iUainook .1 ItaÒlinljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS B l ly & Botts, fur abstracts. Walkover Shoes at Todd’s. « • llav for fale.—Apply to A. G. Beals. • Cordon Hats and Gloves at Todd's.* (.ent.'s Furnishing Goods at Todd's.* Brandigee Clothing at • We understand that Jurd Hunsinger is quite sick. Miss Jennie Smith is teaching at the Cloverdale school. Crouse & Todd’s. County Judge W. W. Conder came in on Monday on business. Mrs. Walt. Bailey, whose has been sick for several weeks, is improving. Mrs. Dora Glaze will commence teach, ing the Marxdistrict school on Monday, $12 per month for board in private family. For further information apply at this office. * Rev. A. S. Foster will preach morning and evening next Sunday in the Presby­ terian church. Wanted, to buy, heifers coming fresh in the spring. Jerseys preferred. Apply to A G. Beals. • Do not fo.get the St. Valentine's social to be given by the ladies of the Presby. terian church. The bill to increase the salary of the county superintendent to $1000 a year passed both houses. The annual meeting of the Tillamook Creamery will be held on Saturday, Feb. 11 th, in the city hall. On the last trip out of the Sue H El­ more, Captain Schrader reported 23ft. of water on the bar. The steamer Sue H. Elmore,which was bar bound for nearly a week, managed to get out on Saturday. Ladies ! Attention ! For the most stylish tailor made suits,go to Sarchet’s, The Fashionable Tailor. * J. S. and Pete Lamar have received the sad news that their is mother dead, who resides in the East. The young people belonging to the Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian eliurcli gave a successful social on Satur­ day evening. Two marriage licenses were issued on Saturday, one to William M. Rnv and Rachel L. Woods, and the other to R. B. McClay and Ethel E. Rav. Sheriff Woolfe disposed of the property advertised in the delinquent tax list, and County Judge Conder bought in tor the county what was not sold on Monday. Salt and smoked Chinook salmon and I he steamer Sue H. Eimore arrived fresh steelheads. W. 0. Chase. * this morning. The fishing season in Tillamook closed A number of Mrs. E. 0. Shodgrass' on the 1st and does not open again until j friends gave her a surprise birthday the 15th July. . party on Saturday evening, having pre J. A. Todd writes that he is leaving ' viously prepared a nice supper. A very Napa, Cal., about the 1st February for pleasant time whs spent together, and , Salem, Or., and will visit this county in all joined in wishing Mrs. Snodgrass a few weeks. many happy returns of the day. Tillamook Lumber Company will sell The racket connected with the removal Rough Fir Lumber sawed to order tor of the fence opposite the school house in $7.00 per thousand in one thousand lots I district No. 12 is again the subject of dis- I and up. Spruce at $G.OO at the same cussion, and how and where it is going ’ rate. » ! to end up no one can tell. Supervisor H. County Cletk G. B. Lamb has turned B. Johnson is now the aggrieved party, so the tax roll over to Sheriff .Voolfe, which ! much so that he has filed a claim against will give the taxpayers six weeks in that badly advised school district for which to pav their taxes so that they $25, it being $12.50 for each time he tore down the fence in that sanguinary fight can get the rebate. betweeu the directors and the county, Elder J. N. Murphy, county evangelist, officials. assisted by the pastor, Rev. E. M. Pat­ terson, are conducting a series of meet­ The members of Alder Circle, No. 44, ings at the Christian Church, to which Women of Woodcraft.J will give a social at Todd’s hall on Wednesday evening, all are cordially invited. Feb. 22, beginning at 8 P. M. Each It was with deep regret that the people lady is requested to bring a basket with of this citv heard of the untimely death lunch for two and, it possible, a gentle­ of Mrs. Frank Batter, and every heart man to buy it. The baskets will be sold goes out in true sympathy for the sor­ at fifty cents each, and coffee and cocoa rowing family and bereaved husband. will be served free with the luuch, by the Wanted, single men and women thro­ lodge members. A nice programme will ughout this section of country to corrcs be rendered. Every one is cordially in. pond with desirable persons on our lists vitnd to attand. who seek marriage. Send stamp for One of the decisions handed down by particulars to box 761, Astoria, Ore. * the supreme court on Monday was Claud The many friends of H. Gessner, post­ Thayer vs. Manius Buchanan, appellant master of Spruce, will be sorry to hear from Clatsop Countv, T. A McBride, that his wife is quite sick with a cancer, Judge, affirmed opinion of Chief Justice and h*» has taken her to Portland, and Wolverton. This was a suit to foreclose mav probably go to San Fransiseo for a mortgage of $549 50, and the defense treatment. was that a portion of the consideration Wm. Hamilton circulated a subscrip­ was secured through fraud and that de. tion paper on Saturday to raise money fendant had paid $163 in excess of what to fix the side walk to the cemetery, as it was lawfully due. The lower courts found was getting in bad shape, although not for plaintiff. On appeal, the Supreme as bad as the sidewalk north ofHoquar- Court finds from the evidence that the mortgage was given in settlement of a ton slough, which should also be fixed. The baud boys have their bilis out for difference of opinion as to the amount their entertainment, which is to be given due, and although it looks very much at the opera house on Friday, February as though some usurious items may 17, which will consist of minstrels, vocal have been included in the settlement, the and instrumental music, and a farce, en­ 1 court is powerless to help the defendent titled, “A Close Shave.’’ Reserved seat for the reason that he has set up no such defense and that he made the comprom­ tickets at Morton & Tromblev’s. ise and settlement with full knowledge A big crowd is expected at the railroad of the facts. meeting in this ctiy on Saturday after., Dr. P. J. Sharp, the exper- noon. Everybody come and help the movement along We all live in hope of enced dentist is located in seeing a railroad into Tillamook, and if Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and the latest proposition is a genuine one is prepared to do nothing but made in good faith, is what the people first class work and give the If your want to be assured of, aud if it is only best of satisfaction another bluff they want to know that as teeth need fixing call upon him well, and the sooner the better. FEBRUARY a, 1905 $1.50 per year Exclusive Agent for New Idea Patterns. Exclusive Agent for American Lady Corsets. The most satisfactory and cheapest paper pattern made. The most hygenic and Perfect Fitting Corset made. ioc. Each £ A Cleaning Up of Short Lengths of Piece Goods, broken lots of Lace Curtains, Knit Goods, etc Odd sizes Skirts, Waist, Coats, Jackets, Rain Coats, Sh oes, Ilats, Caps, Clothing, Underwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Sweaters, etc., that will accumulate during a busy season’s selling and always collected when stock taking. If we can fit you and please you we can sell you, For the Price is ABOUT HALF* WRAPS AT HALF FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 3rd and We will offer, at Just PRICE. SPECIAL, 4th. Half Price, all Ladies’ and Children’s Coats, Jackets and Capes—Every Garment this Sea­ son’s make. $20.00 COATS, JACKETS and CAPES, Friday and Saturday $10.00 $15.00 COATS, JACKETS and CAPES, Friday and Saturday, $7.50 $12.50 COATS, JACKETS and CAPES, Friday and Satuidav, I6.25 $10.00 COATS, JACKETS and CAPES, Friday and Saturday, $5'00 $8.00 COATS, JACKETS and CAPES, Friday and Saturday, $4.00 $5.00 COATS, JACKETS and CAPES, Friday and Saturday, $2.50 Remnants of Wool and as «35 Wash Goods At About One Half Price. About 500 REMNANTS of this Season’s Best Selling Fabrics, one yard io ten yard lengths placed on Bargain Table at about One Halt Price. A Golden Oppor­ tunity this is to lav in a supply of Shirt Waist and School Dress Patterns. Guaranteed WATCIIES GIVEN AWAY. Friday and Satur­ day Special. On next Friday and Saturday, Feb. rnary 3rd and 4-th. WE WILL GIVE with each Man or Bov’s Suit or Over­ coat that retails at $5 OO and up, one WATCH with stem wind and set and guaranteed to l»e a perfect time piece, or we will replace it with a new one —Remember these watches will be given away next Friday and Satur­ day only. Sattine Petticoats in this Remnant Sale. Knit Goods in this Rem­ nant Sale. About 50 of them. Block and Colored. This Season's Best Styles—Pleated bottoms, double ruffle, etc. Balance of the Winter Stock of Ice Wool Shawls, Circular Shawls, Hoods, etc., at— % One Quarter Off >4. $1.(10 Petticoats. Sale Price, 75c. 1.50 „ „ $1.13 2 00 „ „ 1.50 2.50 „ 1.88 I» „ 3.00 „ „ * 2.25 *4 One Quarter Off '4. All Odd Lots of SHOES. HOSI ERY and UNDERWEAR sale at One Fifth to One Half Off. flat WRAPPERS in the Remnant Sale. About 150 in Stock of Flannelette, Percale, Sattine and Print—Most all have fancy shoulder bretelles, belted waist and 12 inch ruffle at bottom. Sizes 32 to 42. $ .75 Wrappers, Remnant Sale Price. $ 39 .75 .98 1 33 SWEATERS at Remnant Sale Prices. All MEN and BOY’S SWEATERS on Sale at % ONE QUARTER OFF i $1.00 Sweaters, Sale Price.....................$ 75 1.50 ..................... 1.18 • I 2.00 ..................... 1.50 2 50 ..................... 1.88 I» 3.00 ..................... 2 25 Our Big Spring Stock will begin to arrive on next boat. A Big Stock of Valentines on Next Steamer. Commencing Feb, 2nd and Ending Feb 1 1th, 1-3rd Off on the following goods to make room for NEW SPRING GOODS, which have commenced to arrive CRAVENETTE COATS, S’ COATS and WRAPS, CHILDREN'S COATS, Ladies’ Dress Skirts, Children’s Caps All UJool Blankets All Cotton Blankets. All Wool Quilts men’s maekinatxis Liadies’ Knit Under skii’ts lil Men’s long Oil Coats I Men’s short Oil Coats I Men’s Bib Oil Overalls hi i i Boys Long Rubber Boots McCALL PATTERNS All Seama Allowed 90 ; PATZLÂFF, TIIE 210 SMALL STORE I PROSPECTS LOOK BRIGHTER county were ready to enter into a con dick and went to Tillamook, Ore., where tract to do their part. Most everybody she was married to him. The couple For a Railroad into Tillamook— will admit that this is within the reach then moved to Lebam, where they re­ i of the people of this county if the coni- sided apparently happy, until a mouth Another Proposition—A Good ' pany will arrange it so that the right of ago, when she went to South Bend, Oue if it is Genuine ' wav to be furnished by the people of this Wash., supposedly to visit a physician, If all the propositions the last fewvears 1 county is to the county line. There is a as she was in poor health. to give Tillamook County railroad eon- great desire on the part of the people to Burdick heard nothing of his wife until nection with the outside world had 1 secure a railroad, and if Mr. Simmon« he received news of her death. He now amounted to anything there would now really mean« business anil is sincere in his supposes that she went to South Bend treat least a dozen railroad companies | 1 proposal it will not take long to deter, to keep a clandestine meeting with operating between this county and Port , j mine, for Mnvor Cohn appoiut*d a com­ Shearer. land. But, alas, "hot air'- and procras mittee, composed of B. L. Eddy, T. B. Upon her death Shearer dispatched tination is all the satisfaction that the Handley, C. B. Hadley. W. H. Cooper the body to the undertaking parlors, citizens have enjoyed from the large and C. W. Talmage a committee to con­ where he called and made arrangements amount of railroad gossip. Hardly had fer with Mr. Simmons, and a public for the funeral, and upsn leaving'agreed the citizens got their second breath,when I meeting is called for next Saturday after, to be present at the obituary services. a few weeks ago the Oregon Traction noon at the o|xra house. Since that time nothing has 'occn heard Company asked rights ot wav, terminal of him —Oregonian. grounds, water frontage property and a HUSBAND CLAIMS BODY. The above named woman was well $200,000 sulrsidv. than J. E. Simmons, of Portland, comes to Tillamook with a Louis D Burdick Hears of Death of known in the citv when she and Mr. Burdick conducted the Home Restaurant. Wife Who Deserted Him railroad Iree buzzing in his bonnet. Like Ella Rogers* V ii arc Burdick is the Mr. Burdick is now grader in Chandler his predecessors he has a "sure thing railroad project to offer, and as usual, so name of the woman whose body was Bros.' mill ami is in the city today. He anxious are the citizens to get a rail leit at Dunning, McEuntrce ¿v Gill- snvK Shearer took his wife's personal he- road, they naturally bite, for they have 1 bough*« undertaking parlor«, Jan. 9, by longings and ha« given some of them been trained that wav for a long time, F. M. Shearer, anti not Ella Shearer, a« away, hut Mr. Burdick recovered some thinking, no doubt, that one of these w«« first supposed. Louin D. Burdick,, of them. The remains were buried in times they will bite nt ■ genuine proposi of Lebam, Wash . the legitimate hutband, , Lehain ytsterduv, Rev. Mixsell conduct­ tion. So as to gite Mr. Simmons an op was in this citv, identified the re­ ing the servic«s.—Journal. portunity tn make his proposition, n main« ami is now preparing to have public meeting was called on I' ridav, and the n shipped to Ix*ham, where they will B. <>. Snuffer. John Latimer and L. B he stated that the parties lie represented be interred. It is also developed that Ziemer returned to the city this more lielonged to Portland, and that they the u.«fortunate woman had three ing, coming in with John MeNamer over would build a standard guage railroad children by her 6r»t marriage with F. the Wilson road. into Tillamook, either from Sorth Yam Roger«. These children were taken from The Russian !«*♦*«, a<*4-«>i (,’liiiie«$* report»*, ucu­ $5.(MH) to $IO.o in one of the banka as the «Cate penitentiary for burglarv. Af ll v» heavy. The Kossim » look ftbo. t a guarantee as soon as the people ol thi* j ler her desertion, the woman met Bur. 5 W prisoner«.