Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 26, 1905, Image 1

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E My & Botts, for abstracts.
Walkover Shoes at Todd's.
Hav for sale.—Apply to A. G. Beals. *
Gordon Hats and Gloves nt Todd's.*
Gent.'s Furnishing Goods at Todd's.*
Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at
Mrs. Whitehohse has Ireen sick for sev.
eral davs.
E. T. Haltom returned from his busi
ncs« trip on Friday.
Good values in children's underwear
at Mrs. Sturgeon’s.
Salt and smoked Chinook salmon mid
fresh steelheads. W. O. Chase.
Albert Mason has been engaged to
teach district No. 7 at Netarts.
B liter Stillwell, who has been in Cali
fornia for several years, has returned.
Mrs. Albert Mason has been engaged
to teach school district No. 30 at Ne­
$12 per month for board in private
family. For further information apply at
this office.
S. A. Brodhead, who has been on the
sick list for seyeral days, is able to be
out again.
Wanted, to buy, heifers coming fresh
in the spring. Jerseys preferred. Apply
to A G. Beals.
Otto Schrader left on the stage Sunday
to resume his studies at the Agricultural
College at Corvallis.
Last week quite n number of pupils in
the schools of the connty took the Sth
grade examination.
Ladies! Attention ! For the most
stvlish tailor made suits,go to Sarchet's,
The Fashionable Tailor.
Mrs. Kate Edwards left on Tuesday to
visit relatives in Nebraska mid expects
to remain there twelve months.
The young jreople belonging to the
Presbyterian church will give n social at
Todd's hall on Saturday evening.
Mrs. Dan Oliver was taken down on
Saturday with appendices, but we are
glad to state that she is much better.
The lumber schooner C. T. Hill was
towed to sea on Friday with a cargo of
lumber from the saw mill in mis city.
There will lie a teachers'exmni nation
in this city, commencing Wednesday,
February 8th, for state and county
The steamer Sue H. Elmore came in on
Friday, her passengers being R. W. Wat
son, Mr. Wright, Mrs. Thune and Pete
The la lies' of the United Brethren
Church will serve supper at the .Model
Restaurant on T uesday evening from
five to eight o’clock.
Representative W. T. West has intro
dueed a bill so that the county court can
make a 3 mill levy for the purpose of
erecting a court house.
Tillamook Lumber Company will sell
Rough Fir Lumber sawed to order tor
$7.00 per thousand in one thousand lots
and up. Spruce,at $6.00 at the same
The remains of the late Mr. Waters,
grandfather of the Bales brothers, who
was buried up the Trask some ten rears
ajo, were exhumed and reburied in the
Oddfellows’ cemetery.
Wanted, single men and women thro­
ughout this section of country to corres
pond with desirable persons on our lists
who seek marriage. Send stamp tor
particulars to box 761, Astoria, Ore. *
There was a large attendance of ladies
la longing to the Presbyterian church at
the home of Mrs. Mason on Wednesday,
when arrnngements were made for the
social to be given on St. Valentine's day.
The passengers who went down on the
Elmore on Tuesday were: Preston
Marolf, K. Franklin, Geo. Kiger, C. W.
Wright. E. C Wilson, Mrs. K. Edwards,
E Rusk, A. Larson, L. West, A. West
and Miss B. Watt.
Elder G. W. Capps, an Evangelist
from Texas, also a gospel singer of the
Baptist faith, is expected here about the
second Sunday in February and will
hold meetings in the United Brethren
Chuich. Everybody is cordially invited.
The Endeavor Society of the Presby I
terian Church will give a ten-cent social I
at Todd s Hall, on next Saturday even­
ing, January 28th. A program is to be 1
given which will be followed by games
and n social time. Light refreshments
will be for sale at booths. Everybody
come and have a good time.
Strong opposition to the'proposed
amendment of the local option law is
cropping out in both houses, and it
seems unlikely that the bill introduced
by Representative |ayne, of Wasco, will
pass in the present shape. The measure
now contains an emergency clause,
which, in all probability, will cause
Governor Chamberlain to use his veto if
the bill reaches him as now framed.
County Judge W. W. Conder and S A.
Brodhead returned to the citv on Friday,
having been outside to look over court
houses to see what is most suitable for
this county. As Mr. Brodhead built a
number of the best buildings in the city—
the public school, Presbyterian church,
etc.—it is to be hoped that he will have
something to do with the building of the
new court house, for his work speaks for
itself for good workmanship and finish,
and being one amongst us and who will
remain here to substantiate his work,
we hope that the home contractor will
get the contract.
On Saturday evening, January 12, in
Todd’s Hall, Miss Macdonald and Miss
Armitage, entertained the members of
the High School. The hall was very
beautifully decorated and no labor or
expense was spared to make the evening
an enjoyable one. At eight o’clock the
guests were presented to the presiding
matrons: Mrs. Macdonald, Mrs. Mc­
Nair and Mrs. Botts. Much merriment
was occasioned by the novel way pro­
posed for the selection of partners for
the grand march.- In the procession may
have been seen Uncle Sam and Columbia,
Jack Sprat and his worthy dame. The
old patriarch Jacob and his faithful
spouse, and many other familial faces.
The entertainment consisted of singing
and a few well selected games. The re­
freshments served were daintly and de­
licious, and having been prepared by the
young ladv hostesses, no further guar­
antee was needed as to the excellence
of quality. After spending a most [en-
jovablc evening the guest took their
leave, congratulating Miss Macdonald
and Miss Armitage on the success of the
evening. _________________
A Feeder for Portland
long been a source ot wonder
that Tillamook County has been allowed
to remain isolated from the rest of the
state through lack of suitable transpor­
tation facilities. This wonder grows
with every succeeding statement of the
large material resources of that county.
Handicapped as they are by the absence
of railroad communication with the
wot Id, thecitizens of Tillamook feel justly
proud of inanv things pertaining to their
material prosperty. It is gratifying to
note in this connection that they intend
to make a showing of their resources at
the Lewis and Clark Fair. It may be
added, however, that this was the thing
to be expected of a county the people of
whom have proved their ability to pros­
per in the face of many drawbacks to
their commerce and to their growth in
Alas, but Portland’s capitalists and
business men have seen for years what a
splendid feeder Tillamook County would
be to that city, and which is at her very
door and asthecrow fliesonly about 100
miles west of Portland, yet for all that
we fail to see one instance where Port­
land has done one thing to help out the
“bottled-up’’ condition of the county. If
Tillamook was as near Seattle or Tacoma
as it is to Portland, the county would
have had railroad connections long ago.
It is with true Western grit and deter­
mination that the people of this county
are making this the dairying section of
Oregon, in face of difficulties connected
with lack of quick transportation facili
Dr. P. J. Sharp, the exper-
enced dentist is located in
Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and
is prepared to do nothing but
first class work and give the
best of satisfaction If your
teeth need fixing call upon
It is reported that the Hazelwood
A lecturer on sweet shops In Neu-
Cream Company,of Portland, will makt
York discovered an infant 18 months
a start in this county in the spring. The
»Id that was earning 50 cents a week by
company is wanting cream and will fur.
rolling tiny "paste balls for trimming.
nish the dairymen with seperators at
Civilization can discount barbarism
reasonable figures and pay for the cream
a ’hen it tries.
twice a month.
$i.5o per year
onlv covers Mason’s last term of office, THE WATER MUDDLE
a committee to draw* up a new bill alorg
from July, 1902 to 1004, and further
the lines agreed upon as above, to this
County Sues Homer Mason set out :
Water Commission Bill to be an amendment was made that only the
That Mason, as County Clerk, as
first two named gentlemen act, leaving
for Timber Claim and
aforesaid, bring thereunto duly author
It was eventually
An adjourned meeting of the city coun-1 Mr. Talmage off.
Homestead Fees.
ized and empowered by law’, performed cil was held on Monday evening, with ; agreed that H. T. Botts be added and
services for divers persons in Mayor Geo Cohn presiding and Council- ! the four persons named formed the com­
Some little surprise was caused in this certain
and certifying and remitting to men W. O. Chase, M. F. Leach, Homer I mittee. This closed the meeting and all
city on Saturday when it became known taking
United States Land Office at Oregon Mason, A. T. White and L. Hiner were appeared satisfied that a satisfactory
that County Judge W. W. Conder had the
City, Ore., homestead and timber claim present, with quite a number of citizens, | compromise had been arrived at in this
sworn to a complaint and which was
and final proofs and evidences in who. if they attended with the ex|>ecta. “water cure’’ fight.
filed by Handley & Thayer, sueing Homer filings
and other land office busi­ | tion of seeing the city" dads balkv again,
Mason, former county clerk, for $1,000,
City Marshal Resigns.
alleged to be owing the county for fees ness and received fees for taking affida­ I went away disappointed, for everything
The city council then had a meeting,
I passed of as it should, pleasantly and but not one of the citizens remained to
collected by him in taking homestead
mony to writing, making copies of. j harmoniously.
and timber claim proofs. Until now, no
hear the long oration by Councilman
written instruments, and other like ser- | ’ The ways and means committee was
question was ever raised but that they
Chase on the proposed occupation tax,
vices, all of said fees being so earned j given until the next meeting to bring in
belonged to the county clerk. When the
the schedule of which he will have ready
and received by said defendant as a report in regard to taxing occupations.
fee system tor the clerk's office was done
by the time the next city council is held.
county clerk as aforesaid, and not other­
An ordinance was read, the purpose of It was decided not to amend the city
awny with,the clerk’s office was occupied
wise, and ail of said services being per­ which was for the city council to create ’
bvT. H.Goyneand J.D. Ed wards for four
charter so that the levy could be raised
formed and fees earned at the office of a water commission and water fund, the I
years, during which time Mr, Conder
above 2 mills. As City Marshal Quick
said clerk and during the office hours of commission to be composed of five mem­
was county judge. No one questioned
thought that the city council had knock­
his employment as clerk as aforesaid.
bers elected at large. As the legality ed the “stuffin’ ’’ out of his salary, he
the right of these officials to these fees,
That plaintiff is unable to state the of the ordinance wascalled into question,
not even the county judge, for he made
made up his mind that he would quit
exact amount of fees so earned and re­ some of the legal lights were asked for
no effort to collect them if they belonged
such poor paymasters, so tendered his
ceived by defendant, but plaintiff be­ their opinions. C. W. Talmage said the
resignation to take effect the first of the
to the county. Mason then became the
lieves and alleges the total amount so 1 city council could create a commission,
county clerk and occupied that position
month. The resignation wras accepted.
earned and received as aforesaid to have I while B. L Eddy and T. B. Handley
for six \ears, and it was natural that he
exceeded the sum of $1000.
I pointed out most conclusively that they
should believe that the fees belonged to
Real Estate Transfers.
That said defendant, Mason, has could not delegate their power nor could
him, for it was government business and
Reported by Eddy & Botts.
failed, refused and neglected to pay over the city council create a water commis­
over which the state or county has no
to plaintiff or account for the aforesaid sion as proposed by the ordinance, for Lawrence Sanders and wife to Z. Wells,
jurisdiction. During Mason’s term ot
104 acres in section 6, tp. 4 south,
fees so earned and received as aforesaid that would have to be done by the state
office Sappington was county judge for
range 9, and section 1, tp. 4 south,
or any part thereof but has converted legislature. H. T. Botts s.iid if a coin-
four years and Conder tw’o years, yet no
range 10. $3500.00.
the same to his own use.
demand was made on him to turn these
That payment of the aforesaid fees be­ the next city council could knock it out, Sarah J. Stillwell to George M. Haines.
fees over to the county ; and, further,
Six acres in Thomas D.L.C. $1.00.
came due from defendant, Mason, to whereas it could not do so if the state
the latter part of Mason’s terms his ac­
plaintiff on and before July 6th, 1904, legislature created it. Mr. Eddy took Stella Wallace and husband to A. L.
counts were experted several times, and
Miller. W
Nw Vi, section 4, tp.
and no part thereof has been paid and the city records and pointed out that the
as the experts failed to detec anything
5 south, range 9. $500.00.
the whole thereof is now unpaid, due city council had appointed the present
irregular in that direction it looks a«
and owing to plaintiff from said defen­ water commission on the recommenda­ One mortage securing $400.00 satisfied.
though the county had no claim on the
dants, with interest thereon from July tion of a numerously signed petition, and
fees, for they would have been only too
6th, 1904.
it was on the understanding that that
glad to have reported them. Now, after
Whereupon plaintiff asks for judgment commission should have charge of the
Mrs. C. Blanchard and Mrs. N. Dye
being out of office for over six months,
herein against the above named defend- negotiation of the bonds and the con­ were visiting Mrs. V. Kinnaman Wed-
and even without being consulted, he is
dents for the sum of $1000 with in- struction of the water system that the day.
sued by the county judge for $1000. It
teres t.
Mr. G. W. Lucas passed through here
bonds were carried. There was bad faith
is not proper for us to enter into the
somewhere, as was shown in the recent on his way to Tillamook Tuesday.
merits of the case to decide who is right
opposition to the com mission. He was ' Some of the Beaverites passed through
and who is wrong, but we give the above
facts to show what a surprise it caused. Which Made Handley & Thayer willing to resign in favor of Dad Hadley j here on their way to Tillamook this
¡f that would bring about harmony and week.
We may mention, too, that if Handley
Collector of Delinquent Taxes.
Mrs. V. Kinnaman has been very sick
get the thing going, but Mr. Hadley
& Thayer can make the suit stick, that
As there appears to be some amount
by virtue of a contract they entered into of misunderstanding as to the agreement politely declined, saying he was not out the hist few days with the la grip, but is
with Judge Conder, they will make $400, that was entered into between County for office. Mr. Handley said he bad strong some better at ¡this writing.
Mrs. C. Woole was visiting Mrs. V.
while Mason is singled out as the victim Judge W. W. Cornier and Handley & objections to the bill now before the state
and will have to bear the cost of defend­ Thayer to collect the shortage that the legislature, and it was agreed to adjourn Kinnaman Tuesday.
Mrs. Bud Wallace is very sick at this
ing a suit which should have been settled estate of the late Sheriff Aiderman owes until the next evening and take the inat
writing, but we hope that she will re
ten or eleven years ago when the fee sys­ the county, and empowering Handley & ter up with the water commission.
The motion made at the last meeting, cover soon.
tem was abolished. Several letters have Thayer to collect all delinquent taxes at
Jennie Woole was visiting Cecil Kin-
been receiyed from county clerks in other the rate of 4-0 |>er cent, perhaps it will be which Mayor Cohn refused to put to a
naman Sunday evening.
counties, all of whom say that the clerk best to publish the contract so that the
Mr. C. Woole has been hauling lumber
Councilman Chase moved that all road
is entitled to the fees for government taxpayers can see for themselves what
and street work be done by contract, for Mr. 0 Osbourn this week.
work and that they have kept them right it is :
Monk Woods and family, of Pleasant
and the street commissioner be paid $2
along and no question is raised as to
“It is hereby agreed by and between
Valley, were visiting II. A. Kinnaman'»
their right to the fees. J. C. Clinton, the Tillamook Conntv, Oregon, and the law
The same councilman then moved that last week.
county clerk of Clatsop county, writes :
firm of Handley & Thayer,shall as attor-
A very enjoyable evening was spent
“Yours of the 21stinst. regarding land nevs for Tillamook County, Oregon, im­ the marshal's salary be cut down to $5
Saturday evening at Mr. C. Woole’s at
proofs received and in reply will say: mediately commence to enforce by all
I a surprise partv. Games were played,
It always has been, and still is, the cus­ necessary and practicable legal process answered ‘ Yes.’’
City Treasurer Ackley petitioned for an after which a nice lunch, consisting of
tom in this office for the Clerk to retain all claims which the said county has
chocolate, coffee, cake, doughnuts a nd
the fees for all land filings and proofs. against anyone by reason of the delin­ i increase of salary, which was referred to
pop corn was served.
All was well
I do not consider that the fee belongs to quency of H. H. Alderman, late sheriff
pleased and went home re|oicing over
the county, therefore I retain it myself, and ex-officio tax collector of said coun­ ant matters having been attended to the
the fun of the evening.
and my right to retain it has never been ty, and by reason of any illegal compro­ meeting adjourned.
questioned in this county. I attended mise of taxes heretofore made with any­ Buried their Differenciea and Came
the County Clerks convention held in one, and by reason of any other delin-
to an Agreement.
Philip West’met with quite a severe
Portland last November and the question quency on the part of any person liable
Another meeting was held on Tuesday,
of land proofs was discussed at some to the said county on any account and when the city council, water commission accident Saturday morning by lulling on
length and every cleik in attendance shall diligently prosecute the same to a and a good number of citizens were pre- i n nail which stuck in a board with the
point up, as he was chasing some pigs
that had taken any filings or proofs said determination ;
sent. T. B. Handley was the first to
out of the garden. The nail penetrated
that the fee was retained by himself. As
“Provided no suit or action in the speak, and lie thought the difference of
far as I am concerned myself I intend to courts shall be instituted without the opinion in regard to the water commis­ just below the knee cap, causing a pain­
retain the fees until some one shows me sanction of the County Judge of said sion could be overcome if one and the ; ful wound. The young man is misse l
the law requiring me to turn them over county, and the said Handlv 8t Thayer other would y’eld a point. He pointed very much by his friends, we hope to see
totheUounny Treasurer. As I under­ shall receive as compromise for services, out that the first contention was in re­ him able to be out again soon.
stand it, there is no law requiring the five per cent of $1,600 delinquency of gard to the present commission or whe- j There is to be a dance and basket sup­
Connty Clerk to cake land proofs. It it said H. H. Aiderman, secured by tax col­ ther it should be elected ; the second was | per at Bixby’s hall next Friday night,
simply a privilege the government gives lector’s bonds if the same is made with­ whether the commission should elect a given by Thomas Kellow, ot Three
the claimant, to appear before the clerk I i out legal process, if with legal process 10 treasurer or whether the city treasurer , Rivers.
Beaver is to hold a protracted meet.
and m ike pro if if he s > desires."
should act in that capacity ; third, whe­
j/er cent thereon ;
ing the U.K Church soon
S. F. Cheshire,v county clerk of Jose­
“Twentv-five |>er cent of all sums made ther the commission should be compost d
Ralph Bunn, Earl Tucker and filbert
phine, writes : “In reply to yours of 21st on account of the aforesaid sheriff and of five or ten persons, or two from each
inst., will say it has been the custom in tax collector's delinquency, in excess of ward ; and, fourth, whether the taxpay- i Ginnare, the three that have passed the
this office for the clerk to retain the fees the aforesaid $1,600 ; and 40 per cent on ers or the voters at large should be al­ eighth grade in Miss Burl's school at
tor homestead and timber filings and all sums made on any other claims due lowed to vote.
Mr. Handley was in
There are three Beaver's young men
proofs. We had the question brought the said caunty ; a retainer of $100 to be favor of ha ving the commission elected,
visit Three Rivers pretty often.
before our Commissioner’s Court a few paid on the execution of this contract.
the commission electing its own trea­
We wonder if wedding bells will soon
months ago in regard to this office, and
surer, thecommission to lie composed of
“Execvted in duplicate.
ring, or will the pretty girls of Beaver
the matter was referred to the Prosecut
“ Witness our hands this 7th days of ten persons, one from each ward and five
be carried away by the stranger as
ing Attorney of this Dis., for his opinion, September. 1904.
members at large, two to retire each
usual ?
which was that as the taking of filings
year, and as to whether it should be the
“T illamook C ounty , O regon ,
Mrs. Guy Matoon, of Cloverdale, has
and proofs was not a prescribed duty of
“By VV. W. C onder , County Judge.
been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
the clerk’s|office, and H the clerk should
should lie allowed to vote, he made a
“H andley & T hayer .’*
H. Booth, near Beaver.
find time aside from his prescribed duties
strong argument in favor of the latter.
The good ladies of this vicinity met
to do this worn, he might do so if he
Gambling is an evil which cannot be
and had a birthday dinner with Mr. ami
chose and he might charge a fee or not defended or excused.
It distrovs laud- ally concerned, he could agree with Mr.
as he might see fit, and if he should make able ambition, ruins homes and fills Handley with the exception of one par Mrs. 11 uston, sr , last week
H. Davidson and wile are expected
a charge that the fee might be retained
prisons, It is antagonistic to every ticular, and that was he was a sticker in home from the valley today.
by him for his own benefit.”
legitimate business. The grocer, the onlv allowing taxpavers to vote for a
The health of the community is pretty
County Treasurer P. W. Todd informs
clother and the dealer in fuel lose the water commission. He pointed out how 'good.
us that in California that the county trade they should get from homes to persons, who had no interest whatever
Arthur Brown went to town last Sun
clerks in that state do not turn these which the weekly earnings are never in the city, had lieen railroaded in and
day to have a tooth extracted.
fees over to the county, but that they lie- brought, Every employer of men in allowed to vote, but as every person
long to the clerk and no one else.
The Morning Post’s Shanghai corres-
responsible positions takes the chance property was mortgaged for the bonds,
With these facts and the custom of so of thefts and defalcations due directly only the taxpayers should be allow pondent reports that Admiral Togo,
many years, it is surprising that Horner to |o«s*s on the gambling table It is tn vote.
As this apjicared to be Vice-Admiral
Kaininmra and Rear.
Mason should lie singled out at this time not surprising, then, that the pressure the only point which the meeting seemed Admiral Kato will leave Tokio Monday
as a scape goat.
should be strong lor the enactment of n not to agree. Mayor Cohn asked for an to rejoin the fleet.
law which will help to exterminate the expression of opinion. Every member
The Complaint.
Afier 14 hours’ delilieration, the jury in
I of the citv council, the water commission the libel case of W. W. Woolley vs. Rose-
Judge W. W. Conder through his at­ evil.—Oregonian.
torneys, Hadler & Thayer, brought suit
burg Plamdealer finally award d the
I favor of onlv the taxpayers being allow plaintiff no damages. The anonymous
against Homer Mason, former county
The Best Place to Buy
c l to vote, there being only five person* article occasioning the suit was consid­
clerk on Saturday and his bondsmen,
in the room who expressed themselves in ered libelous by at least some of the
Gust Wicklund, Andrew Anderson, II. F. HEATERS.
opposition, viz., T. H. Handley, Howard jurors, but it was shown that the plain­
Goodspeed, J. S.4.amar, W. G. Kelso. P.
C. B. Hadley, flak Nolan and C. tiff, whois a school director, h <1 «x
M. Lamb, Charles Kunze and ¡L G
And RANGES, Cary,
W Talmage. On a vote being taken it cecdcr! the legal restric tions b> his bu.*t
Freeman, for $1,000, which the county
news firm contracting to install a heat­
judge claims Mason owes the county Isat McIntosh & McNair Co. was decided that only taxpayers lie al ing plant in the n**w High S< h ol, a •
this contract was turned over
for fees in connection with taking home­
If you want a genuine, first mayor appoint three, composed • J I' B toaiiotlwr fi i in lafoic the work was
stead and timfier claim filings while
Handley, B L. Eddy and C.W. Talmage, < on mem cd.
acting as countv clerk The complaint clas3 article call and see us.