Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 26, 1903, Image 5

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dkmocratic victory
Taxes on Timber
apila off Tillamook High School S alem , March 20.—Count)’ Assessor
Charles Lcniljcke, of Marion County,
| ' th . 0„
' KKine in Debate.
a House was packed on
ttnrduv veiling to hear the debate
tweej^* I ic pupils of the Tillamook i
igh School on the question: “ Resolved,
at the protective tariff policy of the
litfd States has served the purpose
r which it was adopted, and should
>w b* abandoned.**
The hall had been comfortably seated
id the stage presented a prettv scene,
ing draped with Howers and curtains,
.•orgc Gobar made a good president.
ie proceedings opened with a violin
do, “ Rock a-Bve-Bahy,” by Chester
cl ¡“1 Rub? McGee and Henry Cook. Then
erliert Cooper, leader on the affrnia.
ve, introduced the subject, and made a
tpital talk, which was followed by
liver Waldvogel, leader on the nega.
ve. Chester and Ru’»y McGhee gave
violin duett, “ Annie Laurie
liss Faye Todd sang the solo, “ Suela
ear.” Arthur Hill was the next speaker
*r the affirmative and did real well as
id Clifford Hiner on the negative. Miss I
race Whitehouse’s piano solo, “ May I
as Come,” entitled her to a well de- |
•rved encore. Miss Clara Watt followed |
’ith a vocal solo,
An Unforgotten i
ong.” George Eichinger and Herbert '
’arsons closed the discussion for their
espective Slides, Herbert Cooper sum
iiing up for the affirmative and Oliver
Valdvogal for the negative, for which
hev deserve credit. The best argument
•i the evening was made by Arthur Hill,
nd that for delivery by Herbert Cooper.
Vhile the judges were deciding the con­
est Misses Bennett a ml Miller sang a
luett, ” I Live and Love Thee,” and a
Holin duett by Ruby and Chester Mc-
iliee, which was loudly applauded,
jringing them again before the audience.
With well chosen remarks. Rev.
Gabriel Sykes congratulated the speakers,
icing well pleased at the manner they
ind handled rhe question and the man­
ner in which they had used their voices.
The judges decided in favor of the affir­
mative, or, in other words, the demo­
cratic speakers, which certainly was in
accord with the ideas of the audience bv
the applause it brought forth. The
prize was given by Cohn & Co., and the
judges were Supt. G. B. Lamb, Prof. W.
W. Wiley and Mr. Carl Haberlach.
Tillamook Road.
Definite steps are now being taken by
the county commissioners of Clatsop
county to secure a first class public
highway bet ween Clatsop and Tillamook
counties. The Elk ereek road will serve
at the basis o/ the enterprise. At some
proper point on the summit of divide be­
tween the Necanicum and Elk Creek a
route will soon be selected to intersect
the Tillamook county line at an agreed
point where the Tillamook road shall
meet the Clatsop highway. That line
should lie as nearly along the probable
line of the Seaside railway extension line
as possible.
There are rumblings of an early exten­
sion of the Seaside branch. Perhaps if
our county commissioners are not in too
great a hurry they may be able to make
the ‘.wo lines run parallel and adjacent
to each ether —Astoria News.
Will Probe Land Frands.
The Interior Department is preparing
to take lyivantage of the law passed at
the recent session of Congress, compelling
the attendance of witnesses in hearing
before local land offices, and will make
the firstitest in investigations that are
being conducted in Oregon, Washington
and Cnltfornia. to determine the extent
to which fraudulent entries are being
made under the timber and stone act.
The investigations heretofore have
I>een somewhat hampered because of in­
ability to procure witnesses, but under
the new law there will be no more dif­
ficulty than is had in procuring witnesses
in cases being tried in courts. The de­
partment is depending to a considerable
extent upon testimony which can be
brought out under the new law to
establish its case and to bring to justice
those parties who are willfully violating
the law.
The Miners Win
Thepfeport of the Anthracite Coal
Strike Commission establishes a sliding
scale, to remain in effect Tor three years
from April 1, under which the mine­
workers will have an ad vnnee of nearly
20 per cent over the scale paid last April.
It provides for clieck weighmen and
doCkiag bosses, to lie paid by the miners.
ItMbvides for district boards of con­
ciliation to settle disputes and prevent
strike*, and recommends resort to Fed­
eral boards of arbitration.
It does not provide for payment of
miner* by weight.
It declares against recognition of the
United Mineworkers as representing the
employes but indirectly favors recog­
nition of labor unions by proposing that
employers xlcal with local and district
commit tees elected by employes.
ItdMlih " ns employment of coal and
iro« poll *• child labor, boycotting and
C. 8 l E. Thayer
intends to double the assessed valúa-
General Banking and Exchange busi­
tion of timlier land in this county, and
in many instances the assessment of ness.
Exchange on England, Belgium, Ger
that class of property will be more than
Sweden, and all foreign countries
doubled. He will not attempt to have
timlier land cruised, as will be done in
Clatsop County, but will ascertain the
value by the same means he employs in
ascertaining the value of other real pro­
perty. Last Fall he spent two weeks in
the eastern part of the county examin­
ing timber land in company with a guide
who is familiar with the country and
with values. He was convinced that J7> L. EDDY,
the assessments on this class of propertv
have been much too low, and for that
reason he will make the contemplated
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
raise. He expects to spend some time
this Summer in the mountains, giving
O regon
T illamook
particular attention to the character
and quantity of the timber.
In past years timber land has been as­
sessed at from $1 to fl.50 |>er acre. As.
sessor Lenibcke raised the valuations
Complete set of abstracts.
last year, so that it now averages about
upstairs, North of Tillamook
$2 an acre. He believes this is far too
County Hank.
low, and while he does not expect in the
1903 assessment to raise the valuations
as much as he might lawfully do, he in­
tends to make a start with a view to
securing proper valuations in the future.
His chief difficulty is that in a great
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
many instances when timber land is sold
the consideration in the deed is placed nt Office : Opposite Court House,
only $1 for 160 acres. The only way to
T illamook .. O regon .
learn \he actual consideration is by in-
quiry, and he has learned that in some
cases where the expressed consideration
was It the actual consideration was
$6400. By consulting men who are in­
formed upon the market value of the
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
different classes of timber land, he will
fix a rate of assessment which will com­
O regon
T illamook
pel the timber land owners to pav more
nearly their just proportion of taxes.
Professional Cards.
From Lakes to Tidewater,
Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes,
Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES
Agents for the Great Western Saw
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
Bright’s Disease.
Sallie, the Portland White Leghorn-
Black Spanish hen, which recently laid a
three-ounce egg and did a deal of cackl­
of Land Office Business
ing over it, will have to take a back
scat unless she can make a better show­ OFFICE IN WBINHARD WILDING,
Room 1 and 2,
ing. Desdemona, a Plymouth Rock
pullet, owned by Mrs. H. C. Montgom­
ery, of La Grande. Oregon, has Laid three
eggs, each of them larger than Sallie s
record production. One of them was
weighed and balanced at four ounces It
was eight inches around the long way
and six inches in circumference at the
middle. Desdemona is being encouraged
with hot bran mash and burned bones T hos . C oats *. Pres,
to further exertions.
M c I ntosh & mcnair ,
The legislature of New York has under
consideration a bill for canal improve­
ment calling for an expenditure of $101,-
000,000, and its passage is probable.
This measure proposes the construction
of a waterway connecting the lakes with
the seaboard which will accommodate
large vessels, or in other words a ship
canal The subject has been under dis­
cussion in that state for years. Several
million dollars were appropriated a few
years ago for the improvement of the
Eric canal, but what was done proved of
no great value and served to strengthen
conviction that nothing short of a ship
canal will enable the port of New York
One hundred Sisters of the Order of
to retain its commerce. Within the last
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
the Daughters ot Jesus have left France,
few years a considerable amount of
owing to the closure of their establish­
trade has been diverted from that to
O regon .
T illamook
ment. Thirty of them are going to Bel-
other ports and the people of the state ol
gium, 30 to Canada, and 40 to the
New York have been forced to realize
United States.
that something must be done to check
A buisy man seldom has time to realize
this, if it be possible to check it.
how happy he is.
Referring to the increase in the exports
It’s a cold day for a clerk when he gets
of leading domestic products for the
P hysician , S urgeon and
month of February, which amounted to
A ccoucheur .
mote than $20.000.000 over the same
notice for publication .
month last year, the New York Journal All calls promptly attended to.
Department of the Interior.
T illamook .. O regon .
of Commerce points out that Baltimore,
Land Office at Oreg <n City, Or.
February 28th. 1903.
New Orleans and Galvestou shared more
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
largely in this increase than New York.
to make final pro »f in support of bis claim,
The gain of the Gulf ports has been
r:z_r will
. “ be made before
and * that * __...
said proof
ouiity Clerk of Tillamook
1 _ County,
. ...
• Real Estate, Insurance and Tillamook,
partly due to congestion on the rail­
*— *• nth,
viz :
roads to the east, which also doubtless
Agent for the
caused some diversion of trade to the Northwest School Furniture Co., also H.E 12165, for the W y, of Se % and S % of Sw
'4 of section 27. tp. i S , R. 10 W.
Canada route. That paper declares that
He names the following witnesses to prove
, .
Notary Public.
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
“nothing can counteract the growing di­
of said land, viz:
version of the grain traffic to the Gulf
William A. High, Samuel (’. Tomlinson,
Peter Luthi, Ezekiel W. Stanley, of Tillamook,
and’the St. Lawrence but an adequate
C has . B. M oorer , Register.
waterway from the great lakes to the
Hudson river. This would not have di­
rect effect in the winter months, but the
Department of the Interior,
P hysician and S urgeon .
Land Office at OregonUitv. Ore.,
large provision it would induce for handl­
March 2iRt, 1908
Notice < r hereby given that the following-
ing export trade would tend to hold it
named Mettler haa filed notice of hi« Intention
the year round. The railroad would
to make final proof in «upport </f hia claim, and
O regon .
T illamook
that »aid proof will t>e made before Conntv
have to keep up their facilities for handl-
Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tillamook,
Oregon, on May 4th, 19o3, viz
ing and the terminals would help draw
the traffic.**
U.K. 13,469, for the lots I, a, 3 ««»<1 4 (<>r W %
Nw ‘4 an»i W % Sw
aec. 31. tp. 2 N, R. 6 W
Western producers have a
Agent for Fireman’s
He nanicR the fo lowing witneRMs to prove
interest in the projected ship canal. Its Fund and London and Lanca­ hia continuous residence upon and cultivation
of «aid land, viz:
I Fi;*nk Severance, of Tillamook, Ore. ; David
construction would be important to them
shire Fire Insurance
II» »«, of Tillamook, Ore. ; Walter J. Smith, of
both in the marketing of their products,
Wilson, Oie. ; William Illingworth, of Wilson,
which has been much delayed the present
G ko . W B i bee .
season, and in keeping freight charges
Tillamook .. Oregon.
within reasonable bounds during a large
part of the year.
We carry a Large Stock of
The largest price ever paid for a pre­
scription, changed hands in San Fran
cisco. Aug. 30, 1901. The transfer in­
volved in coin and stock $112,500.00
and was paid by a party of business men
for a specific for Bright’s Disease and
Diabetes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the serious investi­
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900
They interviewed scores of the cured and
tried it out on ite merits by putting over
three dozen cases on the treatment and
watching them. They also got physi­
cal)« to name chronic, incurable cases,
SUntechcr ¿Abvchat,
and administered ii with the physicians
Office across the street and north from forjudges, Up to Aug. 25 eighty-seven
the Post Office.
percent of the test cases were either well
or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
A ttorney - at -L aw .
- Oregon City, Oregon. of the investigating committee and the
reports of the test eases were
Land Titles and Land Office clinciul
published and will be mailed free on
Business a Specialty.
application. Address John J. Fuiton
Company, 420 Montgomery St., San
Francisco, Cal.____________
For 15 days, or until further
notice, I will sell BOOTS and
SHOES at Cost.
My Summer Stock, ordered
from the Shoe Factory, is now
1 on its way, consisting of the
latest styles and best qualities
that have ever been offered for
sale in Tillamook City
C. W. Hermann, formerly publisher of
the Rainier Gazette, returned last week,
after a year’s absence in the East, and
discovered that he was minus a family.
Mrs. Hermann had given up his return SHAVING,
and obtained a divorce at the Fall term
of court.
» » X
The merger of sugar plants in Cali Electric Bat Im nice)? fitteci up Gocdfoi
persons suffering with rheumatism.
fornia is of course like all the other
The rabbit ma v lie timid but no cook mergers, solehr in the interest of economy
An energetic manager for office to lie
in production and distribution, in which opened tn thin city for large manufacturing
can make it quail.
concern. Salary One Hundred Dollar« uer
An Ohio youth recently married a girl the consumer may expect to share, but month extra commissiona ami expenses. Fire
Dollar« cash security required.
after having proposed thirteen times. the pike of sugar will not suffer any de­ Hundred
Be«t of reference« A »Idre«« Manager P. O.
cline on that account.
B ob 212 4.-aa Franci«co.Caiif
The old superstition is still working.
Red Shoe-House
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or
P ublication .
United States Land Office,
Oiegon City, Ore..
February 24th, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for the sale
of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4. 1892.
Of Bay ( ity, county of T’llamo« k, State of
Oregon, has this duy filed in this office tier
sworn statement No. 6032, for the purchase
of the Ne
of Section No 17, in Tow nship No.
1 North. Range No. iO West, and will offer
pi oof to show that the land
sought is
more valuable for its timber orstone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the County Clerk of'1 illa-
mook County, nt Tillamook City, Oregon, on
Friday, the T.slh day of May, I903. She names
as witnesses :
Albert S. Tilden, George H. Williams, Harold
II. Matthews, Charles W. Pike, of Bay City,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile their
claims in th is office oil or beloresaid 15th day of
May, 1903.
C has . B. M oores . Register.
T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, i878 —N otice for
P ublication .
United States Land Office,
Oregon (’ity, Oregon.
January .‘list. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the proviaions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Teiritory,’’ as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
ot August 4. ll$B»
Of Nehalem, county of T llamook. State ot
Oregon, has this day filed in this ofilee his
sworn statement No. 5971, for the purchase ot
the Se >4 of Se ‘,4. see. 6. and fcjw JT’ofSw
section No. 5, in Township 2 Not th, Range
No 9 West, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber 01 stone than for agricultural pur-
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
bofore the County Clerk of Tillamook County,
in Tillamook (’ity, Oregon, on Saturday, the
2ith day f April, 1903. lie names us witnesses;
Louis Smith Edwin Smith, of llobsonviDe.Or;
Steven Scoville, Herbert R»>ss, of Nehalem, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described 1 a tide are requested to file their
claims m this office on or betorc said 25th day
of April, 1903.
C has . B. M oores . Register.
T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, I878.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oiegon.
February 25th, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
w ith the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1*78, entitled “An act for the sale oi
timber lands in the States of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and VVa hington Territory,'' as
extended to all the Pub ic Land States by act of
August 4, 1892,
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office her
sw 01 n statement No. 6036 for the purchase oi
the Nw 14 of Section 20. in Township 1 S,
Range 16 W, and will offer proof to show that
t lie land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before the
Comity Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon
at Tillamook City, Oregon, on Monday, the i«th
day of May, I903. She names as witnesses :
Waller C. Bailey, Fred C. Baker. John Weiss,
Marcus VV. Harrison, of Tillamook, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in thiaoffiee on or before said iKtli day
of May, I903
C har . B. M oores , Register.
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or
P ublication .
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon.
January 19th, I903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
| .101108,1878. entitled "An act for the sale ot
J timber lands in the tatesofCalilornia. Oiegon,
Nevada, ami Washington Territory," as ex-
I ten ped to all the Public Land States by act ot
August 4, 1892,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State ot
Oregon, has this day filed in this office Ills
swoi n statetnent No. 6953. for the purchase of
the Sw >4 Nw «4, W >3 Hw % and Se % Sw
•4 of Section 12 in Township 3 N, Range 9 W,
and will offer proof t«f show that the land
sought is n ore valuable for its timber or stone
Ilian for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon,
011 .Saturday the 28th day of March, I903. He
names as witnesses :
Charles W. Mead, George H. Nendel, John
W. Nendel, Albert W. Mills, of Portland,
Anyandall persons c aiming adversely the
above dcsciibed lands are requested to file theii
claims in this office on or before said 28th day
ot March, 1903.
C har . B. M oorer , Register.
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, I878.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States l.and Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
March 5th, 19oj,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisiona of the act of i’ongrem of
June 3, 1878 »mtitlcd ’* An act for the sale of
tiint er lands iti the Staten of < ^aJilornia. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ ns ex­
tended to all the Public l.and States by act of
August 4th, 1892.
Of Bay City, county of Tillamook, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office hi«
sworn statement No. 0044. for the purchase of
the S
of Sw '4 and S J4 of Se *4 of Section No.
4, in Tp. No. 3 S , Range No. 7 W, ami will offer
proof to show that the ¡ami sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri­
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the Couiuy Clerk of Tilla­
mook County, Tillamook City Oregon, on
Saturday, the 23rd day of May, I903. He names
as witnesses .
Winfield C. Trombley, George H. Williams,
William 8. Hare, Lem Parker, of Bay City,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovodeac ibea lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before sai<l 23r<l day
of May, i9o.L
(' ham . IL M oorkm , Register.
T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878—N otice F or
P ublication .
United States Land Office,
Oregon ( it , Oiegon.
February 24, 1903-
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June 3, 187H, entiled “ An act for the sale of lim­
ber lands in the States of California Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,* as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4 IM»
Of Bay City, Co nty vf Tillamook, StRte of
Oregon, has this <h^ filed in this office hi*
sworn statement N»». 6033, for the parchase ol
the Sw W of Section No. 9. in Township
No. 1 N.-rth, Range 10 West, and will
I otter proof to show that th»* land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Tillamook
< ouiity Clerk of Tillamook County, Tillamook
< ity, Oregon, oil Friday, the 15th day of May,
I903. He names as witnesses .
Ixjuis W. Glaaer, of llobaonville, Oregon ;
Charles W Pike, George H. W i III hius , Mrs.
Emily Tilden, of Bay City. Oregon.
Anyi.nd all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are reiniested to file their
claims in thisoffice on or before said I5U1 day
oi May, 1903.
C has . B. M oores . Register.
T imbem L and , A ct june 3, 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States Land Office,
O.egonCity, Oregon,
March 13th. I9O3,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions oi the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitle»! "An act for the «ale of
timber land in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory," asextende»l
to all Public laind blales by act of August 4.
Of Tillamook City, County of Tiliamook. State
of Oregon, has this »lay filed in this office Ills
»worn statement N ». 604?, for the purchase of
the He % of »•»•. No 5, In township No. 3 H ,
range No |o W. and will offer proof to an >w
hat ihe land sought is more valuabh* for its
tim ber or stone than for ag »ru11ui al purposes,
and to «-Mablisli hi« < laiin to said land
e the
County Cletk of Tillamook ( ouiity, at Tills
mook City, Oregon, oil Friday, the 29th day of
May, 19113 He naniea a« wi no-aes
George G. Petcrs<ni. Janie« M Morgun. Orman
W. Brush, Ft auk B. Herrington, of T llamook,
Oi egon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely th»*
alaivr« d»*acribe»ilands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before «aid 29th day
ol >«ay, 1903.
C iias . B. M oubem , Register.
T imhkm I. and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otick F or
P ublication ,
United State« Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon.
February 6th, tooS
Notice 1« hereby giv* n that In compliance
w ith the provision» of the act of Congie»» of
June 8. 1878. entitled "An act for the «ale
of timber land» in the State*« ot California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," a«
extvnde<l to all the Public Land Staten by act of
AugQSt 4. 1H92,
Of Kalama, county of Cowlitz, State of Waah
ington, ha« this 'I hj filed in thin office hi« «worn
»talement No 6024, for the piitchane of
the lot« r. 2, 3 and 4, of section No. 3, in
Township No. 1 South, Range No. 8 West, and
will offer proof to allow Hint the land sought 1«
more valuable for it« timber or «tone than
for agricultural purpoMt-s, and to caitiibllull his
claim to «aid land before the Register mid
Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon,
on Tueaday, the 28th day of April, 1903. He
name« hr witne««« «
l^e Campbell, of Wheatland, Oregon : Frank
I.. Barber, of ( arrollton, Wa«h. ; Herbert E.
< kiapman. of (arrollton, Wash.; Walter Spread
Irorough, of Kalama, Wanh
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
aliove deacribed lands ar»- requested to tile their
claims in thia office on or before said 28th day
of April, 1903.
C han . B. M oorer , Register.
I T imber L and . A ct J ure 3, 1*78-N otice F or
TlMHKM L and , A lt J unk 8. 1878.--N ovick F or
United Btaies Land c#ffi»e.
Oregon <'I<y, Oregon.
United state« Land Office,
Manli ibtn. IQ03.
Oregon < ity. Oregon,
, Notice is hardiy given that in compliance
Jan nary 261 h, 10^3.
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
that in _________
compliant e
Notice _ is ______
, _ given
____ _____
, June3,1878. entitled “An act for the «ale of with the provisions of the net < f Congress of
tnnlN*r lands in the Mates ol » aliforma, Oregon. June 3. 1M7M, cnlitl<«l “An act for the sale ot
Nevada, mid Washington 1 eiritory.’' ■« ex tinibei lands in the States of California Oregon.
tcuttod to all the Public Land Styles by actoi ' Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Laud stat»» by act ot
August 4. 18 »2.
AugllSt 4lll, 1MJ2.
t ' Of Tillamook
county of Tillamook. State of
Oregon, has this «la. filed in thia offe e his swot n Of Oregon City, county of Clackamas, State of
statement No 6,048, lor the purchase of the Oregon, ha« Oil« day fl led in thl« »»ffice Ins
N W Ne
Se J4
% °f Aec. No. * hi tp. No 3 «worn »1 atrment No. 6»»3o. for the purchusc of
'South, Range No. 10 Wes’, slid will otter the Sc *« of Nw '4. Ne ’4 of Hw i4 and W
. proAf to show that the lund «migh» la more He *4 ot sec. No. i2, in Towiiwlnp No 31101th.
valuable for its lnnbei or stone than for range No. 9 west, Mild will »»tier proof Ur show
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim Oral lire land sought is more valuable for it«
to as id land l>eforcthe County Clerk c»f Tills , timl>er or stone than for agricultural pur oom «,
itKHik ('011111/. Oregou. at llliainook City. , and to establish his churn to «aid laud r>ef irn
1 Oregon, on Friday, the 29th of May, 19o3. 1 1I1* Register an<l Receiver of thia office st
' II* name« as witnesses ;
I <iregon ( ity, Oregon, on Saturday, the 18th day
I Frank H Hartington, of TIllaaF'ok, Ore . ' of April. 1903 lie names a« witnesses
James M Moigaii, of Netarts, Ore ; Andrew P
1 'harks W Mead. John W Nrmlel, George
I Jorgen«»n. <»f Tillamook . Ore .Norman Brush. I ll Nemlel of Porilan<l, Oregon ; Jake Maud
I of TillainooK, Ore.
schruk, of Mtshewski, Oiegon
I Any and all per »»on a claiming adversely the
Any «nd all persona claiming adversely th»
above desciitM-'l land« arc requested to file their above »lestribed laii'ls are requested to file their
claim*» m this offi< »• a* r l»et»-rc sani Zytb »Li> I c aims 111 fids office on or beloie said tMh day
' oi May, 190#.
of April, 1*13
C has B M» ores . Register
c * as . H M qqmf .8, Register.