TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JANUARY 26, 1905. SHERIFF’S SALE. Svrnaon, John. Tract in Sec. 19 T I N W. V«, N. W. % of N. W. and I I Blk. 2, Central add. to Tillmook.. 7 53 I 1 R. 9 W................................... whose workers refused to join the strife 2« 26 ' lot 1 of Sec. 32, T. 4 S., R. 10 W ... 9 OO Woods, William. Lots 3 and 4, ijuick, Heirs of Kay, M. Beg. at a ers has been burned to the ground. Graves, E. B.. S. S of N.W. >4 and E. Blk. 2. Central add. to Tillamook.. 8 pt on W. line of James Quick ‘ a oí S. W. i« of Sec. 9, T.5 8, K. Among the dead is Father Sergius, a Nodine, Vance. E J-j of Lot 2, Blk. Bv virtue of a warrant to me directed, D. L.C., 25.50 chs. S. of N.W cor. 9 W........... 2 20 4, McDermott's add. to Tillamook much beloved priest of the ('»reek Ortho­ 9 76 issued by the County Clerk of Tillamook of said claim and running thence Hart, Mary M., 8. W. V4 of 8. E. *4 Mapes, Frances B. Lots 6, 7 and 8, County, Oregon, commanding me to «ell the dox Church, who has been much among E. ai 75 cha ; th. N. 41.50 chs. ; th. and that part of the 8. E. ‘4 of S. Blk. 7, Miller's add. to Tillamook 6 68 S t . P etersburg , Jan. 23.—Into the the strikers and exposed himself to many gcveral article« of pcr«onul property and E. 18.25 chs. to E. line of claim ; th E. L lying west of Hig Nestucca Haskins, heirs of Martha J. Lots 3, parcels of real property upon which the 1 last hours of Sunday and the first of dangers in his attempt to prevent blood, N. 50 Iks., th.,W. 40 chs. to H. line Toll Road, Sec. 17, T. 5S., R. 9 W. 4, 5, 6 and 7, Blk. 1, Park add. to 1 69 taxes are levied and unpaid as shown by the of claim ; thence 8. 12 chs. to Monday were crowded some of the shed. His death gave rise to the first re­ Hart, Eira, 8. E. *4 of N. E. of to Tillamook ........................................... 2 79 Tax List accompanying such warrant of the beg. in Secs. 29 & 32, T. 1 8. R 9 most meinentous and frightful events port that Father Gopon had been killed. section 19 und N. E. ‘4 ot.N. W. Olsen, Louis. *..j int. in Lots 1 to W......................................................... ’ ’ State. County. School and other taxes for 26 and S. M of N. W. « and N. ,W. *4 4, Blk. 5, Park Add. to Tilla­ i which will ever be recorded in the pages the year 1903, and Special School Taxes and Fairview- Grange, No. 273. Beg. All night the work of constructing bar. mook .......................................................... of N. E J4 of Sec. 20, T. 5 8, R. 9 1 67 | of Russia’s history. Within one hour Tillamook City Taxes for the year 1904, I at theS.E. of N.E. % of Sec. 28, ricades has been continuing. Telegraph W ........................... ......... ................. Haskins, heirs of Martha J. Lots 2 4 23 will, beginning at 10 o’clock in the forenoon T. 1 8., R. 9 W. ; thence W. 155 from the time this dispatch is written is ¡ Hill. H. V., E. >4 of N. W. >4 and N. to 7, Blk. 6, Park Add. to Tilla­ poles have been felled with axes and of Monday, the 3Oth day of January, 1905, roda ; thence N. 583 feet to in­ mook ............................. ...................... i W. 14 ofN. W. »4 oi.Sec. 28 & N. E. 3 35 to begin, according to the strike leaders, burned and nearly all telephone wires, and continuing from day to day thereafter itial point ; thence N. 165 ft. ; 1 the great struggle for freedom. This is with the exception of those which are di­ I *4 of N. E. % of Bee 29, T. 5 S., R. Olsen, Louis. Lots 1 to 7, Blk. 14, until the list is exhausted, offer for sale*ut th W. 132 ft ; th S. 165 ft. ; th E. i 9 W ........................................ Park add. to Tillamook ..................... 5 86 the programme of the strikers as out­ 6 76 public action and sell to the best bidder the 132 ft. to place of beginning ......... rectly guarded by the troops, are down 38 ' Selph, E. E., S.W. J4 of N. E. % and S. Fowler, H. L. Lot 8, Blk. 3, Still­ real property situated in Tillamook County, Fearnside, Heirs of G. W. % int. in lined ami decided upon at the meetings The number of barricades now in the well’s add. to Tillamook.................... E. % of N.W. *4 of Sec. 4, T. 5 S., R. 4 32 Oregon, particularly described in the list fol- Lot 3, Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 10 W....... held late Sunday night. 1 10 W Lot 6, Blk. 6, 3 75 Allison, A. B. streets of St. Petersburg, with the excep. Olds, Eli P. All that part of the lowing : Riot has given wav to revolution. The tion of those in the Vassili Ostroff quar­ Thayer’s add. to Tillamook............. Bush. A. S., N.E. Vi of,S. W. N. W. 8 35 binith. Walter J. E. % of N.W. S.W. o S.W. lying N. of Ryan, R. F. Lot 7, Blk. 23, M of 8. E. >4 Sec. 4, T. 5 S, R. 10 W 3 75 labor troubles which gave rise to the W. J, of N E. J4, Sec. 9, T. 1 N., Trask River, in Sec. 25, T. 1 Thayer’s add. to Tilllatnook ............ 44 awful outbreak are forgotten. The mobs ter, is estimated at 40. Upton, C. B., Com. 40 rods N. 22 $14 53 8., R. 10 W. ; also all that part of K. 7 W... Vasalielski Island is being watched Hembree, J. J. 4 of of Sec. 12, T. 2 S., R. n W ......... 12 80 Ocean Park.. .. ....................................... 21 every minute. There are those in I question of the hour is whether the men Sec. 15. T. 5 8., R 10 W ............. 1 50 -ec. 24, T. 1 N., R. 8 W .......... 3 20 Gibbons, S. N.W. J4 of N.E. 8c Waugh, W. G. Lots 9 and 10, Blk. Millspaugh, W illiam H., E. % ofS. E. officialdom who believe that the throne on the island will be able to make their Smith, Mary E. S.W. J< of S.W. y4, N.E. J4 of NW. »4 of Sec. 13, T. 2 2. Malaney’s add. to Ocean Park.. 39 U oi Sec. 21 & W. H of 8. W. J£of is in danger. Sec. 1, T. 1 N., R. IO W 3 00 8. R. 8 W.................................................. 12 80 way into the city. If they do the city Sec. 22, T. 5 S., R. 10 W .............. 5 63 KjUibrew, R. P. Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Smith, Louis L. N.W. % of S.W. tf, The horrors on Sunday evening were may become theirs. Whitney, R. W. S.E. J4 of S.E. J4 of Blk. 7, Malaney’s add. to Ocean Ayers, John M.. S. % ofS. E. % of Sec. See. l.T. 1 N.. R. IO W tic N.E. Sec. 20, T. 2 S., R. 8 W....................... Park .......................................................... 3 76 exceeded by far by those of the night 3 76 10, T. 6 S., R. 9 W . ......... 5 63 >4 of S.E. J< & S.E. J< of N.E. «4, Whitney, R. W. W. % of S.W. of SHERIFF’S ASSESSMENT. Pfoutz, M. G., S. W. J4 of Sec. 18, T. and early morning. The most harrow­ Sec. 2, T. 1 N., R. 10 W ................... 11 98 Sec. 21, T. 2 S., R. 8 W Lost Manhood. McWhinnie, Margaret. 8.W. > 4 of 51 6 8., R 9 W........ ............................. 11 26 ing slaughter occurred in the Vassili Hughes J. H. N. y, of N.E. Sec. 16, Wh.nu y, R. W. N g i4 N.H. ■, ,,f 98 N.E. V4 of Sec. 36, T. 3 S, R. 9 W 1 Burton, Mrs. R. C., W’.*a of S. W. Ostroff’ quarter, where the destruction T. 1 N., K. IO W. ... ......................... Sec. 29, T. 2 8., R. 8 W........................ Tillamook Lumbering Co. Beg. at 3 76 of Sec. 13 and lots 17, 18. 19 and I may not be able to point out the Pillman, Bertha. N. of S.W. *4, of the barricades were accompanied by cause, but I am positive that I can name Dickenson. Silas W. 8.E. Sec. 34, the N.E, cor. of the E. Thomas I). 20 of Sec. 14, T 6 S, R. 11 W ....... 5 57 Sec. 16, T. 1 N., R. lo W 4 70 T. 2 8., R. 8 W .... . . ................. 25 57 John P. Munsinger. Lot 1, Blk 1, L. C., thence 8 326 ft., thence E 60 the killing of thousands. These barri­ the never failing remedy. There is no Bengtha Byrom. All tide lands F. tic Campbell, William F. Beg. at the ft., thence N. to Hoquarton Slough, Tohl’s Add. to Neholem City......... 26 cades were telegraph poles bound to other disease that is so prevalent among A., on Lot 2, 8ec. 20, T. 1 N., R. 1O thence W.Jto place of beg ................. 33 40 N.W. cor. of the .N.E. % of S.W. men, and none that makes a man more William Norris, Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 2, gether with wire entanglements, which trifling and unreliable. The women who 95 W .................................................................. % of Sec. 4, Tp. 2 S., R. 9 W.; Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City... . 5 21 Unknown. Beg. at the center of Byrom, Bengtha. Beg. at N. boun­ were stretched from curb to curb. It •SB. 7. T|>. 5 8. R. IO W., th. N <.n thence E. 9 chs ; thence S. 20 chs finds herself bound to a man in this mor­ Hans Larsen. Lot 6, Blk. 2, Tohl’s dary of the 5 acre tract in Lot 2, % Sec. line 8.90 chs., th. S. 58 to the 1-16 Sec. line; thence W. became evident that if those operations bid condition may expect everything Addi. to Nehalem City........................ 26 in Sec. 21, T. 1 N., R. 10 W., degrees E 2.16 chs., th. S 55Ji 9 chs, to the S.W. cor. of the N.E. Unknown, Lot4, Blk. 4, Tohl’s Add. were permitted to continue, the whole that is objectional in a man, failure to known a9 the Ralston tract and at degrees E 225 ft. to what is known % of S.W. 14 of Sec. 4 ; th. N. 20 provide, jealous and distrustful, with to Nehalem City ............................... 50 city would be menaced, for then the the passion of a' brute, and the self re­ a pt. 40|100 chs. N. 74° E. from as the Vincent Sutton tract, th. S. chs. to the place of beg, in Sec. 4, Nick Drostoff, 28 ft. on S. side of rebels would have a stronghold whence the N.W. cor. of said Ralston 34Vfc degrees W along the east side * straint of a dog, vacilating, boastful, T.2 8., R. 9 W .................... 5 05 Lot 3, Blk. 6, Tohl’s Add. to Ne­ tract . th. N. 74 !■:. 5 47(100 chs. ; of County Road to a pt. N 22 de­ McCormack, Armada. N.E. y of they could send their forces into all with only the appearance ot a man. halem City.............................................. 1 52 th. N. 16° W. 2 46|100 chs.; th. N. grees E from the point of beginning, The cause. The world is divided into Sec. 5, T. 2 S., R. 9 8 of Tftisk Nick Drostoff, Lots 10 & 11, Blk. parts of the city without being in danger 74° E. 4 13|1OO ch.; th. N. 16° W. th. S. 22 degrees W. toplace of beg., two distinct classes, Christaiu and river ............................. ................. 21 61 9, Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City... 4 37 of having their communications inter ­ heathen. In the heathen world men mar- to N. boundary of D. D. Bayley's excepting County Road, all in Sec. McCormack, Armada. 30 acres of Clyde Newell, Lot 11. Blk. 12, Tohl’s 1 90 rupted. 7, T. 5 S, R. 10 W.................................. rv at puberty. In the Christian world pre-emption claim j th. W. to N.W. E. end of S. y3 of N.W. % of Sec. Add to Nehalem City ...................... 26 there are all sorts of ideas, but seven cor. of Lot 2 in said Sec. 21 ; th. Message from the Leader. 5, T. 2 8., R. ‘.9 W................................. 6 56 D. H. Vedder, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 16, The amount of taxes, interest to date of S. on line between Lots 1 & 2 to Marolf, John. Lot 4 and E. Vä of sale and penal J*»s due upon each parcel is Tohl’s Add. Nehalem City........ . . The fortifying of that district was the years is the extreme adopted bv our na­ the place of beginning......................... 5 Lot 5, Sec. 8, T. 2 8., R. » W « set opposite the same, and also the name of result of the realization by the strikers tion. It is during this stage of life we U. * C. Newell, Lot 2. Blk 19, either learn the lesson of virtue through Byrom, Bengtha. East half of the Johnson, Maryette. Com. at S.E. The sale will be Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City......... 26 the owner when known. that they must combine their forces. faith in the Redeemer,or become depleted following described tract : Com­ cor. of Truman Harris D.L.C. ; held at the front door of the Court House in Nehalem Dairy Association, Lot 1, mencing at a pt. known and th. N. 30.21 chs. to N.E. cor. of said county, in manner and form as upon They had long hesitated before adopting by the ravages of lost manhood. There Blk. 21, Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem designated as stone *’ A,” being 58 said claim ; th. W. 26.98 chs.; th 6 45 sale of real property under execution, except a plan of concentration, but once decided is nothing more startling (than there is City ................................. .................... 16|1OO chs. W. & 42 15|100 8. of 8 30.21 chs; th. E. 12.98 chs ; th. as by law otherwise especially provided. upon, they lost no time in carrying it about the fact that a sieve will not hold Daniel Cronen, Blk. 44, Pacific Har­ water unless the hcdesarc all soldered up. N.E. cor. of rec. 21, Tp. 1 N., R. IO N. 3.75 chs. ; thence E. 4 chs ; 24 Each pareel will be sold to the person who bor........................................ out. Every man knows that as soon as we W.; thence N. 74° E. 5 664|1OOO offers to pay the taxes, costs and accruing thence S. 3.75 chs.; thence E. 10 Bengtha Byrom, Lots 1 . 2 & 3, in If anything was needed to carry them come to puberty that our virtue wastes chs. ; thence N. 16° W. 7.08 chs.; penalties thereon, and take a certificate at chs. to place of beg, less 40 acres Blkl; All tide lands F. 1 8c A. on bv imagination, that up to that time thence S. 74° W. 5 64411OOO chs.;^ to Leon Berry, in-Sec. 8, T. 2 $, R. Lots 1,2 & 3, Garibal lidi................. 9 00 the lowest rate of interest, provided, how- on to the tireless activity, it came with ever, the maximum rate should not exceed the receipt of a message bearing the sig­ what a bov eats is secreted, that after thence 8. 16° E. 7.08 chs. to place 9 W .......................... . .......................... 32 83 Bengtha Byrom, Lots 6, 7 & 8, that time he will grow weak and puny 3 of beginning ............. . ..................... Trevor, Francis, Jr. S.E. ^4, Sec. 15, 58 IO per cent. The sale will be made subject Blk. 1, Garibaldi......... nature of ” Father George,’’ their beloved with the richest food, that there is an Byrom, Bengtha. Beginning at 86 to redemption as provided by law, and is for T. 2 3., R. 9 W........................................... 15 00 I F. W. Cay, Lot 2, Blk. 7, , Bay City. Whether the message unnatural tendency to solidude that his stone “ A,” said stone being 58.16 Borton, Isaac. N.E. of S.W. 86 the purpose to satisfying the said warrant leader. Gopon. Unknown, Lot 7, Blk. 7, , Bay City. with lawful charges. was really sent by Gopon made little secret thoughts rob him of his vitality, chs. W. and 42.15 ch«. 8. of N E. Sec. 21, T. 2 S..R. 9 W ............ ... 1 9 Baker, M. R., Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 8, an unfortunate, deplorable wreck. It is C. H. WOOLFE, Dennis, O. E. N.W. Sec. 31, T. 1 71 cor. of Sec. 21. Tp. 1 N., R. 10 Bay City...................... difference. It did its work, and shortly hete that the heathen doctrine claims Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. W. ; thence S. 16° E. 45 ft.; thence 2 S., R. 9 W . ....................................... 15 89 Roach, J. P. Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, after midnight every man was at work superiority, for an early marriage evades Tillamook City Oregon, December 17th, 3 44 Nodine, Vance. Beg. at the S.W. cor S. 74° W. 150 ft. ; thence N. 16° Blk. 14, Bay City........... completing the fortifications of the I his loathesome condition. Every one 1904. W. 45 ft. to intersect S.W. cor. of of the S.E. of Sec. 11, Tp. 2 S, Cottle, Addie, Lots 5, 6, 7 & 8, quarter. It also set at rest all disquiet, will admit that a bov is not at his prime R. 10 W., and running thence along Lot 3, in blk. 1, town of Gari­ Blk. 22, Bay City....... at puberty but how to preserve his vir­ the W. line of said tract N. 20 rods, Hills, C.T. Lots 16, 17 & 18, Blk. baldi ; thence N. 74° E. 150 ft.' ing rumors in circulation about the fate tue is a very important and delicate City Treasurer Explains. 1 30 th. E at right angles to said W. along S. line of said bk. 1 to 1, I ay View Add. to Bay City. of Gopon. One report had him arrested, question. Like begets like. A boy stands line 80 rods ; thence. S. at right Unknown. Lots 12 & 13. Blk. 4, place of beg, to include all land about as good a chance passing this 44 TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. another wounded, a third killed. The stage ot life victorious as a flowering angles to said last cor., 2o rods ; Bay View Add. to Bay City ..... lying between the S. line of Lots th. W. along the S boundary of D ear S ir ,—In answer to an article in officials at this time claimed to have ali­ geranium would to bloom at the north Riefenberg, Geo. Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 1, 2 & 3, blk. 1, Garibaldi and 44 the Headlight, which made reference to solutely no knowledge of bis where- pole or in the midst of the great Sahara 95 said first described tract 80 rods 5, Bay View Add. to Bay City........ ordinary high water mark................ to place of beginning, in Sec. 11, T. Neil, James. Lots 9, 10 & 11, Blk. Byrom. Peter. All tide lands F. & the city treasurer as being controlled b\ aboms The police would not admit desert. 25 2 86 2 8, R. IO W............................................... 7, Bay View Add. to Bay City......... A., on Lots 3 & 4, Sec. 21, T. 1 N., I never had an honest lessen in virtue Mr. Thaver, will say ; That this is a mis that he had been arrested, nor that he Thompston, Heirs of E. R.. Alltide 4 70 Bozorth, Scott. Lots 1 to 8, Blk. R. IO W................................................ .. in my Ide and the very men that I would is al liberty. lands F. & A. on Lots 1, 2 and 4 taken idea of the editor, and I wish fur ­ 1 72 I 12, Bay View Add. to Bay City. Byrom, Bengtha. Beg. at S.W. look to astonished me with their flag­ o of,Sec. 17, T. 2 8, R. 10 W................. The most reliable report, the one wh'ch rant lack ol virtue, men who gamed my Hawley, Lauretta F. Lot 8. Blk. 3, cor. of Lot 1, in Sec. 22, Tp. 1 ther to say that the present city treasurer Osborne, Rose G., E. of S. W.J4, J Bar View Add. to fBay City N., R. 10 W. ; th. N. 209 ft.; thence confidence bv asking God’s blessing at will not be controlled by Mr.Thayer, Mr. emanates from a source which may be S. E. % of N. W. and S. W. 14 of [ Wade, Mary C. Lot 4, Blk. 7, Bar E. 209 ft. ; thence S. 209 ft ; thence ; the table or praying in public and at the trusted in. states that Gopon was Eddy or anyone else. I look at the pre N. E. 14 of Sec. 26, T. 2 8., R 10 45 75 ' View Add. to Bay City..................... W. 209 ft. to beg.............................. first opportunity telling some smutty 17 sent city fight simply as a matter of jea wounded in the fight around the Puli- j ' story or their i Jamons character coming ' RlefenberK. W. E Lot 1. Blk. H, W,................................................................ Par««, Theo. That part of the pre­ Steele. Eliza, W.% of S. W. J4 of Sec. loff works, that he was taken a prisoner, j 45 Bar View Add. to Bay City........... emption claim of B. A. Bayley, lousy between the citizens and a great to light. A bov forms his opinion by his 26, T. 2 8.. R. 10 W. ................. 8 w Unknown, Lot IS, Blk. 10, Bar in Sec. 22, Tp 1 N , R. 10 W., disadvantage to the city, therefore I will but liberated by a determined band of ! associates with whom he cither con- 45 Steele, Eliza, B. l/¡ of S. E. >4 of Sec. View Add. to Bay City.................... bounded by beginning at the mean­ ! cities or opposes. Not being very keep out cf it by not joining in with faithfuls, and then spirited away to a , bright with 8 96 Unknown. Lot 1, Blk. 13, Bar View 27, T. 2 3.. R. 10 W ................. I was always more inclined to be der line of Tillamook Bay, 20 chs. place of safety, whence he is now pre ­ 45 either side. Moore, H. B.. S. E. of N. E. H, E. Add. to Bay City .............................. I honest, and it appeared to me that the E. of line bet. b’ec. 21 & 22 and of 8. E. *4, bee. 5, T. 3 S., R. 9 May, W.J. Loti, Blk. 2, Bewley’s smartest thing a man could do was to For the benefit of those w hy may want paring plans for the day. running thence N. to N. line of 96 3 W. .................................... 1 30 to know where the city funds are de Add. to Bay City ....... .......... I he report of building fortifications in ' subdue his virtue, and than it was an said claim ; thence W on said N. Mills, C., Lot 1 and N. E. % of N.W. Cone, W. S. 50 x 200 ft. in Lot 1. line 3.44 chs.; thence 8. to afore­ the Vassili Ostroff quarter left the au­ I actual disgrace for a man to raise a 3 28 of Sec. 31, T. 3 S. R. 9 W.......... 86 posited, will say that they will be divided Blk. 4. Bewley’s Add. to Bay City ! large family. The ill effect of being said meander line ; thence E’lv. equally and half deposited in C. & thorities still undecided. They had not brought up in an atmosphere of social Harris, Lucy, E. N. ofN. E. Ji, s. Cone, W. 8. Lot 2, Blk. 4, Bewley’s with said meander line to place of E. *4 ofN. E. Ji, N. E. *4 of S. E. 1 30 E. l’hayer's bank and the other half with proclaimed martial law, trusting in the immorality is demonstialcd by all the Add. to Bay City ......... beg, containing 5 acres more or IO 89 Roby. D. W. A. Lots 9 & 10, Blk. of Sec. 84, T. 3 8., R. 9 W.......... 1 50 ability of the troops stationed in the horrors of lost manhood. less.................................................................. the Tillamook County Bank. Munson, Emanuel, Lots 10, 11,13 45 The remedy. The vast number of 13, Central Add. to Bay City. Byrom, Peter. All tide lands F. 8c western part of Vassiliefski Island to Very respectfully, 50 Hermings, O. G. Lots 11 & 12, Blk. and 14, Sec. 11, T. 3 S.,R. IO VJ quacks and nostrums purporting to A., on lots 1, 2 & 3, in Sec. 22, T. 1 prevent reinforcements from reaching restore lost manhood forms one of the R alph /» ckley , < ’ ity Treasurer. White, A. T., N. % of ofS. W. Ji. 8. > 2 45 13, Central Add. to Bay City 4 N., R. 10 W ........................................... the men quartered in Vassili Ostroff, but main advertisements of the newspapers. of N. .W. Ji of Sec. 15, T. 3 3., R. Cottle. Addie, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, Tillamook Logging Co. N.W. % of 7 50 1OW ................ .. .......................... 15, 16, in Blk. 22; Lots 1 to 8, then came the news that 40,000 strikers It is nothing uncommon to see a dozen 3 75 N.W. J4, Bee. 24. T. 1 N., R. 10 W. Let us all Have a Bonus. I Unkaown : Beg. at a pt. where the Blk. 23, Central Add. to Bay Byron, Bengtha. All tide land F. 8c were moving from Kolpino, 16 miles hi one issue to be sent in ¿plain sealed Co. road crosses the W. line of the mail on all sorts of terms. I tried them 86 City............................................................. A., on Lot 1, See. 29, T. 1 N, R. 10 THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. distant from St. Petersburg, upon the TO E. Ji of S. E. J4 of Sec. 31, T. 3 S., to my hearts content and would say Bridgeford, J. H. Lots 11 & 12, 38 D ear S ir , — In your issue of the 12th capital, and another rumor that the R IO W., th. N. 40 rods, th. E. 20 that a man is only fooling his time and Blk. 76, Central Add. to Bay Haskins, J. W. N. H of N.W. y4. money away. There is but on** remedy ft., thenceS 40 rods, thence W 20 inst., we notice the regular semi inspired men in the Vassili Ostroff had seized a City.......................... ........... ........ Sec 35, T. 1 N., R. 10 W..................... 12 89 ft. to place of beg., in Sec. 31, T. 3 Hicks & Nelson. Lot 4, Blk. 1, article on the salaries of our county ofh dynamite factory and distributed its and one physician. When the hope fails Vanniewenhuize, Alois. Lot 3, Sec. 95 the heart breaks. Lost manhoed is but 86 S. R. IO W................................................... Cone tic Co’9. Add. to Bay City 8 60 35, T. 1 N., R. IO W ............ cials, the burden of which is to show stock among their forces. a broken heart exemplified. It is strictly Chamberlain, E. A. and O. R., Lots Grout, Heirs of W. H. Lot 5. Blk. 6, Mead.C. W. N.E. % of Sec. 18, T. that they are poorly paid for their ser ­ Slaughter is Put at Two Thousand. a heart affection Matt. v.. 28 “ That 1, 2 and 3 less 2 acres (Lot 3) for Cone & McCoy’s Add. to Bay 24 80 2 N., R. 7 W.................. Lookout City, Sec. 1, T. 3 S..R. 11 1 30 vices. especially the county school sujter Immediately the order went out to whosoever looketh on a woman to hist City ................... ................................. Kinney, M.J. Lot 2. Sec. 4, T. 2 N., 1 05 Oakes, Catherine, Lot6, Blk. 2, Ful­ W.......... ... .......................... ............... intendent, who draws from the county take the quarter, no matter what the after her hath committed adultery with 3 75 R. IO W................................ ...................... her already in Ins heart.” I am not 86 ler’s Add. to Bay City Chamberlain, N. J., Lot 1, less 4 Ripley, M. H. S.E. % of N.W. %, the pittance of *600.00 per year and cost. Al 1:20 this morning a mixed force prepared to say how a cathartic effects Tilden. A. S. Lot 8, Blk. 2, Fuller’s acres for Lookout City and 20 S. W. % of N.E. y4. Sec. 36, T. 2 N., of troops, the larger portion being made the liver, nor how to look at a nude 9 46 office expenses. 1 05 Add. to Bay City ... .................... acres sold, Sec. 12. T. 3 8, R. 11 W, 4 11 R. IO W...................................................... Now in the county we have about 50 up of Cossacks; Hussars and Uhlans, picture of a woman affects the heart, Cone. Mary J. ¡Lot 1, Blk. 3, Ful­ Wood. W. H.. 8. E. of N, W. N. Mack, Mary J. S.E. *4 Sec. 1, T. 3 86 school teachers, anv one of whom should moved upon the quarter. They were but this is the Christian theory hi which ler’s Add. to Bay City E. Ji of 3. W. *4 and Lots 2 and N.. R. 6 W............................................... I believe and advocate. All a man needs 4 50 Ackley, Ralph. Lot 7, Blk. 3, Fuller’s a. Sec. 18, T. 4 8., R. 6 W be able, and I think would lx willing to met by thousands of strikers. The blood when he finds himself a worthless ruin is Montague, W. K. S.W. % Sec. 1,T. 86 Add. to Bay City ... ............. tan, H. J., Lots 2 and 3, S. E. 3 N., R. 6 W .................. hold down the office for that sum. Their shed which followed is stated l»y certain to realize this one fact that (rod created Cone, W. 8. & Mary J. Lot 8, Blk. H. W. H and 8. W >4 of N. E. Currie, D. C. N E. J4 Sec. 12, T. 3 86 average salary is not more than half sources to exceed in horror the worst a man and it we will hut act in good 5 63 3, Fuller’s Add. to Bay City. : 4, T. 4 S, R 7 W.................... N., R. 6 W ................................... that Mini, and their term of position is clashes of the French revolution. These faith toward him that he will reveal to Sabin. R. L. Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 4, Browning, Geo. E., E. Ji ofS. E. *4, Brauer, A. G. E. 14 of S.E. *4. N.W. 1 72 not nearly as secure. Again there is in informants insist that 2U00 were killed. us how that Christ on the cross made Fuller’s Add. to Bay City S. H . J4 of 8. E. and 3. E. y± of y4 of S.E. >4 & N.E. % of S.W. an atonement for our sins, and that if 5 63 Hellstren, William, Lot 5. Blk. 8. Sec. 12 T. 3 N , R. 6 W..................... 19 97 8. W. ‘i of 8ec. 4. T. 4 8. R. 8 o . 86 the county a good many ranchers, dairy­ Other conservative agencies place the we trust him he will heal our broken Fuller’s Add. to Bay City......... Imlah, Alex, Sr , 8 E. h '♦ of Watt, R. H. N. J4ofS W.‘4. S E. *4 men and others, whose yearly income number of killed at 500 and the wound, heart and thereby redeem us. 1 88 Sabin, R. L. Lots 3 He 4, Blk. 9, 8ec. 33, T. 4 8.. R. 9 W of s.w. J4 tic s.w. ‘4 of s.E. y4. _________ J. ( . G ove . 86 will not reach that amount. Again, cd at H(M). Fuller’s Add. to Bay City... 8- D. ’4 of S. Sec 11, T. 3 N., R. 9 W -------- 25 56 Farmer, Agnes, W. 5 25 ! Riefenberg, W. L. E. °C Dot .1. there never seems to lie anv difficulty in E. V4 of Sec. 1,T. 4 S., R. 10 W.. It is iai possible at this time to confirm Mendel, G. H. H. »4 of N.E. J4 * Attention is being directed to the fait j of Lot 2 ; E. >4 of Lot 3 ; all of Baxter, F. S., 8. 4 of N.W. %. W. 9 45 applicants for every office. Again il | of the position fought for, the very worst $103,000,000, or about $20,000,000 in Amended Add. to Bay City.. lots in Ocean Park ; Lots 7, 8. and % of s.w: & s.E. y4 of s.w. Ji, Unknown. Lot 9. Blk. 6. Theo. Ja­ 9. except certain lots in Ocean shows poor business policy to raise an 1 might have happened. One high officer excess oI th** corresponding period ol the See. 12.T. 3 N., R. 9 W....................... 25 56 45 coby’s add. to Bay City .................... Park and W. Ji of 8. E. Ji of Sec. Mendel, J. W. S.W. ^4ot N.E. V*. Lota employee’s salary »luring the time of his I *aid at 7 o’clock this morning that the two years previous. When these exports 19, T. 4 3., K. 1OV7 .......... 19 71 Unknown. Lot IO. Blk 6. Theo. 25 56 2. 3 8c 4 Sec. 12, T. 3 N., R. 9 W 45 contract. Now if Representative West barricades of the Vassili Ostroff quar- i are compared with those to other coun­ Weatherly. J. F., Beg. ata pt. 1OO Jacoby’s add. to Bay City Purdom.J. 8. N.W. J< ofSec. 14, T. isthe consereaciye man he is represented ters ha ft. Young W. 6.W. J. 4 of8.K. K. 10 r. 1 3 44 . « it would be in a good cause 71. Pacific add. to Bay City Tillamook Lumber Company will sell Co»i*H‘ kw were sent after them, and after ’ to place of beg., in Sec. 19. T.4 3., Baks, so it is said by the saloon pro 46 19 R. A W 13 51 ( St. John. S. F. Lot« 14. 15 and 16, Rough Fir Lumber sawed to order tor R IO W.................... a fight , which ended in the utter rout of 1 prietois, savs he is 22 )ears of age. ami Voorhies. John Nelson. N.W. «4 of 1 30 | Llk. 72, Pacific add. to Bay City i he has stated this both lieforr and after the striker'*, every approach to the Selo *7.00 fxr thousand in one thousand lots 6 50 Dimick, A.C.. W Ji ofN E '< N •»f N.W J4, Sec. 15, T. 1 8., R. 8 W. 1 Heirs of G. W. Fearnside. S int. in I 14 of». B.’iaad N E. Ji of 3- W. the assault a la Carrie Niti«.i». T McIntosh. E. B. Lots 4 & 5, Sec. and up. Sprucc,at $<¡.00 at the same wai blocked. L«»t« 3 and 4. Blk. 1, Tillamook, 6 57 1 » 4 of Sec. 21, T. 4 3, R. K» W. 6 5 If. T. 1 8., R. 9 v 17 61 : mother sa^sthe boy has not jet reached ! less 20 ft. off 8. side...................... ta e. The big La Fein cigarette factory, Brooten. Hans H., Lot 9 of Sec. 31 I his majority. McIntosh, E. B. Lot 1 Ä N.H. g I Rollaway, David. Lots 1 and 2, and 3. W. Ji of N B •- E- '♦ ,,f « of N.B. »4, Sec. 13, T. 1 K. 9 W, » RIOT IN RUSSIA Revolution Is Following Fast. “Ì I