TILLAMOOK ATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One yenr.................. Six months............. Three months........ 1.50 75 50 all their money at the gambling tables, leaving their bills unpaid, destroying their credit and their families in des­ titute circumstances. If an additional tax is necessary to make up the loss from the revenue of gambling, levy the tax. Nine out of every ten taxpayers prefer to pay an additional tax than see their son* ruined at the gambling tat>le. There is only one side to this question. It admits of no argument, Portland has solved the quebtion and Astoria will have a latter reputation 1 broad if the same result is obtained here.—Asturian. HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 26, TME BE.ST | DREDGE FOR OREGON COAST --------- ----- Succea- of the Chinook Means Build­ ing ot Craft for Other Harbors. 57 1905 I NEW KABi TO TRADE MAM WINTER FABRICS. For Gentlemen’s Garments to Order. If it can be shown to the satisfaction of the House committee on rivers and (£|jt ¿Tillamooh Bjcahligb t harbors that the Government dredge Chinook has been a success on the Fred 0. Baker. Publisher ososaoooosooaooosooosoosasoss.assosoosooooen. Columbia River bar, there is little ques­ tion but what that comm'ttee will in­ Food Adulteration. corporatein its forthcoming bill on ap­ HAPt » »VAC« OS rtu£S Instap Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Ragla.O Rain Coat». TAüf!O»TUT» A declaration that the practice of food propriation of $100,000jfor the construe Exlusively to Measure. adulteration is on the increase, in spite ON SALE EYERYWNEÄ tion ami operation ot a similar dredge CATAUOCUUntCl of all the laws for the protection of the for use on the bars along the Oregon SHOWING’TULL UNEOS public and the activities of national and Come early and secure first choice. coast, especially at the entrance of Coos garments ano mato State exjM-ris, ought to arouse wide­ Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. A J TOWER OP-» BOSTON. MASS.. U.S.A. Bay, Tillamook Bay, Siuslaw River, —lie» CANADIAN ¿O-. LTP.. TORONTO. CANADA^ spread interest ami lead to demands for The Cow Does Not Ask for Credit Yaquina Bay, Coquille River, Nehalem really effective measures against the Dairying is a cash business. The cow River and the Umpqua. swindlers who do not scruple even to Representative Hermann has a bill B. L. EDDY. H. T. BOTTS. pays for her board every day if she is of endanger file by selling impure drugs. pending appropriating $100,000 for this the right kind, and in thisconnection the rj'DDY & BOTTS, Dr. Leon L. Watters, hi an address on purpose, and was given a hearing by the Friday before the chemical section of the w**e dairyman is particular to note whe­ river and harber committee in support J-L/ attorneys - at -L aw . ther the cows do pay for their board or American Association for the Advance­ not, as he is i ot anxious to run a charit of his bill. The committee, and partic­ ment of Science, declared : ularly Chairman Burton, feel disposed Complete set of Abstract Books I think that 1 am justified in saying able institution. Milk, butter ami cheese to provide a dredge for use on the Ore­ that ibis pernicious practice is on the are always cash products, and the dairy Taxes paid for non­ increase, and the brazen effrontery and man is not obliged to wait six months or gon coast, in case it can be shown that in office. audacity with which the practice is car longer for returns from his efforts, conse a sea dredge is affective in that region, Residents. ried out are truly indicative of the in Endeavors are being made to get a diligence- of the American public. So far, quently herunstio bills of any kind. He comprehensive report as to the effective­ Office opposite Post Office. indeed, has the evil extended that I ven­ sells for cash and buys for cash, and gets Both phones. ture to say that it is almost, if not the benefit of all discounts. He always ness of the dredge Chinook, but prelim­ quite, impossible to obtain certain arti­ has monev and many dairy men pay their inary reports and private advices seem cles which are true to their name. to indicate that Major Langfitt will not hired men every Saturday night, the same H- COOPER, Dr. Watters reported in detail some of be able to show that the Chinook has Orders for Lumber promptly attended to. as manufacturers do. the most common adulterations, Pure been a success. Dairying is not a good business, how. was not to be had in the olive oil It is true part of the failure may be ever, for the man who likes to be away A ttorney - at -L aw , market, except from a few high class due to the fact that the Chinook is a from home part of the time and who en­ dealers ; vinegar was almost always converted transport, not especially suit­ trusts the management of his business in fortified by mineral acid ; cocoa was O re ; gon ed to dredging work. Furthermore, T illamook , part to others. Dairying by proxy sel­ adulterated with starch, ground shells Major Langfitt has never been an en ­ dom proves satisfactory or remunerative, and sugar ; coloring extracts were and men with many irons in the fire had thusiastic advocate of a dredge as a fraudulent fabrications ; baking powder better cut out dairying ; they will do far means of deepening and preserving a brazenly advertised as pure was loaded channel across the Columbia River Bar. better in some other line of live stock with injurious substances ; candies con farming that does not require the con­ Reports which has been made at the end ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tained large amounts of terra alba, ami stant watchfulness and personal super­ of each month'during the past season Ucutechcr ¿Ibvohnt, J. P. AULiEfl, Proprietor whiskey was made up of raw spirits, have rather indicated his belief that the vision demanded by the cow and her pro- flavoring and coloring matter. If this is Chinook has been a costly experiment, Office across the street and north from < I uce the experience oía chemist who examines the Post Office. Then, too, the by-product from the undone that would not justify duplica­ food, if these and many other products tion. dairy has more value than that from Special Attention paid to Tourists. spoken of by Dr. Watters are habitually The riversand harbors committee is other industries of the farm, and espe­ adulterated, the question arises as to waiting to receive some definite and J^OBERT A. MILLER, A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation cially when butter is theonly commodity the effectiveness of our government sold and the skim milk and butter milk comprehensive report as to the opera­ agencies which are supposed to be upon tions of the Chinook. When such a report A ttorney - at -L aw . are fed on the farm. There is no feeding the lookout for such frauds. Congress Oregon City, Oregon. value or fertility in butter worth consid­ is available they will determine whether has established machinery to shutout ering ; it is all in the skim milk, aud this or not it is expedient to authorize a Land Titles and Land Office foreign adulterated goods. But the new dredge for the Oregon bars. when rightly used brings good returns in Business a Specialty. manufacturers of domestic food products One reason why Representative Her­ many was. — Wisconsin Agriculturist. have stoutly resisted all efforts to sub­ mann is so anxious to secure a dredge ject them to penalties for adulteration for the various localities named is be­ H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D., Sermons Boiled Down. STEAMERS—SUE H. ELMORE, W. H. HARRISON. ami force them to make their goods true cause the Army Engineers, at one time to label. As the supervision of imports ONLY LINE—ASTOTIA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI, The driest religion is the gushing kind. or another, have manifested their op. Ims not prevented the importation of P pysician and S urgeon . BAY CITY, HOBSONVILLE. Every man owes every other man a position to the further expenditure of vast quantities of cotton.seed oil in the happy face. Government funds for jetties. For in- Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and Office one block west of the guise* of olive oil. perhaps the public has also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for San Francisco, Portland “Time «o burn’’ keeps the devil’s fur­ stance, the Yaquina and Siuslaw have and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to not suffered from their lobbying to the nace going. been strongly turned down, not only by Allen House, Tillamook City. extent which n ight be imagined. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. General Agents, ASTORIA, OR Calls answered promptly. When hypocrites meet the devil has the local engineers, but by’ the Engineer Dr. Watteis does not think the evil is time to eat. , B. C. LAMB, Agent, Tillamook Oregon. Board ot Review. None of the other jO. R & N. R. R. Co , Portland. to be met by new legislation, He be Agents & c K R Co Porl|anJ He cannot be a saint who will not be a projects along the coast are regarded in R. BEALS, lieves there are enough laws now. The servant. high favor, principally on account of the Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Expres trouble is that the laws are not enforced. You do not dense yourself by smutting limited commerce of the various rivers Every State and city has regulations tn every one else. REAL ESTATE, and bays named. Because of the atti­ insure the purity of food. What can be You soon lose the religion you try to tude of the engineers, the rivers and har­ F inancial A gent , done is illustrated by the recent work of keep to yourself. bors committee will not make appro­ ää A ä AAAÄ AA&A Jir j A k jfk A AJ^ Health Commissioner Darlington in Most of us believe that fasting fattens priations for jetty projects on these Tillamook, Oregon. punishing milk adulterators. Not new —the other fellow. various waterways, and the only means laws but new energy drove dislioi est A bushel of potatoes may be wort h of relief is apparently to be obtained PROPRIETOR dealers out of business. Similar energy along the lines Mr. Hermann is follow­ ^pHOS. COATES, a ton of philanthropy. in other directions could safeguard the -L Agent for Fireman’s It takes more than one Sunday suit to ing. public without the establishment of new Mr. Hermann had a second hearing Fund and London and Lanca­ make a solid saint. penalties, and even without the expendi­ We find no better feelings in others before the rivers and harbors committee ture of any large sum of money. The shire Fire Insurance especially in the interest of Tillamook than we foster in ourselves. amount offraud practised is directly pro­ Companies. The man who puts heart into his work Bay. He appeared with a delegation portioned to the safety of practising it. Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging. from Pennsylvania, including ex-Con- will always get ahead in it. Tillamook .. Oregon. Manufacturers adulterate their wares When “the good things of life’’ are our gressman W. C. Arnold, of that state, Fine Machine Work a Specialty. because they find it almost'invariably representing DuBois timber interests in best things they become our worst. safe to do so. If they were kept in fear You cannot escape your taxes here by the 'lillamook and Nehalem country, •p\0R ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, of energetic investigation, the time or where Pennsylvania lumber manufac­ talking about your citizenship there. GO TO place of which they could not predict, Il vinegar would preserve morals some turers own 50,000 acres of valuable and were sure that when the inspector men are sour enough to save the world. timber land. These same interests own TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT AND did touch them any frau«l would cer­ When you come to say good-by to the big lumber mill at DuBois, Pa. Be­ tainly be exposed, for their own profit TRUST CO. old sins it (is unwise to hold a farewell cause their Eastern timber supply is they would he honest. Now they are almost exhausted, the Pennsylvania meeting. Centrally Uoeated. Rates, $1 Per Day T hos . C oates , Pres. indifferent. Even when some official When a man wears his piety as an or- lumbermen proposes soon to remove analysis does reveal their adulterations nament you can depend on its being their immense plant, with a capacity of they are practically unharmed. Nobody GILBERT L. HEDGES. 500,000 feet of lumber a day, to Till«, KM. GALLOWAY. paste. but the driver in official publications M. H- LARSEN, Proprietor. mook Bay, provided they can be assured EDGES & GALLOWAY i The seamy side of sin never shows up knows anything about it. The con­ until we have nothing with which to that the entrance to that bay is to be TILLAMOOK, OREGON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. sumer doesn’t hear that So and So’s itn proved. smooth it down. Make a specialty of Land Office Business. oil or baking powder is a fraud and The Best Hotel in the city. No Chinese Employed. The Government engineers strongly OFFICE IN WE1NHARD BUILDING, learn to retuse it at the grocer’s. Noth­ The subsidy bill reported by the Mer­ oppose the jetty work desired at the en­ Room 1 and 2, ing is gained by announcing that a cer­ chant Marine Commission cnnnoi pass trance to the Bay, because they estimate OREGON CITY. ORE. tain percentage of the samples of any Men who assisted in defeating the that a 20-foot channel on the bar will particular article is found to be adul­ llanna-Pavne subsidy bill areas much cost $1,000,OO0. The chief opposition terated. The consunfer wants to know opposed to the commission bill, and of the engineers to expending such a large W. SEVERANCE, what brands to avoid and wlmt he can will see that it does not get votes sum on Tillamook Bay is bused upon safely buy. When our citv. State ami enough in the Senate to liecome a law. the limited commerce. To this objec­ national bureaus really give him that In fact, they will go further and see that tion Representative Hermann and the A ttorney - at -L aw knowledge there will he some incentive it will never come to a vote. Those who Pennsylvania delegation replied that to the honest manufacturer to engage in have examined this bill have found out there would be an immediate great in. T illamook O regon business. It will pay not to adulterate. that it is absolutely limitless in the mat­ crease in the commerce if the navigation ter ot subsidies which it grants. There shall lx impoved *o as to permit ships of Gambling in Portland S. STEPHENS, teems to be a limit set u|>on the appro­ large tonnnage to gain ready access to Gambling ha* been stopped in Port, priations to lie made. Perhaps Con the Bay. Real Estate andFire, Life, land, due to the policy of Sheriff gress might pass a subsidy bill granting 1 he committee gave no assurance, but Health, Accident, Insurance. Word. This will eliminate the ganib. from $3,000,000 to »5.000.000 n year, took the facts under consideration. IS Agent for the Northwest School Furni­ ling iratermtv from Ixing a factor in to be disiribted pro rata in seme equit­ ture Co. nnd Organs nnd Pianos, Portland politics. Thia is desirable able manner among American ships that Saved From Terrible Death. Notary Public. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt, Office : Southwest from the Court House, from a political point of view, a* it engage in commerce, but no such bill ns of Baigertoii. Tenn., saw her dying in the building occupied as a music store. insures tlx election of honest men in proposed can find favor outside of mem and were |Miweilean to save her. Hie the administration of municipal affairs tiers from stat s along the coast. Il meet skillful physicians and every which will lx an innovation in Mult, there was no other reason for the defeat remedy used failed, while consump­ nomah county. From a moral stand­ of the subsidy bill, it would be on ac- tion w as slowly but surely taking her life. In this terrible hour llr. King's point, it will lx acquiesced in by a count of the deficit in the Treasury. New Discovery for Consumption turned large mnjoritv of tlx ixopl- of the en­ despair into joy. The first bottle brought Vy » • » (INCORPORATED), tire state. The good example set by *'Gessler Rousseau.'' whowns arrested imnieiliHte relief ami its continued use My health compel, me to make a change. This i. no humbug. TILLAMOOK CITY, ORE. completely cured ¡her. It's the most Portland will probably lx followed by m I'lulaiielphia Thursday with an nn. I,,. . certain cure ... in the world w,..,n, lk for ,r nil all snroai tluoat Repairing Neatly Done. every citv in tlx state, The time has loaded infernal machine in his possession, and lung troubles. Guarant.-cd Bottles PAID UP CAPITAL. |10.000 come when gambling can be disposed ailnntted to the police that he is the S®°’ *n'' ♦' w*- Trial Bottles Free at A GENERAL BANKING with in Oregon a* it o* no longer con. man who attempted to destroy the'1*'**'1 Drug Store, •idered an enterprise that should lx* statue of Frederick the Great in Wash­ BUSINESS. According to published statements (ottered or legalized. W bile it is true ington last Tuesdav, and also that it tlOtlMSTR «TOR’S NOTICE NOTICE TO (RKOITORS. I that in some rille* a large revenue is was lie who sent the trunk containing Swift and Company earned 12 per cent DirectorsM. W. H arrison , W. w . U h . b » e , v C.IVKS,-That the un- net on their »35.000.000 of capital stock C ub T im , B. L E ddy . «h, ^^;^"Unhv.i',vi^xT^<:rur*t/ realized from gambling, but when the an infernal machine to the British »<(5rrgon. for the seen that ¿ven though live stock pro­ Lounty of Tillamook. executors of the last into consideration, there i* a large bal­ 1903. Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edge securi will and testament of DAVID J W. WILEY ducers did not enjoy a very prosperous ties of .nil kind*. ance on the profit and loss side of the deceased All persona haying CLAIMS WWW ^h“thC ,O ,hr un'lrr'Iinwd administrator, the said estate are hereby required ledger. The cities of the east w here It will lx several weeks before Presi- year. Chose who work over the products with the proper vouchers dnlv verified ac against to present the same to us duty verified as by cooling to law. at the office ' of Tidd y Ä Botti no gambling is allowed are the most dent Roosevelt is formally declared elect of the ranch (and feed lot were able to Tlilàô, A‘‘»"*n-«t.l.«w THIamook Cit? law required, at the office of Eddy For the best quality ofFIour ion*thX. at Tillamfiok City, CtraeÄ’n' "i,hln A Attorneys-at-Law. prosperous. Merchants report l*etter ed to succeed .himself, a* the house of realises nice profit on their investment. hem’s”' w,,hin tnonths from the date It is «u to »re lie nopcti hoped inat that another year a and Feed you must go to the u business and ability to collect monthly representative* ha* just decided d.y*^.«™”?*# CI,T- ‘’"«o», «he 3th' d"* °f December. 10O4 ° little more of the profit can be left in the McIntosh & McNair Co.’s bills from men who heretofore lost count the vote on February 8. ELIZABETH WILEY AND JAMES O. C. DAVID FITZPATRICK. _ WILEY. hands of the brrcdcr and feeder. Store. Administrator of the Estate of William 1 Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring, Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts, SARCHET, the Tailor, Tillamook Fir and Spruce Lumber. Spruce and Cedar Shingles Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty TILLAMOOK LUMBER COÍDPflfIY. The Best Hotel C arl haberlach , THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. F. < A. K. CASE, > Tillamook Iron Woks Ï < < General Machinists & Blacksmiths < < 4 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. LARSEN HOUSE, A. AT COST ! RED SHOE HOUSE TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. Closing Out its Entire Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST. Goods are all First Class and up to date. P. F. BROWNE, SBlBBmHn. I i Fitipatrick. Deceased. | Executors of the last will and testament of David J W. Wiley, deceased.