Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 19, 1905, Image 3

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Stenson, John. Tract in Sec. 19 T.
N. W. %, N. W. X of N. W 14 and
• 1 8.. R. 9 W............ ..
26 26
lot 1 office. 32, T. 4 8., R. lo W ...
Quick, Heirs of Ray, M. Beg. at a
Graves, E. B.. fi. % of N.W.
and E.
pt on W. line of Jumcs Quick
of 8. W. >4 of Sec. 9, T.5 8, H.
By virtue of a warrant to me directed,
D.L.C., 25.50 ch». 8. of N.W. cor.
9 W’................................
iwued by the County Clerk of Tillamook
ofsuid claim and running thence
Hart, Mary M., 8. W. V* of 8. E. 1
County,Oregon, commanding me to sell the
K. 21 75 ehs ; th. N. 11.50 chs. ; th.
and that part of the 8. K ..
‘4 ofS.
Bcverui articles of personal property and
K. 18.25 ch«, to B. line of claim ; th
E ' lying
real property upon which the
N. 50 Ik»., th.;W. 40 ch», to W. line
Toll Road, Sec. 17, T. 5S., R. 9 W.
taze» are levied and unpaid aa shown by the
of claim ; thence 8. 12 ch», to
Hart, Elra, 8. E. ,‘4 of N. E. V4 of
Ta* List accompanying such warrant of the
beg. in Secs. 29 & 32, T. 1 8. R 9
section 19 and N. B. ?4 ot N. W. %
State, County. School and other taxes for
11 26
and 8. H of N W.
and N. W. >4
the year 1903, and Sjiecial School Taxes and Fairview Grange, No. 273. Beg.
of N. E »4 of Sec. 20, T. 5 8, R. 9
Tillamook City Taaes for the year 1904, I
at theS.E. of N.E. % of Sec. 2 m ,
W .................................. .........................
will, beginning at 10 o’clock in the forenoon
T. 1 3., R. 9 W. ; thence W. 155
Hill.’H. V., E. JiofN. W. ‘4 and N.
of Monday, the 3Uth day of January, 1905,
rod« ; thence N. 583 feet to in­
W. »4 of». W.
oifiec. 28 & N. E.
and continuing from day to day thereafter
itial point ; thence N. 165 ft. ;
*4 of N. E. % of See 29, T. 5 S., R.
until the list is exhausted, offer for sal« at
th W. 132 ft ; th 8. 165 ft, ; th E.
9 W
............................................. ...........
public action and sell to the best bidder the
132 It. to place of beginning .........
38 8elph, R. E., S.W. ?; of N. E. % and S.
real property situated in Tillamook County, Fearnside, Heir« of G. W. % int. in
E. % of N.W. of See. 4, T. 5 8., K.
Oregon, particularly described in the list fol­
Lot 3, Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 10 W.......
1 70
10 W ........................................................
Olds, Eli P. All that part of the
lowing :
Bush. A. S., N.E. >4 of^S. W. 14, N. W.
Smith, Walter J. B. % of N.W.
S.W. *4 0
S.W. *,4 lying N. of
% of S. E. 14 Sec. 4, T. 5 8, R. 10 W
of N B. J4, Bee. 9, T. 1 N.,
Trask River, in Sec. 25, T. 1
Upton, C. B., Com. 40 rods N. 22
$14 53
8., R. 10 W. ; also all that part of
R. 7 W
degrees E. from an iron post that
14 int. in S. Va of Sec.
Lot 10, lying N. of Trask river
stands 1 ft. S. of the break of Lit­
16 51
•lough not heretofore sold, in Sec.
32. T. 1 N., R. 7 W...............................
tle Nestucca Falls at low water,
3^ int. in Lot 4 or S.E.
25. T. 1 «., R. 10 w. Lot 13 less
thence E. 40 rods, thence S. 40 rods,
\ of S.E. ‘i of Sec. 36, T. 1 N.,
34.42 acres to Dee Tomlinson and
thence W. 80 rods, thence N 40
2 32
5 acres to William Dowd, in
R. 7 W...........................................................
rods, thence E 40 rods to the place
Rvan, R. F. 8. % of 8.B. »4, N.W. %
See. 26, T. 1 8., R. 10 W .........
26 62
of beg., being a part of the N.E. Vi
9 58 Hellstren, William. 8.
of S.W. %
..f s "
r: • '* ■ Sec 13, T. IN., R. 8 U.
of s W
N. W. I4 <.f S. E. % of
of Sec. 12. T. 2 S., R. 8 W
Ryan, R- F. N.E. *4 of N.E. V4 of
12 80
Sec. 15. T. 5 8., R IO W
3 20 Gibbons, S. N.W. <4 of N.E. % ÜL
Sec. 24. T. 1 N., R. 8 W
Millspaugh, Willianj H., E. % ofS. E.
Smith, Mary K S.W. % of S.W.
N.E J4 of N W. «4of See. 13, T. 2
Vi oi See. 21 & W. % of 8. W. }£of
3 OO
Sec. 1. T. 1 N., R. 10 W
S. R. 8 W
12 80
See. 22, T. 5 S., R. IO W
Smith, Louis L. N.W. % ofS.W.
Whitney, R. W. S.E. *4 of S.E. >4 of
Ayers, John M .. S. % of 8. E. % of Sec.
See. 1,T. IN.. R. 10 W ft N.E.
Sec. 20, T. 2 S. R.8 W...
3 76
10, T. 6 8., R. 9W
i4 of S.E. % & S.E. % of N.E. J4,
Whitney, R. W. W. % of S.W. %, of
Pfoutz, M. G., S. W. J4 of Sec. 18, T.
Sec. 2, T.1N..R.1OW....................... 11 98
Sec. 21. T. 2 8. R. 8 W
6 8., R 9 W........ ....................................
Hughes J. H. N. V*ofN.E.%, Sec. 16,
Whitney, R. \V. N.E. % of.N.E. % of
Burton, Mrs. R. C., W.% of S. W. »4
T. 1 N.. R. 10 W .................................
4 70
Sec. 29, T. 2 S., R. 8 W........................
3 76
of Sec. 13 and lots 17, 18. 19 and
Pillman. Bertha. N. 14 of S.W. >4,
Dickenson. Silas W. S.E.
Sec. 34,
20 of Sec. 14, T 6 S, R. 11 W .......
Sec. 16. T. 1 N., R. 10W
4 70
T. 2 8.. R. 8 W ....
................. 25 57 John I*. Munsinger. Lot 1, Blk 1,
Bengtha Byrom. All tide lands F. ft
Campbell, William F.
Beg. at the
Tohl's Add. to Neholem City.........
A., on Lot 2, Sec. 20. T. 1 N., R. 10
N.W. cor. of the .N.E. % of S.W.
William Norris, Lots 3 & 4. Blk. 2,
W ................................. ...............................
% of Sec. 4, Tp. 2 8., R. 9 W.;
Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City...
Byrom, Bengtha. Beg. at N. boun-
thence E. 9 chs ; thence S. 20 chs.
Hans Larsen. Lot 6, Blk. 2, Tohl’s
daiy of the 5 acre tract in Lot 2,
to the 1-16 Sec. line ; thence W.
Addi. to Nehalem City........................
in Sec. 21, T. 1 N., R. IO W.,
9 chs, to the S.W. cor. of the N.E.
Unknown, Lot4, Blk. 4, Tohl’s Add.
known as the Ralston tract and at
% of S.W. 14 of Sec. 4; th. N. 20
to Nehalem City ...............................
h pt. 40|100 chs. N. 74° E. from
chs. to the place of beg, in Sec. 4,
Nick Drostoff, 28 ft. on S. side of
the N.W. cor. of said Ralston
T. 2 S., R. 9 W .................. .
5 05
Lot 3, Blk. 6, Tohl’s Add. to Ne­
tract; th. N. 74° E. 5 47J1OO chs. ;
McCormack, Armada. N.E. % of
halem City.............................................
th. N. 16° W. 2 43|1OO chs.; th. N.
See. 5, T. 2 S., R. 9 S of Trask
Nick Drostoff, Lots 10 & 11, Blk.
U E.4 13|10O ch., th. N. 16' W.
river ............................. .................
21 61
9, Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City ..
to N. boundary of D. D. Bayley’s
McCormack, Armada. 30 acres of
Clyde Newell, Lot 11, Blk. 12, Tohl’s
pre-emption claim ; th. W. to N.W.
E. end of S.
of N.W. % of Sec.
Add to Nehalem City ..................
cor. of Lot 2 in said Sec. 21 ; th.
5, T. 2 S., R. 9 W.....................
6 56 D. H. Vedder, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 16,
8. on line between Lots 1 ft 2 to
Marolf, John. Lot 4 and E. Vi of
Tohl’s Add. Nehalem City........
the place of beginning ...
Lot 5, Sec. 8, T. 2 8., R. 9 W
5 65
7 51 D. & C. Newell, Lot 2. Blk 19,
Bvroni, Bengtha. East half of the
Johnson, Maryette.
Com. at S.E.
Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City.........
following described ' tract : Com­
cor. of Truman Harris D.L.C. ;
Nehalem Dairy Association, Lot 1,
mencing at a pt. known and
th. N. 30.21 chs, to N.E. cor. of
Blk. 21, Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem
designated as stone A,” being 58
said claim ; th. W. 26.98 chs.; th
City ..........................................................
16|1OO chs. W. ft 42 15|1OO S. of
8 30.21 chs; th. E. 12.98 chs ; th.
Daniel Cronen, Blk. 44, Pacific Har­
N.E. cor. of f ee. 21, Tp. 1 N., R. IO
N. 3.75 chs. ; thence E. 4 chs ;
W ; thence N. 74° E. 5 66411000
thence S. 3.75 chs.; thence E. 10
Bengtha Byrom, Lots 1, 2 & 3, in
chs. ; thence N. 16° W. 7.08 chs.;
chs. to place of beg, less 40 acres
Blkl ; All tide lands F. & A. on
to Leon Berry, in-Sec. 8, T. 2 $, R.
thence S. 74° W- 5 664|1OOO chs.;
Lots 1,2 & 3, Garibaldi.................
9 W.............................................................. 32 S3 Bengtha Byrom, Lots 6, 7 & 8,
thence S. 16° E. 7.08 chs. to place
of beginning ...............
Blk. 1, Garibaldi.................................
3 75 Trevor, Francis, Jr. S.E. 14, Sec. 15,
T.2S..R. flW___ . ............................ 15 oo F. W. Cay. Lot
Byrom, Bengtha.
Beginning at
Blk. 7. Bay City.
Borton, Isaac. N.E. Vi of S.W. %,
Unknown, Lot 7, Blk. 7, Bay City.
stone " A,” said stone being 58.16
Sec. 21, T. 2 S.,R. 9 W ...................
1 97 Baker, M. R., Lots 1 '& 2, Blk. 8,
chs. W. and 42.15 chs. 8. of N E.
Dennis, O. E. N.W. Vi. Sec. 31, T.
Bay City.................................................
cor. of Sec. 21. Tp. 1 N., R. 10
2 S., R. 9 W .......................................... 15 89 Roach, J. P. Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4,
W. ; thence S. 16° E. 45 ft.; thence
Nodine, Vance. Beg. at the S.W. cor
Blk. 14, Bay City.................................
S. 74° W. 150 ft. ; thence N. 16°
of the S.E. J4 of Sec. 11, Tp. 2 S,
Cottle, Addie, Lots 5, 6, 7 & 8,
W. 45 ft. to intersect S.W. cor. of
Bay City
. ..
Lot 3, in blk. 1, town of Gari­
Hills, C. T. Lots 16, 17 & ,r18, Blk.
the W. line of said tract N. 20 rods,
baldi ; thence N. 74° E. 150 ft.'
th. E at right angles to said W.
1, Bay View Add. to Bay City.
along S. line of said
bk. 1 to
line 80 rods ; thence S. at right
Unknown. Lots 12 ft 13. Blk. 4,
place of beg, to include all land
angles to said last cor., 2o rods ;
Bay View Add. to Bay City ..........
lying between the S. line of Lots
th. W. along the S boundary of
Riefenberg, Geo. Lots 5 & 6, Blk.
1,2 ft 3, blk. 1, Garibaldi and
5, Bay View Add. to Bay City........
said first described tract 80 rods
ordinary high water mark................
to place of beginning, in Sec. 11, T.
Neil, James. Lots 9, 10 & 11, Blk.
Byrom, Peter. All tide lands F. &
7, Bay View Add. to Bay City.........
A., on Lots 3 & 4, Sec. 21, T. 1 N.,
Bozorth, Scott. Lots 1 to 8, Blk.
4 70 Thompston, Heirs of E. R.. Alltide
R. 10 W
................... .......................
lunds F. & A. on Lots 1, 2 and 4
12. Bay View Add. to Bay City.
Byrom, Bengtha.
Beg. at 8. W .
82 Hawley. Lauretta F. Lot 8, Blk. 3,
of,Sec. 17, T. 2 S, R. 10 W.................
cor. of Lot 1, in Sec. 22, Tp. 1
Osborne, Rose G.
Bar View Add. to (Bay City
N., R. 10 W. ; th. N. 209 ft.; thence
8. E. % of N. W. «4 and S. W. % of
Wade, Mary C. Lot 4, Blk. 7, Bar
E. 209 ft. ; thence S. 209 ft ; thence
Add. to Bay City....................
W. 209 ft. to beg.................................
17 91 Riefenberg, V . L
Lot 1, Blk. 8,
ParKs, Theo. That part of the pre­
of See.
Steele, Elisa, W.% of S. W.
Bar View Add. to Bay City...........
emption claim of B. A. Bayley,
8 96 Unknown, Lot 15, Blk. 10, Bar
26, T. 2 8.. R 10 W.........................
in Sec. 22, Tp 1 N., R. 10 W.,
Steele, Eliza, E. % of S. E. % of Sec.
View Add. to Bay City
bounded by beginning at the mean­
27, T. 2 8.. K. 10 W
Unknown. Lot 1, Blk. 13, Bar View
der line of Tillamook Bay, 20 chs.
E. of line bet. Sec. 21 ft 22 and
of S. E. ‘4, Sec. 5, T. 3 S., R. 9
May, W. J. Lot 1, Blk. 2, Bewley’s
running thence N. to N. line of
3 96
Add. to Bay City
....... ...........
said claim ; thence W on said N.
Mills, C., Lot 1 and N. E. % of N.W.
Cone, W. S. 50 x 200 ft. in Lot 1.
line 3.44 chs.; thence 8. to afore­
3 28
% of Sec. 31, T. 3 S. R. 9 W.............
Blk. 4, Bewley’s Add. to Bay City
said meander line ; thence E’lv.
Harris, Lucy, E. N. % of N. E. %, S.
Cone, W. S. Lot 2, Blk. 4, Bewley's
with said meander line to place of
Add. to Bay City .........
beg, containing 5 acres more or
of Sec. 32, T. 3 S., R. 9 W...........
10 89 Roby. D. W. A. Lots 9 ft 10, Blk.
1 50
13, Central Add. to Bay City.
Bvrom, Peter. All tide lands F. &
7 50 Hermings, O. G. Lots 11 & 12, Blk.
and 14, Sec. 11, T. 3 S.,R. 10 W
A., on lots 1, 2 ft 3, in Sec. 22, T. 1
S. %
13, Central Add. to Bay City
4 70 White, A. T., N. % of of S. W.
N., R. 10 W ................................ .......
of N. ,W. % of Sec. 15, T. 3 8., R.
Cottle, Addie, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14,
Tillamook Logging Co. N.W. % of
........................ .............. ..............
15, 16, in Blk. 22; Lots 1 to 8,
3 75
N.W. J4, Bee. 24. T. 1 N., R. 10 W.
Unknown : Bçg. at a pt. where the
Blk. 23, Central Add. to Bay
Byron, Bengtha. All tide land F. ft
Co. road crosses the W. line of the
.................... ........................................
A., on Lot 1, See. 2», T. 1 N, R. 10
E. % of S. E. % of Sec. 31, T. 3 S.,
Bridgeford, J. H. Lots 11 & 12,
RIO W., th. N. 40 rods, th. E. 20
Blk. 76, Central Add. to Bay
Haskins, J. W. N. % of N.W. %.
ft., thenceS 40 rods, thence W 20
Sec. 35,T. 1 N., R. 10 W. ................. 12 89
ft. to place of beg., in Sec. 31, T. 3
Hicks ft Nelson. Lot 4, Blk. 1,
Vanniewenhuize, Alois. Lot 3, Sec.
8. R. 10 W..................................................
8 60
I Cone ft Co’s. Add. to Bav City
35, T. 1 N., R. IO W....................
Chamberlain, E. A. and O. R.. Lots
Grout. Heirs of W. H. Lot 5, Blk. 6,
Mead.C. W. N.E. % of Sec. 18, T.
1, 2 and 3 less 2 acres (Lot 3) for
Cone ft McCoy’s Add. to Bay
2 N., R. 7 W..................
................. 24 80
Lookout City, Sec. 1, T. 3 S.,R. 11
City ...................
Kinney, M. J. Lot 2, Sec. 4, T. 2 N.,
1 05 Oakes, Catherine, Lot 6, Blk. 2, Ful­
3 75
R. IO W.............. ............... ...................
ler’s Add. to Bay City
Chamberlain, N. J., Lot 1, less 4
Bipley, M H. S.E. % of N.W. %,
Tilden. A. S. Lot 8, Blk. 2, Fuller’s
acres for Lookout City and 20
S. W. 54 of N.E. V4, Sec. 36, T. 2 N.,
Add. to Bay City....
1 05
acres sold. Sec. 12. T. 3 S, R. 11 W,
4 11
R. IO W ............................ .......... ..........
Cone. Mary J. ¡Lot l,Blk. 3, Ful­
Wood, W. H.. 8. E. % of N, W. Vi. N.
Mack, Mary J. S.E. % Sec. 1, T. 3
E . % of S. W. *4 and Lots 2 and
19 97
N.. R. 6 W...............................................
4 50 Ackley, Ralph, Lot 7, Blk. 3, Fuller’s
3, Sec. 18, T. 4 8., R. 6 W
Montague, W. K. S.W. % Sec. l.T.
Add. to Bay City ....
H. J., Lots 2 and 3, S. E.
3 N., R. 6 W
.......................................... 19 97
Cone, W. 8. ft Mary J. Lot 8, Blk.
>/4 of N. W. % and 8. W.»4 of N. E.
Currie, D. C. N E. % See. 12, T. 3
3, Fuller’s Add. to Bay City. «...
5 63
%, Bee 4, T. 4S, R 7 W
N., R. 6 W
19 97
Sabin, R. L. Lots 7 & 8. Blk. ♦.
Browning, Geo. E., E. % of 8. E. V«,
Brauer, A. G. E. I* of S E.
Fuller*» Add. to Bny City
S. W. *4 of S. E. *4 and 8. E. 14 of
Vi of S.E.
& N.E.
5 63 Hellstren, William, Lot 5. Blk. 8,
8. W. *4 of Sec. 4, T. 4 8, R. 8 W.
Sec. 12 T. 3 N , R. 6 W ..
19 97
Fuller's Add. to Bay City..............
Imlah, Alex, Sr., S. E.
ofS. E. J4
Watt, R. H. N. «4 ofS.W.
1 MK Sabin, R. L. Lots 3 & 4, Blk. »,
8ec. 33, T. 4 8., R, 9 W
of S.W. % & S.W. »4 of S.E. H,
Fuller’s Add. to Bay City
of 8. E. I4 of S.
Sec 11, T. 3 N., R. 9 W
-------- 25 56 Farmer, Agnes, W.
5 25 RiefenberK, W. L. E. H of Lot |l F.
E. 14 of Sec. l.T. 4 8.. R. 10 W.
Mendel, G. H. 8. V4 of N.E. >4 ft
»4 of Lot 2 ; E.
of Lot 3 ; all of
Baxter, F. 8., 8. E.
of 8. W. % of
N »4 of S.E. 54, Sec. 11, T. 3 N., R.
lot» 6. 7, 16.17, 18 19. 20. 21. 22.
sec. 13, T. 4 S , R. 10 W
. ..........
9 W............................................................... 25 56
27 in Fuller’s
Magarrel, Mary A., Lot 6 less 41
Mendel, H. R. 8.W. >4 of N.W. %, W.
Amended Add. to Bay City .
lots in Ocean Park ; Lots 7, 8. and
% of S.W. ¡Vi ft S.E. Vi of S.W. »4.
Unknown, Lot 9, Blk. 6, Theo. Ja-
9, except certain lots in Ocean
Mec. 12.T. 3 N.. R. 9 W ....................... 25 56
coby's add. to Bay City ....................
Park and W. % of 8. E. % of Mec.
Mendel. J. W. S.W. Viot N.E. Vi, Lots
19, T. 4 S., R. 10 V7
19 71 Unknown, Lot 10, Blk. 6, Theo.
25 56
2, 3 ft 4. 8ec. 12, T. 3 N., R. 9 W
Jacoby’s add. to Bay City
Weatherly. J. P., Beg. ata pt. 100
I’urdom.J. S. N.W. % of Sec. 14, T.
Hicks. C. H., Lot 2. Blk 10, Theo.
ft. n’ly from low water line of Big
3 N., R. 9 W
.......................................... 25 56
Jacoby's add. to Bay City
Nestucca River 27.89 chs. dist.
Unknown. Lot 1, Sec. 27, T. 3 N.,
Briggs. Geo. 11., Lots 14 and 15, J. J.
from the J4 Hec. cor. bet. Secs. 18
1 89
R. 9 W............................................................
McCoy’s add to Bay City
and 19, T. 4 S., K.. 1O W,thence N
Banford, B. J. S. Vi of N.W.
Cottle. Addie. Lots 5 and 12, in
6 degrees 37 minutes W 6.13 ch»,
3ft 4. Sec. 4, T. 3 N., R. 1OW.... 28 32
Blk. 13, Pacific add to Bay City..
to survey of R H. Virgel's tract of
Fearnside, Heirs of Geo. W.
Cottle, Addie Lot 12. Blk 26, Paci-
land. th. S 8Ç78 ch» to S.E. cor. of
terest in Tract commencing at
fic add. to Bay City.............................
E. H Virgel's land, thence S 6 deg­
low water line of Nehalem River,
Cottle, Addie Lots 5 and 12,
rees 37 minutes E to the N.E. cor.
at a pt. 50 ft. up said river from
Blk. 27, Pacific add. to BayCIty
ofWm. Plank’» lot. thence W. 50
N. pt. of Lot formerly owned by
Williams. Ida F. Lots 14, I.*> and
ft., thence 8. 1OO ft., thence E. 78
Chas. Pye. th fol said low water
16. Blk. 46, Pacific add. to Bay
ft. to the N.W. cor. of T. J. Lucy »
line up river 59 ft. : thence in
...... ............................. .........
lot. th. S. 50 ft., th. E. 100 ft-, th.
W’ly direction 100 ft. ; thence in
Cottle. Addie. Lota 5 ft 12. Blk. 50,
8. to the line of low water, thence
S. W’ly direction 59 ft. ; thence
Pacific add. to Bay City...............
W ly along thelineoflow water to
S. E.’ly to Nehalem River, pt of beg,
Cottle. Addie. Lot 12. Blk. 51, Paei-
the 8.E cor. of E. H. Virgel'« lot,
all lines and angles in said des­
fic add. to Bay City
thence N’ly to the N.E. cor. of E.
cription to conform to lines and
Wilson. W F
Lot 16. Blk 52,
H. Virjcel » lot. th. W’. 167 ft to the
angles in survey of town of Ne­
Pacific add to Bay City
...... ..
N.W. cor. 'of E. H. Virgel ». thence
halem. in Lot 5. 8ec. 23, T. 3 N.,
Nicodemus, J
Lot 9, Blk. 67,
8. to the N.E. cor. of the lot l>e-
R. 10 W .....................................................
9 88
Pacific add. to Bay City.........
longing to H. A. Mile», N. L Flet­
V ><>rhies, John Nelson. 8 1$ of S.W
William». Ida F. Lota 9 to 16, Blk.
cher and A. T. Bain, th. W. 1OOft
‘i.S.W V4 ofg.E. «4. Sec. IO, T. 1
I 71. Pacific add. to Bay City
to place of beg., in Sec. 19. T. 4 S.,
8.. R. R W
19 46
13 51 St.John, 8. P. Lot» 14, 15 and 16,
R. IO W....................
VoprMe«. John Nelson. N.W. >4 of
1.1k. 72, Pacific add. to Bay City
Dimlck. A. C., W % of N. E. %. N. W.
6 50
■’f .N.W. J<, See. 15, T. 1 S., R. 8 W.
Heir« of G. W. Fearnside. % int in
I 14 of 3. E.
and N. E. % of 8. W.
McIntosh. E. B. Lots 4 ft 5, Sec.
Lot» 3 and 4. Blk. i, Tillamook,
•4 of Mec. 21. T 4 8, R 10 W
6 5
1«. T. 1 8 . R. 9 W
1 cm 20 ft. off A side......................
BrooUn. Han» H.. Lot 9 of Sec 31
-McIntosh, E. B. Lot 1 ft N.W. %
1 Reddaway, David.
Lot» 1 and 2,
: and 3. W. % of N E ‘4, 8. E. % of
of N.E. «4, Bee. 13, T. 1 8., R. 9 W,
Blk. 2, Central add. to Tillmook..
7 53 members of the second-class shall hold
Lots 3 and 4,
9 OO 1 Woods, William.
Blk. 2. Central add. to Tillamook..
8 35 their offices for four years from the time
of such last mentioned drawing ; and
Nodine, Vance. K. S of Lot 2. Blk.
■ 2 20
4, McDermott's add. to Tillamook
9 76 the meml>er of the third-class shall hold
Mapes, Frances B. Lots 6, 7 and 8,
his office for five vears from the time of
Blk. 7, Miller’s add. to Tillamook
6 66
( such last mentioned drawing. There­
Haskins, heirs of Martha J. Lots 3,
after, not earlier than sixty davs nor
4, 5, 6 and 7, Blk. 1, Park add. to
1 69
to Tillamook .............. .......... . ................
2 79 later than thirty days prior to the ex­
Olsen, Louis. }<, int. in Lots 1 to
piration of the term of office of any
4, Blk. 5, Park Add. to Tilla­
j member or members of said commission
mook ........................... . .............................
1 67
' as last above constituted, and said com-
4 23 Haskins, heirs of Martha J. Lots 2
to 7, Blk. 6, Park Add. to Tilla­
1 mission shall give notice of an election
............................. ......................
3 35 to be held by the resident tax payers of
Olsen, Louis. Lots 1 to 7, Blk. 14,
said Tillamook City for the purpose of
Park add. to Tillamook ....................
5 86
electing a member or members of said
Fowler, H. L. Lot 8, Blk. 3, Still­
well’s add. to Tillemook.................. .
4 32 commission in place of the member or
Lot 6, Blk. 6,
3 75 Allison, A. B.
members whose term may be about to
Thayer’s add. to Tillamook..........
8 35
expire. Said not’ces shall designate the
7, Blk. 23,
3 75 Ryan, R. F.
Thayer’s add. to Tilllamook ............
44 class to which the members to be elected
Hembree, J. J. At Phillips, R W. Re­
shall belong, and shall lie given by and
feree Tide Lots 17. 18, 19 and 20,
in the name of such water commission in
Tillamook................................................ ..
3 34
substantially the same form as notices
Dunnagan, Claude. Lot 4, Blk. 7,
Lookout City....................... ...............
05 of city elections may be required to be
Unknown. Lot 12, Blk. 11, Ocean
given in said city, and shall be posted
21 and published in the same manner and
Magarrell, R. C. Lot 13, Blk. 11,
for the same length oi time as such
Ocean Park............................. .................
1 50
notices of city elections. Such elections
Waugh, W. G. Lots 9 and 10, Blk.
2, Malaney’s add. to Ocean Park..
39 shall be held by ballot in the same man-
ner as ordinary city elections shall be
5 63 Killibrew, R. P. Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8,
Blk. 7, Malaney’s add. to Ocean
held in said city, and the said water
3 76
Park ................. 4..................................
5 63
shall, from among their
memlrers. designate three judges of such
11 26 McWhinnie, Margaret. S.W. l,4 of
\ I >4 of See. M, T. 8 s, R 8 W
1 98 election and shall also appoint from
Tillamook Lumbering Co. Beg. at
among the resident tax-payers of said
the N.E, cor. of the E. Thomas D.
5 57
Tillamook City, two clerks of such
L. C., thence S 326 ft., thence E 60
election. Except as here in otherwise
ft., thence N. to Hoquarton Slough,
thence W.Jto place of beg.................
33 40 provided, such elections shall be in all
5 21 Unknown. Beg. at the center of
respects held in the same manner as
See. 7, Tp. 5 8, R. 10 W., th. N on
ordinary city elections shall lie held in
% Sec. line 8.90 chs., th. S. 58
said city, and the result thereof shall be
degrees E 2.16 chs., th. S 55%
degrees E225 ft. to what is known
canvassed by said water commission,
as the Vincent Sutton tract, th. S.
who shall declare the person or persons
34^4 degrees W along the east side '
receiving the highest number of votes
of County Road to a pt. N 22 de­
4 52
entitled to seats in said water commis­
grees E from the point of beginning,
th. S. 22 degrees W. toplace of beg.,
sion, provided every such person so
4 37
excepting County Roau.all in Rec.
elected shall be a resident and tax
7, T. 5 S, R. 10 W.......................... ...
payer of said Tillamook City. Each
The amount of taxes, interest to date of
50 sale and penalties due upon each parcel is member of said water commission as
set opposite the same, and also the name of last above constituted, shall hold his
26 the owner when known.
The sale will be office for the term for which he shall be
held at the front door cf the Court House in elected and until his successor is elected.
said county, in manner and form as upon
In case of a vacancy arising from death,
6 45 sale of real property under execution, except
as by law otherwise especially provided. resignation, inability to act, or becom­
24 Each parcel will be sold to the person who ing a non-resident of said Tillamook
offers to pay the taxes, costs and accruing City, such vacancy shall be filled by a
penalties thereon, and take a certificate at
majority of the remaining members of
9 00 the lowest rate of interest, provided, how­
For the pur­
ever, the maximum rate should not exceed said water commission.
58 IO per cent. The sale will be made subject poses of this section, no person shall be
86 to redemption as provided by law, and is for deemed a taxpayer of Tillamook City
86 the purpose to satisfying the said warrant
whose name shall not appear upon the
with lawful charges.
then last preceeding county* assessment
1 71
roll as a tax-paper^upon real or personal
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon.
Tillamook City Oregon, December 17th, property within the corporate limits of
Tillamook City.
3 44
S ec 3.—As soon ns practicable after
of the secretary of said commission, und
shall lie affixed to contracts and other
documents only in pursuance, of resolu-
tions duly adopted by said water com*
S ec . 5.—The said water commission
shall have the exclusive right from time
to time to fix water rates and charges
for the use of water, both by individuals
and by the city of Tillamook Citv, and
said commission shall have the right to
adopt any and all reasonable rules and
regulations with reference to ¡the use o
water and the operation of water works.
S ec . 6.—Said water commission shall
have the right to begin, maintain, defend
and compromise suitsand actions at law
in the name of Tillamook City whenever
necessary in order to carry out the pur­
poses of its organization, including all
suits and actions arising in favor of or
against the city or its officers by reason
of the construction, maintenance or op­
eration of said water system.
S ec . 7.—The revenues derived by said
water commission from the operations
of water works, or otherwise, shall be
applied, first, to the payment of neces­
sary operating expenses, including the
payment oi the interest upon outstand
ing water bonds of said Tillaiqpok City
second, to the necessary expense for re­
pairs of pipe lines, extension of pipe lines
and general betterments of water works;
an<l, third, the remainder of such reven­
ues to be paid into a sinking fund for the
payment of the principal of outstanding
water bonds of said Tillamook City, and
such sinking fund may be from time to
time, under direction of said water com.
mission, invested in interest bearing
S ec . 8.—No membei < i said water com­
mission shall receive any compensatii n
for his services as such, nor shall any
member be directly or indirectly interest­
ed in any contract in relation to, or in
the furnishing of anv labor or material
in connection with the construction,
operation or maintenance of said water
works. All funds disbursed by said water
commission shall be paid out only by
means of warrants drawn upon the
treasurer of the water commission and
signed by the president and attested by
the secretary thereof in pursuance of
authority given at a meeting of the com­
mission duly called and held. The Sec­
retary shall keep a fair record of the
minutes of all meetings of the water com­
mission, and shall keep a stub of every
warrant drawn upon the treasurer, and
he shall have the care and custody of
the books, papers and records of the
water commission. The treasurer shall
WATER COMMIS­ the taking effect of this Act, the water keep a faithful and explicit record oi all
1 30 THE
commission shall assemble and effect an receipts and disbursements. Each officer
organization by the election of a Presi­ of the water commission shall report in
Vice President, Secretary and full to the commission concerning the
44 Which was Agreed to by the dent,
Treasurer, who shall hold their offices business appertaining to his office when­
for two years and until their successors ever required by the commission. All
Following is the bill which the wnfet | aie elected and qualified. The President, books, papers and records of the com­
commission agreed upon to make it a I Vice President and Secretary shall be mission shall be open to inspection by
legally constituted body, and as it w; s members ol the water commission. The any member of the commission or by
thejdesi re of the citizens that the matter of,
' Treasurer shall give a bond in such sum any taxpayer of said cTty, at all reason­
45 a new water system should be vested 111
as the water commission shall determine able times.
the hands of representative business men
S ec 9.—The said water commission of
for the faithful performance of his duty,
in the citv, this will put a stop to any
ami he shall be custodian of all funds Tillamook City shall have the exclusive
45 more foolish and costly breaks being coming into the hands of the water com­ right to accept or reject any and ail bids
made, such as the negotiation of the
mission. The commision may, by a which may be hereafter received by Tdla-
45 bonds months before the money is want­
majority vote at any meeting duly held, mook City, or any official thereof for
the construction of water works, or any
any officer iron» his office.
1 30
S ec . 4.—Said water commission of part thereof, and all bonds of said Tilla­
mook City, which inav have been here­
sion for Tillamook City, Oregon, to Tillamook City shall, from the taking
1 30
prescribe the powers and duties and effect of this act, have the sole and ex­ tofore authorized by said Tillamook City
the method of its perpetuation, and clusive charge of the construction, pur­ for the purpose of raising money for the
chase, maintenance ami operation of any construction of a system of water works
declaring an emergency.
water system or water works heretofore shall, after execution by the proper offi­
hereafter authorized by or for said cers of Tillamook Citv, be delivered to
Stale of Oregon ;
S ec . 1.—There is hereby constituted a Tillamook City. Ami it shall be the duty the treasurer of the said water commis­
board to be known and recognized and province of said water commission sion, to be by him transferred to the
under the name, style and official desig­ lo represent and act for said Tillamook purchaser or purchasers of such bonds
nation of the Water Commission of Till- City with reference to any contract or upon receipt of payment therefor at not
45 amook City, Oregon, said board to con­ contracts heretofore made or hereafter less than par. It is hereby made the
sist of the following named citizens of to be made by and on behalf of duty of the Mayor, city recorder and
Tillamook City, Oregon, to-wit : George I said Tillamook City in relation to a sys- common council of Tillamohk City, to
Cohn, Homer Mason, M. W. Harrison, j tern of water works, or in relation to the co-operatc with said water commission
1 30 M. F. Leach, F. K. Beals, C. A. Patzlaff, j acquisition of real or personal property, and its officers in order to render this
section effective.
All papers, docu­
Claude Thajcr, F. S. Whitehouse, B. L. i or any righs, privilege or easement in re­
ments, contracts, letters ami evidence
Eddy, G. A. Edmunds, Charles I. lation to such system of water works.
Said water commission shall have the of contract of every description touch­
9 46 Clough and A. M Hare,
ing the construction of a system of water
S ec 2.—The members of said water sole charge of the collection and disburse-
works, or the issuance of bonds therefor,
commission as designated in Section 1 1 rnent of the revenue of any such water
' system. All authority with reference to now in possession of any officer of (sai<l
city, shall be forthwith delivered to said
there shall be installed and completed the construction, maintenance or opera-
86 and accepted by said Tillamook City, a | lion of said water works heretofore con- water commission.
S ec . 10—1 he said water commission
water system for the supply of the in­ ' (erred upon said Tillamook City, or any
1 72
In case ( officer thereof, by law. shall henceforth is hereby .authorized to adopt such by,
habitants thereof with water. 1..
laws as may be reasonably necessary
86 of the death, or resignation 1, or removal be exercised by said water commission
from said city of any of said members of j for and on behalf of said city, ami said for the conduct of its business and not
86 said commission prior to the com- water commission shall have the right in in conflict with the provisions of this act.
S ec . 11.— Whereas, the people of sai I
* < it v r, to
pletion of such water system, then the the name ol said Tillamook
Tillamook City have not at the present
vacancy t thereby
___ , created shall be filled ' make any and all contracts which may
time an adequate supply of pure water
by the majori» y of the remaining mem. become necessary or expedient in refer­
9 4.5 ber« of the commission. Upon the com- ence to the construction, maintenance or for domestic use ami for fire protection,
I operation of Buch water system. Said the present supply of water to said citv
45 ; pletion and acceptance of such water
lieitig so inadequate as to be dangerous
j system, said water commission shall l>e water commission shall have the right to
to life and property ; and, whereas, there
45 j reduced to five members ; and for that esercise in the name and on behalf of said
i» an immediate necessity for the con­
1 purpose the members of said commis-
struction of a system of water works
4 20
«ion shall, at »aid time, draw lots and 1 domain for the purpose of condemning
bv and on behalf of said Tillaninok City
2 58
jn order to provide for Qie safety of tl e
I their numlier shall continue to consti
25 tnlc said water commission, and those convenient in carrying out the business l<ople of said city ; ami, whereas, tl e
present laws do not adequately provide
' not designated by »uch drawing to con of said commission. All rights so ob
for the protection «of the rights and in­
titiue upon »aid commission »hall there-
terests of the people of said Tillamook
44 , upon cease to
I* members tlrereol. real and personal, which ma v I* acquired
j Within thirty days after such drawing j by said water coimnission, shall vest in City in connection with the construction
I the five meuibers I thereby designated and be the properly of said Tillamook of such system of water works ; and,
1 30
whereas the foregoing act provides ways
to constitute »aid water commission ■ City.
I No contract shall l>e made on liehalf of ' ami means available for the construc­
47 in future shall meet together and pro­
tion of such system of water works and
ceed to draw lot» for the purjM.se of •aid Tillamook City by said waler com
for the conservation of the rights and
dividing the said five memiiers into three
of said water commission, and in the interests of the people of Tillamook City
45 classes with respect to their term« ol
making of-^till contracts the president in connection therewith ; ami, wherea«.
office. Such
there is otherwise a necessity for t) e
45 from one to three inclusive, and there and secretary of said water commission
immediate adoption of the foregoing act
•hall be two memljeri of the first clast, shall lie empowered by resolution to ex
to insure the health, pcacejand safety of
I two member« of the second-class and ecute the same in the name of the water
'the peeple of Tillamook Citv, therefore
1 30 one member of the third-cla»».
Said water commission shall, as | this act shall take effect ami be in force
memliers of the first clnss shall hold
f om and after the apj roval of by Guv
their office» for two year»from the time soon as organ zed, adopt a corporate
17 61
er nor.
of such last mentioned drawing . ti e