion Counties. dicial sales. To empower cities .to condemn lands To regulate sale of fertilizers. for public uses. To provide penalty for casting lumber To empower executors and administra­ waste into streams. tors to execute deeds when decedents To publish laws enacted by initiative. have given bond for deed. To regulate labeling ot blasting powder Charter for Medford. and prohibit sale of dangerous grades. P assed the S enate . To reimburse common, school fund for To create Third EasternOregon District money loaded for State Agricultural So­ Agricultural Society. ciety. To protect sturgeon. To authorize plaintiffs in judidial pro­ To lower fees of county recorders. cess to designate newspaper in which To reimburse Mnrv Nibbier, publication of process shall be made. To guarantee attorneys two hours To protect mill employes from danger­ to address juries. ous machinery. To protect game in Eastern Oregon. To pay Susen E. Jones, Edna Tiffany To protect prairie chickens. and Sylvia E. Ferrel, each $1000. Condemnation ¿of land for school pur­ Ts prohibit driving of salmon from poses. protected waters. Abolish office recorder in Baker county. To amend code as to taking of deposi­ Salary ofdeputy clerk ot Baker county. tions. Salary ot school superintendent Baker To create State Library Commission. county. To amend section 743 of Code as to Compensation of Sheriff in Baker providing of records. coun ty. To abolish fish bounty fund, To appropriate $45,000 for Indian To provide uniform eighth grade ex­ War Veterans. examination. To create county and city board of To extend time for filing of liens by health. contractors to 90 days. Testing station for timber at Univer. For monthly terms of Circuit Court, in sity of Oregon. Multnomah. Regulating practice of veterinary medi. I To amend school laws. ! To prevet fishing in certain streams in cine. To protect wild fowls. Columbia Countv. School district tax, levies to be made To provide that taxes shall be levied in by boards, even mills or tenths. Deeds to be recorded promptly. To create Eighth Judicial District. To punish train robbery. To create Tenth Judicial District. To punish counterfeiting of railway To fix salaries of officers of Washing­ tickets. ~ ton County. Teachers to give 30 days notice be­ To reimburse L. H. Mendell. fore resigning. To pay state officers flat salaries. To prevent sale of adulterated linseed To regulate plats of additions to oil. towns. For juvenile courts. To appropriate $45,000 for Indian To punish persons responsible for de­ War Veterans. To regulate appeals in criminal actions. linquent children. To protect Eastern oysters planted in Toexernpt shipments of livestock with­ in the state from inspection. Oregon. To fix salary of School Superintendent Fixing boundary of Grant County. For dessolution of corporations. of Lane county. To provide deputies for Klamath To create Malheur irrigation district. Authorize Lewis and ClarlCFair to ( county officers. To define rights of riparian owners on condemn property. To re »ulate fences in Eastern Oregon. Columbia river. To authorize special tax in Tillamook Bonds of executors when selling real property. i county for courthouse. To prohibit removal of fire hydrants Fixing tare on bales of hops. Permitting building of experimental without 30 days’ notice. To raise salary of Judge of Fifth Dis­ roads, To prohibit shooting on public high- i trict. To provide form of acknowledgement wavs. To establish hunter's license fee of $1. by I corporations. To raise salmon fishery licenses. To prevent use of live pigeons as tar. To appropriate $2500 lor agricultural gets. Following will be found the different stages of the bills introduced in the state legislature up to last Monday ; B ills S ignkd nv tiik G overnor . To extend time for filieig school district levies in Grant, Clatsop and Douglass Counties to February 1. Io cede lake lands in Klamath and Lake Counties to Nntional Government. To authorize 5-mill tax levy in Clatsop countv for courthouse. Charter bills for Hillsboro, St. Johns, Lexington, Athena, Junction Citv, Salary school superintendent Harney County. Salary assessor of Baker countv. To protect riparian owners oil Colum­ bia river. Salaries of Clatsop County officers. To regulate sales of property bv guar- dians. For annual convention of school super- intendents. For compulsory education in certain cases To protect hotelkeepers against fraud. To prevent ticket-scalping. To dispense with countv institute in 1905, Appointment of District Attorneys pro. tern To appropriate $25.000 for portage road. , For first and fourth Eastern Otegon District Agricultural Fair. Salaries of Columbia Countv officers. Dental board to be appointed by the Governor. To prevent swine from running at large in Marion County. Charter bills for Springfield, Mil- waukie, Johu Day, Pendleton. McMinn- ville. Ione, Cornelius, Senside. Astoria, Gresham. St. Helens, Island City, Dutur, Ontario, Lebanon. institutes. i To transfer balance in swamp land I fund to general fund. To punish men who live on the earn­ i ings of fallen women. To fix salary of County Judge of Clat- sop. ■ To limit tare on bale of hops to five pounds. | To raise salary of School Superintend- i dent of Yamhill County. For transportation of insaine to asy­ 1 lum by asylum attendants. Charter bills for Westfall, Dayton, Myrtle Point, Klamath Falls, Houlton, I Clatskanie, Sherwood, Mount Angel, Turner, Adams, Jefferson, Lostine, New­ I berg, Sheridan. I mportant B ills N ot Y et P assed E ither H ouse . To protect forests against fires. To make gambling a felony. To amend local option law. To call constitutional convention. For County Prosecuting Attorneys. To tax gross earnings of express, tele | phone and telegraph companies. i To divert interest on state funds from J State Treasurer to State Treasury. To create one board of regents for all ’ four normal schools. To appropriate $35,000 for Normal School at Monmouth. H ouse B ills P assed T he S enate . To fix salaries of officers of M ashing-1 To abolish all hut one normal school. To appropriate $25,000 for Weston ton Connty. To fix salary of School superinten­ Normal School dormitorv. To prohibit back doors in saloons. dent of Tillamook County. To put management of state institu- To place appointment of state librarian ’ tions m hands of Board of Control. in hands ot Supreme Court. To appropriate $133.000 for legisla-j I To create County of Cascade. tivc expenses nnd for claims and deficien-i ’ To create Connty of Hot Lake. i For taxation of migratory livestock. cies. To appropriate $25,<»00 for improve. Charter hills tor’ Estacada, Florence, I ment of Willamette River. Wasco, Newport. Falls Citv. To appropriate $14,500 for Governor s P assed T he H ouse . To extend street and sewer bonding mansion. ( To appropriate! $12,500 for Oregon act to all municipalties. To anthorize corporations to act as Historical Society. To amend direct primary law. b or State Tax Commission to draft bill for revision of tax code. Io prohibit combinations of fire insur a nee companies. To raise age of consent to 18 years. To establish bureau ot mines and met­ allurgy. To create office of State Examiner. To exempt mining corporations from corporation tax. To punish wile-beaters with flogging. The regulate automobiles on pnblic highways. a. HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES J~7— We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Mrs Frank Batter Killed. Mrs. Eleanors W. E. Batter, wife of Frank Batter, foreman of the Govern­ ment inootings at Linnton, was killed Friday afternoon shortly after + o'clock supposedly by Northern Pacific, No. 7, within sight of her home at Linnton. Just how Mrs. Batter met her death may always remain a mystery. It was evident that she was not struck by the train, tor beyond a deep scalp wound in the back of her head no bones were broken, nor was the body mutilated. Duputy Coroner A. L. Findley was noti­ fied of the death of Mrs. Batter, and after viewing the remains he had the body brought to Portland. Mr. Batter and his wile lived in a neat little cottage near the moorings. Friday afternoon, while he was buisy attending to some work, he noticed his wile, with a bucket in her hand, leave for the house of a neighbor, a short distance away, for the purpose of getting some milk, just a few minutes before the arrival of the Northeru Pacific train, which passed through Linnton about 4:37. He also saw her returning. She was within a couple of hundred yards of him when he heard the train pass, but thought noth­ ing of it until ‘he recalled that his wife- had had plenty of time to have .reached him. Fearing something wrong, he first went to the house, and not finding her there, started to walk up the track. He had gone but a short distance when he found the body of his wife, lying along­ side ol the railroad ttack dead. As near as can be learned Mrs. Batter was walking along the track toward her home when caught in a deep cut. She bad evidently had time to get ofif the track, so as to avoid the train, but as the engine swept on she was caught in I the whirling eddy which follows in the wake and hurled about with such vio­ lence that it caused het death. Train No. 7, the one which killed Mrs. Batter, passed this point at a terrific rate of speed. Engineer W. S. Kayler, who was in charge of the train, stated to the Coroner that he did not see a woman at the point where Mrs. Batter's body was found, nor had he seen any person along­ side the track. Mr. and Mrs. Batter were married two years ago, being well known in Tilla­ mook Citv, where Mr. Batter had charge ol the government work. The deceased was Miss Eleanora W. E. Redberg, dan ghter of Mr. Redberg, who reside at Nes- tuccn. The remains were buried on Tues­ day in the Lone Fir Cemetery at Port­ land. Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES Agents for the Great Western Saw M c I ntosh & M c N air The Most co Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County SPRUCE Mrs. Bud Wallace is very sick with phneumonia. Mrs. Connie Dye has been quite sick the last tew days. Mrs. H. Gessner is no better. Mrs. Norman Dye, and son Frank, went to Tillamook Wednesday. Mrs. C. Woole and Mrs. H. Gessner went toTillauiook, Saturday and return­ ed Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kinnaman visited at Pleasant Valley Monday. Mrs. A Beaty was visiting Mrs. G**ss. ner Thursday. Mrs. West and Mrs. Kirk, of Beaver, were visiting Mrs. Wallace Wednesday. Lon Kinnaman was seen going up the road Sunday evening. 1 wonder if he isn’t afraid Mrs. Pichereau is out of wood. Frank Dye and best girl attended the dance at Connie Dye’s Saturday night. BEAVER. Mr. Davidson, wife and son Arthur re­ turned from the valley last week. Wm. Patrick and wife started last Tuesday to visit his father at Salem,who is very ill. The Beaver correspondent made a busi­ ness trip to the city last week. Dan Fletcher, of Little Neslucca, visit­ ed the parents of the latter, Mr. and Mrs, W. Hiatt, on Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Hiatt is on the sick list. Phillip West is again able to be on the street. Mrs. Wallace, of Spruce, who has been quite ill for some time, is slowly improv­ Meeting Talk — ing. Another Prayer Thy Kingdom Come. 1905 Mr. Lucas returned on Monday from Tillamook, where he was retained a few Christ’s mission to this earth was to days on account of sickness. establish the kingdom of God. John, his The young folks report quite a nice forerunner, introduced the theme by We saying : “ Repent ye for the kindom of time at the dance on Friday night. heaven is at hand.’’ Christ followed bv arc informed someone was a pair of rub preaching the same doctrine. Then he ber boots better oft’“after the ball.” The Russian advance movement upon the Japanese left and center has ended, disastrously for the enemy, and the Jap­ anese forces have driven back the attacn and conquered all along line. In many places the fighting, which has raged furiously for three days, has ceased, and in the vicinity of Sandepu, Japanese soldiers are now engaged in dislodging the enemy from the villiage which they captured Friday. Field Marshal Mar- quis Oyama has sent several dispatches to the imperial military headquarters. The last one, deciphered Sunday evening states that the enemy is in full retreat and has abandoned his attempt to turn our left flank. harness You can make your har- lusa i ; h boíl na u glove arti it t tough us wire by usina EI'I! CKA Hor­ no ru Oil. You can lengthen its life—make it l.ipt twice as long aa it ordinar.!y would. Harness 60 I melees ft poor looking bar* / new liko new. Made of / pure, heavy bodied oil, es- / peclally prepared to with- I stand the weather. Sold everywhere in cans—ail sizes. Republicans of the state legislature are discussing a plan to bring the body toge­ ther again six months or a year hence. They say that emergencies are likely to Mid« bj STANDARO OIL CO. arise before the session of the next law. making body such as will need the atten­ T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878.—N otice for P ublication . tion of the legislature, and, as a Demo­ United States Land Office, Oregon • ity, Otegon, cratic governor would probably not sum­ Deeeniber loth, 1904 mon a Republican legislature to deal Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of with those emergencies, the members June 3rd, 1878, entitled An act foi the sale I should devise a plan for meeting indepen­ of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo­ dently of the Chief Executive. ry.” as extended to all Public Land States by . act of August 4, 18 q 2. The Woman’s Christian Temperance JOHN RFES, Z‘ Z ......._______ I Tillamook State of Union, of Carbondale, Pa.. baa in resoln. I . fJI.Ji. 1."'"'. ‘.’“‘‘thu'dav Oreg«.11, has this day ’' hi filed in this office his tions noting that more and more women , sworn s'ateinent No. 6525, for the purchase of the N 1 .j of Nw % of Sec. No. 27, in Tp. No. 1 S, are making use of such expressions as' Rang«* No. 10 West, ami will offer proof to ’ dr 1 ®h°w Biat the land sought is more valuable Mv Lord and Good heaxens, it« timber timber or or stout stone than thnu for for agricultural agi ’ 1 for for its pur- claim to »aid land dared against this “swearing among I po«es, po ' ch , ami and to establish his clalii ~ . fwfora before tils* the i'rx County Clerk ot Tillamook County, women." A resolution looking to a ' at I illainook City, Oregon, on Monday. the'Joth of Febiuarv, 1905 He names as witnesses : mvuement for its suppression was passed. [ 1 day alter *892. C. B. LEEP, I Ulf.LIAM II IIANt KE, Of Portland, county of V>ultnoma Boats and ShuBS Neatly Oregon, has this nay filed in th sworn statement No. 6542, for the purchase of the N W. N.W. « of section 4, in tp 2 Repaired. South, Range No. 10 West, and will offer pioof to show that the lainl sought is more valuable for its timber orstone than for First Class Work Guaranteed, agi {cultural tmi poses, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Countv Clerk of Tilla­ Give me a trial. mook County, at Tillamook City, Oregon, on Monday, the' 20th day of March. I905. He Next to the Headlight Office. names an witnesses : C Desmond, Samuel Daly, John Staseck. George Kauffman, of Netaits, Oregon. Any and all persons ehiiming adversely the Above described lands are requested to file their claims ill this office on or brfoir said 2<>th day of March, 1905. G eo . W. B ihkk , Receiver. sent,his disciples to preach the same thing. This is what Christ tried to ex­ NETARTS. plain by his parables. He said, “ I must Alvin and Russ Johnson, of South go into other cities and towns to preach the kingdom of God tor therefor am I Prairie, are on the beach for a few da^s sent.” Christ did not write a verse of stopping with Geo Coffman. H, D. Mahler and S. Morris were down bible, nor did he describe a church. He is the only authority on the kingdom of from the lighthouse the last oijlie week. Geo. W. Phelps and family spent Sun­ God. The bible and church, though recognised and sanctioned by him, are day at the light house visiting.with the BARBER IND HAIRDRESSER. In theCounty Court of tbc State of Oregon, moulded or formed by others exclusively. keepers and their families. for Tillamook County. C. B. Hadlev and Mr. Simmons the SHAVING, The kingdom of God was always in the HAIR CIITING In th«- matter of the Guardianzhipi of Elizabeth L. Terwilliger un foreground with Christ. He taught to the railroad man, were at Netarts Thurs David L. Terwilliger, Minora. ) 8HAMPOOING, K'lC Thin matter coming on to be heard upon pray for it, to preach it, and seek it, and day. Netarts is expecting a railroad the duly verified |»etition of Lloyd < . Smith, soon. while the promises to those who be of thr pernonn and entaten ofnaid Electric Baths nicelj lilt» *i up. Good for Guardian Elizabeth L. Terwilliger and David L. Ter­ Mr. and Mrs. Catterlin went to Tilla­ lieve in the bible and church were vague, williger, minora, praying for a licenne to aril persons Buffering with rheumatism. the following described real property belong* they were definite to the kingdom of mook City on Saturday last. ing to «aid minora, to-wit : Miss Irene Africana is quite sick at God. The Jews, who believed in the Beginning at a point one and thirty-eight hundredth«« (1.3b) chain« North and five and promised Messiah, could not compre­ this writing, but it is hoped she will NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. fourteen hundredth« (5.14i chain« East Department of the Interior. from the point where the North anti South hend the kingdom oi God, and those soon be among us again. Laud Office at Oregon City. Ore., ! line between Lot« three (3> and four ( + >, January r4tli, I905. who lielieve in this world coming to an Section twenty <2O), Town«hip one (1) Notice is hereby given that the following- 1 North of Range ten (Ki) Went of the Will­ end, confound the new heaven and earth The West and South have grown so liftin'd settler han filed notice of hi* Intention amette Meridian ntriken the whore of Tilla with the kingdom of God, that already I rich that they are now able to finance to make final proof in support of his claim, mook Bay «which in a large rock marked and that said proof *111 be made befoie the X X -R j marked X is. Men who have dared to at know- their own industrie«, X on a large rock for the Formerly New County Clerk of Tllkmook Co . at Tillamook City, Oregon, on March 6th, 1905. viz.: South Eant corner of boat • houne lol . ledge their faith in God’s sovengnty York mid the Eastern money centers | JAMES < HRISTEN-'EN ; j thence Went fifty (50) fret , thence North two have had to suffer persecution from the were annually drawn upon for funds 1 H E No. r/607, for the N % Nw % of sec fl, an«l nixtv-four hundredth* G4.*»4 | chain* to Sr L Sw % and Sw *4 Ke *4, sec. 2, tp 3 South, center of countv road; thence En*t along governments of this world. 1 claim to to move the crops, handle the cattle | ran id' 'J West. . naid road fifty <5O) feet ; thence South two He namm the following witnesses to prove and „„„ Mixtv-four hundredth« (2.04) chain* to have paid the dearest price of any man shipments and perform all of the h|H continuous residence upon and cultivation t p| .l__ (1Cr of <1 heginning ; and it appearing to the court * that «aid real property I* a wmall . ! of said land. viz. : 1 i ------ for that belief, that it on record. The service in the marketing of the Vrth Henry Ely. fa« k Hrlgate, E K. Gilbert, parcel of the land« owned by «aid Minor* i « lion’s den, the firey furnace, the cursed ducts of the West and South, As a ' William Gilbert, of Spruce, Oregon I Tillamook County. Oregon, and that it in A dihenon K DRKtMKR, Register, I ncce**ary anil would be brncflcial to the «aid cross are only comparative to the shame natural result, when shipping time j ____ ____________________________________ 1 ward* that nuch part of their «aid real entate and disgrace, and the heart felt agony of arrived the producers sent their •hip- ! T imber L and A ct , J i nk 8 1*78 —N otice F or nhould be *<»14 ordered that thr next of kin of the «a «1 beingjudged a raving maniac for this ments to the East, most of them being United >tatr„ I^tnd Office. ward* and all per «off. interented in their strange doctrine If Daniel, Shadrack. necessary to discharge obligations for Oregon City, Oregon. entaten do appear before thin Court on M Januar y 18H1, I905. «lay. the Oth flay of February, 190.“. at Mesliack and Abtndego or Christ were money advanced. The men who had Notice la hereby given that in compliance hour of I•) o’clock n m. at the office of with the provisions of the art of Coiigre-s of County Clerk ot Tillamook County. Oreg here today, we would ignore the den, loaned the money were interested in June 3. 1*78. entiled ” All art for the sale «»f tim­ to »how ratine why a liccn«c Mhould not I the furnace, or cross to bring them to I the railroads leading toward the At­ ber landa in thr State- of I'alifornlM, Oregon, granted for the »ale of «aid portion of the Nevada, and Washington Territory,” a* ex­ entate of «aid minor*. humiliation. We would simply banish lantic and thus drew double tails from tended to all the Public Land Stair»« by act of , And it i* further ordered that thi* orreg<»n, f vent the passage of any bill at the pre­ hie tn finance ’’their own affairs. agricultural niirpo-es. and to ••*tst«li*!i his C»»unty of I illainook.( sent session of Congress intended to re­ < laini to said l«nd bcfr»re the County Clerk, I. George B. Lamb. County Clerk of Til < Many farmers of the West are now of 1 d|amK County, Oregon, at Tillamook mook County, Oregon do hereby certify ti duce the duty on Philippine sugar, ami in City Oregon, on ThuiMlay, the otb d^y « f I have comparefl the foregoing copy of or« lenders instead of borrowers. April, lie name* an witnesses this fight they will have the cooperation with the original thereof an th«« >ame . floury Crenshaw Water*' Bailey. Rftrnegat *, pear« of record in my office a* clerk of t At the joint session of the Washington Harry of delegations frenn Southern States, S. Baker, Tillamook ; F red < Hakei. above entitled Court that thr foregoing i- Legislature. Samuel H. Piles was elect, Wilson correct transcript from nuch original an«l the which are interested alike in the cane Any 1.nd all persons claiming adversely the whole ther« of. Uitnm* my hand nnfl the «ral of «aid sugar and tobacco industries. The pros, ed United States Senator from Washing above described lands are requested to flle their ' lima 111 thisofll eon ot tadure said 6th day Court thin December 2Mth. 1904. pects are that the beeUsugar men will ton. to succeed Addison G. Fe ster of , of Xpill, 19m. LA MH ALGKRNON 8. DHMM er , Register. i Tacoma. County Clerk. win out. LATIMER, BROS.,