Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 09, 1904, Image 1

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    Vol. XVII. No.
Ralph Ackley’s
>1.50 per year
In a Fit of Fanatism Turns Down
Her Favored Son and Gives
the County a Back Set.
Barb Wire, 4cts. lb.
The defeat ol Mr. Eddy is a more
Carts, better grade .................................. 2500 serious injury upon Tillamook county
Champion Mowers, 454ft............ .......... *52.50
Open Buggies.......................................... . 5O.OO I than most people imagine. Il is a well
Champion Mowers, 5ft............ .......... 53-5°
Mitchell Wagons, with bed....................... 9O.OO known fact that while Mr. Eddy was
Champion Mowers, 3*4 ft.......... .......... 47-50
joint representative his aim was to get a
Running Gear, medium . ......................... 82.50 political pull with the Oregon delegation
Champion, 8ft. self Dump Rakes .......... 30.00
I^in. Crank Spring Wagon, with bed. 65.OO in behalf of Tillamook, and he succeeded
Mitchell Top Buggies,................ $65.00 to $125
to a large extent. By the citizens turn­
Special Three Spring Wagon. Just the
I2in. Case Plows......................... ..........
ing him down it has practically severed
that pull he worked so hard to gaSn for
Carts ............................................. ..........
*he county, thus pitching overboard the
interests of the county so as to satisfy
the spleen of a tew of his political and
personal enemies. They have gained
their point, but mark what we say, it is
one of the most serious setbacks that
the county could have experienced, as the
JOTTINGS T. P. King, F. G. Coleman, J. V. Be- Do not forget the commencement at citizens of this county will realize when
voise, S. Barber, A. N. Smith and James St. A’phonsus Academy next week,which it needs a friend who has some influence
H. T. Botts, for abstracts.
Harvev. of Portland, were in the city on takes place on Friday evening. These and pull when the proper time arrives to
Clough wants lOOOIbs. Beeswax. •
entertainments are always attractive set aside the engineer’s report and secure
W. C. Bailey, timber locator and esti.
The best place in the citv to buy your and enjoyable, and the preparations that an appropriation for the improvement of
meat is at the Palace Meat Market. are being made for this commencement, Tillamook bar. It is too late to change
J. D. Edwards was in this week from Prime meats, hams and bacon always we understand, are such that*will insure the result now. The people of Tillamook
on hand.—S mith & J enkins , propri. a most pleasant evening’s enjoyment and county have made a number of political
One Door North of Post Office.
will reflect great credit on that institu­ mistakes in the heat of a campaign, but
W. W. Ridehalgh was in the city on
they never made a graver and more
We understand that Geo. B. Lamb will tion and the Sisters.
Do you know about Jersev cattle ? We serious blunder than they committed on
H. V. Alley was down from Nehalem
who is thoroughly competent to fill the offer a few choicely bred yearling bulls Monday when they failed to give Mr.Eddy
on Wednesday.
Fought the Wrong Party.
position, both by education and pleasing from our famous Hazel Fern Jersey Herd, a rousing majority, for of all our public wonder, on sober reflection, that some of
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Curtiss are in the manners.
at specially reduced prices, to makeroom men in this county there is not one who those who were instrumental in bringing
While the saloon people were fighting
city from Portland.
distinguished himself as he has that can this unsatisfactory state of affairs about
Henry Tohl and Joe. Effenberger were for next crop of youngsters We will
W. P. Childers, of North Yamhill, was in the city on Saturday, and they have give you valuable pointers on Jersey step into.his place and have the politi­ are beginning to see what an injury they »lie republican party in this county last
cal influence that he wielded. That was have done the county, and how they Monday, by the look of the vote on local
in the city last week.
bought the Netarts saw mill from Mr. stock. Better write us today on prices
were imposed upon bv false and scandal­ option the |ieople were preparing to give
Lydia Carnahan, of Portland, was in Hobart, which they will remove to on bulls, and state the kind of animal all cut out this week when the voters
thoughtlessly votedlagainst the interest of ous reports. No one has been more loyal the saloon people a real scare. As the
city on Wednesday.
the county to satisfy the fanacticism and to Tillamook county and the republican saloon element have seen fit to oppose
W. J. Smith and wife were down from
When you want a nice meal go to the Superintendent Ladd’s Farm, 1260 Mil­
whims of those who are altogether too party than Mr. Eddy, but do not sup­ republican candidates in recent years for
Wilson on Saturday.
Model Restaurant.
Everything first,
ready to tear down but never build up a pose for one moment that this will check the purpose of defeating the party, it is
The vote on the local option amend­
R. F Lawther, of North Yamhill, was class and up-to-date. Those who are
community. We Aust admit that the his professional and political career. His not unreasonable to ex|iect that a large
boarding should give the Model Res- ment was 566 for and 330 against in
in the city on Monday.
feelings and the prejudices of a number of staunch friends will remain true to him, numlter of republicans, who may not be
Tillamook, and the largeness of the ma.
Geo. W. Nelson, of Nebraska, was in taurant a trial.
voters must have been most cunningly and it will not be long before lie will in favor of it. will retaliate when it conies
Prof. E. H. Whitney and Miss Minnie joritv’is a great surprise to us, for we worked upon bv those who circulated come into prominence again, for those to taking a vote on local option, and
tbe city on Wednesday.
R. Rowland will leave for Nebraska this did not think it would carry on account false reports. The mischief is now done, who are trying to down him have a big although the saloon people may be in
Kelly Franklin and Lin Berry returned
week. The professor will take the remains of the conservatism of the people in pre­ so let the blame fall upon those who are job on their hands.
high glee that they helped to defeat some
to the city on Wednesday.
of his child with him to be buried with vious elections where amendments to the responsible for bringing about such
Touching upon the whims of the voter of the republican candidates, they pro­
C. Ganimal and A. West, of Astoria, the remains of his late wife.
constitution were submitted to a popu-
bably will wake up to the fact before
results, and which are of a damaging the Oregonian pointingly remarks :
were ill the city on Wednesday.
“ The extent to which fanaticism rules long that a large number of republicans,
For sale, in most desirable part of ¡Ar vote. We suppose, now that the pro­ character to the best interests ot the
W. W. Gordon and wife, of Portland, Tillamook City, a first class house and hibitionists have carried their point, the
county. There is not a man in the coun­ the masses is enough sometimes to make who would never have voted for prohi-
first opportunity will be seized upon to
were in the city on Wednesday.
lot, situated on lot 10. Thayer’s 4th
ty to step into Mr. Eddy’s place, and one sick of popular government. This i bition under ordinary circumstances,will
We are paving 16c. in cash for eggs, addition to Tillamook. Apply on the measure forces.
even if there were it would take him curious streak of fanaticism in the body I be glad of the opportunity to do so since
The steamer Sue H. Elmore left this* years to obtain the same amount of in­ politic is one of the things that make the saloon people have taken to defeat
and 18c. in trade.—C. A. Patzlaff.
premises to George Watt.
on Saturday with 700 cases of cheese fluence that he possessed with the repub­ politics so fascinating an object of study republican candidates. The republicans
The Tillamook Lumbr Company
At a meeting of the city council Wed­
and the following passengers : A. R lican administration. This article is not and field of action ; bur it is also the kept their hands off and did not make the
launched their new scow this week.
nesday the recorder was instructed to
Gangloff, S. D Vincent, W. R.*Hollister, written to sgold the voters for what they reason why good government is so hard local option law a party issue, but as it
H. D. Mahler and S. B. Morris were in advertise for bids to bond the citv for
C. Specht, Miss A. Wallace, C. R.*Cam- have done, hut to appeal to their better to realize. To get good men and fit into carried it places a good weapon in the
|58,0(<). The other business transacted
from the light house on Wednesday.
eron, P. Becker, Miss Bessie Hunt, Mrs.
office it is not requisite to nominate hands of the people to retaliate where
S. D. Vincent, proprietor of the Sheldon was allowing bills and ordering street K. Edwards, J. C. Durand, C. Morton, judgment and intelligence now that the
good men and fit tor office. It is neces­ the saloons array themselves against a
Tribune, Wash, was in the city last
H. M. Wamzer, Miss Sadie Watt, Miss ask them this straight forward question ; sary to discover or manufacture some political party We are not very much
The finestline of millinery in Tillamook Florence Hudson, Miss A. Pickel, Miss
“Did the voters act wisely or unwisely, popular fancy of the passing moment in favor of a “drv town,” and it it ever
Josef Blaser and Margarette Weber being sold at cost. What do you think Wagner, S M. Batterson, Wm. Batter when the interest of the county is taken and cunr.inglv play to take advantage comes to that in Tillamook, it will be be-
were granted a marriage license this of that ? 1 do not want to carry over son, Mrs. Kimball, Miss Witherell. C. into consideration, in turning down Mr. of it. The recklessness with which voters cause the saloon people antagonized one
any old goods. Mv motto is : ” New Gatlaff, Messrs. Gambill, Vosburg and
Eddy?” In the jndgment of the H ead ­ subordinate their judgment to their feel­ or the other of the political parties, in
Goods and Low Prices.” Now is the Erickson.
The Tillamook brass band serenaded
light it is our conviction that Mr. Eddv ings is the bad man's opportunity and the same way that the saloon people an­
tagonized the republican party in the
the successful candidates on Tuesday time to buy, call and see me.
The H eadlight on Wednesday passed was justly entitled to the same majority the honest man’s despair.”
M rs . L indsey .
election on Monday.
another mile stone with XVII. on it, for that Congressman Hermann received, so
A fire alarm called the hose company the first newspaper published in Tilla­ without mincing words we only express
Sidney E. Blout, examiner of surveys
out on Monday morning, which was mook was on the 8th June, 1888, and a the sentiment of some of our best citi­
of Chupeune, Wyo., was in the city on
Dragged to Death by Horae.
promptly answered, the fire being at Dr. number of our citizens have never missed zens when we say that Tillamook people
Lots 1 and 2, block 11, Miller’s
I. M. Smith’s. His son had been strik­ a copy. During all these years the H ead ­ were exceedingly ungrateful to Mr. Eddy addition.
E ugene , Or., June 7—Alvin Lane, a
A number of citizens were in the city ing matches and set the room on fire-
Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18, block 11, Mil­ 13-vear-old boy residing near Walter-
on Monday evening to hear the result uf but as the fire had not made any head, light has persistently advocated what for his efforts in behalf of the county and
it thought best for the interest of the for bringing it into such prominence, ler’s addition.
ville, 20 miles east ot Eugene, on the
the election.
way the chemicals were used and soon county. In doing so it has often antag­ which we believe, they will regret doing
Lots 1. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, block 12. Mil­ McKenzie River, was drugged to death
The lumber schooner Jennie Thelin had it out.
onized popular opinion and often quite a before very long ; in fact, is it dawning ler’s addition.
liv a horse Saturday evening. The boy
came in on Friday and loaded lumber at
The Tillamook Teachers’ Association sentiment has been created against it on upon the voters quite rapidly that they
Lots 5, 6 and 7, block 28, Tlmyer's and his older brother went out to catch
will hold its annual institute in this citv I account of its outspokenness. It has have been ungrateful to Mr. Eddy, and addition.
a horst which had jum|>ed out of the
Green wood, direct from the mill,$1.80. on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of this | erred in judgment at times—who hasn’t ? have placed the county in a wrong light.
Lot 4, block 20, and house near Tohl’s pasture into the county road. The horse
Dry wood, $2.50. At Tillamook Lum­ i month.when the instructors will be Prof. I —and yet for all that no one*has been Judge Galloway is a nice gentleman and a store, Nehalem.
had on a long rope, and the boy.
ber Cd.'s mill.
B. F. Mulkey, state senator for Polk : more true a nd loyal to Tillamook than ‘ good fellow.” Has he done anything
West half of lot upon which our resi­ succer«led in getting hold of it. The
For rent, Office consisting of two county afid president of Ashland Normal | the H eadlight . And it is just as enthu­ tor Tillamook ? Can he do anything for dence stood, opposite the Court House, animal started to run, and the older
rooms, in business part of town. Call at College, and Prof. French, president of siastic aud ready to do yeoman service Tillamook ? He has done nothing for in Tillamook City.
brother let loose the rope, but in some
the Weston Normal College.
Hein's Studio.
for the county as in previous years.
Make vour offers to any Tillamook manner the rope had taken a half-hitch
tiiC county nor will lie be able to on ac­
The Sue H. Elmore came in on Wed­
Albert Oliver, a brother of D. Oliver,
The commencement exercises of the count of being opposed to the republican Real Estate Agent ; or to the owner, around his leg and he was unable to
whom he has not seen for 38 years, is on nesday with the following passengers: public school at the opera house on Fri­ administration. So where has Tilla­ W. A. Wise, The Failing Building, cor. free himself
Mr. Elson and family, A. Flestker and day drew a large crowd. The program, mook gained anything ? Another thing, 3rd and Washington sts., Portland, Ore
a visit to this city.
At break-neck speed the horse tore
down the road, dragg’ng the bov with
Matt Morrison and wife left on the family, L. Berry. K Franklin, W. W. which we published last week,was nicely in turning Mr. Eddv down, the voters
Deafness Cannot be Cured
His brother mounted another
steamer on Sunday for their new home Ridehalgh, W. W. Curtis and wife, C. carried out and those who took part in have shown that, no matter how hard a
local application», «•» they cannot reach the
Foster, H. Lamb, A. West, Geo. Bailey, it deserves great credit. The graduates man mav work for the interest of the bv
and took after the runaway
near Grants Pass.
disHiiM-d portion o, the ear. There i* only one horse
Wm. West and wife, A. Gardner and from the high school senior class were county, they do not appreciate it. Even way to cure drafnem«. hii <I that 1» by conMitu ' animal, and succeeded in stopping it
Ladies ! Attention ! For the most
tloiial rcniedlo. DeSfiie*»» la enuned by an in-
wife, J. Prag, Mrs. Schield and family, Marv White, Frankie Drew, Herbert from this standpoint, it is discouraging fl.«.in<1 condition of the mucous liiil-ig of the about a mile from where it started. The
stvlish tailor made suits, go to Sarchet's,
I il-la.liiau Tube
When thin tula Cels mtl o.i
N. Carnehan and Mrs Swinson.
Cooper, Edward Weston and George
ed you have a rumbling motmd or imperfect boy was dead Ixfore Ins brother reached
The Fashionable Tailor.
a large number of voters fall in line with hearing, and when fl I m entirely flowed. deafneM him. The back of his head was almost
The tongue of the stage which left this
¡ m the remilt, and un’eaa the inflammation can
The schooner C. H. Hill came in this
Miss Drew, she was unable to take part. tne whiskey ring to down one of our be taken out hii <1 thia tube rc*t«H««l to »la nor­ completely torn oft by striking on the
week and is loading lumber from the Till­ city on Thursday evening broke, and on The eighth grade pupils who received best citizens. 1 h -re is no just reason for mal condition, hearing will la* destroyed («»
ever, nine ca-ea out of ten a«e c .- iumw I by rocks and hard earth, and his back and
the team making a sudden turn the stage
amook Lumber Co’s mill.
l the voters to have acted so indiscreetly, ( atarrh. which la nothing but an inflamed con limbs were badly lacerated. The boy was
toppled over, pitching out the passen­ diplomas were Helen Hayes, Fkhe! Todd,
dition of the tnucoua aurfacea
We will give One Hundred hollar* for any an orphan and was a son of the late Al
The best bath, in the city is at C. R. gers, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. John Prag | Carry Hathaway, Jessie Daniel. Eliza - | but with some, who care not one iota
euae of heafneaa (cauaed by catarrh) that can­
Johnson's Barber Shop, which has been and the driver. Apart from being shaken ! beth Gnbar, Jeans Pierrie Peters and
not t»e cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Hand for Lane, a well-known resident.
| pure cussedness which made them fight circular», ire«
fitted up with a new bath room.
up a little, the passengers were not hurt ; Paul Hanson. Mr. B. L. Eddv made «n
F J t llRXEY ft CO .T»ledo, <>.
1 Mr. Eddy and circulate so much false-
Mold by Oruggiata, 75c.
J. Prag, Bert M. Davison, E. 8. Pavne, and proceeded on their journey next
Subscribe for the Headlight.
Hall a Family Fill* are the beat.
, hood. We are sorrv to see Tillamook
F. M. Cooly and Geo. Bailey were in the morning.
played several pieces previous to the
citv from Portland on Wednesday.
Mr. H. F. Young tried the new method commencement of the exercises
polities, tor it is rule or ruin with it. as
The base ball game on Monday be­ of curing milk fever upon one of his cow*
can lie plainly soon in the recent election.
tween Bay City and Tillamook resulted this week and it proved a great success.
The vote is no reflection upon Mr. Eddv. j
Auction Sale.
in a victory for the former with a score The method is to milk the cow drv and
He stands head and shoulders above his
of 10 to 7.
then pump the udder full of air, leaving
To be sold bv public auction, seven tradneers for ability, honesty and integ
The school board on Tuetdav re employ. it there for eight hour*. He used a bicycle salmon tanks, fish lines, two skiffs and rity, for he is one of the most upright
ed Prof. E. H. Whitney principal of the pump and a glass tube to inject the other fishing appliances, on Saturday, ! and conscientious citizens in Tillamook
public school and the other teachers em­ air. He says in thirty minutes the cow June 11 th, at one o’clock at Tomlinson’s ' county and was eminently fit ted for the
ployed are Mrs. Hays, Mrs H. B. Har­ was relieved and ready to eat. He had ferry
C. E. R eynold «, Auctioneer. 1 position for which he was nominated bv
rison. Miss Ruth Cooper and Miss another bad case on Wednesday, which
I the republican state convention. If the
came out with the same results
Minnie R Rowland.
! people had enhanced their own interest.
and that of the count), there would he
All persons are forbidden, under the some excuse. The reverse is the case, for
severest penalties of the law. to Peel or thev have not only done Mr. Eddv an in.
Remove Chittim Bark from lands owned justice, but they have done themselves
Take your
bv Blodgett Co., Limited, the Wilson and the county an injustice as well. It
River Lumber Co.. N. P. Wheeler and J. will lie a long time Iwfor* Tillamook will
H. Cook.
attain the prominence and recognition
Agent for On ners.
Our Motto : Quick Sale and small profits. Satisfaction guaranteed or your
that Mr Eddy brought it into. The
voteoi on Monday, not recognizing the money returned.
Bid. Wanted
importance ol all this, have swept it aside
Sealed bids will lie received at the as if it amounted to nothing, ami turned
County Clerk’s office on or before the down their own county to satiMfy the
1st Monday in July. 1904, for the board Sfileeii of a few of Mr. Eddy* political
and c-tre of George Myer«, a county enemies and those who form the whisker
Successor to Gangloff à Snuffer
ring ami the |M»l»tKal turncoat*. No
H ome « M ason , Ckrk.
Get my special discount before you buy
At RACKET STORE, next to Post Office.
Great bargains can be had at
the Racket Store Closing out sale.
Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions,
Laces, Ribbons, etc.
Everything in stock positively
at wholesale price, Investigate be-
fore buying elsewhere.
Property for Sale,
White River, Peerless, Pride of Waldo
Hills, Graham, Rye, Whole Wheat,
Flour. Take your choice.
All Kinds of Feed.
Clia,s. I. dotigli,
Buggies,Wagons, Hacks, Surries.
C. G. Peterson,