HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 12, TILLAMOOK 19C5. 1 establishing the right* already gained on streams in the matter of .appropriations informed Chile that fur- of water through the medium of the veaM-ls to Russia will be ertablisheil couris. Embracing M sec­ summary i motive meas ' tion* and covering 23 type» ritten pngtn. Active Volcanoe« Located In Uncl« Sain’s Domain. tiie law covers every use of water fur purposes other than navigation. * * * The Cheefoo correspondent of the John Parker, a youmg farmer, aged i London Daily Telegraph learns that General Nogo has begun the transport about 25 years, is in the Eugene hospit­ of his troops to the Noith, where thev j al suffering from a serious gunshcl are to reinfoice Field Marshal Oyama s . wound. Parker, in company with a 1 friend, was out hunting snipe Saturday Including island, '‘outside of th« army. afternoon. Becoming tired and footsore, conatitution" the United States is the Francis J. Heney was nppointed Unit­ thev sat down on a rail fence. Suddenly world’s leading »olcano owner, both ed States District Attorney for the Dis­ the top rail broke, and Parker's gun in in the number and the exception.,i trict of Oregon bv Judge Bellinger of the some manner was discharged, the load quality of its hot holdings, says the Federal Court. Mr. Heney at once took , ot No. 8 shot shattering his left shoul- New York World. Our flaming peaks are not his­ the oath of office and is 'now in charge ' der. having entered at the armpit. of the place left vacant by the removal • i Amputation of the arm at the shoulder torically so famed ua Etna or Vesu­ Doors, vius but they are many times as nu­ of John Hall. | will probably be necessary. merous as Italy’s. Our Haw ian * * * * * * Kilauea has the largest active .rater The Times states that arrangements extending over several months to supply . It ¡R rumored that a Japanese|>’qiiad- known, and Mauna Loa one’ of the largest. From the cone base of the the Russian Baltic fleet have apparently | i ron 13 at Diego Garcia, Chagos Islands. latter in 1852 burst a fountain of The Russian Admiral was informed come to an end. There is no longer a blazing lava 1 ,G00 feet wide and from chain of storeships ahead and seemingly . : January 2 that Japanese warships were 21)0 to 700 feet high—the most awe­ I proceeding to meet die Russian squad no arrangements have been made for some spectacle recalled by living man. ron, anil the vigilance of the latter was In Haleakali we have the largest ex­ the fleet’s voyage. redoubled. The aide-de-camp of the * * * tinct crater. Russian Admiral, in an interview at Representative Hermann appeared on Much of the soil of the Philippines the Saw. the floor of the House late Monday after­ Tamatave, Captain of the Island of is volcanic. Luzon, the largest island, I Madagascar, was quoted as saying that has in the north the ’’smoking moun­ noon and went to his desk. He took no especial part in the proceedings, but I the Russian squadron would require a tains” of Monte ( agua and the Baby- ones group, and in the south the t. Iked over his case with several mem­ month to cross the Indian Ocean. Tillamook three”burning mountains.” Of the In' * * * bers whom he met. Most of his time ter, Taal has Its crater in a low cone Bv direction of the President, Secretary rising from a volcanic lake as big as was spent in the Indian committee. * * * Hitchcock suspended Register J. T. New York's lower bay. Albav killed 1 ’ - The captain of the German Steamer | Bridges and Receiver J. H. Booth, of the 000 people in 1814, and Balttsan in Progress, which vessel arrived at Chefoo I Roseburg Land office, at the telegraphic 185'2 broke out in sympathy with Lost in the Hills. BOULDER CREEK. REAVER. after a four days’ passage from Vladi­ i request of Mr. Heney. Honey reported I Mauna Loa. There are three active Louie and Axom Vest are home Miss Zella Blackburn, who has been I S tevenson , Wash., Jan 9.—Harry vostok, reports that the surrender of j that Booth and Bridges, by continuing volcanoes in Mindanao, one in for a short time from the logging camps spending her two weeks' vacation at I Potts and Clarence Boyles,’who came Port Arthur was not generally known I in office, were able to “thwart the ends gros, and the name of Fuego (“Fire") near Astoria. Tillamook,began a Jour month’s term of I here Sunday with “Spider Johnson, all at Vladivostok when he left there. He of just ice.” He said an investigation of tells its own story. Porto llico’e only volcanic lymirtom Miss Hcllen West and Miss Ida Nichols gchool in this district Mondav morning. | of Portland, to hunt pheasants, are lost says that Vladivostok will prove to be a j that office showed its affairs were in bad I I is the earthquake habit. This is stronger fortress than Port Arthur. were horseback riding Sunday. in the timber three miles from town. shape, and said that further investiga ­ Mr, W. N. Bavsand daughter Bessie, | shared bv the Danish islands, for * * * Mrs. West and Mrs. Bun, sr., visited The trio stopped Sunday at the Joe tion should be had. The suspension of which we are dickering. The oppo­ went to the citv Sunday. Peter Grant and Nathan Solomon, of Mr. McGinnis am! family Saturday Shapiro cabin, two and a half miles out, Bridges and Booth virtually closes the nents of the Nicaragua canal number Master Leslie Jensen celebrated his I Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are expected and at noon Potts and Boyles started the Portland Club, have surrendered Roseburg Land Office, except for the fil­ 14 volcanoes near its route upon ninth birthday Saturday, and in the and conceded an unqualified victory, in home from Nebraska soon. over the bills, taking their guns. Johnson ing ot papers. which we have an option. Little Loris Hiner is on the sick list. evening a number of his school mates I remained at the cabin. When night the war to exterminate gambling in Our tallest volcano, surpassing all * * * Dr. Mills was called to attend Mrs. were invited to pull taffy atid enjoy came the men had not returned and John­ Portland. On Tuesday Grant and Solo­ Five wireless telegraph stations will save a few remote chimneys in South themselves generally. mon appeared in the State Circuit Minnie Gilbert last week, who is suffer» America,is St. Elias, in Alassa. Steam­ son was alarmed. He summoned help probably be stationed along the Wash Mrs Geo. W. Lucas who has been from this citv, but as yet Potts and ( Court and pleaded^guilty to all charges ing awav westward from his majestic ing with a very severe attack of la ington, Oregon and Northern California summit lies a succession of high vol­ i against, them, and paid the fines im­ grippe. We are glad to report she is visiting relatives in the East for the Boyles have not been found. coast in the r.ear future. The Navy De­ canoes, the last a trifling affair of past four months, is on her way home. slowly improving Cries of wild animals were heard posed, amounting altogether to ¡>400. partment has ordered a joint report s.000 feet on the island of Unimak, * * * Therefore Mr. Lucas no longer wears a through the night, and while it is not Mis. Ginn is on the sick list. Information which has reached cer. from Major William C. Langfitt, Corps well out in Behring sea. doleful visage, but meets his friends with thought that the men have been attack­ Uncle Sant’s “home farm” sustains lain reliable quarters states that the ot engineers, U. S. A., who has charge of a jovial grin. NEHALEM. ed the presence of cougar gives rise to all Government improvement work in its place among the outlying fields. Russian Generals in Manchm ia pare H. A Chopard is building himself a rumors that they may be in giave dan­ steamer Harrison arrived on losing confidence in General Kuropatkin, Oregon, and Captain L. C. Heilner, Unit­ The Yellowstone geysers are a Saturday and loaded nrreanned salmon, new road so he can h'4ul out some cedar, ger. The general opinion, however, is and that the Russian situation around ed States Lighthouse Inspector, on the semi-volcanic phenomenon seen no­ and later on some cascara bark. where else except tn Iceland and that the men are lost end are walking and she went out on Sunday. Mukden is a serious one. It is feared advisability of using the lighthouse sta­ N ew Zealand, northern California Mr. Plank, oi Tillamook, was a Boul- around in a circle. Thev have a compass Born January 7th, to the wife of W. that if Kuropatkin attacks the Japanese tions for the wireless telegraph stations, and a large part of the Rocky with them, it is said, but Johnson does der Creek caller last Sunday. N. Reddaway. a son. * * * position along the Shakhe River, he w ill mountain states record in their physi­ II. L. Jensen, R. M. Dingess and H A. not fed that it is worth anything. There is a move on foot to organize Dr. Edmund Klanike, of Ilwaco. cal features some of the vastest up­ court <1 ¡(’aster, and that bis further re. a Co-operative Telephone Co. in Nelia- Chopard took a trip to Joetown Mon- treat will mean the demoralization of Wash,, ministered to wounded and heavals in geological history. Shasta, L'in valley, including Foley and Miami. day. Dr. P. J. Sharp, the exper- his army. suffering Ruraiun soldiers at Niuch- [ Hood,«nd numberless lesser cones are Mrs. Maggie Nicklaus and little SODS, enced dentist is located in We smile to hear a man roar because * * * wang, immediately after the battle of I volcanic. On Mount Scott the climber a school district hat too much money, I Tommy and Robart.caine down Boulder Dr. Wise’s dental p^tr rs, and Four Linn County cities now have Wanfango, while 12 Russian surgeons can wade in recent volcanic ash. while the flat lands to the eastward are old especially when he has three children to last Wednesday, to visit friends in this is prepared to do nothing but development clubs, which w ill work for attached to the army were indulging in i neighborhood. educate. first class work and give the the upbuilding of the county, and will hilarious drunk. Following this battle, lava beds of vast extent. Active erup- might take place at a number A letter from Don Ellis tells that Mr. Walter Kinnaman came up iroin best Of Satisfaction 1. If your put forth special efforts during the there were 800 wounded left;Jn a field 1 tion points in this region. In Nebraska, Irandina Northrop died December 28th, Beaver the first of the week. teeth need fixing call upon Lewis and Clark Fair. Albany, Browns­ hospital with six Red Cross nurses and a of whose «oil is pitted with dried-up vol­ Ralph Bunday was again calling on I him. at (»rants Pass. ville and Harrisburg have clubs in work­ dozen surgeons to care for them and the canic lakes, and low, extinct craters, Miss Bertha Roe is having a week’s one ot the “Boulder Bells,’’ last Sunday ' ing order and a Board of Trade was doctors went off to join in an orgy, the people of Ponca have recently vacation to visit her parents at Buna evening. organized at Lebanon last week, with S. leaving the unfortunate uien to suffer I been apprehensive of trouble from Vista. She was ncompanied by Miss We are informed there is a wedding ’ C. B. LEEP, M. Garland as president, G W. Cruson the most intense agony and some to die the smoking mountain Iona, which planning, not4 a thousand miles from i Clara Tohl.go’ng by wav of Seaside. as vice president and S. P. Bach as as a result of neglect. Dr. Klamke and was in eruption in 1871. Boats end Shues Nsally secretary. Haus Handy is in from California, here. As a rule,however,our volcano«« are two British surgeons, who happened to fortunately so placid as to do com­ visiting his In others, Don and Charley. C. A. Smith and mother, Mrs. K. A. i * * * Repaired. be at Niuchwang, asked leave to visit paratively little harm if they The Gerald C. got out Sunday, having Hardin, went to Beaver last Friday on The House committee on appropria­ the hospital and attend the needs of the plode. been bar bound six weeks. She will re­ business. tions reported the pension appropria wounded, but w’ere denied permission. First Class Work Guaranteed, turn on Tuesday on her way to There are some hustlers on Boulder; tion bill carrying $138,250,100. This is Later Dr. Klamke and one other doctor WILLIAM tell up to date . Give me a trial, Yiiquiua they are pushiug the new road right $110,600 less than the current appro- succeeded in entering the hospital and Next to the Headlight Office. VV. Hoskins is down from Foley, de­ along. rion. The payment of surgeons’ fees is purely for humanity's sake did all A Dim* Knocked from n Man’s Head by aa Expert Swordaman With­ horning cattle for the ranchers. Mr. Mattie Gray and family spent the increased $10,000 and the amount for within their power, doing much valua­ out Touching a Hair. The Nehalem Dairy Association day with Mr. and Mrs. IL A. Chopard, the payment of pensions is made $137,- ble service. elected officers Monday. last Thursday. 000,0()0, instead of $137,010,000, appro­ How would you like to take ! A fine new barn on the Hughy ranch priated fur the current year. The bill < BARBER ANO HAIRDRESSER. chance at having a cavalryman cut BLAINE. ; is completed and is certainly a credit to contains no new legislation. STATUES HAVE SMALLPOX. a ten-cent piece off the top of your HAIR UK 1’1 ING Leap year past ; the correspondent | Mr. Tompkins the builder, as well as a SHAVING, ♦ * * head with a sword? Steamer Dalles City, one of the Regu­ Epidemic of DlicHne Amon* Brons* still single, with now no prospect of a great improvement in the appearance of SHAMPOOING, ETC Handle V. Phasey, the English Flgare-i In Athens—How Th* y lator Lir.e imining between Portland wedded life, will try to tell what the the place. bandmaster, was willing, and has a Are AfTeeted. P R. Coulson went to the metropolis! Electric Baths nicely fitted up. Ooodfor and The Dalles, struck a rock on people of Blaine are doing. letter from a cavalryman stationed at Winnipeg, Man., to show for it. I'nesday forenoon two miles from Miss Blanche Bailey returned home Saturday and ca ine home Monday. persons suffering with rheumatism. 1 A most extraordinary disease, ex ­ states the New York World. Stevenson, and immediately began to last week from a visit with her aunts, Mrs. Jno. Borba was notable to re­ Sergt. Page was admitted to he founder. The captain turned her toward tremely infections and resembling the Misses Coulson, of Tillamook City. turn home from town when Mr. Borba smallpox among human beings, has » shore, und succeeded in reaching a sand, broken out among the statues in the the most expert swordsman in the I’. R Coulson made a trip io the Hub came back, «<> she has been staying out often bar 30 or 40 feet from land. There was Egyptian room of the National mu­ cavalry barracks, and had last Saturday with a load of ln*ef. there for the past week. boasted that in the "one-two” sword a small panic on board, and li e women seum here, says an Athens (Greece) The pie supper at Mr. Moon's residence i Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kinnaman attend­ exercise he could cut a coin off the were badly frightened, but no one was correspondent of the New York top of a man’s head without brushing hist Thursday cyeuing was well at­ ed a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. injured. Times. A few days ago the distin­ a hair. tended. may be had, Connie Bye of Spruce, last Sunday. The * * M guished politician and archaeologist, Henry Smith, we are sorry to say, has | occasion being the birthday of Mr. and But until Mr. Phasey came along he the I 5? left us to attend sc hool in Salem. Officers recently returned from the Mr. Stephanos Skouloudes, noticed had not found a man who was willing Mrs. C. Dye and little Roxie Woods. Messrs. Smith, Holt and Ollie Woods ' Mr. Tompkins is hard al work laying theater of war in Manchuria have given some strange green marks on one of to do the “William Tell” act to help the bronze statues of the famous him make good his assertion. spent Sunday with relatives at Spruce. ' the pipes which will carry water from a the War Department interesting infor Egyptian collection presented to the When Mr. Phasey came to the bar­ J. J. Bowser is now content to be ft spring to his house, barn and milk house. motion regarding the fighting in that museum in 18*1 by Mr. Demetrio«, of racks and was told of the sergeant’s common farmer since he tailed to secure part of Hie world. One result of the Alexandria. He at once communi­ Several young people from Boulder boast he immediately sent for the man the office ns Tillamook's repicsentativc Creek attended dance at Pearl Coulson s knowledge acquired is that the issue of cated his discovery to the curator, and promised to provide the head and at the Lewis anil Clark Exposition. the new United States rifle will be de­ who caPed in experts to examine the the coin for the experiment. The en­ Tuesday night. J. Crtccy is improving his house by lated pending an examination of the statue in question. They pronounced tire company gathered to see the thing putting in a new ceiling. We wonder desirability of making changes in some the marks to be due to an infectious done and preparations were made to NETARTS. what is the great rush so suddenly. ol its features which are practicable and complaint, to which “bronze is liable, take care of the bandmaster in case and which gradually spreads from Our Literary Editors are to be com- Mrs. Hannrnkrat. of Long Prairie, has of which the value seems to have been the surface of the object affected to Page should clip off a slice of his head. Sergt. Page bared his arm. placed Mr. plimented, l<»r through them we nre in been visiting with her sons. Clarence indicated. the inside, till the whole crumbles Phasey in an erect position» with a ten- * * * creasing in numlicr. The editors are Mr. > and Ralph llaniicnkrnt, on the Sand away into dust. The other bronze rent. piece on the very top of his head, The remains of the unknown man S. B. Bolt, editor of the Itemizer ; Mr. I Spit, returning home the last of the statues in the same room were then who committed suicide by hanging him-1 inspected, with the result that they stepped back about five feet, and be­ R W Bundy, editor of *the Leader. week. gan the “one-two” exercise. self in the jail at Hasley Or., a tew weeks We are sorry to learn that one of our ! Mr. Hnmillon, of this place, is pruning w.°re all found to be more or less “He slashed backward and forward young men, Ottie Curl, is about to leave ' the Hodgdon brothers orchard nt Fair« T imbkr I. and Acr. J i nk 3 t8?S.— N otice F or ago was again exhumed Friday. James I tainted with the disease, while five in long sweeps with his heavy weapon.” Gallagher, of Moscow, Idaho, thought of them had taken it in a most ag- says Mr. Phasey. “each stroke coming Pl Bl ICA HON. us. he is going to California with Mr. ; view. United state« tand Office. from the newspaper descriptions that gravated form. These five are the closer, until the wind from the blade Groige Lucas. Ed Leach ami Elmer Hoag. of Tilla Oregou City, the.. January 3rd. Lxx. the dead mtn might possibly lie a friend statues of Anta, the goddess of war; raised my bair each time. Finally he Mis. Roxie Coulson spent several days ' mook, wetc on the buy Friday and Sat- Notice is hereby given that in compliance of Maout. wife o/ Jupiter Ammon; stepped a bit closer, and with a slant­ w ith her sister, Mrs..Lucy Roland, last urdav looking up timlxr lands. with the protiaioti« of the act of ('ongreas ot of his who had disappeared from Mos- of Isis. and two atatues of Osiris, one June 3. iSr*. entitled “An act fur t' e sale cow a lew months ago, and it was at ing downward stroke struck the coin week. Mr. and Mrs. Mortis, of Cape Men res of tlSBM i land« tn the Matte <»f California, of them of the greatest value. Worse The dance at Mr. P. R. Coulson’s lighthouse, were at Netarts visititg w i i h Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory ' as his request that the body was exhumed. that that, the infection has spread clearly and sent it spinning across the extended to all the Public Land States by act of The body was not that of the man to the Mycenaean room, which con­ ba Tracks. w as a success, everyone seemed to enjoy , Mr. and Mis. Geo. W. Phelps last Sun AuituH 4. 1’'MJ WILLIAM H BlNl KE. “The sergeant said afterward that he wanted, so the man is yet unidentified. tains the results of the late Dr. themselves which was proven by the day. Of Portland, county of ultnomah. State of wouldn’t repeat if for >500. But I hate Oregon, haa this day filed in thia office h»a Schliemann ’ « excavations in lS7fi. hour (» a m. when they made their * * * W. E. Catlerlin and family spent Sun- «worn «tatement No 654». for the purchase a testimonial telling that I am the adieux. M.W. q nf section 4, in tp 2 day at the Maxwell place and taking in of the N W. Enactment into a law of the bill that There a dagger, which wa« found in most foolhardy idiot that ever visited South. Range No 10 W.«st and will offer the fourth and finest of the six the cavalry barracks. Mr. John Nicklas, who has lieen work the beach. pt «»of to show that the land ««»tight is hastiec’i framed by the State Irrigation tombs, has fallen a victim to the mal­ more valuable for its timber or si one than for Commission, will pla-*e on the statute ing lor Will Thun, returned home last M irvin Hodgdon, of Fairview, came agricultural ady. Altogether about fifty statues purpose*. and to establish hi* claim The Largest Si Sunday morning, over Thursday to look .after lus cattle to said laud before the County Clerk ot Villa- book** of Oregon what the commission are badly affected, and the loss will nisok County, at Tillamook City. Oregou, on Germany has the largest sailing ves­ Miss Fannie Smith returned home that are running on the range here. He Munday, the x»th day of March. I905. He believes will l>e one of the most com pre he enormous unless the plague can sel in the world, the Preussen, of M. imki name* aa witnesses last week from Pleasant Valiev, where returned home Saturday.', A leading Athenian hensive measures of any commonwealth be May rd. C l»eani<»ud, Samuel Daly, John Staaeck tons, just launched at Geestemunce. she has laen teaching school She was Geo. Coffman went to the hub Mon George Kauff nan. of Netart* Oregon. in the country for control of the public chemist pronounces the rau«e of the She is owned by the firm that owns the Any and all persona claiming ad» erselr the accompanie