Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 13, 1904, Image 3

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DOING VERY WELL, THANK 1 License or no License ? That is 1 seen it circulate among the gay anti
The Question.
thoughtless company assembled in your
I parlors ? If so, God help him ; for many
■ a son, whose ruin could be traced to just
I such influences, has been taken from the
court-room to the prison in chains.
Fathers! thev come from your knees,
from your home, from under your in­
fluence. to swell the great and terrible
number who find drunkards’ graves.
■ President David Brown, of the Hazel-
I sincerely believe that prohibitory law I Had your example anything to do with
’ »ood Cream Company, and A. H. Lea,
is the only means by which the traffic it? Did you teach your son to shun (he
its field superintendent, have just re-
in alcohol can lie abolished, and the wine-cup as the first temptation ? Have
tamed to this city from Tillamook
country relieved of the great curse of in­ you been a temperate drinker, and bv
County. It is said that they contemplate
If good reverend
men your example encourage your child in the
the manufacture of their brand of cheese
could preach the license system out of path that leads to crime and death ?
in that county, but they are very reticent
existence, I should be very glad that I In discussing the temperance question
regarding their plans. They admiiSed
they should do so. If the prayers of have you not espoused the side favoring
that several cheese factories had been
Christian men and women could extin­ the sale and the use of intoxicating
offered to them while in Tillamook, but
guish the fires of the distillieries, or liquors ? Have you not spent your even
denied that they had acquired any.
the worm of the still, I ings andSundaysin the saloon, and thus,
Ought to Bring Premium.
should be glad that it were so ; but, ad­ by your presence, helped to give it an air
BK■ Tillamook cheese is bringing a cent
mitting the truth of the fable, that of respectability ?
or two less in this city than Wisconsin or
It may be true that no law would or
“the gods help those that help themsel­
New York cheese,” said Mr. Lea. “We
ves,’’ and that it was the shoulder of could wholly prevent the drinking of in­
believe that it ought to be the reverse.
the teamster applied to the wheel of his toxicating liquor by those who have J
Oregon butter is bringing several cents
cart that moved the load from out of the acquired a taste for it. But the love of
more on this market and in Tacoma and
mud of the highway, I believe it will re­ strong drink is not a natural but an
Seattle than can be obtained for the fan
quire the force of the whole people ap­ acquired taste, and those who do not
cicst brands of Eastern butter, and there
plied to the ballot-box, to effectually have it will certainly take 110 pains to
is* no good reason whv Tillamook cheese
blot out of existence the great curse to acquire it. Let us. then, as far as pos­
should not command a higher price than
the country, “The laws that license and sible, keep it out of the reach of the
Eastern cheese.
permit the sale of alcohol as a bev­ young and rising generation. Let 11s by
••All conditions seem favorable there erage.” I deny the right of the govern the strong arin of the law blot out of ex­
for the manufacture of fine cheese, and if
meat to sell to one man the privilege to ( istence the saloon, with its glittering
we enter that field we will not be satis­
tempt another to commit crime. I doubt ’ paraphernalia of ruin and death ; let 11s
fied untij Tillamook cheese is at the head
the policy of those laws that seek to close the doors that open from our streets
of the market instead of tagging along
raise a revenue by the sale of that which and alleys into the dens of debaueherv
T imber L and A ct , J une 8. 1878.—N otice for T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
debases the people, is the cource of crime and drunkenness, and future generations
P ublication .
P ublication .
/ United States Land Office,
No Grain Raised There.
United Slates Land Office,
and pauperism, and costs the country will.bless us with grateful recollections.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Oregon City, Oregon,
•‘ Tillamook County is one of the most annually a thousand times more than
August 6th, I604.
August 6th, ia04.
G. A. W alker .
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
interesting and prosperous counties on the revenue received therefrom. I deny
with the provisions of the act of Congress of [ with the provisions of the acl of Congress of
the Pacific Coast. Farm land, we were the justice of those laws that on one
June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of June 3rd, 1878. entitled, “An act for the sale
General News,
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon of l mbet lands in the States of California,
told, seller there for as high as $100 to page of t|>e statute book legalize that
Nevada and Washington Territory." as ex­ Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory"
I tended
to all the Public Land States by act of as extended to all the Public Land States by act
*250 an acre. This is in spite of the fact which promotes crime and criminals,
Emperor William in fixing the course August 4th, 18J2,
of August 4, 1892,
that it is 40 miles from a railroad. The and on the next page provide severe pen- of study for Princess August William,
Of pellingham. county of VS hatcorn, State of of Bellingham, county of Whatcom, State of
farmers raise no grain in the county—in alties to be administered to those they Oscar and Joachim, has prescribed a W ashington,has this day filed in this office liis Washington, has this day filed in this office her
course of comprehensive lectures on com­ sworn statement No. 6472, for the purchase of the sworn statement No. 8474. for the purchtise of
fact, there isn't a threshing machine or a tempted to transgress.
mercial subjects. The subjects of these S*.v *4 of sec. No. 28. in Township No 5 South, the Ne \ of Section No. 33, in Township No. 5
No. ro west, and will offer proof to show S, Ilan e No. io W. and will offer pi oof to
strawstack in the county, and the total
The laws that license the sale of in­ lectures will include industrial problems range
that the land sought is more valuable for its show that the land sought is more valuable
wheat crop last year is said to have toxicating liquor are different in different and technical questions in the railway timber or stone tiian for agricultural purposes, for its timber or stone than for agiicultura
to establish his claim to said land before purposes, and to establish her claim to s.jd laud
been only 80 bushels, threshed out with States ; and to the credit of sonic of the problems and progress in the Unted and
States. Further lectures will be given to the Register and Receiver of this office at before the Register and Receiver of this office
a flail. I believe there was one old States of our Union, it can be said they elucidate the relations of great interna­ Oregon City Oregon, on Thursday, ^he 27th day at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 27th
of October, 19U4. He names as witnesses:
day of October, 1904. She names hh witn sses :
thresln ng machine taken into the country do not grant any license to the nefarious tional financial houses.
Gilbert I). Stearns. Henry A. Joerns. George
Gilbert D Stearns. Mary M William», Henry
H. Green, of Bellingham, Wash. ; Walter C. A. Joeriie, George 11. Green, of licllitighani,
* * *
years ago, but it has long been out of traffic. Yet where it is licensed, no mat­
Women of the West this year will
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ter what are the special provisions of figure in the Presidential campaign as above
described lands are requested to file their above described lands are 1 eq nested to file their
Have all the Luxuries.
in this office on or before said 27th day
the law, the consequences incident there­
of October. I904
Dairying is the sole industry of the to are the same; and are as certain to to» dispatches fiom Denver, Salt Lake of October, 19o4-
A lgernon 8. D resser , Register
A lgernon S. D resser . Register.
county, and it is dairying that has made follow as the ripened ear follows the City and Chevenne, Wvo , their vote
will be the heaviest ever cast.
In Colo, T imber L and . A ct J uns 3. IB?*.—N otice for
the farmers so prosperous that they planted seed.
T imber L and , A ct J unk 3. 18;8.—N otice for
rado the women's vote is expected to
P ublication .
P ublication .
United States Lund Office,
have practically all the luxuries enjoyed
Upon a table in a court-room in West­ increased, but the men of both parties
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
Ci y. Oregon,
by any agricultural community. It ; ern Pennsylvania was placed the skull are said to be trying to discourage
August 6th, 1904,
August 61 h, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
would look as though their products, of a little child with evidence of a mur­ them from taking sides in the state with
Notice is hereby given that ill compliance
campaign, which is a complicated fight.
the provisions of the act of Congress ol
cheese and butter, had not been market, derous blow, inflicted by the hand of a In Wyoming the vote nominally is six June 3, 1K7R entitled ” An «ct for the sn!e of J with
tine 3rd, I878, entitled‘‘An act for the sale of
timber lands io the States of California. Oregon,
ed to the best advantage, judging from drunken mother. Yet it was not the women to ten men. It is expected that Nevada and Washington Territory.’’ ss ex­ timber lands in the States of CaWfomiR, Oregon,
to all the Public Land States by act of Nevada and Washington Territory,” as ex­
the prices, but in spite of that, so much mother who committed that most un- the ratio probably will be increased to tended
tended to all the Public Land Stnfes by act ol
August 4th, 1892.
August 4th, 1892
money has poured into the county from natural crime. All our knowledge of the 9 to 10.
* * *
Of Bellingham, county of Whatcom, State of
Of Bellingham, county of Whatcom, State of
these sources that we didn’t see anv for- promptings of the human heart deny the
Oregon bovs are getting l»etter, if the
has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 0476, for the purclia^e of
sale signs on farms, the people there are charge. Who that remembers his moth­ population of the State Reform School is the
Ne ‘4 of Section No. aM, in Township No. sworn statement No. 6477, for Hie purchase of
section No. 2o, in Township
so prosperous. One farm was sold in er and her maternal love could believe
proof to show that the laud sought is more No. 5 South. Range lo W, anti will offer proof
the county about two weeks ago, and it it? No ! the spirit of a demon had vio­ last two years the number of inmates of valuable for its timber or stone than for agri­ to show that the land sought is more aluable
the school has dropped from 128 to 9G cultural purposes, and to establish her claim for its timber or stone than for agriculturtd
sold for $250 an acre, we were told.
lated the sanctiiry of the mother’s heart a decrease of 32, or exactly 25 per cent. to said lain! before the Register and Receiver Eulooses, and to establish fits claim to said
mu before the Register and Receiver of this
“ Such land is very rich bottom land and cast out the tender, loving tenant A year ago the population ot the school of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday, office
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the
the 28th day ot October. She names as wit­
28th day of October, ittoi. He names as wit­
and produces enough in grass to support that once resided there, and that was the was 108. These facts are shown by the nesses :
monthly report of Superintendent N. H.
Gilbert 0. Stearns, of Belliimliani. Wash. ; nesses :
the cattle. Little or no rough feed is fed spirit of strong drink, sold to a women
Gil ert D. S earns George 11. Green, Loren
Loonev, who will soon submit his annual Arthur Austin, of Dolph, Oregon ; Walter <’ Flander
of Bellingliain, Wash. ; Walter C.
at anv season of the year. Both winters by a man who held a license to sell it report. The decrease is due to a smaller B iilev, Tii I hiii ink, Oregon ; George II. Green, Bailey,
of Tillamook, Oregon
of Bellingham. Wash.
Any and all person* claiming advers ly the
and summers are reported to be mild.
Any and all persons claiminF adversely the
under the seal and sanction of that very number of commitments and an in­
creased number <»f hoys let out of the in­ above-desc ibed lands are requested to file their above described lands are requested lo file
Farmers are Progressive.
court. Several years ago, in the same stitution on parole. The Superintendent claims in this office ou or before said 2<th day their clai i s in this office on or before said
28th »lay of October. 1904.
“ Big red barns are beginning to loom state, a man was arraigned betore a has recommended the construction of a of October, 1804.
A lgernon 8. D resser , Register.
A lgernon s . D rkhhkr . Register.
up all over the country, and that it one 1 court for killing his brother, by whom ne^ building to he used as a woodshed
of the surrest signs of prosperity. The j in a fit of drunken frenzy he had been at­ and gymnasium, and costing about T imber L and A ct . J une 3, 1878.—N otice F oh T imber L and . A ct junk 3, 1878.—N otice fob
P ublication .
farmers are paying attention to up-to- tacked with a dangerous weapon, there­ $2500. ‘
United States Land Office,
* * *
United S ih I hh Land Office.
Oregon City, Ore.
date methods in dairying, such as white­ by compelling him in his own defense to
Oregon City, Oregon.
Aiiaust 22nd. Ioo1.
The Tribune savs : “ Parker and Davis
August 6th, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
washing their barns every little while, strike a blow that had taken his broth campaign managers, giving themselves
Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of < ‘<>ngr.-ss ot
cooling the milk, etc. All these little de­ er’s life. He was tried for mnrder, and the benefit of the doubt and claiming for June 3. 187H, entitled “An act for t’ e sale with the provisions ol the «ct of Uongress of
timber lands in the States of California, June 3, ¡M78, entitled “An net for the male of
tails count when it comes to making a | m his defense the “landlord”—the lord of their ticket New York, Indiana and West of
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory.” hh timber land in the HlHteH of California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory.” aaextended
product that is high enough grade to ' the land— was called to prove that the Virginia, as well as Colorado, Idaho, extended hi all the Public Land States by act of to
all the Public I »a nd States by act of Auguat 4.
Maryland, Montana and Nevada, are August 4, 1892.
sell at the top of the market. We can’t murdered brother was mad from the ef­ still short five votes of a majority of the
makv fine butter or fine cheese from fects of the liquor he had received from Electoral College. They have abandoned Oregon, has this day filed in this office her of Bellingliain. county of Whuteoin, State of
WHshington. has tills day filed in this office her
tainted milk, and nobod v else can, and the witness’s bar. He so testified vet hope of carrying Illinois, Wisconsin, sworn statement No. 648?, for the purchase sworn
No. 6474. for the purelume of
New Jersey and Connecticut, their own of the K/4 of K %. of section yi, in tp 2 South, the rte statement
’40! rertion 28, in township No 5*,
as a class the dairy farmers tedav realize seemed conscious of no wrong. Why figures showing these states are hope­ Range
io West.
proof to show that the land
sought is range No. 10 W. ami will offer pr<a»f to sh.»w
this and are taking precautions as to ' should he ? He had a license from the lessly Republican thiw year. The only more valuable for its timber orstone than for hat lie land sought Is more viilliable for its
tim -er or htone than for ag icultuinl piirp*»®*«.
cleanliness that a few years ago were 1 •court, and why should that brother's reason for laving claim to New York, agricultural nut poses, and to rstablisli her choni ami
to establish her claim to said land l»ei<» e the
Indiana and West Virginia is that if thev to said lami before the Countv Clerk of Tilla­ Register ai'il Receiver of this office at Oregon
laughed at as fadish.
blood cry to Heaven for vengence again­ also conceded those states to Roosevelt mook County, at Tillamook City. Oregon, on City.
Oregon, on Thursday, the 27th day ol
Wednesday, the 16th day of November, ¡904. She
Nay Not Enter Field.
Octol>er, i</ 4
She nmni-» as wl nebaca :
st him ? Oh no! he was a respectable there would be 110 further use running names aa witnesses :
Giliirrt D Stearns Mandelin Nugent Henry
James M Morgan, Janies Morgan, Edward
W'4’There is no reason whv Tillamook' citizen, possessing a good moral charac­ the campaign. Bv keeping up the bluff
A. Joerns. of Bellingham, Wash.; Waiter <_.
Bailey, of Tillmnook, Oiegon.
Co untv should not some day be as fa- i ter, for the law of that State grants the National Committee is collecting n I Tillam ok. Oregon.
Any and all imrnwHa claiming adversely lhe
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
mous as those New York and Wiscon­ license to none other. He had a legal good deal of campaign monev which above-described lands are requested to tile their ai»ov diMicrifrrd lands are re»iue«ted to filetheir
will be laid aside for a rainy day.’’
claims in tins office on or before said r6lh day of claims in this office on or before said 27th day
sin counties which for a generation have right to present the maddening cup to
ol (Klooer, I904
* * *
November, I904.
A lgernon S. D resser , Register.
bw„ well known as the places where the i his fellow's lips, and no one should com-
A lgernon S. D resner . Register.X
A company of local capitalists has just
finest cheese is made. Whether or not w e plain of him. He had acted in accor­ filed articles of incorporation for an
Department of the Interior.
movement in
1 T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878 —N( tick for
go into that field, there is no good reason 1 dance with law, and did not one of important irrigation
l.Hiid Office <«t Oregon City. Ore.,
why the cheese business should not de England's greatest and best of men say Douglas county. It will be known as
September I7H1. 1 m >>4-
United .■'(ale* Land Oftiee,
the Unia pool a Investment Company.
Notice i* hereby given that the following-
Oregon City. O ego ■,
vebip there to the point /hat a large that “The law was that science whose The capital stock is fixed at *50,000, named settler has filed notice of hi- intention
August 6lh, 1904.
to make final proof in support of his claim,
Nolic« i« hereby given that in compliance
part of the cheese consumed on the voice was the harmony of the world, an<l the incorporators are P. J. Blakely, «nd
IhHi said proof *111 be made befof« the with the provision* of the sal of Cuiia ess of
P g cific (.’oast is made in the state, in­ and whose seat was the bosom of God ?” j F. B. Waite and A. E. Caton. The pur­ County Clerk Tillamook Co,, at Tillamook June 3rd, i8/8. entitled “An act for lie sale <.f
pose of the company is to establish stor­ City, Oregon, on November 3rd, 1904, vis. :
t inla r lands in lie M ates «TCalifornia Oregon.
stead of firing brought from the East by
*be liquor law is a blot on our statute age reservoirs and build canals and
Nevada and Wnahington Territory,” as ex-
II E No 1226?, for the
% Ne %. S «4 Ne '4
«■ n< led to all th« P.blic I/Miid hu»t s hy art of
tfie carload.
booits, a disgrace to our civilization. ! ditches from the Calapooia river, several ami
Se % Nw % of sec 28, tp. 1 South, range I August 4, 189/,
K“ The chances are that we will enter I The evil of init mperance is a putrid scoie | miles above Oakland, for the irrigation 10 West
He names the following witnesses to r _
H« llliigliom county of Whatcom, Btale of
| the cheese manufacturing business to on the prosperity oi our country, and! of about 10,000 acres of very fertile land his continuous residence upon and cultivat or) Ol
W ashington, has this day fl led in tins ofiiee
in what is known as the Swale district, of said land. viz. •
Lis sworn statenient No. 647« for t|.e pu»-
•bme extent in this state as well as in our duty to ourselves and our children ' lying adjacent to the main line of the
Robert Eichinger,
Dee Tomlinson, Fred 1 cliHse of the Ne % ol section No. 32, In
Washington, but whether we will locate demands that we wipe it out by the in- • Southern Pacific between Oakland anil Tronlinikm, of Tillamook, Oregon ; Elmer Hail, township No. 5 South. Range 10 Went, an I
of Spruce, Oregon.
will offer proof to show that the land
in Tillamook County has not been de. fluence of public opinion at the ballot- Wilbur Members of the company now
A lgernon S D rrsskr , Registe-.
sought is more valuable for ta ti .d»er or atone
own or hold options on a very large
tiian io'agricultural purpoM*, and toeatabi-h
dried, and will depend on further develop box.
his claim to said land befote lhe Reglster^and
portion of this land, and it will l>e
merits and investigation.’’—Oregonian.
( Receiver ol 1I1I- office at Oregon City, Oregon
The forum, the church, the halls of 1 divided into small tracts for the benefit
on Friday, the 2ffih day of <Ktobei nr A He
legislation, have all furnished their num- , of gardeners and home-builders, largely
1 names aa witiw’sses •_
Gilbert D «steam«, Henry A Joerns, Edwin
A Love Letter.
bers to swell the awful army of inebriates increasing the
Stearns, of Bellingham, Wash.; Walter C
wealth of that portion of the county.
Bailey, of i illaniook, Oreffon.
I Would not interest yon if you're look­ that is marching on to a death of in- | Work will so^n liegin.
Any and all la-rsons claiming adversely the
ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sore* fainv and to drunkards' graves. Prom
I ng . abut e deia^-ibed limda arc requested to file their
• « *
Burns or Piles, Otto L>Mld, of Ponder. the king and warror, whose word w as I
claim« in II mm office on or before said JHh day
Dr. Otto A. Martiny, was sentenced to
I of October, 1904
writes: “I suffered with an uglv law to nations, to the hewers of wood 1
AM^F.RNOW DRE mmf . f . Rrgi-ler.
•ore forayear, but a box of Biicklens
fession of being guilty of larceny hv em.
Arnica Salve cured me. It's Hie beat and the drawers ot water, every station l»ezzlement at, Tacoma, Wash. He con­
Salve on “arth.” 25c. at <’haa. I. Clough, of life has furnished its memiiers to swell
verted to his own use *40, entrusted to Electric Bath« nicely fitteti up. Goodfor
►Drug Store.
the innumerable host that has gone be- him by a schoolteacher at Eatonville,
p**r«on« hu flaring with rheumatism.
i-r h IVM
fore. We know this as well as we know while clerk of the board. The court w^s
cimu pl is nc*e
Saves Two From Death.
with the provisions of lhe a« 1 of C«■iigrr-a ot
anv physical fact in nature, and yet we compelled to take into consideration the
[ “ Our little daughter had an almost fa­
fact that the crime to which he had
June 3, 1*78 entiled “ An act for lhe isule of tlm
Iwr lamia in the «tate» n* « altu.riiti■ hr-gf.ii,
pleaded guilty was only one «4 several
it» I attack of whooping cougfi and brori. wonder from whence come its recruits.
Nemda, ami Wssli11.igloo Tmrttuey
Mothers! they come from your arms, offenses charged against him. among
chitis.” write« Mrs. W. K Haviland, of
tended to all the Pi ihiu ¡.and staici1 by art of
and obtaining
Armonk, N.Y . “ but, when all other from your loving breas's—and even your which were forgery
August 4 D9Z,
h’enn^diea failed, we saved her life with prayers do not save them. Guard well money under false pretenses Martiny
Of Belli'Hfl.am, coi city of W . ■«< > 1 Ntatr .f
was one of the most prominent surgeons
[Dr King s New Discovery. Our niece.
W ssWinzt .it ha> lit |s d«) filed iu th. s offi« e hl«
in the stale and fled to Mexico, bring
<ho had Consumption in an advanced
sworn stairMienl N<O 64«'» lOT the p B
J7, io Township
the Hw % i,t Sett 1 .I.
■tage, also infd this wonderful medr ine look well to the influences that »urronnd brought hack ten ria vs ago. It devel­
N«. 5 - mt»., Kmi| p. tn We-t w" 1 will offer
¡•nd to day she is perfectly well. ' Des your little son at home. Soon he will lie oped during his absence that Martiny
proof U» show that th« laud sought Is
operate throat and lung disease»» yield to restive of a mother’s control, but he had served a term at San Quentin for
m<Wr valuable fur * tat'nd »er 01 «ton e than for
widish his
agrnultural piitp«.awe. anil to
forger*, and on his rrturn alleged that
Dr King s New Discovery as to n«» other
Imm to said late 1 hefi.rr the »«|gister snd
tnedicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs will never lose a mother's influence ; J he had l>een persistently black.mailed of
Receiver of thia <»ffi r* Rt orego” • i« y. O’eg- 11,
and Colds. fiQe and *1.00 bottles guar­ soon he will go away from the parent mnny thousands of dollars by a man
on Tuesday, lhe iMlb of Novamficr, hjM- H»
IIMWien as wltlirsse
anteed by Cbaa. I. Clough. Trial bottle« nest, but he will carry with him, for prominent in business and politics in
«.liberi 1» steam • Marsina M Ki rkpatrlrti.
of B«|lmgham W >«h
Wil «' C Haile) ut
either good or evil the lessons you have Tacoma, who has been informed of his
California record.
Tillamook Ot»g«.n Arthur Aastia. ut Dolph,
[ Todd & Co. are sole distributor» of taught him by precept or example. Has
Ore gon
A«) » Rd ill per* ma claiming adv e.sely the
¡Gordon hat». Walkover shoes for men he ever seen the wine cop at your lips—
d» are (»quested t •> file their
Ladies ’ Attention ! For the moat
•d IMh dav
and Ultx & Dunn shoes for ladies* and
• tvliah tailor marie mi it», go to Sort het 'a.
for long years to come ? Has lie ever The Fashionable Tailor.
Entratine a .Specialty
ALG m RX low h. PaRSefR. I egister.
Tillamook County Has Neither
Railroad Nor Thresher, and Yet
Boasts Highest-Priced Agri­
cultural Land in State
of Oregon.
“Ha ! see where the wild-blazing Grog
Shop appears,
As the red waves of wretchedness
How it burns ou the edge of tempes­
tuous vears
The horrible Lighthouse of Hell !'*
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Fine of Choice
Agents for t#ie Great Western Saw
M c I ntosh & McNAIR,
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
T imber L and , act J une 3, I878.— notice for
P ublication .
United States Lund Office,
Oregon City, On gon.
lune 25th, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of ('ongress of
June 3, 1M78, entitled “An act for tlie sale ot
timber lands in the States of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada ami Wa hington Territory,” as
extended to all the Pub.ic Land States by act of
August 4, 1892,
Unmarried, of Tillamook City, county of Tilla­
mook . State of Oregon, has this day tiled iu
this office her sworn statement, No. 6440. for
the purchase ot the Se '4 of Se % of Section
No. 3I. in Township No. 3 Noutli, Ranee 8 W,
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more
valuable u>r
for m
its uiiinvr
timber or
Ktone’thHii for iigricultural .purposes, mid to
establish her claim to said land before "the
County Clerk of Tillamook County, Ore., at.
Tillamook City, Ore , on Monday, th»« 12th day
of September. 19OL She names as witnesses
Walter C. Bailey, of Tillamook, Oregon :
Marcus Curl, Toni Buffnm, Bud Withrow, of
Blaine, Oregon
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
above deseribed hinds are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 12th day
of SeptemlNM, I90L
A lgernons . D resser , Register.
T imber L and , A ct J unk 3. 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States J. hik I Office,
Oregon City, Oiegon,
August 3rd, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of t he set of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled “All act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington leiritory,” ss
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of Ai gust 4. *892,
Of Woodburn, county of Marion, State of
Oregon, has this day'tiled in this office Ills
sworn statement No. 6470, for the purchase < t
theSwW ot Se'4 sec. No. 10. N% Ne
Nr % ot sec N". 15. in tp. 2 N, Range
No 10 West, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable tor
its timber 01 stone than for agricultural pur­
poses, and to establish liis claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of thia office
at Oregon City. Oregon, <>•• Monday, the 24th
day of October, I90L Hr names as witnesses:
John W. Nriidel, of
Portland, Oregon ;
William A Leonard, Rumsev B Leonard,
Eugene L. Remington, of Woodburn, Oregon,
Anv ami all persons claiming adversely lhe
above described amis are requested to file their
claims in this office oil or before said 24th day
of October, 1B04.
A lgernon S. D rrshek , Register.
T imber L and act J une 3, »87«.— noucr for
United States Land Office,
Oiegon City. Oregon,
July 22ud, 1904
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of < (ingress
of J iiiiv 3rd, JK7K, entitled “An act tor the
salfe of timber lands in the States of < alifornia,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory."
as extended lo ¡(lithe Public Land Stales by
ai t of August 4, 1M92
Of Garibaldi, eotin y of Tillamook. State of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this office ills
sworn statement No. 6464, for lhe purchase of
the Sw ‘4 Sw
eetlon H, F. Ji Se >4 and
Ne L of
ion No. ¡5, in township
No. 2 Nuttli, range No. lo West, mid will
offer |>r<».»(, to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for its timlM-i or atone than for
agiicultural purposes, and to c-tiiblish his
claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceivpy of this office at Oregon C.ty, Oiegon, on
Thurs'lay, the 13th day of October, 1904
names as witnesses
RumBey B Leonard Eugene I. Renimington,
of Wmaiburn, Oiegon, David Bovenden, of
Hubbard, Oregon; Henry L. Reese, of W < k ><1
burn. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands ate teqiieated to file their
claims in this office 011 or before said 13th day ot
October, 1904
G. F. Franklin
In first class style
Aug'isl 27th. 1904
Noth* is hereby given tl.al In .««.inplim*
with lhe p.ovi-ions >1 the al t ol ' oiig.es« f
All set fot Ih« se
June .««1 *8 rnUlled
of timlrer laud« In the •’talea of « alito* ili
Or»ROti N. tads su«l W .shlngU.ii lenii
ry * a«e*|«ndrd 10 all |*ah Ih LfiAHl Mates 1
act ol August 1 1*« j
Of Itrlhiitfliam, county •<! W lini <*m Mate
W ashl.igtoti. has this dav 11 |e«l li» ibis offi» e t
SW<M1I a Mtrm« Kt No
1, (•” thè pncJ*«
• >t lhe Nw «, of Se-, So yi In 1 p No. 3 *<>ut
km.R« No IM Wtsi. and wll) offer pcM.t
show that t. e land souri
for tts ttmtier nr afore Ihm« fot agrlcultnral pi
pœea «ml te rWtabiUl. h|i
l»ef.»rr the Rrgls|er and 1<<
al «irmen • «f > «nw/o»«, 0i ruewlsy thè 1«,
day of N uv«... be
Ha itames ae w
«.Il'»art l> Mearus. J^.nl s Da < hamplain
Nellinghmn W .sh Walle r C Baile?. >»f 7 fi
imsall Of»g- ii
Arthur Auistm. uf Dolph, O
Any and ail pero.ns rial mtiig arltetarl) t
alatvr deaerine«! lands are r
c'sims in thia offica on or tw fure «ald tgth da)
XuvrMbrr l«/4
AM..ICOJI H. 1 !»»<ssga Rrgcter