Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 12, 1905, Image 3

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E-ldy & Botts, for abstracts.
Walkover Shoes at Toad's.
Hav for rale.—Apply to A. G. Beals. *
Gordon Hats and Gloves nt Todd’s.*
Gent.’s Furriishing Goods at Todd’s.*
Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at
K. Robinson came in from Tacoma on
H. 8. Soule came in from Portland on
C. F. Lester, of Warrenton, was in the
city this week.
Walter Lynch came in on the steamer
on Wednesday.
Geo. Ludtkee was down from Nehalen
ii lew days ago.
Have you tried Leach's pure lard ? Do
io. It is genuine.
J. W. Bewly was in the city on Satur­
day from Sheridan.
B. G. Danley, of Seattle, Wash., was in
the city on Sunday.
Born, on Thursday, to the wife of
Warren Vaughn, a son.
Dr. Upton returned to the c»ty from
Portland on Saturday.
Bring your job work to the Headlight
office and save 25 per cent.
P, McIntosh returned on Sunday from
a business trip on the outside.
Salt and smoked Chinook salmon and
fresh steelheads. W. O. Chase.
A marriage license was granted to
G. B. Danley and Gladis Murphy.
Two nicely furnished rooms to be let
on Main street. Apply at this office. *
Fure lard, guaranteed, at Leach’s Meat
Maiket. 51b. can. 75c. 10!b., $1.85. *
The steamer W. H. Harrison left for
Nehalem on Friday to load canned sal­
The business men have decided to close
their places of business at seven o’clock
in future.
The steamer W. H. Harrison came in
from Astoria on Wednesday with a few
Rev. A. S. Foster will preach morning
and evening at the Presbyterian church
next Sunday.
The hose company meets this (Thurs­
day) evening, when the annual election
of officers takes place.
The protracted meeting at the United
Brethren church is being continued and
conducted by the pastor.
County Judge W. W. Conder and S. A.
Brodhead left on Tursday to inspect the
court houses iu other counties
J. H. Hicks’ house at Bay City was
completely destroyed by fire last week,
hut was covered with $500 insurance.
D. Chisholm, of Clatskanie, canie in on
Friday and left for Nehalem, where it is
expected that logging will commence
The lumber schooner C. T. Hill, which
loaded at the Tillamook Lumbering Co.’s
saw mill in this city, will leave for the
bay today.
Captain Cary says this was a good
time for the saloons to close down, for
they would not have done much business
had they remained open.
Wanted, to buy, work horse, weight
from 1,200 to 1,300 pounds,or will trade
a good 9-year old brood mare for a good
team.—Apply to A. G. Beals.
John Crane has given up the barber
shop next to the meat market and kit
for Portland, thus adding another to the
vacant stores on Main street.
When you want purelard go to Leach's
Meat Market. The genuine article 5lhs.,
75c. 10 lbs., $1 35. Prime meat can
always be obtained at Leach’s.
The county court has agreed to divide
with the city the road tax raised in the
city,which will give the city a little more
monev for road work than heretofore.
Ae have not been informed as to the The Oregon Traction Company.
names of the committee Judge Conder
intends appointing to arrange for the
The following item of news regarding
county’s exhibit at the Lewis & Clark the Oregon Traction Company, which
has made a proposition to extend its
After several cold days, with the wind proposed electric line into Tillamook
may lx of interest, but it goes to show
from the east, it commenced snowing
’’ 1
* I
this mort-ing, with the prospect that it , 1 lat t*lere 18 llot much likelihood of this
might continue and some good sleighing county getting a road from that direc­
tion for some time to come, if at all ;
by way of a change.
From the Oregonian.
Charles H. Burggraff, of Albany,’ the
The prop» sed Portland Hillsboro elec,
architect who drew the plans for the
-chool house, came in last week to see trie line is now in a fair way to con­
what he could do about drawing plans struction, and it is the desire of those
whoare back of the deal to have cotn.
lor the proposed court house.
menced work on the Portland end of the
Fur sale, an up to date creamery and road in a very short time.
•heese factory , every thing complete, good
The representatives of the San Fran,
is new, or would go in with reliable cisco capitalists who are behind the road
•arty or creamery man in good location. are in the city and made a trip over the
Address C. L. Diven, merchant, Wald, I lines of the Oregon Water Power &
port, Lincoln county, Or.
Railway Company.
Accompanied by
C. E. Franklin, a resident of Little the leaders of the Oregon Traction Com.
Nestucca, Tillamook county,was intown pany, they will make a trip over the
on Saturday, having arrived back from proposed line of the road, and when they
Portland on his way home
Owing to returned will have determined definitely
combines of various nature existing there just where the line will run
he reports that his stock in trade—
The Oregon Traction Company has
smoked salmon—did not meet w ith ready asked the City Council for a franchise
sale.—Hillsboro Independent.
through the streets and it is almost cer­
The ladies of the Presbyterian church tain that the request will be granted.
It is estimated that the construction
met at the home of Mrs. C. N. Drew on
Tuesday and re-organized the ladies’ of the line will cost more than $500,000,
guild, with Mrs. Upton president, Mrs. of which sum all has been provided for
McIntosh vice-president, Mrs. Aiderman by the bonds now issued. Outside of
secretary and Mrs. Hays treasurer. The this amount it is understood that the
Rev. A. S. Foster was present and out­ treasury of the Oregon Traction Com-
lined the work that should be taken up pany now has more than $60,000 ready
to be spent upon the line of its equip,
The guild will meet every two weeks.
ment and general expenses.
The first “blind pig” was discovered in
The application for a franchise is now
Tillamook City the other morning, and
in the hands of the City Council, and it
it was a joke on Butcher Leach. The
is not thought that there will be any de­
space between the meat market and the
lay in granting the request of the com­
barbershop had been boarded up and
pany. As soon as it is assured to the
hides were put in there. During the night
representatives of the company that the
someone tacked up an old government
franchise will be granted, work will be
license and wrote under it “Leach’s blind begun on the
Portland end of the line,
pig.” That is the first “blind pig” dis The road will
first be finished from the
covered in Tillamook City since the local
First - street station to Willamette
option law went into effect.
Heights in order to relieve the conges­
A number of ladies on Tuesday evening tion of traffic which will result with the
surprised the band boys while they were opening of the Exposition. If there is
practising in Todd’s hall, and, as is no delay, that much of the road will be
usnal on such occasions, the ladies had completed and ready for operation bv
provided a nice supper for the boys. The June 1. As soon as that stretch of
boys, in return, did their best to enter track is in working order the men will
tain the ladies with music, and, altoge he put on the rest of the road and all
ther a most pleasant social time was in­ will be finished as fast as possible, per­
dulged in. Next mouth the band hoys haps the whole length of the line to Hills­
will give a minstrel show and farce, and boro, by the time the winter weather
they promise a good evening’s enterta in­ makes the construction work difficult.
men t.
The next season it is probably that the
line will"be extended to Forest Grove,
The Water Commission.
though it is not thought any attempt
The water commission had a meeting will be made to build that far at an
on Friday evening, when a better under­ earlier date________________
Chas. I Clough,
Reliable Druggist.
Mrs. Stillwell Wins the Suit.
In the case of Levi L Stillwell, plain­
tiff. vs. Sarah J. Stillwell, defendant,
taken under advisement by Judge G. H.
Burnett at the last term of the circuit
court, a decision has been given in favor
of Mrs. Stillwell. The plaintiff sought to
obtain possession from the plaintiff, his
former wife, what is known as the Keyes
place, composed of several acres of land
in this city. The judge, in considering
the testimony of plaintiff and defendant,
the one denying and the other affirming
that it was their intention that the pro.
perty purchased with $480 should be the
propertv of the defendant in fee simple,
the presumption attaching to such a
transaction bet ween husband and wife to
the effect that the property so purchased
in the name of the w ife is to be deemed
an advancement to the wife is sufficient
to create a preponderance of evidence in
favor of the defendant, so the court de­
cided that the purchase of the Keyes
place was at that time intended by the
plaintiff to be and was an advancement
bv the plaintiff to his thtn wife, nor was
there a trust of any kind insuring to the
benefit of the plaintiff that arose out of
any of the transactions, so the court de­
creed that plaintiff was not entitled to
any relief. The order of the court was
that defendant was entitled to have the
suit dismissed and neither party should
recover costs and disbursements from the
Takes *70,000 to Run the County.
Some people wonder where all the tax
money goes ano the county still in debt
and paying out about $2,000 a year in­
terest on outstanding county warrants.
Let us throw a little light on the subject
so that the taxpayers may be better in
formed where (he tax money goes. Apart
from officials’ salaries, there are four
large items to be met, which amount to,
in round figures, to nearly $55,000 out
of the $70,000 that is to be raised by tax­
ation, viz. ; For public schools, State
tax, bridges and highways, and court
house building fund. The following esti­
mates of the expenses of the county for
this year is how the county judge and
the commissioners have figured in out,
which we give for the information of the
taxpayers :
Salary for County Judge..........3 I GOO 00
Clerk and Deputy.................... 2200 00
Sheriff and Deputy .................. 2200 00
Assessor and Deputy.............. lHOO 00
Commissioners ........................ 400 00
600 00
School Superintendent..............
Treasurer ...................................... 550 00
Road Master and Road Super­
visors ......................................... 1500 00
Expenses cf Circuit and Justice
Courts....................... .............. 1200 00
Books, printing, etc , and cul-
lection of taxes...................... 1000 OO
Pay interest on County War
rants ........................................ 1800 00
1O0 00
Experting County Books . . .
To defray expenses of public
schools ...................................... 11.768
State Tax ................................ 8917 50
1.30 00
Indigent Soldiers’ Fund ........
600 00
Care of county poor..............
To build and repair roads,
bridges and highways .... 25,986 83
Court House Building Fund
7796 04
$1.50 per year
Editorial Snap Shots.
I perty will be a drag on the market in
: consequence for a longtime to come. The
Every indication points in the direction levy on city property this year is 42
that the cheese market this spring will l>e mills. What will it l»e after the water
satisfactory to those in the dairy busi­ system is put in and has to be paid for ?
M I ☆
* $ *
It is about time the city authorities
Don’t get excited about a railroad turned their attention to securing better
tapping Tillamook County before you gravel for the streets. The system of
hearjthe snort of the iron horse. Then putting down poor gravel, only to be
take to the woods.
turned into muck and mud in the wet
* * *
season, is exceedingly unsatisfactory and
Where will most of the money go that unprofitable when it has to be scraped
heretofore went into the saloon ? Imo up and carted away. It will not be long
the stores to buy clothing and other
before the gravel that was put on tie
things for the home and the family.
streets which were improved last fall will
* * *
If it is going to cost $500,000 to con­ be out of sight. * * *
struct the electric railroad from Portland
Here is a serious state of affairs which
to Hillsboro, it willcost at least $2.000,- now confront the people of Oregon.
000 to extend it from there to Tillamoulc Read what the Oregonian says: “It
should be known to the people of Oregon
* * *
Not very many persons believe that that the great liquor interests of the
Senator Mitchell will be convicted. The state is endeavoring to organize the
government attorneys are so unprofes- Legislature. Naturally, it dosen't want
sional in blowing off “hot air’’ that they to be ’ hurt.’ It has secured the organ,
ization of one branch, and is at work on
are becoming obnoxious.
the other. The liquor interest is a great
* * *
Tillamook is one of the unique counties interest, and feels that it is entitled to
in Oregon. It has closed down all the consideration.’’
* * *
saloon and offers that as one of the spe­
For all the good it is. the state legis­
cial inducements for home seekers, espe­
lature should repeal the law creating the
cially those with families, to locate here.
Port of Tillamook Commission and turn
M * *
The state legislature will, no doubt, the funds it has on hand over to the city
pass a law making gambling a felony, or refund it to the taxpayers. The com
mission is simply a little hoppv-horse,
but it might order an investigation so as
and has answered its purpose admirably
to ascertain who purloined that law
which was passed at the last state legis­ in that respect. Now is a fitting time to
I give the hoppv-horse a decent burial, for
I it has done no earthly good and from the
* M *
We all ought to be thanhful that we looks of things the little lifeless tbit g
live in Tillamook when we read about never will. Cut it out and substitute it
the awful blizzards in the East. Tilla­ with something with lile, energy, and
mook is good enough for us, even if the enterprise.
* * *
rain does patter down somewhat heavily
There wouldn’t be nitidi trouble in
at times.
* M *
running city affairs this vear if the citv
If Judge Galloway decides against the i had been out of debt when the present
local option law on account of a fe»v tri- city council took office. The citv is pay
vial technicalities, the same thing can be ing interest on $1,230 outstanding war­
used against his own election. What is rants, has between $800 and $900 to re­
sauce for the goose ought to be sauce for fund to the saloon keepers and will have
the gander.
$45,000 bonds to pay interest on the 1st
* * M
What a fool proposition it is to ad­ March and six months before the monev
vertise for bids for a new water system is required. Now don’t squirm, but take
when the water rights have not been the medicine, for that is the financial con­
How do you
obtained when the intake is to he locat­ dition of the city.
ed, neither the rights of way for the like it ? Now if the city council has to
impose an occupation tax it will be on
pipe line.
* * *
account of the last city council leaving
Tillamook is a good place lor home the city in debt, for that indebtedness
seekers to come to, especially if they are 1 has to be met. That is where the shoe
looking for an ideal dairying county and i pinches, and which the citizens will have
without the demoralizing influence of I to go down in their jeans for. The pre-
saloons. Old Bossy is the only thing on | sent citv council could have got along
tap in Tillamook.
I nicely if it hadn't been for the previous
* * *
Rollie said if local option carried he I city council leaving the city in a hole,
* * *
was going to leave the county. As he
i Bulldozed I That is the proper term
went outside on Wednesday,is he a man |
j to apply to how the |>eople of Tillamook
of his word and is making arrangements
City have been treated by the bond agi­
to do so ? Good by, Rollie, good by, but
tators. Not content with the first vole
come back and give us a friendly shake
taken on the bonding question, the agi­
before you pull up stakes.
tators immediately bulldozed another
* * *
At the city election at Forest Grove on | election, then th**y bulldozed the city in­
Monday, that classic city voted on the to taking $45,900 bond, which will com­
saloon question and elected a “wet” pel the people to pay interest oil that
mayor and city council. Let’s hope it amount of money before it is required,
wasn't the newspaper men or that city’s and the last bulldoze to be worked upon
“blind big" we hear so much about that ihe people and the water commission is
caused Forest Grove to tail from grace. advertising for bids before the water
rights and rights of way have been ob-
* * *
Yes, we believe the local option law tained. No wonder that the present
Real Estate Transfers.
should be amended—in one particular, I i city council thought it was for the Ix-st
Furnished by Eddy & Botts.
The women of Oregon should be granted i interest of the citv to turn Talmage down
the franchise and allowed to vote on a when he was recommended for city at-
j torney. The citizens have been bulldozed,
1 iw of that description. That is all the |
sec. 14, 6 S 10.
we hope they like it. Blit wlmt is
U S A. to Peter McIntosh. Patent. Lots fixing the local option law needs, and we land
3. 4, and 5 and Sw, Ne, sec. 4. 3 S 7
hope the state legislature will fix it that, I the next bulldoze to be worked upon the
people on account of the unwillingness
Eli P Olds ami wife to W. S Hays. and no other way.
of a few persons to allow a commission
* * *
Lot 12. sec. 25, 1 S 10. $1750.00,
It is well to look at the facts. There | of our best business men to take hold
John K Craven to William W. Conder.
Lots 17, 18. 10. 20, 21. 22 28, 29, 30. 13 is 11.230 w ortli of outstanding warrants and handle the water question ms a busi­
I bearing interest against the city, with ness undertaking for the city ?
32 sec. 5, 5 S 10. |2oOO.<M).
Henry Duusian and wife to Joseph ». I between $800 and $900 to be refunded to
This is how the Oregonian siseH up the
Cook. WVj Sa, Se Sw and lot 4 sec. 31 the ex saloon keepers. Yet some people
say the city is in good shape financially. first battle at Salem : " Lot us under.
2 S 10 $1009.00
George Lo^rpabel and wife to Albert L. The mayor and new city council won't stard exactly what Ims < ccurred st
Salem. T lie Portland niauhine put up
At Lizzie Easom. B »lid for deed. Lota think so after a time.
* * *
Mr. Mills as its candidate for Sjieak» r
8 9. 10 & 11 sec. 31. 3 N 9 $675.00.
The violation of law on the part of an<l elecied him Tl»e Portland machine
Henry Toll I to Oscar Bergmsn. Lots 5
& 6 block 16 and lot« 5 Ac 6 block 15, saloon kee,>crs and gamblers have creat- combined with the state machine lo
Tobi's addition to Nehalem $210.00. i ed a deep public sentiment all over Ore­ eket Mr. Kujkeiidall as Ptesi<lenl uf
Eli T. Allen and wife to Nelson P gon, f<ir the enforcement of the law, so Senate. Violent opfMisition to tins lat-
Wheekr. Lots 3 Ar 4 Ac SV'a Nw aiul much so that it is an issue, as it is in ter project sros«*, »nd it all but failed.
Tillamook City, bet ween those who want Great vffert has lieen made to have it
Se sec. 2. 3 S 7. $160 » 00.
U. S Land Office to Harris G. Cox. Re­ the laws enforced and those who line up appear that while the I'm 11.»ml “ring”
with those who want to violate the law. was behind Kuykendall, the Mills can
ceipt. SVi Ne Ac N’/i Se, sec. 30, 2 S 8.
didacy stood on its own Isittoin. Not
♦ * *
Michael H Kelley and wifa to Blodgett
“Sammy” has thought it wise to write true. Mr. Mills was brought out by the
Co. Limited. S’/2 Se sec. 5 and Eli Se
something about the Headlight man in machine, his campaign was corniuuted
■M. hi IN« *i M.
Santa Few Pacific R. ^R ('<>. to Michel the Herald, but “Sammy'' is such a small by the machine, and Ins smu’ess is dis­
H. ¡Killey. S'.i Sesco. .’.and E’i Se fry that we do not think it w ise to take tinctly a macbim* triumph, Mr. Kuy­
much notice of a nice young man who is kendall appeaiH to have projected l»is
«ec io, in a «mm.
Felix Roy U> Carl Knudaon. W V, lot 3, jumping from one profession to another own candidacy, but the macliine fell in
all of lol 4 aec. 5 and lot I hcc , 6, 2 N like a jack in the box, and is master of These iltitigs are set down, not in malice
none. D<»es anybody need a washer, or hi tin* spirit of complaint, but soh ly
9 9300.00.
in the iiitert*sl of tiutli. ’
Altxrt E S'eer to N h I mhi P Wh<‘p|»T. woman ? “Sammy” will do.
* 41 *
i N44 Ne and fi’i Nw we.
It sounds goo«l to hear men say, “I’ve
W.ndeiful Nerve.
several dollars left in my pocket, but I'd
I. displayed by many a num enduring
Four iii' rtgage, filed to secure $10 95.
have Mowed that in and several dollars (U.IHH ot a< cidental (.‘uta, Would-.
more if the saloons had been running. Bruises, Hurns, Scalds, Mori* feet or stiff
Notice •
I'm going to take something home to the j'.ioia Bui tlieie'» i . o nee«! for it. Buck.
I will not I* responsible for any family.” There is nothing gieedy about ten’s Arnica Halle will kill Its- pam aid
DEBTS contracted by mv wife, Pcnrl a man like that, Imt there is wh< na man cure the trouble, It's tlie la-st Halve i'i
earth lor Piles, t<»>. 25c at Ctias 1.
B. Johnson.
C. A. J oiikso M.
blows in several dollars for drink w hich Clough, Ifruggtst
should lie spent upon hfs family.
Ranch to Rent
* * *
For the best quality of Flour
Twenty five |>er cent <ff the valuation
Ranch to rent, with 30 rows, situated
Feed you must go to the
Small creamery
near a cheese factory,
Remember Nelson’s Raffle, Allen plant on place. Will fake rent out in r«i«hed the growler ami mortgaged every McIntosh & McNair Co.’s
pc op s pr qnrlj in the til). City pro Store.
w >rk on place.—Apply to F. R. Beals
standing was brought about. The resig­ Abont County Officials’ Salaries.
nation ot B. L. Eddy was not accepted,
There is some little discussion going on
and on that account C. A. Patzlaff de­
cided to remain on the commission. On in the county on account of a petition
a vote being taken to fill the vacancy on that was circulated for an increase of
account of C. E. Hadley leaving the citv, salary for the county school superinten­
A. M. Hare received 8 votes, C. B. Had. dent, and a remonstrance circulated by
lev 2 and A. S. Brodhead 1. The former C. B. Hadley. We believe all county otfi
was elected. Claude Thayer wanted the cial should receive fair remuneration for
city treasurer to be the treasurer of the their services and good, faithful work
commission, Imt the members did not de­ exjxcted As to an officials politics,
cide that way. Mr. Thayer also sub that should cut no figure, nor should the
mitted the draft of a bill to be passed at matter of belonging to this or that fac­
the state legislature creating the water tion, one pulling one wav and the other
commission, but this matter was referred the other way, when it comes to paying
to a committee, composed of B. L. Eddy, a fair salary to county officials. The
C. A. Patzlaff and M F. Leach The salary of the school superintendent is
commission adjourned to meet on Wed­ <600 and the petition asks that it be
nesday, when the committee reported a raised to <1,000. None of onr county
bill, which is somewhat lengthy, bnt officials are overpaid, not even the clerk
denis with the waterquestion to be taken and sheriff, with $1,600 a year, for tliev
hold of in a business and systematic have quite a bit of expense to pay out of
manner. Il invests the water commis­ their salaries, in fact,when Homer Mason
sion with full power, and alter the sys­ was clerk he often paid for help in the
tem is constructed it will be reduced to office cut of his salary which should have
five members, the first live to betaken been paid by the county. As to some of
from the present members ot thecommis. 1 the other officials, take the deputy clerk,
sion, and after their term of office ex­ i depute sheriff and deputv nss-ssor, if tile
pires, which will be for two, four and five 1 work they have to perform is worth
| anything,in our judgment.it is worth $75
years, their successors will lx elected by
the taxpayers. The hill was accepted I a month. Then there is the county com-
and it was entrusted to Mr. Eddy to see I inissioners who are paid $2 a day and
that it passed the state legislature. As ■ mileage, not being allowed pay for the
| day it takes to get to the city and the
the commission did not have the specifi­
B. T. Haltoin left on Sunday for Spn.
cations it agreed to meet again on Fri- j day it takes to get home, so the com
kane to meet the salesman of the Cash
missioners get $1 a day salary for the
day evening.
Buyers’ Association and to lay in a new
1 four davs li ne they give to the county
stock of goods for his department store.
I every two month,— lot enough to keep
Tillamook Lumlier Company will sell
' them in cigars and nothing left to p ay
The Best Place to Buy
Rough Fir Lumber sawed to order for '
! their hotel bills. For several tears G. B
$7.00 per thousand in one thousand lots HEATHRS,
Lamb held down the office of saperinten
! dent for about $250 vear, and no one is
and up. Spruce at $6.00 at the same
surprised that he is not a millionaire.
* 1
Mayor Geo. Cohn has called a meeting
Atld RANGES, There is no salary connected with the
»•f the citizens for next Saturday even-
at McIntosh & McNair Co. 1 surveyor’s office, who has lo scratch lx-
, tore he can make a dollar, while the cor
ing at the o|>era house to take into con-1
■ideration the proposition to construct Jf yotl want a genuine, first ’ oner has to run across a ‘'stiffen" Ixfore
the county court will pungle up, and even
an electric line from Forest Grove to
class article call and see us. then Charley thinks it is about as hard
as getting a dead man to speak. The
county treasurer's responsible position is
only worth $550, which is but a modest
salary. A readjustment of salaries for
county officials would not be out of place
Whatever the doctor prescribes or
at this time, not that we are adv'xating
suggests, is what 1 specially try to
fat salaries, hut whatever is d me in this
supply, aud succeed as well that I
direction at the present state legislature,
it can confidently lx relied upon that
an known as Headquarters for all
Representative West, who is conserva
tive, will look after the taxpayers' inter,
eats and do what is about right as near
as any mao in the county.
House, Sa’ flay nigh*, 8 /clock
« * «