Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 10, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. XVI.
No. 14
H. T. Botts, for abstracts.
Brock & Atkinson will saw your wood/
The wet season is an early visitor this
Those wishing wood sawed phone Ed.
W. W. Ridehalgh was up from Gari­
baldi today.
C. H Wheeler came in on the steamer
on Saturday.
Seth F. Moon has moved from Willa­
mina to Newberg.
John S. Gray, of Nehalem, was in the
city on Wednesday.
Mrs. Renenson, of Portland,was in the
city on Wednesday.
D. Banghman was in the city on Mon­
day from Portland.
F. C. Davis, of Bay City. Mich., was in
the city on Monday.
R. A. Crawford w’as down from Ne­
halem on Wednesday.
We want wood on subscription, for our
wood shed needs filling.
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A. E. Branch and wife, uf Dayton, are
looking over the county.
Shoo Fly, best on earth to keep flies off
stock. For sale by Sturgeon.
Miss Ora Scovell is on a visit to her
home at Nehalem from Astoria.
Dr. James Wiley came in from Portland
on Tuesday on a short vacation.
G. B. and R. L. Wood, of Pleasantville.
Iowa, were in the citv on Wednesday.
The Truckee Lumbei Co.’s saw mill at
Hobsonville has closed down indefinitely.
Mrs Eliza M. Keys, mother of Mrs. J.
• » • Maddux, died in Portland last week.
J. S. Stephens is the agent for the Mu­
tual Life Insurance Company of New
Baths for ladies and gentlemen, at F.
H. Davis’ bath room, opposite the Allen
house. *
Chas. Smith cracks the whip on the
stage between this city and the Trask
The lumber schooners Oakland and
Jennie Thelin were towed to sea on Wed
The steamer brought in on Wednesday
a number of Chinamen to work in the
Wanted, 20 cranberry pickers about
the 10th September.— M. Sommer, Sand­
lake, Oregon.
F. S. Whitehouse left on Tuesday for
San Francisco in the interest of the Tilla-
amook Lumbering Co.
J. S. Talbott, of Dallas, and John
Howie and John A Lang, of Brooklyn,
la., came in on Monday.
Percy Wiley will leave on the next
steamer to resume his studies at the med
ical college in Portland.
F. H. Davis, the barber, has put in a
nicely fitted bath room in his old stand
opposite the Allen house.
John Bogart, of Woodland, Wash , a
brother to Mrs. McIntosh, came in on
Sunday on a short visit.
St. Alphonsus Academy, which is now
conducted by the Sisters of the Precious
Heart, opened on Monday.
Agent B. C. Lamb will ship, on the
next trip of the Sue H. Elmore, between
30 and 40 tons of chittim bark.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hughes, of Forest
Grove, who were visiting Mr. and Mrs
J. E. Tuttle, have teturned home.
One Lefever Hammerless , All Kinds of Guns at Reduced
Shot Gun, with automatic ejec­ Prices at Ralph Ackley’s.
tor, at $40 00 ; Regular Price,
Elder Arthur Allen, who is conducting
$59.00, at Ralph Ackley.
a ser e« of evening meetings at the Ad-
Tha Tillamook Driving Association is
figuring upon giving another race meet­
ing, to come off in the middle of October.
The steamer Geo. R.Vosburg went into
Nehalem on Monday with chains for the
log raft and left for Astoria on Tuesday.
Matt. Morrison and Don Ellis, of Ne­
halem, have gone to Southern Idaho on
a business trip, and will be gone two or
three weeks.
A petition was circulated this week to
have the business houses clased ac seven
o’clock, which was signed by most of the
business men.
Mrs. Howard Edmunds and child and
Miss Cora Watson, daughters of R. M.
Watson, returned to the city from Elma
on Wednesday.
Will Madison and F. S Parker, of
Astoria, were in the city on Saturday ;
also Mrs. A. C. Anderson and Mrs. C.
W. Christenson.
Father P. A. Olivotti went out or. a
vacation on Wednesday, on account of
being indisposed, and was accompanied
by Mr. Jos. Sanders.
Mrs. Patton, sister of Justice Alley,
swam from Garibaldi to Hobsonville and
back, which is a good swim for anyone,
and especially a woman.
The Bargain Friday Sales at Haltom’s
Department Store draws the crowd on
chose days. Don’t miss the next bargain
sale to morrow (Friday).
Walt. C. Bailey and John Weiss have
rented the office next to Heins’ photo­
graph studio and will turn it into a real
estate and timber lands office.
Some of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. J'
C. Holden gave them a surprise at the
home of Mr. H. F. Holden on Saturday,
when a pleasant evening was partici­
pated in.
Robert Watt, of Bay City, and Robert
Watt, of this city, returned from Mon­
tana on Saturday, where they had been
doing assessment work on oil lands.
Mrs. J. S. Stephens, who was taken to
the hospital in Portland last week, stood
the journey as well. It is not known at
present whether she will undergo an op­
News reaches us that Dan Cronen.who
went from Nehalem to Panama, in com­
pany with his two sons, Francis and
Hughey, last summer, died there on the
19th June.
Fairview Grange, No. 273, will meet
at their hall in Fairview on Saturday,
the 12th, at 10 a.m. Lots of work.
Come early and be happy.—L. S. May­
nard. master.
ventist church, will use a biblical chart
toillustrate his lectures. Mr. Allen in.
vites all to be present He will preach in
the Wilson school house next Sundav
afternoon at 2 p.m.
The passengers who went out on the
Elmore on Saturday were: Peter Jacobs,
Mrs. Durkee, Miss M. Wicks, Mrs. Men-
dell. J. Powell and wife, E. Maxfield. H.
G. Lee, P. S. Brumbv, W. A Carl»erry, I.
Hill and wife, Miss Gile, Jos. Donaldson,
Paulson and Olsen.
The public school will open next Mon­
day, blit the primary department will
not take up for a week later, Mrs.
Hays being a wav on account of sickness.
The new desks came in oil the steamer
vesterduy and the school house is being
put in shape ready for the opening.
W. C. King, Mrs., Miss Zoe and Clint,
left for Ashland on Tuesday, .wdiere Bert
King is down with typhoid fever, but
reported somewhat better the last week.
Is Mr. King going to join the colony of
Tillamookers who have located at Ash­
land ?
Owing to the wet weather, the timber
owners have dispensed with the services
of the fire wardens th.ey emp’oyed to pre­
vent forest fires this year. It was about
this time last year that the east wind
and dry spell commenced, which was fol-
lowed by the forest fires.
This is the last month toparticipate in
Todd & Co.’s prize drawing, which takes
place on the 1st October, when $250 in
prizes will be distributed amongst the
customers to that Clothingand Furnish­
ing Goods Store. Do not miss a chance
of winning a good prize. See their ndvt.
in another column.
J. D. Edwards came in on the stage on
Friday and has been shaking hands with
his old friends. And he is still the same
familiar John with the same broad smile
on his countenance.
He thinks that
this citv looks awfully slow in compari­
sons to the towns in Southern Oregon,
where they have weekly pay rolls and a
corresponding amount of business.
N. Ford, of Coos Bay, came.jn Wed.
nesdjiv in the interest of the A.O.U.W.,
and will remain in the city two or three
weeks. He is a grand lodge deputy, and
it is expected that his visit will be a
benefit to the local lodge and be instru­
mental in adding a large number of new
members to this commendable order,
which gives life insurance at a nominal
The steamer Sue II. Elmore came in on
Wednesday her passengers being N.
Ford, W. R. Hollester, Alma Wagner,
Miss Blake, Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Snow, jr.,
Mr. Affolter, E. Willis and wife, Frank
Fowler, W. Wolfe. F, Brcnivr, C. A
Morgan, J. C. Specht, B. E. Van Voor-
his, Miss Wallace, Mrs. Sturgeon and
nephew, Mrs.Stovell and daughter, Miss
Thompson, Mrs. Howard Edmunds and
Cora Watson.
C. & E. Thayer have provided a separ­
ate- department of their business for a
savings bank, and depositors in the sav­
ings bank branch will be paid interest on
their deposits.
Mrs. Parrish, wife of Commissioner
Parrish, came in on the stage this morn-
Capt. Dodge, of the gasoline schooner
; ing from Albany, where she had under-
Gerald C, was in the city Monday. He
i gone an operation for cancer and is now
took a cargo of supplies from Astoria to
feeling much better.
Nehalem for S. Elmore & Co.’s cannery,
A new’ Masonic lodge was organized which is to be operated this season. The
at Cloverdale on Saturday evening, with announcement was made several days
a membership of 14 on the charier, and ago that the Nehalem cannery would not
some of the brethren went from this city be operated this fall, but the salmon
to assist in the work.
market is so favorable that the canners
To expedite the work of dredging out have decided to pack more Coast salmon
the channel between this city and the than was intended.
With the Wheeler Lumber Co.’s saw
mill closed down at Nehalem, with the
possibility that it will not start up again
for several years ; the Truckee Lumber
Co.’s saw mill closed down indefinitely
on account of being unable to get boats ;
the Tillamook Lumbering Co.’s saw mill
only running occasionally and unable to
ship its surplus lumber, and the report
that the steamer Geo. R. Vosburg is to
be withdrawn from the Tillamook City
and bay business, this is not a very flat
Hand Loaded Shells Guaranteed new stock of up to date goods displayed tering outlook for milling and logging,
to be the Best that money can buy, 1 that is sure to attract a large number of and as it cuts off the only pay roll in the
I customers.
at Ralph Ackley.
county outside of dairying, it must be
expected that employment will be slow
until these industries resume.
The regular meeting of the city council
was held on Monday with Mayor C. W.
Talmage and Conncilrnen C. Woolle, H.
W. Carv and E. Jenkins were present.
Bills allowed were :
Marshal's salary .............
$45 00
Recorder’s salary................ ...... ' 15 <M>
Water rent.................... ....... ...... 30 00
Citv attorney's salary ..... ...... 8 33
Electric lights .................... ...... 20 OO
1 H Smith.......................... ...... 3 oo
K L Wade.......................... ...... 3 40
L. Old«................................... ..... 35 50
I I have been appointed a depository for all the authorized The committee having in hand the mat­
ter of the drainage of the land in the
School Books for all grades and carry a very large stock of all vicinity of the school was given further
time to report. An ordinance, tn abate
kinds of School Supplies :
nuisances, was laid over and referred to
health and police committee A petition,
Pen*. Pencil««, Slate*. Sponge*. Killer*. Copy Books, Writ which was signed hr a large number of
taxpayers, asking for Itetter fire protec­
ing Tablet* ami everything required by scholar*.
tion, was read. Recorder Coates had re­
ceived several letters from engineers in
on Everything.
answer to inquiries what they would fur.
nish an estimate of cost for a new water
system, and after these had l>een read »t
was derided that W. B. Chase, who«»-
charges were $100 and ex proses, I»e ashed
' bav, a larger bucket dredge, of two ton
'capacity, was brought In last week and
Miss J essic Mason is clerking at Hal­
will be use«! for that work.
tom’s and Miss Mary Tinnerstet at the
Fercv Wilev at d his brother Robert
new store opened by Mr. Patzlaff.
I succeeded in running across two cub
Tho. Turner, of Centralia, Wash., who I liears in Dau Goodspeed’s orchard, and
came in to visit his grandparents, Mr. : they killed one and captured the other
and Mrs. Nolan, has returned home.
alive, which they brought to this city.
M. L. Tower,the government engineer,
The new department store of Carl P.
has returned to take charge of th: work Patzlaff was opened on Monday, which
in the bay and slough for a short time. has a neat business appearance with a
diets. I. Clough.
to turnish the estimate of cost. Ail ordi
nance, to adopt the city surveyor’s re­
port as to laving out 2nd Avenue E, was
pass to its final reading.
Frank Atkinson, who was brought to
this city from Sandlake two weeks pre­
vious for medical treatment, died Mon­
day afternoon. He had suffered several 1
weeks with swellings in the throat, and |
this grew worst from day to day, until
death relieved him of his sufferings. He
was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Atkin­
son, of Sandlake, and was born in Iowa
on the 7th Augi st, 1875, making him
28 years of age. He came to Tillamook
county with his parents twenty years
ago, consequently was well known and
had a number of friends. Frank had a
fine physique, was of a kindly and perse­
vering disposition, and he had the respect
and admiration of his neighbors and
acquaintances. The funeral took ¡»lace
on Tuesday, the religious service being in
the Christian church, the Rev. E. M. Pat­
terson conducting the service and preach­
ed an appropriate sermon,which was at­
tended by a number of sympathising
friends. The burial was in the Oddfel­
lows’ cemetery. The deceased’s brothers
being members of the A.O.U.W ,a delega­
tion from the local lodge, also one from
the Degree of Honor, attended the fune­
ral to show their sympathy for the fam
ily in their time of bereavement. The de­
ceased leaves a father, mother, four bro­
thers and two sisters to mourn their loss.
Shot Guns, Air Guns, Pop Guns
and the Mamous, 3O-3O RifleB, at
Ralph Ackley.
Ilo !
A man goes into a gambling-house
hoping to fleece others, and gets fleeced
himself. Then he raises a roar about
having been robbed, takes up the time
of the police and Police Court for three
days to “ get even.” and next thing
passes his woes on to the grand jury.
How would it do to treat him as a
culprit also, and put him on the rock­
pile ?
Seaside Sentinal.
Mayor Wil i ims, of Portland, has
issued orders permitting the gambling
games to run and requiring tjiem to pay
a license the same as is done in Seaside
and Astoria. As it is impossible to stop
the evil, it is better to regulate it and
derive some revenue from it. A man
that gambles is a sucker. The dealer
wears diamonds, while the sucker wear
patches on the seat of his ¡»ants.
Si.50 per year
On October 1, ’03
We will give away, absolutely free of
charge $250.00 in Cash or Merchandise.
First Prize, $50.00. 42 Prizes in ail.
With each $1.00 cash purchase made
we will give you a ticket which will entitle
you to one chance in these prizes.
We carry a complete stock of
We will also give with each $10 cash purchase a 16x20 Kn
larged picture on anything sold except sugar, flour, oil, tobacco
and coffee, which are sold on a very close margin.
Editorial Snap Shots.
print shop and spends two bits. Sup­
pose business men did the same thing, it
It's amusing how the “stool pigeons” , is safe to sav they’ would be considered a
little silly. But what is seldom is won­
got fooled.
derful with some country editors, and
* * *
Butter far at 29Vic. per pound at some they use this to blow their own horns.
factories,against 25c. this time last year,
* * M
is a good showing.
With a modern school building and
M * *
every convenience provided by the tax­
The ordinance to have the city officials payer to place Tillamook ('ity public and
report once a month should be repealed, ; high school on a ¡»ar with other progres­
for it is simply a dead ordinance.
sive cities, it is now up to the teachers to
make the school a success and a lasting
* * *
What do you think of a person who ' benefit to the rising generation. We
will come to you and pretcud to be your | ' believe the faculty is in every way pre­
friend and then go away and plot against pared for the occasion, and everything
being in harmony, the school opens up
you ?
on Monday with pleasing prospects.
* * *
* * *
As the city council has decided to em­
ploy an engineer to give an estimate of
Another version for the failure of the
To Heads of Families, Doctors cost for a new water system, it will now Portland,Neliaicm & Tillamook Railroad
be in order to make a guess as to what Company to construct its line is that W.
and Midwives.
Reni and J. McCraken are only playing a
It is the duty of heads of families, doc­ it will foot up.
* * *
tors and mid wives to report all births,
i game of bluff ior the railroad companies
We are not an authority on calling to bluff off anv other railroad company
deaths and contagious diseases to Dr. I.
M. Smith, who has been appointed by etiquette, but as the editor of the Inde­
the County Court health officer for Tilla­ pendent is to make his domocile opposite from building into Tillamook. Gracious,
it this is true, how easy it is to humbug
mook county.
the Headlight man, we are in a quan­ the people when there is a little money
W. W. CONDER. County Judge.
dary to know who should be the first and a number of “stool pigeons” used to
do so. It is now in order for Mr. Reid
Bids Wanted.
* * M
to write an article for the Oregonian
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the
If, as is reported, the Portland, Nehal­ confirming or denying this.
Common Council of Tillamook City, em
Tillamook Railroad Company is to
Oregon, will receive bids for graveling
* * *
Fourth Avenue East from First street to j commence work within thirty days, no
feed for Old Bossy this
Eight street ; Eighth street from Still- i one will be more awfully surprised than
well avenue to Fourth Avenue east ; j the people of Tillamook county. We do fall in Tillamook county, the recent bene­
Fifth street from Fourth avenue east to | not know how the betting goes, but it’s ficial rains and the absence of east wind
Miller avenue ; and Miller avenue from
the County Road to the South line of a $1,000,000 to $1 that work will not and hot weather licing an assurance of
this. The meadows are n perfect picture
Block eight in Miller’s addition to Tilla­ commence in that time.
mook, all in Tillamook City, Oregon.
of green verdure, thus showing a marked
* * *
Said gravel to be laid in the center of
' contrast ut this season of the year with
said streets and to be eight feet wide j On the night of the 1st September a
and eight inches deep. Bids to be tor all I certain ¡»erson was seen coming out of D. I other sections of Oregon where meadows
or anv part of said graveling. Bids will ! E. Dawson's barn on the McCormick are brown and with no pasture on them.
be opened September 7th, 1903, at 8 place who had been skimming the milk. Willi plenty of green feed in their mea­
o'clock p.m.
dows and plenty of hay in their barns,
The < 'ommon Council reserves the right j And, oh, what a surprise, when the idea with blitter fat at 29Vic. a pound,no won­
to reject any and all bids.
j same person made another raid on the der that l illamook dairymen are happy,
T hus . C oates ,
same milk cans Saturday night, and lie contented and keling as inde|ieiidciit as
City Recorder.
as lords.
was tracked to bis house.
Stray Bicycle.
A bicycle was left in G. C. Vaughn’s
barn at South Prairie on the night of
July 23rd. Owner can recover same by
describing it and paying for this notice.
Colin A Co. are in a position
to meet all competition in the
price < f I liiltein Bark.
them before you Kell.
Real Estate Transfers.
Furnished by H. T. Botts, abstracter.
U 8. A. to f ’larl»*« (’. Clark. Patent.
2. tp. 3 north, rang»* 1.
Chari«** Burke and wife to Jf*»f Earl
Four aere« in Goodsperd's Park.
*50 4M)
David I! Sexton and wife to S J. Wil-
won I/»la 7 and 8, block 22. Thayer a
addition to Tillamook $175 00
Charles R. Ilodg«l«»n an.I n iff to F L
Boell. E «t W
Se '4. uw- 4 and
12 a«*r**e adjoining tp. 2 south, rang«*
9. (M97.O0.
W. N Jones sod wife to U.w A
< lami. S *2 Nw, ae<■. 30. tp 2 north,
rang«* o.
Two u>ortgag«*M fil«*d securing $700,00.
Short Horn Bull ior Sale.
For wale, a thorough bred short horn
bull, 5 vrar «»Id and fivir stock.— Apply to
W. D Glad well. Bearer
* * M
There is a difference of opinion, when
inferior cheese is manufactured and sold
as a first class article, whether the local
newspapers should call attention to such
facts. “Yes,” says one, ‘ give them hell.’’
“No,” says others, "it will hurt the repii
tation of Tillamook cheese.” This is one
instance wfiere an editor is lielweeii two
fires W hicli ever he decides to do lie is
sure to get abused.
* * *
There is one thing that some country
editors make thcnnelves somewhat ridi­
culous in, and that is t » make local men­
tion of everybody who goes into the
í Í
* * *
When von want to buy or sell n farm
advertise in the H eaih . igii i and by going
so you save several hundred dollars in
real estate agents’ commissions, and
another tiling you don’t have to tic your
pro, »er IV up either by having to signa
trickey casiiron option. Als », another
thing, bv advei tising in the home news.
pa|»cr, you’ll never be flimflammed, mon­
keyed with, fleeced, interfered with mid
bullyragged for the commission fee.
whether a sale is or is not made. Keep
your eye ¡»cried for the real estate
according to
sharks. who,
state meats, sc are new comers out of the
Our Motto
“ Not a Great Big Store, but a nice Little Store.
Well Open Monday, September 7th, opposite the
Larsen Hons».-, with a full line of Dry Goods, Ladies’
Furnishings and Notions.