Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 12, 1905, Image 4

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! Svenson. John. Tract in Sec. 1». T.
The drilling of men and handling of
■ 1 8 . R. 9 W..................... ........
Quick, Heirs of Bay. M. Beg. at a
ship« is irksome drudgery.
pt on W. line of James Quick
In the opinion of this naval officer the
ne year..................................................... 1.50
D. L.C., 25.50 ch«. 8. of N.W cor.
Six months................................................
75 result of all this must necessarily be
By virtue of a warrant to me directed,
of said claim and running thence
. u.ee months............................................
50 humiliating disaster in our next war. taiucd by the County Clerk of Tillamook
E. zi 75 chs ; th. N. 11.50 chs. ; th.
County, Oregon, commanding me to sell the
” The material has absorbed all our at several ai tides of personal property and
E. 18.25 chs. to E. line of claim ; th
N. 50 Iks., th.;W. 40 chs. to W. line
tention at the expense of the personnel. parcels of real property upon which the
of claim ; thence S. 12 chs. to
The Japanese started in forty vears ago taxes are levied and unpaid as shown by the
beg. in Secs. 29 & 32. T. 1 S , R. 9
Fred C. Baker. Publisher
to build up an efficient personnel and to­ Tax List accompanying such warrant of the
... ..................................................... ..........
State. County. School and other taxes for
day they have the rewaid oi their far­
the year 1903, and Special School Taxes and Fairview Grange, No. 273. Beg.
Another Railroad Proposition.
at theS.E of N.E.
of Sec. 28.
Manifestly the defects Tillamook City Taxes for the year 1904, I
T. 1 S., R. 9 W. ; thence W. 155
Most every person in rillamnok would stated by this officer are of such vital will, beginning at 1O o'clock in the forenoon
to in­
of Monday, the 3Oth day of January, 1905,
like to see a railroad or an electric line importance that they should command
itial point ; thence N. 165 ft. ;
and continuing from day to day thereafter
th W. 132 ft ; th S. 165 ft. ; th E.
built into this county, for it is a well es- the careful consideration of the naval until the list is exhausted, offer for sale at
132 ft. to lace of beginning .........
We are public action and sell to the best bidder the
tnblished fact that until something is authorities and of congress,
Fearnside, Heirs of G. W. % int. in
done in »hat direction, or the harbors are building up a great navy, which will real property situated in Tillamook County,
L<»t 3 Sec. 16, T. 1 S.. R. 10 W
soon l»e, if it is not already, third in ‘ Oregon, particularly described in the list fol-
improved, Tillamook will never amount
Olds. Eli P. All that part of the
, lowing :
S.W. %
to anything as an industrial center apart rank, but ships ar* of no value without 1 Smith. Walter J. E. % of N.W. U.
Trask River, in Sec. 25, T. 1
from dairying. Take, for instance, the men thoroughly competent to handle
W. Vi of N E.
Sec. 9, T. 1 N.,
S., R. 10 W. ; also all that part of
last dozen years, and in that time many
Lot 10, lying N. of Trask river
Vi int. in 3. Vi of Sec.
industries, especially saw mills, have existing system such men are not being Unknown.
slough not heretofore sold, in Sec.
32. T. 1 N.. R. 7 W............................ 16 51
started bv men who were enterprising trained. The needed reforms are prac­ Unknown. Vi int. in Lot 4 or S E.
T 1 S R 10W. Lot 1 ■ RM
34.42 acres to Dee Tomlinson and
and who thought thevcould make a sue ticable and can be easily effected and ! 1 % of S.E. *4 of Sec. 36. T. 1 N.,
5 acres to William Dowd, in
2 32
R 7 W......................................................
cess of it, but only t » buck up against there should be no delay in instituting
Sec. 26, T. 1 8., R. 10 W
Ryan, R. F. S. % of S.E. J4, N W. V<
conditions which they could not over, them.
S.W. %
9 58 Hellstren, William. 8. Vi
of S.E. *4. Sec 13, T. IN., R. • U.
come in getting the < utput of the mills to
of Sec. 12. T. 2 S., R. 8 W
Ryan, R F. N.E. *4 of N.E. Vi of
Drunkenness and Spectacles.
3 20 Gibbons, S. N.W. *4 of N.E. % &
market. One after on »(her these enter­
Sec. 24, T. 1 N., R. 8 W
The proposition of a western physician Smith, Mary E. S.W. % of S.W Vi.
N.E ‘4 of N W. Vi of Sec. 13, T. 2
prising men had to tuc.uinb to the in­
3 00
S. R. 8 W
Sec. 1. T. 1 N.. R. 10 W
evitable, and with their experience and to cure drunkenness by spectacles seems
Whitney, R. W. S.E. ‘4 of S.E. Vi of
Smith. Louis L. N.W. % of S.W
dis onragement staring others in the to be simply a variation of Dr. George
Sec. 20, T. 2 3., R. 8 W.....................
See. l.T. 1 N.. R. IO W & N E.
Whitney. R. W. W. % of S.W.
face, it is not surprising that no one cares
Vi of S.E. % & S.E. % of N.F. Ji,
Sec. 21. T. 2 3 . R. 8 W
11 98
Sec. 2, T. 1 N., R. 10 W..........
to start up new enterprises or saw mills physical ills of file are due to eye strain
with such insurmountable difficulties to and may be overcome by correcting this Hughes J. H. N. ViofN.E.Ji. Sec. 16,
Sec. 29, T. 2 3., R. 8 W......................
4 70
T. 1 N.. R. IO W
contend with in transportation. We are
Dickenson. Silas W. S.E. Vi- Sec. 34,
Pillman, Bertha. N. Vi of 8-W. >4,
The latter, a well known writer on
sorry to have to point out these facts,
4 70
T. 2 3 , R. 8 W ...
S<-e. 16. T. 1 N., R. 10 W
... .
Campbell, William F.
Beg. at the
Imt it goes to prove that, before Tilla medical subjects, of Philadelphia, has Bengtha Byrom. All tide lands F. &
N.W. cor. of the .N.E. % of S.W,
A., on Lot 2, Sec. 20. T. 1 N., R. 10
mook county can hope to develop? its recently published two volumes of the
% of Sec. 4, Tp. 2 S., R. 9 W.;
W ............................................................
wonderful resources, it must have a rail­ ‘‘Biographic Clinics,’’ in which he en­ Byrom, Bengtha. Beg. at N. boun­
thence E. 9 chs ; thence S. 20 chs.
road or improved harbors. It now seems deavors to prove chat the ill health of
to the 1 16 Sec. line; thence W.
dary of the 5 acre tract in Lot 2,
9 chs, to the S.W. cor. of the N.E.
In Sec. 21, T. 1 N., R. 10 W..
that the latter is so far off, there is no Carlyle, Huxley,
% of S.W. Vi of Sec. 4; th. N. 20
known as the Ralston tract and at
hopeofanv relief in that direction after Elliot, Wagner, Spencer and several
chs. to the place of beg, in Sec. 4.
a pt. 401100 chs. N. 74° E. from
the board of engineers so ignomini­ other famous people was due simply and
the N.W. cor. of said Ralston
T. 2 3., R. 9 W
ously turned down the Tillamook bar solely to eve strain. The volumes are
tract ; th. N. 74° E. 5 47|1OO ch«. ;
McCormack, Armada. N.K. % of
th. N. 16° W. 2 43|1OO ch».; th. N.
Sec. 5, T. 2 S., R. 9 S of Trask
improvement. The advent of a railway interesting, but not by any means con
74° E. 4 13|1OO ch.; th. N. 16° W.
river ........................... .
into this county is what Tillamook peo­ vincing, and have been received some­
to N. boundary of D. D. Bayley's
McCormack, Armada. 30 acres of
ple have long desired, and over which what skeptically by the profession.
pre-emption claim ; th. W. to N.W.
E. end of S. H of N.W. % of Sec.
The common symptoms of eve strain
much procrastination have be indulged
cor. of Lot 2 in Said Sec. 21 ; th.
5, T. 2 3., R. 9 W......
John. Lot 4 and E. Vi of
in, causing people to have verv little con­
fidence in any new project that may be
Byrom, Bengtha. East half of the
Johnson, Maryette.
Com. at S.E.
pr »posed.
It is the prevailing opinion tion, “indescribable suffering,’’ cessation
following described tract : Com­
cor. of Truman Harris D.L.C. ;
with a good many people, and especially of all symptoms it the eyes are rested,
mencing at a pt. known and
th. N. 30.21 chs, to N.E. cor. of
with the timber owners, that Tillamook
designated as stone '■ A,” being 58
said claim ; th. W. 26.98 chs.; th
8 30.21 chs; th. E. 12.98 chs ; th.
will not get a railroad until such time as
N. 3.75 chs. ; thence F. 4 chs;
the conditions are ripe to log and manu­ modation occurs. He states that an
W ; thence N. 74° E. 5 66411000
S. 3.75 chs.; thence E. 10
abnormally large proportion of crimi­
facture the timber in this county.
chs. ; thence N. 16° W. 7.08 ch«.;
chs. to place of beg, less 40 acres
As to the proposal to extend the pro-
thence S. 74° W. 5 664|1OOO eh».;
to Leon Berry, in-Sec. 8, T. 2 $, R.
thence S. 16° E. 7.08 ch», to place
9 W
............. . .
posed electric line from Portland to For- 98 per cent of the epileptics he examined
Trevor, Francis. Jr. S.E. Vi. Sec. 15,
est Grove into Tillamook, over the Wil suffered from astigmatism. Brain fag
Byrom, Bengtha.
Beginning at
son river road, that would be a great and migrain or sick headache a re nothing
stone " A,” said stone being 58.16
Borton, Isaac. N.E. Vi of S.W. %,
benefit and would help to set things mov­ more than eve strain, and may he abso­
chs. W. and 42.15 chs. 3. of N E.
Sec. 21, T. 2 3., R. 9 W
cor. of Sec 21. Tp. 1 N., R. 10
Dennis, O. E. N.W. Vi, Sec. 31, T.
ing. It may be that the people of Tilla­ lutely cured by glasses, and even tern
W. ; thence S. 16° E. 45 ft.; thence
2 S., R. 9 W
mook are not in a position to raise a big porarily relvieed by a few drops of bella­
8. 74° W. 150 ft. ; thence N. 16°
Nodine, Vance. Beg. at the S.W. cor
subsidy, such as a company would de donna, which dilates the pupil and para­
W. 45 ft. to intersect S.W. cor. of
of the S.E. Vi of Sec. 11, Tp. 2 S,
maud, vet for all that every effort should lyzes accommodation.
Lot 3, in blk. 1, town of Gari­
R. 1<) W., and running thence along
baldi ; thence N. 74° E. 150 ft.
the W. line of said tract N. 20 rods,
be made to help out any proposition to
New Locomotiue Type.
along 3. line of said
bk. 1 to
th. H at right angles to said W.
give Tillamook even an electric or motor
place ot beg, to include all land
line 80 rods ; thence S. at right
In a locomotive now being built for
line. There are three difficult problems
lying between the S. line of Lots
angles to said last cor., 2o rods ;
in the proposal to put in a line over the the Southern Pacific Railroad it see ins
1. 2 & 3, blk. 1, Garibaldi aud
th. \V. along the S boundary of
ordinary high water mark---- ------
Forest Grove road, viz., 1st, a feasible as if an entirely new system of traction
said first described tract 80 rods
toplace of beginning, in See. 11, T.
route ; 2nd, the rights of way ; and 3rd, had been devised, and if so, the long ex- Byrom. Peter. All tide lands F. &
2 8, R. 10 W.
A., on Lots 3 St 4, Sec. 21, T. 1 N.,
a subsidy. Until it is ascertained what pected “revolution” will be at hand.
R. 10 W
4 70 Thompston, Heirs of E. R., Alltide
the Oregon Traction Company is want­
The new locomotive is an internal* Byrom, Bengtha.
1, 2 and 4
Beg. at 8.W .
ing from the people uf Tillamook by way combustion motor of a type used hither,
cor. of Lot 1, in Sec. 22, Tp. 1
of,Sec. 17, T. 2 S, R. 10 W. . ..........
N., R. IO W. ; th. N. 209 ft.; thence
Osborne. Rose G., E. Vi of S. W. J4,
of a subsidy and lights of way it is a lit to only for stationary engine work.
E. 209 ft. ; thence S. 209 ft ; thence
S. E. V4 of N. W. ‘, and S. W. V4 of
tie premature to know whether the de­
Its application to locomotive traction,
W. 2O9ft. to beg...............................
N. E. V< of Sec. 26, T. 2 8., R 10
mands can I e met. It will be necessary however, is practical!v simply stationary Par»», Theo. That part of the pre­
W,.......... ................................................
for the people to make some sacrifices to engine work. For it will not drive the
emption claim of B. A. Bayley,
Steele. Eliza, W.% of S. W. V4 of Sec.
in Sec. 22, Tp 1 N , R. 10 W.,
26, T. 2 3.. R. IO W.
obtain an electric or motor line, but to machinery of the locomotive; it will
bounded by beginning at the mean­
Steele, Eliza, E. % of S. E. % of Sec.
what extent they are willing to go we simply operate the dynamos, which will
der line of Tillamook Bay, 20 chs.
27, T. 2 3.. K. IO W
h ive no means of knowing. One tiling, work the machinery.
E. of line bet. bee. 21 & 22 and
Moore, H B., 3. E. % of N. E. Vi. E.
however, is plain to most everybody, and
Thus the new locomotive will lie an
running thence N. to N. line of
Vi of 3. E. l4, Sec. 5, T. 3 3., R. 9
said claim , thence W on said N.
that is if the company demands rights of electric engine; but it will be self-contain­
C., Lot 1 and N. E. 14 of N.W.
«vay and a big subsidy, it is going to be ed, and not dependent on the trolly or
said meander line ; thence E'ly.
% of Sec. 31, T. 3 8. R. 9 W............
almost impossible to raise enough money the third rail for its power.
with said meander line to place of
Harris, Lucy, E. N. % of N. E.
with the present financial condition of
There will then he no chance of the
beg, containing 5 acres more or
E. *4 of N. E.
N. E. '4 ofS. E. «4
less.. ..........................................................
1 50
of Sec. 32. T. 3 S., R. 9 W..........
the people. That most every citizen will trolley leaving the wire or the s hoe slip­
Munson, Emanuel, Lots 10, 11,13
put his shoulder to the wheel to help out ping from the rail at inopportune mo- Byrom, Peter. All tide lands F.
A., on lots 1, 2 8 k 3, in Sec. 22, T. 1
and 14, Sec. 11, T. 3 S.,R. 10 VI
any genuine proposition, that can be meats,
M R 10 W
4 70 White. A. T., N. H of ofS. W. H. S. '4
taken lor granted, for they all see the
In the new machine there will be no Tillamook Logging Co. N.W. % of
of N. ,W % of Sec. IB, T. 3 S., K.
N.W. ‘4, Bee. 24. T. 1 N., R. 10 W.
3 75
necessity of a railroad or lietter shipping coal and water to carry, no tender to
Unknown : Beg. at a pt where the
facilities before Tillamook can amount drag ; there will l>c no fire, and no smoke Byron, Bengtha. All tide land F. 8t
A., on Lot 1, See. 2», T. 1 N, R. 10
Co. road crosses the W. line of the
to anything from an industrial stand­ will pour from its smokestack.
E. % of 8. E. % of Bee. 31, T. 3 3.,
point. It the Oregon fraction Company
Its builders sav that with a clear track Haskin», I. W. N. % of N.W. Vi.
RIO W., th. N. 40 rods, th. K. 20
Sec 35, T. 1 N., R. 10 W ....
means business and dors not demand it can run from New York to San Fran-
12 89
ft., thenceS 40 rods, thence W 20
ft. to place of beg., in Sec. 31, T. 3
more than the |>e< pie can chew off, there cisco, drawing a 2,000ton train without Vanniewenhulze. Alois. Lot 3, Sec.
j 35, T. 1 N., R. IO W...................
S. R. io W.
8 60
may be some possibility of getting an a stop. The tew gallone ot oil needed for
Mead, C. W. N.E. % of Sec. 18, T.
Chamberlain, E. A. and O. R , Lots
electric road. As the company appears fuel can lie taken in at New York, and
- N R T W
24 80
1, 2 and 3 less 2 acres (Lot 3) for
to be somewhat in the dark as to the the supply will last for a run of 3,000 Kinney, M. J. Lot «, Sec. 4, T. 2 N
Lookout City, Sec. 1, T. 3 S..R, 11
difficulties of crossing the Coast range miles.
Ripley, M. H. S.E. % of N.W. %,
Chamberlain, N. J., Lot 1, less 4
with a railroad, to sav nothing ot the
The action of the new engine is known
S W % of N K. V<. Sec. 36, T. 2 N .
acres for Lookout City and 20
expense, it is not wise to run away with as the four stroke cycle, There is a com
R 10 W ........................
4 11
acres sold, Sec. 12. T. 3 S. R. 11 W,
the idea that we are going to get a rail pressed air reservoir, which provides the Mack. Mary J. S.E. 4 Sec. 1, T. 3
Wood, W. H.. 8. B. % of N, W. Vi. N.
19 97
road. It would be a God's send to this power to start the engine. This gives
E. V4 of 3. W. l4 and Lots 2 and
3, Sec. IS, T. 4 •„ K. 6 W
long bottled-up county if it could get the piston its first stroke, when it takes Montague. W. K. S.W. % Sec. 1, T
3 N.. R 6 W
19 97 Kauffman, H. J., Lots 2 and 3, 8. K.
one. but we have long resigned oursehea in air
The second stroke compresses Currie, D. C. N E.
Sec. 12, T. 3
l4 of N. W % and S. W. >4 of N. E.
to not having much faith in any railroad this air to a high pressure, producing a
N R. 6 W
19 97
K. Sec 4, T. 4 S, R 7 W...................
project until the work is actually com temperature of about 1,000 degrees Brauer. A. G. K H ofS.E. ‘4. N.W.
Browning, Geo. B., E. M of S. E.
incnced. The Oregonian a tew years ago Fahrenheit.
S. W
of SB.', and S B. 14 of
Sec. 12 T 3 N„ R 6 W
IB 97
S. W .
of Sec. 4. T. 4 S, R. S W.
tilled its columns with a lot of “hot air”
Oil the third stroke oil is sprayed into Watt, R. It. N. HofSW «4. 8E.li
Imlah. Alex, Sr . S E.
ofS. H.
about the Portland, Nehalem & Tilla­ this hot air, and combustion takes place.
of 8.W. 4 * S W. »4 of 8.R. V«,
Sec. 33, T 4 8., R. 9 W
Sec 11. T. 3 N., R. 9 W
mook Railroad Company, and the |*co. This third stroke is called the working
25 56 Farmer, Agnes. W
of S B. >4 of S
pie were assured that the money was stroke, and it effect« the action of the Mendel. G. H. H. V* of N B. V* *
E. 1, of Sec. l.T. 4S.. R. IOW..
, N % of S.E. M, 8 ot . 11, T. 3 N . R.
of 8. W. 5, of
secured and the dates fixed lor the begin dyna mos.
■» i
25 56
Sec. 13, T. IS, R. 10 W
mug and completion of the work. But
The fourth and last stroke exhausts Mendel. H. K. B W »4 of N.W V W
Magarrrl. Mary A., Lot fl 1 cm 41
% of O.W ^4 a 3 E V4 of S.W. 4,
I »co pie cun now sec what it amounted the gasses.
lot» in Ocean Park; Lot» 7. 8. and
H ot . 12 T. 3 N . R. 9 W ...
25 56
We hope the proposition of (he
In theory the engine is perfect. Its
9. except certain lot« in Ocean
Xlendel. J \V. S.W. 14 ot N. B 14. Lot«
Park and W. % of 8. E. % of Sec
Oregon Traction Company will not peter builder saxs it will equal or excel the
2. J * 4 Sec. 12. T. 3 N., R. 9 W
25 56
19. T 4 8., R. io\7
out in the same manner.
speed attained by the German electric I Purdum. J 8. N.U. % of Sec. 14. T.
Weatherly, J. F . Beg. at a pt. 100
3 N. R. 9 W
................... 25 56
locomotive, which ran from Marienfelde
ft. n'ly from low water line of Big
Defecta in Our Navy.
to Z omcu at the rate of 125.8 miles an ! Unknown. Lot 1. Sec. 27, T. 3 N.,
Nestucca River 27.89 chs. dist
K. 9 W.
from the’4 Sec. cor. bet. Secs. 18
While the American people are justly hour.
Sanford, B J. 3. X* of N.W. »4. Lot»
and 19. T. 4 8.. R. lo W.thence N
But the new machine has yet to be
proud of their navy, it is pointed out
3 & 4, SOT 4 T 3 N., R. 10 W .. 28 32
6 degree« 37 minutes W 6.13 chs
that there is urgent need of reform in tried, And if successful it will revolu- Feamaide, Heir« of Geo. W a4 in­
to «urvey ot K. H. Virgel « tract of
terest in Tract commencing at
• land, th S 3J78 chi to S.E. cor. of
several respects. A naval officer, writ­ lionize the world's traction systems.
low water line of Nehalem River,
B. H Virgel’« land, thence 8 fl deg-
ing on the subject, says there is ao at­
at a pt. 50 ft. up «aid river from
tots 37 minutes E to the N.E. cor
Saved From Terrible Death.
tempt made to rid the service of incoiti
N. pt. of Lot formerly owned by
Of W m Plank'» lot. thence W SO
The family of Mrs. M. L Bobbitt,
Chas. Pye. th fol said low water
peteat officers and that men are pro­
ft., thence S. 10O ft., thence E. 78
of Bai^erlon, Tenn., naw her dying
line up river 59 ft. ; thence in
moted regardless of what they have •nd were poweilew« to save her
ft. to the S.W. eor of T. J. Lucv'«
W'ly direction 1OO ft. ; thence in
lot. th. S. 50 ft., th. B. loo ft . th.
done or tailed to do on hoard ship. As most
skillful physicians and every
S.W'ty direction 59 ft., thence
8 to the line of low water, thence
• rule, he state«, any one is considered remedy used failed, while consump
S K ly to Nehalem River, pt of beg,
w ly along thelineoflow water to
all lines and angle« in said des­
good enough for duty on board ship, linn whs slowlv hut surely taking her
the S B. cor. of K. H Virgel » lot,
In this terrible hour hr. King's
cription to conform to Linet and
whether asesei* 11 tive officer, captain or New IK wh )very for Consumption turned
thence N'ly to the N E cor of K
angles in «urvey of town of Ne­
H Virgel • lot. th W. 1B7 ft to the
a 'miral, yet upon tlieae men the dmeip. deapair into joy. The first bottle brought
halem in Lot 5. H ot . 23. T. 3 N.,
N W cor. of E H Virgel ». thence
line of the ship depends. In consequence iiuniedivte relief and its continued use
R. IO W ........................................
9 8*1
8. to the N.E. cor. of the lot be-
It's the moat Voorhic«. John Nelson. S
of 8 W
ot this the navy afloat has become a completely cured ¡her.
longing to H A Mlle», N. L Flet­
certain cure in the world for all throat
mere side show to the navy ashore
The •nd lung troubles. Guaranteed Bottle«
cher and A T. Bain, th W. loo ft
8. R. 3 W
to place of be«.. In Sec. 19. T. 4 S
bureaus and shore stations are the ends, VOe. and |l uO. Trial Bottles Free at Voorhies. John Nelson.
N W ’•<*
R IO W...................
the ihipa are »»imply a means to this end. Chas. 1 Clough's Drug Store.
of N W
S ot 15. T. 1 8 . R M W.
6 50 Dimick A. C., W % of N K.
N. a
Mclntoah. K B. Lots 4 A 5. S ot
Yout«g line officers eagerly setk duty in
% of 8. E. % and N E. H of S W
I.adies ! Attention !
For the most
the construction corps or as specialists stvhsh tailor made suits.go to Sa rc fact's
», of Sec. ai. T 4 S. R. 10 w
McIntosh, E R Lot 1 ft N.W M
Brooten. Han» H.. Lot » of See 31
in ordnance, torpedoes or engineering The Fashionable Tailor.
of N.E
S ot . 13, T 1
R. 9 W,
and S. W. h of N E >vi. B.
N. W. U. N w * °fN w -*and
lot 1 of See. 32, T. 4 S., R- 10 W
2« 26
Graves. E. B S HofN.W *4 and E.
% of S. W.
of Sec. 9, T. 5 8, R.
9 W.......... .................................
Hart, Mary M., 8. W. Vi of 8-
and that part of the 8. B. *• of
<;i 8.
E. V. lying
. _ west of Big Nestucca
Toll Road, Sec. 17.
T. 5 8. R. 9 W.
Hart, Elra. S B. ‘i of N. E. Vi O<
section 19 anil N. E. ?i ot N. W. *•
and 8. Vi of N. W. % and N. W. Vi
11 26
of N.E \ of Sec. 20, T. 5 8, »9
Hill. H. V., E. V»oiN W ’♦ und N’
W.\ of N. W. % oiSec. 28 & N. E.
ViofN. K. % of Sec 29, T. 5 S., R.
ge^ph. E. E . S.W. V4 of N. K. tfandS.
9 oil
2 20
1 69
4 23
6 76
Blk. 2, Central add. to Tillmook..
7 53
Woods. William.
Lots 3 and 4,
Blk. 2. Central add. to Tillamook..
8 35
Nodine, Vance. K. V% of Lot 2, Blk.
4, McDermott’« add. to Tillamook
» 7«
Mapes, Frances B. Lots 6, 7 and 8,
Blk. 7. Miller’s add. to Tillamook
Huskins, heirs of Martha J. Lots 3,
4, 5, 6 and 7, Blk. I, Park add. to
to Tillamook .........................................
2 79
Olsen. Louis.
int. in Lots 1 to
4, Blk. 5, Park Add. to Tilla­
1 67
Haskins, heirs of Martha J. Lots 2
to 7, Blk. 6, Park Add. to Tilla­
3 35
Olsen, Louis. Lots 1 to 7, Blk. 14,
Park add. to Tillamook ....................
5 86
Fowler, 11. L. Lot 8, Blk. 3, Still­
well's add to Tillamook ..................
4 32
Allison, A. B.
Lot 6. Blk. 6.
Thayer's add. to Tillamook..........
8 35
Ryan, R. F.
7. Blk. 23,
Thayer’s add. to Tilllamook ............
Hembree, J. J. & Phillips, R. W. Re­
feree Tide Lots 17. 18, 19 and 20,
3 34
Dunnagan, Claude. Lot 4, Blk. 7,
Lookout City........................................
Unknown. Lot 12, Blk. 11, Ocean
Magarrell, R. C. Lot 13, Blk. 11,
Ocean Park.............................................
Wau^h W. 0. Lots 9 and 10, Blk.
2, Malaney’s add. to Ocean Park.
Killibrew, R. P. Lots 5. 6, 7 and 8,
Blk. 7, Malaney’s add. to Ocean
3 76
Park .......................................................
McWhinnie, Margaret. S.W. Vi of
N.K. Vi of Sec. 36, T. 3 3, R. 9 W
1 98
Tillamook Lumbering Co. Beg. at
the N.E, cor. of the E. Thomas D.
L. C’., thence 8 326 ft., thence E 60
ft , thence N. to Hoquarton Slough,
thence W "to place of beg................. 33 40
Unknown. Beg. at the center of
See. 7, Tp. 5 8, R. 10 W., th. N on
% Sec. line 8.90 chs., th. 8. 58
degrees E 2.16 chs., th. S 55%
degrees K 225 ft. to what is known
as the Vincent Sutton tract, th. S.
34Vi degrees W along the east side *
of County Road to a pt. N 22 de­
grees E from the point of beginning,
th. S. 22 degrees W. toplace of beg.,
excepting County Road, all in Sec. .
1 90
7, T. 5 S, R. 10 W.................................
The amount of taxes, interest to date of
sale and penalties due upon each parcel is
set opposite the same, and also the name of
the owner when known. The sale will be
held at the front door of the Court House in
said county, in manner and form as upon
sale of real property under execution, except
as by law otherwise especially provided.
Each parcel will be sold to the person who
offers to pay the taxes, costs and accruing
penalties thereon, and take a certificate at
i the lowest rate of interest, provided, how-
I ever, the maximum rate should not exceed
10 per cent. The sale will be made subject
to redemption as provided by law, and is for
the purpose to satisfying tlje said warrant
with lawful charges.
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon.
Tillamook City Oregon, December 17th,
E. % of N.W. Vi of Sec. 4, T. 5 8., R.
3 75
io W
Bush. A. S., N.K. of|B. W.
N- W-
3 75
% of 8. E. Vi Sec. 4, T. 5 S, R. 10 W
Upton, C. B., Com. 40 rods N. 22
degrees E. from an iron post that
stands 1 ft. H. of the break of Lit­
tle Nestucca Falls at low water,
thence E. 40 rods, thenceS. 40 rods,
thence W. 80 rods, thence N 40
rods, thence E 40 rods to the place
of beg., being a part of the N.E. Vi
26 62
of S. W. *4, N. W. Vi of 8. E. % of
1 50
Sec. 15. T. 5 8., K 10 W
12 80
Millspaugh.U illiam H., E. % ofS. E.
V4 oi Sec. 21 & W % of 8. W. V£of
5 63
Sec. 22. T. 5 3., R. 10 W
12 80
Ayers, John M.. S. % of S. E. % of Sec.
5 «3
10, T. 6 3., R. 9 W
3 76
pfoutx, M. G., 3. W. !i of Sec. 18, T-
11 26
6 8., R 9 W-----
Burton. Mrs. R. C., W % of S. W. Vi
of Sec. 13 and lots 17, 18. 19 and
3 76
5 57
20 of Sec 14, T 6 S, R. 11 W ....
P. Munsinger. Lot 1, Blk x,
25 57
Tohl's Add. to Neholem City.........
William Norris, Lots 3 & 4. Blk. 2,
5 21
Tohl's Add. to Nehalem City...
Hans Larsen. Lot 6, Blk. 2, Tohl's
Addi. to Nehalem City....................
Unknown, Lot 4. Blk. 4. Tohl's Add.
to Nehalem City ............................
Nick Drostoff, 28 ft. on S. side of
Lot 3, Blk. 6, Tohl's Add. to Ne­
5 05
4 52
halem City .........................................
Nick Drostoff, Lots 10 & 11. Blk.
4 37
9, Tohl's Add. to Nehalem ( ity ..
21 61
Clyde Newell, Lot 11. Blk. 12. Tohl's
Add to Nehalem City
6 56 D. H. Vedder, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 16,
Tohl’s Add. Nehalem City..............
4 51 D. & C. Newell, Lot 2. Blk 19,
Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City.........
Nehalem Dairy Association, Lot 1,
Blk. 21, Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem
6 45
City ............. .............. ...................
Daniel Cronen, Blk. 44, Pacific Har-
b >r.....................................
Bengtha Byrom, Lots 1, 2 & 3,in
Blkl ; All tide lands F. & A. on
9 00
Lots 1,2 & 3, Garibaldi
32 S3 Bengtha Byrom, Lots 6, 7 & 8,
Blk. 1, Garibaldi...............
15 OO F. W. Cay, Lot 2, Hlk. 7, Bay City.
Unknown, Lot 7. Blk. 7, Bay City.
1 97 Baker, M. R., Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 8,
1 71
Bay City .............. ,...........................
15 89 Roach, J. P. Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4,
Blk. 1 t Hav Cit v...............................
3 44
Cottle, Addie, Lots 5, 6, 7 & ¿8,
3 44
Blk. 22, Bay City.............................
Hills, C.T. Lots 16, 17 & 18, Blk.
1, Bay View Add. to Bay City.
1 30 In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Tillamook County.
Unknown. Lots 12 & 13. Blk. 4,
In the matter of the Guardianship!
of Elizabeth L. Terwilliger and>
Bay View Add. to Bay City ..........
David L. Terwilliger, Minors.
Riefenberg, Geo. Lots 5 & 6, Blk.
This matter coming on to be heard upon
5, Bay View Add. to Bay City.......
44 the duly verified petition of Lloyd (’. Smith,
Neil, James. Lots 9, 10 & 11, Blk.
Guardian of the persons and estates of said
2 25
7, Bay View Add, to Bay City........
86 Elizabeth L. Terwilliger and David L. Ter­
williger, minors, praying for a license to sell
Bozorth, Scott. Lots 1 to 8, Blk.
the following described real property belong­
12, Bay View’ Add. to Bay City.
1 72 ing to said minors, to-wit :
Beginning at a point one and thirty-eight
2 82 Hawley. Lauretta F. Lot 8, Blk. 3,
1 hundredths (1.38) chains North and five and
Bar View Add. to Bay City..
45 fourteen hundredths (5.14) chains East
Wade, Mary C. Lot 4, Blk. 7, Bar
from the point where the North and South
View Add. to Bay City ................
45 line between Lots three (3) and ¿four (4),
Section twenty (20), Township one (1)
17 91 I Riefenberg, W. L. Lot 1, Blk. 8,
North of Range ten (10) West of the Will­
| Bar View Add. to Bay City..........
45 amette Meridian strikes the shore of Tilla­
mook Bay (which is a large rock marked
8 96 I Unknown, Lot 15, Blk. 10, Bar
XX-R) marked X
’ View’ Add. to Bay City ................
on a large rock for the
8 96 Unknown. Lot 1, Blk. 13, Bar View
South East corner of boat - house lot ;
feet ; thence North two
Add. to Bay City ............................
45 and sixty-four hundredths
(2.64) chains to
May. W.J. Lot 1, Blk. 2, Bewley's
center of county road ; thence East along
3 96
Add. to Bay City
1 30 said road fiftj’ (50) teet ; thence South two
and sixty-four hundredths (2.64) chains to
Cone, W. S. 50 x 200 ft. in Lot 1,
place of beginning ; and it appearing to the
3 28
Blk. 4, Bewley’s Add. to Bay City
86 court that said real property is a small
Cone, W. S. Lot 2, Blk. 4, Bewley’s
parcel of the lands owned by said Minors in
County. Oregon, and that it is
Add. to Bay City.....................
1 30 Tillamook
necessary and would be beneficial to the said
10 89 Roby. D. W. A. Lots 9 & 10, Blk.
wards that such part of their said real estate
13, Central Add. to Bay City.
45 should be sold.
7 50 Hermings, O.G. Lots 11 & 12, Blk.
It is, therefore, this 27th day of December,
1904. ordered that the next of kin of the said
13, Central Add. to Bay City
45 wards and all persons interested in their
Cottle, Addie, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14,
estates do appear before this Court on Mon­
7 50
day, the 6th day of February, 1905, at the
15, 16, in Blk. 22; Lots 1 to 8,
hour of 10 o'clock a.m. at the office of the
Blk. 23, Central Add. to Bay
County Clerk ot Tillamook County, Oregon,
City........................................... ...........
86 to show cause why a license should not be
granted for the sale of said portion of the
Bridgeford, J. H. Lots 11 & 12,
estate of said minors.
Blk. 76, Central Add. to Bay
And it is further ordered that this order
City............................. ...........................
45 shall be served by publication thereof at
least three successive weeks prior to said
: Hicks & Nelson. Lot 4, Blk. 1,
time of hearing, in the Tillamook Headlight,
Cone & Co’«. Add. to Bar City
8G a weekly newspaper printed and published
Grout, Heirs of W. H. Lot 5, Blk. 6,
at Tillamook City, Oregon, ana circula­
ting within this county of Tillamook.
Cone & McCoy'« Add. to Bay
1 30
County Judge.
1 05 Oakes, Catherine, Lot 6, Blk. 2, Ful-
State of Oregon.
I „ „
ler'« Add. to Bay City
86 County of Tillamook.) s s-
I, George B Lamb, County Clerk of Tilla­
Tilden. A. 3. Lot 8, Blk. 2, Fuller's
mook County, Oregon, do hereby certify that
1 05 j Add. to Bay City.............................
I nave compared the foregoing copy of order
with the original thereof as the same ap­
Cone. Mary J. »Lot 1, Blk. 3, Ful-
pears of record in my office as clerk of the
' ler’s Add. to Bay City
86 above entitled Court, that the foregoing is a
4 50 Ackley, Ralph, Lot 7, Blk 3, Fuller’s
correct transcript from such original and the
86 whole thereof.
5 63 i 1 Add. to Bay City....
VS itness my hand and the seal of said
Cone. W. 8. & Mary J. Lot 8, Blk.
Court this December 28th. 1904.
3, Fuller'« Add. to Bay City.
Sabin. R. L. Lot« 7 fit 8. Blk. 4,
County Clerk.
Fuller’« Add. to Bay City
1 72
5 63 ' Hellstren, William, Lot 5. Blk. 8,
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
Fuller'« Add. to Bay City.............
P ublication .
1 88 Sabin, R L. Lot« 3 fit 4, Blk. 9,
United States Land Office,
Fuller s Add. to Bay City...
Oregon < ity, Oregon,
December loth, 1904
5 25 Riefenberg, W. L. E. 1* of Lot 1, K
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
of Lot 2 ; E. H of Lot 3 ; all of
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
1 88
' An act for the sale
lots 6, 7, 16,17, 18. 19. 20. 21, 22
of tinilier lauds in the States of Califo-ma,
23 24. 25. 26 * 27 in Fuller s
Oregon Nevada, and Washington Terilto-
Amended Add. to Bay City..
9 45 ry. ’ as extended to all Public Land States by
act of August 4, ltk>a,
Unknown. Lot 9. Blk. 6, Theo. Ja­
JOHN rkes ,
coby's add. to Bay City ............
45 Ot Tillamook, county of Tillamook Stat? of
19 71 Unknown. Lot 10, Blk. 6, Theo
Oregon, has this day filed lu this office his
Jacoby’« add. to Bay City
No- *5*5. f°r the purchase
of the N U of Nw X of Sec. No. 27, in Tp. No. i H,
Hicks. C. H.. Lot 2. Blk 10, Theo.
Range No. 10 West, and will offer proof t •
Jacoby's add. to Bay City............
4 20 show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
Briggs, Geo. H Lot« 14 and 15. J. J.
poses, and to establish his claim to »aid land
McCoy s add to Bay City ..........
2 58
. .«r» the County Clerk of Tillamook County,
Cottle, Addie. Lots 5 and 12, in
at I lllamook City, Oregon, on Monday, theioth
Blk. 13, Pacific Add. to Bay City..
25 day of February, 1905. He names sa witnesses
WalterC. Bailey,John M. Weiss, Fred Tom
Cottle. Addie. Lot 12. Blk 26, Paci­
Ibison, Samuel U. Tomlinson, of Tillamook
fic add. to Bay City ...... . ...................
20 Oregon.
Cottle, Addie Lots 5 and 12.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
a Dove-described lands are requeatad to file their
Blk. 27. Pacific add. to BayCity
claims in this office on or before said x>th day of
Williams Ida F. Lot« 14. 15 and
February, I905.
16, Blk. 46, Pacific add, to Bar
A lgernon 3. D rkmer , Register.
1 30
Cottle, Addie. Lot« 5 * 12. Blk. 50,
Pacific add. to Bay City...... .........
Department of the Interior.
Cottle. Addie. Lot 12. Blk. 51, Paci­
Land Office at Oregon City. Ore.,
December 17, I904.
fic add. to Bay City
Notice is hereby given that the following-
Wilson. W F
Lot 16, Blk. 52,
named settler has filed notice of his intention
Pacific add to Bay City
45 to make final proof in support of hisclaim. and
W 1 T*’*1 Hroof w'n he made before the
Nicodemus. J.
Lot 9. Hlk 67,
Register and Receiver, nt Oregon City, Oregon,
Pacific add. to Bay City.
45 on January yoth. 1905 vis
William«. Ida F Lot« 9 to 16. Blk
i26ni. for the 8 of the S % of section 32.
71. Pacific add. to Bay City
3 44 l H.E
P- 3 » ortli. range 9 west.
13 51 St.John. 3. F. Loti 14, 15 and 16
He names the following witnesses to prove
Blk. 72. Pacific add to Bay City
coPvnuou* re«idence upon aud cultivation
1 30 of r said
land via :
Heir» of G. W Fearnside. X4 int. in
R Hicks, of Nehalem. Oregon ; Alfred
« 57
Lou 3 and 4. Blk. i, Tillamook,
Hansen, of Ralni Oregon ; William Wooden all
lew 20 ft. off 8. Mde
17 61 of Beaverton. Oregon ; Sidney Smith, of Yank­
ton. Oregon.
Redd a way, David
Lot« 1 and 2
A lgernon 9. D remci , Register
1 70