Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 16, 1903, Image 8

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Mr. A. E. Reames of Jackson county,
was nominated for congressman on the
Shoes for (Tien & Boys. first ballot by the democratic con vent ion
of the first district at Albany on Satur-
Nobby and up-to-date.
* day. He is a son-in law’ of the late T
They are reliable in every respect.
Guaranteed to give satisfactory wear. H. Tongue. The H eadlight man is ac
quainted with Mr. Reames, who is a
For sale by
bright attorney, a fluent speaker, and a
nice gentleman, but he is on the wrong
and hoodoo ticket. It is reported that
Editorial Tit Bits.
Mr Reames will tour the entire district
on a campaign expedition, making
As the nomination of Binger Hermann speeches in the large cities of every coun­
for congress is satisfactory to both fac­ ty, including Tillamook, which is re­
tions of the republican party in Tilla­ garded the “enemv’s country” in the
mook county,, there is not the least doubt eyes of the unterrified. Of course, wre
but the party will work harmonious to­ shall be glad to see Mr. Reames come to
Tillamook, and we hope he will send an
* * *
invitation to Binger Hermann to accom­
Mr. Eddy informs us that Mr. Her­
pany him.
mann, if he cannot come to Tillamook
* * *
during the campaign, will do so this
Mr. Thurston, of Dallas, who came to
summer, so as to ascertain and become Tillamook about two months since for
more fully conversant with the proposed the purpose of looking up the saw mill
improvement of Tillamook bar.
prospects in t|iis county, and who went
* * *
away perfectly satisued with the bright
“Press Day’’ in court did not amount prospects in Tillamook, but not at all
to much. We were exceedingly sorry to satisfied with our narrow, clanish ideas
disappoint the crowd, but the general in a manufacturing sense, has bought a
public w'ill be satisfied with the veracity saw mill and a big tract of timber near
of the H eadlight when they read the Albany. It is the same old story. We
verbaturn report of the libel case at some lack the push, we lack the energy, we
future date.
lack the enterprise to foster and promote
* * M
manufacturing industries to develop our
There ought to be some kind of an splendid resources. But when it comes
understanding with the people of this to doing something for the interest of the
county what is best to do with the par­ county there is a lack of interest and a
ties who are contesting homesteads suspicion that someone has a scheme on
of those who reside in Tillamook hand and a trump card up the sleeve to
A lynching or a coat of tar and work a graft. So we go on from year to
feathers would have a good effect and be year, prattle about our wonderful coun­
the means of protecting the settlers from ty. but if we go on at the same rate we
those who are after “blood money.”
are going, it will not be the present, but
* * *
the next generation, that will participate
For the first time in a number of years , in the manufacturing boom that is sure
hay is a scarce article in Tillamook this to come to Tillamook as soon as we get
year. What with the drv spell last fall a way from the contracted ideas of pull­
and the late spring, pasture, which is ing down, freezing out, and discouraging
general good in the winter, has been very new enterprises ami start out on an ex-
poor, consequently, with every dairyman pasion policy. Tillamook County has
w»rlering as many cows as possible, hay au enormous amount of standing tim­
has been used up at a rapid rate.
ber. There is a great demand for lumber
* * *
all over the Pacific Coast, the Middle
Who set the report about on Wednes. West, in fact, all over the world, and at
day that Cupid had been dealing in real figures that will pay handsome profits
estate and had not only kiduap|)ed the to those who invest their money in the
affections of a rustling real estate agent
manufacture of lumber.
but had conveyed, signed, sealed and
* M *
delivered them to a certain young lady ?
The H eadlight does not vouch for the I Mr. B. L. Eddy is just as pleased that
accuracy of the report. C. Ben about it. he was not nominated for congress as
the H eadlight is that lightening did not
* *
Perhaps, the fine of $50 imposed upon strike him. Mr. Eddy is hewing out a
M. Potter, of Sheridan, on Tuesday last reputation for himself at a rapid rate for
for shooting at a coat he saw’ hanging to a young man who reside in this neck of
a stump m a field as he was driving the woods, and it w ill not be many years,
along the road, ought to teach visitors if we do not miss our guess, before he will
to this county in the summer that they become an important factor in state pol.
cannot deliberately destroy people’s pro­ ¡ties, more so than he is in Tillamook
perty and then make the plea that they politics. It behooves Tillamook people
were shooting at a kingfisher. How­ ’ to be loyal to our favored son, especially
\is we are a small—onlv in population—
ever, kingfishers come high.
1 and isolated county. It is to this coun­
* * *
Will the republicans of this county ever ty’s interest it Mr. Eddy becomes a pro
drop their personal and factional fights minent figure in state politics, for it will
ami get down to first principles ? This place him in a position which will bring
is a good opportunity to Bdo so if they the county into prominence, and where
feel disposed. But, somehow, the tem­ he can ask and almost demand appro-
perament of the people of this county is priations for Tillamook harbors. There­
so peculiar it takes but very little fan­ fore, we think it would be exceedingly
ning to turn the smoulder spark of jier unwise for anv little local prejudices to
son a I prejudice ami factional discord into cause any friction to thw art his progress
a blazing fire. We hope we are wrong, ¡n the future, for to do so is onlv putting
hut it looks as though personal jealousies a stumbling block in the county’s devel­
are so strong with people in Tillamook opment, which has been kept back too
it is impossible to bury the hatchet and long already. And should such a thingas
keep it buried.
another factional and personal fight be
* * *
made on Mr. Eddy, the people who at­
The same old hoodoo hangs over Tilla­ tempt it will find how unpopular they
mook. Lumber schooners outside but are. The H eadlight is glad Mr. Eddy
unable to get in for the want of a tug, did not get the nomination. He can well
consequently they go elsewhere for a afford to wait, for in a few years there is
cargo. Will Tillamook people ever rise every probability that it ‘will come his
to the situation and change this serious way, or some other equally important
obstacle to the county’s development ? office, for we are not blind to the fact
It’s the same old story, what’s every­ that Mr. Eddy went to the state legisla­
body ’s business is nobody’s business, and ture in 1901 a comparative stranger. He
while other parts of the state are doing prove himself the leader of the house, as
a booming business in lumber and selling he did also in the house this year. Feo- ’
it at big figures, Tillamook people are pie on the outside are cognizant of these
letting these splendid opportunities pass factsand at the proper time will reward
without making an effort to get out of ability, industry, honesty of purpose and
the manufacturing apathy they have a clean, out spoken gentleman. See. in a
fallen into. The tug boat problem must few’ years, whether our predictions will
be solved, ami solved right, mid then it not prove true.
w ill be an inducement to lumlier buyers
to come to Tillamook. But who’s going
There is more Catarrh in thia section of the
than *11 other diseases put together
to put money into a saw mill when it is country
*n<i until the ^%t few years was supposed to
incurable For a great many years doctors
as plain as plain can l»e that he’ll get be
tirono inced it a local disease, and pie^cribrd
stuck under present conditions. But a oval remedies, and by constantly (ailing to cure
with local treatment, pionoum rd it incurable.
citv that won’t help itself, when it can Science has proven catarrh to he a constitii
disease and therefore requires coustitti-I
easily do so, shows a lack of enterprise tional
tional treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure, maim I
and public spirit.
f.icturrd by E J. Cheney St Co.. Toledo,<»hio, is ■
the only constitntioeal cure on the market ll
is taken internally in do
front io drops to a
teasptamful It acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system They offer one
hundred dollars for any ease it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials
Sold by Druggists. 75c
Hall s bainily Fills are the best.
COM POI ND cleans out the svs
tern, tones up the digestive organs,
mUkes a good appetite, regulates
the bowels, stimulates the liver
and is wonderfully Iwneficinl in all
rundown conditions indicated bv
Appetite. indigestion, sleeplessness,
headaches, backache, skin erup­
tions. etc
Price, Sl.OOper bottle. Money
refunded if not satisfactory.
Kelinhle Druggist
th.it runs on wheels.
Soia Evarywhor«.
■»•»• ay msnsnnoiLco.
Joseph Bixby intends to make cheese
at the old Richards factory the coming
School closed at Brown’s last Friday.
E. O. Mills and daughter were guests
at H. A Chopard’s last Sunday.
So many eggs were required for Easter
consumption, that the hens must have
felt discouraged.
Master Leslie Jensen, who was so
unfortunate as to have two of his tows
chopped oft' last week, is getting along
nicely, and if nothing happens he will
shortly be able to travel again.
R. Y. Blalock expects to move up to
his new house in a few days, weather
“Shall we love not the smiling of April,
Because of the teardrops she brings ?
Oh, this world would be paradise,
If wr’t look on the bright side of things!’’
Mrs. Sophia Jensen. Miss Mary Jensen
and Master Harry Sappington ate eggs
Sunday at H. L. Jensen's.
Mr. Ike Bays has sold his ranch to his
brother, W. N. and expects to leave
Oregon in a short time. He will probab­
ly return to his former home in Indian I
Territory. The family has made many
warm friends during their short sojourn
in our neighborhood, who will be very
sorry to see them go.
H. A. Chopard is building a “condi­
tion” to his barn.
Wilbur Booth moved from Cloverdale
to John Moon’s ranch at Blaine the first
of this week.
Fred Nicklaus came down from Blaine
Miss Beruha Chopard intends to come
to America in the near future, to visit
her brother H. A. Chopard.
city ,
M. W. H xkrison . I
CfRTiss, B. L E pov .
M. W. H arrison .
Wc are Headquarters lor FARM
Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edgei
DAIRY SUPPLIES, Steel Ranges. ties of all kinds.
Cook Stoves, and Heating Stores.
M«!» aeeaJBaaBaefcw e e
If you want anything in the HARDWARE LINE call ns up.
Both Phones. We guarantee to give entire satisfaction.
J Sewing Machines.
A Grand Success. I
___________________________________ ___________ _____________________ _
Hugo and Willie Effenburger and
Hugo Klien came home last Tuesday <$>
from Philomath, where they have been <$>
attending school.
Lanada McFee has moved his floating <$>
palace up the north fork, where he has
a contract to clear four acres of land on
C. L Alley's place.
N. P. Ailey has bought W. N. Redda- <S>
way’s place at the mouth of Foley.
Clarance Daugliney has rented Aug. <$>
Ludtke’s lower place and will milk about <♦>
fourteen cows this summer.
Sam and Frank Lundbnrg have cut a
fine lot of fur wood for Elmore’s cannery.
Road Supervisor Morrison is building ■S'
plank road near Gun’s mill.
Fred Miller is pasturing forty head ot ■
young cattle for Mr. Kunze, of Tilla­
H. V. Alley and S. Scovell have bought <$>
the Nehalem end of J. E. Tuttle’s tele­
phone line. They expect to equip the
line with new phones and put it in ship
shape, as soon as possible.
Grandma Tohl has been quite sick for <$>
some time.
Born, on April 8, to the wife of N. P.
Alley, a girl.
The schooner Oakland came in Friday
to load lumber at the Wheeler mill.
They expect to ship what lumber they
have on the dock.
Miss Wenona Gunn celebrated her
17th birthday by inviting a number of
people to a party Friday evening.
C. C. Clark, of Seaside, is spending a
lew days in Nehalem.
Now is the time to buy;
new Sewing Machine fo
$22.00, with drop head an
all the latest improvement
at M c I ntosh & M c N air ' s
It is the B onita S ewi »/
M achine , and they rang;
in price from $22 to $35
with ball bearings. The
are little beauties, perfectl;
made and something newoi
the market. These niaclii
J nes are a better article that
the peddlars are charging
$65 and $75 for.
We have desided to make an- »
. Quick Brother Wil
We are recieving thousands of * HOUSEHOLD
dollars worth of NEAV and ♦ Heavy Teaming is a Specialty with
Delivery wagon delivers to coun
or citv.
are crowded for room.
____________________________ <♦>
Here area few of our very J
Men’s Suits, formerly sold from $12 to $20, ......... $7-95-
Men’s I’ants, from $2.50 to 5.00, at........................ 1.5»-
Odd Summer Vests, sold at from $2.50 to $5.00, at .35- /♦>
In first class style.
Hats, solfl at from $2.00 to $4.00, at ..................... R.RO.
' 5'
Shoes, sold at from $1.50 to $2.50, at ...................
Engraving a speciali}-.
9C. W
Suspenders, 20 to 30 cent value, at.........................
Suspenders, 30 to 50 cent value, at ......................... .25c. <§>
Socks, 10 and 15 cent values, at ...............................
Socks, 20 and 25 cent values, at ...............................
All other goods sold at proportionately low prices.
« Diagonally opposite the Post=office. «
“C.” BEN
Dairy Farms. Timber Claims.
Home Locations. Town Property
Insurance. Loans.
Financial Agent.
Houses Rented and Taxes paid for non-Residents.
The continued cold weather is very
detrimental to the dairy men of this
The U. B. Church is under construction
but the weather being so stormy retards
the work.
E. G. E. Wist will move into his new
house on the 13th inst.
Several of the young men of this place
are working for the Truckee Logging Co.
There was a surprise party nt J. H.
First Class accommodation at Second Class Rate.
Moore's on Friday night, which give him
a great surprise. There were quite a
good attendance and they took baskets
filled with choice eatibles. which was
another surprise. A good time was the
report from all who were in attendance.
The young people of this place called
on grandma Simmons on Saturday even­
ing and played games and made candy
I have the largest and best assorted stock of old
and had an enjoyable time.
Will Mr. Dawson give some sunshine
U ines and Liquors that has ever been imported into
«and warm weather.
this City.
The writer wishes to compliment the
£ s
republican party for not putting him in
? Whisky,
$8.00 per gal.
nomination for congress.
We have been told that the republi­
cans, democrats and prohi’s were repre­
Wines. $1.00
sented at the primaries some time ago
in our burg. It begins to look like the
lion, lamb and the goat would occupy g
Don’t drink cheap doctored stuff when v^u can
one fold without injuring the flock.
buy it pure and unadulterated from me.
L. Norburg, while at work for the
Yellow Fir Co., got his hand smashed
pretty badily the other dav, and Mr.
Kmnaman. who works there, while
Invitations to Hanging.
working in the woods was driving in a
About 125 permit» have been sent ont
wedge, it rebounded and struck him a 1
E vc . ene , Or.. April 14.—Invitations and will include among the number of
severe blow over the heart and almost
were sent out today by Sheriff Fred Fish visitor» to be allowed, the members of
put him out.
| to those who are to he Admitted to wit. ‘he Ins' Grand Jury, the metnliers of the
As the spring lever has struck the
ness the eveen’ion of Elliot W. Lyons, trial jury liefore 1 which
Lyons was con-
people they are too lar gone to talk R. R
which will occur at 9:30 A. M. on Frdav victed, all the Sheriff!
-..fs in the state, physi
au«l even the editors must have caught
of this week. All preparations for the ci«ns in Eugene* press representatives
the epidemic. Now that we cannot have
event are now complete, and nothing and a few others.
R R. talk let us have emigration talk
I remains to be done but to carrv into
for TilIam<>ok
’ effect the order of execution A high,
Dr. P. J. Sharp, the exper- board mclosurr has been constructed in
enced dentist is located in , the tail yard on the east side of the jail,
Dr Wise’s dental parlors, I within which the scaffold has hern erect,
and is prepared to do nothing jed. Tin scaffold was tested today and
but first class work and give was found to work MtisfactOrilv. The
the best of satisfaction. ;If ' trap will be sprung bv an ekvtrkal at. The best cup of Coffee i
your teeth need fixing call tachment. so that upon signal a button town.
Lunch at any time in
J is pressed and the platform is released.
upon him.
Tillamook City, Oregon.
Allen House,
G entlemen -
Thanking you it
past favors, I 1»
to say that I hat
moved into b
new store next »
C. Ben Rieslandi
Il you wish u
see all the choic
line of Suiting an
up-to-date Pant-
ting's to choose from kindly give met
call. All Suits cut and made in the »hot
at Tillamook.
P.S.—Pressing, cleaning and repair«!
of all kinds done.
Merchant Tailor
Electric Baths nicely fitted up. Gocdfor
persons suffering with rheumatism
$2.25 to
Vogler’s bakery.
My Large Stock
of SHOES has ar­
rived, best quality
tnat ever offered for
Sale in this City.
The Public is in-
vited to call and
No charge for sewing rips
nailing soles on Boots and
)' I