Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 16, 1904, Image 1

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    Annual Teachers' Institute.
Ralph Ackley’s
Barb Wire, 4cts. lb.
Champion Mowers,
............................. $52.50
Champion Mowers, 5ft............................. 53-50
Champion Mowers, 3 ft........................ 47.50
Champion, 8ft. self Dump Rakes............ 30.00
Mitchell Top Buggies,....................$65.00 to $125
i2in. Case Plows....................................... 15.00
Carts ............................................................. 20.00
Carts, better grade ..................................
Open Buggies...........................................
Mitchell Wagons, with bed.......................
Running Gear, medium 3m....................
Crank Spring Wagon, with bed.
Special Three Spring Wagon. Just the
thing for a Milk Wagon, 1 Seat ....
Get my special discount before you buy.
At RACKET STORE, next to Post Office.
The annual meeting of the Tillamook
County Teachers’ Association will take
place in this city on June 23rd, 24th
and 25th. State Superintendent J. H.
Ackerman will be present, and the other
instructors will be Prof. B. F. Mulkey,
president of the Southern Normal School,
and Prof. R. C. French, president of the
Eastern Nornal School. There will be
two public lectures in the Opera House,
on Thursday evening. June 23rd, Prof.
Mulkey will lecture, his subject being
“The Rhythm of Motion,’’ and the fal­
lowing evening, Friday, Prot Ackerman
will give one of his popular talks. A
short musical program will proceed the
lecture and the Tillamook Brass Band
will take part. The program for the in­
stitute is as to Hows :
C. & E. Thayer, plaintiffs, vs. Jennie
Bailey, Albert Marolf, W. E. Easom and
Mattie Easom, defendants. Default and
Paulus D. and Laura Newell, plain­
tiffs. vs. George M. and Vanilla Cobb,
overruled and plaintiff to reply to de­
fendants' answer in 30 days. Continued.
At this season of the year Tillamook
Citv and County have quite a number of
visitors who come here, in a large num-
tier of instances, to impose upon the citi­
zens or to do our business men out of
trade which rightly belongs to them.
Yet, how surprising it is, that so many
people will buy a pig in a poke from a
perfect strange, paying exorbitant prices
for inferior goods. These men who come
in and solicit business pay nothing to
Editorial Snap Shots.
support the city or county, and for that
The state printer's fat salary got it in reason they should have to pay a good
sleep license. A petition was circulated
the neck.
* * *
asking the city council to raise the license
Men who think that their party owes for peddlers to $5 a day, which is sure
them a living are the biggest knockers in ' to be granted.
* * *
a party and can be depended upon to do
the knifing on candidates.
To read the calamity that is to befall
* * *
Oregon now that the local option mea­
There’s no occasion to get down in the sure became a law, is enough to give the
mouth because business is dull and dairy state the blind staggers if we take the
products are not selling as briskly as pre­ wholesale liquor men’s view of the situa­
viously. Tillamook is all right.
tion. There is always two sides to a ques­
* * *
tion, so those who favored the question
The campaign liars, who are now out undoubtedly think it will prove exactly
of jobs, would make good war corres- the opposite. But how easy the liquor
pondents for the Russian government, men could have killed the measure, but
as very little reliance can be attached to instead of centering their entire energies
war news from St. Petersburg.
upon defeating it, they foolishly got into
* * *
the political fight. They succeeded in
This looks funny. Tillamook City peo­
helping elect a tew democrats to office in
ple towing logs to the Columbia river
and Nehalem people towing them from Portland and other places, bur they are
fairly up against a hard situation now
there to Tillamook Bay. What’s struck
that the measure is passed, and by a
the logging and towing business, any­
comparatively small majority.
way ?
* * M
* * *
One of thegreatest drawbacks to Tilla­
There is nothing wrong with the busi­
ness of Tillamook City. A little patience mook is the disposition to pull down
and advertising in the Headlight are two those who accomplish anything for the
necessary things, even though most all good of the county. Why this is so we
lines are overdone. But it is a survival are at a loss to understand, but never­
theless it is a fact. Instead of all pulling
of the fittest.
* * *
together for a common purpose, a feeling
Plenty of houses to rent and plent.v of of envy suddenly springs up without any
city property for sale. And there will be just cause and the interests of the county
plenty more as long as the agitation for are sacrified to satisfy the jealousies or
a $60,000 mortgage plaster is kept up. those who do not want to see our pro­
And, by the way, it is not helping busi­ gressive citizens succeed. As we have
ness any.
watched this peculiar trait in Tillamook
* * *
people for several years, we have come
Politics are not what they are cracked to the conclusion that it is a conflict be­
up to be after counting the cost and also tween those who want to build up and
the anxiety running for office. Our ad­ progress against those who want to pull
vice and theory is, if you have a good down and do up respectable citizens, and
paving business never allow yourself to in proof of this we have only to point to
be captivated by a political bee buzzing the animus that was injected into the
in your bonnet.
recent election to defeat Mr. Eddy. When
* * *
John McNamer, who was in from Forest the editor first came to Tillamook, and
Grove, thinks that the people of Tilla- even before he had become acquainted, he
tnook did a very unwise thing when they was a little surprised to be told that a
failed to give Mr. Eddy their support, for remark like this was made, “I'll soon do
that appears to be the general opinion him up in business.’’ They are a long
in the other counties. Mr. McNamer way from doing it yet, but it goes to
also thinks that thecounty voted against show that those who make an effort to
its own interests when it turned down pull down and besmirch respectable citi­
the man who had represented Tillamook zens characters are those who never do
so faithfully and with so much nbility, Tillamook any good.
* ☆ *
and that the people “ over here” do not
The modesty of Secretary Hitchcock in
know how to appreciate a good man.
alloting to himself credit for the Republi­
* * *
can victory in the State of Oregon is
A correspondent at Blaine writes ;
“Will you please correct that state­ surprising. His claim should be accom­
ment in last week’s Headlight, which panied by specifications, for a number of
read as follows : ’What kind of a politi­ the men who assisted in rolling up that
cal trick was it that Blaine, the hotbed magnificent majority are under the im­
of prohibition, got into on Monday ? It pression that some of theSecretary's Dem­
gave Coates 36 votes and Lamb 15 ocratic special agents have seen devot­
votes. There must be some empty bot­ ing more of their time to politics than
tles knocking about that burg to have they have to unearthing land frauds. It
brought about that change in senti­ was under-lianded work of this nature
which made the task of attaining that
ment.' ”
Thanks, for calling our attention to majority much harder than it would
this. It is our mistake, as a few typo­ have been had not some of the “suspi­
graphical errors in the paragraph had cions” of these special agents been parad­
been overlooked in correcting, the prin ed before the public as facts.—Oregonian.
Ackley is now in full possession
The schooners Jennie Stella left on the 9:30.—Nature Study................ B F. Mulkey.
JOTTINGS. of Ralph
the store next to the post office,which 13th, with a ca rgo of lumber and the C. 10:00.—Psychology for the Teacher..............
B. F. Mulkey.
he is having fixed up.
H. Hill on the 14th.
H. T. Botts, for abstracts.
10:50.—Reading..................... .......R. C. French.
Clough wants lOOOlbs. Beeswax.
California in a few days on account of offer a few choicely bred yearling bulls 11:30.—Grammar .................. ...B. F. Mulkey.
W. C. Bailey, timber locator ano esti.
from our famous Hazel Fern Jersey Herd
sickness of the latter.
1 :OO.—Arithmetic................ ....R. C. French.
For sale, four three year old steers,two
1:10.—History .................... . B. F. Mulkey.
J. Guptill returned to the city on Wed­
two year olds and one yearling.—T. Shi], for next crop of youngsters. We will 2:30.—Intermission.
give you valuable pointers on Jersey *’■40.—Pedagogy................. ...B. F. Mulkey.
linglaw, Sandlake, Or.
R C. French.
Walter Lynch returned to the city on
The remaining stock of goods has been stock. Better write us today on prices
on bulls, and state the kind of animal 9:00.—Opening.
moved from the racket store to Peterson
you desire. Address F. E. McEldowney, £•15.—Nature Study.......... ..... B. F. Mulkey.
The annual school meeting will be held & Svenson’s store.
Superintendent Ladd's Farm, 1260 Mil­ 9:55.—Spelling ...................... J. H. Ackerman.
on the 20th.
When you want job work done, you waukee ave., Portland, Ore.
B. 0. Suuffer was outside on a business will save money by getting figures at the
10:45.—Reading............................... R. C. French.
11:20.—School Management...B. F. Mulkey.
trip this week.
H eadlight print shop.
Lost a Raft of I<og8.
John McNamer left for Forest Grove
Ladies I Attention ! For the most
on Wednesday.
stylish tailor madesuits, go to Sarchet's,
While the tug Geo. R. Vosburg was 1.10.—Arithmetic...........................R. C. French.
1.50.—Civil Government ..... B. F. Mulkey.
W. E. Catterlin was in the city Wed- The Fashionable Tailor.
coining out of Nehalem with a raft of 2.30.—Intermission.
nesday on business.
The roof of Hunter’s mill caught fire at arge logs for the sawmill at Hobson- 2:40.—........................................... J. H. Ackerman.
R E. Meeker, of North Yamhill, was in noon on Saturday, and by the prompt­ ville this morning, the raft stranded and 3:20.—Geography..................... R. C. French.
the city on Tuesday.
ness of the hose company a warm fire went apart, loosing all of the logs, which 9:00.—Opening. SATURDAY.
were valued at about $800.
Minnie Kraft, of Forest Grove, was in was averted.
9:15.—Nature Study............... B. F. Mulkey.
9:55.—..................................... J. H. Ackerman.
the city on Tuesday.
A marriage took place on Sunday at
V. Ford, of Seattle, Wash., was in the the Catholic church, when Father Le Tribute of Respect tb Judge Boise. 10:45.—Reading............................ R. C, French.
Miller united in wedlock Mr. Josef Blaser
city on Wednesday.
11:20.—Teachers’ Preparation .........................
A tribute of respect was paid Judge R-
B. F. Mulkey.
J. B. Roe. of Rochester, N.Y., was in and Miss Margarette Weber.
P. Boise on Tuesday, when, in behalf of
Measles apper to be on the increase, for
the city on Tuesday.
the Tillamook Bar, Mr. B L. Eddv, in
Martin Wallace, of Portland, was in a number of youngsters are down with a few appropriate remarks, presented 1:10.—Arithmetic......................... R. C. French.
1:50.—Orthoepy........................ B. F. Mulkey
the city on Tuesday,
the aged judge with the following resolu­ 2:30.—Intermission.
had a tough time with them.
Frank Mapes left on Saturday to join
tions •
2:40.—Geography .................. R. C. French
The Closing Out Sale of the Racket
“ Whereas, the Hon. Reuben P. Boise, 3:20.—........................................ J. H. Ackerman.
his parents in California.
Store goods will be continued, to be judge of department No. 2, of the Circuit
Attorney J. H. Hitchings, of Portland,
sold at cost as long as it lasts at Peter, Court of the third judicial district of the
was in the city on Monday.
son & Svenson’s Furniture Store.
State of Oregon, is about to bring to a
Geo. W. Robinson, of San Francisco,
E. D. Dewey, plaintiff, vs. M. J. Mc­
Mrs. Mary Swinson, of Klickitat Co., dose a term of said Court in Tillamook
was in the city on Thursday.
Wash., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter County, which term will be the last held Mahan, Francis Trevor, jr., Louis O.
Now is the time to get great bargains Brant, came in to visit her parents, as under his present term of office, and, McMahon, Martha J. Walling and
in Millinery at Mrs. Sturgeon's.
her mother has been quite sick of late.
whereas, because of the retirement of George William Walling, defendants.
Suit to quiet title. Continued.
F. Saltus and J. Chapman,of Portland,
The best place in the city to buy your Judge Boise the pleasant relations here­
C. & E. Thayer, plaintiff, vs. M. D.
were in the city on Wednesday.
meat is at the Palace Meat Market.
of Tillamook County will be brought to Cavenaugh, defendant. Sale confirmed.
Mrs. Geo. B. Lamb left on Tuesday on
T. M. Richardson, plaintiff, vs. Wil
on hand.—S mith & J enkins , propri a close, and,
a visit to relatives at Newberg.
“Whereas, Judge^Boise has during a liam C. Ralston, defendant. Sale con­
Prof. Wiley went out to Portland to
Mrs. W. H. Cooper left for Monmouth long and distinguised career upon the firmed.
attend the Masonic grand lodge.
Levi L. Stillwell, plaintiff, vs. Sarah
on Tuesday, where her daughter, Miss bench, which is without a parallel in the
Judge R. P. Boiseand Miss M.E. Boise
Ruth Cooper, graduates at the State history of our state, endeared himself to J. Stillwell, defendant. Suit to deter­
came in from Salem on Saturday.
Normal School. Her son, Herbert ac­ both the Bar and the people by his learn­ mine trust. Demurrer overruled, and
ing, ability and impartiality, no less defendant given ten days to file answer.
Attorney Cooper has been appointed companied her.
than by his uniforn kindness and cour
trustee in the Daniel Millar bankruptcy
The Astoria Company, plaintift, vs.
Mrs. C. D. Willson came from Klamath tesy.
\ Ernest and Jennie U. Barton and The
Falls, Wash., to visit her drughter, Miss
Attorney Carl Haberlach is attending Della, who is attending St. Alphonsus
Nehalem Coal Co., defendants. Sale
the Masonic grand lodge in Portland this Academy. They will return home after Bar of Tillamook County that in the re­ confirmed.
tirement of Judge Boise from the bench,
A. R. Gangloff, plaintiff, vs. Daniel
the commencement.
our State loses the services of a great
Mrs. Sturgeon is closing out all this
For sale, in most desirable part of man and jurist, and he will be followed Millar and John Pennock, defendants.
season's millinery at greatly reduced Tillamook City, a first class house and
by our sincerest veneration and respect, Sale confirmed.
Florence A. Hardman, plaintiff, vs.
lot, situated on lot 10, Thayer’s 4-th as well as by our best wishes for the en­
Henry Smith was in from Blaine on addition to Tillamook. Apply on the joyment of well-earned rest and content­ Sebastian M. Hardman, defendant. Suit
Tuesday ; also R. 0. Richards and E. H. premises to George Watt.
for divorce. These parties were married
ment in his declining years ; and
Remember there is only three weeks left
“Be it further resolved, that a copy of in Tillamook County on the 1st October,
0. Chamberlain will go to California to get a chance on the beautiful sofa pil­ these resolutions be presented to Judge 1876, and have lived together for 22
shortly soliciting orders tor the Waymire low. A chance with every dollar's pur­ Boise and also furnished to the press, years. The plaintiff in her complaint
ci pa I mistake being the substitution of
patent square.
chase. Summer Millinery at the very and spread upon the journal of the alleged that defendant for the past Blaine for Beaver, as the figures will
eight years has been in the habit of re­
Green wood, direct from the mill,$1.80. lowest price*.—Mr*. Lindsey.
Scaled bids, with plans and 8|>ecifica-
Dry wood, $2.50. At Tillamook Lum­ ! A Grand Fourth of July Dance will be | The resolutions were signed bv T. B. maining away from the home and on
* * *
May 31st. 1902, wilfully deserted her.
It is said that owing to the saloons re­ tions, will lie received bv the County
ber Co.'s mill.
given at the opera house on the evening Handley, H. T. Botts, A. W. Severance,
She prayed for a decree dissolving the fusing to contribute anything towards a Clerk of Tillamook county, Oregon, on
For rent. Office consisting of two of the 4ch in this city, and supper will be W. H. Cooper. T. H. Goyne, C. Thayer.
marriage contract and that she be Fourth of July celebration, the national or before the first Monday in July, 1904,
rooms, in business part of town. Call at served at the Allen house. Fine orches­ C W. Talmage, Carl Haberlach. B. L.
awarded certain real property. The holiday will not be observed in Tillamook for the construction of a new bridge
Hein's Studio.
Other members of the Bar spoke and court granted the divorce.
City this year. The reason given is that ncioss the Miami river where the pies
B. S. Thompson is another of our citi­ The steamer Sue H. Elmore left on Sat­
John De Kerscheiter, plaintiff, vs. Alois gambling has been closed down and that ent bridge stands.
highly complimented Judge Boise on his
zens to leavetbe county shortlv. He will
Bridge to be constructed out of good
long life of usefullness, which had brought Van Mewenhrrye and Jacob Frayne, . the saloons keepers are not flushed with
ney, Miss Maud Sturgeon, G. R. Ed­
go to Idaho.
honor upon himself and upon the Bench. defendant. Foreclosure. Ileinurrer sus­ j money. All that the H eadlight need Fir Lumber in a workmanlike manner,
The fine weather this spring is a great munds, Mrs. Botts, Chas. McFalls, W. The Judge suitably replied and thanked tained and decree for plaintiff on the ' answer to this is, if we cannot celebrate with span 10 feet longer than present
improvement upon previous years, when W. Wiley. Frank Mapes. James Harvey, the members of the Bar for their kindly pleadings.
j the Fourth without obtaining money span, upon good Fir or tide Land Spruce
Miss Rowland, Chas. Gamma! and G. ’
it was so wet.
sentiment and appreciation of his ser
, that passes over the gambling table and Piling, with necessary approaches and
1 Eichinger.
Sollie Smith has closed the restaurant
defendant. Suit for divorce. These i which deprives many a wile a familv of break water 50 feet long on north side.
The steamer Sue H Elmore came in on
Dated this 5th day of May, 1904.
next to the meat market on account of
In the evening the Bar and the officers • parlies were married at Dalias, Polk the comforts and necessaries of life, then
Wednesday with the following passen­ of the court entertained Judge Boise at
By order of County Court.
slackness in business.
county, Ore., on the 23rd Septemlier, • we say it is to the credit and honor of
gers : W. L. Harihrouck, W. C. Lynch, a banquet at the Allen house.
H omer M ason , County Clerk.
Mr. B. L. Eddy will be the
F. Dodds, W. J. Crows, A C. Morris. Mrs.
I 1903, the defendant willfully and with-
the Linn County Pioneer's Association !
A. Morris, J. B. Roe, G I Scharff, J.
' out cause deserted and abandoned plain­
Card of Thanks.
at Brownsville on the 24th.
’ Guptill, 0. S. McAllister. J. W. Schlep pi,
The best bath in the city is at C. R. wife and child and Otto Schrader.
We desire to express our profound and tiff. The divorce was granted.
i Peter Brant, plaintiff, vs. Tillamook
Johnson's Barber Shop, which has been
To pay a political bet, Amos Vaughn heartfelt thanks to the many kind neigh­
Dairy Association, defendant. Fore­
fitted up with a new bath room.
: wheeled Sam Down in a wheelbarrow
Mrs. H. T. Botts and Miss Maud Stur­ through the Main street on Saturday. much valuable assistance and svmpa- closure. Default and decree.
Alice Weening, plaintiff, vs. Harry J
geon are in Portland this week attending Amos was bedecked with a dunce’s cap thised with us in our sad bereavement.
j Weening, defendant. Suit for divorce.
rs . S. H. P hillips and F amily .
the grand lodge of the Eastern Star.
and Sam donned a silk hat to represent
These parties were married at Holland,
Mr. Isaacs, who has been looking Tammany, consequently there was a
| Mich., on April, 1887, and one child,
Wood Wanted
after his interests in the racket store, I good supply of drink aboard the barrow
( Annie Weening, age 15 years were born
will return to Grants Pass in a few : just to convince the crowd how Sam
' to these parties.
In her complaint
won his bet.
County Clerk's office on or before the plaintiff stated that defendant con­
first Monday in July, 1904. for 20 cords tracted habitual gross drunkenness since
of 16 inch Spruce limits, vine maple or the marriage, and that when defendant
was under the influence of alcoholic
crab apple wood.
Take your
H omer M ason , Clerk. | liquor he was abusive, cursing and
swearing at plaintiff, frequently calling
i said plaintiff foul and abusive names in
Driven to Desperation.
| »be presence of other persons. Defendant
Our Motto : Quick Sale and small profit*. Satisfaction guaranteed or your
had refused to contribute anything to­ money returned.
: mote from civilization, a family m often ward the support of plaintiff and her
driven to desperation in case of accident, child. The Court granted the divorce.
Naomi G. Dighton and Frank Dtghlot ,
| resulting in Burn», Cuts, Wounds,
■ Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Buck ten’s plaintiffs, vs. Albert 'V . Phelps, defen­
' Arnica Salve. It’s the liest on earth. 25c. dant. Suit for partition. Dismissed on
Successor to Gangloff & Snuffer.
m »turn «4 plaintiff.
i at Unas I. Clough, Drug Store.
White River, Peerless, Pride of Waldo
Hills, Graham, Rye, Whole Wheat,
Flour. Take your choice.
All Kinds of Feed.
Ciia-s. I. dotigli,
Buggies,Wagons, Hacks, Surries.
C. G. Peterson,