Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 19, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. XVII. No. 33
♦1.50 per year,
W. H. Hoskins, of Foley, with his dau­
water rates which might favor one per­
ghter, Mrs. Emmett Bales, were in the
or corporation a special privilege
Eddy & Botts, for abstracts.
city this week.
and grant rates to bind the city forever.
Mayor Cohn Refuses to Put a Mo­ ioofl. Right of Way, $200,000
Walkover Shoes at Todd's.
Answer : Likewise the city council
Died, on Tuesday, Mildred, daughter
tion After being Made.
Subsidy, Terminal Grounds
Hay for sale.—Apply to A. G. Beals. • of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomlinson, aged
Sense Standpoint.
< could do the same thing. When the pre­
The regular meeting of the citv council
and Water Frontage.
2 years and 10 months. The funeral was
(Jordon Hats and Gloves nt Todd’s/
It is amusing to hear the absurd argu- J sent water system was put in Mr. Thayer
was held on Monday evening, with
The meeting called by Mayor Cohn meats
put up to “do up’’ the water com- ’ arranged it so that he has never paid
Gent.’s Furnishing Goods at Todd’s/
Mayor Cohn presiding and Councilmen on Saturday evening at the Opera House ,
rent, while it costs the poor devils
being in the M.E. church, conducted by IV. 0. Chase, M. F. Leach, Homer Ma
mission by those who object to twelve water
Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at
was largely attended by citizens from ( of our best business men managing it for 1 of editors $3.50 a month and no end of
the pastor, and the burial in the Odd­ son, A. T. White and L. Hiner present.
all parts of the county, who appeared ,
sins to be forgiven for saying naughty
fellows' cemetery, the parents weeping
Councilman Mason was elected presi­ most enthusiastic in regard to the pro. } the city. “E Pluribus Unum,’’ like a 1
Howard Edmunds left oil the steamer over the loss ot a loving and affectionate
good many other cowardly, creeping words about a system that has given out
dent of the council.
position to give Tillamook County an j persons in this city, hasn’t the manliness so
last week.
! soon and won’t furnish the power.
Councilman Chase, of the wavs and electric line from Forest Grove over the (
Miss Fay Bunn left for Tacoma,Wash.,
It can contract with itself and bind
The revival services in the U.B. church means committee, took up the question
Wilson River road. The Mayor read to the criticism of the water commission the city to pay its members any sum it
last week.
ire being continued by the pastor, as- of raising money to run the city. He said
the first letter he received from the ; bill, which had the unanimous approval pleases.
James Lommen was in from Nehalen
isted by Rev. H White, of Beaver. The the city would have to raise $1,600 and
Answer : A bare faced lie. Sec. 8 says
Oregon Traction Company, to which he ( ot the water commission after it had
list week.
icetings are quite well atteuded, and •n order to do this he had made a list of replied and asked for something more ■
“no member of said water commission
Have you tried Leach’s pure lard ? I)
»■ill be continued during the present the occupations and professions which definate. In answer to this correspon­
shall receive any compensation for his
so. It is genuine.
veek, after which the pastor will leave should he taxed. He said he had inter­ dence Mr. Colin received another letter, 1 B. L. Eddy. M. F. Leach and C. A. Patz services as such, nor shall any member
r Beaver and assist Rev. White in re. viewed a large number of business men the contents of which surprised everyone laff, and turned over by President Cohn be directly or indirectly interested in any
Mrs. Ben. Powell left last week to job
to Mr. Eddy with instructions that he
ival effort there
Everybody invited who favored this tax and were readv to ' in the hall, for the Oregon Traction Co.
h r husband at Astoria.
pay it, while others said they would I wants a right of way 100ft. wide from , was authorized to see that the bill be­
It can make contracts to bind the citv
Salt and smoked Chinook salmon and
come a law. We do not pretend to sav
At the regular monthly meeting of the fight it to the hitter end. He also point­ Forest Grove to Tillamook City. $200 • that the bill is perfect, neither would the which the legislature nor the courts can
fresh steelheads. W. 0. Chase.
ever set aside.
ed out that it would be a more equità- | 000 subsidy, terminal grounds and water ,
committee in the hurried time it had to
Born, on the 9th inst., to the wife of hose company on Thursday evening, the
Answer : The only contracts it can
ble way to tax property, and then every­ frontage property.
W. R. lllingsworth a daughter.
Case was elected president, Carl Haber- body paid their pioportion.
The first speaker called upon was a great number of bills and we presume enter into is in connection with a water
Two nicely furnished rooms to be let
Councilman Mason submitted a reso­ Henry Kunze, and he moved that the
lach secretary, C. I. Clough treasurer,
there will be no trouble to correctly in­
on Main street. Apply at this office. •
It can suffer judgments to be taken
and Henry Crenshaw fire chief. The re­ lution that thecity charter be amended Secretary be instructed to write the terpret the bill after it becomes a law.
F tire lard, guaranteed, at Leach’s Meat port t.f the treasurer showed $66 on hand so that they could levy a tax ’fit was company and rip it up the back. This We do not claim to be an attorney nor against the citv for any amount and
which would have to be paid from other
He being seconded the Mayor put the mo­
Maiket. 5II>. can, 75c. 101b., $1.35. • and the company will donate $50 of that required to the amount of 10 mills.
to have a legal mind, so will take up “E funds.
tion and it carried.
John Collins team ran away an Wed­ amount to the city for sundry purposes.
Answer : Nothing of the kind. This is
Pluribus Unum’s’’ objections and answer
a large number of property owners did
W. H. Cooper thought the company them from a common sense point of view. only an eilort to bluff the people.
nesday, but, fortunately, did no damage.
It is expected that revival services will
not have to pay, but it fell on a few busi­ was asking more than the citizens of
Here thev are ;
The law does not provide in any place
Miss Lommen, of Nehalem, will clcse a begin at the Christian Church in this
ness men, although there was no way ! Tillamook were able to give, for it was
This law would make certain men what shall be done with the $45 000
three month’s school at Miami on Fri- city in aliout 10 days. Elder J. N. Mur-
out of it for this year, it might be as impossible to raise that amount of commissioners. They are not made offi­ from the sale of bonds except that it is
pny, receiitloof Eldorado Springs, Mo,
well to be prepared for another year.
money for a subsidy, but probably the cers of the city nor in anv way liable as to be paid to the commission. There is
Rev. A. S. Foster will preach Mt Ba v and who is acting as county evangelist
This caused quite a wrangle and it was company would be willing to take half public officers. They would not be sub no section which requires or allows them
ject to process to compel them to do any to pay it out for any purpose.
City on Sunday morning and in this city under the auspices of the County Co­ decided to leave the matter over until ' what it. asked.
Answer : When organized, as business
operative Hoard of the Disciples of Christ
in the evening.
next Monday evening, so as to give the | B. F. Durfee said that Tillamook
Answer : Yes ; twelve substantial busi­ men, the commission will take proper
in Tillamook county, will be present and
Ways and Means Committee time to would never amount to anything until ness men whom the citizens have confi­
Daniel Perrv, with his son Clarence,
stops to secure the city so that persons
lead in the work.
left last week for Portland, to be treated
it had a railroad, and thought that an dence in to do the right thing. The com­ like “E Pluribus Unum’’ can’t handle or
for sciatica rheumatism.
electric line was ju’» the thing. He be­ missioners are made officials and are lia­ skip the county withit. How foolish it is
Sunday last at the residence of Mr. Erick of the hose company, was appointed lieved the money could be raised and he
A lady’s boa was found near the Ad­
ble, subject to process the same as city to even insinuate that twelve business
Glad, when MiSs Johanna Stuivenga fire warden and special policeman.
would give $100. An electric line would officials.
ventist church, which can be had by call­
men. having entered into a contract for a
Irecame Mrs. Julius Thorall. The cere­
enhance the value of city property,
ing at the U.B. parsonage.
The committee would not he responsi water system wouldn’t pay it out. It
mony was performed bv Rev. N. S. Han. lution that the city council recommend- which was not worth much to-day.
ble to the city or the people. The mem­ can be sued if it failed to do so.
Mr. and Mrs. C. McKillip returned to kins, pastor of the U.B. church. After
ed the bill to create the water commis­
Jonas Olsen would like to see an bers named would hold office until a
their home last week after visiting rela­ the ceremonp the company sat down to
The commission is not required to in­
sion, which is now before the state legis­ electric line. He did not believe in sub­ water system was installed, completed
vest its idle money ; nor is it required to
tives in the Willamette Valley.
a dinner gotten up in the highest style of lature to become a law. This was sidies and did not think that amount ot and accepted by the committee it might even pay off the bonds when they be-
never be done, or not for several years.
Whooping cough appears to begetting the culinarv art, the tables groaning another incident which caused a wrang­ money could be raised.
The law does not require the commission come due.
bad by the way the youngsters, as well with good things. The bride was made le by those who did not favor the water
Answer : This is another lie. The com­
T. B, Handley pointed out that the to do it,
as pome of the older people,a re whooping the recipient of many beautiful and use­ commission, and although the mayor population and the school census were
Answer : The commission is responsi­ mission is to invest its idle money, for
it up.
ful presents. The newly married couple and two of the city council had approved much below what they were in previous ble to the city and people. The whole the bill says (sec. 7) that the balance of
Miss Bessie Wilev, sister of Supt. W.W, attended church in the evening and re­ of the bill at the water commission and years, and although what the company trend of the bill, as any person can see »he revenue shall be placed in a sinking
Wiley, came in on Monday, end they have ceived the congratulations oi their many three of the city council had signed a asked looked very excessive, yet for an who has a particle of sense, is to con fund to pay off the interest and principal
rented the Imbler house and will go to friends, thev being worthy members of petition to have the bill passed, yet undertaking ot that description he did struct a water system. True, it does not and invest what is left over in interest
The U.B. church. Mr. and Mrs. Thorall some of them now raised objestions to not think it was too much. He also state when the system shall be construc­ bearing securities.
The secretary and treasurer must
The ladies of the Presbyterian church will reside about one mile forth of this the commission. This matter, too, was pointed out what a benefit an electric ted any more than when the city council
make reports to the commission, but not
line would be to Tillamook, and thought shall improve street for furnish lights.
have decided to give an entertainment city, where they will be at home to their left over.
Until the system is completed and ac­ to the city.
Councilman Mason sprung another (that if everybody gave about 10 per
and 3t. Valentine’s social on the 14th of friends.
Answer ; Has the Fort of Tillamook
cepted the commission fills all vacancies.
February in Todd’s hall.
No one else has anything else to sav
Commission, which has power to levy a
C. F. Franklin Married.
duced another resolution to have the ad­ .it would be a good investment to give
Answer : That is proper.
The city tax and which the water commission
C. Mills has a parsnip 011 exhibit in
vertisement withdrawn for letting the that amount.
council and the Port of Tillamook Com has not ever done so ? No. The bill
A delightful Wedding took place ou
this city, grown on John Lusk’s place,
contract for the proposed water works | C. W. Talmage said the company had
mission does the same thing.
provides that the books of the water
which measures 4ft 6iif. There is noth* Wednesday at 8:30 p. m. January 4, 1905,
[at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William until such time as the water rights and made a proposition, now it was for
ing small about Tillamook.
After the system is completed 7 mem commission are to be open to inspection
' Dial 113 Indiana Avenue, Spokan Wash­ the rights ol wax s were secured. This | them to make another. He thought the
Wanted, to buy, work horse, weight ington, when Miss Lucile DeForde, form­ was seconded by Councilman White, but rights of way was as much as the com­ hers go out. Two vears after that 2 go by taxpayers.
out and two are elected. Two years
The commission has the right to re­
from 1,200 to 1,300 pounds,or will trade erly of Dayton, was united in marriage to the mayor ruled the motion ont of order, pany should expect from Tillamook.
alter that 4 go out and 4 must be elect ject any anil all bids. Bv rejecting the
1 Mr. C. F. Franklin, of Omaha, Neb.
a good 9-year old brood mare for a good
bids it can tie up the work iis long as it
C. E. Reynold was in for a railroad
Rev. W. J. Hindley of the congregati- which led to quite a discussion. Mason
team.—Apply to A. G. Beals.
* I onal church, was the officiating clergy­ said the mayor had no right to act in and W. O. Chase was somewhat dubious must he elected or the old hoard is per­ pleases, and force the city to pay interest.
Answer: Well ! Well I Suppose for
When you want purelard go to Leach’s
that way and the city council was not about raising the money.
Answer : This is misleading. Four
I hengrin,” was played by Miss Georgie
Meat Market. The genuine article 51bs., Barnhart, cousin of the bride. She wore elected to do as he told them. The mav-
J. C. Gove said we were like a lot of members will not go out at one time, for instance rhe^water commission did not
75c. 10 lbs., $1.35. Prime meat can pale blue crepe de-cheu. The bride was or took the position that the present bees shut in a hive and nothing to do they are placed in classes and are to be have the right to reject bid, some inex
perienced person like Oak Nolan, whois
handsomely gowned in white silk French city council could not undo what the I and couldn’t get out.
always be obtained at Leach’s
elected in classes.
Two members of the
lawn over a white silk drop shirt, with
On motion, it was agreed that the Port of Tillamook Commission retire awfully concerned about the proposed
Mrs. Maud Stallcop on Friday even­ pearl trimmings, and carried a boquet of previous council had ordered done.
ing gave a whist party to a number of while carnations, while her bridesmaids. Mason entered a protest to the mayor’s Mayor appoint a committee of four to every two years, and the process of filling citv water works, could put in a bid or
her friends and furnished a nice supper, Miss Beulah Dial and Edna Barnhart ruling, and a general wrangle ensued as take the matter up and report progress vacancies will he similar, the only differ­ a number of bids at ? big figure, and if
wore gowns of point de sprit net over pale to the water commission.
through the newspapers. He appointed ence being that the Mayor is the appoint­ there were no others the commission
which was enjoyed by all present,
pink, and carried pink roses.
Councilman Chase said he had seen a W. H. Cooper, C. W. Talmage, T. B. ive power in the case of the Port of Till­ would be compelled to take one. Mr. Thay­
H. H. Brooten, who has done some 1 Hallie Barnhart being ring bearer, ied
er was instrumental in having the condi
amook Commission and the people has
boring on his place in the south part of the way to the parlor, followed by the large number of citizens and they want­ Handley and A. McNair.
cions in the specifications altered so that
no voice, and never had, in filling vacan­
the county, claims that he has gone
incompetent, inexperienced persons can
One of Clod’s “Knockers.”
Wm. Dial, then came the groom with
cies when the time came, whereas, when
through a vein of coal 22ft. in thickness. 1 Mr. jasper Kier, who acted as best man. and this led to another wrangle.
bid and get the contract. It was a blun-
Bills ordered paid were : Printing.
the vacancies occur in the classes on
Tillamook Lumber Company will sell I Mr. Claude Wilson, in his pleasing man
( der.and will bean expensive one, to have
M r . E ditor ,—1 thot I wood putt
the water commission, taxpayers will
Rough Fir Lumber sawed to order for ner, sang, ”O Promise Me.” After the
to pay interest on $45,000 six months
ceremony the dining room doors were $6 00.
peace in the papur about this hear vote and decide who shall fill the vacan­
$7.00 per thousand in one thousand lots thrown open and the gay company s»t
before the money is required, but the
Recorder Coates read his and the Watter Cornishun bizness. I aint mutch cies.
and up. Spruce|at $6.00 at the same aown to an elegant dinner served bv Mrs. treasurer’s report,which were referred to
rush to negotiate the bonds on the part
| of a skoler, but a littel feller that nose
There are special elections and no pro­
Dill and Mrs Barnhart, aunts of the
of Mr. Talmage is the cause of it.
sez the way the bill is drawed up it will vision is made for nominations. The
bride. The many handsome presents re- the ways and means committee.
All correspondence, contracts and evi­
For sale, an up to date creamery and I ceived, including cut glass, silverware,
is to appoint its own judges
The city council will meet again
give the Cornishun the rite to bild the
from its members, its own clerks count dences of every kind is to be put into the
cheese factory .everythingcomplete, good linens and hand painted china, by Mr. Monday.
watter works and George Cone and the votes and decides for itself who is I hands ol the commission, and no check
as new, or would go in with reliable j and Mrs. Franklin, attest the esteem in
Tommy Cotes and Charlie Taimidge and elected. No one hut a taxpayer is al can be put upon them. To get these
party or creamery man in good location. which the young people are held. The
Birthday Party at Balm.
Clod Thayer won't have no say. I don’t lowed to vote. There is no provision lor they must take the city books also.
bride is well known here and was a gen
expense <»f tnese special elections.
Address C. L. Diven, merchant, Wald­ eral favorite with all and she has the best
Answer; It is perfectly right that the
see why Clod wont have his say, as he the
Neither the commission nor tile city has commission should have all correspond­
The most enjoyable dance of the season
port, Lincoln county, Or.
wishes of many friends for a long and
is on the Cornishun, but mav be Clod any authority to pay it.
happy life. The groom is a young busi­ was held at the home of .Mr. and Mrs.
ence, contractsand evidences turned over
wont have all the say. Now 1 want it
Mr. Botts haying made some inquiries, ness man of Omaha, for which place they
Answer : Nominations ami elections
Louie Ludke, at Balm, January 14th.
! understood that il this hear bill is will be conducted the same as city elec­ to it. but it is all foolishness to sav that
it appears that D. McKelvey is still in left on the Thursday morning train and
The occasion being Mr. Ludke’s birth­
drawed up this wav, I wont suport it, tions, only that ( he commission will pay “no check can I k * put upon them" and
the land of the living. This mav be good where they will make their future home.
day—sweet “ seventeen vears old.”
and I will wurk agin it till kingdom the few dollars expense. ‘ No one hut a that they will take the citv books also.
news for some people, but bow the mis­ —Dayton Herald.
Dancers came from far and near laden
C. F. Franklin is the son of Mr. and
come. As long ns the Cornishun dident taxpayer is allowed to vote.’’ That,
take was made and the report sent here
Mrs. H. M. Franklin, of near this city. with baskets of dainty gooilies. At the I mean the reel thing I was fur the Corn* as every taxpayer will admit, is the pro­ To Kill the Local Option Law
that he was killed we do not know.
He was engaged, iu business for about beginning of the dance Mrs
i him, knowin’ all the time that a wink is per persons, and no one else, who should
Barber Crane has returned to the city three years in this city and has many announced she would give a prize to the
Local option by precinct* only in the
as good ns a nod to n blind horse. vote in this election.
and opened up his shop again. It was
purf one of the bill introduced in the
friends here who, togethe* with the
| What I want is for two or three of mv
It provides for all its officers tn be
reported that he had sent word in from Herald wish him and his bride a long and men ate plentiously, but Fred Kabkee
(good trends to run this Cornishun members oi the commission except its H oiikc by Jayne, of Wasco, to amend the
Portland last week to give up the shop,
carried off the prize, which consisted of ■ r
local option law enacted last June at the
happy life.
. , L
„„t bizness, and give me : a chanse to soap, treasurer.
hence the news item in our last issue to
leather medal. Towards morning severnl
. .
Answer : That is left discretionary, | nj II m under the initiative amendment.
etintend the wurk, or giv me a good
the effect that the shop would be closed.
gentlemen becoming faint asked for (
coutrackt, so I can make u stake, and I hut it does not say the treasurer cannot In the Senate the bill wdl lie fathered by
The Best Place to Buy
We think Barber Crane will accept this
coffee, as everything is “dry town” now, |
woodent lie small about dividin’ with be a member of the commission. The Hodson. <»f Multnomah.
and Mrs Glazier anxious, to administer
If the bill m I ih II tie enacted and m I jp II
the bovs that helped me neither. But commission is responsible for the money
to their wants, put a spoonful of red
Married, on Wednesday, Jan. 11th, in
these high toned fellers that talk about coming into its possession and it should stand in the court*, prohibition elections
pepper in the cup gotten by Mr. Hoskins, j
this city, by the Rev. E. M. Patterson,
pertectm the city mid making the law so lie left to its discretion who is best to fill in counties a< a whole anil group« of
preciects will l»e alxilinhed The numkr
pastor of the Christian church, Mr. B G.
And RANGES, he living floor manager, she thought he strickt that no honest man can't make the office of treasurer.
needed a bracer. Music was furnished
The commission is to have the sole and of elector* needed to *ign a petition for
Danley and Miss Gladys Mnrphv. They
nothing, makes me tired. 1 see they have
I Isat McIntosh & McNair Co. by Linkhard and Easoin's. We will all
'exclusive power to pay out the city’s
left the next day to make their home I
drawed it up so every man on the money and is not accountable to any an election will be increased from 10 to
lie there at your next birthday Mr.Ludkr.
j 40 per cent of the registered voter* of a
where Mr. Danley is employefl in the rail- If you want a genuine, first
Cornishun has a say, and mv fiends one in a single way.
cant do bizness without comir. out fie-
r ad service, taking with them the l>est
Answer : Another misleading state­ pr«< inct. El^ctiun* will lie held in citie*
class article call and see us.
Dr. P. J. Sharp, the exper- foar the publick and showing everything ment. Thev are responsible just as much only in r(*Hi<li>u<*p precincts, and after an
wishes of their Tillamook friends.
enced dentist is located in up. What show duz that giv a pore as the city council or Port of Tillamook elect if >n I ihm I n *» ui In Id tbu question of
prohibition cannot la* raiacd again in that
Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and man ?
is prepared to do nothing but Then 1 see these wise guys have it fixed ! It is to have the sole power to bind precinct until two years thereafter.
vont the city by any sort of a contract it sets Every pr< <met voting must lie entirely
first class work and give the up so no man but n
fit, not onlv in the construction but in within or without an incorporated town
Whatever the doctor prescribes or
A residence precinct in defined an one
i the maiiitainance ami <q*ration of the
suggests, is what I specially try to
system which thecity could never re.
git a trend on the I'ornishun and the , s<iml. They might run for fifty years to I in which one half the frontage on the
supply, aud succeed as well that I
itreelH fronting therein «ball be occupied
Loys in the loging camp mid out in the | come.
an known as Headquarters for all
brush was willin to com in ami help us,
by private residences. The bill exempts
Wondeiful Nerve.
Answer; The citv council can do the
how rood thev do it ? I doant blaim i
Is displaced by many a man enduring Clod for kickin, and I want you to pul same thing. It did so with the water breweries and wholesale liquor dealers
pains of accidental Culs, Woui da. mv kick rile in on the front paige ol
and entries an emergency ctuu<*e.
1 bon<ls and compels thecity to pay inter­
Bruises; Burns. Scal is. Sore fee» or »tiff yoor pajier.
G. R after
est from the 1st March, which the city
joints. Bui there’s no need for it. Buck
It is reported that 100 fishermen will
fen'» Arnica Salve will kill tl* pnm and II |’.S—If you charge anything fer prin. would not have to do had the matter
Reliable Druggist.______|
cure the trouble. It's the be»t Salve on
I»een left in the hands of the commissiiM be sent to Port Arthur to assist in
e rth for Film. too. Vic..
Chaz *•
It gives the commission power to fix clearing the hurbor and vicinity of mines.
help him out
Cough, Druggist.
Chas. I Clough,