Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 05, 1905, Image 3

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Svenson, John. Tract in ice. 19, T
ft. 9 W..................... ..............
Quick, Heirs of Ruy, m . Beg. at a
pt on W. line of James Quick
Tjrtue of a warrant to me directed,
D. L.C., 25.30 ch». S. of N.W. cor.
ue<l by the County Clerk of Tillamook
ofsaid claim and running thence
Oregon, commanding me to sell the
K. M 75 chs ; th. N. 11.50 ch«. ; th.
L^crul articles of personal property and
E. 18.25 chs. to E. line of claim ; th
Mitels of real property upon which the
N. 50 lk«., th.;w. 40 chs. to W. line
Tie* are levied and unpaid as «hown by the
of claim ; thence 8. 12 chs. to
Tax List accompanying such warrant of the
beg. in Secs. 29 A 32, T. 1 S. R y
State. County. School and other taxes for
the year 1903, and Special School Taxes and Fairview Grange, No. 274. Beg.
Tillamook City Taxes for the year 1904, I
at the S.B. of N.E.
of Sec. 28,
will, beginning at IO o’clock in the forenoon
T. 1 8., R. 9 W. ; thence W. 155
ofMonday, the Both day of January, 1905,
reals ; thence N. 583 feet to in­
aad continuing from day to day thereafter
itial point; thence N. 165 ft. ;
until the list is exhausted, offer for »ale at
th W. 132 ft ; th S. 165 ft. ; th B.
public action ami aril to the best bidder the
132 ft. toplace of beginning .........
' real projK-rty
..... situated
. ..»»/I i in
vt 'T
Tillamook County. Fearnside, Heir« of G. W. a4 int. in
Oregon, particularly described in
Lot 3. Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 10 W........
Olds, Eli P. All that part of the
lowing :
s„ith. Walter J. B. Hof N.W.
of S.W.
lying N. of
W. % of N E. J4, See. 9, T. 1 N.,
Trask River, in Sec. 25, T. 1
$14 53
R.7W ............. -.......
S., R. 10 W. ; also all that part of
ya int. in S. Vú of See.
Lot 10, lying N. of Trask river
16 51
slough not heretofore sold, in Sec.
32. T. 1 N. R. 7 W............................
Unknown. % int. in Lot 4 or S.E.
25, T. 1 8.. R. IO W. Lot 13 less
>f Sec. 36, T. 1 N.,
¡4 oi S.E !<
34.42 acres to Dec Tomlinson and
5 acres to William Dowd, in
R- 7 «’........
X,an. K E- S. S of S.B. M, N.W. *
Sec. 26, T. 1 8., R. 10 W..............
9 58 Hellstren, William. S.
ofS E.', Sec. 13, T. 1 N., H. H W.
of S.W. %
Ryan. K E. N.E. « of N.E. y, of
of Sec. 12. T. 2 S., R. 8 W
3 20 Gibbons, S. N.W. >4 of N.E.
fcc. 24, T. 1 N.,R.» W
, «mith, Mary E. S.W. % of 8.W. H.
of N W. »4 of Sec. 13, T
S. R. 8 W ...
See. 1. T. 1 N.. R.
Smith. Louia L. N W. g ofS.W. %,
Whitney, R \V. S.E. • 4 < »f S.E. ’4 of
See. l.T. 1 N., R. IO W A N.E.
See. 2u, T. 2 S., R. • W.......................
of S.B. % & S.E. % of N.E. Ji,
Whitney, R. W. W. % ofS.W. Ji, of
See. 2, T. 1 N., R. 10 W....................... 11 98
Sec. 21. T. 2 S.. R. 8 W
Hugh« J. H. N. HofN.E.M. Sec. lfl,
Whitney, R. W. N.E. % of¡N.E. % of
4 70
T 1 N . R. IO W....................................
Sec. 29, T. 2 8., R. 8 W........................
ROlman. Bertha. N. M of B.W. !i,
Dickenson. Silas W. S.E. *4. Sec. 34,
Sec. 16. T. 1 N.. R. 10 W
T. 2 S . R. 8 W ....
Bengtha Byrom. All tide lands F. 8c
Campbell, William F.
Beg. at the
A., on Lot 2, Sec. 20, T. 1 N., R. 10
N.W. cor. of the .N.E. % of S.W.
W .................................................... ........
% of Sec. 4, Tp. 2 S., R. 9 W.;
Byrom, Bengtha. Beg. at N. boun­
thence E 9 chs ; thence S. 20 chs.
dary of the 5 acre tract in Lot a,
to the 1-16 Sec. line ; thence W.
in Sec. 21, T. 1 N., R. 10 W.,
9 chs, to the S.W. cor. of the N.E.
known as the Ralston tract and at
% Of S.W. 14 of Sec. 4 ; th. N. 20
a pt. 40|100 chs. N. 74° E. from
chs. to the place of beg, in
the N.W. cor. of said Ralston
T. 2 S., R. 9 W ......................
tract ; th. N. 74° E. 5 47|1OO ch». ;
McCormack, Armada. N.E. % of
th. N. 16° W. 2 43|100 chs.; th. N.
Sec. 5, T. 2 S., R. 9 S of Trask
74° Ii. 4 13)100 ch.; th. N. 16° W.
river ............................... ...............
to N. boundary of D. D. Bayley's
McCormack, Armada. 30 acres of
pre-emption claim ; th. W. to N.W.
E. end of S. y2 of N.W. % of Sec.
cor. of Lot 2 in said Sec. 21 ; th.
5, T. 2 8., R. 9 W....... .....................
S. on line between Lots 1 & 2 to
Marolf, John. Lot 4 and F. t3 of
5 65
the place of beginning.........................
Lot 5, Sec. 8, T. 2 S., R. 9 W
Byrom, Bengtha. East half of the
Johnson, Maryette.
Com. at S.E.
following described tract : Com­
cor. of Truman Harris D.L.C. ;
mencing at a pt. known and
th. N. 30.21 chs, to N.E. cor. of
designated as stone ’- A,” being 58
said claim ; th. W. 26.98 chs.; th
16)100 chs W. & 42 15|1OO S. of
8 30.21 chs; th. E. 12.98 chs ; th.
N.E. cor. of rec. 21, Tp. 1 N., R. 10
N. 3.75 chs. ; thence E. 4 chs;
W.; thence N. 74° E. 5 664)1000
thence S. 3.75 chs.; thence E. 10
chs. ; thence N. 16° W. 7.08 chs.;
chs. to place of beg, less 40 acres
thence S. 74° W. 5 664|1OOO chs.;
to Leon Berry, in-Sec. 8, T. 2 $, R.
thence S. 16° E. 7.08 chs. to place
9 W ...............................................................
3 75 Trevor, Francis, Jr. S.E. y^, Sec. 15,
of beginning ............... .....................
Byrom, Bengtha.
Beginning at
T. 2S.. R. 9 W...........................................
stone ” A,” said stone being 58.16
Borton, Isaac. N.E. 14
S.W. %,
chs. W. and 42.15 chs. S. of N E.
Sec. 21, T. 2S..R. 9 W
cor. of Sec. 21, Tp. 1 N., R. 1O
Dennis, O. E. N.W. Vi. Sec. 31, T.
W. ; thence S. 16° E. 45 ft.; thence
2 S., R. 9 W ...........................................
S. 74 W. 150 ft.; thence N. 16°
Nodine, Vance. Beg. at the S.W. cor
W. 45 ft. to intersect S.W. cor. of
oftheS.E. % of Sec. 11.Tp. 2 S,
Lot 3, in blk. 1, town of Gari­
R. 10 W., and running thence along
baldi ; thence N. 74° E. 150 ft.
the W. line of said tract N. 20 rods,
along S. line of said
bk. 1 to
th. E at right angles to said W.
place ot beg, to include all land
line 80 rods ; thence S. at right
lying between the S. line of Lots
angles to said last cor., 2o rods ;
1, 2 & 3, blk. 1, Garibaldi and
th. W. along the S boundary of
ordinary high water mark................
said first described tract SO rods
to place of beginning, in Sec. 11, T.
Byrom. I’eter. All tide lands F. &
2 8, R. 10 W...............................................
A. , on Lots 3 & 4, Sec. 21, T. 1 N.,
4 70 Thompston, Heirs of E. R.. Alltide
R. io W
lands F. & A. on Lots 1, 2 and 4
Byrom, Bengtha.
Beg. at S. VV .
of,Sec. 17, T. 2 S, R. IO W.................
cor. of Lot 1, in Sec. 22, Tp. 1
Osborne, Rose G., E.
of S. W.
N., R. IO W. ; th. N. 209 ft.; thence
S. E. V4 of N. W.
and S. W. 14 of
E. 209 ft. ; thence 8. 209 ft ; thence
N. E. Vi of Sec. 26, T. 2 8., R IO
W. 209 ft. to beg..................................
W,................................ ............................
Parks, Theo. That part of the pre­
Steele, Eliza, W.% of S. W. Vi of Sec.
emption claim of B. A. Bayley,
26, T. 2 8.. R. 10 W.
in Sec. 22, Tp IN, R. 10 W.,
Steele. Eliza. B. % of S. E. % of Sec.
bounded by beginning at the mean­
27, T. 2 8.. R. 10 W
der line of Tillamook Bay, 20 chs.
Moore, H* B., 8. E. % of N. E. Vi. E.
E. of line bet. Fee. 21 & 22 and
14 of S. E. MJ Sec. 6, T. 3 S., R. 9
running thence N. to N. line of
said claim ; thence W on said N.
Mills, C.. Lot 1 and N. E. Vi of N.W.
line 3.44 chs.; thence 8. to afore­
S. R. 9 W..............
said meander line ; thence E'ly.
Harris, Lucy, E. N. % of N. E. %, 8.
with said meander line to place of
E. ‘4 of N. E.
N. E. *4 of S. E. »4
beg, containing 5 acres more or
of Sec. 32. T. 3 S., R. 9 W...........
1 50
Munson, Emanuel, Lots IO, 11,13
Byrom, Peter. All tide lands F. 8c
*nd 14, See. 11, T.3 S.,R. 10 VS
A., on lots 1, 2 & 3, in Sec. 22, T. 1
4 70 White, A. T., N. % of ofS. W. %, 3. ’4
N . R. IO W
of N. .W. % of Sec. 15, T. 3 S., R.
Tillamook Logging Co. N.W. % of
.... ..........................
3 75
Fee. 24. T. 1 N., R. 10 W.
Unkaown : Beg. at a pt. where the
Byron, Bengtha. All tide land F. 8c
Co. road crosses the W. line of the
A., on Lot 1, See. 2«, T. 1 N, R. 10
E. % of S. E. *4 of Bee. 31, T. 3 S.,
R 1() W., th. N. 40 rods, th. E. 20
Haskins, J. W. N. % of N.W. U-
thenceS 40 rods, thence W 20
Sec 35, T. 1 N., R. 10 W..................... 12 89
ft. to place of beg., in Sec. 31, T. 3
Vanniewenhuize, Alois. Lot 3, Sec.
S. R. IO W........................
8 60
35, T. 1 N., R. IO W ...................
Chamberlain, E. A. and O. R., Lots
Mead^C. W. N.E. % of Sec. 18, T.
1, 2 and 3 less 2 acres (Lot 3) for
2 N., R. 7 W..................
• 24 80
Lookout City. Sec. 1, T. 3 S..R. 11
Kinney, M. J. Lot 2, Sec. 4, T. 2 N.,
.......................... ...............
3 75
R. 10 W..................... ........... .................
Chamberlain, N. J., Lot 1. less 4
Ripley, M. H. S.E. % of N.W.
acres for Lookout City and 20
* W. % of N E. y^, Sec. 36, T. 2 N.,
4 1 1
acres sold, Sec. 12, T. 3 8, R. 11 W,
R. IO W ......................................................
Wood.W. H.. 8. E. % of N, W. Vi, N.
Mack, Mary J. S.E. % Sec. 1, T. 3
19 97
N., R. 6 W...............................................
E.% of S. W. *4 and Lots 2 and
Montague, W. K. S.W. % Sec. 1,T.
3. Sec. 18, T. 4 8.. R. 6 W
3 N., R 6 W
. ................... 19 97 Kauffman, H. J., Lots 2 and 3, S. E.
>4 of N. W. % and 8. W.J< of N. E.
Currie, D.C. N E J4 Sec. 12, T. 3
19 97
N., R. 6 W
%, Sec 4, T. 4 8, R 7 W.....................
Browning, Geo. E., E. % of 8. E. Vi.
Brauer. A. G. E.
of S.E. *4. N.W.
t4 of S.E. % A N.E. H of «.W. %,
8. 8 . V-4 of 8. E. Vi and 8. E. Vi of
19 97
Sec. 12 T. 3 N , R. 6 W . .
8. W. Vi of Hee. 4. T. 4 S, 8. 8 8.
Watt, R. H. N. ya
*4. S E. *4
Irnlah, Alex, Sr , S E. *4 ofS. E. Vi of
of S.W.
A S W.
of S.B. U.
Sec. 33, T. 4 8., R, 9 W
Sec 11, T. 3 N., R. 9 W
.......... 25 56 Farmer. Agnes, W. *a of S. E. ‘4 of S.
Mendel, G. H. 8. ^4 of N.E. *4 A
E. Vi of Sec. l.T. 4 S., R. IO W..
Baxter, F. 8., S. B. Vi of 8. W. % of
N »4 of S.E. %, Sec. 11, T. 3 N., R.
Sec. 13, T. 4 S , R. 1<> W
9 W.............................................
Magarrel, Mary A., Lot 6 less 41
Mendel, H. E. S.W. «4 of N.W. %. W.
lots in Ocean Park ; Lots 7, 8. and
% of S.W. ¡Vi A S.E. H of 8.W. *4,
9, except certain lots in Ocean
dec. 12. T. 3 N., R. 9 W....................... 25 56
Park and W. % of S. E. % of See.
Mendel. J. W. S.W. %ot N.E. %. Lots
25 56
19. T. 4 S.. R. 10YZ
1. 3 A. 4. Sec. 12, T. 3 N , R. 9 W
Weatherly. J. F . Beg. ata pt. 1OO
Purdom.J. 8. N.W. % of Sec. 14, T.
ft. n’ly from low water line of Big
3N..R. 9W
.......................................... 25 56
Nestucca River 27.89 chs. dist.
Unknown. Lot 1, Sec. 27, T. 3 N.,
from the‘4 Sec. cor. bet. Secs. 18
R. 9 W.............................................................
and 19, T. 4 »., R. 10 W thence N
Hanford, B. J. 9. H of N.W’.
6 degrees 37 minutes W 6.13 chs.
3 A 4. Sec. 4, T. 3 N., R. 10 W.... 28 32
to survey ot K. H. Virgel’s tract of
Fearnside, Heirs of Geo. W. % in­
land. th. 8 3J78 chs to S.E. cor. of
terest in Tract commencing at
E. H Virgel’s land, thence S 6 deg­
low water line of Nehalem River,
rees 37 minutes E to the N.E. cor.
at a pt. 50 ft. up said river from
ofWm. Plank’s lot, thence W. 50
N*. pt. of Lot formerly owned by
ft., thence 9. 1OO ft., thence E. 78
Unas. Pye, th fol said low water
ft. to the N.W. cor. of T. J. Lucy’s
line up river 59 ft. : thence in
lot, th. S. 50 ft., th. E. 1OO ft . th.
W lv direction 1OO ft. ; thence in
8. to the line of low water, thence
S. W’ly direction 59 ft.; thence
W'ly along thelineof low water to
B. E.’ly to Nehalem River, pt of beg,
the S.E. cor. of E. H. Virgel’s lot,
all lines and angles in said des­
thence N’ly to the N.E. cor. of E.
cription to conform to lines ami
H- Virgel’s lot. th. W 167 ft to the
angle« in survey of town of Ne­
N.W cor. tof E. H. Virgel’s. thence
halem. in Lot 5. Sec. 23, T. 3 N.,
S. to the N.W. cor. of the lot be­
9 88
R 10 W ...................................................
longing to H. A. Miles, N. L Flet­
<hir», John Nel«on. S. 14 of 6.W
cher and A. T. Bain, th. W. 160 ft.
ofg.E. M.
to place of beg., in Sec. 19, T.4 S.,
*.. R. s w
................................. 19 4«
R IO W.....................
' »orhlCT, John Nelion. X.W.
6 50 Ditnick. A. C., W. % of M. K- »4.
"f N.W. <4, Sec 15, T. 1
R. H W.
Vi of S. E.
and N. E. % of S. W.
Mclntch, B. B. Lot« 4 fc 5. See.
‘4 of Sec. 21. T. 4 8, R- 1»> *’
6 57
’*• T. 1 S.. R. 9 W
Brooten. Hans H . Lot 9 of Sec. 31
«' lnt..»h. E. B. Lot 1 fc K.W. K
and S. W. M of M E *4. »• E. •< of
of N.E.
See. 13, T. 1
R. 9 W,
6 57 1
N W. V«. N. W % of n . W. % and
I Blk. 2, Central udd. to Tilimook.. 7 53 I
Beef Trust Inquiry.
lot 1 of Sec. 32. T. 4 S,, R. 10 W ...
IH» Woods, William.
Lota 3 and 4,
Graves. K. B.. 8. % of N.W. >4 and E.
Blk. 2. Central add. to Tillamook..
8 35
Senator Mitchell and Congressman
’a of.8. W. *4 of Sec. 9, T.5 8, R.
It is stated that the powers given the
Nodine, Vance. E. % of Lot 2, Blk.
j 9 W......................................
Hermann Indicted—John Hall
4, McDermott's add. to Tillumook
commissioner of corporations under the
12 !O
Hart, Mary M., 8. W. l/4 of 8. E.
Mapes, Frances B. Lots 6, 7 and 8,
publicity clause of the act establishing
and that part of the 8. E.
os 8.
Blk. 7, Miller*« add. to Tillamook
6 6S
the Department of Commerce and Labor
E. ».< lying wc»t of Big Nestucca
Haskins, heirs of Martha J. Lots 3,
Toll Road. Sec. 17, T. 5 8., R. 9 W.
4, 5, 6 and 7, Blk. 1, Park add. to
1 69
' Hermann were indicted last week by the are to be put to the test first against the
Hart, Elra, 8. E. *4 of N. E.
to Tillamook ...........................................
2 79 Federal Grand Jury and U. S. District Bert trust. The law confers upou the
section 19 and N. K. »4 ot N. W. %
Olsen, Louis.
i®t. in Lots 1 to
Attorney John Hall was removed from commissioner power and authority to
ami 8.
of N. W % and N. W. *4
4, Blk. 5, Park Add. to Tilla­
make investigation into the organization,
of N- E ,‘4 of Sec. 20, T. 5 S, R. 9
mook .......................... _ ........................
1 67 office by the President.
W .................................. .............................
4 23 Haskins, heirs to Mortha J. Lots 2
T he M itchell I ndictment —It alleges conduct and management ot the business
, Hill, H. V., E. *2 of N. W. V4 and N.
to 7, Blk. 6, Park Add. to Tilla­
that John H. Mitchell and Binger Her­ of any corporation, joint stock company
i W. *4 ofN. W. % oiSec. 28 & N. E.
3 35
mann did, on January 2, 1902, unlaw. or auy corporate combination engaged
*4 of N. E. »4 of Sec 29, T. 5 8., R.
Olsen, Louis. Lot« 1 to 7, Blk. 14,
in interstate commerce. It is said that
| 9W
............................................. ...........
Park add. to Tillamook .....................
5 86 Iully and feloniously conspire together
6 76
3» Selph, E. E., S.W. »4 of N. E. % and 8.
Fowler, H. L. Lot 8, Blk. 3, Still­
and with each other and with S. A. D. Commissioner Garfield, of the bureau of
E. % of N.W. »4 of Sec. 4, T. 5 S., R.
well’s add. to Tillamook....................
4 32 Puter. Horace G. McKinley, D. W. Tarp, corporations, will go in person to Chi­
Lot 6, Blk. 6,
3 75 Allison, A. B.
ley, Emma L. Watson, Salmon B. |0rms- cago, Kansas City and other points
Bush. A. S., N.E. li ofl8. W. V4, N. W.
Thayer’s add. to Tillamook.............
8 35
i by, Clark E. Loomis, William H. Davis where information can be obtained di­
% of 8. E. »4 Sec. 4, T. 5 S, R. IO W
7, Blk. 23,
5 75 Ryan, R. P.
Thayer’s add. to Tilllamook ............
Upton, C. B., Com. 40 rods N. 22
40 and others, to defraud the Government rectly from members ot the corporations
Hembree, J. J. & Phillips, R W. Re­
degrees F. from an iron post that
of the United States out of a portion of in the beef combine and will set up a
feree Tide Lots 17. 18, 19 and 20,
stands 1 ft. S. of the break of Lit­
its public lands, situated in township 11 court of inquiry before which witnesses
Tillamook................................... . .............
tle Nestucca Falls at low water,
3 34
south, of range 7 east, by means of for- will be summoned and questioned. The
Dunnagan, Claude. Lot 4, Blk. 7,
thence E. 40 rods, thenceS. 40 rods,
and false affidavits and fictitious commissioner is not only empowered,
thence W. 80 rod«, thence N 40
Unknown. Lot 12, Blk. 11, Ocean
rods, thence E 40 rods to the place
( persons, and that in the furtherance of but commanded to exercise the powers
Park.......................................... .. .................
of beg., being a part of the N.E.
such conspiracy S. A. I). Puter did, on conferred upon him for subpoenaing wit­
Magarrell, R. C. Lv ♦ 13, Blk. 11,
of 8. W.
N. W.
of S. E. % of
on March 9. 1902, pay to John II. Mit- nesses, compelling the attendance and
Ocean Park.. ..........................................
Sec. 15. T. 5 8., R IO W
1 50
I chell the sum of $2000 to secure his in­ the testimony ot witnesses and the pro­
Waugh, W. G. Lots 9 and 10, Blk.
Millspaugh,William H., E. % ofS. E.
2, Malancy’s add. to Ocean Park..
39 fluence with Binger Hermann, then duction of books and papers and all doc­
oi Sec. 21 & W. % of S. W. ^£of
Sec. 22, T. 5 S., R. 10 W
5 53 Killibrew, R. P. Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8,
Commissioner of the General Land Office umentary evidence.
Blk. 7, Malancy’s add. to Ocean
Ayers, John M.. S. % of S. E. % of Sec.
It is expected, according to a Wash­
10, T.6 8..R.9W .............................
Park ..........................................................
3 76 at Washington,and that in furtherance
5 63
of the conspiracy Mitchell dictated and ington report, that the inquiry will pro.
Pfoutz, M. G., S. W. ’4 of Sec. 18, T.
6 8., R 9 W........
11 26 McWhinnie, Margaret. S.W.
caused to be prepared the Puter aifidav. duce a commotion among those who are
N.F.. % of Sec. 36, T. 3 8, R. 9 W
1 98
the prime actors in the combine and the
Burton, Mrs. R. C., W.% of S. W. *4
its, knowing them to be false.
Tillamook Lumbering Co. Beg. at
of Sec. 13 and lots 17, 18. 19 and
T he H ermann C onnection —The indict­ fullest publicity will follow every state­
the N.E, cor. of the E. Thomas D.
20 of See. 14, T. 6 S, R.tl W ........
5 57
ment alleges that, acting on the sugges­ ment they make. It is said to be the
57 John P. Munsinger. Lot 1, Blk 1,
L. C., thence S 326 ft., thence E 60
ft., thence N. to HoquartonSlough,
Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City.........
tion and the wish of Senator Mitchell, belief in administration circles that if
thence W.¡to place of beg.................
33 40 and influenced by him, knowing that the the members of the trust should divulge
William Norris, Lots 3 & 4. Blk. 2,
Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City...
5 21 Unknown. Beg. at the center of
transactions were unlawful and felon­ the secret compacts on which their mo­
See. 7, Tp. 5 S. R. 10 W.. th N on
Hans Larsen. Lotb6, Blk. 3, Tohl’s
Binger Hermann used his power as nopoly rests the publicity principle will
Addi. to Nehalem City........................
degrees E 2.16 chs. th. S 55%
Unknown, Lot 4, Blk. 4, Tohl’s Add.
Commissioner of the General Land Office accomplish the downfall and complete
degrees E225 ft. to what is known
to Nehalem City .................... .......
to expedite 12 cl aims in township 11-7, destruction of the trust system of con­
as the Vincent Sutton tract, th. S.
Nick Drostoff, 28 ft. on S. side of
had them passed to patent when he trolling the meat trade. The public will
34^ degrees W along the east side *
Lot 3, Blk. 6, Tohl’s Add. to Ne­
them to be illegal and not accord­ learn with satisfaction of the détermina
of County Road to a pt. N 22 de­
halem City ............................................
4 52
tion of the bureau of corporations to in­
grees E from the point of beginning,
Nick Drostoff, Lots IO & 11, Blk.
ing to the requirements of the law.
th. S. 22 degrees W. toplace of beg.,
9, Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City...
4 37
T he S orenson I ndictment —Il alleges stitute a vigorous and thorough investi­
excepting County Road, all in Sec.
Clyde Newell, Lot 11. Blk. 12, Tohl’s
gation of what is generally regarded as
1 90 that on March 28. 1903, George Soren­
7, T. 5 S, R. 10 W...................................
Add to Nehalem ¡City ..................
one of the most rapacious of monopolies
56 D. H. ¡Vedder, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 16,
The amount of taxes, interest to date of
and will hope that its methods may be
Tohl’s Add. Nehalem City................
50 sale and penalties due upon each parcel is Attorney for the United States in Oregon
51 D. & C. Newell, Lot 2, Blk 19,
set opposite the same, and also the name of the sum of $5000<with intent to influence fully disclosed It is understood that the
26 the owner when known.
Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem City.........
The sale will be the said John 11
Hall in his official authorities have sufficient data to justify
Nehalem Dairy Association, Lot 1,
I held at the front door of the Court House in
capacity when acting on the indictments the investigation.
Blk. 21, Tohl’s Add. to Nehalem
said county, in manner and form as upon
6 45 sale of real property under execution, except returned against S. A. D. Puter, Horace
City ................................... ....................
Daniel Cronen, Blk. 44, Pacific Har­
Out of the Ordinary.
as by law otherwise especially provided. G. McKinley et al.
24 Each parcel will bt sold to the person who
bor.................... ......................... ................
Bengtha Byrom, Lots 1, 2 & 3, in
offers to pay the taxes, costs and accruing
Sir Jervoise Clarke, of Australia, owns
an indictment has been returned against
Blkl ; All tide lands F. & A. on
penalties thereon, and take a certificate at
the largest sheep ranch in the world. It
9 OO the lowest rate of interest, provided, how- me, I am prepared to meet it before a
Lots 1,2 & 3, Garibaldi.................
S3 Bengtha Byrom, Lots 6, 7 & 8,
; ever, the maximum rate should not exceed trial jury immediately, and in this con­ contains 50,000,000 head.
An automobile hearse is the latest in
Blk. 1, Garibaldi.................................
10 per cent. The sale witl be made subject nection, I defy the prosecuting officer to
00 F. W. Cay, Lot 2, Blk. 7, Bay City.
to redemption as provided by law, and is for
the line of adapting the gasoline motor
i Unknown, Lot 7, Blk. ¡7, Bav City.
the purpose to satisfying the said warrant
denceiworthy of a moment’s belief. . . to every day uses.
97 Baker, M. R., Lots .1 & 2. Blk. 8,
with lawful charges.
Great Britain has more doctors, pro­
Bay City ...........
. . I denounce this prosecution
89 Roach, J. P.
Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4,
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon.
against me as the result of a most portionately speaking, than any country
3 44
Blk. 14, Bay City.................................
Tillamook City Oregon, December 17th,
damnable and cowardiv conspiracy, in in Europe. To every 100,000 persons
Cottle, Addie, Lots 5,6, 7 & ‘8,
which Secretary Hitchcock and this man Great Britain has 150 medical men,
3 44
Blk. 22, Bay City......................... ,
Germany 48, Switzerland 42 and Rus-
Hills, C. T. Lots 16,(17 & 18, Blk.
Henry are the chief conspirators.’’
Court of the State of Oregon,
1 30 In the County
1, Bay View Add. to Bay City. ...
for Tillamook County.
B inger H ermann ' s S tatement —I be­ tria 15.
Unkaown. Lots 12 & 13. Blk. 4,
In the matter of the Guardianship»
An English decision lias determined
lieve the law had been complied with.
of Elizabeth L. Terwilliger and>
Bay View Add. to Bay City .. .....
David !,. Terwilliger, Minors.
I had no acquaintance with the lands, that piano playing is a legal nujsance
Riefenberg, Geo. Lots 5 & 6, Blk.
This matter coming on to be heard upon
44 the dulv verified petition of Lloyd C. Smith, . no intimacy or association with any of only when it is carried on with intent to
5, Bay View Add. to Bay City........
I Guardian of the persons and estates ofsaid j
annoy. Continual playing does not in
Neil, James. Lots L9, 10 & 11, Blk.
Elizabeth L.- Terwilliger and David L. Ter- those to be benefited, no interest in the
86 ! | williger,
25 I 7, Bay View Add. to Bay City.........
minors, praying for a license to sell transactions, direct or indirect, and had inself constitute a nuisance.
| the following described real property belong-
Bozorth, Scott. Lot« 1 to 8, Blk.
Luther Burbank, a Santa Rosa (Cal )
no promise, no consideration, no induce­
1 72 ing to said minors, to-wit :
j 12, Bay View Add. to Bay City.
Beginning at a point one and thirty-eight
scientist, after ten years labor has suc­
82 Hawley. Lauretta F. Lot 8, Blk. 3,
1 hundredths (1.38) chains North and five and
45 . fourteen hundredths (5.14) chains East I ever hesitated to stand bv tnv sworn ceeded in producing a thornless and
I Bar View Add. to Bay City
from the point where the North and South
Wade, Mary C. Lot 4, Blk. 7, Bar
spineless cactus. This thornless cactus
' line between Lots three (3) and four (4), duty in this or any other trust imposed
View Add. to Bay City ••
Section twenty (20), Township one (1)
will be edible, a food instead ot a menace
! Riefenberg. W. L. Lot 1, Blk. 8,
to horses and cattle.
Bar View Add. to Bay City...........
mook Bay (which is a large rock marked
Before a recruit can be said to have
96 Unknown, Lot 15, Blk. 10, Bar
conspiracies and malicious prosecutions.
XX-R) marked X
on a large rock for the
! View Add. to Bay City
C auses for J ohn H all ’ s R emoval —It joined tlie British army, his name must
Unknown. Lot 1. Blk. 13, Bar View
be entered sixty-two times, and that of
thence West fifty (50) feet ; thence North two
45 and sixtv-four hundredths (2.64» chains to is alleged .that United States District
Add. to Bay City ............................
center of county road; thence East along Attorney Hail has l»een a stumbling his superior other twenty-nine times, in
May, W. J. Loti, Blk. 2, Bewley’s
1 30 1 said road fifty (50) feet ; thence South two block in the path of the prosecution ; the documents required by the War
Add. to Bay City
I and sixty-four hundredths (2.64» chains to
Cone, W. 8. 50 x 200 ft. in Lot 1,
I place of beginning ; ami it appearing to the that he has tried to obstruct the course office.
86 court that sakl real projierty is a small '
Blk. 4. Bewley's Add. to Bay City
Referring to the large cities in the
parcel of the lands iwiied by said Minors in of the investigation now being carried
Cone, W. S. Lot 2, Blk. 4, Bewley's
Tillamook County. Oregon, and that it is
United States, New York covers 209,218
1 30 necessary and would be beneficial to the said on before the Federal grand jury ; that
Add. to Bay City .........
acres, I’liila.
wards that such part of their said real estate he has attempted to prevent certain acres, Chicago 122,008
98 Roby. I). W. A. Lots 9 & 10. Blk.
45 •should be sold.
13. Central Add. to BayCity.
It is. therefore, this 27th day of December. witnesses being brought before the grand delphia 82,933 acres, Boston 27.251
50 Hermings, O. G. Lots 11 & 12. Blk.
1904. ordered that the next of kin of the said
acres, St. Louis 39,377 acres, Cleveland
45 wards and all persons interested in their i jury and that he has in the past shielded
13. Central Add. to BayCity
22,422 acres and Cincinnati 26,880
estates do appear before this Court on Mon- | and recently has attempted to shield
Cottle, Addie, Lots 11, 12, 13. 14,
day. the 6th day of February, 1905, at the
15, 16, in Blk. 22; Lots 1 to 8,
hour of IO o'clock a.m. at the office of the I those who are supposed to be guilty of acres.
County Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon, !
The smallest inhabited island in the
Blk. 23, Central Add. to Bay
crimes against the Government.
86 to show cause why a license should not be |
granted for the sale of said portion of the 1
tatementof F rancis |. H eney —Mr. world is that on which Eddystone light-
Bridgeford, J. H. Lots 11 & 12,
estate of said minors.
And it is further ordered that this order Hall was removed bv mv personal re­ house stands, for at low water it is onlv
Blk. 76, Central Add. to Bay-
shall be served by publication thereof at .
thirty feet in diameter. An high water
City ................................
least three successive weeks prior to sakl quest made to the President and for
Hicks ¿k Nelson. Lot 4, Blk. 1,
time of hearing, in the Tillamook Headlight, reasons which to me were good and the base of the lighthouse, which has a
86 a weekly newspaper printed and published
Cone Kt Co's. Add. to Bav City
Other than that I do not diameter of only a little over twenty­
at Tillamook City, Oregon, and circula sufficient.
Grout, Heirs of W. H. Lot 6, Blk. 6,
ting within this county of Tillamook.
the matter at this time eight feet ¡»completely covered by water.
Cone & McCoy's Add. to Bay
Eighty thousand acres of land will be
County Judge.
I other than to say th'at it was upon my
1 30
State of Oregon.
05 Oakes, Catherine, Lot 6, Blk. 2, Ful­
| own personal request and recommenda­ rendered suit» b e for farming purposes
Countv of Tillanjook.f
86 |
I, George B. Lamb, County Clerk ofTillrv
ler’» Add. to Bay City
by I lie construction of a large irrigating
1 inook County, Oregon.do here »y certify that tion that Mr. Hall was reappointed on
Tilden. A. S. Lot 8, Blk. 2, Fuller's
system in Larimer and Weld counties,
have compared the foregoing copy of order
9 46 with the original thereof as the same ap­ the day following the November election,
Add. to Bay City....
pears of record in my office a« clerk of the and at that time 1 bad absolute faith in Colorado. The main tunnel will lie over
Cone, Mary J. (Lot l.Blk. 3, Ful­
86 above entitled Court, that the foregoing is a his loi ally to the cause of the Govern­ t wo miles long, seven feet deep and six
ler’s Add. to Bay City
correct transcript from such original and the
50 Ackley. Ralph. Lot 7, Blk. 3, Fuller'«
whole thereof.
ment. 1 thought it but fair to him that feet wide, and the whole sj stem will cost
Witness my hand and the seal of said
Add. to Bay City ...
he should receiye assurance of continuing about $375.000.
Court this December 28th, 1904.
Cone, W 8. «t Mary J. Lot 8, Blk.
Residents of Paonia, Colo., claim that
in office, knowing as 1 did, the path
Sabin. R. L. Lots 7 & 8, Blk 4,
t which the Government would take in the the largest apple in the world was raised
1 72
Fuller's Add. to Bay City
in that district this year. It is of the
land fraud developments.
T imhek L and , A ct J une 3. 1878 —N otice for
63 Hellstren, William, Lot 5. Blk. 8,
hat M r . H all says —I do not know Wolf river variety and weighs thirty-one
P chlication .
Fuller’s Add. to Bay City........
United State» I.and Oflb-e,
upon what charges the Presi»lrnt has and one-quarter ounces. Fine large
Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 9,
Oregon itv, Oregon,
88 Sabin, R. L.
Deeemiier loth, 1004
I Fuller s Add. to Bay City...
taken the action he has, but I do know stra wherries were picked in Paonia the
Notirr i» hereby given that in compliance
25 Riefenberg, W. L. E. >4 of Lot 1. E.
with the provisions ot the act of Congiessof that I can prove to any fair minded third week in October.
of Lot 2 ; E. >4 of Lot 3 ; all of
June 3rd, 1H 8 entitled ' An act foi the »ale
. The net receipts of the railways of the
of tiinlier laud« in the State« of < alifo ipa. man I am innocent of wrong. The office
lots 6. 7, 16, 18. 19, 20. 21.22.
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territo­ is of little moment to me. but my good J United Kingdom were greater in 1903
23 24. 25, 26
27 in Fuller's
ry.” a» extended to all Public Land Slate« by
9 45 act of August 4, 1*02.
Amended Add. to Bav City .
name is precious, and I wnl leave no than in any of the preceding fifteen
J ohn mees .
Unknown. Lot 9. Blk. 6, Theo. Ja­
unturned to prove to the people years, amounting to $211,634,295, an I
45 Of Tillamook, county <>( Tillamook State of
coby's add. to Bay City ....
Oregon, has tin» day filed in this office Ills ol Oregon that mv ha nor is untouched this not withstanding the fact that the
sworn « atemeut No.
for the purchase
I will prove working excuses for the year were also
45 of the N
of X» % of *•'«• No. -7.
< I» No. 1 S, , by wrong done in office.
Jacoby's add. to Bay City
Range No. ¡0 West, and will offer proof t •
victim of higher than during the year named.
Hicks, C. H-, Lot 2. Blk 10, Theo.
show that ti e land sought Is more valuable
4 20 for it» timber or »tone than for agricultural pur misrepresentation »nd ol falsehood.
The Department of Commerce ami
Jacoby’s add. to Bay City
po«e», and to establish his claim to mi id land
Briggs, Geo. H., Lots 14 and 15. J. J.
Labor has issued Bulletin No. 1V, which
before the Comity ' erk ot Tillamook County,
McCoy's add to Bay City
at lillamook City. Oregon, on Moridsv. the 2oth
shows the proponi lion of the sexes in the
Wundeiful Nerve.
Cottle. Addie. Lot« 5 and 12. in
day of F< biuarv. 190= ’ie names as witness««
Walter»: Biiiey.John M. Weis«, Fred Tom
h displayed by many m rimn enduring United States. According to the figures
Blk. 13, Pacific add to Bay City -
iiiison, Samuel U. Tomlinson, of Tillamook, pains of accidental (’uts,
Worn <I h . given there are in continental United
Cottle, Addie Lot 12. Blk 26. Paci­
20 Oregon.
fic add. to Bay City .......... ..............
Any and all persons claiming adversely the Bruises; Burns. Scalds, S n»* feet or «tiff States 1,038.321 more males than fe-
at»ove-de«crir>e<l land* are icqiieatad to file their joints
Bui I here’»» no need for it. Buck« males, or about two hi each hundred. It
; Cottle, Addie
Lots 5 and 12,
41 claims in this office ou or before said 20th day of leu’« Arnica Salve will kill tla* pain arid
Blk. 27, Pacific add. to BayCity
February. hx»5-
trouble. It’a ill»* fiewt Salve on is estimated that the excess of males’in
I Williams. Ida F. Lots 14.
A m . erno N S. DagssE«, Register.
earth for Pi lea, Un>. 2»5 c ., at CI imk 1 the world amounts to several millions
16, Blk. 46, Pacific add, to Bay
26 26
Cottle. Addie. Lots 5 & 12. Blk 5o,
pacific add. to BayCity.....
Cottle Addie. Lot 12. Blk. 51, Paci­
fic a«ld. to Bay City
' Wilson. W. F
Lot 16, Blk. 52,
! Pacific add to Bay City
Nicodemus. J
Lot 9. Blk. 67,
Pacific add. to Bay City...................
Williams. Ida F. Lots 9 to 16. Blk
71. Pacific add. to Bay City
13 51 «t-John.8 P Lot« 14. 15 and ¡6,
Blk. 72, Pacific add to Bay City.
Heirs of G. W Fearnside. *4
Lots 3 and 4. Blk. 1. Tillamook,
Feddaway, David.
Lot« 1 and 2,
D< j > ai Imnit of the Interior
Land office at Oregon City Ore ,
Decenibei 17, b/>4.
Notice is hereby given that th'- f ilowinij-
named settler ha» filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of h«» claim, and
4 5 that said pr'wf will be made Ixfora the
Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oreg -n,
*** i</x, via
45 on January
' H.E rtb>3- for the 8
of the 8 % of section 3».
3 44 tp 3 1 01 tii, range v wr»t
, Hr name» the fulkwiug witiie««*» tn prove
his continuoua residence spoil and cultivation
1 30 of said land, vis;
H K Hicks, of Nehalem Oregon ; Alfred
I Han sen of Balm Oregon William ttW«- all.
ot tb-averton, Oregon . Sidney ninith, of lank-
17 61 ton. Oregon.
AM j E bnos 0. D seh - er . Register.
Clough, Druggist
and it is certain that that is the case in
tlx- half of it which has been counted for
How’ft This?
sexes. The peculiarity of it, however, is
We offer One Hundred Dollars Hr ward for
vur« d by that the relative excess of males in the
any ca«*- of Catarri! that cannot
flail »Catarrh » ure.
I’nited States is gieater than for the
F J < HF. NK Y 8t CO., Prop«.,
.... ui »der wig ------
We. the
ned, __
have known 8 j
average of all countries. The report of
for the _
l«*t : 1$ , years, . and be he ve him
perit i'ly honorsbl»-
honorable in m
H busiiir»»
Miúi.tM» trans
trai * ­ the department goes into the question
action* and nnancialb ■•»le 1« carr) out any in detail ami shows tn what extent the
oblifationa mml* by their firm.
Wr-i.v I K' ax Wholes« e Drugxlst«, Toleldo.O figures are influenced by immtgi ation.
MAt.biMG R immas «t M amviw . Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo. <>
Hsffs latarrhtme is taken internally. set-
|nv «firstly upon the blood «nd nmcon« «••r
face« <»( the »y«t«-i»i Testimonial« wot free.
Pitre 7¥
f bottle *ohi by ah Druggists.
iu.1 r
m l) Phis are the beat.
Ladies ! Attention ! For the most
stylish tailor made suits,go to Sarchet s
The Fushionable Tailor.