TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JANUARY 19± 19G5 ✓ p . Editorial Snap Shots. Births and Deaths for Last Year. OPPOSE FOREST POLICE County Physician I. M, Smith, whose Tillamook and Clatsop Represen­ C. B Hadley wants the electric lights duty it is to keep a record of the births tatives Against Fire Protection. cut off to save expenses. He told the and deaths in the county, has furnished city council so on Monday. us with a list ot those he has on tile for Timberioen who intr«»duced a bill in * * * the year 1904. He doesnot consider jt the L»*gisl.itnre providing for a more It is now in order lor William Reid, the a complete list for the year,for he lielieves efficient policing ot the Oregon forests secretary of the Portland, Nehalem & there were five or six births, anil the during the summer months to prevent Tillamook Railroad Company to bob up same number of deaths, which were not tires have met with unex|>e<*ted opposi­ again. reported to him by those whose duty it tion on the part of representatives from * * a Did you loose your breath or did your was to do so. There were 29deaths and Tillamook and Clatsop counties. They heart drop down in your shoes when and 59 births recorded last year, ami 33 have learned that these legislators have 4 y ou heard what the Oregon Traction marriages, a list of which we gave a few i»een taking the attitude that the bill is weeks ago. Of the 60 births, 28 were a very good sort of thing, but that there Company wanted ? • M * ; bovs and 32 girls, a fist of which we give is po necessity for extending it to their It is somewhat <4 a bold statement to below with the father's name : counties, as they have heavy dews and make that it the water commission bill BIRTHS. wet sea fogs which come up*»n the land pissed the state legislature they’d fix L. E. W. Lmltke, a son. over night aud put out the flre-i. So, ask Governor Chamberlain to kill it. 1 E. M. Patterson, a daughter. they why should their constituents he * a * I A. M. Austin, a son. put to the trouble of securing a license Old Bossy might raise the $200,000 B. L. Eddy, a daughter. every time they wish to set a tire and D. F. Trowbridge, a daughter. subsidy for the railroad, for that is the s why should the counties be bothered with amount of money she brings into the I Janies Tone, a soil. N I J H. Holgate, a son. fire rangers ? county annually for but’er and cheese. Edward I Hadley, a son. The timberinen agree with the rea­ * * * Roger Mahoney, a daughter. I B. F. Durfee at the meeting on Satur. soning, but doubt the premises u|M»n Emel Hellenbuvck, a son. Janies H. Johnson, a son. day night said thaicitv property wasn’t which it is Imsed They said that Tilla­ worth nothing. But he might have also | Henry C. Kunze, a daughter, mook and Clatsop couutie» a re as subject j Andrew Christianson, a daughter. L-21 added, since the mortgage agitators put to forest fires as any portion of the state Edward Carl, a son. 4 a plaster 011 city property. Wm. |. Stephens, a soil. facts to hear out their and give a few’ W. J. Hines, a son. ♦ * * statement. » F. 'T. Withrow, a son. W. Rvan, who attended the city coun In Tillamook Edgar H. Whitney, a son. cil meeting oh Monday, said the next largest and deadest burns in the state ! John M Milligan, a daughter. day, "Well, didn’t that look rotten J. R. L.'imh, a soil. exist, they say, and one in particular Homer Mason is right and he is looking |ohn Johnson, a son. ■ '! extends across the big divide between V Ernest J. Gieuger, a daughter. a ter the interest of the city.” á z ? the Wilson and Trask rivers, and another J I Alfred Piott, a son. * * * even larger, extends away to the north­ J. H. Warren, a daughter. Oak Nolan claims the honor of block­ Isaac Shorclidge, a son. ward. ing the business at the citv council meet­ B. O’Hara, a daughter. WARRANTS. Aside from these there are several wife started immediately for the valley ing on Monday. He so informed one of . Carl P. Knudson, a daughter. \ General Fund : , dead and barren burns which were by wav of the reservation road. Rain and sweat 8 Chester Holden, a daughter the audience. Is there a conspiracy to Warrants outstanding January have no effect on J Wm. Easter passed through Beaver swept by fire in the last ten years. I Ohs Farmer (1 wins), daughters. continue that kind of tactics ? We hope harness treated 1 0 00 A. Brown, a daughter. 2nd, 1904 .................................... $ Four owners state that iliey have lost Monday, having been outside on a trip with Eureka Har- A not. Aline* Bernard, a daughter. ness Oil. It re­ 16 000 acres, some of the best timber in and going out bv way of Wilson River Warrants drawn during year... 3281 35 * * * sists the damp, W. |. Hughey, a son. keeps the leath­ the counties. The owners are : The road and reports roads very muddv. It used to be that the city derived quite W. R. Owen, a daughter. $3281 35 er soft and pli- j Ralph Bunn went to Three Rivers Warrants cancelled during Witney, the Hammond the Duboise and a bit of monev from fines. All that the Eiick (Bad, a daughter, able. Stitches ^1 do not break. \ Maurice Leach, a son. Sunday. Wonder what the attraction is? the Streeter companies. city obtained in that direction last vear year ............................................... 2258 05 No rough sur­ G. H. Poland, a son. Mrs. Gilbert visited Mrs. Kirk Sunday. face to chafe ? Last vear two companies, the Duboise was $5 ! W e won’t make any comment, Louis Johnson, a daughter. and cut. 1 he ( Wanrants outstanding on A. Poland and family are moving to and the Kitten and Wentworth compan­ but will allow our readers to form their harness not Jo R. L. Wade, a daughter. only keeps *5 General Fund...................... $1023 30 ies lost 25 40 acre tracts in one township Mr. Richards farm at Blaine own opinion, for this is a little incident John Z Riggs, a daughter. looking like G. H. Higgins, a daughter. Arne Kirk entertained a number of his Road Fund ; 4 mh I half a section in another township new, but L that should be pointed out. wears twice I , 0. A. Lommeii, a son. í * ★ * Warrants outstanding January in Tillamook County, ^and a whole sec­ friends at his home on Sunday. as longby the Tlios. R. Craig, a son. use of Eureka Cadar Powell, of Portland, has been ap­ 2nd, 1904..................................... $ 32 48 E. Gilbert visited his brother at Spruce tion in Clatsop County. These two com- < \ 1 R. W. Dingen, a daughter. Harness Oik £ pointed one of the U.S marshals in Alas­ paniesspeni ^5,000 fighting fires during Sunday and made a flying trip to the Warrants drawn during year. 1591 11 D. F. Coulson, a daughter. I ka. Cadar has been sucking at the re N. P. Alley, a son. city Monday. the summer. $1623 59 James W. Gilmore, a son. publican teat for years and there is no Guv Bunn is spending a few days with These facts are to be brought I efore Sold r o William Chase, a daughter. Warrants cancelled : Princi­ likelihood that he will let go as long as everywhere (. the House to show that the timber in­ his parents. Mrs. Bunn is nursing Mrs. Benjamin Powell, a daughter. in cans— // \ pal only. 1063 10 can keep on pulling at it. He, in common terests of Tillamook and Clatsop coun. Wallace and in la nt son at Spruce. John Bucher, a daughter. all size«. M Made by A with other politicians, must believe that W R. Simmons, a son. lies need as much protection as any­ Warrants outstanding ...$ 560 49 Standard Oil J. |. Hollett, a son. the republican party owes him a living. where. Of the timber in the stale, esti ­ City Recorder ’ s Report. Cash on hand in Treasury : Company A. C. Gist, a daughter. I mated to be worth at the | resent time * # * General Fund ............................. $80 91 C. H. Woolfe, a daughter, How remarkable Claude 'Ihaver has City Recorder Thus. Coates’ annual re­ Road Fund..................................... Fred Forslund, a daughter. $10,009,000, about $2,000,000 worth is in 237 56 T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.-—N otice for been doing all lie possibly could to make —. Dy ton, a son. the two counties which are supposed to port is as follows : P ublication . the city treasurer the treasurer for the Henry Rogers, a daughter. United States Land Office, REVENUES. lie free fre in fire. Total $318 47 Oregon < ity, Oregon, J. N. Lesley, a daughter. waler commission. He failed, Straige, Deeember loth, 1904. Licenses : Ralph M. Ackley, a son. Notice is hereby given that in compliance is it not, that Mr. Thayer did not first BOULDER CREEK. Saloons ............................... ........ $1591 64 Will the Oregon Traction Company with the provisions of the act of Congress ot T. P. Johnson, a son. turn his attention to making the ci tv Soft Drinks........................... ........ 20 00 build it proposed electric line any farther June 3rd, 1878, entitled ‘ An act for the sale DEATHS. of timber lands in the States of Califo-nta, A. O. Poland is moving his effects treasurer the treasurer for the Port of Drats .................................... ........ Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo­ 69 00 than Willamette Heights ? Jesse Kays, aged 45 years. from Beaver up to P. 0. Richards - ranch ry.” as extended to all Public Land States by Tillamook Commission ? But he has Frank Clyde Fowler, aged 12 vears. Wood-saws'.......................... ........ 10 00 “ Jack” Bogers, a timber cruiser, com-1 act of August 4,1x02. about rode that hobby-horse to death, at Blaine. Pauline Roxanna Page, aged 18 years. JOHN REES. 3 oo Peddlers .............................. nutted suicide in Pilkington A.Brmtow 8 I Of Tillamook, county of Ttllamook State of Henry H. Aiderman, aged 40 years. County Surveyor Fred L. Sappington and thank goodness the water commis­ Stallions .............................. ....... 10 oo Mackamilh shop in Roseburg, jOr , by '1Ortg°n’ h?s thl5 J" V?’8 offlc?bis Viola Maria Sappington^ aged 1 year. was out in our neighborhood last week, sion don't intend to allow him to make 1 s 'J f sworn s’atemeut No. 6525, 6525. for fur the purchase Shows...................................... ......... Millie A. Coles (age not given). 10 00 shooting himself just above the heart ’ of the N’2 of Nw % of Sec. -- No. "x 27, in Tp. No. i 8, running some lines and locating a much that, too, a hobby horse. Male child of E. Hellenbuyck.aged 1 m. Range No. io West, and will offer proof to D igs ....................................... ........ 18 50 with^a large caliber revolver. 1 He was I show that the land sought is more valuable « « 4t disputed corner. Joseph V. Freeman, aged 27 years. Fines ...................................... ........ 5 00 last seen alive late Monday evening and 1 for its timber or stone stooe than tl.ao for agriculturaFpur- an,ricii!tii*’P^*“**'" Councilman Chase or the Headlight Horace Holden, aged 93 years. Elder Blalock and family and Messrs. ( ----- po«es, »aid land (and - ‘ and iud to establish his claim to said Taxes : William Pearl Hedges, aged 27 years. Green and turner, spent last Tuesday at had not been drinking to excess so far i before the County C.erk of Tillamook County. man is laboring under a mistake about illamook City, Or Oregon, • | 1 at I illfttnook ----- on Monday. the'Joth General Fund ................... ........ 386 05 as known. I’ i a Blanche L. Whitney, aged 26 years. the bond issue. The city dad claims 11c had over $100 in money * rlnv day nf of February, 1905. ije liames as witnesses . . inzxy Randall Hartwell Whitney, aged 26 (J. A. Smith's. Road Fund .......................... ........ 807 40 ..'alter M. Weiss, Fred Tom­ uro Rogers I?rnipra suffered hi ifFurarl cuvarolo alter C. Batlev.John Bailey, Jfi a few days ago. severely ■ linson, that the bonds don't ha veto he taken up days. Mrs. Jennie Lucas arrived at home Samuel U. Tomlinson, of Tillamook, Collected on Street Improve- from injuries received in Cuba during I Oregon. ii the bids exceed $4-5,(JOO for putting in Lottie A. Griggs, aged 27 years. Wednesday after a four month’s absence, ments................................... Any and all persons claiming adversely the 31 the Spanish-American War. Allen Nixon Smith, aged 65. the entire system. The pencil pusher says lie had 1 above-descrioed lands are requeBtad to file their visiting relatives in Missouri. Edith Coulson, aged 62 years. j claims in this office on or before said 20th day of the bonds will have to he taken up or worked at Roseburg as timber cruiser H. A. Chopard has taken two cows to Chnern Buckles, aged 16 days. Total Revenues. $3067 90 for the past three years, but had no 1 February, I905. issued on the 1st March, and interest to A lgernon S. D resser , Register. Stanley Herbert Phillips,aged 40 vears. winter for P. R. Coulson, of Blaine. commence on that date. We will allow Nancey A. Farmer, aged 23 years. known connection with the land-fraud T imber L and A ct , J une 3 1878.—N otice F or Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dye. of Wolfe EXPENDITURES. Oral Wm. Maxwell, aged 13 months. Creek, came up to Boulder Thursday to P ublication . C< uncilman Chase to put us right if we cases. United States Land Office, Salaries : Hanna A in el Crane, aged 70 years. are wrong, for he ou«lit to know what Oregon City, Ore. visit Mrs. O. W, Kinnaman, their Mary T. Squires, aged 65 years. Recorder ........................................ $180 00 January 3rd. I905. How’s This? has been going on about negotiating the daughter. They were caught in the RoxnmiGracie Smith, aged 33 vears. Notice is hereby given that in compliance Marshal ........................................ 560 00 We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for with the provisions of the act of Congr. ss of bonds. Mr. Rothenherger, aged 78 years. storm, and were obliged to plod home case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by June 3, 1878, entitled “All act for tie sale Treasurer........................................ « « » 25 00 any I). J. W Wilev, aged 61 vears. Hall's Catarrh Cure. of timber lands in the States of California, through the snow drifts. J: ines W il Latimer, aged 62 years. City Attorney.............................. 50 00 F J. CHENEY & CO., Props., The city charter only allows of a ley v __ r_„ Toledo, 0. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ as H. A. Chopard and R. M. Dingess extended to all the Public Land States by act of • • Martha falling Gould, aged 28 vears. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. of two mills, which is not enough to run Surveying and expenses of new Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him August 4, 1892. ltd. Walker, aged 42 vears. visited Beaver last Monday. WILLIAM H BANC KE, perfectly honorable in all business trans ­ the citv. As there is some objection to Water System ......................... $773 50 actions and financially able to carry out any Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Eldred Mason, aged 7 vears. Frank Dye was a Boulder Creek visitor Oregon, has this day filed in this office IPs the occupation tux on account ot its obligations mad « by their flrm. Electric Lights ............................. 30 436 Sunday. WKsTtk I hi ax Wholvsa e Druggists, Toleldo.O sworn statement No. 6542, for the purchase being unequal, it seems to he the proper Shipments from Tillamook N W. % of section 4, in tp. 2 90 58 W alding , K innan «1 M arvin . Wholesale of the N W. Mr. Tompkins is running seperator Booksand Pi inting ................. South, Range No. 10 West, and will offer Druggists, Toledo, 0. # thing to do to lune the city charter Elections ....................................... 32 00 Hull s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act­ proof to show that the land sought is The following data, kindly furnished and will get him an engine before long. amended so that enough money can lie more valuable for its timber orstonc than for 9 96 ing directly upon the blood and mucous ser­ agricultural by B. C Lamb, local agent for the Pa­ He reports eleven fresh cows already. Fire Department ......................... purposes, and to establish his claim iates of the system. Testimonials sent free. railed to meet the expenditure. If we 400 00 Pri e 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. to said land before the Countv Clerk of I ilia- cific Navigation Company, shows the He will make cheese this season instead Lot lor City Hall......................... mook County, at Tillamook City, Oregon, on HaH>Fa>nily Pills are th best. demand ami enjoy city luxuries we must Moving Citv Hall ..................... 154 00 Monday, the 20th day of March, I905. He amount and estimated valuation of all of selling the milk. expect to pay lor them, lor the city conn names a*» witnesses : Contribution toward draining shipments made from 1 ms wharf for the C. Desmond, Samuel Daly, John Staseck cil cannot get light», cross walks and tire school grounds and streets NEHALEM. George Kauffman, of Netarts, Oregon. war ending December, 31, 1904. C. H. LEEP, Any and all persons claiming adversely the protection on "hot air." Although that adjacent thereto too 00 above-described lands are requested to file’their Cheese; 20,494 cases, weight 1.362,915 Geo. Cox and family have moved back will not help the city this year, ns the pounds, valuation $138,178. claims in this office on or before said 2oth day of Gravel .................... Hants and BhoBs Neatly . 540 50 to town. March, 1905. two null levy is already made, it is Butter; 2,719 cases, weight 163,140 Lumber................... . 560 86 G eo . W. B i bee , Receiver. Guss and Geo. Ludtke have bought Repaired. inst ns well tornnke preparations for the pounds, valuation $32,628. Labor on streets .. 464 05 In the County Court of the State of Oregon, Cascaralurk; 242,328 pounds, valuation their father’s farm on the North Fork future, tor the city will lime to pay quite for Tillamook Countv. Ü Miscellaneous 160 72 $1 2.116. They will not work it until the road ii ................. In the matter of the Guardianship) First Class Work Guaranteed, a bit ot monev tor interest on outstand­ Water rent Eggs. 425 cases, valuation $2,550. 335 00 ol Elizabeth L. Terwilliger and> opened up so they can get their milk to ing warrants this year. David L. Terwilliger, Minors. ) Give me a trial. Hides; 32,800 pounds, valuation $2,426. the cheese factory. This matter coming on to be heard upon St » St Potatoes; 456 sacks, valuation $410. the duly verified petition of Lloyd ( . Smith. Total expenditures. Next to the Headlight Office. $4-872 46 F. Rov is grading a road around the Wool; 2,995 pound, valuation $480. Arthur Stillwell is i ii < uhi ting a petition Guardian of the persons and estates of said Elizabeth L. Terwilliger and David L. Ter- Cranberries; 197 boxes, valuation $700. bluff between his house and meadow. given him hv Oak Nolan, which, we are "¿»’HKrr. minors, praying for a license to sell Total estiniat d valuation, $189,487.50. Of Hie above expenditures, the sum of the following described real propertv belong­ He expects to do'sorr.e blasting as snow told, is to make the city treasurer the ing to said minors, to-wit : To the above should be added several as he can get an assignment of dynamirr. »<75.50 for Surveying anil ex|ienses of treasurer tor the water commission. We Beginning at a point one and thirty-eight shipments from the McIntosh wharf, of new Water System will be chargeable hundredths (1.38) chains North and five and have no choice as to who should be Irta- The Harrison came in Monday and BARBER ANO HAIRDRESSER. fourteen hundredths (5.14) chains East which no record could be obtained. t ’ the fund derived from the sale of loaded salmon. She went out Tuesday. j from the point where the North and South surer, h would look much lietler if Mr. HAIR CIITING | line between Lots three (3) and four (4). Thayer would come out in the light and Guss and Geo. Ludtke went out to w iter bonds, as soon as the same is SHAVING, Section twenty »20), Township one (li SOUTH PRAIRIE. North of Range ten (IO) West of the Will­ announce himself ns an aspirant lor the Lewis and Clark Tuesday to work in F. e nnpl.-ted. The sum of »369.02 has SHAMPOOING, E1C amette Meridian strikes the shore ofTilla- been docketed as liens upon the pro I^m Johnson's little girl hail the mis- office ot treasurer tor the commission, Warren’s logging camp this summer. mook Bay (which is a large rock marked tortuue to have her clothing catch fire, XX-R) marked X tor it is plain to see that Ins efforts have completely burning them off her. Her Matt Olson has moved into his new pei tv abutting upon certain street im­ Electric Baths nicelv fitted up. Goodfor , . . „ , X on a large rock for the provements, and approximately $150 00 I Nouth East corner of boat - house lot • been to fix the law so that he could han­ body escn|ied serious burning, but her house in lower town. persons suffering with rheumatism. thence West fifty (50) feet ; thence North two is also chargeable to abutting property dle the money in his bank through the little han.Is and face were scveielv Hiram Parry and Miss Wilks have and sixty-four hundredths (2.64) chains to center of county road; thence East along city tieusurer. In a business way there burned She is getting along nicelv. eloped to Canada or some other part, and will no douht lie docketed as liens NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. said road fifty (50) feet ; thence South two though it seems a wonder she escaped thereon in due course. Demrtmeiit of the Interior and sixtv-four hundredths (2.64) chains to is nothing wrong about that, but it istlie with her hie. matrimony being the chief cause. Laud Office at Oregon City. Ore.. place of beginning ; and it appearing to the SV.M.MARY STATEMENT. v .. . . , January U(h, I905. wav in which lie has been tnanoenver- Loerpaliel, Lommen and others are court that said real property is a small Guv Vaughn and wile are still stopping Notice !• hereby given that the following- parcel of the lands owned by said Minors in GENKK.kl. FV.XD. ing to bring that about, and in getting in Tillamook. digging a trail around Liverpool so named settler ha4, eec. «, tp 3 South, I states do api»ear before this Court on Mon­ $2538 96 ** Thursday and Friday our little borg range 9 West. and ridicule it as another of Claude's Their was a dance at Grandma I'lhn He nanu s the following witnesses to prove day. the 6th day ot February. 1905. at the tricks. No one thinks lor oue moment son s last Saturday night, which was was covered with the beautiful snow, Paid out oil Warrants.............. $2258 05 his continuous residence upon and cultivation hour of 10 o’clock a m. at the office of the County Clerk ot Tillamook Countv, Oreg'* * of said land. viz. : the first of the season We now enjoy Transferred to Road Fund...... that anyone is going to getaway with a ell iitteniled. I to show cause why a license should not be 200 OO .v^r,,ry Helgate, E. K. Gilbert. granted for the sale of said portion ofti.e The logging camp will be through fine sunny days with frosty nights. aav ot the money lielonging to the com Wilhaiu Gilbert, of Spruce, Oregon. estate of said minors. Balance on hand ................. 80 91 _______ A lorrnon S D rkmkr , Register. d u a . The nnwclcrme guest lagrippe made its And it is further ordered that this order mission, ani» it Mr, Thayer tails to lie. 1ORX»“>{ ’»» « shall be served by publication thereof at NOTH M FOR PCBUCATIOX. I appearance in Beaver and claimed quite tome treasurer, directly or indirectly, u $2538 96 teast three successive weeks prior to said \ bill to make a f. ki.iy of Kambling Depsitment of the Interior. soap Ft’jtn. time of hearing, in the Tillamook Head light will lie uu account »1 In, persistent effort ; .111.. T 111 the p| ,vin< ,,f k.a„,|,|111K g„„„ a numlier of victims, among whom are Laud Office nt Oregon City. Ore., nc*"P«I*r printed and publlshcil . Issrembei i- low Tillamook City, Oregon, and circuin- in trying to lit it and not content to or in the operating of »lot machine wax Mrs Gilbert, Mrs. Kirk, Gladis Hiner B ilance on hand lauuarv 2nd, Notice 1» hereby given that the f llowmg. at ting within this county of Tillamook ’ »<>♦ ............................................ » 160 intnaluteil in the llou.-e hv Grav, <hii, esentai list ot sick, she being ntflk.cd with spells Receipts from all sources......... 1144 71 that Mid proof will be made before the State of Oregon. f Register and Receiver, at Oregon City. Oregon County of Tillamook, i 8 s- representative business men. who have by H. rn.aun, of t oo. Heavy lines ar. ot heart fnilnie. “ »1305 04 on January loth ugo vie I. George B Lamb. County Clerk ofTilla- O,, the „a-oi„| offen— th. Mrs Tucker and Mrs Ginn attended» theertv's interni at heart in the matter provhle.1 „v „ FRANK G. WHITAKER, mook County, Oregon.do hereby certify that H E t-.¥.n fof-Uie S i, ..f the S H of »ection 31. 1 I1 ”vc t’ouijmred tne foregoing copy of. r.kr niaiiaa-er of a bucket,hop establishment carpet rag sewing bee nt Mrs Albert Paid out on Warrants : Princi­ ot the proposed water work. tp. 3 rot th. mnge 9 west. w ith the original thereof a, the same ap­ ma. be sentence.! to sis mimili, ioipris- Rumanian's last Wednesday. He name» the following wttm\«ses to prove pear, pal — of record in my office a, clerk of the 11063 nnmei.l in the covnty j.il A chilar Ms coutinuuus residence upon uml cultGati1 AÍ Ki g DAIRYMEN’S AND SUPPLIES ia 9 STEEL STOVES & RANCES. | We carry a Large Stock of A? .>3 Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES ; Agents for the Great Western Saw M c I ntosh & mcnair co ., The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. "\V1 A LATIMER, BROS.,