TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 26, 19C5. Railroads and the Open Door. It is just as well for the people of this , city and county to content themselves The Japanese have pushed the con­ Talk about the ’’water cure,” Tilla­ with normal conditions, for, with pre- | struction of their railroad in Korea sent indications, there is not likelv to l>e . mook City ha» to take it for 30 years. with such vigor that the link between I much stir in other industries outside of * * * Fusan and Seoul, 274 miks long, has It the citv treasurer can't get a raise in I dairying lur a long tune to come XVe ; been completed, and trains are running his salary he wants the recorder's salary , would like to report otherwise, but it is 1 regularly over the line. Work is pro­ cut down the same as his. juntas well to state the facts. Some of ceeding on a further extension of * * * I our settlers years ago thought, sure, that It is reported that the price of pipe is Tillamook county would come to the road from Seoul to W iju, which going up. Anyone can ace through that, I trout, but they »ee no more prospects to- give Korea a trunk railway from one of its important southern ports to one if it is to be a smoke »tack pipe line. day than they sawyearsago. Tillamook of its northernmost towns on the Yalu * < * I has maection twenty (20), Township one lit becomes one cubic foot of Liquozone make the law general in its scope. A Murphy, Evangelist in charge. Services evening at the meeting in the citv hall more valuable for its timber or stone tlmn fnJ North of Range ten (10) West of the Will­ It is claimed that this product does feature of the law, heretofore unmen­ agricultural purposes, and to establish hi« amette Meridian strikes the shore ofTilla- that looked somewhat sillv, When C. B. will lie held each evening thereafter at Clatn, t„ ,al(| |H1% before th. Cmintv cieii v s a large rock marked Hadley said he \\ jis in favor of allowing 7 30, to which a gencrul invitation is what oxygen dues. That it is like oxy­ tioned, is wherein it provides that in of Tillamook County. Oregon at Tiling b XX-R) Bay marked X gen, a remarkable Ionic; and that like an cases where th- culprit is caught and t X on a large rock for the everybody to vote tor a water commis­ given. 1 „corntr of boat - house lot : It is requested that so far ns possible excess of oxygen, it destroys the germs prosecuted, the prosecution shall satisfy sion, C. \V. Palmage gave a loud snicker thence U est fifty (50) feet ; thenoe North two and sixtv-four hundredths (2.64) chains t<» and commented dapping his hands for the business men of the city close their of disease. The makers publish on the judgment against the county or city, center of county road; thence East along claiming adverselv the aid road fifty (50) feet ; thence South two Mr. Hadley. As Tnlinage found himself places of business nt 7 o'clock, during every bottle an offer of $1.000 for a where the outrage is perpetrated. This . k '.’IV“1 alJ if\ is intended to stimulate efforts on the the only person in the room snickering the progress of the meetings, if so dis­ disease germ that it cannot kill. place of beginning ; and it appearing to the î.nrl1! ’.a,d. real property i" a small ami clapping, thcex mayor's admiration posed, and the same will be taken as a The men who have purchased this part of the authorities, and makes it P^vel of the lands owned by said Minors in S. Iinsssttn, Register. for the ex-saloon kee|>er ami ex gambling speefal net of courtesy for which we product state they first tested it for two compulsory for the conntv to pay half c°unty. Oregon, and that it is 2^J-1’’ai?r an<1 w°uld be beneficial to the said express appreciation in advance. the assessed valuation, where thecrimi joint proprietor soon subsided and ended years, through physicians and hospitals . m \hat ”.'Ach part of thdr said real estate senator Maine» introduced a resolution should l>e sold. in a frost. Hearty“vo-oprrntion upon the part of They amply proved that it ’I< mm what is nals are not apprehended. Some o|>- 1ecially desirable, and at­ a11 Prr*on« interested in their do. Inorder toprove this fact to the from certain quarters in Eastern Oregon, »»ttee to investigate the rumors of a - Tu iJnd ®PP«ar lief ore this Court on Mon- thing to do. when the saloon faction a tendance at each service requested of all. sick they offer to buy a 5o-cent bottle but the general sentiment seems to be bribery tn regard to I he local option I,ill hour ofinh- I r».of Fchruary. 1905. at the tew years ago. succeeded in getting Mr u C,oc S a m at the «’»ce of the Ila resolution « a» referred to the com ­ E. M. P atterson , Pastor. and give it free to any one who asks for. favorable to the law. ♦ « IS1- L crk ot Tillamook County, Oregon Maxwell to increase the salarv of the ?au*e why a license should not tw mittee on resolutions. His resolution re. If this product will do even a tenth f°Lth? sn,e °f »aid ¡Mjrtion of the county nidge to $600 a year, but when cites that it was a matter of comment estate of said minors. Rti’wift is now hunting for trouble what is claimed for it. Liquorme will Wondeiful Nerve. «hnïi d i!l ’* furSher ‘»rdcred that this order the county school an peri nt endent desites with Chinn. under the impression that p.ior to the convening of the Legislature l< displayed by many a man enduring certainly I* of vast value to sick human­ L».; *rved br publication thereof 1 t a raise hi salary, the saloon faction mt 400,000.000 tellowr men of another va- “ AT" ."u«*ssire weeks prior to «aid _ — XVour «is. that money would I* used by the liquor ity And the fact that the owners paid pains ol accidental Cuts. • wÎ^i hCann * ,n th** Tillamook Headlight, Bruisvs. Burns, r ' Y, : . mediately makes a kick. We admit that nety will not fight under any circum* Scalds, S. hp feet or stiff interests to secure the revision or repeal $100.000 for the simple right to make it, joints n» -T .1'v newr®paper printed nnd published Bui tbeie’b no need fur it. Buck­ salaries of county officials all over the Mances. tinJ\vU»*^O<\k- C,t-V’ Oregon, and circula­ of the local option law. and further that and that they pay for the sick one's test, len s Arnica Sahe will kill tl>e pain and ting w ithin this county of Tillamook. state are unequal. For instance, the " W. CONDER Speaking of the ’proposed union of would indicate that those who know it cure the trouble. It’*» the best Salve on these rumors have since assumed the school superintendent !* salary for Mult earth for Piles, too. 25c at Chas I. ■lehmte form that a briery fund has \rixona and New Mexico. Senator Till l**et have faith in it Clough, Druggist. notiuah is S'J.tHHi a year with only 40 man nay a been raised. He declare, th.. wH| cast County of Tillamook.Î ».». am against the dcmina- ? ’-arnb. County Clrrk of Titln- schools to look after, while that of filla lion of white men by Mexican» and ,T: hereby certify that a taint on the Legislature, and asks f„r Fhnï S In thirteen years irrigation has in. Tillamook Lumber Company will sell mook is $600 with ¿»Omhoh"eof n. the .ame ap Rough Fir Lumlwr sawed to order lor evident from this that salaries for county will shortly get the white race narrow­ o ,B c * "• *'•** “* th *' Jo investigate and report. The spirit of Sb?,?e L h Î',”?. ' n Texas 141 par cent. The era of i mg a êoiiii.TL * ,hn‘ ,h» fore«oin« i. ♦ 7 00 per thousand in one thousand lots officials nil over the state need readjust, ed down to the Democracy of South invesnganon should be impartial and wh5 theart3nPl ’rOm ’Uvh and thC t o i now opening will lie full of marvel, and up. Spruce.at $6.00 at the same have the »me fair .cope in all pern., ing. Carolina. in th» progress of American agriculture. C?>'»rtnthU 7wL-hi\nd and *«1 °f 9a’d rate. ( I court this lycemlyr 2»th 19u4 I O. B. LAMB. Editorial Snap Shots. headquarters for DAIRYMEN’S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES Agents for the Créât Western Saw M c I ntosh & M c N air co ., The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. a xle (jREASE LATIMER, BROS., County Clerk.